Helpline. Call for vital signs

Who was the first subscriber - a child or an adult? What worried him at that moment? We won't tell you this: confidentiality Initially, it was the main condition for the work of the emergency psychological assistance service, created on the initiative of the Foundation for the Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations. One thing is for sure: on the other end of the wire, the caller heard in response the voice of a person who is really ready to listen and help.

principles of operation of a single federal helpline number for children, adolescents and their parents

dial a number

determines the region from which the call is made

the call is forwarded to the service in your area

if the line is busy, the call is forwarded to the second service of this region, etc., until the psychologist answers

The helpline service employs specially trained psychologists-consultants.

Their main task is to relieve the acuteness of psycho-emotional stress, experiences that the caller experiences. this moment, and protect a young or adult interlocutor from reckless and dangerous acts.

The task is the following:

analyze the situation together with the subscriber

identify its causes

suggest algorithms for getting out of the current situation

and motivate a person to try to solve the problem himself

Communication with a psychologist is absolutely anonymous: no one will ask you to give your name, surname, address, bill for the conversation, no matter how long it turns out, it will not follow:

call from any mobile or landline phone is free.

Currently, the single number 8-800-2000-122 is connected

It works so that children, their parents, and just people who are not indifferent to the misfortune of a child living nearby, can receive the help of a professional psychologist in time

after all, for this purpose a single All-Russian children's helpline was created.

On the transfer of the children's helpline to a short three-digit number

Currently baby phone trust is recognized as a key tool for realizing the rights of the child to information and protection from all forms of violence and abuse. Since the beginning of the operation of the children's helpline, its number has received more than 8 million calls.

In view of the high social significance and relevance of the tasks solved by the services of the children's helpline, the Fund considers the transfer of the number 8-800-2000-122 to a three-digit number among the priority tasks of the Fund. To solve this problem, since 2014 the Fund has been working with the Russian Ministry of Communications.

At present, the limiting factor in replacing the number with a three-digit one is the technical imperfection of the equipment on local networks. telephone connection, which provides processing of short three-digit numbers. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia is making efforts to create and operate a system for providing a call by a short number. To date, the necessary system has been put into operation in 8 regions, and another 3 regions have successfully passed tests.

Helpline for children and their parents.

What it is?

It happens that a person experiences longing, heartache, resentment, hopelessness, when the problem seems insoluble. Thoughts are confused, relatives do not understand, and in such a situation you do not know where and to whom it is better to turn for help. In such situations, a helpline can help.

Helpline is a form of psychological assistance to children and their parents, which provides the possibility of anonymous telephone conversation with a qualified educational psychologist. This service in Russia originated on June 7, 1991, and over the past few years, "helplines" have become an increasingly common phenomenon in the socio-psychological culture of our country.

The principles of the "helpline" are: firstly, it is anonymity, the caller may not give his name, he can also come up with a pseudonym for himself; secondly - confidentiality, no one will know about this conversation and its contents, except for the consultant and the caller; thirdly, the caller can end, interrupt the conversation at any moment, for this it is enough to hang up; fourthly, this is a round-the-clock work of the “helpline”, you can call at any time of the day or night. These principles allow the caller to feel free to present personal problems and contact this service when needed from any convenient location.

You can contact the "helpline" with various questions and problems, for example: family problems (relationships with parents, children), on issues requiring the protection of the rights of the child, with problems in relationships with peers, educational and school issues, with problems of adaptation, on issues self-acceptance, gender issues, health issues, etc. Also, anyone can call the "helpline": the age, nationality, gender, health of the caller is not important.

Currently operating throughout the Republic of Buryatia free line"helpline" 8-800-2000-122, you can also call 55-38-16. Psychologists and a doctor work on this line. The "helpline" gives a person who is experiencing any difficulties to receive support, to be understood and accepted, to understand a difficult situation for him in a calmer environment and decide on specific steps.

MBOU "TsDiK" Social teacher A.N. Afanasiev



Helpline for children and their parents.

What it is?

It happens that a person experiences longing, heartache, resentment, hopelessness, when the problem seems insoluble. Thoughts are confused, relatives do not understand, and in such a situation you do not know where and to whom it is better to turn for help. In such situations, a helpline can help.

Helpline is a form of psychological assistance to children and their parents, which provides an opportunity for an anonymous telephone conversation with a qualified educational psychologist. This service in Russia originated on June 7, 1991, and over the past few years, "helplines" have become an increasingly common phenomenon in the socio-psychological culture of our country.

The principles of the "helpline" are: firstly, it is anonymity, the caller may not give his name, he can also come up with a pseudonym for himself; secondly - confidentiality, no one will know about this conversation and its contents, except for the consultant and the caller; thirdly, the caller can end, interrupt the conversation at any moment, for this it is enough to hang up; fourthly, this is a round-the-clock work of the “helpline”, you can call at any time of the day or night. These principles allow the caller to feel free to express personal concerns and contact this service when needed from any convenient location.

You can contact the "helpline" with various questions and problems, for example: family problems (relationships with parents, children), on issues requiring the protection of the rights of the child, with problems in relationships with peers, educational and school issues, with problems of adaptation, on issues self-acceptance, gender issues, health issues, etc. Also, anyone can call the "helpline": the age, nationality, gender, state of health of the caller is not important.

Throughout the Republic of Buryatia, there is currently a free hotline 8-800-2000-122, you can also call 55-38-16. Psychologists and a doctor work on this line. The "helpline" gives a person who is experiencing any difficulties to receive support, to be understood and accepted, to understand a difficult situation for him in a calmer environment and decide on specific steps.








74 – 20 –– 72 – 66

Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Klintsovsky "OP Gordeevskoye"

2 – 12 – 02

Get information on issues that concern you;

Transfer information to a specialist (about the fact of ill-treatment).

The Children's Helpline is often used for counseling on complex topics that would be difficult to discuss in person: interpersonal relationships, drug use, crime, etc.

Principles of operation of the Helpline service

— Availability

- Anonymity

— Confidence

- Privacy

Each caller has the right not to give his name and surname, or he can choose a pseudonym for himself.

And he can also be sure that the conversation will remain strictly between him and the specialist. Therefore, the interlocutor can be trusted completely, and this, in turn, makes the consultation more effective and allows you to find the best solution Problems." alt="(!LANG:http://*****/foto/00250.jpg" align="left" width="236" height="221 src=">!} Available help: throughout the day, all twenty-four hours a day, we are ready to listen to you and provide advice. Do not think that you can disturb the consultant with a night call, every call is important for us." align="left" width="222 height=191" height="191">

On September 1, 2014, exactly four years have passed since the moment a single one began its work on the territory of Russia - free for children, adolescents and their parents. This service was organized by the Foundation for the Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations together with the subjects Russian Federation.

The unified children's helpline unites all regional organizations that provide psychological assistance to children, adolescents and adults. All trust services operating in the Russian Federation are connected to single number: 8-800-2000-122 , through which children, adolescents and adults located anywhere in Russia can receive help.

Why do you need a helpline

The children's helpline is often contacted by parents who have encountered difficulties in the process of raising a child or who cannot find mutual understanding with their children. Experienced psychologists are ready to help any family member, regardless of what problem they are facing. Single phone trust will also help moms and dads who do not know how to properly answer their child's questions and how to behave with him in certain situations.

Qualified specialists will listen to a child or an adult and help him understand the current situation, regardless of what exactly he had to face. For psychologists of a single children's helpline, there are no unimportant problems, and all the questions on which they are addressed are always significant. The primary task of the telephone counselor of the helpline is to relieve stress in the child, adolescent or parent who turned to him by providing him with psychological assistance, and in some cases, convincing him of the need to seek help from a person from his environment whom he trusts.

Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid to Call the Helpline

Why are children afraid to call? Usually these barriers are shyness, isolation and fear that the parents will find out or the call will be reported to the school. Parents should form the child's trust in psychological assistance. But often it is they who consider the hotline service to be a kind of controlling body.

Many parents are afraid to call the children's helpline, because they believe that after their appeal, the intervention of guardianship authorities is possible, but such fears are unfounded. All helpline consultants maintain anonymity and confidentiality and do not transfer information about the identity of the person who applied to special services, except in rare cases when it comes to a threat to the life and health of a child.

There is also a prejudice among some parents that their children's contact with a psychologist will lead to the loss of parental authority. Rather, such a parental position indirectly indicates an unhealthy situation in the family and the fears of parents that some intra-family problems may come out. It is necessary to understand that the helpline is not a threat, but help and support, contacting it helps to restore parent-child relationships.

Today, the children's helpline is a real lifesaver for children and teenagers who find themselves in a difficult situation and want answers to their questions, as well as for parents who do not know how to help their children.

Reminder for children, teenagers and their parents

If you find yourself in a difficult situation, faced with the inability to solve any problems in family relationships or relationships with peers, became a victim of physical, sexual or psychological abuse, do not keep everything to yourself! Just one call to the unified children's helpline 8-800-2000-122 - and you will receive advice from a qualified specialist who will tell you what to do in your situation, help relieve mental stress and provide psychological assistance on any issue. And all this with complete anonymity, confidentiality and absolutely free.

Specialists of the children's helpline provide assistance to all those in need absolutely free of charge, which allows all children, adolescents and adults to contact them, regardless of the financial situation of their family. Calls can be made from both mobile and landline phone.

Victoria Gritsuk