How to pick up the parcel in the mail without notice. Is it possible to get a parcel without mail notification? Electronic signature instead of passport

In order to receive parcels, minor packages or letters in the Russian post, it is no longer necessary to carry a passport with them, fill out notifications. Progress does not stand still and now just take a phone with you. On how to connect this service (even without filling out paper profiles!) And receive parcels by SMS - in this article.

Registration on the post office

To begin with, you need to register on the website of the Russian Post. To do this, go through this link - here you need to fill out the form and make two important steps - confirm your mobile phone and email address (and both Must be yours!).

Step-by-step registration process

  1. When you click on the link "Fill" on the Greeting page, a window appears with a proposal to enter email and password. So far, no other thing is necessary - all this is already for those who passed all the steps. At the bottom of the form there is a link "Register" - click on it.

2. Immediately you need to enter information about yourself. Do not substitute fictional data - they all will require subsequent assurances in the post office so that then it was possible to use without a passport. That is, once the passport will have to come. So, in the input fields, leave your personal information, come up with a password. When entering the address, the system itself will find suitable components (city, street, house number) from its base, thus the address in the end should be formatted according to the mail rules. No difficulties in this, as a rule, does not occur.

3. In the course of registration (at different steps), the system will ask to confirm the entered mobile phone (send SMS with the code that will need to be entered in the field) and email address (send a check letter to it containing a link for transition).

4. After all contacts are confirmed, the system offers to supplement information about himself with passport data. Additionally, she wants to know the INN and SNILS data (they are not required, but their presence provides mail the opportunity to offer you additional services. For example, send registered letters, reports about fines, etc.).

5. When the questionnaire is completed, the system will report that all the data about you already has. And in order to receive parcels, parcels, letters and other correspondence without a passport and without filling out notifications, it is enough to appear once with the document on the mail so that the operator sees the questionnaire, the passport data served and provided the service.

Personal Cabinet Post of Russia

The organization provides its customers with access to a personal account, in which you can now, for example, without coming to the department to subscribe to periodicals, order sending registered letters in electronic form (at the time of writing the article works, however, only in Moscow and the Moscow region), to receive Information on monetary translations, letters, parcels in your name, cause courier to the house and receive many other additional services.

We remind you that in order to receive correspondence by mail without a passport, it is necessary after filling in the questionnaire once there to go with the document so that you are identified and connected to the system.

How can you follow your package

There are several ways to track the post office on the registration number. The most familiar is to go to the "Mail of Russia" or in the mobile application and enter the so-called trekking number. By the way, this service is free. The system will issue up-to-date information on the status of departure. But immediately after payment of the order in the online store should not look for it, check if she went to you. Sometimes it is required from several hours to several days (especially for orders from abroad) from the moment the parcel is sent to ensure that the information is reflected in the system.

There were cases of the appearance of clones of the postal page, the creators of which were offered information about moving for a fee. If you need to pay for the search service, then you need to close such a site. As stressed in the "Email of Russia", no one has the right to charge for the search for parcels additional fee.

Parcel can be obtained without notice

If the information was built on the tracking system, the information was highlighted: "arrived at the place of delivery," it means that the parcel is already in the post office and you can not wait for paper notification. The operator in the mail is obliged to give you the parcel simply by the number of postage and passport. The passport is needed to confirm that you are the recipient of the parcel. A relative or a friend will give the parcel only if he has a powerful power of attorney from you in his name.

If the parcel breaks in the mail, it will have to pay extra for its storage separately

If an employee of the department requires a paper notification and refuses to give the parcel, you can contact the "hot line", to communicate the branch number and the name of the employee. It must be indicated on his badge.

If there is a suspicion that the parcel was opened, at no damage or damage to the package, please ask the postal employee to open the parcel in your presence. If concerns are confirmed, an act is drawn up, which will serve as a basis for submitting an application for compensation. If an employee refuses to compile an act, this is another reason to contact the "hot line".

For storage parcels can take an additional fee

But you should not pull with the receipt of the parcel, it may entail additional costs. From the addressee or the sender, a fee may be charged for storing the recorded postal shipment within a period of more than one working day after the secondary posting notice (not counting the day of delivery). The storage fee size is set by postal operators. Therefore, many shops prefer to return their goods, and not pay for its storage by mail.

Make refund

Before the new year, the mailers traditionally expect two-time parcel numbers. Photo: Sergey Mikheev

How to return money if your parcel went back? You need to contact the store. Interestingly, the refund can be issued if the thing you ordered is not suitable for you. But it is worth doing this "without departing from the box office." That is, in the post office, you should open the parcel and make sure that it is exactly the goods that you expected to get, then it will be easier to prove that you have not replaced the content.

How to get compensation

If the information in the tracking system does not change two weeks or more, we advise you to go to the post office and write an application for the search. To do this, you will need to confirm the fact of sending (receipt or check). They can be requested from the sender. The application form on the search for internal and international parcels is easy to find on the Internet and print yourself. The application is accepted within six months from the date of dispatch. Within 30 days from the date of application, you will receive a registered letter with the results of verification.

If you have any questions, you can also ask them by phone around the clock contact center 8-800-2005-888 or on the postage site. There you can submit an official handling online.

Notice did not come, I received only SMS with the parcel number, but I was removed. How to get a parcel?

The parcel can be obtained without notice (without tracking track). I usually ask last name. You can give a passport immediately, so that they correctly write it in the search basis. So they will find your track (or that info what they need). Next, you will be given a new notice in which you make your passport data .. and get the parcel.

But I mean, employees can both grow out for you for such a situation. Be calm and polite.

Thus received more than once, we do not have a key from the box and I can not get the notice.

To get a parcel without notice that the postman brought, you can go in two ways:

  1. Checks on the official site location along the track number. If the parcel lies on your post office. Print the notice from the site, fills and takes on the mail.
  2. Second option. Take a passport, calls the number in the section issuing the track, fill the data and take your long-awaited package.

Anxious is not the most important thing, the main passport and the fact that tracking shows the delivery, and otherwise you can safely turn to the mail.

In order to receive a parcel in the mail, you need to make a notice in the post office, and in the absence of a track code.

Additionally, you need to present a passport.

The notice can be filled with the Russian Post website, print it and give a mail employee.

You can get a parcel even for another person, in this case you will additionally need a power of attorney.

In the absence of notification and track of the code, you need to show only a passport and ask the mail employee to find the parcel to the address and name.

You can get a parcel. If you see in a coup in Russia, which she entered your post office, and there is no notice, everything is elementary. Take your passport, rewrite the departure number and go to the mail. Serve the operator and that both and it takes out your package and gives a convict to fill, and if it is cash on delivery, then you should pay it.

They also have a parsing of the parcels in the computer, it can immediately look there.

Because now even come to buyers of SMS about the passage of shipments. Also, such letters to the email address come, there is visible all the promotion of the parcel.

As far as I know, in order to get a parcel, it is not necessary to present a notice. This extract is a way to which mail employees notify the addressee on the need to pick up their good. In order for the parcel to give you a passport. In the absence of this document there may be problems.

Sorry, but if the parcels were issued for notifications, any small thief, examining the mailboxes of several entrances, could not be thumbnought. Just issuing parcels for notice can be considered a violation.

If SMS accounted for accurately, this means that the parcel is obtained, it means that it is enough to take a passport with you and everything, of course, to find the parcel faster, ask the number from the message, but in principle it is not necessary.

And if the parcel has a code for tracking in Russia, even the SMS does not have to wait, as information about receiving the departure appears, you can simply go to the passport and pick up the parcel

This is simple enough, take your passport and track code of your parcel, go to the mail and ask to see its last name or by code.

And if you have a good relationship with postal workers and they have a good mood, as well as few people, then this can be done quickly.

Otherwise, there will be a bunch of discontent, turmings and spoiled nerves, but the result will give you your package.

I have not been waiting for one package for a long time, on the tracking tracking site it was stated that the parcel already lies in the mail, but it was not all the notice. I have not thought to take a passport and went to the mail. He asked to check if the parcel was not on my name. They checked everything, let fill the piece of paper and gave the parcel. In general, I received a parcel and without notice.

I have long received the parcels in the mail, without waiting for the notice. I track the parcel along the track code on the Russian Post site, then I come to the mail and please see the package and find it along the track code. This code reports all online stores and when sending a parcel by a private person, you can also find out this code.

In principle, get the parcel is easy. Come to mail with a passport, tell me that there was an SMS notification that the parcel is in the mail. The operator must be viewed by last name. It's a little longer, some do not like to look. I had this several times, found without problems.

How to get a parcel without notice - instruction

Currently, orders of various goods on Internet sites have been gaining great popularity, and especially on foreign sites where goods can cost an order cheaper. In addition, on foreign sites you can find and acquire absolutely exclusive things.

Given all the positive aspects of goods from abroad, there is one significant disadvantage as the postal departure they go to Russia for a very long time - from two weeks to one and a half months. Therefore, clients all this time have to be nervous in anticipation of a long-awaited purchase.

However, today there is a very convenient resource that allows you to implement online tracking of postal shipments expelled, both from abroad and from Russia. Such a service has long gained great popularity among Internet shopaholic. Its essence is that with the help of sites specializing in mailing tracking, any user having an exclusive identifier number, which is more known as the tracking number (track code), has the ability to control the passage of its parcel at each stage.

Differences of domestic and international tracking numbers of parcels

The tracking number is assigned to all parcels. The difference lies only in the fact that domestic track-codes consist of fourteen only numeric values, and the track numbers assigned abroad have thirteen alphanumeric values.

Waiting for the parcel, the user along the track code knows that she arrived, earlier than the notice of mail will come, notifying it. According to the rules in the post office, after receipt of the parcel, the notice is discharged and is delivered to the recipient. But due to the fact that many recipients do not have time nor the desire to expect the coming of notice, they have a natural question: can I get a parcel without notice?

How to get a parcel by mail without notice

When notifications from post offices to the recipient, due to some circumstances, were not delivered, or elementaryly lost, and on the tracking service to the recipient clearly seen the information indicating that the parcels arrived, then the recipient has the right to receive a parcel without notice .

Such an opportunity is provided in accordance with the special procedure for issuing registered mailings. It contains information that by contacting the post office on obtaining registered parcels without notice, but only if the barcode identifier (track code) is provided, the mail separation operator must check the availability of parcels, and in the case of a positive result required give them to recipients.

That is, pick up mail without notice. It is possible for this to this recipient it is necessary to simply contact the mail assigned to its address, and with the presentation of the identity document, name the track-code of the parcel. If there is a parcel, the recipient will be written by a new notice already in place.

Is it possible to check the package by cash on delivery in the mail before payment is a question that is set to each recipient of the parcel from the online store. And it is absolutely logical. Practice knows the precedents when the parcel came, she weighs exactly how much how much we must weigh, and it seems to be all right. Next, the joyful recipient is in a hurry to pay the amount specified by the sender, comes home, opens the parcel and sees there is not a cherished purchase, and the sand bag, which was poured exactly as much as required to deceive the buyer. And it was worth first to check the goods.

In order to avoid a similar situation, you need to open the box and check the content of the accompanied cash on delivery.

Important! The problem is that mail employees are not always allowed to open the parcel before its payment.

There are specific rules that need to be followed when it is required to send and receive parcels with cash on delivery. If you ask employees of mail to inspect the content before payment, then with a high probability they will refuse you, referring to paragraph 4.5 "Rules for the provision of postal services and temporary procedures for receiving and presenting internal registered mailings, approved by the order of the FSUE" Post of Russia "from 30.07. 2004 No. 305. " According to this item, Banderoli with cash on delivery is transferred to the recipient exclusively after payment of them one hundred percent of the cost, which is indicated on the box, as well as the full cost of postage from the sender. Before the acquirer pays the transfer, it has the right to receive information about the location of the sender of this box. After the person who is the recipient of the box makes the necessary amount and takes the parcel, it does not have the right to send a package back to the sender. Also, this person cannot require the return of funds made for this box, as well as for sending and shipping.

Legally, an unspoken recipient silently will hurry to pay the entire specified amount, after which it will hope for the conscientiousness of the seller. The attentive reader will pay attention to the fact that in this paragraph, no word is said about the right to check the entire contents of the parcel. But in fact, in the same rules there is an item according to which the right to open the parcel, in a certain case the recipient still has. The most interesting thing is that the necessary item is located very close to the above designated.

According to clause 4.4 of the rules, open your parcel when receiving per mail is simply required. And mail employees should be exclusively in the presence of the recipient. The only reason to open the parcel is not mandatory, is the case of refusing to open and see it by the addressee himself. Moreover, this fact is necessarily noted on the back of the form, which is compiled in the form of F. 116. In the event that after the inspection it turns out that with the package, everything is in order, then it is issued to the hands of the addressee. If something is wrong, then the decision is made to send the parcel back.

If, after opening the parcel, it turns out that the content product does not correspond to what is indicated in inventory or damaged, then a special act in the form of F is drawn up. 51, which indicates the reason for which the parcel is sent back to the sender.

Summing up, we can say that you can get acquainted with the contents of the parcel with cash on delivery, but provided that the sender is composed of an invention. But we should not forget about the main purchase rules in online stores - always check the reviews about it. And, of course, try to inspect the parcel before paying.

If you believe the Internet, "Russian Post" is the "corporation of evil." Her credo is chaos. Located everything and lose for your money! One compartment is one window. Wow? Write a will. So, just in case. "You are a lot, and I'm alone" - the most polite thing from what you can hear from the employee of the mail. And why are they still not hanging the portrait of "Hamla of the month" for a prominent place?

But maybe not everything is so bad? Not everything is lost?

It is convenient to shift the responsibility. But what if part of the problems with the "Russian Post" we create ourselves? Suddenly we simply do not know the rules and download non-existent rights?

Calm! Do not rush to resent in the comments: "These are laws that they do not know! Still for Russian Railways! " Just read to the end. We will tell you how to interact with the "Russian Post" without excess spending and nerves.

Learning to distinguish parcel

According to the Federal Law No. 176 "On Postal Communications", it includes postal departments:

  • letters;
  • postcards (postcards);
  • money transfers;
  • periodicals;
  • small packages;
  • bandera;
  • parcels.

In the XXI century, many of them seem irrelevant. We read not newspapers, but tape news agencies. Communicate and build a business by email. And we send money from the card to the card. But with small packages, parcels and parcels have to face even geac. What without them?

Small package - International postal departure containing small items. Maximum weight - 2 kg. Does not require special packaging.
Banderol - Postal departure with the investment in the form of prints (books, magazines, newspapers), business paper, manuscripts, photos. Maximum weight - 2 kg. For parcels consisting exclusively from books - 5 kg.
Parcel - Postal shipment to send things. Minimum dimensions: 114 × 162 mm or 110 × 220 mm.

All shipments are divided into simple and registered. Simple accepted and delivered without any receipts and signatures. I bought an envelope with the brand, sent a letter, and the addressee will look into the mailbox and get. In the second case, everything is documented: the sender is issued a receipt, and the recipient is notice.

Registered postal sections are:

  1. Custom (letters, postal cards, parcels, small packages) are delivered under the painting, if desired, you can order a notice of delivery.
  2. Valuable (letters, parcels, parcels) - when sending, an estimate of the cost of attachments is made, sometimes inventory is compiled.
  3. With cash on delivery - The shipment fee is charged from the addressee upon receipt.

Why are all these details? Just from the type of departure, conditions depend on the terms and cost of shipment.

Pechkin knows his business! That's just as you understood, according to the current rules of Kochergu Banderol, you will not send (only written correspondence and documents), and the parcel can weigh less than a kilogram. For example, you decided to send your beloved grandmother as a gift book (500 grams) and a box of candy (300 grams). Because of the sweet content, the departure will be considered a parcel: it will be packed in a special plastic bag or a cardboard box. And there would be only a book, would take out for the parcel.

But sometimes as the parcel is drawn up and "non-standard" investments. For example, magnets, cosmetic probes or seeds. So they do when the attachment is not enough and on the account every minute.

First class VS EMS

Allocate the following ways of sending mailings:

  1. Ground - Letters and parcel are delivered by rail, automotive and other land transport.
  2. Air - delivery by plane.
  3. Combined - Part of the way the departure goes on the ground, and part is flying.
  4. Accelerated - Delivery time is reduced by a few days.

In the inner postal message, the airflower is almost not practiced. As a result, departures go for quite a long time. The farther, the longer. For example, the term of passing a simple letter from Ulyanovsk to Moscow is five days. Want to quickly? No problems! Choose the first class.

Departure of first class - These are accelerated internal mailing, the delivery time of which is 25-30% lower than the usual. In addition, the processing and excavation of the departure of the first class is always in priority, and their delivery is not susceptible to seasonal restrictions. True, they are more expensive.

In other words, the departure of the first class is delivered quickly and anywhere. The main control deadlines for sending them are in a special table.

But send only letters and parcels by first class. Not a parcel! And here comes time to exception.

Decide a problem. You need to send seeds of rare plants to your uncle-forester. But in the fall, the road to his taiga, the village is blocked so that the only available transport is a helicopter. Arrives once a week. Question: How to deliver Uncle Seeds, without waiting for the winter, when will the Rasputle end? Solution: Ask the mail employee to make a package as a first class parcel. Uncle will receive seeds with the first helicopter.

The first class is not to be confused with EMS delivery.

EMS. Express Mail Service is a service for express shipping. She is engaged in the branch of "Post of Russia" - service EMS Russian Post. Internal express delivery is carried out throughout the country, and the international acts in more than 190 countries of the world.

EMS is a delivery from the door to the door. The courier will take the parcel directly from home or office and deliver anywhere. EMS RUSSIAN POST has its own transport network, it guarantees security and make it possible to insure a departure from damage or lose. Express delivery is more expensive than accelerated shipment.

How to determine the cost

The cost of sending is influenced by:

  1. Departure: letter / parcel / parcel; Custom / valuable / simple / with cash on delivery.
  2. Transfer method: normal or accelerated.
  3. Value.
  4. Distance.

In the case of a registered parcel, the fee is taken only for the weight, the distance to the price does not affect. The cost of valuable parcels, as well as other valuable shipments, depends on distance, weight and estimation amount plus 4%. So, if you rated the parcel to a hundred rubles, then four rubles will add to the tariff over the distance and weight.

The passport and other documents are sent only to valuable letters (parcels) with mandatory investment.

The amount of assessment senders often deliberately. If there is no difference, why pay more? But there is a difference after all. When the parcel is lost, the sender is compensated for the amount of the assessment, regardless of the real value of the investment. One hundred rubles so hundred rubles.

Do not swear if the operator calls another amount: it is not a whim. The calculator does not take into account the regional shipment features, the cost of packaging and other additional services (more about them below). It is unlikely that you are "calculated": the calculation of the cost of forwarding is made by the computer, where the operator enters all the necessary parameters.

How to send it right

Step 1. Determines with the type of departure

Package or small package? Custom or valuable? Normal or accelerated delivery?

Dance costs from what you want to send. Be careful: some items are prohibited for shipment by individuals. Here is the list. For example, send to a friend to the neighboring city of Humidor with Cuban cigars - no problem. And the same set of a friend abroad is already impossible.

Step 2. Design

Parcels sent in Russia without inventing attachments can be collected at home - put things in the box, shifting them with a poultry film. In the mail, everything will be checked, they will clarify the package by branded scotch and the details are simple. If you want to make an inventory, then the packaging is better not to take care at all. It is more convenient to collect the parcel right in the post office: the operator will still carefully check each attachment and put it into the inventory.

By sending fragile beating things, you can additionally secure. Ask an employee to send a label "Carefully!". Then according to the rules, it should be carefully packaged and transmit from hand to hand without throwing. For safety will have to pay extra - plus 30%.

It is very important to properly write the address of the recipient. How to fill out the form "Where / to" read.

Packaging of mail, filling the accompanying forms, such as customs, drawing up an appearance of attachments, writing addresses and written messages - all this additional services. They are paid separately and not in all branches of communication.

In other words, the operator is not obliged to write the address or fill in the customs declaration. If you can not do it yourself, you will help you, but have to pay extra.

How to track

You can follow the movement of registered mailings. In international communication, there is track codes for this, in the internal - 14-character identifier.

He is in the check, issued by mail. By entering the identifier in a special form on the site, you can find out where the parcel is.

Mailing posts can be tracked using the "Mail of Russia" application. Yes, they have an application!

The application is very convenient. You can learn at any time where the parcel is located, and if its status changes ("left the sorting center", "received by the addressee"), the application will signal. You can also find the nearest post office, find out the index at the address and even beckon with the support service! There is also a "unique" service for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. But more on that later.

"Mail of Russia" has another service that few people know. These are SMS notifications about the arrival of the registered mailing or its presentation. To connect this service, you need to fill out the application by mail, specifying your phone number. The cost of one SMS is 10 rubles. You can pay for the service upon receipt of the parcel. A spoon of conception - a service one-time service.

How to get it right

Step 1. Get notice

If the recorded postal entry goes on your name and address, you will learn about it. Your mailbox will be devastated with joyful news - notice. It will become clear from it, which one was sent to you when, from where, and how much it weighs.

Notifications are primary and secondary. The primary is discharged, as a rule, the day after receipt of the parcel (take this type of departure to the example). That is, if the parcel came on the 1st, then the notice will most likely discover the 2nd number. This is due to the fact that the correspondence in the department comes usually after lunch and it takes time to process.

From the moment of extracting the primary notice begins the countdown of time during which the recipient must pick up the parcel. This is five working days. If for some reason you did not have enough and you did not take the parcel (left, got sick, it was no time), then a secondary notice will be discharged into your name. It also happens that a person did not come, since he did not receive a primary notice. After all, it can fall out of the mailbox, it can be painted, it can remain unnoticed by sticking to the drawer wall.

If you come after sending on the day of obtaining secondary notice or the next morning, the charge for storage will not be charged. But if you appear only the number of the 15th or 22nd, you will have to pay 5 rubles for every day "idle".

Step 2. We go to the mail

The recipient must fill in the revolving side of the notification, indicating its passport details, surname and putting the number and signature. In the mail it will be necessary to show notice and passport.

According to the law, the main document certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation in Russia is a passport (birth certificate). Equal legal force has a temporary identity identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation (form No. 2-P). Passport, driver's license, tap, pension certificate and the like are not identity documents.

Employee Mail will check the correctness of filling out the notification and compliance of passport data. Then bring the parcel, weighing it with you (permissible error - 70 grams) and will be presented.

Many mistakenly believe that they can open the parcel in place and, if something is damaged inside, immediately require compensation for harm. De jure open the parcel in the mail you can be needed in two cases:

  1. Parcel with the description of the attachment. In this case, the operator with the consent of the client must open the box and check whether all objects are in place.
  2. The outer shell is broken. If there are "traces of hacking", you can ask to open the parcel. In this case, the head of the post office is invited and a special act is drawn up. If it turns out that in the sending something is missing, the investigation begins.

We write power of attorney

Get the recorded postal departure can be personally or through a trustee. But, of course, just so in the mail parcel will not give, even if it is your wife / mother / son and even if they come with your passport. Need a power of attorney.

The power of attorney must be written. Write: "I, so that living there, the data of the passport is such, I trust such that living there, the passport data is such, to receive the recorded postal departures coming on my name."

It is better to write "registered postal posts." If you specify the parcel, then a small package or letter will no longer give and the power of attorney will be actually disposable.

Power of attorney must be certified. Notary to go not necessarily! You can assure a power of attorney to receive postal shipments at work or studies, the place of treatment. It is important that the document matures the main seal of the institution (organization) and visited the signature of the head with decoding. Power of attorney with "printing for references" and the stroke of some accountant will not ride.

And bring home?

People who are expensive in their time and hate queues can take advantage of such a paid service of the Russian Post, as a house delivery. Two options are possible.

  1. Delivery of small packages. If the package weighs less than two kilograms, you can call the phone indicated in the notice, and order delivery. The delivery is made during the postman's time at the address specified on the shipment. The recipient must submit a passport. The cost of the service is 100 rubles.
  2. Delivery delivery by courier. Remember, we said that residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, which enjoy the application "Russian Post", have a privilege? So, with the help of the application, they can order courier (!) Delivery of the parcel. Delivery will be carried out within two days from the date of the application (every day from 9:00 to 20:00). Available parcel addressee upon presentation of a passport. Service cost - 199 rubles.

I will complain!

Lifehaker has already written about what to do, and. Articles detailed - read, do not be lazy. Today we will tell you how to complain to an employee of the post office, if he, for example, heated you (about horror!) Or provided services in improperly.

Method number 1.

Each post office has a book of applications and suggestions. You can safely roll a blister right there. According to the rules, this book should be checked daily. When a new record appears, its copy is made and sent to the Control and Reference Service of the Russian Post. The person responsible writes to the application explanatory.

Method number 2.

Contact your reference service directly. Control and reference service "Russian Post" considers citizens' appeal, gives reference information, engaged in the wanted postage. Phone: 8-800-2005-888. Email: [Email Protected]

Little Tip: Before you write a complaint, remember that on the other side of the barricades there is a person with a very unenviable salary. But if your rights are really violated, be sure to defend them!

There is a great joke about the "Mail of Russia". But not until everyone comes.

"Russian Post" is more than just an organization. No one denies that there are problems. Big problems. But before scolding mail, try to make friends with it. As you can see, the rules there are simple. Light and you can save time, money and nerves.

Have something to add? Write comments!