To my referrals - How to change your status to SEO sprint. How to unsubscribe from a referrer on SeoSprint Ways to change a referrer

Almost all active users do not have a referrer - a person who, to a certain extent, owns them. Of course, here it is not at all as sad as in the dark ages, when the possession of a person was called slavery. And the presence of a referrer in a person does not mean at all that he will be shackled and forced to work.

To begin with, however, you should understand the terminology so as not to confuse beginners:

  1. A referrer is a user who attracted another person to a project, that is, attracted a referral;
  2. A referral is a user who was attracted to a project, or who was bought by a referrer at the fair.

Referrers, buying or attracting referrals, receive income from how active their referrals are on the project. For example, if a person performs and earns consistently every day on a project, then every day his referrer receives, for example, 10 rubles. Referral income changes as the rating increases.

At the same time, referrals used to receive additional money for having a referrer: refback. Refback is when a referrer shares his income with referrals. For example, 50% of the refback - this means that half of the income from the referral is transferred not to the referrer, but to the referral himself.

Many will ask - why is it necessary at all? And this is necessary so that users have an incentive to attract more and more new participants in the project, thereby increasing both him and their income. The largest referrers, for example, earn several hundred rubles a day, without even touching a finger:

In fact, the presence of a referral system is of great benefit to both the project owner and its participants. After all, it provides a powerful incentive to attract new and new users. And the more users, the more the project's income. In turn, the more the project's income, the more users' income. And in the end, it turns out that everyone wins.

But any system has its drawbacks, and sometimes situations arise in which you want to free yourself from your referrer in order to find some new mentor. There may be several reasons:

  • The referrer does not participate in the development of referrals in any way, does not give any advice and does not provide any assistance at all;
  • The referrer does not organize any contests for referrals;
  • The referral doesn't really like his referrer as a person;
  • Well, it's just such stupidity that it seems to the referral that someone is making money on him.

If we talk about the first three points, then the referral's desire to get rid of his referrer is quite justified, but as for the fourth, this is, frankly, nonsense.

Getting rid of a referrer can be difficult at times. After all, not everyone is ready to meet halfway and release a referral who brings income.

How to change the referrer

But let's leave these questions aside for now, and try to answer the main question of the article - How to unsubscribe from a referrer on SeoSprint?!

There are several ways here:

  • Contact the referrer directly and ask him to release the referral. In some cases it may work, but in most cases it is unlikely. After all, no one wants to just let go of the list of referrals of a person who is actively working and bringing money. It is still worth trying, because there is nothing to lose;
  • If the first option did not work, you can offer money for the release. A kind of "redemption" of yourself from the shackles of referral. Again, contact the person directly and negotiate the terms of the transaction, and then create a task there, on Seosprint, to release the referral. As soon as the advertiser completes the task, pay and you can say goodbye. Trying to deceive at the same time is not worth trying - if the referrer writes to the administration a complaint that the task was not paid to him, then his career on the project will quickly end;
  • If the referrer stops visiting the project, then sooner or later his account will be deleted. And all the referrals he had will be released. In this case, you just need to wait, and after a certain period of time everything will be settled;
  • If none of the above, for some reason, could not be cranked, then it remains last way, which takes a long time, but gives a 100% guarantee of success - wait until your account is deleted and register a new one. This will take at least 2 months.

It is worth noting that it is worth trying all the methods at once one by one - first, just ask for release, then offer money for it, and if none of this worked, then wait for deletion for inactivity of either your account or the advertiser's account.

No matter how you managed to free yourself, immediately after that it is best to become a referral of some other user. Fortunately, the project is full of tasks, having completed which, you can become a referral of any referrer you like in one click. But you need to choose wisely - after all, later it may turn out that this referrer is not suitable either.

On service SEOsprint there is a referral system, i.e. participants (referrers) can attract new people and get some profit from their activity. It is also beneficial for a referral to be in someone's network, because referrers try in every possible way to keep referrals and interest them in their activity: contests, bonuses, referral interest. Despite these advantages, many referrals want to either change the referrer, or become free.

    • SEOsprint
    • How to change the referrer on SEOsprint or completely abandon it and become free?
    • How to unsubscribe from a referral
    • How to sell a referral on seosprint
    • Output

Is it possible to go to another referrer on SEOsprint

Yes, you can, although it is not easy to do it.

All methods of replacing the referrer are different from each other. You will need either patience, or investing money, or waiting for a certain time.

The reasons for leaving can be different: the referrer does not want to help and ignores messages, and a newbie on seosprint needs advice experienced user; or you do not want to be a referral, but want to work independently.

How to change the referrer on SEOsprint or completely abandon it and become free?

Please note that your desire to leave or refuse a referrer on SEOsprint is not enough, if he does not agree to voluntarily let you go, some difficulties arise. Therefore, before registering for SEOsprint, you need to be careful:

  • immediately select a normal referrer;
  • or register without him, then find an intelligent person on the project and become his referral.

If, nevertheless, there is a need for the referral to refuse or change the referrer, it is necessary to take quite legal actions.

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What you need to do to get away from your referrer:

  • write him a letter with a request to remove you from the list of referrals. To do this, on the site go to the menu in the section "My mail", select "My referrer" and write a letter. If he agrees, then he himself will exclude you from the list of his referrals. After that you are free and can choose either a new referrer or work independently.
  • if the referrer does not exclude you from the list of referrals, wait 60 days without logging into your account. In this case, the system will automatically remove you from the project. Then you can register again with a new referrer, or without it. This path is long, if you are ready to wait 2 months, then apply.
  • if your referrer is not active on the site for 60 days, the system will delete it. After removing it, you become a free person.
  • write a letter to the referrer with a request to sell you on the exchange. Here everything depends on him, if he does not want to lose you, then he will break such a price that no one will buy you.
  • redeem yourself. Write a letter to the referrer asking them to remove you from the list for a fee, the main thing is to agree on a price. How to technically make a payment - decide specifically with the referrer.

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How to unsubscribe from a referral

Very simply, the referrer clicks the red cross next to the referral's nickname.

But don't rush! The systems have referral exchanges where you can buy or sell a referral.

How to sell a referral on seosprint

Users who have the “Foreman” status or higher can sell their referrals.

In order to sell a referral, it is necessary that:

  • he earned at least 0.10 cents for the referrer;
  • referral activity - at least 1 week;
  • referral and referral should not be penalties.


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One of the reasons why users sign up for Wmmail is because of the lucrative affiliate program.

A huge number of people are actively inviting employees, but not all the users they attract are satisfied with their referrer, and this may not be understood right away.

After registering using the referral link, the user is assigned to the participant who invited him, and he does not have the opportunity to independently leave the referral network. Therefore, beginners often wonder how to change the referrer to Wmmail. There are several ways to do this.

How to get away from the referrer on Wmmail?

You can get out of the network if you are sold through the referral exchange or if your referrer is blocked or removed from the system (you get to the exchange from inactive ones).

If you regretted that you joined the user because of constant spam, foul language or bad attitude, then feel free to collect information and complain to the moderators. If the project rules are really violated, your referrer can be blocked and after that you can be bought on the exchange from inactive ones.

If the referrer does not suit you for personal reasons, for example, if the bonuses are too small or contests are not held, then you will have to use alternative methods.

You can contact your referrer by internal mail and ask him to sell you on the exchange. No threats and ultimatums, if you are refused, you will not be able to do anything, so it is better to make a request.

Doesn't any persuasion affect your referrer? Then the last option remains - this is re-registration on Wmmail. No, you cannot immediately open a new profile, you will be blocked for this, you must first delete the old account, and then register again.

Within 7 days, your profile will be prepared for deletion. Speed ​​up this process impossible. After the end of this period, you can delete your account, but to register for the same wallet, you will have to wait 30 days.

Only after this time has elapsed, your profile data will be completely deleted and you will have the opportunity to re-register.

The latter method is used extremely rarely, since not many are ready to abandon their profile with an already gained rating. Therefore, most often, to change the referrer to Wmmail, you have to offer a sale at a bargain price.

V this section site we will tell you what is Refbek, Referral and how does it differ from Referrer... Well, and many more interesting things .. (all information is taken from the official site

Are you a beginner (or have been on the project for a long time) and want to quickly receive all the answers to your questions? Then click and study my article on how to achieve this!

What is refback?

This is a certain part (%) of the amount that the referrer receives from the system for the work of the referral and gives it to him. It can vary from 0 to 80%. For example, referrals receive their referrals for viewing surfing, letters and tests. Refback does not apply to completing tasks.

It should be noted that since the referrer's remuneration from the system, for the work of an attracted referral, depends on the referrer's rating in the system (it can reach an amount equivalent to 60% of the referral's income), then the amount of refback also depends on this. That is why the income of users attracted by different referrers may differ, even if they have the same refback.

Important! Now the refback is not set by the referrer, the system automatically sets the refback in accordance with the referral's rating.
Refback is calculated according to the formula: Refback = Rating * 2. In this case, the maximum refback cannot be higher than 80%.
Referrer rating = 30 points, which, according to the table, corresponds to 30% of income from the work of level I referrals.
And the referral has a rating of 25, and accordingly he receives 50% of the refback automatically.
The referral viewed the link in surfing at the price of 0.028 rubles.
In this case, the referrer's income should be 0.028 * 30% = 0.0084 rubles.
Since he gives 50% (0.0042 rubles) back to the referral, we have:
Referrer income: 0.0084 - 0.0042 = 0.0042 rubles.
Referral income: 0.028 + 0.0042 = 0.0322 rubles.

How can I change the referrer?

Legal ways:
1. Your referrer will sell you at the fair and you will have another referrer (possibly provided that you joined your referrer using his reflink or your referrer bought you earlier at the fair)
2. Your referrer will remove you from the list of his referrals (provided that he himself wants to do it)
3. The system will remove your referrer from the project, and its referrals will become free and will be able to join the selected referrer on their own (possibly if the referrer is NOT active for 60 days or if you receive a BAN and then delete it for violating the project rules or admin code)
4. You do not log into your account for 60 days and the system automatically deletes your account. Then, you can re-register on the project not using the reflink. In this case, you will have the opportunity to independently join the selected referrer.

This method is not entirely convenient and it is not suitable for many, because having lost your account due to NOT activity, you lose everything that can be earned on the project, except for money: Rating, reputation of the performer, your referrals (if you had any).

All other methods are illegal and entail a BAN on the project with a subsequent ban on re-registration.

How does a referral differ from a referrer?

A referral is a user who registered on the project by invitation (referral link) of another user, who is a referrer in relation to him. In turn, a referrer can himself be someone's referral and for his referrer, his referrals are level II referrals.

The referrer receives a reward from the system in the form of income from the referral's activities. The amount of income depends on the referrer's rating and is described by the status table

How to find out who is my referrer and write him a letter?

Go to the wall and open the additional statistics section:
The name and ID (identification number) are indicated in the "Your referrer:" field. To the left of the referrer's name there is an envelope image. Click on it to open a form for sending a new message to your referrer.

You can also send a letter from the "My mail" section of your personal account
To do this, after going to the form for creating a new message, you must click on the icon with the inscription "My referrer" (above the field "Recipient ID"), specify the subject of the letter, write the text of the message and click the "Send" button

Why am I not getting refback?

This situation can arise in the following cases:
1) You are a free referral, i.e. you do not have a referrer. This is possible if you registered on the project not using the referral link, or your referrer was removed from the system for violating the rules or inactivity for 60 days.
2) Your account is listed by your referrer at the fair. During this period, the referrer does not receive income from the referral's activities, and therefore, at any level of refback, it is equal to 0. Since you cannot be a referrer for yourself, the user does not see himself in the list of accounts exhibited at the fair. You can ask all questions about this to your referrer by internal mail.
3) You or your referrer has the status of a penalty box.

Who are free referrals?

Free referrals - project users who do not have a referrer. This is possible if the user registered on the project not using the referral link, or the referrer was removed from the system for violating the rules or not being active for 60 days. Thus, free referrals, in principle, cannot receive a referrer bonus (refback). If you don't know if you have a referrer or not, study this question this section

I am a free referral, how can I join a referrer?

Free referrals can choose another project user as a referrer and join him as a referral on his terms. To do this, go to the wall of the user selected as a referrer by entering his ID in the appropriate field on the "Users" page and click on the "Become his referral" button.

However, it should be borne in mind that in the future, you will not be able to change the referrer, or again become a free referral at will, except for the cases described above. In addition, a user with a rating in the system of at least 20 points can become a referrer.

In conclusion, it should be noted that referrals who joined the referrer voluntarily (independently choosing a referrer) cannot be an object of sale at the Referrals Fair.

Why can't free referrals join me?

A referrer for free referrals (registered but not having a referrer user) can be any project participant who has a status of at least "Working" and a rating in the system of at least 20 points. This requirement is intended to encourage everyone to further growth, which implies new benefits.

Everyone who registers on the project at your invitation, following a special partner (referral) link or banner, will become your referral (regardless of your status and rating on the project).

Your referral link can be found in the section "Invite referrals" in personal account user menu Place them on your sites, various thematic forums and projects dedicated to making money on the Internet, but do not forget that it makes no sense to advertise them on our project, because everyone who sees them is already registered.

Why can't I sell a referral?

Users with the "Foreman" status and above have the right to sell their referrals at the Fair who meet certain requirements.

In order for the referral to be ready for sale:

1. He must earn at least 1 ruble for the referrer.

2. Its activity must be at least 1 week.

3. He must not be a penalty box or a repeat offender.

You cannot sell those who have joined voluntarily!

The question of how to become a referral on Seosprint worries many Internet users. After all, this is the most easy way get an additional source of profit from each completed task on the site. In addition, members who have joined the referral network can participate in contests and win cash prizes. What needs to be done for this?

Step 1: register on the site

To fulfill the condition, you need to open any website about earnings and click on the Seosprint banner. You can also get a referral link from friends or acquaintances. After the transition will open new page... Next, you need to register in the system.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the user will not be able to change the referrer or abandon it after joining. Contractors who have logged into the site earlier are advised to skip this step. The registered participants can consider the question of how to become a referral on Seosprint.

Step 2: make sure there is no referrer

This applies only to users who voluntarily joined the system. To check if the performer has a referrer, you need to log into your personal account. Then follow the links "my wall" and "additional statistics visible only to the owner "in order of priority. A member who does not have a referrer can join any performer.

Step 3: choose the best mentor for you

Referrer it is an advisor and assistant to each team member. He will tell you how to become a referral on Seosprint and take first place in the group. Leaders receive monetary rewards. Therefore, the choice of a mentor should be approached responsibly.

Do not flatter yourself with the promised 80 90% of the profits from cooperation. The refback system is set automatically. It is necessary to take into account the rating and reputation of the user, as well as the frequency of contests they run.

Step 4: join the referrer

To do this, follow the link "my wall" in your personal account. At the top is a search by artist ID. Next, you need to enter the number and click on the "find" button. The system participant will be redirected to the page of the right person. After that, you need to click on the link "become a referral of this user". The participant only has to confirm the action by pressing the button proposed in the pop-up window again.

How to become someone's referral on Seosprint and get rewarded

The performer can earn some money on the assignment of joining the team of another member. To do this, he needs to follow the link "invite to ref SEO" in the right block.

Then you need to select a suitable task in the section. The conditions of execution describe in detail how to become a referral to Seosprint. After carefully reading them, you should get started. The referrer page will open. Next, you need to click on the orange button. After joining the referrer, you must specify the name and user ID in the report.

Then you need to confirm the execution. The report will be sent to the referrer. After successfully passing the verification stage, the user will receive a monetary reward. Average cost of a similar job 30 rubles, but this is not the limit.

How to become a referral on Seosprint if a potential mentor requires "worker" status

To satisfy his requirement, you must specify personal information in your personal account. After the status has changed from "passer-by" to "worker", you can take on the task of joining the referrer.