POS COM MY Tracking in Russian. POST MALAYSIA - one of the cheapest delivery options with Aliexpress


Held by Customs (Import)

Item Arrived at Ukraine

Item Dispatched Out Almaty PCI-5

Item Dispatched Out Belarus

Item Dispatched Out Chisinau CPTP

Item Dispatched Out Kazakhstan

Item Dispatched Out Kiev PI-1

Item Dispatched Out Praha 120

ITEM HELD by Customs Others






Item Sent to Latvia



Release From Customs Clearance (Import)

Unsuccessful delivery due to others due to action: Other

Sending Preilert in Lithuania

Sending Preault in Portugal

Sending Preault to the Russian Federation

Sending pre-alert to Kazakhstan

Sending early warning in Azerbaijan

Sending early warning to Armenia

Sending early warning to Belarus

Sending early warning to Israel

Sending early warning to Latvia

Sending early warning in Moldova

Sending early warning to Ukraine

Sending early warning in Estonia

The initial information about the position

The subject is sent MPC PMIH (KLIA)

The subject arrived in Portugal

Point in the way to the Russian Federation

Item went to the inner location

Item sent to Moldova

Point sent to Portugal

Point sent from Lithuania

Point sent Minsk National Air Port PI 2

Item sent to Azerbaijan

The item sent to the counter of the Russian Fed counter

Point sent to the counter to Israel

Item sent to the meter to Ukraine

Item sent through account to Kazakhstan

Point sent through the counter to Armenia

Point sent through the counter to Belarus

Point sent through the counter to Lithuania

Point sent through the counter to Portugal

Point sent through the Latvian Counter

Point sent through the Counter of Moldova

Mailing Mail - Economy delivery provided by the official state statement of Malaysia Malaysia (Malaysia POST). By title, it can be understood that the departures are assigned non-slip track numbers or with a minimum of information (registration of a small package and export). We help track the parcels sent by this service collect and structure information in automatic mode from all sources, including inaccessible to the usual user.

In this way, cheap goods are departed that the seller offers free shipping. It is profitable for him, it will save and earn. As a result, the reliability of the service suffers: the subject is long and there is no complete information about its location. Dates vary from 20 to 60 days. Plus this method is practically the absence of prohibitions for shipped goods. What cannot be sent more common and fast transport companies is permissible.

Small packages delivered by Malaysian Mail in an economical way, often fall directly to your mailbox, not comes on them. Track the buyer's protection on the sites where the order was issued, so that in the case of which, at least, return the money spent.

What is GMTC arrived in the transit country?

This means that your package is delivered to transit through another country, and the parcel arrived at the sorting center of this country. Next, the departure is loaded on the plane and send to your country.

The parcel application will help you track the status and location of your parcel delivered Malaysian mail.

As an alternative delivery method, aliexpress sellers are often used by Malaysian Post. Tracking parcels from Malaysia on the territory of the recipient country is possible only for registered shipments. Cheap goods Sellers are most commonly shipped by economy delivery with tracking only until the "Import" opamping status.

The official website of Malaysia Post is overloaded, so to track the parcel from Malaysia is much more convenient to the site.

All sent Malaysia Post can be traced in if you enter the tracking number in the search string and click on the "Find Track" button.

Mailing Malaysia - State Postal Service of Malaysia, ensuring the delivery of international postal shipments and internal correspondence for individuals and legal entities. Also provides services for urgent postal service and delivers EMS departures. Tariffs for shipping EMS departure from Malaysia Post will be higher, but it is justified by a high delivery speed.

The international postal regulation strictly prohibits the shipment in the postal departures of drugs, psychotropic or explosive, combustible or other kind of hazardous substances and items. The Malaysia POST website contains full shipping rules associated with limitations on dimensions, weight and attachment of mail.

Types of track numbers Malaysia Post

EMS-send and sending Malaysia Mail always assigns a tracking number. Small packages can be unregistered and go without tracking.

A single format of the track number is approved for registered international postal shipments. The track Malaysia POST number has the same kind and consists of 13 characters:

  • RA123456785MY - in registered small packages from Malaysia to 2 kg, the first letter is always R, from the word registered;
  • CD123456785MY - the tracking number of the Malaysia POST parcel weighing up to 20 kg always begins with the letter C;
  • EE123456785MY - Fast delivery EMS begins with the letter E.

The first letter R indicates that the small package is registered, the letter C will be for the parcel, the EMC mail starts with Latin E. The numbers guarantee the uniqueness of the number. But the last letters define the country of postal service, from where the parcel was sent.

Malaysia Post Mailing Tracking

In order not to worry about your departure from Malaysia and roughly understand where it is currently to track the parcel on the site site with Russian translation of all tracking status.

Conditionally, international departures of Malaysia Post are held by such main stages:

  • Receiving departure in the Malaysia Post office;
  • Processing and distribution in the sorting center;
  • The parcel enters the place of international postal exchange, where the preparation is underway for further movement;
  • Customs clearance in the country of the sender;
  • Export;
  • Import;
  • Customs clearance in the recipient country;
  • Sorting the parcel in the destination country;
  • Present sending to the recipient.

The European buyer has not yet mastered the Internet market of Malaysia very well, but more and more often you can meet the track codes with the mysterious ending "My". The fact is that the Malaysian service now uses such a trading platform like AlExpress, since Chinese mail is no longer able to cope with so much orders. At the same time, Malaysian shops began to offer their products on Ali, so now millions of buyers around the world receive the parcels of Malaysia Post.

How to track the cargo Malaysia Post

Malaysia Mail provides customers with free possibility of tracking shipments, but there are some features. For example, if you are used to tracking parcels through the website of the International Postal Union - find the package of mail Malaysia will not work in this way, since the numbers of such shipments differ.

What do the track numbers of Malaysia POST look like

The first thing you need to know - Malaysian identification numbers are distinguished by the fact that they are first not two letters, but three, so not all services are available tracking of the parcels Malaysia POST. Endings can also be changed: most often you can see the letters of my letters at the end of the code, but there are options with QF and BL. The code itself still remains thirteen.

How to track Malaysia Post Track

You can do this on the Malaysia Post Mail, where to track the number you need to enter into a special window. There you can also find information about mail services and their cost, which is useful if you want to purchase goods not from Ali, but from another store of this country. Content is completely in English.
Another option is to use our service that has access to all major carriers companies, including Malaysia Post, mailing tracking will not be a problem. After registration, you can save track numbers and configure automatic email alerts. So you can always track the parcel through Malaysia POST and you will know where your order is currently.

What else needs to be known about mail Malaysia

This service has a number of restrictions, for example, you will not be able to order a product that weighs more than 10 kg. - Mail will simply refuse to send it to another country.
Through Malaysia POST, track the order is not always possible - small packages often go express delivery and are not tracked or completely or after arrival in your country.
To date, the parcels of this service come faster than Chinese - the magazine load is not so big, the goods are sent very quickly. If the seller set the status "sent", but the track is not tracked - it is worth waiting for a couple of days, because not always the parcel actually leaves the sorting point simultaneously with changing the order status.

When the Aliexpress seller chooses the delivery of goods to Russia, he takes into account the cost of the order itself and the rates for sending it to transport companies. If you wish to save (and who will refuse such an opportunity?) Most often, the shops used to use. Now among super-cheap carriers there is another option - Post Malaysia (Malaysia Post).

If the seller is in choosing a delivery method and a note "Free Shipping", then the likelihood is that he wants to reduce its transportation costs, and the parcel will go to the buyer through the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur.

About mail Malaysia

As already specified, departures through Post Malaysia are considered one of the cheapest for Chinese vendors. More than recently, a few deliveries used this way, because on average the parcel came to buyers for about 20-25 days. Today, the method estimated hundreds of stores selling different smallers. Accordingly, the deadlines for sending goods increased and significantly, after all, Malaysia's post is now overwhelmed by a large number of Chinese shipments.

Official delivery time Post Malaysia - 20-60 daysthat is somewhat longer than other ways to ship.

There are also restrictions on the weight of the parcel - you can send no more than 10 kg, including packaging. But there are no restrictions on the types of shipped goods. It is bad that part of the parcels is invariably lost in the process of moving, although the likelihood is high, that they will still reach the addressee, but with a large delay.

How to find out what goods from Sellers Shipping Method goes Malaysian mail?

By, at the end of the tracking number, which goes through Malaysia, there must be two letters corresponding to the country: MY.. It begins the number two letters that are responsible for the type of departure (small package, parcel). There will be 9 digits between the letters in the room.

Departure with tracking

As with China's mail, Malaysia has two options for departures: with tracking and without it. The first option is not so easy, therefore, it is used when shipping orders worth from $ 10, and it is precisely to it usually give tracking numbers in the international format described above.

If the first two letters of the number begin with RA- RZ.then we are talking about a small package if CA.- CZ. - About the parcel.

Example: RA123456789MY, RR123456789MY, CF123456789MY, CR123456789MY.

Departure without tracking

Cheap orders go from the seller without providing numbers tracked in Russia. That is, you will receive information about moving the goods, but only until the parcel falls into the Russian Federation. Such rooms can start two letters: LA- LZ.. The rest of the differences from the international format will not be.

Please note that the "Malaysian" parcels without tracking at the beginning of the room may not stand two, but immediately three lettersWhat scares many users aliexpress.

If you see the goods in the product of the goods the following tracking numbers, then the parcel (small package) was sent by the seller via Post Malaysia:

  • ETN12345678MY;
  • Syl12345678my;
  • FTL12345678MY;
  • BLG12345678MY;
  • ETN12345678MY.

By the way, the two recent letters of the room may also differ from the standard:

  • SYL123456789QF;
  • SYL123456789LT;
  • Syl123456789wq.

There is still the worst option when, instead of similar to the standard, you give out an incomprehensible number of 5 letters and 8 digits:

  • Sylbl12345678;
  • Sylsj12345678.
  • SYLLD12345678.

Where are there then 3 letters in the room (and then all 5 letters) instead of "international" two? The fact is that China has no POST MALAYSIA representative office, which is quite reasonable. To save your time and reduce costs, stores with AliExpress send goods to Malaysia using carrier companies. Here is just code of this courier company We see in the first letters of the room. In fact, this is not for the buyer, but for the seller, but Ali allows you to add it to the order card.

Here's the answer to another question: why the parcels through Malaysia Post are delayed in the way or stuck indefinitely on the territory of China. An additional factor should be taken into account with the intermediaries whose services are used to send orders to Malaysians.

We recommend not to worry - experience shows that most of the shipments through Post Malaysia are sooner or later reach their addressees, even if it was impossible to find out information about their movement. In any case, if you, when you see the information that the parcel is registered in the mail, you can relax and wait for the arrival of the order. After all, it is better late than ever, right?