Guide to WoW macros 3.3 5. Hotkeys and macros for the convenience of playing WoW

Macros are good way simplify your task and do some routine and not only things much faster and more efficiently. Below are suggested macros for PvP and PvE Khanty.

Killing Shot / Aimed Shot:

#showtooltip Aimed Shot
/ cast Killing Shot
/ cast Aimed Shot

Every time you click on the macro, he tries to use the Killing Shot, but if he is on CD or HP the enemy is not allowed to use it. Aimed shot is casted. Lines / script remove error messages.

Intervention / Roar of Self-Sacrifice:

/ cast Roar of Self-Sacrifice
/ cast Roar of Self-Sacrifice
/ cast Intervene
/ cast Intervene

When used, orders the pet to use Roar of Self-Sacrifice and Intervene on a friendly target under the cursor, if there is no target under the cursor, or if a hostile target uses these pet abilities on you.

Master's order:

#showtooltip Master's order
/ cast Master's order
/ cast Master's order

It acts similarly to the previous one, if the target under the cursor is friendly, then it uses the owner's order on it. And if not then on you.

Disorienting Shot:

/ cast Disorient Shot
/ cast Disorient Shot

Uses a disorienting shot at a target closest to you or at a target under the cursor. If you hold down the alt at the time of use, the shot will be fired into focus.

Wing Clip, Raptor Strike and Detachment:

#showtooltip Detachment
/ stopcasting
/ script UIErrorsFrame: UnregisterEvent ("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE");
/ cast Clip wings
/ cast Raptor Strike
/ cast Detachment
/ script UIErrorsFrame: RegisterEvent ("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE");

After clicking on the macro, you use the abilities: wing clipping, foot and mouth strike and liftoff. The error messages have been removed in the macro.

Scaring the Beast:

#showtooltip Scare the beast
/ cast Scare Beast
/ cast Scare Beast

A useful macro that helps control feral druids and other animals. Uses scaring the beast on the target under the cursor if there is one, if not, then on the nearest target. With the viola pressed, uses the focus ability.

Bestial Wrath:

#showtooltip Bestial Wrath
/ use 13
/ use 14
/ cast Bestial Wrath

Activates your trinkets and uses bestial wrath.


#showtooltip Redirect
/ cast Redirect
/ cast Redirect
/ cast Redirect
/ cast Redirect
/ cast Redirect

If a friendly target is in focus, the macro tries to use a redirect to it, if a hostile target, then to its target. Then target your target. If the previous options are not possible, then use a redirect to your pet.

Pet macro:

/ cast Tame the Beast
/ cast Phoenix Heart
/ cast Summon Pet; Resurrection of a pet
/ castsequence reset = 15 Heal Pet, null
/ cast Drive Pet away

A very useful and highly functional macro that will help you tame a pet, revive, heal, banish or summon.

Switching spirits:

/ castsequence! Aspect of the Dragonhawk, Aspect of the Viper

Combines two spirit buttons into one.

Silence Shot:

#showtooltip Disorient Shot
/ cast Silent Shot
/ stopmacro
/ cast Silent Shot

Uses a Silence Shot to focus if the alt is held down. And with a simple tap on your target.

Death to Totems:

/ petattack
/ petattack
/ petattack
/ petattack
/ petattack

Commands the pet to attack the totems.

More news on this topic:


During your game, you are unlikely to write many slash commands that can be useful for macros. Of course, an ordinary emotion command can add role-playing ambiance to your game, but no more.

Enter / cast - the most used command in macros. It allows you to cast any spell from your spellbook or your pet's spell. The simplest example of a macro:

/ cast Shadow Word: Pain

This macro will hang the Word of Darkness pain on your target. The macro behaves exactly the same as if you were just casting a spell from the spell bar. The game recognizes the macro as a spell, shows the cooldown and distance to the target. You can even choose the same image for your macro as that of the magic itself.

Why use a macro when you can just put the magic on the panel? The answer is simple. Macros allow you to combine many commands, which is why they are so useful.

Imagine that you are a magician and want to announce to your group when you sheep someone. To do this, insert the spell and message via / p into the macro:

/ cast Polymorph / p Sheep% t!

Note: The macro starts everything at once, so you say your line right after you start casting the spell. This means that if you put these commands in a different order, the effect will be the same. Therefore, if you have a desire to say something only after you have actually cast the spell, then you can use the AfterCast add-on, which will make the next slash command work only after you have cast the spell. For example:

/ aftercast / p Click on the portal to summon% t. / cast Ritual of Summoning

Warning: spell names

The / cast command is very picky about how you spell spell names. In order to write a macro successfully, you must fully comply with spelling, punctuation, and spacing. The guarantee of the correct spelling will be the following action - while writing a macro, open your spell book and shift + click on the desired ability. This will give you the exact name of the spell in the macro, including any modifiers such as the druid forms for Maim.

Using items and accessories

Everything is very simple. The command for using items is / use. As with / cast, the most usual form records uses the name of what you want to use:

/ use Green Mechanostrider

There are also several other forms of this command.

/ use<ячейку инвентаря>

This shape allows you to use an item in a specific slot. The cell numbers are shown in this figure:

Your top accessory slot is being used.

/ use<номер сумки> <ячейка>

You can use any item from your bags. Imagine that your pet's food is always in the first compartment of your backpack. You can easily write a macro to feed the pet:

/ cast Pet Feeding / use 0 1

The bags are numbered from 0 to 4 from right to left (0 is always a backpack), and the cells are numbered from 1 starting from left to right, from top to bottom (like reading):

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

1 2

3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10

Finally, I hasten to inform you that / cast and / use work exactly the same. / cast can use items and / use can cast spells.

Several actions in one click

In general, you cannot use more than one spell with a click of a macro. Most spells and some items have a global cooldown (GCD) that prevents you from performing too many actions at once. Some spells can be cast with just one button press. Any instant or non-GCD spell can be followed by another. The tooltip on the spell will tell you whether it is instant or not, but to find out if it has a GCD, you will need to use special sites, for example, WowHead. An example of such a macro is the following:

/ cast Howl of Fury / cast Blood Fury / cast Call of the Wild

Target selection

Targeting is another common macro task. Using normal macros, you cast spells on your current target. Combining the / cast and / target commands makes it possible to change the target when the macro is clicked.

The simplest macro looks like this:

/ target Vasya

/ target looks for matches between the letters you wrote and the targets around you. This means that if you used the / target command and a target with that name is next to you, then you will select it. This can be a plus or a minus depending on the situation. Unfortunately, this macro will target unnecessary units (for example, corpses).

Let's combine two commands - / cast and / target:

/ target Blackwing Mage / cast Scourge of Agony

If the Mage of the Wing of Darkness is not nearby, then you will target someone with a name that begins with M or Ma. If this is a friendly goal, then the macro loses its meaning altogether. Another problem is that you can target someone 100 yards away that you don't really need. Therefore, in patch 2.3, the / targetexact command was introduced to fix this problem.

In addition to all of the above, you can use unit ID instead of the desired target name. Unit ID is a way to identify a specific character, mob, NPC. For example, your current target can be selected using the "target" unit ID. Your character can be selected with the "player" ID and your pet with the "pet". You can add “target” after any valid unit ID to select the target for that unit. Unit ID list:

  • "ArenaN" - A member of the enemy arena team. N = 1,2,3,4 or 5.
  • "BossN" - The active boss of the current encounter, if available. N = 1,2,3 or 4.
  • "Focus" - The current focus of the player.
  • "Mouseover" - The unit that is (or was recently) under the mouse pointer.
  • "None" - no unit. Often used to prevent a macro from auto-casting itself (/ cast Healing Wave).
  • "PartyN" is the Nth member of the group, excluding your character. N = 1, 2, 3, or 4.
  • "PartypetN" is a pet of the N-th member of the group. N = 1, 2, 3, or 4.
  • "Pet" is the player's current pet.
  • "Player" is the player himself.
  • "RaidN" is a member of the raid. N = 1, 2, 3, ..., 25.
  • "RaidpetN" - pet of the Nth raid member. N = 1, 2, 3, ..., 25.
  • "Target" - the current target of the player
  • "Vehicle" is the player's current transport vehicle.

Other target selection commands

/ assist

By itself, this command chooses the goal of the goal. For example, if you chose me as your target and I chose Iriel, then / assist will force you to choose Iriel.

/ cleartarget

Leaves you aimless.

/ targetexact

Targets a unit with a specified name. If the name is spelled incorrectly or the unit is far from you, then your target will not change.

/ targetlasttarget, / targetlastfriend, / targetlastenemy

The first command will highlight your previous target. The second is the previous friendly target, and the third is the previous hostile one. If you didn't have a goal before, then the team won't do anything.

/ targetenemy, / targetfriend

These commands iterate over targets of a certain type one by one. / targetenemy is the same as pressing TAB, and / targetfriend is CTRL – TAB. You can also add the parameter "1" in order to iterate over the targets in reverse order(/ targetenemy 1 works like pressing SHIFT – TAB).

Note: You can only use these commands once per macro.

/ targetenemy / targetenemy 1

/ targetfriend / targetfriend 1

/ targetenemyplayer, / targetfriendplayer

These teams take turns targeting a specific type of player character. They work just like / targetfriend and / targetenemy, except they only target players, while ignoring everyone controlled by the computer (NPCs, mobs, pets, minions). A useful macro in PvP. As with / targetenemy, you can use option "1" to change direction.

/ targetenemyplayer / targetenemyplayer 1

/ targetfriendplayer / targetfriendplayer 1

/ targetparty, / targetraid

Alternately loops through targets from your group or raid. As with / targetenemy you can use option "1" to change direction.

/ targetparty / targetparty 1

/ targetraid / targetraid 1

Pet management

As mentioned, you can use / cast to cast your pet's abilities. The most important ones are as follows:

/ petattack

Forces the pet to attack your target. You can also specify a name or unit ID, then the pet will attack a specific unit.

/ petfollow

Your pet follows you and stops attacking if needed.

/ petstay

The pet stands still until it receives another command.

/ petmoveto

After using this command, you need to specify the place where your pet will go after that.

/ petpassive, / petdefensive, / petaggressive

Sets the behavior of your pet, just like the buttons on the pet bar.

/ petautocaston, / petautocastoff, / petautocasttoggle

These commands control the auto-casting of your pet's spell. The first turns on autocast, the second turns it off. For example:

/ petautocaston Torment / petautocastoff Torment

/ petautocasttoggle toggles pet's auto-cast spells.

/ petautocasttoggle Fire Breath

Turns on auto-cast if it is off and vice versa.

Other slash commands

We've covered the basics, and now I want to introduce other slash commands. Some of them may seem useless at first glance, but when combined with the macro options in Section 2, they can be great things.

Dressing up items

There are three commands for equipping an item: / equip, / equipslot, and / equipset. / equip uses the name of the item and moves it to a standard slot, just like you would right-click on the item. / equipslot uses the inventory slot ID and item name, thereby moving the item to the specified slot.

To take a weapon into a standard slot:

/ equip Honed Void Ax

To put an accessory on the bottom slot:

/ equipslot 14 Carrot on a stick

Let's imagine that we have saved two sets of things. Let's call one Tank (it has a sword and a shield), and the second - DPS (two-handed). We use the following macro to switch between them:

/ equipset DPS; Tank

If you have a shield in your hands, then you will wear a DPS set, otherwise - a Tank set.

You can swap the shield and off-hand positions using the following macro:

/ equipslot 17 Merciless Gladiator's Cleaver; 17 Comb Sha "tar

Sequence of spells and items

There are often times when you often use the same spell sequence (for example, open a rotation). To make your life easier, the / castsequence command was created. She uses a comma-separated list of spells and items. Every time you use a macro, it will activate the current spell or item. If you successfully used the spell, then the macro moves on to the next one. That is, you must consistently press the macro button to activate the spells one by one. As soon as the last spell has been uttered, the macro jumps back to the beginning of the list. For example:

/ castsequence Immolate, Corruption, Scourge of Agony, Drain Life

I hasten to note that if Immolate was not cast for any reason (lack of mana, out of range, silence), then the macro will remain at the same point.

Before the list of spells, you can define the conditions for resetting the sequence to start over. The basic syntax is as follows:

Reset = n / target / combat / shift / alt / ctrl

Where n is the number of seconds of inactivity after which the macro will be reset. In other words, if you haven't used the macro for n seconds, then the next time you use it, you will start with the first spell on the list. "Target" resets the sequence when you change the target, "combat" - when you exit combat, "shift", "alt" and "ctrl" - when you activate the macro with the corresponding key held down. You can use several conditions at once. For example:

/ castsequence reset = 10 / shift Spell 1, Another spell, Any item

You can write a macro that will use spells from two different sets that must be used together, but each separate set cannot be used simultaneously with the other (for example, accessories with the same AC). The macro will look like this:

/ castsequence Berserker, Icy Blood / castsequence Trinket 1, Trinket 2

On the first press, the macro activates Berserker and Accessory 1, on the second - Icy Blood and Accessory 2.

Random spells and items

/ castrandom and / userandom let you cast a random spell from the list. This is most often used to ride a random mount. For example:

/ castrandom Swift Green Mechanostrider, Black War Mechanostrider, Summon Doom Horse


Change your target and start attacking it:

/ startattack Ashmane Boar

Stop attacking:

/ stopattack Ashmane Boar

Spell panel manipulation

There are two commands that allow you to change the spellbar pages: / changeactionbar and / swapactionbar. / changeactionbar takes one number as its value and always switches to the page with that number. An example of use would be aspects of the hunter. For example:

/ cast Aspect of the Hawk / changeactionbar 1

/ cast Aspect of the Fox / changeactionbar 2

/ swapactionbar uses two digits as parameters, and as a result swaps the designated panels among themselves.

/ swapactionbar 1 2

Canceling buffs

The / cancelaura command allows you to cancel unnecessary buffs. For example:

/ cancelaura Horn of Winter / cast Horn of Winter

Exiting the form

With the exception of warriors, any class with stances (Druids, Darkform Priests, Stealth Horns, etc.) can use / cancelform to exit form. For example:

/ cancelform / use Giant Healing Potion

Stop caste

/ stopcasting is a very useful command in "panic situations", when you need to stop the spell that you are casting and start casting another at any time. For example:

/ stopcasting / cast Shadow Scorch


Makes you off the mount.

Retention of purpose for future action

The / focus command allows you to save your target so that you can return to it later. For example, the raid leader told you to turn add into a sheep. First, target the mob and type / focus. Now you can use a macro to the right moment turn a mob into a sheep:

/ cast [@focus] Polymorph


What are scripts for?

Scripting is a very powerful tool that can solve many problems. For this reason, Blizzard limited the scope of scripting. I'll start with what you can't do with scripts. You cannot cast spells, use items, change the spell bar page, or influence your target in any way. You are limited to a set of "safe" commands.


The WoW interface is controlled by code that is written in the Lua scripting language. You can take advantage of the scripting system in your macros with the / run or / script command. The whole script should be written in one line. Multiple / run can be used in one macro.

Blizzard provides many APIs that are used in scripts to control the interface. I cannot tell you all the subtleties of writing scripts, so I will give my favorite script as an example. This macro will tell each player in your raid to change his goal if he has the same goal as yours. It helps keep them from getting the sheep off the mob.

/ cast Transformation / run for i = 1, GetNumRaidMembers () - 1 do local u, t = "raid" .. i, "target" if UnitIsUnit (u..t, t) then SendChatMessage ("Change the target! sheep ... "," WHISPER ", nil, UnitName (u)) end end

Macro options

Macro options allow you to control actions based on certain conditions and rules. I'll give you an example right away - this macro will say Renewal to a friendly target and Shadow Word: Pain to a hostile one.

/ cast Update; Shadow Word: Pain

When you use a macro, the condition is checked. It checks if you can cast a healing spell on the target. If the condition is met, then Update is applied and the macro moves to the next line. Otherwise (there is no target or cannot cast a useful spell on the target), the following condition is checked. Now it is checked, i.e. whether an attack spell can be cast on the target. If the condition is met, then you say the Word of Darkness: Pain. If not, then nothing happens, since the conditions are no longer there.

Commands supporting options

List of commands that support options:

  • #show
  • #showtooltip
  • / assist
  • / cancelaura
  • / cancelform
  • / cast
  • / castrandom
  • / castsequence
  • / changeactionbar
  • / clearfocus
  • / cleartarget
  • / click
  • / dismount
  • / equip
  • / equipslot
  • / equipset
  • / focus
  • / petagressive
  • / petattack
  • / petautocastoff
  • / petautocaston
  • / petdefensive
  • / petfollow
  • / petpassive
  • / petstay
  • / startattack
  • / stopattack
  • / stopcasting
  • / stopmacro
  • / swapactionbar
  • / target
  • / targetenemy
  • / targetfriend
  • / targetlasttarget
  • / targetparty
  • / targetraid
  • / usetalents
  • / userandom

[@unit] (past)

In addition to checking conditions, the macro option system allows us to set the target of many actions. For example, the following macro will always use bandages on your character, no matter who your target is:

/ use [@player] Heavy Netherweave Bandage

Works exactly the same as [@unit].

General syntax for macro options

All slash commands work according to the same principle. You have a command and you have a set of parameters. The parameters are command specific, some commands do not require parameters. A few examples:

/ cast Kara \ ___ / \ ___ / | | | parameters | command / petattack \ ________ / V | | | parameters (empty) | command / castsequence reset = 3Dtarget Immolate, Corruption, Scourge of Agony, Siphon Life \ ___________ / \ ___________________________________________________________________ / | | command parameters

Macro options allow you to select a set of options based on some criteria. At the highest level, you set up sets of criteria / parameters, separated by semicolons. The semicolon is treated as "else" (otherwise) or "else if" (otherwise if). A criterion consists of zero or more condition sets. Each set of conditions is enclosed in square brackets. Syntax illustration:

/ command [conditions] [more conditions] parameters; [conditions] parameters ...

The team runs from left to right. As soon as it finds a set of conditions that are true, the command is run with the appropriate parameters. If there are no conditions, then it is considered that it is always true.

Condition syntax

Each set of conditions is a simple comma-separated list. Conditions can be written in any order, however [@unit] always comes before all conditions. A comma is like an "and". The condition means "My focus is friendly AND not dead."

Comment: conditions are very case sensitive. For example, if you write instead, the macro will give you an error.

The conditions themselves consist of some blocks. For example, you can put "no" in front of a condition and the condition will be reversed. Note that does not mean the same as. and both return "true" if there is a target to cast the spell on. In addition, there are goals that cannot be helped and cannot be harmed.

Some conditions have their own set of parameters. For example, it means "in any stance" (useful condition for classes with stances and forms, except warriors who are always in one of the stances). However, you can designate certain stances for which you want to check. The parameter set begins with a semicolon, and each parameter is separated by a slash "/", which means "or". A general illustration of a single condition where everything in the angle brackets "≠" is optional:


A simple example that uses Shield Bash in defensive and combat stance, but changes from stance to defensive stance if you are in berserker stance.

/ cast Shield Bash; Defensive stance

In normal language, we wrote "if we are in 1 or 2 stance, then we use Shield Bash, otherwise we switch to defensive stance."

Note:"No" for the whole condition and all its parameters. would mean "everything except rack 1 or 2".

Empty parameters and conditions

One of the reasons for macro errors is writing an empty parameter. Often people put semicolons at the end of macros, which leads to some unexpected errors. For example:

/ petattack [@focus, harm];

Let's analyze the macro. It forces your pet to attack your focus if it can be harmed, and not do anything else. Let's take a look at the diagram this macro:

/ petattack [@focus, harm]; \ ________ / \ ____________ / V V V | | | | | option command | | parameters (empty) | | | options (empty) | parameters (empty)

As you can see, a set of options and parameters is missing. Remember that an empty set of options will always be considered "true", so if the first condition is not will be tested, then an empty parameter will be used.

Empty conditions

Sometimes you will need to cast a spell on a specific target under certain conditions, but for this magic to work as usual if these conditions are not met. The following macro is an example of such a case. He will cast a Flash of Light on the unit under your arm. If there is no one under the cursor or the target is hostile, the macro will simply say Flash of Light at you if the self-cast option is enabled.

/ cast [@mouseover, help] Flash of Light

or [@] against unit parameters

Some teams use units as parameters. For example, / target party1 will target the first member of your group. / target [@ party1] has the same effect. However, in most cases, we are not allowed to set conditions for one unit, but to act on another. The following macro will not work as intended:

/ target [@focus, dead] party1

WoW will ignore party1 because you previously specified a unit with the @ option.


Now I will introduce you to a list of conditions and what they mean. Below I will analyze each of them in more detail.

Full list of conditions

Many of these conditions can be tested for "false" instead of "true". For example, it is an active condition under which something will happen only when you are not in combat.

  • actionbar: 1 /… / 6 or bar: 1 /… / 6 - a specific spell bar is selected.
  • bonusbar: 5 - The control panel of a vehicle or another player is active.
  • button: 1 /… / 5 /<виртуальный клик>or btn: 1 /… / 5 /<виртуальный клик>- the macro is activated with the indicated mouse button.
  • channeling: - maintaining the specified spell.
  • combat - in combat mode.
  • dead - the target is dead.
  • equipped: or worn: - type of item dressed (: can be inventory slot, item type, item subtype).
  • exists - the target exists.
  • flyable - it is allowed to fly in the zone
  • flying - on mount / in flying form AND in the air.
  • group: party / raid - you are in the specified group type.
  • harm - you can cast a harmful spell on the target.
  • help - you can cast a useful spell on the target.
  • indoors - indoors.
  • modifier: shift / ctrl / alt or mod: shift / ctrl / alt - holding down the specified button.
  • mounted - on the vehicle.
  • outdoors - outdoors.
  • party is the target in your group.
  • pet:<имя пета или тип>- the specified pet is active.
  • raid is the target in your group or raid.
  • spec: 1/2 - the current active spec.
  • stance: 0/1/2 /… / n or form: 0 /… / n - in a rack.
  • stealth is invisible.
  • swimming - swimming.
  • unithasvehicleui - The target of the macro has a vehicle interface.
  • vehicleui - your character has a vehicle interface.

Stance is a general term used for warriors, druids, horns, priests, and shamans. The stances are only applicable when a certain ability can only be used in one of the stances / forms. Therefore, paladin auras and DC power, as well as aspects of hunters, are not considered as stance.

The simplest form means that you are in any of the stances. , where n is the number of all your racks, defines one of the racks. is equivalent. Form is another name for the rack. Therefore, the condition will work in the same way as.

Racks of designated classes:

  • Warrior: 1 - Combat stance, 2 - Defensive stance, 3 - Berserker stance.
  • Druid: 1 - Bear Form, 2 - Water Form, 3 - Cat Form, 4 - Travel Form, 5 - Moonkin Form or Reincarnation: Tree of Life…, 6 - Bird Form.
  • modifier: shift / ctrl / alt allows you to determine the type of item that is currently being worn. : can be inventory slot, item type, item subtype. An example of such a macro:

    party and raid

    True if the target is in your group or raid, respectively.

    group: party / raid

    Depends on what type of group you are in.

    Switching abilities

    The / cast command turns some of the spells on and off immediately. Examples of such spells are Stealth, Shot, Mass Dispel (green circle when casting). If you want to use a macro and so that it does not immediately turn off these abilities, put an exclamation mark in front of the name of the spell.

    / cast! Stealth / cast! Mass Dispel / cast! Shot

    Using focus

    Focus is the unit ID, as well as target, player, or raidpet1target. It allows you to contact the unit you have assigned at any time. The simplest use of focus is Key Assignment. There are two hotkeys associated with focus - Remember Target and Restore Target. Remember the goal will set the focus to the one who is in this moment is your goal. Once you have assigned a focus, you can use it as a unit ID in other commands. Retrieve Target will choose the remembered focus as your target.

    The most common focus function is to assign a control target (sheep, toad, etc.). The magician can choose whom to sheep and remember this goal. At any time when it is necessary to update the toad, the magician will only need to press the macro button:

    / cast [@focus] Polymorph

    In addition to hotkeys, there is a slash command / focus and / clearfocus. Without parameters, / focus will assign your target as focus, and / clearfocus will clear your focus. Also you can use unit IDs or names as / focus parameters.

    Macros are a tool that has been present in World of Warcraft since its inception. The basic concept of a macro is to perform more than one action at a time to make it easier to complete a task. All macros start with a forward slash (/) to separate them from normal text actions. In this tutorial, we'll go over the basics of macros and how to get started creating your own macros! We'll also list the most popular macro structures so you can create more complex macros yourself.

    The basics

    Macros have a separate menu for creating. This screen is accessible through the game menu (Esc key) and then choose Macros or type / macro and hit enter in chat. From this screen, you can access all the basic information about your macros.

    All macros you create are saved on the Blizzard server and are tied to your account or symbol, which means you can access them from different computers and save any created macros. At any given time Account can contain 120 macros, plus 18 macros stored for each symbol.

    Creating a macro

    To create a macro, you must enter the macros screen, then click the Create button. In doing so, you open a new window in which you must name your macro and select an icon for it. You can choose any icon from those present in the game.

    There are several macro directives that we will look at below, they will allow you to override the name and icon shown by the macro so you don't have to choose them for too long. You can name each macro just an empty space and the icon will be marked with a question mark by default without any problems. If you want to rename your macro, just select it in the list of macros and click on Change Name / Icon.

    After choosing the name and icon, you can drag the macro from the macro screen in the action bar to use it when you press the keyboard like a normal spell. The next step is to write your own macro!

    Your first macro

    One of the most basic macros you can write is to declare which spell you are using, which can be useful for interrupts and can be written as
    / say I am using Mind Blast
    / cast Mind Blast
    Another type of useful macros can be for both casting a spell and canceling it using the same button commonly used with defensive spells like Ice Block or Fusion with Darkness that block your ability to deal damage. Pressing the macro button will cast the spell, and using it again will cancel it. Be careful, if you spam this button, you can cancel it immediately after using it!

    Another useful macro is to cast a specific spell only on a given target. For example, you might want to attack one main target and interrupt the spell with another. To do this, you can set the interrupt target to Focus. Then you can write a macro

    Opportunities and Limitations

    A macro can contain many different commands and functions, including but not limited to emotional functions, spells, calls user interface and addon functions. However, there are some limitations, macros cannot use tools normally not available to players, plus they can only trigger one global cooldown, when done, the rest of the macro will be canceled. Macros also cannot be programmed, meaning they cannot make intelligent decisions for the player, such as "heal the target with the lowest HP."

    Most commonly used commands and modifications

    Here you will find a list of the most popular commands supported by macros and their functionality! A little trick you can do is add #showtooltip to the beginning of the macro to make the macro behave as if it were a possibility from the spellbook itself, override the names and add the spell tooltip of the result shown in the macro.

    Chat / Emote Commands

    These actions do not perform any actions, so they do not lead to combat and have only cosmetic value.
    / e - (or / emote) Shows a message after your character has used it.
    / s - (or / say) Your character will say a message after the command.

    Combat commands

    These commands perform actions that are used primarily in combat-oriented macros.
    / stopcasting - Immediately stops your current spell.
    / targetlasttarget - Changes your target to the last object you targeted.
    / cast - Cast a spell with the name entered after it from your spellbook. (Eg / cast Fireball)

    You can also have modifiers when casting spells, which will appear between the / cast command and the spell name in brackets (). For example / cast [@focus] Kick. You can have multiple modifiers linked by commas (,), which must be true, or have different groups of modifiers in different brackets. For example

    / cast [@focus] Fireball

    Target modifiers

    Adding the target modifier to your macro will change your current target to the specified one if its conditional value is true. @ (read ‘at’) can be replaced by target = in every command.

    List of target modifiers:

    • @player - Targets the player.
    • @target - Specifies the current target of the player.
    • @cursor - Targets the spell at the location the mouse cursor is currently pointing at (only available for spells with mesh targeting such as Mass Dispel or Blizzard).
    • @focus - Aims the focus target.
    • @targettarget - Targets a target. For example, when targeting Boss, it will target the tank or whoever the boss is targeting at that moment.
    • @ boss1 - Specifies the first block in Boss frames. Usually only available during dungeon encounters or raids.
    • @ arena1 - Sets the first block in the Arena frames. This is a PvP-only modifier, usually only available during arena matches. There are more options like arena2, arena3, etc.
    • @pet - Directs the player to the pet.

    All of these conventions can be used to determine what action to take.

    Continuation of Cogwheel's tutorial on writing macros. In the second part, we will dive into the very jungle of macro-writing and consider many subtleties and nuances.

    1.Part 2: options for macros

    1.1. What are macro options?

    1.2. Commands Allowing Options


    1.4. Syntax overview

    1.4.1. General syntax options

    1.4.2. Syntax for conditions

    1.4.3. Empty parameters

    1.4.4. Empty states

    1.4.5. with unit parameters

    1.5. Conditional branching

    1.5.1. Full list of conditions

    1.5.2. help and harm

    1.5.5. stance (form)

    1.5.7. modifier (mod) modifier variables

    1.5.8. button (btn)

    1.5.9. equipped (worn)

    1.5.10. channeling

    1.5.11. actionbar (bar)

    1.5.12. bonusbar

    1.5.13. pet
    1.5.14. combat

    1.5.15. mounted, swimming, flying, indoors & outdoors

    1.5.17. party and raid

    1.6. Macro Option Apps

    1.6.1. Using focus

    1.6.2. Branching macros using / click

    2.Part 3: Additional Information

    2.1. Custom icons

    2.2. Storing macros on multiple computers

    What are Macro Options?

    Macro options are a way to control what macros do based on different information. To give an example right away, the following macro will cast Renew on a friendly target and Shadow Word: Pain on a hostile one.

    / cast Renew; Shadow Word: Pain

    During the execution of this macro, the status is checked ... It determines whether your target is one that is allowed to cast friendly spells. If the state true, then the Renew spell is executed, and the macro continues to the next line. Otherwise (you either have no target, or you cannot cast a friendly spell on the current target), failure will result in the next condition being processed. The macro now checks the state . works according to the principle for offensive spells only. If the condition is true, Shadow Word: Pain is used. If not - (again, there is no goal, or the goal cannot be harmed) nothing is done anymore, since there are no more conditions.

    Note: It was possible to remove the check for and the macro would work in almost the same way. However, if you do not have a target or cannot use friendly or offensive spells on it, you would receive an error message, or, depending on the spell, the target selection cursor.

    Commands Allowing Options

    Only "safe" commands respond to macro options. In fact, safe commands are the reason why options came up. Insecure commands like chat commands, emotions, and so on can be executed in Lua scripts and / run command. More to the point, Blizzard didn't want to confuse people with the semicolon ";" in chat. If the / say command could use options for macros, the following example would only print "Hello":

    / say Hello; I am noob

    Here is a list of all the safe commands available in WoW:

    • #show *
    • #showtooltip *
    • / assist
    • / cancelaura
    • / cancelform
    • / cast
    • / castrandom
    • / castsequence
    • / changeactionbar
    • / clearfocus
    • / cleartarget
    • / click
    • / dismount
    • / equip +
    • / equipslot +
    • / focus
    • / petagressive
    • / petattack
    • / petautocastoff
    • / petautocaston
    • / petautocasttoggle
    • / petdefensive
    • / petfollow
    • / petpassive
    • / petstay
    • / startattack
    • / stopattack
    • / stopcasting
    • / stopmacro
    • / swapactionbar
    • / target
    • / targetenemy
    • / targetexact
    • / targetfriend
    • / targetlastenemy
    • / targetlastfriend
    • / targetlasttarget
    • / targetparty
    • / targetraid
    • / userandom

    * #show and #showtooltip are not technically safe commands, but they operate on macro options like / use and / cast.

    + / equip and / equipslot are also technically unsafe, as their capabilities are available to addons and macro scripts.

    If you wish to use options for macros with unsafe commands, there are addons that provide this capability. My addon, MacroTalk (, adds a few / opt ____ commands for each chat command and a general / opt command that allows you to add options for other unsafe commands.

    / use Heavy Netherweave Bandage

    In addition to setting a target for the action being performed, the option also sets a target for checking conditions. This may sound a little confusing, so here is a macro example that combines the concept of the two examples I used earlier:

    / cast Flash Heal

    First, it checks if the condition is triggered. ... If it is true, control is transferred to the command / cast with the Flash Heal parameter. If not, it goes on to the next condition, ... Here, the same check for target friendliness occurs, but this time it is determined whether your target's target is friendly. If so, then / cast Flash Heal but a goal for the team / cast the goal of your goal is set. If the desired target is still not found, the macro will go to the next condition, ... Since there are no valid conditions here, it will always be true, which will result in the Flash Heal being cast on the player himself.

    Syntax overview

    Understanding how options for macros work can be terribly confusing, so I'll take an early opportunity to clarify their general concept. I'll use real examples using powerful options. All options will be revealed in detail later.

    General syntax options

    All console commands work the same in principle. You have a command, and a set of parameters for it. The parameters depend on the command, and some commands are used without them. Here are some examples:
    / cast Smite
    \___/ \___/
    | |
    | - parameter
    - command

    / petattack
    \ ________ / V
    | |
    | parameters (empty)

    / castsequence reset = target Immolate, Corruption, Curse of Agony, Siphon Life
    \___________/ \____________________________________________________________/
    | |
    command parameters

    Macro options allow you to select a set of options based on multiple criteria. On the highest level, you have a set of criteria / parameter groups separated by semicolons. Criteria consist of zero or more condition sets. Each set of conditions is specified inside square brackets ... Here's an illustration of the general syntax:

    / command [conditions] [more conditions] parameters; [conditions] parameters ...

    As you can see from the simple examples above, the command runs from left to right. As soon as a set of conditions is found that is true, the commands are executed with the appropriate parameters. If there are no conditions in the record, it will always be true. In fact, you can imagine the command / cast with one spell as a macro option, in a single unconditional entry. If the command cannot find true conditions, it will not be executed at all.

    Syntax for conditions

    Each of the condition sets is a simple comma separated list. Conditions can be specified in any order, but always counts first, before any other conditions. The separator “,” (comma) can be thought of as the word “and”. Condition like means "My focus is a friendly target And it is not dead."

    Comment: Conditions are case sensitive. If you use instead of , the macro will throw an error. However, this does not apply to condition parameters (described below). It is still generally best to write in capital letters. Write down spells and items exactly as you see the names in their clues. And follow the examples in this tutorial exactly.

    The conditions themselves are built from several blocks. First, as you can see in the nodead example, you can add the no prefix in front of the condition to get the opposite value. Note that does not mean the same as . and will return the true value at least if there is a target. In addition, there are some goals that cannot be helped or harmed (players with PvP turned off, non-combat pets, escort quests, and so on).

    Some of the conditions also require their own set of parameters. For example, means "If any stance is on" (useful for all classes with stances, except warriors as they are always in stance). However, you can specify one or more specific racks for verification. The parameter set begins with a colon ":" and each parameter is separated by a forward slash "/" which means "or". Here is a general illustration of the syntax for a single condition, and anything in the angle brackets "" is optional.

    Here's a simple example of using the Shield Bash skill in Defensive or Battle stances, but if Berserker stance is active, it switches to Defensive.

    / cast Shield Bash; Defensive stance

    Note: the prefix "no" applies to the entire condition and its parameters. will mean "any of the racks other than 1 or 2"

    Empty parameters

    Confusion arises when using commands that do not require parameters. The most common mistake in writing a macro is adding an extra semicolon at the end, which leads to unexpected glitches. Consider a macro like this:

    / petattack;

    To the uninitiated, it looks like I'm sending a pet to the focus target if it's hostile, and nothing else. But let's break the macro down into its components:

    / petattack;
    \ ________ / \ __________________ / V V V
    | | | | |
    command options | | parameters (empty)
    | |
    | options (empty)
    parameters (empty)

    See an extra empty set of options and parameters? Remember - empty option sets always return true, so a second empty parameter is passed to / petattack if the first condition was not true.

    Empty conditions

    Sometimes you need a team using skills under the right conditions for a specific purpose, but behaving as usual if the conditions are not true. In this case, you will want to use an empty set of conditions that always returns true. This macro will read Flash of Light to the target under your mouse cursor. If the target under the mouse is hostile or simply not there, the macro will behave like a normal / cast Flash of Light command and cast a spell on your target, taking into account the options for auto-using skills on yourself in the interface settings.

    / cast Flash of Light

    with unit parameters

    Some commands allow the use of target IDs directly as their parameters. For example, / target party1 targets the first person in your party. Command / target more understandable, but behaves exactly the same. At the same time, developers in many cases do not allow using target IDs to check conditions directly, so you have to use one or the other method depending on the situation. For example, such a macro will not work as expected:

    / target party1

    WoW will ignore the party1 parameter since we have already set the target with. There are some really special exceptions to this rule. A couple of teams have “key goals” as the primary goals for these teams. If you use a certain target in, WoW will allow you to set another one, or choose the default target if nothing is set. This nuance requires a specific example:

    / focus target

    Here the "key goal" is focus. Since it is used , WoW will transfer the target to the team / focus... You can remove the "target" at the end, since the command / focus takes your current target by default. Below is a list of all teams with their core and default objectives, if any. Again, for the sake of clarity, a key goal is one that can be used in and it will allow you to transfer another target to the team. The default target is the target that will be passed to the team if no target is specified.

    Command Key goal Default target
    / target target
    / focus focus target
    / startattack target target
    / petattack pettarget target

    1.5. Conditional branching

    Now let's look at a complete list of conditions and what they mean. Each of the conditions, in turn, will be discussed in more detail later in the manual.

    1.5.1. Full list of conditions

    Here is a complete list of conditions available in the system of macros. Patch 2.0 set out to remove from the game all the old "smart macros" that allowed people to play spam with one button. But some of the tasks solved by macros have received OK status and Blizzard blessing as options for macros.

    If you do not find any condition in the list, then there is no way to check it and perform the necessary actions in battle. This is not discussed, but this may change in the future. The abbreviated notation is indicated in brackets.

    • help - Can cast friendly spells on target
    • harm - Can cast hostile spells on target
    • exists - Target exists
    • dead - Target is dead
    • stance (form) - Stay in a stance (form)
    • stealth - Hidden
    • modifier (mod) - The given button is held
    • button (btn) - Macro activated with the specified mouse button
    • equipped (worn) - The required type of item is equipped (this can be an inventory slot, a type or subtype of an item)
    • channeling - The specified spell is transmitted (channeling)
    • actionbar (bar) - The specified action bar page is selected
    • bonusbar - The specified additional bar is active
    • pet - The specified pet is available
    • combat - In battle
    • mounted - Mounted
    • swimming - In the water
    • flying - Riding a flying mount
    • flyable - In an area where flying mounts are allowed
    • indoors - Indoors
    • outdoors - Outdoors
    • party - The target is a member of your party
    • raid - The target is a member of your party or raid
    • group - You are a member of the specified group

    help and harm

    Determines if the given target exists. In other words, if you don't have a goal, will return false. If you have a focus, will return the truth. Note that in some cases, you can do without . , , , , and all include if they are true.

    If you have a target and it is dead, this option will return true.

    stance: 0/1/2 /… / n (form)

    Stance is a term widely used by warriors, druids, horns (stealth), priests (shadowform), and shamans (ghost wolf). Stances are used only in situations where certain skills can be used in any form. This is why paladin auras (although they are on the form bar) and hunter aspects are NOT stances.

    In the simplest case, as mentioned earlier means you are in any of the racks / shapes. This is the equivalent where n is the rack number. here is the same as , and it is possible to use conditions like to check if you are in rack 3 or no rack at all.

    The racks themselves have the same serial numbers as their position on the rack / mold panel. For example, Druid Forms starting with Bear, Aqua, Cat and Travel Forms will have stance numbers from 1 to 4. To make it easier for you with all this, here simple table with numbers:

    Warrior Druid Priest Rogue Shaman
    Rack 1 Battle Bear Shadowform Stealth Ghostwolf
    Rack 2 Defensive Aquatic
    Rack 3 Berserker Cat
    Rack 4 Travel
    Rack 5 MK / ToL
    Rack 6 Flight

    Note: if the druid does not have the required form, all higher numbers are shifted up in the table.

    / cast Overpower; Battle stance

    / cancelform
    / cast Faerie Fire (Feral) (); Faerie Fire

    In the form of a bear or cat, this macro uses the Faerie Fire (Feral) spell, in the spell form it is simply Faerie Fire. In all other forms, the macro will put you in spell form and apply Faerie Fire.

    As it might seem to the horns among readers, since the horn has no other stances, this option works identically to, also applies to the night elf racial skill Shadowmeld, Invisibility on mages, and so on.

    modifier: shift / ctrl / alt (mod)

    Modifier keys are a good way to save space on action bars as well as a way to make certain decisions. Let's say you want to include in a macro so that during normal use it performs one spell, and when the modifier button is held down, another:

    / cast Flash Heal; Greater heal

    Of course, the modifier button can be specified specifically, for example means "shift or control". If you want to indicate that 2 modifiers are needed at the same time: .

    Be careful with setting buttons in your macros. If you bind button A to a macro that has, for example, the modifier , and then it turns out that there is a keyboard shortcut shift-A associated with something else - the macro will not be executed, since keyboard shortcuts have higher priority.

    Modifier variables

    While key modifiers can only be shift, ctrl, or alt, there is also a set of system variables that can also be used as condition modifiers. Let's say the variable SELFCAST means "if the modifier to automatically cast spells on yourself is turned on." By default, this is alt (holding the alt key while casting spells will attempt to cast them on yourself), although some of the add-ons provide the ability to change this. If you make a macro of the form:

    / cast Greater Heal

    It will work as it should, regardless of the key you set for self-use. Some of the other variables and their default conditions (with noticeably less applicability) are:

    • AUTOLOOTTOGGLE (shift) - auto-collect items
    • STICKYCAMERA (ctrl) - static camera
    • SPLITSTACK (shift) - splitting stacks
    • PICKUPACTION (shift) - action to pick up items
    • COMPAREITEMS (shift) - item comparison
    • OPENALLBAGS (shift) - open all bags
    • QUESTWATCHTOGGLE (shift) - tracking quests

    button: 1/2 /… / 5 / (btn)

    Similar to a condition, an option allows your macro to respond directly, depending on which mouse button is used to activate the macro. Button numbers 1 through 5 correspond to left, right or middle buttons, and buttons 4 and 5 (if your mouse has any). If your macro is activated by pressing a keyboard shortcut, the condition will always be true.

    #show Swift Green Mechanostrider
    / userandom Ebon Gryphon; Black Battlestrider, Swift Green Mechanostrider
    / dismount

    Macro behavior when not on top: Left click will select Ebon Gryphon if possible (flyable check), otherwise the macro will mount either Black Battlestrider or Swift Green Mechanostrider. Right clicking on a macro will always select one of the mechanical chicks.

    Maxros Behavior When Mounted: Left-clicking will dismount unless we're in flight. Right click - always dismounts.

    Virtual Click can usually be ignored, but if you are using an addon to modify action bars it can be useful as well. Action bars that respond to various states convert clicks to virtual clicks to determine which action to take. Since these virtual clicks are add-on specific, I won't dive into further explanation.

    equipped: (worn)

    allows you to determine if a given item type is being worn. The type of the item can be the number of the inventory slot, and in fact, the type or subtype of the item. For details on the list of types, see and Here's an example macro I use to select Shield Bash or Pummel depending on what I'm wearing:

    #show Shield Bash; Pummel
    / cast Shield Bash; Defensive Stance; Pummel; Berserker Stance

    The #show line is used to display the Shield Bash or Pummel icon. Without it, the stance spell will be shown whenever possible. Here's a pseudo-code to decode what the second line of the macro does:

    If the shield is wearing and I am either in Battle or Defensive stance, then
    / cast Shield Bash

    otherwise, if the shield is wearing
    / cast Defensive Stance

    otherwise, if I am in a Berserker rack, then
    / cast Pummel

    / cast Berserker Stance

    Here's another macro that gives Overpower its power:

    / equip Crystalforged War Ax
    / cast Battle Stance; Overpower


    Usually, if you inject a spell (i.e., channel) and start casting another, it will interrupt the infusion process. This option allows you to avoid such cases, in addition to having a couple of other uses. For example, we would like to interrupt a given spell in such cases, but not interrupt others. without parameters matches any spell, but you can also use an arbitrary list of spell names to check.

    Note: channeling is NOT the same as casting spells. Usage applies only to spells such as Arcane Missiles, Drain Life, Mind Flay and so on, when after the start of casting, the spell manifests its effect over time.

    actionbar: 1 /… / 6 (bar)

    The default interface provides a number of pages for the action bar. These pages only apply to the tender left action pane visible in the default interface. Fortunately, you can create macros that match different pages action panels, and place them on other panels. One example, allows hunters to emulate stances using aspects:

    / swapactionbar 1 2
    / cast Aspect of the Hawk; Aspect of the Monkey

    bonusbar: 1 /… / 5

    Any of the classes whose action bars are based on certain conditions (stance, stealth, possession, and so on) use an additional, "bonus bar". This also defines the range of action cells that replace page 1 of the main action bar. For example, when a priest controls the mind of a target, their action bar uses "bonus" bar # 5. So, you can make the following switch macro:

    / cast Mind Control
    / cancelaura Mind Control

    All pet classes should appreciate the usefulness of this option. It allows you to select the desired action depending on the active pet. You can specify the name of the pet or its type (Voidwalker, Boar, Imp, Wolf, etc.). By itself group: party / raid

    This option allows you to determine which type of group you belong to. equivalent to . includes ... This can be useful for classes with buffs:

    / cast Arcane Brilliance; Arcane Intellect

    If you are in a group, the macro will generally apply an Arcane Brilliance. If you hold down the modifier button or you are out of the party, the macro will read Arcane Intellect to a friendly target or yourself.

    Macro Option Apps

    Many of the commands we saw in Part 1 are not very useful on their own until we use options with them. We have already seen a couple simple example their use, but there is still a need to talk about it in more detail. The following sections will tie all the lost ends and hopefully inspire you to do your own research.

    Using focus

    Focus is the target ID, just like target, player, or raidpet1target (see for details). It allows you to refer to the monster, player, or NPC that you specify. The simplest use of focus is with keyboard shortcuts. There are two focus-dependent functions in the shortcut menu: Focus Target and Target Focus. Focus Target sets your focus to your current target (it also resets focus if you don't have a target). Once the focus target is set, the target ID can be used for all other commands. Target Focus, as you might guess, uses your current focus as a target. However, this snapping does not take full advantage of focus. To get the most out of focus, you need to use macros with options.

    One of the most common uses is assigning a target for crowd control. The magician can choose a monster to transform into a sheep as his focus. Then he will be able to return to the target to infuse damage and activate the next macro when he needs to re-apply the transformation into a sheep.

    Or the healer can set the main tank of the raid as the focus. With an addon like FocusFrame (, it will have a separate panel for easier tank healing. / focus
    / stopmacro
    / cast Polymorph

    The first line sets focus to your current target (or resets focus if there is no target), depending on one of the situations:

    • You do not have a hostile focus (if in fact it is friendly or does not exist)
    • Your focus is dead
    • You held down the modifier button (in case you want to change focus, having already set)

    The second line of the macro fails if you have no focus. Finally, the macro casts the Polymorph spell on your focus. It gives you a one-button focus crowd control solution. Notice we could use the condition in a team / cast instead of sharing it with the command / stopmacro... But, / stopmacro give additional flexibility by stopping other commands that we might add, such as displaying warnings with / p.
    You can both change your goal and focus, giving the effect of two goals between which you switch:

    / cleartarget
    / clearfocus
    / target focus
    / cleartarget
    / targetlasttarget
    / focus target
    / targetlasttarget

    The first two lines clear the target and / or focus if they are dead (if you really want to track the death of multiple targets, in order, for example, to resurrect or pick up items from them, then you need to delete these lines). The fourth line is needed because / target focus does not reset the target if you do not have the focus set (without it, the fifth line will select your previous target).

    Branching macros using / click

    Let's say we need a button that chooses between three spells based on shift, ctrl or no modifiers, as well as for two different purposes, depending on whether the mouse was left or right clicked. All this can be done in a macro like this:

    / cast Greater Heal; Flash Heal; Renew

    Such a cumbersome script came out (in fact, it is more than the 255 character limit). It can be split across multiple lines for clarity and redundancy removed to save space. But even then, it will be quite brutal:

    / cast Greater Heal
    / cast Flash Heal
    / cast Renew

    But if we use the main macro to select a target, depending on the mouse button pressed and two macros that select spells by modifier buttons, we can make the macro easier to understand. For the sake of these examples, macros 2 and 3 are on MultiBarLeftButton2 and MultiBarLeftButton3, respectively.

    Macro 1:
    / click MultiBarLeftButton2; MultiBarLeftButton3) skipped a request for a command to set target = for all macro options. Macros 2 and 3 would be much easier if it were possible. In fact, depending on the specific implementation, you can do without the easier to understand / click... Maybe something like:

    #target party1; player
    / cast Greater Heal; Flash Heal; Renew

    You can also do something similar using / target instead of hypothetical #target and end the macro with / targetlasttarget, but that makes it useless to use , which is mentioned above.

    Custom icons

    If you want to use custom icons for your macros, you need to put them in the folder World of Warcraft \ Interface \ Icons(having previously created it, if there is none). The files must follow the same requirements as the textures for the interface. Namely, be either in BLP format or 24 bit / 24 bit + alpha channel TGA files. Their size should be a multiple of 2 up to 512 (i.e. 32x32, 512x128). Note: Any non-square images will appear distorted in the action bar.

    Until Blizzard thinks about storing macros on servers, it is necessary to copy the contents of the folder World of Warcraft \ WTF \ Account \ AccountName between computers. This will also preserve all your settings for installed addons, but each addon must be installed on each of the computers.

    If you want to transfer only macros, you need to copy World of Warcraft \ WTF \ Account \ AccountName \ macros-cache.txt for common macros, and World of Warcraft \ WTF \ Account \ Account_Name \ Your_Name \ Your_character_name \ macros-cache.txt for macros of a specific character.

    If you have a problem with missing macros and you do not know how to solve it,.

    WoW has a huge variety of abilities, spells and items that you can use. Some of them are needed in dungeons, others in arenas, and others for solo play. Some abilities are required for a specific boss, and others for playing in a specific team. And what can we say about shamans with their totems and blessings? There are two main ways to organize action bars and make ability management easier: using macros and using keyboard shortcuts. In addition, there are special ones, such as those that make the action panels more convenient. But without macros and hotkeys, too, nowhere!

    The Razer Naga I reviewed also supports macro creation and hotkey binding. A kind of double profit.

    1) Hotkeys

    They are needed if you want to use as many abilities as possible as quickly as possible. This is especially critical when playing on and on. The meaning of hot keys is that you hammer on any keyboard button the activation of one or another ability located in this cell. For example, when playing World of Warcraft, I use more than a dozen hot keys: for healing, attack, stone of return, and even emotions. This is really very convenient, because it is easier to press a button than to move with the mouse, click. You can lose, die from an enemy, or miss a mega-hit from.

    Mainly used keys are Q, E, R, Y, F, G, V, C, X, Z, CapsLock, Shift, ~, B and many others. I use most of these buttons, as well as a series of buttons on the mouse =). You can bind a cell to a hot key in the "Key assignment" menu. It is enough to select the cell that you want to bind and press the desired key. The use of hotkeys is really very convenient. Here is my action bar:

    As you can see, almost all buttons on both panels are bound to hotkeys. Believe me, this has saved my life, the tank and other raiders more than once.

    2) Macros in WoW

    Another important part of optimizing your panels, you can create macros in WoW through the Macros menu. Very often we use the same set of abilities or the same sequence of spells. If they are located in different cells, there may be a problem of space. For example, shamans have several abilities that are used in a specific cycle. For optimization, a macro of the following type is used:

    / castsequence reset = 10 ability1, ability2, ...

    Scripts in WoW can be applied to different groups of totems: totems for casters and totems for melee, totems for pvp and totems for dungeons. The use of a macro like / castsequence is justified for other classes as well. For example, they can use it to create loops, tanking, and so on. All progressive players make sure to use macros to increase the efficiency of their game. In WoW, macros are not only a way to ensure the convenience of the game, but also to avoid unpleasant situations.

    Another group of macros in WoW are concurrent macros. After all, it is known that it is much better to enable all abilities at the same time under Heroism or Bloodthirst. And the famous POM-pyroblast comba also uses this macro. The macro is as follows:

    / use 13 - top accessory

    / use 14 - bottom accessory

    / cast ... - the name of the ability, for example, Adrenaline rush or Bestial rage

    This macro allows you to deal a lot of damage while the included accessories and abilities are active. In addition, robbers can use a macro to search victims and simultaneously start an attack on them.

    / cast Pick pockets

    / cast Dastardly trick

    Now no one leaves with full pockets. If the target is immune to search, then the attack will simply begin. It's a good idea to use WoW macros in conjunction with hotkeys. For example, I have a macro on F with totems for healing. And next to it is a macro for. Everything is convenient and compact.

    A very interesting and useful macro, which I call 2 mounts in one. The essence of this WoW macro is as follows: if we are in an area where you cannot fly, then a ground mount is used. If it is possible to fly, then a flying mount is used. It is very convenient, because, say, you cannot fly in Dalaran, but once you go to Kras's site, this opportunity becomes available. Do not bind mounts to different buttons? This is not rational. Therefore, we use the following macro:

    / cast flying_mount
    / cast ground_mount

    In case you cannot fly in this location, the macro will give an error and will automatically use the ground mount.

    You can also write wow macros in Russian. For example, the / cast command will change to / cast. Although I recommend that you stick to English terms, most powerful complex macros are written in English language and the terminology can be easily confused. A few more examples of macros in WoW in Russian:

    / hello - you will greet a specific character or everyone around
    / boredom - you will show that you are bored
    / lol - you will burst into cheerful laughter

    It is important that you make sure to set the icon corresponding to the WoW macro commands. Otherwise, you can simply get lost in a huge number of different macros that do not differ in icon. Fortunately, the choice of icons in the macro editor is very large and you can set any pictures.

    Of course, in fact, there are many more macros, you can write entire programs in macros, use many keys and process time. If you know how to write macros in WoW, you should have no problem creating a whole bunch of different macros for any purpose. But my goal was to show what tools exist to optimize the game and how you can simplify your life. I hope this material is helpful.