Made in Russia, or Russian computers. New Russian Computers: Characteristics, Details, Explanations Russian Manufacturers of Computer Technology Analysis

Conquering Elbrus: Processor in Russian

On the Internet there were news that the first desktop computer with a Russian processor "Elbrus-4C" - and rushed: "You can play solitaire without closing notepad, just for 200,000 rubles, Gee-Gee, and already have computers with a key chain in less than a hundred bucks, hehe ..."

To read such news, you must constantly keep two postulates in my head: first, the overwhelming majority of journalists have no idea about what he writes about; Secondly, modern format The delivery of news is exactly "A-A-A, what a nightmare!". Not to mention the fact that most of the media in one degree or another are liberal, and are always ready to try to hunt Russia.

Well, let's deal with the factswithout throwing neither in liberalism, nor in tro-patriotism. What is unobtrusive so "forgetting"?

FirstlyThis is an experienced production. Stone, practically intended for final testing. The cost of manual / laboratory production with industrial wholesale compared in principle is unacceptable: "On May 5, the media reported that russian company MCST announced the start of sales of the first personal computers "AWS Elbrus-401" and Servers "Elbrus-4.4" on the basis of the Russian processor "Elbrus-4C" ... so far only for the order is available only personal Computer "AWS Elbrus-401". The Server "Elbrus-4.4" will appear in the summer of 2015. "Arm Elbrus-401" from the first test party will cost customers at a price of about 200 thousand rubles. However, by the end of the year, when the device is planned to be launched into serial production, its cost "will significantly decrease" ... "

Secondly, Most journalists and readers in the measure of their underdevelopment automata believe that the computer is assessed by how pulling the graphics of the last games, figuratively speaking. But we read: "Elbrus-401 is designed based on the Elbrus-4C microprocessor and is intended for equipment of automated workplaces (ARMS) operators, the organization of microsserver and information terminals, industrial automation and in systems with increased information security requirements. It - not home computer, and industrial. Very other requirements! Google themselves industrial computers And their characteristics, be surprised if not previously in the subject. Three parameters are important for them: reliability, reliability and again reliabilityAnd the gigaretse, gigabytes, bows on the side and new-fashioned connectors are quietly sacrificed to her altar. At the same time, as a rule, work in real time is required - which is significantly different from "Just fast work". Even the "trifle" that our processor does not require special cooling - Important.

Noticed that sales are announced only for legal entities? This computer is not needed by the usual user - in fact, it is a test iron for industrial programmers, just "the same iron" on the table is much more convenient than the already mounted in an industrial device. Over time, Elbrus (more precisely, its descendants) will work on all strategically important places, where the use of imported components simply is dangerous for security reasons.

ThirdlyHandshake journalists performed choral OED "howl in Babayan": they say, he "Elbrus" created, and he did not appreciate him in this country, and he emigrated in Intel With all its supergenial developments. I will not retell all the legends on this topic, just read the long-line article "F-Center" about this, you can honestly say afiri.. In my own words, I had a grandiose swept, ISOV Intel Developer teams and intentional work against the reputation of Russia in the field of processor development, while "Elbrus" Babayan and the one we are talking about today is simply "name-names". At the same time, not only Babayan worked in MCTT, and this "not only Babayan" has now and reached the level of production and practical application.

Fourth, performance. Again, if the reader at least somehow was interested in the topic of performance, it should remember how Intel and AMD. competed who in which test wins - including writing the new ones that used new features of models, but for a long time not used by developers software. And here - fundamentally different architectures, and compare the performance of "forehead" simply incorrectly. Here is a short video on the topic with explanations:

Yes, the time of release in 1991 MS 1504 is completely outdated.

However, it is impossible to forget that the lag on the microelectronics was - and then it began to shrink on fact. To the Gorbachev "Perestroika" of the USSR, in general, there was a very large economic and technological ground: the economy was slowly growing in general, in terms of space we were ahead of everyone, and on this could have been very not enough to earn, there were unique developments in other areas - from accelerators and to The screenwaves, so in the computer plan tightened to the global level. Moreover, in terms of defense and the international situation, everything was sustained. Inside the country it was already possible to do the light industry at the right level, freeding part of the resources. In other words, by the end of the 20th century, the Soviet Union would have carried out a "transition from the quantity to quality" in the field of high technologies, and in terms of life would solve the problem of "jeans and zhwamk". After that, the "frontal showcase of capitalism" would be blown by itself.

More detailed and a variety of information about the events occurring in Russia in Ukraine and in other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained on Internet conferences, permanently held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All conferences are open and completely non-payable. We invite everyone waking up and interested in ...

For more than 20 years, we have been developing and collecting industrial computers and servers under the IROBO brand. IPC2U computers have long established themselves as a reliable industrial solution with a favorable price and quality ratio. Irobo industrial computers developed and collected in Russia are successfully used in various fields of industry and production as devices for collecting, processing and storing information.

To achieve success in this area, we helped a number of principles that we are guided by today:

High quality components

We cooperate only with reliable foreign partners who supply us high-quality components for the production of industrial computers Irobo line.

Own design department

We have our own design department and are ready to offer you services for the development and assembly of unique configurations of computers and servers in accordance with your requirements.

Certification of equipment

Our computers are exclusively domestic assembly and have a certificate of compliance of the Customs Union, which is especially relevant against the background of intensively developing import-substitution programs.

Own assembly line

The own assembly line with qualified personnel allows you to produce really reliable computers with high quality assembly.

100% quality control

All components entering production are 100% of the input quality control, which is carried out by the technical control cell (OP).

Developed manufacturing process

Thanks to the well-established production process, the assembly of standard "warehouse" models IROBO is carried out in just 2-3 days, taking into account the time spent on the full cycle of testing.

High culture assembly

Special attention is paid to the culture of the assembly. All connecting wires, cables and loops neatly fit and fixed to avoid accidental housing entry into rotating elements.

Attention to detail

When assembling IROBO computers, we use only electrical screwdrivers with a fixed amount of effort to avoid a random breakdown of the thread or excessive tension of the processor board.

Testing finished products

The collected industrial computers undergo mandatory testing in the thermocamera at maximum load for 24 hours, as well as testing all I / O ports and expansion slots. Optionally, it is possible to test in a climate chamber for advanced temperature Range from -40 to +75 and increased humidity.

Documentation in Russian

Each IROBO computer is equipped with a passport in Russian, in which the operating conditions, warranty and maintenance are prescribed.

We carefully accumulate and multiply our experience in the production and development of industrial computers, seeking excellence in this area to always meet the highest requirements of our customers and customers.

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