Collect the spotlight LED with their own hands. Making a powerful simple LED spotlight svomi

The construction season this year was decided not to close, and since in the fall and even more so in the winter the powerful source of light would need a powerful light source. Especially now when we started the facade, it is necessary that the light covers the entire side of the facade. For this purpose was made a powerful simple LED floodlight with her hands.

We order components and collect a simple spotlight with your own hands on 50W.

For the manufacture of this simple LED spotlight left for 5 minutes.

The peculiarity of this powerful matrix is \u200b\u200bthat it does not require the LED driver. 220 volts connect directly to it. At the same time, the price is very low, consider for nothing.

And so choose more powerful on 50 watt. Warm White - Warm white (closer to the incandescent lamp by tone) or Cold White - cold white.

I will tell you that 50 W for LEDs is decent.

The reverse side of the module is an aluminum substrate.

I took without a lenses. But for the next home-made searchlight, I must order with the lenses. The fact is that the price of this is almost not changed. The difference is about 20 rubles. The lens included reflector.

Plus, the contacts 220 will need to somehow isolate, close, and the lens will close them.

On this photo, the matrix together with the lens and reflector.

For this LED module necessarily a radiator. I just took the string of an aluminum sheet (I was in the covers). He drilled four holes in it 3mm under the fastening of the LED module and two more holes for fastening the wire with a screed (self-pulling strap).

A thin layer of the LED module inflicted on the reverse stronment of the LED module (residues from the processor replacement in the laptop).

Actually everything is very primitive and visible on the pictures. It is certainly not a kind of civilian, he does not hang on the facade, but for the construction site.

Do not forget that contacts 220V are open! Be sure to insulate!
I poured lacquered and the film pasted on top.

This is a type of fastening LED - matrix on the reverse side.

And here is a homemade spotlight in work. I do not know whether it shines on 50w, but shines quite brightly. I tried to work at night by sending a searchlight to the facade, everything was fine. The light spot covered the entire facade in two floors.

Option for phytolamba.

By the way, such lED matrices are with a special spectrum of glow for plants (seedlings). Moreover, in one module contains all the requirements of the glow spectrum.

The lighting devices of the new generation are fundamentally different from old models. They are economical, demonstrate high power and practically do not need maintenance.

The steady demand for high-quality sources of light caused the emergence of a large number of products from the countries of Southeast Asia, which do not differ neither reliability or durability.

The LED searchlight made by its own hands will allow to get a fairly high-quality product. Consider how to make a cheap and quite workable spotlight from the remedies.

The design of the LED spotlight is simple. The main elements of the device are:

  1. Driver.
  2. Light-emitting diode.

The driver is a block or a power source that receives the standard 220 V and converts them to the power required for the operation of the LED flashlight. The feature of the drivers that distinguishes it from the adapters is not to voltage or power, but on a stable current strength (adapters the main parameter is voltage).

Attention! By purchasing the driver, you need to pay attention to the main indicator. If the value is specified in volts (for example, 24 VDC), then this is an adapter.

The LED in this case is not a separate element, but an assembly of several units with the same characteristics. They are manufactured by special technology to obtain identical crystals. A set of crystals connected sequentially parallel is a LED matrix or LED-Cheap. A distinctive feature of the matrix is \u200b\u200ba large allocation of heat that destroys crystals and requires cooling or removal with radiators.

In addition to the main nodes, the spotlight consists of the following elements:

  1. Case.
  2. Reflector.
  3. Lens.

The purpose of the hull is clear without explanation. The focusing lens creates a compact and directed light stream, more concentrated and dense. The role of the reflector is somewhat different than in conventional spotlights. The initial optics of the LED gives a beam of light with an opening angle of 120 °. Therefore, the reflector function is not so much the reflection of the multi-directional rays, how much flow seal.

Required materials and details

Make a homemade LED searchlight can be from the details that are handed over to hand, or purchased in a specialized store. It is necessary to consider the design so that all elements are as follows each other. The necessary materials are not necessary to acquire, you can use the old lamp, take the LEDs from the broken street lamp, etc. Consider which items are needed in order to collect a powerful LED spotlight.


The easiest option is to purchase a finished LED lamp with a standard basement and connecting it to the network. But such a homemade can hardly be called a searchlight. The optimal option is a matrix on SMD 5050 LEDs, inexpensive and high-quality, providing a bright powerful beam of light. They are attached to a thin fiberglass mounted on a thick aluminum plate, which performs the functions of heat dissipation. You can use ready-made radiators with a large number of plates, the effectiveness of which is much higher, but the dimensions do not always allow them to be placed in a limited space of the searchlight case.

Read also Select infrared (IR) LED spotlight for video surveillance

Material for housing

A housing can serve any metal or plastic box of the corresponding shape and size. The optimal option is the use of the finished housing from the halogen spotlight. It is sealed, intended for street use, has a suitable size. For people who have skills and opportunities, it will not be difficult to make a housing on their own aluminum sheet. This option will allow you to place a high-quality radiator and ensure the installation of the most effective reflector with the optimal angle of disclosure. It should also be provided for the installation of switches and the method of fastening the housing - to make a slot for the bracket or the mounting bar attached from the outside.

Power supply

Acquisition of the finished driver will help to make the spotlight with your own hands much faster, but for the people prepared and possessing certain skills, it is not difficult to make a power source yourself. The main task is to ensure stable current and voltage.

Important! If there are doubts about their forces, it is better to refuse and purchase the driver from self-making. Errors when calculating or assembly can lead to a fire.

Scheme and printed circuit board of a simple LED spotlight

There are a large number of power sources of varying degrees of complexity. The easiest (and more reliable) use the classic version of the scheme with a quenching capacitor:

This option is a test transformer power source type that allows you to get a very compact device collected from inexpensive and affordable parts that do not require complex settings. The inlet non-polar capacitor with a capacity of 1 μF is phared with a compound resistor, which can be replaced by any other sample with a capacity of 240 to 1 MΩ and with a capacity of 0.25 W. They are connected to one shoulder of the diode bridge, which is assembled on 4 diodes 1N4007. The straightened voltage additionally smoothes the polar capacitor at 10 μF 400 V. LEDs are divided into 2 groups connected in parallel. Each group consistently connected 50 units. Each branch passes a current of 19 mA, which corresponds to the nominal.

The circuit board does not require high accuracy and can be made on a laser printer.

To effectively remove heat energy, leave the opposite direction. The location of the mounting holes is selected so that the maximum dense contact with the heat sink plate or radiator is ensured.

Procedure for assembling the searchlight

Consider how to assemble the LED spotlight with your own hands.

  1. The assembly begins with the LED attack on the circuit board. To do this, use a low-power soldering iron or station. After completion, it is necessary to check each LED separately and the entire matrix is \u200b\u200bentirely on performance.
  2. Then collect the driver. Usually use a mounted way (without a circuit board), as few parts are used. Their location must be thoroughly thought out so that they fit freely in the compartment. It is necessary to leave enough space for the power wire.
  3. The findings of parts in order to avoid closure should be isolated by a cambrick or a shrink tube. The collected power source is checked for performance, first separately using a multimeter, then with a load (a trial connection of LEDs is performed). The disadvantages are eliminated.
  4. After successful trial inclusion, the final assembly of the searchlight is proceeded. The matrix with LEDs is tightly joined to the radiator. If not ready, you can use an aluminum corner, drowned from thick (about 5 mm) plate. One shelf corner screws to the charging body, the matrix is \u200b\u200battached to the second. Between it and the plate need to be applied to the thermal chaser for a better leading of thermal energy.
  5. Then install the reflector. If not ready, you can do the installation of aluminum foil, designs from mirror plastic or other materials with high reflective abilities. The optimal option is the use of rigid sheet materials that allow you to make a solid design with a given configuration.
  6. The assembly is completed by setting the protective glass or focusing lens. Most often used glass, since finding a lens is much more complicated, and its price is quite high. If it is planned to use a searchlight for street lighting, all joints on the perimeter isolate from the water with a sealant.

The LED searchlight will make it possible to obtain a powerful light source with a small power consumption. At the same time, you can take into account your own needs - to make a shockproof case or portable design. As a basis, you can take an old lighting device, an aluminum profile or plastic frame. LED searchlight with your own hands can be made from spare parts from old computers, and LED lamps are sold in electrician stores.

Features of the design of the searchlight

You can take an old halogen or LED searchlight and upgrade it, improving the light source and reflector. If there is no such available, you can buy a cheap street lamp, you only need to replace some elements.

If it is worth the task of making a lantern for your own needs and preferences, the whole design will have to be thought out independently. This is an option for experienced craftsmen who collected do it yourself not one electrical appliance. In this case, you need to select the light source and current source. It is better to provide cooling so that the device does not overheat.

Spotlights that are constantly operated on the street, you need to protect against moisture. Glass and all the joints of the case need to be well selected. Over the lantern it is recommended to hang a visor to protect against precipitation.

Required materials and details

Required parts for assembling LED searchlight can be taken from the old computer or laptop. If there is no suitable case, it can be assembled independently from a metal profile.

Corps material

Cheap lights make with a plastic case. Their advantage is in a short weight and low cost. But plastic loses metal in durability, it is impossible to operate all year round. If you plan to hang a searchlight over the entrance to the garage or house, it is better to make a metal case. Depending on the operating conditions, you can provide a handle-carrying and protection against shock.

The main thing in the housing is the holes on top and bottom for ventilation. From long work LEDs are heated, they need to be effectively cooled. Through the upper holes, the air enters, blows all the details and takes heat from them. Through the bottom holes, the fans blow out of the exhaust air. This design of the searchlight is not suitable for the street.

Sources of light

The main plus LED lamps in the durability of the service. They work 50,000 hours, 10 times longer than halogen lamps. With a competent location of reflectors, the brightness of the LEDs in the spotlight will be much higher than that of other lamps.

If a bright light source is required, it is better to take several small LEDs of 1 or 3 W. For the medium-sized device, you will need 20 pieces. Street lamp must have a power of at least 30 W.

Power supply

LED floodlight with your own hands can be made by 12 or 220 volts. You can choose a power source in the computers store for computers. For example, for the searchlight with 20 LEDs, 1 W is suitable for the power supply from a laptop to 19 V. Sources of current better to immediately buy in moisture-resistant building, then you will not need to invent our own protection.

Assembly process

To make a LED searchlight, you need to prepare:

  • soldering iron;
  • termoklay;
  • sealant;
  • feed wires;
  • reflector.

To enhance light, a finished reflector or mirror tape is used.

Collect a searchlight

Separate LEDs must be collected in the chain immediately on the radiator. Suitable cooler from computer, laptop or server. Diodes are attached to thermal and combine tracks or wires. After that, the power supply is connected, check the operation of the bulbs and fan. It is important to make sure that the radiator supports a constant temperature, for this you can use the infrared gun.

Chassis of the spotlight can be collected from the old lantern, bracket and aluminum pipe. In the lantern you need to make a hole at the bottom for the fans. The aluminum tube is suitable as a base, and the old bracket can be used as a carrying handle.

Connect to the network

After completing all the work, you need to connect the searchlight to the network and check it. It is better to do it on the street in a complete darkness in front of the wall. From a large distance you need to evaluate the spot of light that gives a lamp. In the future, the device can be improved, add a portable battery and a USB charging connector. A comfortable handle with a crochet will allow you to take a lantern on hiking and fishing.

While the LED products did not enter our life. Finally, the production has not fully on the rails, the price of LED lighting will continue to bite. But why wait or worse, overpay, if you can collect the searchlight of the desired power by our instructions.

Electrotechnical features of working with LEDs

If you intend to use LED technique, you will not hurt to learn about some intricacies of working with it, which will partly be called shortcomings. On the one hand, LEDs are compact, economical and durable light sources, and on the other?

Solid-state semiconductor elements are critical sensitive to high temperatures in the active zone. The phenomenon called degradation is to lose the semiconductor of alloying additives, which is expressed in reducing the light flux or the final output.

a) the design of the usual LED: 1 - anode; 2 - cathode; 3 - conductor; 4 - crystal; 5 - plastic lens
b) the design of a powerful LED: 1 - housing; 2 - conductor; 3 - heat sink; 4 - crystal; 5 - lens; 6 - cathode

At a temperature of 60 ° C, the LED degrads very quickly and the manufacturer's declared by 50 thousand hours in the end turns around at 3-5 thousand. And the more powerful the single LED, the higher the probability of its rapid aging due to overheating. Therefore, when developing lighting devices, a high-quality heat removal system is installed at the head of the corner, as well as the breaking of the emitter to several points and their correct layout.

Another feature of the LEDs - they can pass only a limited number of electrons per unit of time. The network that feeds the LED should be stabilized by the current, otherwise there is strong overheating and associated negative consequences. The current in the power circuit is regulated by the applied voltage and is limited to the resistor on each of the LEDs. When developing a connection scheme, you need a thorough calculation: overestimate the voltage and LEDs will quickly fail, and you will make it too low - they will shine rarely.

The most simple spotlights have only one light-emitting element, in the devices of high power it is recommended to distribute the load for a more efficient heat removal. In such cases, the compound may be serial, parallel or mixed. The first is not entirely safe: if one of the LEDs begging, it can either break the chain or shunt it. With a parallel (and especially mixed) compound, the risk is a risk that, after turning off, from the circuit of one consumer, the current in the supply network will increase to unacceptable values.

Spot sources and matrices: choice, purchase

There are three types of LEDs that are wisely used in the manufacture of spotlights. Note that when assembling a light instrument from several LEDs, they must be identical to both the type and volt-ampere characteristics. It is also recommended to purchase up to a dozen spare diodes as a repair kit and in case of damage when installing.

LEDs in the form of a plastic capsule with pin leads are suitable for making small spotlights and lanterns. This is the cheapest type of product, and the final product will eventually be relatively easy to repair.

Second Type - Superior White LEDs on a metal substrate. They should be used in high-power lighting devices, it's easy to remove heat from them.

Another variety of LEDs serve high-power LED matrices. It is not recommended to independently produce spotlights with a power of matrices 20 W and above: it will not be possible to effectively with the heat of the simple measure.

Details of the hull and reflector

There are a number of solutions for the hull of the homemade spotlight. If a high degree of dust-moisture protection is required for a street lamp, then the car headlight will fit. The bodie of the base of the lamp will need to be cut and fix over the panel with the LED matrix. The lack of the method is the limited power of the searchlight, despite the fact that only one matrix will fit in it.

If you place several LEDs or matrices on one printed circuit board or mounting panel, the housing can be made of tin or thin steel. On the workpiece, mark the widening of the truncated pyramid: the square in the center and the same inaccessible trapezoids on the sides. Do not forget to leave the "tongue" on one of the lateral sides of each trapezoid to dock the petals among themselves. Also in a smaller base of the trapezion should leave a rectangular strip of about 15-20 mm, and in the center of the square cut another one with a side by 20-25 mm less.

When the pattern is ready, pollore the edges, bend the housing and connect the seams with rims. The inner surface is proper, open the white aerosol paint without a gloss and leave to dry for 2-3 days. From the front side of the case, make a diagonal of the square cut of the glass of suitable sizes and lean it to the curved shelves from the inside. On the contour of the glass abundantly pass on white silicone, they also wake the housing seams.

Fastening the mounting panel or fees Perform on eight bolts of 4 mm, pre-winding over the edges of each shelf on the narrow side of the case. In order for the plate to fit tightly, use the seal for the doors from the PVC foamed. Cut the bolts will not be easy, their heads are not available, so use a pair of finished nuts at the end.

Installation of radio elements

If you have chosen LEDs with pin outputs, the textolite plate will be required to install them. Think up the placement scheme and draw the carnigue tracks permanent marker. Anodes of all LEDs (long tails) is permissible to collect on one tire "mass". Cathodes are also collected in one point, but in the power supply circuit of each LED, the current-limiting resistor should be sequentially included.

Its calculation is simple: from the voltage of the supply network, we subtract the voltage of the LED and divide to the maximum allowable current. To reinforce the source voltage fluctuations, the allowable LED current can be deliberately understood up to 90-95% of the passport value.

An example of a LED matrix scheme from diodes with a 3 volt operating voltage and a working current of 20 mA

Approximate supply voltage for one LED is 4 V. If the source gives more, it is advisable to include diodes on a mixed diagram where garlands are connected in parallel, in each of which one LED for every 4-5 voltage. The permissible current for such a serial assembly is defined as the sum of permissible currents of each, and the direct voltage remains the same, provided that each LED has the same parameter.

Having placed the elements and drawing tracks, protect the textolite plate in citric acid solution (30-50 g), 3 percent hydrogen peroxide (100 ml) and cooking salts (2 teaspoons), periodically checking the degree of dissolution of unprotected areas. Drill the holes for the pin pins with a 1.5-2 mm drill, drill eight holes for fastening the board to the body, and then thoroughly bridge the current parts of the solder with rosin.

For LED matrix, you can also use a circuit board.

If you collect diodes or matrix on a cooling substrate, their installation is carried out by attaching. As an assembly panel, select an aluminum radiator of the type "Cottage". Each LED is mounted through two or three holes, mark them all immediately and drill on the back of the radiator with a 2.5 mm drill.

For fastening, use short screws of 3.5x11 mm for metal profiles, but without a boraner at the end. Before fixing the diode, apply a small number of CPT-8 thermal paste on the substrate.

The cathode (-) and the anode (+) at the LEDs with the substrate labeled, the connection scheme and the calculation of the protective resistors are the same for all types. You should connect the elements with each other by the segment of the telephone wire. In order not to perform an excess work, the anodes can be immediately soldered with short jumpers to the aluminum radiator body.

Question about the power supply

After assembling the LEDs, you will have two conclusions to which it would be nice to file a voltage, but where does it come from? Household power sources here are little applicable here, a LED driver is needed to power the LEDs, an outstanding permanent current stable value.

For most products, the driver of interior lighting systems is suitable or for LED tapes. It is better to purchase a power source in advance to calculate the number and diagram of the diodes compound according to the outlet voltage and the total stabilization current.

For small crafts, you can use the mainstream power supply units with an output pulsating current of 0.5-1.5 A and voltage by 3-5 V above the direct voltage of diodes. You can stabilize the power supply to the LM317 microcircuit, use LM350 and LM338 for more powerful spotlights, respectively, increasing the power of the source.

The current limitation of the microcircuit can be adjusted by changing the resistance of the resistor. Its nominal is defined as 1.25 / i, where I is a LED current or assembly.

: 6 parts required for assembly. How to make a searchlight

We make a LED spotlight with your own hands, all in detail

With the development of technologies, the lighting devices go wide steps. The development of old technologies and the emergence of new forced to constantly adapt and upgrade their lighting equipment. So it's time to postpone the outdated halogen spotlights, which have already become ineffective in comparison with newer LED devices.

Constructive features

Spotlights based on LEDs have much greater energy savings, more ninety thousand hours can work, and they absolutely do not need maintenance. Capable in all weather conditions, also the quality of the emitted light has become much better.

Device of the LED spotlight

The design of such devices is incredibly simple, which makes it possible to easily make the LED spotlight with their own hands, at home.

The simplicity of the design allows you to avoid any serious breakdowns, and those that can occur are easily and quickly repaired.

A LED floodlight from the case, brackets for fixing, LED matrix and driver, which regulates the operation and supply of electricity. The matrix consists of static diodes, which are fixed on the board and are protected by special polymers from external influence.

Required parts for assembly

If you decide to make a searchlight with your own hands, then surely you have a question. What details need to be prepared to make yourself a high-quality device for use.

We have prepared a small list of necessary details for you, which must be collected in your garage or buy those that are missing:

  • Of course, we need the LED matrix with the driver installed. It can be bought in a specialized electronics store or squeeze from the old lantern. If you use LEDs from a flashlight, then make sure that their power will be enough for you.
  • You can choose the necessary body from any materials. You can make it from plywood or metal, or take ready from the old halogen lamp. If there is no such possibility, you can buy a housing for the lantern, it is very cheap. Select it follows from your preferences, because it will be used. If for the decor, then a beautiful and harmonious case design should be made. For simple domestic use, it is enough to apply any unpretentious spotlight case.
  • Connecting wires.
  • Material for creating a reflector. For such purposes, a dense food foil is suitable. It can be bought in any supermarket.
  • Sealant and glue.
  • If you want to make a powerful searchlight, 100 or more watts, then you need to add a radiator with a cooler cooler.

Collect homemade spotlight

To make a high-quality LED searchlight, it is necessary to approach the assembly process as serious as possible. Having collected all the necessary details in advance you were just a small part of the work.

Let's consider in detail the stages of the LED searchlight for 220 volts.

  1. If you use the old housing, you must remove all third-party parts from it. You must have a completely empty case without unnecessary cartridges, internal mounting elements and other things. If you install a radiator and cooler, then you need to do holes in the side walls to create ventilation.
  2. The next step will be the assembly of 220 volts LEDs into a single design, and the consolidation of the entire mechanism on a single base. Connect to the wires of the wire required lengths, so that it is easy to remove them to the outer part of the case.
  3. We establish the resulting design in the case and fix with glue. Thus, you can make a high-quality mount without damaging the case and significantly saving time.
  4. We derive the wires into the appropriate hole and fix them in the hole using silicone sealant. The sealant is necessary to make a hermetic design, to prevent moisture from entering and the ability to damage the mechanism.

If you want to make a powerful LED searchlight by 220 volts, then you must also add the radiator. It is installed with the whole LED board. It can also be consolidated with the help of glue or climb wire.

Connect the lamp to the network

To connect our searchlight to 220 volts, it is necessary to pre-prepare. Treat the place in advance where the searchlight will be installed and move the electricity transmission wires there.

Do not comprehend and make them with a margin, perhaps you come to a little moving or adjust the height of the installation of the device, with time.

You will need a power supply that will stabilize the voltage and serve not 220 volts, and 12 or 24, depending on the LEDs you use.

When connecting the electricity supply wires and the outgoing contacts from the device, do not confuse polarity. LEDs will not work with incorrect connection. In the worst case, they can be out of order at all, and all work will be made in vain. Carefully insulate the location of the connection and preferably close the entire wire with a special corrugation or plastic cover. It is best when it is possible to hide the connection location to the device body.

If you install the searchlight on the street, get comfortable about the quality of its consolidation. It is necessary to fix the device as high quality as possible and firmly so that the place of the attachment could withstand the impulses of the wind, the change of weather conditions, the snow and others.

Article assessment:


Simple LED spotlight do it yourself

Today, the entire range of LED searchlights available on the market can be divided into 2 groups: low-cost low-quality and high-cost corporate products. It is worth noting that the second group is actively fake by unscrupulous manufacturers from China, which seriously complicates the choice.

In this article, we consider how to make a LED searchlight on 220 in your own hands, the quality of which is several times higher than cheap Chinese products.

Required details and materials

All materials used in the assembly are in business stores and in the sale of radio-electronic components. In extreme cases, they can be ordered through online stores. The main part is the housing from the halogen spotlight.

If the searchlight is planned to be used in the outdoor, the degree of protection of the case must be no lower than IP67.

Next, you need two-sided foil fiberglass rectangular shape. Its size depends on the inner sizes of the hull of the halogen spotlight. For the attachment of the textolite, an aluminum plate will be required, which will also serve as a heat pipeline between the LEDs and the spotor body.

For more efficient heat removal from LEDs, it is recommended to use the most thin fiberglass.

LEDs will install SMD 5050 in an amount of 100 pcs. For their nutrition, a set of inexpensive radio elements will be required, the choice of which will be said just below. To mount the components, a standard radio amateur tool will be needed on the printed circuit board. In addition, the ability to make homemade printed circuit boards, thermal paste and wires will be useful.

Scheme and printed circuit board of a simple LED spotlight

As a source of power supply of the LED searchlight, we apply a scheme with a quenching capacitor, as the simplest and accessible to each solution. Her principle of action was repeatedly seen earlier. Therefore, we indicate only the main nuances for which you should pay attention to.
At the input of the power supply is a non-polar capacitor with a capacity of 1 μF by 400 or 630 volts. In parallel with it, the resistor is 1 MΩ. You can connect any other resistor with a power of 0.25 W and more with a resistance of 240-1000 com. This is followed by a diode bridge, assembled at four low-cost diodes 1N4007 (IPR \u003d 1 A, UOV \u003d 1000 V). It can be replaced by a diode assembly with the same parameters. The straightened stress is smoothed by a polar capacitor at 10 μF 400 V.

The LEDs on the spotlight circuit board are divided into two successively connected groups of 50 pcs. in each. In the LED scheme, restrictive resistors are not used.

When the power supply is connected to the LEDs between them, a multimeter in the current measurement mode was set. The result showed 38 mA in both branches or 19 mA each, which corresponds to pre-conducted calculated data. With a network voltage of 220 volts, the current through each LED will not exceed the nominal value of 20 mA.

The printed circuit board is manufactured in a standard way with a laser printer and does not require special accuracy. The reverse side of the board remains an unclear for better heat removal. Mounting holes must be placed so that with their help to ensure reliable contact with the radiator.

LED spotlight board in the Sprint Layout 6.0 file: led-plata.lay6

Assembly process

Let's start collecting the spotlight from the installation of LEDs on the printed circuit board. To do this, you can use both a soldering station and a simple low-power soldering iron.
Upon completion, it is necessary to check the installation and performance of each LED separately, using the multimeter in the transversion mode for this.

The next step on the assembly of the LED-spotlight is your own hands the power supply of the power supply is attached. The location of radio components must be thought out so that they fit in the compartment, where the power wire is created. To avoid short circuit, the curtain areas are insulated with a shrink tube. Check the performance of the power source first at idle, and then with load (LEDs).
After a successful short-term launch, we turn to the final assembly of the LED searchlight. First, from the aluminum plate, we make a radiator in the form of a corner.
In such a way that one of his shelf fit to the inner wall of the searchlight, and the second was fastened with LEDs.
In order to increase heat transfer in contact places, we applied the thermal paste, after which we produce the final assembly.

Pros and cons design

An explicit advantage of the design is the simplicity of the assembly and the availability of the parts used. As a result of the operations carried out, a homemade LED spotlight was obtained on the SMD 5050 LEDs with a light output of 18 lm each. In total, the luminous flux of the homemade spotlight will be approximately 1600-2000 lm. The exact value of the illumination must be measured by a luxmeter. It depends on the load current and the color temperature of the used LEDs.

The absence of a restrictive resistor is minus the considered electrical circuit, due to which its reliability in the regions with unstable voltage of the network decreases sharply. A significant voltage jump will cause the burnout of the LEDs. Therefore, we recommend a little improvement of the homemade spotlight, adding it a power scheme with two resistors of 1-2 resistance. Do not forget that LED lighting continues to progress, offering new models of solid-state light sources. In particular, the SMD LED place can take COB matrix, the retail price of which is already available to a wide circle of consumers. COB Matrix simplifies installation, reduces the size of the board, reduces the total time for the manufacture of the searchlight at home.

But it is only possible to remove the heat from the multi-cylinder chip using the fan, which means you have to modify the power supply. For these purposes, a computer cooler is suitable for which there is enough space inside the case. But in this case, the searchlight cannot be operated under the spontaneous sky.

Another progressive step will be the replacement of copper textolite on foil aluminum. In fact, this three-layer material is made of textolite, on one side of which copper is applied to etching printed conductors, and on the other - aluminum for heat removal. It is ideal for building modern LED lanterns and high-power spotlights.

Summing up, I would like to note that it is designed to construct a homemade spotlight on LEDs for each person who is "friendly" with a soldering iron and electricity. And also the assembly of such a self-made device will not only decorate leisure, but also become an economical lighting device in the household.

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LED searchlight - we collect it with your own hands + video instructions

Humanity since ancient times sought to cope with the light and use him for the benefit, because not possessing, unlike some animals, special night vision, man became vulnerable at night. Progress has a feature to accelerate in a geometric sequence, this statement is absolutely true and to the development of lighting technology. For a long time, until the invention of electricity, the only source of light was a live fire, then incandescent lamps appeared, and a new era came. Gradually appeared all new types of lamps - luminescent, halogen, until, finally, the most modern and technological light source did not appear - LEDs. The first time they were imperfect and far from so reliable, as now, and it was very expensive. The situation has changed - the LED modules have become available, reliable and high-quality. Having excellent technical characteristics and operational properties, they firmly strengthened on the market of lighting equipment. In this article we will talk about the very affordable and simple source of bright uniform light on the basis of LEDs - LED searchlight. Characteristics of LED spotlights, how to assemble the LED spotlight with their own hands, how to connect the LED searchlight - all this we will touch in the process of acquaintance with this device.

Design elements

The LED spotlight is a lighting device, the design of which is the voltage converter, a powerful LED, a radiator for removing excess heat and a reflector, for amplification and direction of light flux. It can radiate, both standard white or warm light, and be color, with the ability to change the colors of RGB. The scope of application of this device is practically not limited. LED searchlights are used for home and industrial purposes, highlighting cottages and cottages, backlighting entrances and parking lots.

The advantages of diodes in front of halogen, luminescent, energy-saving and incandescent lamps

Lights on the basis of LED modules have a number of technical and operational advantages over obsolete lamp analogues:

  • The main advantage is small power consumption and high efficiency of devices based on LED modules. Consuming 8-12 times less electricity, LED lamps give the same luminous flux in brightness. This is a significant savings, and when it comes to an industrial scale, when industrial production is carried out, for example, a hundred 500 watt lights, which wind energy around the clock, reducing consumption 10 times will lead to tremendous savings.
  • Quality of light radiation. Unlike outdated analogues on the lamps, LED lights give the most uniform, devoid of enclosures and flickering lighting throughout the area and range. This is, first, the most comfortable environment for the eyes, not carrying the threat of vision and visual discomfort. Secondly, the ideal and undistorted color reproduction, which in many industrial production can be among the main priorities, in connection with the activities of production.
  • Durability and reliability. LED modules do not depend on the operational plan on the number of inclusions and shutdowns. If you use a LED spotlight with a motion sensor, this moment is very relevant. Due to the constant movement response, the searchlight will be constantly turned on and off. LED lamps are designed for 100 thousand and more hours of operation, it is many times more than any lamps. In aggregate with the simplicity and reliability of the design, modern materials that are resistant to mechanical stress, the set of these technical characteristics makes LED lights the perfect choice for highlighting any objects, cottages, industrial industries, houses, streets and squares.

  • Safety and environmental friendliness. LED modules are collected from modern environmentally friendly materials. They do not need any special methods of disposal. When the LED lantern failed, you can replace the LED module, and the old life ended the old life just throw into the trash can. Absolutely without any fear for your health. Safety of LED lighting equipment is the highest. It works on small currents, which means if you decide to make the connection yourself and allow a certain error and, perhaps, get a blow to the current - it will not be so dangerous as in the case of conventional lamps. As for the operational specifications - the LED modules during operation are not heated above 90 degrees, which makes them maximally fireproof.
  • Reliability, simplicity and flexibility of use. LED modules can work without damage even with strong voltage jumps on the network. Connection is very simple, almost any can cope with it. The design of the searchlight is also simple and reliable. In order to replace the module when it exhausted its work resource, it will be enough to unscrew several bolts and disassemble the searchlight body. Further, guided by numerous schemes and helping the Internet, disconnect the old module and connect a new one. Then collect the case, put the spotlight back, screwing the housing to the mount on the surface where the lantern was installed. If you need a backlight not only in the standard daily version - it is enough to purchase a color RGB spotlight, it can change the color in a very wide range of shades.

The lack of only one

The only minus is quite high cost, overlaps the set of advantages more than completely. How much the LED lamp and the quality of the emitted light will last, result in significant savings and means, and nerves, and time.

What characteristics is important to know when choosing

To select the option that suits you, it is advisable to contact a specialist, outlining the conditions of use, the required lighting range, the required backlight intensity and other exciting parameters (brightness and heat of the light stream, the presence of a motion sensor, solar batteries for autonomous work, etc.) .

How to independently make a LED spotlight

If you confidently hold the instrument in your hands, you have an unnecessary or broken spotlight, and you do not want to buy a "cat in a bag", giving a small, but substantial amount for a cheap Chinese lantern, and spend a lot of money on the road disagree - collect a LED searchlight do it yourself. You can even completely discharge all the necessary boards, the benefit on the Internet is more than enough schemes and instructions. But if you are not ready to resort to the soldier, the next option is just for you.

Necessary components

So, we need to make powerful LED spotlights:

directly the diode itself, cooling radiators, fans (computer smaller suitable) and the power board for them (you can take from the charger, preferably from a high-quality adapter, because we do not want fans to fail), electronic voltage converter to supply power On our diode and adjust the brightness. We will also need, as previously said, an unnecessary old spotlight - like a corps donor, where the entire assembled design will be installed.

Stage 1 - the beginning of the assembly

We begin the assembly procedure, attaching all the elements to the cooling radiator, which is needed to remove heat from a very powerful LED. First of all, it will be necessary to fix the diode module with the help of the bolts using the holes in it. Tightly press the diode on the uniform layer of the thermal paste.

Then secure the fans to be used for additional active cooling, which will reduce the operating temperature by another 10-20 degrees and will prolong the already long life of the LED.

Step 2 - Pre-checking performance and temperature measurement

After attach all the remaining parts, connect the diode to the current source (transducer). Serve current to a diode through a voltage converter to check its performance. Check the operation of the fans and flush the voltage on the power supply for batteries and the fans themselves, it should be the same. To make sure that the cooling system is properly operation, it is advisable to accurately measure the temperature using the exact thermometer - for example, an infrared temperature pistol. Temperature should not be higher than 50-60 degrees.

Stage 3 - place the insides in the case

After checking all the components on the performance, you need to place the entire design directly into the prepared body. Do not forget to leave a decent hole from the bottom of the structure - so that the fans blew the air, and also from above - for air intake.

Fans controlling a fee (remind, high-quality, possibly borrowed from the charging adapter), set and connect the wires from the fans.

Stage 4 - Final performance testing

It remains the last time to test the performance of all elements, cut down the size of the housing from the shiny metal (or covered with a dense foil) reflector and collect all the elements of the housing together. Firmly twisting all bolts connecting the elements of the housing together, you can start using the searchlight on the diode module that you could do yourself. Naturally, you need to have some experience in working with electronics, schemes and fees, as well as desire - because many will be easier to buy a finished device. But with their own hands the searchlight, in addition to the pride being caused for itself, will have unique technical characteristics. If you use a powerful 100 watt module, it will replace you with a 600-800 watt halone lantern, which would be much more than the size, overheated and was very dangerous. Lighting range by such a searchlight, depending on the selected reflector angle, will vary from very large to the huge.

Outcome articles

So, summarize the foregoing. In order to choose a searchlight, it is necessary to determine under what conditions it will be used - for industrial (lighting of the warehouse, production) and home targets (courtyard lighting, cottage), one can pick up different spotlights, in accordance with their technical characteristics, including power and color temperatures. . Already on the basis of them, choose a design for the required backlight range, if necessary, select models with the presence of a motion sensor, solar battery or other options. If you want to independently make a LED searchlight - choose and purchase all the necessary components on the radio machine and, armed with the tool, collect exactly what you need. The main thing in both approaches is to acquire high-quality components or equipment from the seller with a proven reputation. This is the key to positive impressions of the future use of equipment.

Video instruction:

How to make a searchlight-do it yourself

Dear visitors!!!

The topic will affect the question: "How to make a floodlight with your own hands," - with minor changes. A searchlight is presented on the photograph, the light source of which is a linear halogen lamp. In winter, due to the temperature differences and the formation of condensate in the spotlight, the disadvantage of such lamps is frequent of their abbreviation.

Replacement lamps-in spotlight

To get rid of unpleasant cases of replacement of lamps in a cold period, I will be proposed by a variant of the separation of the searchlight with a halogen lamp to the spotlight with an energy-saving lamp. To do this, you will need:

  • energy saving lamp;
  • cartridge under the lamp;
  • fastening electrical cartridge.

Cartridge under lamp

The lamp power is selected at your discretion. To install an energy-saving lamp instead of halogen - with the design of the spotlight, you will need to do the following:

  • remove electrical cartridge under the halogen lamp in the spotlight,
  • secure ordinary cartridge with the inner end part of the searchlight.

Changing the connection scheme

When making such changes in the spotlight, the reflective layer in the spotlight remains unchanged. To install the cartridge, it will be necessary to perform a hole in the end portion of the searchlight under the fastening sleeve.

In the end of the cartridge, a thread bushing is screwed, then inside the searchlight (Fig. 1), the sleeve with an electric cartridge is fixed. Figure with numbered fragments gives the following explanation:

  1. cartridge;
  2. thread bushing;
  3. chassis spotlight.

That is, in this way the change in the electrical circuit in the searchlight is done to connect the energy-saving lamp. This example is made of personal practice when I had to redo the street lamp, installed in one of the institutions. Such a lamp (installed in the lantern) served for about two years and I want to say that the energy-saving lamp did not overload at all, but only a contact was burned in the lamp in the basement. The lamp was repaired and it works to the present (illuminates the aquarium). In one of those in detail, the repair of this energy-saving lamp is described.

This method can be removed the halogen spotlight to the LED spotlight.

That's all. Follow the heading.

repair and how to make, LED and assembly, homemade and scheme, housing

Make a LED spotlight is fairly easy, but it is necessary to first examine the theory of technology developing and with them develops devices for lighting. Modernization of old technologies or the emergence of new ones, make us constantly adopt for them and upgrade their devices for lighting. Finally, it's time to remove old halogen lamps, and replace them with LED spotlights that are easy to make themselves.

Spotlight with your own hands: Constructive features

Such spotlights as LED save more electric current and are able to work out more than 100 thousand hours, and there is also no need to maintain them. In addition, they can work under all weather conditions, due to the fact that the amount and quality of the emitted light have improved.

The main components of the LED searchlights are:

  1. Case. It is made of anodized aluminum alloy. Such a housing provides effective heat removal.
  2. Scatter. It is made of high quality and tempered glass.
  3. Reflector. It is made of aluminum. Such a reflector is able to dispel a stream of light by 120 degrees.
  4. LEDs. They can be used for spotlights power, which are more than 50 watts. The use of LEDs for spotlights makes it possible to distribute thermal energy and improve the heat sink, and this already provides an opportunity to use the searchlight of the Bole for a long time.
  5. Radiator. It performs the heat sink function from the matrix of LEDs.
  6. Driver. It performs the function of protection for optimal work of the searchlight when the voltage drops.

The materials for the searchlight can be bought on the flea market or on the Internet

According to the design, the searchlight from the LEDs is pretty easy, which makes it possible to construct such a device on their own independently.

Also, such a simple design allows us to avoid almost all serious breakdowns of the device, and in the event of such situations, they can be repaired quickly.

The components of such a searchlight are: hull, a fixing bracket, a LED matrix, driver. The driver is responsible for the supply of stable voltage, even if in the network interruption network. The matrix consists of diodes that are soldered on the fee and are protected by special polymers, from external exposure.

LED assembly: what will be required

In case of a decision on an independent assembly of the LED spotlight, you in any case will arise the question of which details should be prepared for the manufacture of a high-quality device.

The list of essential spare parts for self-assembly of the LED searchlight is:

  1. The most important part of such a searchlight is a matrix with LEDs and the installed driver. Such a matrix can be purchased at a special electronics store or simply remove from the old lantern. In the event that you will use the LEDs from the flashlight, then you need to be convinced of sufficient power of these LEDs.
  2. Select the housing for the searchlight. It can be chosen from any material or make it independently of plywood or iron, as well as it can be purchased in the store. The cost of such a case is available to everyone. Case selection must be made based on what purpose it will be used in the assembled state. In the event that it is used for scenery, then you should give preference to beautiful and harmonious enclosures, and for household use you can use the easiest case.
  3. Wires for connections. Any cable suitable for the power of the cross section can be used as wires.
  4. Material for the manufacture of reflector. For the manufacture of the reflector, the usual food foil is suitable, which is sold at any store.
  5. Sealant and glue. You can use any sealant and glue to fasten the elements, which is suitable for fastening the elements of the searchlight.

In the event that you will manufacture a searchlight more under 220 W, then you will need to install a cooler with a radiator.

When collecting the LED searchlight, everyone should be done according to the instructions that can be found on the Internet.

A homemade LED floodlight can work no worse than the installation of Datistry AFB3HF from China. With your own hands, you can instead of the familiar halogenk, install a new power supply and an infrared sensor that will include lamps on a certain amount of volts. An assembly can be supplemented with any detail, for example, a stand is perfect. However, let's not forget that not only the sensor, but also a halogen unit should be collected with the mind, so you will need a scheme.

How to make a searchlight with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions

For the manufacture of high-quality and durable LED searchlight, you need to approach the performance with maximum seriousness. After assembling all the necessary parts, you have passed a small part of the work.

The execution of the assembly of the LED searchlight must be performed in such a sequence:

  1. In the case of using an old spotlight, it is necessary to remove all extra elements from it. As a result, you turn out a completely empty case in which there are no cartridges, and fasteners. If you make a searchlight with a power of more than 100 W then you need to install a cooling radiator with a cooler. To do this, we do holes in the sidewalls of the case for the manufacture of so-called ventilation.
  2. Next, we turn to the assembly of LEDs in the ODU and the scale and fixing the mechanism on a solid basis. You will connect non-long wiring to the contacts, so long, so that you can withdraw them for the charging of the spotlight.
  3. We carry out the installation of the collected design into the housing. Fasteners of this design can be performed with glue. Using glue, you do not damage the integrity of the design.
  4. We endure wires to connect to the network through a special hole. After that, the remaining space is inserted by sealant at the scene of the wires. It is necessary for the tightness of the structure.

In the event that you will make a powerful searchlight, but you do not want to quickly break, then you need to install a radiator with a cooler in the design.

Installing this mechanism in place with the LED scheme.

The number of LEDs determine the power of the spotlight

Fixing such a device can be made on the glue.

Homemade LED Floodlight: Positive Parties

This design has its own positive parties.


  • Ease of manufacture and availability of spare parts;
  • Since not in the design of the restrictive resistor, it is minus such a scheme;
  • Development of light sources technology.

The next step of upgrading the LED spotlights may be the replacement of the textolite same name on the aluminum foil. Aluminum foil is made of three layers of textolite. Copper is applied with one side of such a foil, which removes printed conductors, and on the other hand aluminum for heat removal. Such material is optimally suitable for the manufacture of a modern LED spotlight with high power.

Repair of LED spotlights do it yourself (video)

Let's summarize. An independent assembly of such a design as a LED spotlight is becoming increasingly popular. We highlight the fact that to build such a device is easy to usually, who at least somehow can work as a soldering iron and with an electrician. In addition, the independent assembly of such a device will save you the consumption of electricity and embellis your leisure.

Example of searchlight (photo)

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LED spotlight do it yourself

Today we will tell how to make a homemade multifunctional LED spotlight.

Good day. Today we have a new homemade - the LED spotlight for photographing, construction and other cases. If it can be installed on it, it can be used in the lighting of the apartment - hide in the suspended ceiling - the radiator is almost not heated.

We take the radiator from the computer processor and glue a 10 cotton LED on it. Radiators are with a square and round protrusion.

Cut from cardboard or plywood or metal reflector
and glue foil on it.
All your searchlight is ready.
Driver for power can be hidden from behind in plastic and connect the power cord.
I made a reflector from cardboard. The best if cut reflector from the mirror and glue it with silicone. The device showed LUX from a distance of 15 cm in the sun. It shows only 50 units.

See also:


Hello everybody! I am developing, designing and manufacturing LED lamps for home, cottages and plants. My plants lamps are working in Norway, Russia, and the Baltic States. I can also make any lamp made of metal, plastic or wood on your sketches. Starting LED creativity is 5 years. My Skype Juri-1958. post office [Email Protected]

New homemade author Jurei-678 (watch all)

LED spotlight do it yourself

LED lamps and ribbons have long been fashionable and stylish interior item. But their disadvantage is in high cost. Many would like to establish LED devices, but the price is too high, plus the misunderstanding of the principles of their work. We offer you to collect an alternative and interesting light source with your own hands.

In order to assemble the LED searchlight itself, you will not need special knowledge and skills. Only 30-40 minutes of free time, a set for LED lamps, a couple of simple tools and your desire - that's all. I have all your attention, that most of the available LED devices, in particular and sets, have overestimated characteristics from manufacturers. Note that using this set as the base, you can make it possible to make an excellent searchlight or flashlight.

This searchlight can be used to highlight the landscape of the cottage or private house. Also, for the placement of accents of the highlighting of the house, to illuminate objects at a distance of about 20 - 30 meters when using surveillance cameras. To implement any of your light imagination and ideas! But, most importantly, it is economy and small electricity consumption. So your searchlight will use only 6 W electrical power.

The process of creation

So let's get up! Take the LED lamp, while carefully read its description and characteristics from the manufacturer. This lamp will be used when creating a LED searchlight. Better take a lamp that will shine at least 180 degrees with an angle of scattering light about 30 degrees. So you will take out the light stream on the sides and send to the sky. This is the most suitable option to create a searchlight. After all, with the same power of the LED, you can highlight objects that are on! As a case, use the housing from any unnecessary searchlight. If there is quite a few extra money, you can buy a new building, which is very cheap or use the case from the set. In the center of the case, you need to attach a new cartridge under the base of the silicone sealant. If there is time and desire can be attached to it using a mechanical fastener of the cartridge. Cut out the center of the reflector, a small hole in which the base of the LED lamp should be included. It is necessary to know that to control the direction of the light of light from the lamp, you need to collect the spotlight until the sealant is dried. And with the glass closed, a little clinging to the name of the cartridge, try to display the installation box, which is located on the charging body. We advise you to seal or glue all the gaps and possible looseness with transparent glue - sealant. After the end of the assembly, check the correctness of the work of the searchlight. Connect the lamp to the network. Tip-recommendation: If you want to enlarge the brightness, you can set two LED lamps. Places in the housing of the spotlight should be enough! As you can see, everything is simple and easy! So you are without much effort collected the LED spotlight with your own hands.