How much I used to cost the iPad in Russia. A model range of iPad batteries of mobile devices differ from each other by its container and technology.

Update: Official launch date of the iPad Pro 2018 - October 30, according to the prescription invitation on Apple Special Event. In addition, more and more evidence that the new tablet will receive the USB-C port, as well as we received interesting ideas about the size.

the iPad Pro 3 is another major update Apple, and now the company has practically confirmed that we will see the tablet on October 30, sent to an invitation to the event at this date.

The new iPad Pro should demonstrate screens with thin panels in two sizes, leaks also assume that it will use iPhone X True Depth technology for Face ID.

Of course, at the beginning of the year, we saw a new entry level with decisions focused on the educational segment, but if you are looking for a more powerful tablet to change the current or, soon you will get it.

Apple intends to make an iPad Pro series "replacement laptops" for the maximum possible number of users, considering its Pro Tablets as if it is sensory MacBooks. With iOS 11 (and now iOS 12) and concomitant tablet-oriented software, Apple becomes closer to this vision.

Regardless of the name, be it the iPad Pro 2018 or iPad Pro 3, the new tablet will almost certainly remain expensive, and still will not be a replacement of the laptop absolutely for everyone, no matter how hard Apple tries to convince us.

Will the new iPad Pro become? It seems that it could be an interesting change in the concept. Here are the details that we have gathered for all this time of leaks, rumors and speculation. We also formed the nearest guesses regarding the price, the output dates and various specifications / features.

In pursuit!

  • What is it? The next flagship tablet iPad;
  • When to expect? Tuesday, October 30, 17:00 (MSK);
  • How much is? Probably not less than $ 649 (39,000 rubles);

| IPad.Pro 3 (2018): Release date and prices

the iPad Pro 3 leaves on October 30, as Apple has already sent invitations to a special event under this date.

It is not surprising, as we expected the emergence of the tablet, not least because the new iPad Pro lit up to EEC (Eurasian Economic Commission), which indicates the speed output of the device.

We still do not know the start date of the sales of tablets, but whenever the tablets of the iPad Pro series come out, they are subject to high price. iPad Pro 10.5 (last in the series), started with a price tag at $ 649 (42000 P), so Apple, we believe will adhere to similar pricing with 9.7-inch models, the cheapest in the series.

| IPad.Pro 3: Design

  • Tiny panels around the screen;
  • No button "Home" and port of headphones;
  • The thinnest tabletApple;

One of the most recent leaks on the iPad Pro 2018 comes from the source that supplied loyal data regarding Apple in the past, and now claims that the upcoming tablet will have a thickness of only 5.9 mm, but the port for headphones will lose.

In addition, we have now seen a render, allegedly demonstrating 12.9-inch iPad Pro 3, you can see it below.

Details include thin frames and the absence of the "Home" button or fingerprint scanner, so Face ID will be included. But the rims on the render are still quite large to eliminate the need for excavation.

We still get a metal rear panel, four speaker grids and one camera on the rear panel, but something has changed - Smart Connector moved to the bottom (when the tablet in portrait mode), it seems there is no more than 3.5 mm connector for Headphones (which corresponds to rumors), and an unidentified button is present on the right edge.

The source adds that, apparently, iPad Pro 12.9 (2018) will come with dimensions of 280.6 x 215 x 5.8 mm (or 7.77 mm, given the protrusion of the camera on the rear panel), which makes it less iPad Pro 12.9 (2017). Thickness also corresponds to scattered rumors, so we really count on a very thin tablet.

We again got the same figures from another source, which added that iPad Pro 10.5 (2018) will be measured 247.64 x 178.5 mm, which makes the new tablet less than the predecessor.

Another render appeared, this time demonstrating iPad Pro 12.9 (2018) in a cover from UAG, you can see it below.

Details - Including thin frames and Face ID sensor - coincide with the materials above. Nevertheless, the fact that the tablet in the case suggests that it can completely come out, since the manufacturer of covers is likely to not produce a product or render until the device is ready.

| IPad.Pro 3 (2018): Display

  • Models diagonal 12.9 and 10.5 inches;
  • 10.5-inch model can change the 11-inch;

While the iPhone range is now strictly classified, the iPad Pro 2018 continues to pour leaks, among which an important place occupies the screen from the edge to the edge.

Again, it is still possible that Apple will set the recess on the tablet display, especially since iOS 12 moves a part of the status string into the left edge, leaving the empty space in the middle.

If Apple goes on the screen design from the edge to the edge, new iPads will be able to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe display, or save the screens dimensions to reduce the size of the case. This will be a surprise for sometimes cumbersome iPad Pro 12.9, and relying on the information we heard so far, the reduction of the body of a 12,9-inch tablet is exactly what Apple did.

For a smaller 10.5-inch iPad, on the other hand, a new design may mean a small increase in size, since we have seen a report in which it is argued that it will receive a 11-inch display.

However, since Apple has just introduced a new size with a 10.5-inch model, we are not sure about further changes. We also expect that the iPad Pro 3 will receive a TRUE TONE display with a 120 Hz update frequency, as well as the predecessor.

| IPad.Pro 3: Camera and Battery

  • Front-cameraTrue.Depth;

We do not expect large changes in the chamber department. Apple continues to adhere to a combination of 12 MP and 7 MP on the back and front panels, respectively, the adopted iPhone 8 sensors, which is a serious search for the tablet, so it should continually serve, at least one more year.

However, if the rumors relative to the Face ID is correct, the tablet will probably receive a front camera with True Depth, much more like a camera iPhone XS. This is still a 7 megapixel sensor, but with additional depth assessment skills, which will make it an excellent solution for the portrait mode (blurring the background).

With respect to the iPad Pro battery (2018) there is no news, but we will definitely turn them on in an article as soon as we learn something.

| IPad.PRO 3: OS and Performance

  • Chipset TabletA12Bionic;
  • Operating system -iOS 12;

The source in the supply chain argues that the iPad Pro 3 will use the new A11X BIONIC chipset with an 8-core processor. Given that the iPhone XS smartphones now work on A12 Bionic chipsets, it seems unlikely.

Most likely, the iPad Pro 2018 will use either A12 BIONIC, or something newer and better, chipset, which has not yet been announced - perhaps A12X BIONIC or A13.

Of course, the iPad Pro 3 will also definitely roll out iOS 12, available now. It will bring to the tablet management gestures, as well as add Siri shortcuts, group notifications, improvements in the supplemented reality department and much more.

| IPad.Pro 3: Other features

  • Face.ID;
  • Four speakers;
  • USBC;

You can hardly have to hear that Apple officially calls the upcoming MODERN iPad tablet (modern iPad), but this name was found in the iOS 11.3 code.

"Modern iPad" sounds not too significant, but the "Modern iPhone" phrase was used before going out the iPhone X. The assumption is that this term can fill unusual innovations, such as Face ID and the absence of a frame around the display.

Indeed, the idea is that the new iPad Pro 2018 will allow users to unlock the device, just looking at the tablet, without using hands - these are rumors that we heard repeatedly.

In fact, the Face settings interface of the tablet ID was found in the Beta version of iOS 12 for iPad. In the same beta version, we found a multiplayer support for Face ID - a function that will be much more useful on the tablet than on the phone.

We also heard that Face ID on the iPad will use the same image signals processor as iPhone XS, and can work in portrait and landscape orientation.

The same source claims that the iPad Pro 3 will be able to display 4K HDR on the external display using the USB-C port, which is also rumored, is included in the tablet.

In addition, the iPad Pro 2018, apparently, will receive a new version of the magnetic connector to connect accessories, such as the new SMART Keyboard from Apple.

And the new version of Apple Pencil, apparently, will land along with iPad Pro 3.

Other existing functions, such as four speakers and Smart Connector (each of which was found on the leaked images) will return again.

| What do we want to see?

Excellent, since the current iPad Pro models remain very expensive, although they do not have some key functions or features of competitors. Having this in mind, here is a list of things that we most wait for the iPad Pro 3.


Apple has added protection from water to its smartphones, but this option has not yet touched the company's tablets and, although it is less needed to tablets that are very high to fall into the circle and you will not use them in the rain.

But drinks are still blooming, people continue to use tablets during cooking or in the pool, so the knowledge that the iPad Pro 3 can survive water would be encouraging, especially given its price.


Apple consistently increasing the performance potential of the iPad Pro, but in most cases it can still not be compared with the laptop.

iOS is simply not a fairly universal solution even with, and accessories such as Smart Keyboard are usually overestimated, which consists in mediocre experience. Much better fit for work.

Moreover, the decline in the price of accessories could help the tablet, along with further changes in iOS, which should be closer to the desktop operating system. A full-fledged software that can offer the quality of the desktop, for example, from Photoshop, would also help. To some extent, this is not by Apple, but the company can be a deal with developers or just make the platform more attractive for them.


iPad Pro is an expensive tablet, from this not to leave, whatever size you have chosen. Given the amount of packaged technologies, the price value and quality ratio is not the worst, but it can be difficult to justify the costs, especially when there are cheaper tablets, given that this is not a complete replacement of the laptop.

Thus, we would like to see the price reduction with new iPad Pro 3 or at least (and, most likely), former prices, along with increasing memory and new features.

Sharp OLED display

iPad Pro 2 with diagonals 10.5 and 12.9 inches has a screen with a pixel density of 265 pixels per inch, which is quite good, while the overall screen quality is high.

But on tablets, laptops and phones, screens are sharper, so we would like Apple to raise permission, especially because the iPad promises to become the main candidate for 4k content.

And along with a new resolution, we would like to see new display technology, namely OLED. Apple has already used OLED panels for iPhone X, so it is possible that the iPad Pro 3 will be able to benefit.

Scanning face

Apple debuted with Face ID on iPhone X, which allows you to just look at the phone to unlock it. This means that there is no longer the button "Home", therefore, it opens the possibility for the growth of the screen in the same size of the case. All this useful features that we would like to see with iPad Pro 3.

Best battery life

The iPad Pro 2 tablets do not suffer from poor battery life while you use it mainly as a media device, but if you plan to use it as a laptop, count on something more than 6-7 hours, unnecessary.

It's still not bad, but an additional two hours would really help, therefore, whether it is a big battery or more efficient components and software, we would like Apple to add battery life iPad Pro 3.


iPad Pro has a thin, lightweight and stylish design, but it is more repeating the design of the Apple Apple tablets, so we would like to complete iPad Pro 3. Something new and exciting, which can seduce those who use older models and craves Updates.

It can be a glass back panel, a huge screen, no framework or something new. But if there is something, what Apple understands perfectly, so it is in design, we believe that it all depends on the task.

We tried to collect more or less loud rumors, assumptions, desires, in general, all the information that only exists at the moment, that is, before the official announcement of Apple iPad 3. Let's hope that at least some of these data is confirmed, too They are good.

Rumors about appearance

Funny, but rumors about iPad 3 started on the Internet even when iPad 2 was not even represented by the public. According to unconfirmed data, the iPad 3 tablet should have obtained a super high resolution screen 2048 x 1536, and it should have exit already in the fall of 2011, that is, six months after the release of the second version of the popular tablet now.

As it turned out, the initially issue of iPad 3, indeed, was scheduled for the second half of 2011. Now it is reported that Apple postpones the beginning of production until next year. This is due to the fact that Samsung and Lg are incapable of providing the necessary amounts of output of 9.7-inch displays with a resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels for the device.

If the rumors are confirmed, then the new tablet will have a resolution of 260 DPI - the closest to 326 DPI from the iPhone 4. While the resolution of the iPad 2 - 132 DPI. According to Markovitsa Markov, Analytics of the Agency J.P. Morgan, the first iPad prototypes have already appeared. Their design has changed noticeably compared to previous versions of the device, but there are no details about the perfect changes.

An analyst of the company FBR Capital Markets Craig Berger said that "expectations of the appearance on the iPad 3 market are unjustified." The tablet will also be only slightly changed, so it will be called iPad 2 Plus (or iPad 2S). Referring to the collectors of the new gadget, Berger stated that the pixel density in iPad 2 Plus will be increased to 250-300 pixels per inch with 132 pixels per inch in iPad 2. Of course, you can believe in the claims of Craig Berger, but if the situation with the iPhone repeated (after 3 released 3Gs, after 4-4s), then in the case of iPad 2, Apple has shown a completely new device, which in many parameters differed from the first version. So, most likely, and now it is worth waiting for an iPad 2 plus, but the iPad 3, especially since the competitors have long surrounded Apple in terms of the technical characteristics of the tablets, the speed and convenience of iOS remain unattainable yet.

More recently, the network has information that the day before the beginning of the CES 2012 was found iPad 3. The Ilounge resource editor said that I personally saw the iPad of the new generation. The editor claims that he could even show the photo, but this makes no sense, since the new iPad is very similar to its predecessor.

As reported, the iPad 3 housing 3 per millimeter is thicker than its predecessor of its predecessor, for a more powerful battery; The camera in the upper left corner became noticeably larger, it looks like the one that was equipped with the iPhone 4S. Serious changes should be expected only in the display, but this will not be noticeably at first sight. Recall that in 2011, on the first day of Ces, Ilounge showed the first photos of the iPad hull 2. The device depicted on them looked identical to the tablet, which later introduced Apple, with the exception of small details.

Rumors about filling

Once the new iPad will receive a resolution screen four times more than that of an existing computer, then the question arises about whether Apple does not have to replace the processor? Some sources argue that Apple A5 with PowerVR SGX 543MP2 graphics is not able to cope with the task. Moreover, an increase in permission entails and an increase in power consumption, so Apple will have to solve the problem of reducing battery life. Help to avoid the problem of excessive power consumption should apple A6 processor (more speed, less power consumption).

The Internet bypassed the information that Apple concluded a contract for the supply of batteries for iPad 3 with two manufacturers. It is expected that for new batteries, the company will pay 30% more than batteries for previous iPad models, but they will be easier, thinner and can serve longer.

Industrial sources report that Apple intends to abandon SAMSUNG services. According to rumors, in 2012, another contract manufacturer will be the key partner of Apple, TSMC. If the TSMC will release processors for the solutions of the American Corporation, it will soon take the samsung place.

Another evidence of the presence of 4-nuclear processors in future Apple devices found in iOS 5.1. Beta. In the internal code of the beta version of the IOS 5.1 operating system, an appropriate entry was found. It is assumed that to indicate the number of microprocessor cores, Apple developers use special links.

For example, if the processor contains one computing kernel, then the link is related / Cores/Core.0. At the very least, such a tendency was clearly traced in iOS-compatible devices of the previous generation. Dual-core A5 processors that are equipped with iPhone 4S smartphones and iPad 2 tablet computers have /Cores/core.1. In iOS 5.1, Recording /Cores/core.3 was found. I think there is no doubt that he indicates the support of the quad-core processor.

The official confirmation of the fact that the next generation iPhone and iPad will work on 4-nuclear processors, still not. However, if Apple does not want to fall behind the competitors who have already released tablets on 4-nuclear processors, they need to hurry.

It is assumed that Apple and TSMC will jointly develop a new Apple A6 processor based on 28-nm technology. It is possible that the decision to change the partner was caused by the desire to punish Samsung, to which Apple has complaints.

Bloomberg briefly said that Apple's production partners began to assemble the iPad 3, which will be in full power in February with the coming device output in March. The message confirms the wandering rumors that the new iPad will be equipped with a 4-core processor and a high resolution display of Retina.

"Three people close to suppliers report that Apple Corporation (AAPL) will launch its new iPad tablet in March. The device will be equipped with a high-resolution screen, work on a faster processor and support LTE network ..."

Japanese Macotakara blog reported almost identical information.

"Apple includes LTE support in the iPad earlier than in the iPhone, since the new tablet is equipped with a more powerful battery and will better support the requirements of the new technology."

There are also rumors about the presentation at once two models of the most popular tablet on January 26 at "IWorld". Both devices will receive quad-core A6 processors and will be produced with a "classic" diagonal of 9.7 inches, but with a resolution of 2048x1536 pixels. Bright displays with double LED backlight will supply Sharp, Samsung and LG.

The differences will be consisted in the volume of batteries and photo models of devices. The "senior" model will receive an ultra-sharp battery for 14,000 mAh and an 8 megapixel chamber, a cheaper will get a standard battery with a capacity of 6,500 mAh and a photo module 5 MP. Nothing is known about other differences. Moreover, the iPad 2 will not withdraw from the market, but only make it cheaper.

It recently went rumors that Apple will release a 7- or 8-inch version of the iPad, however, the iPad mini is unlikely to appear in 2012, reports Wedge Partners Analyst Brian Blair (Brian Blair).

According to Bleira, Apple's iPad mini has been tested for more than a year, but the company is not going to launch this product in 2012. An analyst believes that the main problem for Apple is to reduce the value of the devices, but the company can operate in this direction, without going on compromises in the area of \u200b\u200bthe screen diagonal.

Wedge Partners believes that Apple after starting the iPad 3 will leave on the iPad 2 market at a reduced price. This is no longer a novelty for Apple - for example, with the launch of the iPhone 4S, the company has left on the iPhone 4 market and even the iPhone 3GS, which is given to customers for free, subject to the conclusion of a two-year contract with the operator.

Hearing about price and output date

According to Focus Taiwan, Apple plans to release iPad 3 for the birthday of Steve Jobs - February 24. The fact that the American company is in a hurry with the release of a new product (which will most likely be iPad 3), many Apple providers report.

According to the insider information, either before the new year, the staff of the Asian companies, on the plants of which are manufactured by Apple tablet, work overtime. For the release of the required amount of components, they will have to even stay without New Year holidays. For example, it is reported that only Foxconn is prepared from 9.5 to 9.7 million new iPad. It is expected that in the first batch of iPad 3 will be about 4 million tablets.

Initially, the Taiwanese sectoral edition wrote that the future iPad of the third generation will appear in March, and the fourth generation of iPad with "murderous applications" - in October 2012. John Gruber (John Gruber) from Daring Fireball believes that March - "absolutely accurate" period for the appearance of iPad 3, but the output "iPad 4" in October - "full nonsense".

Eric Cream (Eric Slivka) reports with reference to the Japanese blog Macotakara about Apple's plans to introduce the public with the new iPad tablet 3. According to this post, the press conference will be held in early February 2012, and the sales of new items start in March. In addition, it is possible that IOS 5.1 will also be presented during the event, which developers are now tested.

The aforementioned message emphasizes its rationale:

"According to Asian suppliers and from the source in the United States, Apple is preparing for a special event in early February. Since the Chinese factory will not work on the occasion of New Year holidays, the new product is decided to release in early March."

On the other hand, the release of the new tablet February 24, before the MWC exhibition, which will be held on February 26-28, will hardly. Yes, and at the Apple iWorld conference, which will be out of the dates of holding with MWC, it makes no sense to show a new product. But after, in early March - the perfect time, because All companies will already show their new items and can be shine on their background. Although, perhaps, Apple will show us something new already in early February, but then it is strange, why now such an incredible calm.

The price on the iPad 3 is likely to be a little more than now standing iPad 2, perhaps, per 100 $. But with the release of the iPad 3, Apple will reset the price on iPad 2 to enable the latest "cripple" growing competition from the budget Amazon Kindle Fire. This is possible if the IPAD 2 value in the basic configuration drops to $ 399, the ilounge source reports.


A revolutionary device on the verge of fiction at an incredible price. - Apple

The official appearance of Apple's new items had to wait seven months. What did not prevent those who want (including Dmitry Anatolyevich) to acquire the iPad before the start of sales in Russia. The tablet was released only in black and there was no anterior nor the rear camera.

By the way, in our country, users first saw the iPhone 4 with its Retina display and only then the iPad with its 1024x780 pixels. You get used to good instantly, so many lacked a superhumage screen on the tablet. I had to wait a couple of years.

  • iPad 2.

Thinkish. Easier. Faster. - Apple

The updated tablet received a dual-core A5 processor A5, 512 MB of RAM, simple rear and front chambers, another body shape, which lasted two more iPad generations. He was thinner than the predecessor at 4.4 mm and easier about 70 grams. The display remained absolutely the same, but the model appeared in white. Two and a half months traveled to Russia - relatively long.

This "old man" keeps so far, you can roll the latest version of IOS! . True, he works on it "with creak".

  • iPad 3.

The revolution. This is extremely clear. - Apple

Traditional two more than a month of waiting, and appeared in Russia. It was a bunch of changes: an improved A5X processor, pumped rear chamber, 1 GB of RAM, Siri and, of course, Retina display. But almost immediately it became noticeable that to maintain the speed of the tablet at an acceptable level.

There is an opinion that Apple has hurried with the release of the third iPad, seeking to keep up with competitors and meet the needs of users. The company hurried to be corrected in six months in the next generation of the tablet.

  • iPad 4.

The same great. But twice as fast. - Apple

It was that I should have been iPad 3, because it was not by chance Apple called the fourth generation of the device "". Although the similar screen stood in the previous tablete. The novelty received an improved A6x processor, the rapid memory frequency, the lightning connector, the frontal chamber with an adequate resolution of the matrix and 4G, operating in Russia. The tablet simply "flew."

His exit was unexpected and significantly touched the mood of those who bought the third generation of the tablet in the summer. At the moment it is the last iPad in the "classic" case.

  • ipad mini.

iPad to the last inches. - Apple

Another new one of the same year. In the fall, Apple first introduced two iPad at once. At one time, Jobs was categorically against a reduced tablet, but consumers considered differently.

In the 7,9-inch device "stuck" a low-resolution display and other iPad 2. What does not diminish the capabilities of the old iron, but on the contrary, speaks of its high power reserve. Many such a move was not in the soul, but even with such a stuffing "dragged" and worked faster than its competitors.

Changed the design of the housing, the basic elements of which are cautious from one novelty to another so far, it can be traced even in a huge iPad Pro.

  • iPad Air.

The power is lighter. - Apple

And again, Apple has shown two tablets at once - Air and Mini. Their design led to one denominator, and the technical characteristics are generally identical, except for the size and color reproduction.

Apple's small tablet stood the same processor as in AIR, but its frequency was programmatically improved to prevent the device overheating. Bullshit, Greed like a third iPad.

The gap between the start of sales in the first wave and in Russia inexorably declined, which could neither please all the gadgetomans of our country.

  • iPad Air 2.

Changes in your hands. - Apple

Sales of new Apple tablets started in Russia simultaneously with the United States. Received a new A8X processor (which was created specifically for it), 8-nuclear video chip and 2 GB of RAM. What "Delivered" everyone else, it is still on the top of the performance rating and is inferior only to the recent Pro.

Plus, AIR 2 received many other nice chips: Touch ID, pumped LTE, the body of gold color, additional shooting modes, anti-reflective screen coating, Apple Pay support and barometer.

  • ipad mini 3.

Touch ID technology - Apple

Received Touch ID, the body of gold color and ... everything.

Perhaps the most useless update.

  • iPad Pr.

Thin. Easy. Grandiose. - Apple

You can argue for a long time, why and how to use it, but the fact remains a fact.

iPad 3 was published in the spring of 2012. He became next after the two generations of Apple creations. He got a lot of new. Some details produced a competitor to Apple - Samsung. As a result of cooperation, we can see the third ipad. What is he, iPad 3 A1430? Product Description will make it possible to understand the possibilities of the novelties.

Characteristics 3 iPad.

This device screen is all. Apple has surpassed itself again. Improved display - improving so many components of the tablet. The novelty is equipped with an excellent display - Retina (Retina). Such a display has a high extension, color saturation and accommodates 3,100,000 pixels. This is 4 times more than that of the 2nd iPad model. Such an extension is superior to many television screens.

The display created by Retina technology has a high pixel density that allows you to hide these pixels from the human eye. The screen installed in the second model has a stronger transmission, in the third screen luminescence is more dull. But at the same time, the transfer of color is excellent, although the transmission of the White goes to warmer shades. Some users noticed that the viewing angle in the new model is slightly less than the previous one. But it is not tragic, because why look at the screen under an extreme uncomfortable angle?

Although the Diagonal of Apad remained, as before 9.7, resolution has changed from 768 * 1024 at 1536 * 2048. Accordingly, the density of pixels in an inch from 132 to 264 increased, the pixel size decreased almost twice as 96 kmk. An amazing feature is that pixels are raised and separated from signals. Therefore, the human eye is not able to distinguish them and sees a picture as a whole.

This technology allows you to take a fresh look at the image transmitted by the device. You can notice what I used to slip away from your view and see photos in more detail and clearly. The transfer of flowers is white deep and live, which never ceases to please the eyes.

A5X Dual-core processor allows you to increase 2 times with graphic programs in the tablet, in comparison with the predecessor. This allows you to exit the tablet to a new level of games and their video display. You will be comfortable from the speed and perception of images from the screen. Improved signal processing and it will allow you to reduce "braking" to not. The operational memory of the device with 512 MB has grown to 1024. At the same time, the number of cores of the graphics processor is 4.

The combination of processor power and four graphic cores allows you to display what is happening on the screen smoothly and dynamically. This is an important component for those who love game applications.

The technical characteristics of iPad 3 allow you to surf on the Internet, communicate on social networks, read, lead active work to ten o'clock. The capacity of the battery is 11,560 ma * h. The disadvantage in this situation is that for one hundred percent charging from a fully discharged battery is necessary about seven hours. This is not surprising, because the capacity of the battery is increased significantly. The screen is equipped with a oleophobic coating, so you do not need to worry about how to clean it. After all, doing it is easy.

It has a built-in camera on the 5th Megapixel Isight. The optics of this camera is created for iPhone 4S. Focuses with a touch touch. Recognizes individuals yourself, so take pictures easily. You can still record video files as HD 1080P to thirty frames per second. Works stabilization of the image during video shooting.

FaceTime VGA camera allows you to see each other even if you are hundreds of kilometers. This is available via Wi-Fi connection or using mobile communications. One touch and you see your loved ones! Shoot in good quality video and make quality photos became an integral part of modern life. Now photos of loved ones have become even better and brighter.

Wi-Fi has purchased a higher speed. He became faster twice. It is dual-band: 2.4 GHz, 5.0 GHz. It is capable of gluing the channel and therefore develops speed up to 150 megabits per second. Work on the Internet will be more pleasant and faster. In addition to Wi-Fi, iPad 3 has 4G. Which allows you to use the mobile Internet if Wi-Fi is not available, or its signal is very weak.

Apple developers have improved mobile Internet through HSDPA communication up to 21 Mbps. Added the ability to transfer data via DC-HSDPA at a speed of 42 Mbps. The third model has the ability to connect to the LTE network at an affordable speed of 73 Mbps. Of course, if the device is in the coverage area of \u200b\u200bsuch a connection.

The ability of the device to connect to a large number of networks significantly promotes the device to a new level. In the modern world, most of the active life is focused on the Internet, whether it is work or rest, communication in social networks. You can have the ability to access the network and the high transfer rate of a lot determines which technical product to buy for use.

This tablet has an ILIFE program set. Here, the new version of "Garagazband" will allow remotely to combine up to four devices simultaneously. This application allows you to play music and record songs. In another, the application you can use the removed video in order to mount the roller trailer.

The iFoto application allows you to configure it in the images. If you will touch one photo twice, then the system will find all similar images and display them on the screen. Multitouch gestures are able to improve snapshots and you can add different photo processing effects. It's so simple, just a few clicks!

In a collision with difficulties, a Siri assistant will come to the rescue. This assistant will discern not only with the search for questions, but also make a note or recall the meeting. At the same time, Siri understands not only what you say, but also what you mean.

The physical parameters have changed a bit - iPad 3 slot thicker, 9.4 mm, instead of 8.6. The weight of the new model became 50 more grams. It's not too big difference and you are quick to get used to it. Admitted access point mode - Personal Hotspot.

Used SIM card - Micro. There is only one connector for the communication chip. In order to comfortably use the device, IOS version is needed not earlier than 5.1. In order to perform operations with the tablet through the iTunes program on the PC, it is necessary to update it up to 10.6.

For the previous model, IOS 4.3 and iTunes 10.2 were enough. For comfortable work, periodically put upgrades. The assessed IOS version for iPad 3 is 9.3.5. If you put a newer version, the device will not be able to work correctly.

The model navigation is supplemented with GLONASS support (except Wi-Fi models) and IBeacons . Bluetooth version is now 4.0. HFP profile appeared and pbap , Bluetooth LE support.

CONCLUSION: Although there were some not comfortable to use moments as weight and thickness, but the new model pleases with its internal changes. The display assumes images to a new level. The processor in combination with the RAM and the graphics processor transferred the quality of graphics of video games to a new level.

With an updated camera, you can record high-quality video, take a photo and arrange vidososhons. Making communication with close more affordable. Image quality came to a new level and snapshots now to look through even more pleasant. Apple tablets have long been loved by the world, and the company never ceases to please admire fans.

Information about the brand, model and alternative names of a particular device, if any.


Information on sizes and weight of the device presented in different units of measurement. Used materials offered colors, certificates.


Information about width - meant the horizontal side of the device when it is standard orientation during use.

241.2 mm (millimeters)
24.12 cm (centimeters)
0.79 ft (ft)
9.5 In (inches)

Information about height - meant the vertical side of the device when it is standard orientation during use.

185.7 mm (millimeters)
18.57 cm (centimeters)
0.61 ft (ft)
7.31 In (inches)

Information about the thickness of the device in different units of measurement.

9.4 mm (millimeters)
0.94 cm (centimeters)
0.03 ft (ft)
0.37 in (inches)

Information about the weight of the device in different units of measurement.

662 g (grams)
1.46 LBS (pounds)
23.35 OZ (ounce)

The approximate volume of the device calculated on the basis of the size provided by the manufacturer. Refers to devices with a form of rectangular parallelepiped.

421.03 cm³ (Cubic centimeters)
25.57 In³. (cubic inches)


The SIM card is used in mobile devices to save data certifying the authenticity of mobile services subscribers.

Mobile networks

Mobile network is a radio system that allows multiple mobile devices to exchange data among themselves.


GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) is designed to replace an analog mobile network (1G). For this reason, GSM is very often called 2G mobile network. It is improved by adding GPRS (General Packet Radio Services), and later and EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution).

GSM 850 MHz.
GSM 900 MHZ.
GSM 1800 MHz.
GSM 1900 MHz.

CDMA (Code-Division Multiple Access) is a channel access method used in communications in mobile networks. Compared to other 2G and 2.5G standards, such as GSM and TDMA, it provides higher data transfer rates and the ability to connect more consumers at the same time.

CDMA 800 MHz.
CDMA 1900 MHz.

CDMA2000 is a group of 3G mobile network standards based on CDMA. Their advantages include a more powerful signal, fewer network interruptions and cliffs, support for an analog signal, wide spectral coverage, etc.

1xEV-Do Rev. A.

UMTS is a reduction in Universal Mobile Telecommunications System. It is based on GSM standard and refers to 3G mobile networks. A 3GPP has been developed and its greatest advantage is the provision of greater speed and spectral efficiency due to W-CDMA technology.

UMTS 1900 MHz.
UMTS 2100 MHZ.

LTE (Long Term Evolution) is defined as the fourth-generation technology (4G). It has been developed by 3GPP based on GSM / EDGE and UMTS / HSPA in order to increase the capacity and speed of wireless mobile networks. The subsequent development of technologies is called LTE Advanced.

LTE 700 MHz Class 13
LTE 700 MHz Class 17
LTE 2100 MHZ.

Mobile communication technology and data transfer rate

Communication between devices in mobile networks is carried out through technologies that provide different data transfer rates.

Operating system

The operating system is system software, controlling and coordinating the hardware components in the device.

SOC (crystal system)

The system on the crystal (SOC) includes all the most important hardware components of the mobile device in one chip.

SOC (crystal system)

The system on the crystal (SOC) integrates various hardware components, such as a processor, a graphics processor, memory, periphery, interfaces, etc., as well as the Softera needed for their operation.

Apple A5X APL5498.
Technological process

Information on the technological process to which the chip is made. The nanometers in the nanometers measured half the distance between the elements in the processor.

45 nm (nanometers)
Processor (CPU)

The main function of the processor (CPU) of the mobile device is the interpretation and execution of instructions contained in software applications.

ARM Cortex-A9
Processor discharge

The processor bit (bits) of the processor is determined by the size (in bits) of registers, targeted tires and tires for data. 64-bit processors have a higher performance compared to 32-bit, which are more productive for their part than 16-bit processors.

32 bits
Architecture of a set of commands

Instructions are the commands with which the software is set / manages the operation of the processor. Information about the command set (ISA) that the processor can perform.

First Level Cache Memory (L1)

Cache memory is used by a processor to reduce access to more frequently used data and instructions. L1 (Level 1) Cache memory is characterized by a small volume and works much faster both the system memory and other levels of cache memory. If the processor does not detect the requested data in L1, it continues to look for them in L2 cache. With some processors, this search is performed simultaneously in L1 and L2.

32 KB + 32 KB (kilobytes)
Second Level Cache Memory (L2)

L2 (Level 2) Cache memory is slower than L1, but in return, it is distinguished by a large range that allows caching more data. It, as well as L1, is much faster than system memory (RAM). If the processor does not detect the requested data in L2, it continues to search them in L3 cache (if available) or in RAM memory.

1024 KB (kilobytes)
1 MB (megabytes)
Kingdom of processor cores

The core of the processor performs software instructions. There are processors with one, two or more nuclei. The presence of a larger number of nuclei increases performance, allowing parallel execution of a plurality of instructions.

Processor clock frequency

The processor clock frequency describes its speed by means of cycles per second. It is measured in megahertz (MHz) or Gighellians (GHZ).

1000 MHz (Meghertz)
Graphic Processor (GPU)

The graphics processor (GPU) processes the calculations for various 2D / 3D graphic applications. In mobile devices, it is used most often by games, consumer interface, video applications, etc.

PowerVR SGX543 MP4.
Kolynism of the core processor

Like a processor, the graphics processor consists of several working parts, which are called nuclei. They handle graphic calculations of different applications.


RAM (RAM) is used by the operating system and all installed applications. Data that are stored in RAM is lost after turning off or restarting the device.

1 GB (gigabytes)
RAM type (RAM)

Information about the type of RAM (RAM) used by the device.


Built-in memory

Each mobile device has a built-in (non-removable) memory with a fixed volume.


The mobile device screen is characterized by its technology, resolution, pixel density, diagonal length, color depth, etc.

Type / Technology

One of the main characteristics of the screen is the technology on which it is manufactured and on which the quality of the information image directly depends.


Mobile devices the screen size is expressed by the length of its diagonal, measured in inches.

9.7 IN (inches)
246.38 mm (millimeters)
24.64 cm (centimeters)

Approximate screen width

7.76 IN (inches)
197.1 mm (millimeters)
19.71 cm (centimeters)

Approximate screen height

5.82 in (inches)
147.83 mm (millimeters)
14.78 cm (centimeters)
Aspect ratio

The ratio of the size of the length of the screen to its short side


Screen resolution shows the number of pixels vertically and horizontally screen. Higher resolution means a clearer image item.

2048 x 1536 pixels
Pixel density

Information on the number of pixels on a centimeter or an inch screen. Higher density allows you to show information on the screen with clearer items.

264 PPI (pixels per inch)
103 ppcm. (pixels for centimeter)
Color depth

The color color depth reflects the total number of bits used for the color components in one pixel. Information about the maximum number of colors that the screen may show.

24 bits
16777216 Flowers

Approximate area in percent, occupied by the screen on the front panel of the device.

65.26% (interest)
Other features

Information about other features and screen characteristics.

Resistance to scratches
Oleophobic (Lipophobic) Coating


Various sensors perform various quantitative measurements and convert physical indicators to signals that the mobile device recognizes.

Rear camera

The main mobile camera camera is usually located on its rear panel and can be combined with one or more additional cameras.

Image resolution

One of the main characteristics of the cameras is the resolution. It is the number of horizontal and vertical pixels in the image. For convenience, smartphone manufacturers often indicate permission in megapixels, indicating an approximate number of pixels in millions.

2592 x 1944 pixels
5.04 mp (megapixels)
Video resolution

Information on the maximum allowing video allowing that can record the camera.

1920 x 1080 pixels
2.07 MP (megapixels)
Video recording speed (personnel frequency)

Information about the maximum recording speed (frames per second, FPS) supported by the camera at maximum resolution. Some of the most basic speed recording speeds 24 FPS, 25 FPS, 30 FPS, 60 FPS.

30 frames / sec (Frames per second)


Smartphones have one or more frontal chambers of various designs - POP-UP camera, swivel camera, cutout or hole in the display, camera under the display.


Information on the type of loudspeakers and supported by the audio technology.


Mobile radio radio is a built-in FM receiver.


Information on navigation and location devices supported by the device.


Wi-Fi is a technology that provides wireless communication for data transfer to close distances between different devices.


Bluetooth is the standard of secure wireless data transfer between different devices of different types for short distances.


USB (Universal Serial Bus) is an industrial standard that allows different electronic devices to exchange data.

Plug for headphones

This is an audio connector, which is also called the audio connector. The most widely used standard in mobile devices is 3.5 mm headphone jack.

Connecting devices

Information on other important connection technologies supported by the device.


The web browser is a software application for accessing and viewing information on the Internet.

Formats / Codecs Video Files

Mobile devices support different formats and codecs of video files that are respectively preserved and encoded / decoded digital video data.


Mobile batteries differ from each other in its capacity and technology. They provide an electrical charge needed for their operation.


The battery capacity shows the maximum charge that it is capable of saving, measured in milliamme aperture.

11560 mA · h (milliamper watch)
A type

The type of battery is determined by its structure and, more specifically used by chemicals. There are different types of batteries, while most often in mobile devices are used lithium-ion and lithium-ion-polymer batteries.

Li-Polymer (Lithium Polymer)
Talk time 2G.

The time of the conversation in 2G is the period of time for which the battery charge is discharged completely at a continuous conversation in 2G network.

9 h (clock)
540 min (minutes)
0.4 days
2G waiting time

Waiting time in 2G is the time period for which the battery charge is discharged completely when the device is in standby mode (STAND-BY) and connected to 2G network.

720 h (hours)
43200 min (minutes)
30 days
Talk time 3G.

The conversation time in 3G is the time period for which the battery charge is discharged completely with a continuous conversation in the 3G network.

9 h (clock)
540 min (minutes)
0.4 days
3G waiting time

Waiting time in 3G is a period of time for which the battery charge is discharged completely when the device is in standby mode (Stand-BY) and connected to 3G network.

720 h (hours)
43200 min (minutes)
30 days

Information on some additional characteristics of the device battery.


Specific absorption coefficient (SAR)

The SAR level indicates the number of electromagnetic radiation absorbed by the human body during using the mobile device.

SAR level for body (EU)

The SAR level indicates the maximum number of electromagnetic radiation, which is subject to the human body if you keep your mobile device at the thigh level. The maximum allowable SAR value for mobile devices in Europe is 2 W / kg per 10 grams of human tissue. This standard is established by the Cenelec Committee subject to the ICNIRP instructions from 1998 and IEC standards.

0.96 W / kg (Watt per kilogram)
Body SAR Level (USA)

The SAR level indicates the maximum number of electromagnetic radiation, which is subject to the human body if you keep your mobile device at the thigh level. The highest permissible SAR value in the United States is 1.6 W / kg per gram of human tissue. This value is set by FCC, and CTIA controls the Mobile Device Compliance with this standard.

1.19 W / kg (Watt per kilogram)