Unknown login form html. HTML Form Creation

Here is an example of html login page code. In this example, we have displayed one text field, Password, Reset button and Login button. We have used Reset button that resets all fields to blank. We have used JavaScript validation in Login page. We have set username and password value.

Here is an example of html login page code. In this example, we have displayed one text field, Password, Reset button and Login button. We have used Reset button that resets all fields to blank. We have used JavaScript validation in Login page. We have set username and password value.

Here is an example of html login page code. In this example, we have displayed one text field, Password, Reset button and Login button. We have used Reset button that resets all fields to blank. We have used JavaScript validation in Login page. We have set username and password value. If a person enter a wrong username or password or both, an error message with "Error: Incorrect Username or Password" will be displayed. Till the person enters the correct username and password, it will not Login.

Once you enter the correct Username and Password, you will be redirected to another page.

Login page is used in most of the dynamic website to validate user based on their credentials. For making login page for websites HTML form and HTML elements are used. Text field is used to accept username and password text field is used to accept password from user.

The submit button is used for submitting data to server for validation. Its good to validate user input in the browser using JavaScript. In this tutorial we are creating a HTML Login page code and validating user input with JavaScript. In modern web application server-side validation is also very important it is done on server side with the program running on the server.

Here is video tutorial:

But in this tutorial you will learn to create a login page in HTML and validate user input with JavaScript. View demo of HTML Login page.

Here is the screen shot of the login page we are making:

This login page displays Username, Password text fields and then buttons for reset and Login. Once user enters the data and clicks on the Login button, JavaScript is used to validate the form and error message is displayed if validation fails.

HTML Login page with JavaScript Validation

Login Page

HTML Login Page


tag of HTML is the heart of creating user entry form in web application which takes the user input data and finally submit it to server side program for further processing. Data of all the input or hidden field is taken and submitted to the server through form tag. The "submit" button is used to initiate form data submit to the server. You can also use JavaScript code for submitting the form. For example if your form name is "loginForm" then following JavaScript code can be called for submitting the form programmatically.

HTML tags that define HTML forms on the site

We create sites and individual pages on the Internet to communicate with visitors.

HTML forms are used to register visitors on the site, for interactive polls and polls, allow you to send messages, make purchases, and so on. Html The form is created with one purpose: collection and subsequent transfer of information for processing to a program script or by e-mail.

Sample HTML Form | Sign in

Tags, attributes and values

  • - determine the shape.
  • name = "" - defines the name of the form.
  • method = "" - defines the method of sending data from the form. Values: "get" (default) and "post". The "post" method is often used, since it allows transferring large amounts of data.
  • action = "" - defines the url at which the data is sent for processing. In our case, enter_data.php ..
  • - define such form elements as buttons, radio buttons, text fields for data entry.
  • type = "text" - defines a text field for data entry.
  • type = "password" - defines a field for entering a password, while the text is displayed as asterisks or circles.
  • type = "checkbox" - defines a checkbox.
  • type = "hidden" - defines hidden element forms - used to transfer additional information to the server.
  • size = "25" - the length of the text field in characters.
  • maxlength = "30" - the maximum number of characters to be entered.
  • value = "" - defines the value that will be sent for processing if it refers to radiobutons or switches. The value of this attribute as part of a text field or button will be shown as, for example, Vasya or Login in the example above.

Sample HTML Form | Comments on the site

<a href="https://obanracer.ru/en/giperssylka-na-yazyke-html-zapisyvaetsya-kak-primer-giperssylka-chto.html">Example HTML</a> shape



Tags, attributes and values

  • action = "http: //site/comments.php" - defines the url to which the data from the form will be sent.
  • id = "" - defines the name, identifier of the form element.
  • name = "" - defines the name of the form element.
  • - define a text field as part of a form.
  • cols = "" - defines the number of columns in the text field of the form.
  • rows = "" - defines the number of rows in the text field of the form.

If between put text, it will be shown inside the box as an example that is easy to remove.

Sample HTML Form | Drop-down list

HTML forms

Tags, attributes and values

  • - define a list with positions for selection.
  • size = "" - defines the number of visible list positions. If the value is 1, we are dealing with a dropdown list.
  • - define the positions (items) of the list.
  • value = "" - contains the value that will be sent by the form at the specified url for processing.
  • selected = "selected" - Selects the position of the list as an example.

Sample HTML Form | Scrolling list

By increasing the value of the size = "" attribute, we get a list with a scrollbar:

First position Second position Third position Fourth position

HTML forms

For this option, we use the multiple = "multiple" flag, which makes it possible to select several positions. His absence allows only one item to be selected.

  • type = "submit" - defines the button.
  • type = "reset" - defines the reset button.
  • value = "" - defines the label on the button.
  • See additionally:

    As you already know, the web client has the ability to transmit various information to the web server using GET and POST requests. HTML Forms is the main tool for creating such queries. Basically, an HTML form is a field or fields for entering information on a web page. An illustrative example of an HTML form is the login and password entry form for authorization on the site.

    HTML form is described using a pair tag form... This tag has two essential attributes: method and action... The method attribute specifies the type of the HTTP request (get or post), and the action specifies the requested document, that is, the path to the file that will be requested. The path can be either absolute (indicating the domain of the site) or relative. For instance:

    <form method = "get" action = "/login.php"> ... </ form>

    There are several different kinds of data entry elements that fit inside a form. The element I would like to start with is called submit:

    <input type = "submit" value = "(! LANG: Login" / > !}

    The element is a button that, when clicked, executes an HTTP request. Attribute value sets the label on the button. A form can contain multiple submit elements. In order to determine in the requested document which of the buttons was pressed, it is necessary to set the attributes of submit elements name... For instance:

    <form method = "get" action = "/control.php"> <input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "(! LANG: Add" / > !} <input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "(! LANG: Edit" / > !} </ form>

    When making a request, the web browser will include an HTTP parameter characterizing the clicked submit element. The value of the name attribute of the pressed button will be taken as the name of the parameter, and the value of the value attribute will be taken as the value. Thus, when you click the Add button, a request will be generated:


    and when you click the Edit button:


    The next element is the simplest element for entering a single line of text. Its HTML code:

    <input type = "text" name = "name" />

    name is a required attribute to participate in the HTTP request. The value of this attribute will be used as the name of the HTTP parameter. This attribute is available for all types of form elements.

    An element can also be set to the value attribute, specifying the text that will be entered by default in the element. For instance:

    <input type = "text" name = "login" value = "Username" / >

    Element password serves to enter passwords. Outwardly, it is the same, but the entered text is displayed as asterisks or dots:

    <input type = "password" />

    This is, in principle, enough to create simplest form authorization. Let's try to implement it, and then go back to looking at the rest of the element types.

    Let's create an auth.php file in the root directory with the following content:

    <html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title> Authorization</ title> <meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text / html; charset = utf-8" /> </ head> <body> <form method = "get" action = "/auth.php"> <table> <tr> <td> Username:</ td> <td> <input type = "text" name = "login" value = "" /> </ td> </ tr> <tr> <td> Password:</ td> <td> <input type = "password" name = "pass" value = "" /> </ td> </ tr> </ table> <input type = "submit" value = "(! LANG: Login" / > !} </ form> </ body> </ html>

    As you can see, inside the form tag, you can place tags that help to nicely mark up the form (I put a table inside). The form contains fields for entering a username and password with the names login and pass, respectively. When you click "Login", a GET request for the document /auth.php is generated (that is, the page requests itself). In my case, the full URL of the page was http: //test-domain3/auth.php.

    Enter your details and click "Login". The page should reload. The address of the page should also change. In my case, it took the form:

    Http: //test-domain3/auth.php? Login = Joker-jar & pass = 12345

    This means that the auth.php document was requested with GET parameters that were entered using an HTML form. Place a PHP handler at the top of your auth.php file that will accept credentials:

    // - Check if data has been transferred if (isset ($ _GET ["login"]) && isset ($ _GET ["pass"])) (echo "Your username:"... $ _GET ["login"]. ", your password: " . $ _GET ["pass"]; exit; )?>

    If a username and password have been passed to the page, the condition will be triggered and the message will be displayed. Also will be called exit, which will stop further execution of the script, therefore the form will not be displayed.

    Passing a password using a GET request is unsafe, since it is visible in the address bar. Let's change the request type to POST. To do this, change the value of the method attribute, and in the PHP handler for accessing the $ _GET array, change it to $ _POST. Check if the script works.

    The next element is checkbox... It is used when a yes / no response is required from the user:

    <input type = "checkbox" />

    If the checkbox is not checked, nothing is passed in the parameters. Otherwise, the name parameter is passed with the value on... There is one more thing. As a rule, there is an explanatory inscription next to the checkbox. It is a good practice for the webmaster to implement a checkbox response to clicks on this label. This is done simply. The checkbox is assigned a specific id, and the label itself is decorated with a tag label with attribute for whose value is equal to the checkbox identifier:

    <input type = "checkbox" id = "remember" name = "remember" /> <label for = "remember"> Remember me</ label>

    Lookalike is used to select an answer from a set of values. Let's say the user needs to choose one of three colors:

    <input type = "radio" id = "red" name = "color" value = "(! LANG: red" / > !} <label for = "red"> Red</ label> <br /> <input type = "radio" id = "green" name = "color" value = "(! LANG: green" / > !} <label for = "green"> Green</ label> <br /> <input type = "radio" id = "blue" name = "color" value = "(! LANG: blue" / > !} <label for = "blue"> Blue</ label> <br />

    Note that all elements the same value name. Only one value can be selected. The value of the selected element will be passed in the HTTP parameter, for example color = blue.

    To initially select some of the elements, for example, the first one, it needs to set the attribute checked with the meaning checked(XHTML standard):

    <input type = "radio" id = "red" name = "color" value = "(! LANG: red" checked = "checked" / > !}

    There is a special element for entering large multi-line text textarea:

    <textarea rows = "6" cols = "20" name = "text"> The text inside the element</ textarea>

    The text inside the element

    This element, as you can see, differs from the previous ones. He is paired tag, and the text is placed not in the attribute, but in the body of the tag. The element also has a name attribute. Using the attribute rows you can set the number of lines in an element, cols- the number of characters in the line. The textarea element is used, as a rule, in POST-forms, because involves entering a long text (for example, a forum post form).

    Drop-down list. Surely we came across such an element in programs. Allows you to select one value from a set. The item code is also not entirely common. First, a container element is created select, it is given the name attribute:

    <select name = "towns"> </ select>

    List items are placed inside the container. The list item is a paired tag option, each element is given a value attribute. The element's inscription is written into the body of the element:

    <select name = "town"> <option value = "(! LANG: msk" > !} Moscow</ option> <option value = "(! LANG: vlad" > !} Vladivostok</ option> <option value = "(! LANG: nsk" > !} Novosibirsk</ option> </ select>

    In the HTTP request, a parameter is passed with the name name and the value of the selected element, for example town = vlad... By default, the first element of the list is selected, if you want another element to be selected, set the attribute to it selected with the meaning selected:

    <option value = "(! LANG: vlad" selected = "selected" > !} Vladivostok</ option>

    List of values. If the select element is set to the attribute size with a numeric value, the drop-down list will turn into a list of values. In this case, the value of the size attribute will determine the vertical size of the element:

    <select name = "town" size = "3"> <option value = "(! LANG: msk" > !} Moscow</ option> <option value = "(! LANG: vlad" > !} Vladivostok</ option> <option value = "(! LANG: nsk" > !} Novosibirsk</ option> </ select>

    Moscow Vladivostok Novosibirsk

    If the select element is set to the attribute multiple with the meaning multiple(XHTML standard), then it will be possible to select more than one element at the same time (for example, with the with the Ctrl key). In this case, all selected items with the same name will be passed in the HTTP request, for example: town = msk & town = vlad & town = nsk.

    Sometimes it is necessary to pass a parameter in an HTTP request that the user should not edit, and sometimes even see. Let's say you are implementing a news editing form. The HTTP request must contain the identifier of this news. For cases like this, there is a hidden HTML form element:

    <input type = "hidden" name = "param" value = "" />

    This element will not be visible on the form, but the HTTP parameter name = value will be passed when the request is made.

    Sometimes a form cleansing element can come in handy. The button, when pressed, all the data entered by the user on the form is erased:

    <input type = "reset" value = "(! LANG: Clear" / > !}

    The listed elements have two special attributes:

    readonly = "readonly" - prohibits changing information in the element (read-only mode);
    disabled = "disabled" - makes the element inactive.

    There is also an element for selecting a file that will be uploaded to the web server when the form is submitted, but this is probably in a separate article.

    Login forms can be found in websites with forums, shops, WordPress and mostly everything on the internet requires login form somewhere to get access to something. The whole web is incomplete without login forms and registration, signups forms.

    HTML forms will be first which most of us come across and with proper CSS which gives style to the HTML structure. In latest HTML versions i guess HTML seems to have opted for CSS3 as their default structure styling option. Anyways what you find here is the pre designed HTML, CSS forms built by front end developers and shared to the public for free to use.

    Try to use all these free login form templates as most of them also have pre built HTML validation features as well as some opt jQuery or HTML validation (like the Login / Register form with pass meter below).

    This list is not over yet, i am interested in finding new login form designs so i will keep updating these list with new login form templates when they show up in 2017. Stay tuned.

    Red Login Form

    A simple and effective login form for your website which requires basic input fields and no extra programming.

    A flat login form design designed for your website which is already flat. Download and use this template for any purpose.

    Require a quick signin for your clients? No worries, this pretty looking login form will get you going without any hassles. Download the source code and check the demo as you can put a sample username and password in the fields and try to login. You will be taken to a profile page on the same which looks glorious with a logout button which shows the logging out animation.

    With google material design getting popular over flat design we can see a deep and carefully shadowed login form and a register form in this css3 template.

    Here you get another brilliant login form for your busienss website with a option to hide / show login fields. Well coded css / html / js design will give you better loading without tampering your current site speed.

    Minimal Login Form with fluid animation

    A smooth animation of login form which opens up the login section by clicking a picture or a button as you need.

    Minimalistic Login Form with css

    Here you will find a no-fancy login form ui which is placed on a full screen background. The download file will get you css and html for easy implementation of this login to your website.

    Animated Login Form

    The click animations displayed on text fields is brilliant which displays a small sliding animation of user and password icons. You can then login the form to watch a authenticating pre loader as well as a welcome back block. This download contains all the source files to implement a login form for your own website.

    Elegant Login

    This is a simple version of login form you can display on your website as this also has less impact on site speed with its minimal code.

    Calm Login Screen

    A clean login form with animated background giving a relaxing feel to the whole page. Download the whole template in zip format from codepen.

    Login and Signup Form

    Integrate this fluid login and signup form on to your website with ease. The zip file with this download will provide you with css, html and js templates. Social media signup is also available with password show / hide options for on screen easy password entry.

    Login Form with Create Account

    A login form which displays with a fadein effect is just amusing to watch. This effect can be seen only in few modern login forms. Use the click me to change the form to signup or create form.

    A minimal style login form with flat design can be download from the link below. HTML validation is available and set in this login template.


    Minimal Form Template for Login

    A validation for email is in palce and this tempalte is pure css, html with no fancy jquery modules.


    Signup / Login Form

    A single form to login to the website as well as a signup, register option which can be flipped with a click. Even though the signup area is missing some important fields this is nonetheless better form with all powerful features.


    This login form is hidden unles you click on login link. This is a very useful feature for modern day website which can avoid an extra page for login. Display login on any page you like with this powerful login form.


    It's provided both as a PSD and as a fully-coded HTML / CSS version, so you can get started integrating it straight away.

    Login Form (Coded)

    A professional login form. The download includes the PSD file, and I also felt like coding it so I included the xHTML, Js and CSS files as well.


    White Simple Login Form

    A clean and simple login form with a round submit button and elegant focus states.

    Simply Login Form

    Simply Login Form styled and designed purely using CSS3. The form is created using pretty simple markup and styled using very basic CSS3 properties.




    Usage pattern

    wp_login_form (array ("echo" => true, "redirect" => site_url ($ _ SERVER ["REQUEST_URI"]), "form_id" => "loginform", "label_username" => __ ("Username"), "label_password "=> __ (" Password ")," label_remember "=> __ (" Remember Me ")," label_log_in "=> __ (" Log In ")," id_username "=>" user_login "," id_password "=> "user_pass", "id_remember" => "rememberme", "id_submit" => "wp-submit", "remember" => true, "value_username" => NULL, "value_remember" => false)); $ args (string / array) An array of arguments controlling the result.
    Default: default options

    $ Args parameter arguments

    echo (logical) Display (1) or return (0).
    Default: 1 redirect (line) URL to which will transfer after authorization.
    Default: current page form_id (line) id tag attribute
    Default: "loginform" label_username (line) The header text for the username field.
    Default: "__ (" Username ")" label_password (line) The text of the header of the "password" field.
    Default: "__ (" Password ")" label_remember (line) The header text of the "remember me" field.
    Default: "__ (" Remember Me ")" label_log_in (line) Submit button text.
    Default: "__ (" Log In ")" id_username (line) The value of the id attribute:
    Default: "user_login" id_password (line) The value of the id attribute:
    Default: "user_pass" id_remember (line) The value of the id attribute:
    Default: "rememberme" id_submit (line) The value of the id attribute:
    Default: "wp-submit" remember (logical) Remember field values ​​(1) or not (0).
    Default: 1 value_username (line) Default username.
    Default: "" value_remember (line) The value of the value attribute of the "remember me" field. By default 1 - the checkbox is checked. 0 - the check mark is unchecked.
    Default: 1

    Examples of

    #one. Normal form display:

    Will display:

    # 2 Leave on the same page when entering an incorrect username / password

    By default, if incorrect logs are entered in such a form, the user will be sent to base page authorization with error indication.

    To change this and leave the user on the previous page, even if he entered incorrect data, you can use the wp_login_failed hook:

    ## Leaves the user on the same page when entering an incorrect login / password in the authorization form wp_login_form () add_action ("wp_login_failed", "my_front_end_login_fail"); function my_front_end_login_fail ($ username) ($ referrer = $ _SERVER ["HTTP_REFERER"]; // where the request came from // If there is a referrer and this is not a wp-login.php page if (! empty ($ referrer) &&! strstr ($ referrer, "wp-login") &&! strstr ($ referrer, "wp-admin")) (wp_redirect (add_query_arg ("login", "failed", $ referrer)); // redirecting and adding a query parameter? login = failed exit;))

    # 3 WordPress registration form

    There is no special function for displaying the registration form. Therefore, the form can be displayed by writing your own HTML code. Here is an example of such HTML code for a registration form:

    "method =" post ">

    Registration confirmation will be sent to your e-mail.

    List of changes

    Since version 3.0.0 Introduced.

    The code wp login form: wp-includes / general-template.php WP 5.2.3

    true, // Default "redirect" value takes the user back to the request URI. "redirect" => (is_ssl ()? "https: //": "http: //"). $ _SERVER ["HTTP_HOST"]. $ _SERVER ["REQUEST_URI"], "form_id" => "loginform", "label_username" => __ ("Username or Email Address"), "label_password" => __ ("Password"), "label_remember" => __ ("Remember Me"), "label_log_in" => __ ("Log In"), "id_username" => "user_login", "id_password" => "user_pass", "id_remember" => "rememberme", "id_submit" => "wp-submit", "remember" => true, "value_username" => "", // Set "value_remember" to true to default the "Remember me" checkbox to checked. "value_remember" => false,); / ** * Filters the default login form output arguments. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @see wp_login_form () * * @param array $ defaults An array of default login form arguments. * / $ args = wp_parse_args ($ args, apply_filters ("login_form_defaults", $ defaults)); / ** * Filters content to display at the top of the login form. * * The filter evaluates just following the opening form tag element. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $ content Content to display. Default empty. * @param array $ args Array of login form arguments. * / $ login_form_top = apply_filters ("login_form_top", "", $ args); / ** * Filters content to display in the middle of the login form. * * The filter evaluates just following the location where the "login-password" * field is displayed. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $ content Content to display. Default empty. * @param array $ args Array of login form arguments. * / $ login_form_middle = apply_filters ("login_form_middle", "", $ args); / ** * Filters content to display at the bottom of the login form. * * The filter evaluates just preceding the closing form tag element. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $ content Content to display. Default empty. * @param array $ args Array of login form arguments. * / $ login_form_bottom = apply_filters ("login_form_bottom", "", $ args); $ form = "
    ". $ login_form_top." ". $ login_form_middle." ". ($ args [" remember "]?" " : "") . " ". $ login_form_bottom."
    "; if ($ args [" echo "]) (echo $ form;) else (return $ form;))