When you delete the VK page. How to delete a page in VKontakte, as well as get rid of remote pages in friends

Want to remove VKontakte page forever?
Did you decide on it?
Tired of sitting vkontakte?
I'm very happy for you.

Deleting the VKontakte page, you will make yourself only better, at least, because you will have a lot of free time. After all, it is no secret that today a huge amount of people spend VKontakte for a few hours a day. Five, ten o'clock is not the limit.

If you delete the VKontakte page, then you certainly lose something: a bunch of games, tons of communication, video and music, hundreds of groups, thousands of status, hundreds of hours of video and much more. But in return, in my opinion, you will get more: free time. The time you can spend with close people and friends or work out self-education, read an interesting book or learn lessons, spend time in nature or help parents! Etc!

In short, I approve your decision delete pageIn contact with. How to do it, I will tell you next.

1. We go to your Vkontakte page: We enter your username and password, press the "Login" button.

2. Go to the "Settings" page.

3. Going on the page in the most bottom. There is a link " Delete your page" Click on it.

4. We choose absolutely any reason why we want to retire from VKontakte. We can leave a tick "Tell Friends" to find out about this news. And we can remove, and it will remain a secret until they go to our page. I confirm your intention by clicking " Delete page».

Everything seems to be good, we deleted the page of Vkontakte, as shown by the window, where the dog with crosses in the eyes instead of avatars. But as we see the page, you can return as many as half a year, simply clicking on the link " restore your page».

If we click it, we will see that only one step separates from recovery.

And we wanted to delete the VKontakte page forever. We do not want to wait half a year when our page will be fully erased, and we will not be able to restore it.

We change our plan to remove the page. Therefore, first restore it.

And now we delete the VKontakte page forever!

We act a little differently. Again, go to VKontakte in "Settings". We change the password to a very complex one, for example, such: 17GMP9yfz3g3zz. We write down the password of this type on the leaves, I do not save anywhere. Next, tie the new number to the page (which is not sorry to throw out). Here you will have to sacrifice in the form of a thrown sim card.

So, after you changed the password that you do not know, and changed the number tied to the page, you can already calmly delete the page.

After you delete Vkontakte page Do not forget to click "Exit".

Now burn a sheet with a password from the page, and break the SIM card to which the page was tied.

We deleted VKontakte page forever! Since we will not be able to restore it, due to the fact that we do not know the password. The password on the tied phone number will not come, because sims no longer exist.

For a long time in VK button link to the removal of the profile was absent, even went rumors that it was impossible to remove the page with it, but it is not so! You can destroy your own page, and weighing ways. Now I will tell you about all ways to remove VK, which I know.

Ways to remove from VKontakte:

Remove the Vkontakata page using the menu.

2. Scroll through this page to the end. Almost at the bottom will be the inscription "You can delete your page" She needs it! Click on it.

3. Now you will only have to confirm the removal, following the pop-up tips. If you do not want friends to receive a notice - remove the "Tell Friends" checkbox.

Delete page in VKontakte (vk.com) using a link.

The most effective way that allows delete page in VKontakte forever. All that you need to go to the link below, directly clicking on it, or simply after copying your browser to the address bar and pressing ENTER.

On the page that opens, you will be prompted to specify the reason you delete your page. You can also notify all your friends about it if you install a tick in the "Tell Friends" field. Next, click on the button " Delete pageAnd all - page of Khan!

3rd way. Delete all data.

How to delete a page in VKontakte in this manner? Very simple! Go to the " My settings», Click on the tab" General"And remove all ticks in the section:" Specify links that you would like to see in the menu on the left».

On the same page, go to the tab " Privacy"And for each of the items, select" no one", And where there is no such option, set the value" only Ya" Click on the "button" Save».

Go to the " Alerts"And remove all ticks.
In point " Frequency alerts»Install" never notify»

After all these televitations, your page in contact will be deleted (about a week).

4th way to remove your VKontakte page (vk.com).

This method is discovered quite recently. You need to go to the menu " my settings", Tab" black list"And to register Pavel Durov in the field. Press the button " Add blacklist" Website VKontakte and Pasha himself "will not bring such an insult" and delete your page.

We continue to learn social networks and today will talk about them, loved ones. According to the latest research, there are many people who have long been registered in one or several social networks, in the literal sense of the word tired of virtual communication. To start communicating with people in reality, they must forget about the Internet and first of all about their page. That's just not everyone is given to have such an excerpt that once and forever forget about the account. One output remains - remove it. Is it possible to do this and how? This is what our current article is dedicated.

Removing account VKontakte

It is worth noting that the removal of the page can be associated with other reasons. Often, people do it in order to take away from an obsessive fan, while others want to start life from a clean face.

However, whatever reason you have had, the solution of the issue does not change. So, we will go on specific items (for them we also attached screenshots, what would be more convenient to you).

Open the website vk.com (you can open vkontakte.ru - in any case, you will automatically be transferred to the main page of the social network), enter the login and password.

On the right side of the screen you see a big menu. Here we are interested only in one section - "My Settings". Click on it.

A page with numerous settings has opened. Select the General tab. Here you can change your password or email address, familiarize yourself with the latest activity on the page, change regional settings ... However, the point you need is hidden from the eye, but find it easy. To do this, drop the page at the bottom and find the line with the inscription "You can delete your page." It is for it that you need to click.

Now what? Now it remains to choose the reason why you decided to such a serious act. There are several of them:

  • VKontakte too much unacceptable materials
  • I'm worried about my data
  • My page does not comment
  • Another reason (it is necessary to write it yourself)

What to choose from this list, solve only you. However, the reason to indicate is completely optional, although it is desirable.

The last step - click on the "Delete page" button. You can rejoice!

As it turns out, for a long period of time you can easily and simply restore your account (order of six months). Make it easy. Go to http://vk.com/, log in and click on the "Restore page" link.

Hide your account

Why do you hide? Because in fact he is not deleted anywhere, but allows you to do so that the foreign people would do you not before Donimali. What needs to be done?

We again go to once your favorite website, we go through authorization and again click on the menu item "My Settings".

Instead of the "General" tab, choose "Privacy". Here we see a whole list of settings. In each of them, it is necessary to choose the "No one" or "only I". This will help you close your page from unfamiliar people, forbidden to send you messages in a personal, hide information about you. And still - do not forget to save the settings, otherwise they will not be saved.

The last step is to remove all the entries from the wall, photos and avatar. Now everyone will think that your page is removed. This is what we achieved.

Have something to say? Well, do not tolerate, say!

Every person registered in the social network may have a desire to delete its page at all or for any time period. The time provided by the developers on meditation varies from one month to six months. This is due to the fact that approximately the fifth of the users annually sends an application for removal and half of them subsequently restores their pages.

Below in detail, ways to delete the page in the contact proposed by developers and randomly (or not by chance) by users are considered. There are different options - you can delete and completely forever, and temporarily.

Method number 1.

The easiest way to fully delete the page in the contact provided by the developers - delete it through the settings. For this you can do this:

  1. Go to your account.
  2. On the left side, in the menu column, select the "My Settings" item.
  3. Open the General tab.
  4. At the bottom of the page, click on the "Delete Your Page" link.

We choose the reason for the removal, if you wish, send a message or a farewell to your friends.
Your page has been removed. But since before the deletion decision you used our page, you can restore the account and the old page for up to six months.

If you failed to go to the menu item "Settings" or you have no desire to search for, then entering your account, go to http://vk.com/settings?Act\u003dDeactivate. After the transition, the delete window will also open, where you specify the reason and confirm the deletion.

Method number 2.

Or a way to safe oblivion. It is used if you communicate a little in the social network, attend your page about once a month or you want to forget about the existence of social networks and sleep well. So, how to remove the page in contact very forever in this case?

  1. On your page, open the "Settings" item.
  2. In the "Privacy" tab, you set all values \u200b\u200bon "only I".
  3. In all other tabs, you delete all information about yourself.
  4. Delete all files and records from your page, that is, photos, wall entries, music, and so on. The page should be fully zero.
  5. Delete / unsubscribe from all friends.

Now you can forget your password. Since your page is empty and does not see it, no one besides you and administration "Vkontakte", after some time (about a month) it will be deleted by the administration. But during this time, you can still restore the old page. In order to restore the page remote in this way, you can just try to enter your account. The link will appear on top: "Restore your page." Press and all - the return is carried out.

If you are sure to restore your page do not want, the next way for you. It is a somewhat modified method No. 2.

Method number 3.

Here you definitely forever and immediately delete your page completely (strictly speaking, it will continue to exist, but you do not go to it with everything).

  1. We repeat all the items indicated in the method number 2.
  2. In the settings, give up the mail to which the binding.
  3. Change the normal password for arbitrary, the one that you will easily forget. For example, 4GJGU8678JHJ.
  4. Buy the left SIM card and tie a page to her number (or leave the old one, but then the new one will have to buy for continuous use).
  5. Leave the page, destroy the attached SIM card.

The way, of course, is longer and more difficult, but now you will definitely not restore your page, since the mail is not, the numbers attached to the account, too, and the password you do not remember.

Method number 4.

You can write a corresponding letter to the technical support of the social network. For this email [Email Protected] You write a letter asking you to delete your page. Perhaps after you will be asked to provide evidence that it is yours and you can only wait for an answer from the technical support service.

ATTENTION: If your decision is final and cannot be changed, please note that all your estimates and comments will remain online under your name. Therefore, if you do not want to leave your data, you can change before removing your name.

Method number 5.

It is used if your account hacked and you cannot enter it. To use, you will have to re-register on the social network and best if you make all your data from last page. So the administration will have less doubts that you are a real owner of the account. So:

From the newly created account, go to the page hacked.

Under the photo, in the context menu you choose the item "Complain to the user"

In the "Options Complaint" window that opens, you choose the item "Abusive Behavior" and in the comments describe in detail your problem.

The application will be considered from three to the network of days, after which the user will be blocked and subsequently removed. The result will be more immentable if your friends also turn to the administrator with a complaint about a fraudster.

ATTENTION: If the administration ignored your application, you can restore access to your page and delete it yourself. If with the help of such simple and known methods of recovery as by phone number or by e-mail, it is not possible to go to the account, then restore access will be used by using a special application form.
In order to restore access to your page, you need:

Go to the website vk.com and choose the item "Help", or follow the link http://vk.com/restore. After that, the access restore window appears before you.

Enter your registration data: login, email address or phone number.

Enter the captcha and check code. The code will have to come by SMS.

If you do not remember the login or phone, then after switching to the http://vk.com/restore link, at the bottom, click on the link "If you do not remember the data, or you do not have access to the phone, click here."

Next, you will need either find your page in the search, or recall the identification number. After you have to fill in the data fields that you could have a preserved (old password and phone), send an application to the administration and wait for the answer. You may need to prove that the page is yours and send the administrations of the scan passport and a personal photo, but you can repeat the complaints about a fraudster or write a letter in those support.

Method number 6.

A WARNING:This method is intended only for informational reading, as it is socially harmful and entails unpleasant consequences for the applied. In particular, from a heap of minuses to karma to disappearance of a large amount of funds and restrictions on freedom.

If the method provided by the developers and the method of safe oblivion is not enough and want to leave virtual life with fireworks, you can try to attach your account blocking. To do this, you just need to pour out as many users as possible and provoke them on the complaint to administrators. How to do it - to solve you. If you hope to restore your page (not to create anew, namely restore), then simply imitate the hacking of the account. Abnormative vocabulary, rudeness, spam and aggressive advertising will be angry with everyone and will be blocked very quickly. It will be difficult to restore access, but if this is not planned, you can not worry. If you want you to delete you without the right to restore, you will have to violate the laws of not only the virtual space, but also the Russian Federation. For example, start placing Nazi or extremist texts on the wall, calls for terror and overthrowing government. Block you quickly and exactly forever.

WARNING: Violation of the laws of the Russian Federation is dangerous to health and can lead to criminal liability.

As a conclusion

If you are just tired of the world of social networks, it is the most convenient to use the already created developers in a way or hiding, as described in the number 2. In order not to suffer with recovery, please take care of a reliable password and keep all the data in a safe place. And please do not apply the way at number six, for actions to be aimed at deleting a social network page, it is too unpleasant.

As in any other social network, VKontakte allows you to remove your page. True, there is one important nuance here - the page is though removed, but you can restore it for years for seven months! What for? Everything is simple: most users who are solved to remove their account, sooner or later want to restore it. And in order to solve this problem, the page is not deleted from the database, but in it the specified time. And if suddenly the user wants to return his page to life, he will be able to do it in just a few seconds.

If you still decided to remove the profile, well, your right. We will show how to do it right.

In the menu, select the "My Settings" section, the "General" tab.

Staying on the "General" tab, lower your page at the bottom. Here is the link "You can delete your page". Click on it.

On the page that opens, you will be asked to specify one of the reasons for removing your account. There are five of all five, not counting the instructions of their reason:

  • I have another page
  • VKontakte takes me too much time
  • VKontakte too much unacceptable materials
  • I'm worried about my data
  • My page does not comment

Specify the cause, leave or delete a tick next to the "Tell Friends" item at your request and click on the Delete Page button.

The page is removed that we see on the monitor screen. It remains the opportunity to restore it for a long month. To do this, you need to make just one click.

But do not worry. Even despite the fact that the possibility of restoring the page remains over a long period, in fact it will be deleted.

How to remove a page VKontakte from the phone (Android, iOS)?

If you use a tablet or smartphone, then you probably use the Mobile application VC. You will have to upset you - the mobile application does not support the page deletion function. How to be? You can open the mobile version of the VC in your device browser and delete the page.

Open the VK website in the browser and select "Settings" in the menu.

The "General" tab opens, stay on it. Lower the page to the bottom where you will see the link "You can delete your page" to which you want to click.

Page deleted.