Administration number vk. How to write to technical support VK - free support service

You can write to the VKontakte support service both if you have access to your personal page, or if you don’t have it. I bring to your attention the most full review existing ways:

How to write a support letter if you have access to your personal page?

Log in to the site with your username and password. In the right upper corner point and click on your name. Select the item " Help».

The search page for the VKontakte directory opens. Enter "How to ask a question in support?". We see the text. The third paragraph says:

Unfortunately, we were overwhelmed with an avalanche of questions, so the usual "write to us" button is temporarily unavailable. If you have questions that cannot be solved with the help of articles, use the link

Click on the link and we will be able to enter your question.

An alternative way to contact VK support

After you go to Help, the search page for the VKontakte directory opens. We open the first available section of the help.

Then click on the button "This does not solve my problem", then click on the link "I still have questions."

In the pop-up window, click "Ask a Question".

A support form appears. We fill. We send.

How to contact VKontakte support via email?

You can also contact support directly using regular mail. All you need is to send an email to the box [email protected]. It takes about 3-4 days to respond to such emails, so please be patient.

Extended page access recovery form

A letter in support of through the extended access recovery form is a very common way to contact support. It is used in cases where it is not possible to return access to the social network in the usual way. step by step instructions.

As new ways of contacting VK support appear, I will update this manual. Just in case, I advise you to bookmark this page. If you have any questions for me - ask them in the comments.

Let's figure it out how can i contact tech support. Is there a phone number to call or the opportunity to write your question.

How to write to Vkontakte technical support

Especially for you, a large database of answers to the most popular questions has already been collected. How to watch it?

Let's go to our page. Open the menu, and click "Help".

If you have not received an answer to your question, then there is an opportunity to write directly to technical support so that a specialist can help you. To do this, follow the link:

You need to fill out a form. Write a title and description for your question. Attach a photo (see ) or document (see ) if necessary. Then click on the "Submit" button.

After that, you will be informed of the approximate time when you will be answered. Recently, technical support is very busy, so they get in touch for an extremely long time. If you are satisfied with this, click on the "Ask a question" button.

How to call technical support VK

Many users are trying to find a contact number by which they could contact specialists. But unfortunately, it just doesn't exist.

Good day to all, my dear readers and guests of my blog. Today's article will be short, but as it turns out, it is very relevant for many users. What to do if you have some problems with the network, for example, a group was banned, votes were not awarded, etc. In this case, of course, you should contact the service technical support.

But how to write to VKontakte technical support so that you can ask about your problem? How can I go there if there is no access to the account at all? How to do this if you are sitting on a mobile phone? With the advent of the new VK design, a lot has changed, so for now, some are still confused. But don't worry! Today I will cover all these issues.

If you have access to an account

Everything can be done very simply, although it may not be immediately noticeable, since the function is not in plain sight. There are two ways to get there:

In any case, you will be taken to the support section. The advantage of this page is that you do not even have to ask something yourself, because there are a whole bunch of ready-made answers to popular questions, and everything is divided into sections.

There is a handy search box where you can enter your question. And if any question coincides approximately with yours, then a hint will pop up for you and you can read the answer. But if I do not want to look for ready-made answers, but want to ask something of my own, where should I go? I do not see here items that would mean something like "Write", "Ask".

Yes, the developers hid the ability to ask deeper questions themselves so that they would not be written to for all sorts of trifles. Therefore, in order to contact them, in any case, you will have to drive what you wanted into search string and press Enter. And if there is no such question there, then you will get a message that “Nothing was found”, and among the options you will find the link “Write to us”.

You will see a sign in which you will be warned that due to the workload of agents, you will not be given quick answers. This is done in the hope that you do not want to wait long and try to still find a solution in the "Help" section.

But if you are ready to wait 20-24 hours, or even more, then click on the "Ask a question" button and in the new window that opens you will need to describe your problem:

  • In a narrow line, write the name of the problem, or its essence
  • In the text field write detailed description problems: what problem exactly happened, when it all happened, what they tried to do, etc.
  • If you wish or need, you can attach a photo (screenshot) or any document.

Now click "Submit" and wait for your complaint to be considered and answered.

Well, when the support agent answers, you will receive a notification. You can also see what he wrote to you. To do this, go to "Help" again. There you will notice that you have new inset"My questions" That's where you can see everything you need.

How to write to technical support if the page is frozen

Of course, everything is very simple when your Account whole and unharmed. But what to do when the page is blocked or your page has been hacked? You will not be able to contact the specialists in the above way without your account.

In this case, there are three options:

By the way, these same methods will suit you if you want to contact them without registering your account (well, except for the last one, of course). Send me an email and that's it, no problem. And already in the appeal, write everything about your problem, as well as the problematic account that needs to be restored. And there they will already tell you both the reason for the blocking and its solution.

How to write from the phone?

Here, in principle, there is also nothing complicated and writing there is quite realistic. To do this, go to the site ( mobile version) and click on the icon with three parallel horizontal stripes (open the sidebar menu). And going down to the very bottom you will see the familiar word "Help". Here, click on it. Or follow this link

And then everything on a whim, i.e. write your problem in the search box. If this does not occur, then at the very bottom you will see the "Ask a Question" button. Click on it and write what you would like to know. Everything is so simple.

Many also ask: “Can I call them for support?” To this I can answer you that they do not have any Call-centers and VK does not provide telephone support.

Well, that's about all. I think you won't have any problems with this. By the way, do not forget to subscribe to my blog updates, then you will be the first to know about the release of new articles. And I, in turn, will be waiting for you again on the pages of my blog. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

Hello friends! This article will focus on the support service on Vkontakte, namely, how you can contact them in order to ask any question, or solve the problems that have arisen related to the VK social network. When I needed to turn to them for help, I didn’t even immediately find where the very page was located, where I could talk to them. That's why I decided to write an article for those comrades who cannot find this disguised support. VK, to be honest, although it looks simple, sometimes you have to look for some details for a very long time.

Immediately I want to say to those characters who are looking for a phone number by which to contact them. Can't be contacted by phone. No, of course, there is a phone number, but it is not advertised anywhere. Even if you manage to find the number, you probably won’t get through to it, and if you manage to get through, you will be sent to solve your problems through the form on the website in VK or via mail. So immediately forget about the phone, and use the methods of communication with them, which I will describe in this article.

How to contact support on Vkontakte from a personal page?

2. Go to the "Help" tab.

3. After you go, a page will appear where the most popular questions are displayed. At the very top there is a small line in which you can write your question and get a ready-made answer if it, of course, will be. But if you didn’t give a ready answer, or you need to contact support, then write any one word in this line. I wrote a word that doesn't exist to save time. After that, a link will come out below, it is called "None of these options are suitable." This is the link we are going to.

4. After you go, you will be taken to a page where you can write to them.

Well, in principle, that's all, write your question and send it, after a while you will definitely receive an answer. An estimated response time will be shown to you after your request has been submitted.

How to contact VK support via email (E-mail)?

There are different situations in life, for example, you cannot write through your personal profile, because you do not have access to it for various reasons, but they need to write. Therefore, there is also a second option, this is an appeal through mailbox. Emails send to [email protected] This option of communication is quite long, as they respond on average to such letters within 4 days.

Where can I see the answers?

1. We go under our login and password to the profile from which we wrote.

4. After that, you will be taken to a page where you can see all your support requests, and of course the answers that you were given.

Well, that's all I wanted to tell. It seems that everything was described in great detail, but if something is not clear, then ask questions in the comments.

Recently, I began to write articles, focusing on the requests of users social network Vkontakte, here I am again asked "How to write to technical support Vkontakte?". And I will write an article so that next time I can just send a link in response.

If you have a problem with Vkontakte, for example, it doesn’t enter the page, it’s hacked, or music doesn’t play, I don’t advise you to immediately run to technical support. Why?

  1. Vkontakte technical support is slow, usually you will solve the problem yourself faster.
  2. There is a chance you won’t get normal help, they will send you to look for information.
  3. Most of the problems associated with Vkontakte can be solved without contacting them. I regularly write articles in which I solve user problems, you can find them in the heading. Or use the blog search.

How to write to Vkontakte technical support?

Let's imagine that a problem has arisen that only technical support in contact can solve, for example, your page was stolen! First of all, you need to find the Vkontakte technical support site, they have already changed the address a couple of times. The current link is this

You will see this page, in the field indicated by the arrow you can ask any question that interests you. Also below there is a solution to the most popular questions, such as, ?

Contacts and technical support numbers Vkontakte

You can also contact technical support via E-mail below and post the E-mail of the technical support itself and the people who deal with it. Unfortunately, Vkontakte technical support does not have a phone, it will not work to call and solve your problems.

Email: [email protected]– Technical support contact
Email: [email protected]– Gayane Manukyan
Email: [email protected]– Maxim Babichev

I wish you good luck in the fight against those support, there will be problems, write in the comments.

If you found this article helpful or enjoyable, don't forget to put your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you the most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Sincerely, Vyacheslav.