What are alloy wheels made of? How are forged wheels made

Currently, the most common type of light-alloy wheels for a car are alloy wheels. They are most popular among motorists not only in Russia, but also abroad. Considering that they are produced in large quantities, on the market you can find high-quality and fake copies. Among the advantages, it is advisable to note the rather low cost of these products.

How they are made

It is not difficult to guess from the name of this item exactly how I make them. The raw material is simply poured into a prepared mold. Most often, aluminum-based metal alloys are used. Instances based on magnesium are extremely rare in practice. Light-alloy types of wheels for cars are distinguished by good characteristics and indicators of wear resistance.

It is noteworthy that in front of their steel counterparts, they are more resistant to impacts. In general, the strength characteristics of disks for a car of this type can largely depend on the quality of the raw material, as well as the shape and quality of the finishing and coating with paints and varnishes. From this we can conclude that the cheapest alloy wheels for a car are not worth buying, since their quality will be minimal.

The main differences between alloy wheel types from the rest

Which wheels are better than steel or light-alloy wheels? This question is often of interest to novice motorists, but soon everything becomes obvious. Alloy wheels for cars are lighter and differ technical characteristics, durability and aesthetic qualities.

It is noteworthy that the alloy types of car wheels are on average 40% lighter than their steel counterparts. This not only improves the quality of the car's handling, but also manages to minimize the load on the suspension.

Visually, alloy wheels for cars look very attractive, so young people often prefer this particular option. As you can see, there are a lot of advantages, and that is why the price for one cast wheel can differ many times from the cost of a steel analogue.

Weight is not the only factor here. There are many differences that can manifest themselves directly during the operation of the vehicle. For example, when the casting is complete, the discs will be heat treated to maximize the strength and rigidity of the product. Many people know that light-alloy types of wheels for cars do not bend under a strong impact, but immediately split.

Cast rims and off-road

Alloy types of wheels for a car can have different properties that are worth paying attention to. Marking can indicate species, size, manufacturer and other information. Off-road, light-alloy wheels of a car perform well, but a lot depends on the quality of the product. The size is also important, that is, the larger the diameter, the greater the clearance of the car.

Alloy wheel disks are fundamentally different only in that, unlike their steel counterpart, when hitting pits, they burst, and they bend. If deformation occurs, the tire will gradually deflate. Provided that high-quality raw material has been used, alloy wheels are excellent off-road.

Now imagine what will happen if you fly into a deep hole at high speed? Of course, nothing good will come of it. Whatever the size of the rim, it will be badly damaged. Many garages offer refurbishment, but by and large these rims cannot be refurbished.

It will not be difficult to return this thing to its original appearance through welding and painting works, but it will not be possible to restore the technical indicators. Do not assume that alloy wheels are inferior to steel ones, since this is not at all the case. It's just that they are also not without flaws. The minimum weight and the ability to install even on old cars are considerable advantages. In fact, a car with them becomes really safer, and handling is significantly increased.

When should you not use alloy rims for your car?

In general, they can be used in all situations. The only thing is, if the rim size is not suitable for a particular car, then you should not install it. Among the advantages of using them are the minimum weight, as well as the ability to abandon the constant use of caps, which are endlessly lost. In addition, light-alloy cast rims have an attractive aesthetic appearance and can be used as a decoration for a car.

At the purchase stage, you need to look at what markings are applied to certain rims and if you have any questions, then in such a situation it makes sense to contact the seller to provide them with advice. If you often drive off-paved roads, then you should not give preference to cast wheels, as this choice will not be justified.

Alloy wheel rims are not suitable for all lovers of aggressive driving.

If you have already chosen them, then in this case you should drive through railway intersections and other obstacles as carefully as possible, even if you are sure that the manufacturer has used high-quality raw materials.

Features of operation in winter

Wheeled alloy wheel rims are suitable for use in winter, but each motorist should choose them according to their preferences and driving conditions. Chunks of ice and frozen dirt will constantly threaten with strong impacts on the side of the rim. The marking will make it possible to understand at the selection stage how strong this or that copy is, but with a strong impact, they can all be damaged. The car will only handle well if the disks are in good condition. If you have never driven a car in winter before, then you should not choose a large rim size, as this will impair handling.

Substances that are sprinkled on roads in the winter season negatively affect the paintwork not only of the body, but also of the wheels. Cosmetic restoration can be expensive. If the car itself is quite heavy, then it makes sense to use cast wheels, the weight of which is minimal, and the size and markings are suitable for a specific car model.

Please note that in the winter season, it is much more advisable to use types of tires with a high profile, since only they can protect your expensive alloy wheels for a car from mechanical damage... The diameter marking must always correspond to the minimum acceptable value for this or that car, if it is operated in winter.


So, now you know what alloy wheels are, how they differ from their steel counterparts, and when it is advisable to use them. You should not look at the purchase stage only at appearance product and its weight, as it can be deceiving. It is preferable to choose really high-quality, but more expensive copies, the weight of which is much less than fakes.

Nowadays, nobody is surprised by the alloy wheels on the car. But thirty years ago they could be called a luxury. These products were then very expensive, and therefore not everyone could afford them. However, progress does not stand still, and now alloy wheels have filled the markets almost to the point of failure. And to begin with, they needed to completely displace stamped discs, which they successfully coped with. How alloy wheels are made should be considered in this article.

The products under consideration crowd out the usual ones due to the fact that they have lightness (affects favorably on the suspension, load and fuel consumption) and aesthetics (they are quite beautiful and attract attention, they look great on Honda, and other cars). Now there is a large assortment of alloy wheels, differing not only in thousands of shapes and colors, but also in technical and geometric parameters.

From the name it should be noted that the synonym for the word "cast" is "pouring." And they pour from alloys of aluminum and magnesium, which make the product durable to mechanical stress. Previously, alloy wheels were produced exclusively from winged metal.... Because of this, reliability suffered, which negatively affected the reputation. In many countries, these discs are called aluminum. In order to give the discs the maximum possible stability and rigidity to damage (taking into account domestic roads), the structure had to add exactly magnesium... As a result, it turned out to be a fairly strong and durable structure, and in order to break it, you will have to sweat a lot.

Alloy wheel manufacturing process

The production process of alloy wheels begins with the ingots of metal (magnesium and aluminum) in the required proportion. The materials are placed in a special oven and heat up to 700 degrees Celsius. Only at this temperature can the metal melt. Further, the liquid mixture is poured into prepared forms that already have the form of a disk. And yet, it's too early to talk about a well-processed blank. The next step is to put the disc in water to stiffen it.

In order for the cast product to obtain its final elasticity, it must be heated a certain number of times and then cooled again. V this case temperature Range ranges from 150 to 200 degrees. By the way, here the discs are air-cooled.

Today, many large enterprises operate in the world market for the manufacture of forged wheels, which position all products as manufactured in compliance with hot stamping technology. But if you carefully study how these manufacturers make forged wheels, it becomes clear: the hardening technology applies only to the rim, and not to the entire wheel.

The main part is produced in the same traditional way as cast analogs. This approach to the organization of production, undoubtedly, reduces the price for the consumer, but automatically affects the quality. Experts have proven that even the unsurpassed strength of a rim alone cannot guarantee sufficient rigidity for the entire disc. As long as the load on the forged disc does not exceed the tensile strength of the rolled portion of the rim, the disc will operate normally. But as soon as the tensile strength is exceeded, cracking of the cast part will occur - a problem so familiar to owners of alloy wheels.

In addition, areas of increased internal stress are formed in the areas of connection of the rolled part of the disk with the unprotected metal. At the very least, this does not add strength to the finished product and does not affect the overall weight of the disc. At the same time, it is worth remembering that high-quality forged wheels are much lighter and much stronger than cast ones.

Majority domestic producers make car wheels in full compliance with all stages of technology. This responsible approach allows you to achieve the perfect result and obtain high quality products with attractive performance characteristics. Low wheel weight, improved vehicle dynamics, increased strength and unsurpassed safety are not all the advantages of forged wheels.

In order to fully understand how our forged wheels are made, it is necessary to carefully study the main technological stages.

Features of production technology

At the preliminary stage, a workpiece is cast from a light-alloy metal (for this purpose, it is customary to use high-strength magnesium or aluminum alloys). After that, the hot billet of the future disk is transferred to an automatic line, which consists of a set of vertical presses. The first press gives a little compression force, the second - a little more, the third - maximum. After processing by presses, the workpiece is subject to heat treatment: tempering, quenching and artificial aging of the metal.

The final stage of manufacturing is mechanical surface treatment, which is carried out on vertical or horizontal milling machines. Some manufacturers prefer to use several machines at once, which separate the milling operations among themselves. The entire processing process is fully automated, which allows you to achieve an accurate result and obtain the required parameters. Usage modern equipment makes it possible to produce high-quality and maximally balanced discs of a given size.

Advantages of hot stamping technology

In order to get a comprehensive understanding of how forged wheels are made, you can watch this video.

Hot stamping technology makes it possible to compress the internal structure of the metal, due to which the grains of the alloy are compressed with each other and are located in the required direction. At this stage, cavities and cavities, which are characteristic of cast disks, are removed from the alloy structure. In the course of such processing, the metal becomes lighter and thinner, while acquiring additional strength. And the reduced weight of the disc directly affects the dynamic characteristics of the car, as well as the condition of the components and suspension elements.

In the manufacture of Solomon Alsberg forged disks, this technology is fully observed, which excludes the use of surrogate production methods and low-quality metal alloys. At the same time, the cost of the finished product is comparable to premium alloy wheels, but forged products provide a number of additional advantages. The performance characteristics and attractive appearance allow such discs to be used on brand cars.

Domestic manufacturers make Solomon Alsberg forged rims using a large number presses, which is very important to achieve maximum strength and reliability. The main advantage of this technology is the gradual compression of the metal structure. If you save on the number of presses and install only one heavy-duty unit, you can significantly reduce the processing time of the workpiece, sacrificing the internal stress of the metal structure. This approach is not used at domestic factories, because it can lead to the production of products that, in terms of their characteristics, will be inferior even to alloy wheels of average price and quality.

The hot stamping process is a long-term sequence of operations that guarantee durability, strength, lightness and attractiveness of the finished product!

Wheels are an integral part of the design of any car, which is impossible to imagine without this part. A car without them, however, as well as without an engine, simply will not go. The traction force that ensures the movement of the car arises when the torque is supplied from the motor to the drive wheels. The importance of such a component of the vehicle is becoming evident. Wheel rims are classified into two large groups: made of light alloy and steel. In this article, we will talk in more detail about the first type.

Alloy wheel: options

Despite the fact that alloy wheels entered the automotive industry relatively recently, they, along with traditional "stamps", managed to take a strong position. In the manufacture of light-alloy wheels, materials such as magnesium and aluminum are used, but according to technology, they are divided into forged and cast.

Cast aluminum wheels

Such wheels are currently the most common type. They are made by casting from light alloys based on aluminum. Their advantage in comparison with steel wheels is their lower weight, namely, they are lighter by 20-30%. This is their main advantage. This factor significantly affects the dynamics of acceleration, ride smoothness, as well as fuel consumption. It is noted that the less weight the disc, the better the car's handling becomes.

In addition, the wear of the chassis parts is reduced as a result of the lower load. Also, importantly, thanks to the use of aluminum, the aggressive effect of the environment on wheel disks will be significantly lower than steel. This is due to the fact that an oxide film forms on the surface of the aluminum, and in order to prevent the appearance of the wheels from deteriorating, a paint and varnish material is applied to them. In general, such an alloy wheel has an attractive appearance and excellent performance parameters, and there is also a wider choice regarding its appearance. Despite most of the advantages, it also has a number of disadvantages compared to steel.

Cast magnesium wheels

Magnesium alloy wheels are much less common. For the first time such wheels appeared in 1980 on the Alfa Romeo Spider. If such rims are installed on a car, then in their manufacture, in addition to magnesium, as a rule, aluminum and some other metals are also used. Compared to aluminum, these wheels are lighter, and, perhaps, this is their only advantage. They have a rather significant drawback - they have low corrosion resistance, for this reason, such wheels require careful maintenance and the use of special protective equipment.

Repair of alloy wheels

If such a light-alloy wheel has undergone deformation, then it will no longer be possible to apply rolling with preheating to restore it, in this case, the elimination of dents will need to be carried out at a special stand. In the event that cracks have occurred, argon-arc welding is used. It should be noted that deformations of a cast disc occur quite rarely, because for this to happen, a large force must be exerted on it. For comparison: for damage to occur on a wheel made on an alloy base, an impact force 3-5 times greater than that under the influence of which deforms a stamped steel disc is required. But there is also a disadvantage, which is that alloy wheels are practically impossible to repair, but forged wheels along with stamped ones are quite easy to restore.

Forged wheels

These rims are usually made by hot stamping of a light alloy blank. In their manufacture, different shapes are used than those of steel wheels, and alloys are also exposed to higher temperatures. Such discs are obtained with a smaller wall thickness, but at the same time their density is much higher than that of cast discs. The material becomes more elastic, thus resembling steel discs in properties, and at the same time the product is much lighter. It should be noted that the materials used are the same as in the production of alloy wheels, the only difference is in the technology. These are the most expensive "rollers", as high-quality equipment is used in their production.

Difference between cast and forged wheels

If we compare these two options, then we can say the following: forged discs are stronger than their counterparts, since cast discs have increased grain size, respectively, they can receive cracks as a result of impacts. In general, they are more suitable for driving on good roads, but for off-road it is better to choose forged wheels or stamped steel. Forged rims have a drawback, which is that due to their increased rigidity and strength when receiving a serious blow or falling into a serious pit, the impact energy falls on the suspension elements.

Light-alloy wheels, due to their low weight, are easier to accelerate and stop, the work of the suspension is facilitated, and there is best contact with road surface. Such discs remove heat from the brakes, preventing them from overheating, thus increasing driving safety. Casting looks much more presentable than "stamps", and as for the cost, they are, of course, more expensive, but still the price for them is acceptable. Domestic-made alloy wheels of the 15th radius cost approximately 2-3 thousand rubles. Imported casting will cost 3500 rubles and more, the price may be several times higher, depending on the disc coverage and the complexity of the execution.

Forged wheels are the most expensive, even though they use the same materials as casting. But the higher price is due to them the best characteristics, obtained through a special technology used in production. A 15-inch disc, for example, weighs about 6-7 kg, and a cast disc weighs 2-3 kg more. At the same time, forged wheels do not abound in a variety of shapes and complexity of patterns. Such discs made in Russia will cost 3-3.5 thousand rubles, and imported ones are much more expensive.

Alloy wheels for VAZ

15-inch wheels are often used on passenger cars, that is, in this segment they are standard in size. In addition, light-alloy wheels 16, 17, 19 R are used. As a rule, these are low-profile wheels. Optionally, you can install forged wheels, but due to their high cost, they are used much less often on such cars than light-alloy and steel ones.

In the article, we made an overview of different discs, dwelling in more detail on such an option as an alloy wheel, which is now increasingly being used.

Disks are one of the most important components of a car wheel. Not only the appearance of the machine depends on this detail, but also the safety of movement. The presence of defects or irregularities in the geometric shape can lead to rapid wear of the rubber and poor handling on high speed... Today we will look at forged wheels and answer the question: are they as good as the owners claim, and what are the advantages and disadvantages they have.

External features

Forged wheels have practically no visual difference from cast ones. Both those and others have a rather spectacular appearance, stand out with bright colors, unique style and look quite modern. Moreover, if you do not know the specific subtleties of the manufacturing process and the composition of such a part, then it will hardly be possible to successfully distinguish between the two types on the market from each other.

What are the features and benefits of forged wheels? How to visually distinguish them from cast ones? First of all, you should pay attention to the thickness of the rim.

As a rule, for forged-type car rims, it is quite thin. This feature is due to the greater strength and the ability to lighten the entire structure without loss of resistance to deformation.

Speaking of weight, forged wheels are much lighter than any other type of analogue. According to the official figures of the manufacturers, as a rule, the difference is in the order of 30 percent, compared to cast or stamped models.

Nevertheless, the main distinguishing feature of such car rims is the Forged inscription on the rim, on the outside of it. It unambiguously determines the type of disc, therefore, if, after a visual assessment, the type of part is still in doubt, at this stage they will disappear.

Manufacturing process

There are many rumors and legends about how exactly forged wheels are made. When a similar product appeared on store shelves, most buyers mistakenly assumed that the manufacture was carried out using direct forging, specially prepared hydraulic hammers, or manual power.

In fact, this turns out to be completely different, and forged wheels have little correlation with the forging process. However, first things first. The production of discs begins with the preparation of the required alloy. It has been experimentally proven that for the manufacture of such important and durable automotive structures, aluminum or magnesium alloys are preferable.

Both of them have one important property: low weight. Combined with an unusually high strength, this allows the structure to withstand strong shocks, thermal and physical stress, and not erode when used in adverse climates.

In order for the prepared alloy cubes to take the required shape, it is necessary to use special templates. Such templates are made in advance from high-strength material according to prepared volumetric models created using software tools.

When a mold is cast, it is hardened. This is necessary in order to be able to carry significant loads during stamping and be reused in production. In addition, a mandatory check is carried out for compliance with the original proportions, in order to avoid the occurrence of manufacturing defects.

Then the mold is installed with a non-special stamping machine. Its design is a massive metal press, the impact force of which is extremely high. The hammer is equipped with a hydraulic drive, which allows for multiple blows.

As mentioned above, forged wheels are made from a single piece of alloy. The alloy is placed on a stamping plate, opposite the preform. The size and weight of the workpiece is predetermined in order to avoid manufacturing errors and defects.

At this stage, multiple blows are made to the workpiece, and it is gradually driven into shape. At the same time, the alloy becomes much denser and stronger, which has a positive effect on the quality of the manufactured structure.

The next stage is structural defect detection. At this stage, the disc is carefully ground, smoothed and polished. It is important here to prevent cracks, chips and roughness. Otherwise, the part is sent for remelting and rejected.

Before painting with a special heat-resistant paint, the metal is artificially aged. This makes it possible to increase the resistance of the part to overloads and deformations, and, as a consequence, to increase the overall service life of the disc.

The most important thing

One of the main advantages of forged structures is their phenomenal strength. Research has proven that forged metal is several times stronger than cast metal, and the likelihood of disc deformation upon impact is minimal.

In addition, the high strength of the alloy used made it possible to significantly reduce the weight of the structure itself. Compared to cast and forged models, it is the forged type that is the lightest, which has a positive effect on indicators such as fuel consumption, suspension and hub durability.

This type of disc is perfectly repairable and easily restores its shape. Despite the fact that it is quite difficult to bend the metal even when driving through significant irregularities, sometimes a similar nuisance occurs. The forged disc is easily straightened by rolling, just like stamped models. This service is very cheap, since the technology is extremely simple and widespread throughout the world.

The same fact can be called a disadvantage. Instead of taking the impact on itself, the disc transfers full force to the suspension, which could be damaged. But, nevertheless, the main disadvantage of forged parts is their high cost. As practice shows, such wheels are several times more expensive than alloy wheels, and therefore most car owners cannot afford them.

Summing up

Forged wheels are a strong, reliable and durable construction that has proven itself over the years. Despite the considerable price, such discs are gaining popularity every year and are installed on most business-class cars, which confirms the exceptional reliability and durability of the components used.