What is ext in a phone number. How to call an extension from a mobile

Many organizations use extension numbers, which are a numeric identifier, to communicate with various departments. However, a subscriber who needs to connect with a certain employee sometimes has difficulties. Especially often problems appear for those who call from a mobile phone.

How to determine that you have an extension number in front of you?

Before dialing additional number from a mobile, you need to determine whether it is really in front of you. Many companies' contact information for departments with extension numbers has a number of numbers after the main number, usually enclosed in parentheses. Or they write the word "additional" before them. They represent the code of an employee or department, which is determined by the serial number of the device for connecting to the PBX. At the same time, the PBX can be virtual and forward calls from a multi-channel number to Skype, mobile and regular city numbers located in various branches.

How to dial an extension number from a mobile?

Unlike a city stationary device, mobile phones automatically switch to tone mode. In a stationary device, before dialing an extension number, you must press *, and this will help it switch to tone mode. From phones that have a disk for dialing, calls to such numbers will be difficult and possible only if the connection is made by the operator, and not by the answering machine. Questions arise from owners of smartphones on Android or IOS. Keys with numbers when you call are usually folded. And it is necessary, before dialing an extension number from a mobile phone, to call this keyboard on the screen by pressing a symbolic icon. For phones with the Android operating system, it is an icon in the form of ten small squares, nine of which are located on top in three rows, and one more on the bottom. When dialing additional numbers on your mobile, you will hear characteristic sounds in the speaker.

Two options for connecting by extension

In the first case, you will need to dial the main number to call. Then wait for the response of the operator or answering machine and listen to the entire message. After that, you need to dial the digits of the extension number, and the connection will occur. You will need to call back if you get to the wrong department, and the person who answered the call refuses to switch you. Although usually employees of large companies are quite loyal to the callers and transfer the call to the necessary department. The second option on how to dial an extension number from a mobile is not to wait for the end of the message, but immediately continue to enter additional numbers. AT this case connection may fail or an error may occur. Owners of smartphones based on modern platforms can reduce the time to listen to the entire message.

How to dial an extension number on a mobile phone if you have a smartphone?

For owners of mobile phones, the problem is that the operator starts withdrawing money from the phone account from the moment of connection. Therefore, if the call to the line is not free, then users try to do without listening to messages with the names of departments and numbers. Smartphone users can dial any extension using the pause button. To do this, you need to dial the necessary numbers, wait for the connection. Then press pause (its icon is usually located on the call screen) and enter additional numbers. You can try to start entering immediately after the connection, without first pressing the pause button, but this option does not always work. In case of any error in this case, it is best to hang up and call back. That's all, now you know how to dial an extension number on a mobile phone.

Most private firms and companies use extension numbers that allow you to connect with individual departments or certain employees. From the article you will learn how extension numbers work, as well as how to dial extension numbers on mobile phone.

What is an extension number

Companies and private firms often list one or more phone numbers. Usually this is only a mobile number or, in addition, a landline number. Or 2-3 different mobile numbers mobile operators. When calling on the specified number the operator will pick up the handset or the answering machine will start prompting you to select the appropriate menu item. The selected number is the extension number.

Another example is when a live operator switches you to another specialist. At the other end of the wire, a specific number is entered, after which it switches to another specialist. In this case, the number dialed by the operator is also called extension. If you enter an extension number in advance, then the call will be automatically redirected to a specific employee or department, bypassing a live operator or answering machine.

How to dial an extension

To dial an extension, you need to know the exact combination of numbers and the dialing order. The order of dialing should be understood as the use of "pause" or "wait".

A pause is set when an extension number is required immediately after dialing. The pause symbol represents a comma - ",". So in the combination "55555,123" on the left side, the phone number is 55555, and on the right side, the extension number is 123.

Waiting is indicated as a semicolon ";". The hold function is used when you want to wait for the answering machine to finish talking before pressing an additional digit.

The procedure for adding a pause and wait:

Open the dialer app.

Enter a phone number.

Click on the button in the form of three dots to open the hidden menu.

AT context menu select Add Pause (2 Seconds) or Add Wait.

After the sign, enter the extension number.


Make sure that the mobile phone number is in front of your eyes. Otherwise, if you make long pauses when dialing, remembering this or that digit, this may be interpreted by the PBX as an input area code. Thus, you run the risk of making a call to another phone of a subscriber you do not know.

Keep in mind that the main feature of a CO call is dialing the first digit of the number. In this case, instead of "+7", dial "8". The prefix "+7" is the telephone code of Russia. The CO, which directs all telephone calls that are made from , assumes by default that calls are made within local subscribers. 8 is a number indicating that you need long distance access. In addition, this symbol is used if you need to implement a number.

Dial eight, wait for the beep. Next, dial the rest of the numbers in the same way as you would dial them on a mobile phone. First, enter the operator code (Megafon, Beeline, MTS, etc.), consisting of three digits (928, 903, 918, etc.), then the remaining seven digits of the called subscriber's number.

The complete sequence (dialing scheme) is as follows: 8 (beep) *** (operator code) ******* (direct number).

In case you need to make a call to mobile number, operator-owned another country, proceed as follows. Dial the number "8", then dial "10" - to indicate that you are making an international call. Then enter the code of the country to which you are making the call (you can find it on the relevant Internet resources or in the help desk). Further, in the same way as within home network, dial the operator code and phone number. For example, in order to call Ukraine, you need to dial "8" (beep) "10" (long distance call designation) "380" (Ukraine code) *** (operator code) ******* (phone number subscriber).

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Many organizations use extension numbers, which are a numeric identifier, to communicate with various departments. However, a subscriber who needs to connect with a certain employee sometimes has difficulties. Especially often problems appear for those who call from a mobile phone.

How to determine that you have an extension number in front of you?

Before you dial an extension number from your mobile, you need to determine whether it is really in front of you. Many companies' contact information for departments with extension numbers has a number of numbers after the main number, usually enclosed in parentheses. Or they write the word "additional" before them. They represent the code of an employee or department, which is determined by the serial number of the device for connecting to the PBX. At the same time, the PBX can be virtual and forward from calls to Skype, mobile and regular located in different branches.

How to dial an extension number from a mobile?

Unlike the city landline, mobile phones automatically switch to In the landline, you must press * before dialing the extension number, and this will help it switch to tone mode. From phones that have a disk for dialing, calls to such numbers will be difficult and possible only if the connection is made by the operator, and not by the answering machine. Questions arise from owners of smartphones on Android or IOS. Keys with numbers when you call are usually folded. And it is necessary, before dialing an extension number from a mobile phone, to call this keyboard on the screen by pressing a symbolic icon. For phones with it, it is an icon in the form of ten small squares, nine of which are located on top in three rows, and one more on the bottom. When dialing additional numbers on your mobile, you will hear characteristic sounds in the speaker.

Two options for connecting by extension

In the first case, you will need to dial the main number to call. Then wait for the response of the operator or answering machine and listen to the entire message. After that, you need to dial the digits of the extension number, and the connection will occur. You will need to call back if you get to the wrong department, and the person who answered the call refuses to switch you. Although usually employees of large companies are quite loyal to the callers and transfer the call to the necessary department. The second option on how to dial an extension number from a mobile is not to wait for the end of the message, but immediately continue to enter additional numbers. In this case, the connection may fail or an error may occur. Owners of smartphones based on modern platforms can reduce the time to listen to the entire message.

How to dial an extension number on a mobile phone if you have a smartphone?

For owners of mobile phones, the problem is that the operator starts withdrawing money from the phone account from the moment of connection. Therefore, if the call to the line is not free, then users try to do without listening to messages with the names of departments and numbers. Smartphone users can dial any extension using the pause button. To do this, you need to dial the necessary numbers, wait for the connection. Then press pause (its icon is usually located on the call screen) and enter additional numbers. You can try to start entering immediately after the connection, without first pressing the pause button, but this option does not always work. In case of any error in this case, it is best to hang up and call back. That's all, now you know how to dial an extension number on a mobile phone.

An extension number is a way to contact a department or employee within a company through single number. It usually works like this:

You dial a common number, then the automatic menu prompts you to enter an extension

After dialing the extension number, your call is transferred to the right employee

If you have not dialed an extension, another condition is met. For example, forwarding to the secretary

Why is it better to use extensions

1. Saving time for employees and customers, reducing the burden on personnel distributing calls.

2. Ability to set up different processing scenarios for different extensions

3. Increasing trust in the company through the use of the voice menu

4. No need to pay for renting additional rooms

Mistakes You Can Make When Using Extensions

Most often, extensions are used with the IVR menu, while common mistakes can be made:

3. Poor redirect scenarios. What happens if an employee is absent? What happens if a customer calls after business hours? Etc.

Extension number examples

1. Forwarding to mobile phones of employees
If for some reason it is convenient for your employees to use personal mobile phones, you can set up forwarding to them from an extension number. So personal cell numbers will remain hidden from customers.

2. Personal managers for key clients
If a client is especially important to you, create a separate extension number for him, by which you can quickly resolve all issues. A personal approach can increase loyalty to your company.

3. Dedicated numbers for departments
Departments like accounting always get a lot of incoming calls and it makes no sense to use a secretary to route calls every time. It is better to set up a separate extension number.