The phone sees the DIR 300 router. Your laptop, phone or tablet does not see Wi-Fi? The solution is

Hello everyone! As I said, I work SIS. Admin in the Internet cafe, and naturally dealt with computer equipment and local networks.

So, I recently called my aunt and asked to come to configure the Wi Fi router D-Link, which she just bought in the store. I come, set up, everything is in order of aunt satisfied Surfit Internet on a netbook on Wiifa

But it was not there! The next day calls, and says the phone does not see Wi Fi and the laptop does not see Wi Fi! Only a neighbor some kind of access points and everything, well, I come, I think I will check the router at home, I pick it up and I will break home, I connect all the ok everything works! I'm in shock \u003d) I come back to aunt I connect again not working ... So I traveled to a friend, I also worked ... I began to rummage in the router settings, but I could not find anything.

Here my uncle comes into the room and he says from us from below a security company can their equipment blocks? I think for sure! The problem is in it, not see you to aunt Waifai and leaving ...

But after a few days another 1 person called me with an anthole problem! And for a long time I trickly found a solution to this problem! In this article, I will explain everything on the steps now how to solve such a problem!

Nowadays, Wi-Fi router appeared in almost every apartment, and when you turn on the router in the next apartment you can have the abyss of the Internet on Wi-Fi (through the cord in the computer everything will work fine).

Solution to the problem

Show on the example Wi Fi router Router D-Link Dir 300

The problem was that when setting up the Wireles Channel router (channel), the default automatically (AUTO) is shown, shown on the screen:

We need to go to the router (Web interface)if you did not change when setting up the router Local IP address, then it remained by default Write this IP in the browser and go to the web interface of the router.

We go to the item as on the screen and change the channel, we set the number other than the installed automatically (I always hit the first time and everything started to work).

Now the Wi Fi network finds any of your device!

Here is such a simple solution to this problem.
If you have questions, you can have another router firmware and you cannot find this setting, write in the comments, I will help you.

Setting up the DIR-300 NRU router does not work, help the Council. Bought this model of the router. In the store I was calmed down, they said that he was the easiest in the installation and with it practically all Russian Internet providers and all on official sites there are instructions for its installation. On the site of our provider's instructions for this model, of course it was not and I also realized that the DIR-300 router was some of the different revisions B1-B5 (I turned out to be NRU B5). And every Internet provider, the router is configured in different ways or it seemed to me. As for the book-leadership of the attached to the router, there is a description of the DIR-300NRU B5 connection to the XP operating system. I want to connect it first to the system unit with the Windows 7 operating system, and then to the created virtual network to connect a daughter's laptop, but Windows 7 is installed on it too. I tried to understand everything yourself and know, from all these IPOE and PPPoE, PPTP head Sick. So I have a question for you, I can still connect two of our computers to the router or immediately call a special type of you. And yet, explain in Russian, what is the difference between WAN and VPN? Vladimir. Samara.

For a long time, my acquaintances are asked for a long time to buy and set up a router. We go to the store, buy and step by step set up, and you are watching everything that happens, everything will be understood even a beginner. You can connect any router, it all depends on your perseverance and of course patience. Setting up the router DIR-300 NRU Not difficult, this router is of great popularity due to an inexpensive price of 1000-1100 rubles and good reliability and works with Windows XP operating systems, Windows Vista, Windows 7. On the official websites of Russian providers, there are instructions for installing it, but as I noticed Outdated revisions B1, B2, B3, WEB Interface of black and brown settings.

  • In 2011, D-Link updated the web interface, now the router settings windows (including the new DIR-300NRU B5 model be green, and the white background, naturally changed the settings. The providers have everything left in their places. These are many users, Recently bought a router, confusing. At the moment, according to my observations, the D-Link DIR-300 NRU B5 is most often bought by Wi-Fi support at a speed of up to 150 Mbps, using the updated interface of the settings, built-in firewall and compatibility with standards without standards Wired communication 802.11b and 802.11g. I advise you to know exactly what you buy and check everything back in the store.

Attention! Setting up the D-Link DIR-300 NRU (revision HW: B1, B2, B3), is slightly different from setting the router model DIR-300NRU B5, but the essence in principle is one, now you will see everything.

Now about the settings. Before getting actually on the Internet (global computing network) from our home, we first get to our Internet provider or provider to a virtual private network, (for example Beeline). There are few of these providers in Russia, a lot of subdirements, a simple language of intermediaries. But from how these providers organize their network depends on how to set up a router.

What is the difference between all providers (providing Internet services) and how does this affect the router settings?

Nowadays, one half of the providers uses a modern DHCP or an IPoe network protocol to work, where the distribution of IP and DNS addresses occurs automatically (I must say it is very convenient for the Internet provider), and for Internet access, they use an outdated tunnel protocol or a new second-level tunneling protocol L2TP (unifying PPTP and L2F). Another half of providers works on an outdated protocolPPPoe connected mainly with technologyxdsl (for example Rostelecom ), that is, uses DSL modems, in the router settings, again, select the PPPoE connection type (information at the end of the article) and are already tune in a bit differently than in the first case. Of course, sometimes there are other features, so before you buy a router, my advice to you. Call your provider and find out all the information needed to configure the router, ask the topic from which router models to make a choice, so that it is not to suffer then with the settings, firmware and how you are specimen, like me. Now, let's consider the setting, in my very good router of the company D-Link,DIR-300NRU B5 . Generally set up this router in the seven and in But unfortunately I did not look at the accompanying guide, but it actually turns out how our reader said, nothing is written about Windows 7, but there is information about XP. Do not worry, our router works perfectly in both operating systems.

Let's start with what you need to find out on what network protocols your Internet vendor is working -PPPOE or L2TP. This can be clarified by looking at the contract with him or you need to call the support service of your provider and just ask, this is the best way. Let's start with the most commonly customizable DHCP network protocol. It is also necessary to know how your IP address provider gives, in the case of the DHCP protocol, this happens automatically, it can be done in this, you can see the properties of the local connection of your network adapter.

Windows XP.

Start - Control Panel - Network Connections - Local Network Connection - Properties - Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) - Succession - Get an IP address automatically and Get the DNS server address automatically.

Windows 7.

Start - Dick View Network Connection Connection on Local Network - Properties - Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4) and properties Get the IP address automatically and get the address of the DNS server automatically.

If you have an item to use the following IP address and addresses in your properties in the Internet protocol properties, the same addresses must be specified in your contract with the provider, which means your Internet provider works via PPTP or PPPoE. Consider setting the router with these protocols at the end. But before connecting the router with these protocols, you also need to set the options for connecting the Internet to the Internet Connection properties and get the DNS server address automatically. Go to the router settings. If you have something wrong with you, you can always reset the router settings to the factory, clicking on the RESET button. Connect the local Internet cable conducted by your provider to the WAN port on the router, as you can see it writteninternet , and the router and your stationary computer will connect with a network cable (in our case blue) through LAN-port number 1.

Users to whom the Internet comes using ADSL technology must be connected to a DSL modem and a router with a network cable, then the router is already connected to the network cable to the system unit. The DIR-300 router contains only 4-LAN ports, to which we can connect to 4 personal computers on which there is no Wi-Fi.

Turn on the router, open any browser: Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, Internet Explorer and enter in the address bar and press ENTER.

And here we are in the initial window of the DIR-300 router. First of all, experienced users download the latest version of the firmware (software) for the router and install it, at the moment there is a last version of the firmware on our router, so you don't need to download anything. And my advice to you, even when the firmware comes out, try to set the router first as it is, without flashing it, the beginning is easy to make a mistake, but then restore the router, it will be possible only in the service center.

Name - Beeline

Connection Type - L2TP

Connect automatically - put a tick

Service Name -

PPP username - our login is with you in biline, starts with 089 ...

Password - Your password on the Internet

Encryption - usually without encryption

The device configuration has been changed - Save that after restarting the computer, the changes made by you in the router settings are preserved.

Next, again, press the connections, select the Beeline we just created by us, the type of connection L2TP and assign it By default gateway(We celebrate this item). Click to save.

Click on the button Status - Network Statistics. In the WAN field, we see the information that our router successfully received the necessary data from the provider and we have the Internet.

Now, by Wi-Fi, connect the laptop to our router.

Press the Wi-Fi button in the router settings. General settings . We leave everything by default.

basic settingsalso do not touch.

Security Settings - Network Authentication Or protect your network from invasion - select WPA-PSK (pre-key). Access to your virtual network will be possible only after entering the key, and your virtual network known to you and users.

PSK encryption key: Invent the encryption key, preferably a 10-digit consisting of letters and numbers in random order, so reliable
WPA encryption - AES or you can TKIP + AES, then your network will be available to almost all existing Wi-Fi devices.
WPA Key Update Period We leave the default.

Sometimes it happens that the router settings flies when it is turned off its power, so it is necessary to open the "System" menu in the upper right corner of the page and click on " Save and restart"Now the changed settings of your router will be stored in its non-volatile memory.

Click OK.

Literally immediately after that, my laptop found a virtual network. We assign the network Public network parameter or home.

Connect to our network and enter the invented key.

Now our laptop also has the Internet.

If you have any problems with connecting a laptop to the resulting Wi-Fi router network, then log in to the laptop

Control Panel\\Network and Internet \\ Network and Shared Access Control Center\Wireless network management,

click twice with the Mouse on the DIR-300 NRU network

Properties of the Wireless Network DIR-300 NRU. Connection Tab, you should stand a check mark at the point Connect automatically if the network is within a radius of action.

In the Wireless Network Properties window, DIR-300 NRU, Security tab Check security settings - Security type, Encryption type, Network security key, Everything must match the router settings.

Here are friends and all the settings of our router in the DHCP network protocol. As for the configuration of our router in PPPoE mode, you will need to go to the router settings. Network -\u003e Connections and select the PPPoE connection type, then register the username and password, as well as a password confirmation. Detailed instructions are on the site D-Link -

If you want to get rid of the annoying cables, do not have binding to one work site on the computer / laptop, easily transferring the entire computer hardware to you to purchase and configure the Wi-Fi router. A series of articles about configuring various routers will help you at home without much difficulty, configure Wi-Fi wireless network.

In this article I will describe Wi-Fi setting on the example of the DLink DIR-300 NRU B5 router. The first thing you need to do is until the latter. Then you need to configure the network on the computer / laptop on automatic receipt of the IP address and DNS server. After that, connect the WEB interface DLink (this refers to the case if you closed the Web interface after updating the firmware). We enter into the browser (it is advisable to use Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox) ADMIN login, Admin password (default).
After that, we get to the DLink Dir- 300 NRU web interface. Click on the button "Wi-Fi Wireless Setup Wizard".

In the first setting window you need to check "Enable wireless connection", I think it's clear why :). The MBSSID parameter (allows one access point to serve immediately up to four wireless networks with various settings) and BSSID (this is a physical address of the point (MAS address) of access for the corresponding network.). At home, these functions are extremely rarely used, which is why initially they are turned off, which will be left. Press "Further".

In the next window in the string "Hide Access Point" Tick \u200b\u200bdo not install, in the SSID string we write the name of the wireless network, choose the country, leave the channel to auto or specify the free how to determine the free channel is described in the article How to select / Change Wireless Channel on Router / Router . Wireless mode choose « 802.11 b / g / n Mixed» so that different devices could connect to Wi-Fi if the string "Maximum number of customers" Leave 0 This means that an unlimited number of devices can be connected to the DLink Dir- 300 NRU if you specify, for example number 5, then the maximum number of devices can connect to the wireless network will not be more than 5.

In order for all devices and new and outdated, you can easily connect to Wi-Fi network, choose network authentication "WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK Mixed".

In the PSK encryption key, enter a password that needs to be entered to be connected to Wi-Fi (I recommend using a complex password, at least 8 characters with letters, numbers and special characters). All other settings relate to encryption and I recommend to leave them by default.

In the next window, we look at all the settings we specified if everything is properly pressed. "Save" Otherwise click "Back" And correct.

Now you need to save the settings on the DLink Dir- 300 NRU, for this press the button from above. "Save."

On this, the Wi-Fi configuration on the DLink Dirk-300 NRU router can be finished, closed the browser window, turn on the Wi-Fi device, we find our network.
We enter the password and enjoy the Internet without wires.
After configuring the router, you can proceed to setting up the local network on