EP vkontakte. Statistics of top VKontakte groups

In contact, My page is the main place in which all information about you is displayed. This page contains your avatar (main photo), your data: name, surname, age, place of residence, work, study, etc. Also here you can see your photos, videos and news published by you. You fill in all the information yourself. How to go to your VK page, see the article below.

How to enter My VKontakte page without a password - a detailed way

Having forgotten the personal data required to enter, it makes no sense to look for them on the site. It is impossible to enter your Vkontakte page if it is blocked or directly from the vk.com website without a password. Correctly completing all the points of this instruction, it will allow you to use your page without problems, with a new password.

Download VKontakte to your computer- messaging app

You just need to remember that you are putting information about yourself on public display. Of course, you can limit the circle of people who can see your page - for example, open access only for friends or for some selected people, but not everyone cares about this. Keep in mind that although this is called private information, you give information about yourself to the owners of the Contact, and they can use this information at their discretion. That is, of course, you are not the full owner of the page, because this site is not yours. But it's the same everywhere on the Internet, you don't have to worry about it, just know when to stop when you say something about yourself.

To go to your page, you can go to the official website social network Vkontakte, you can also do this by clicking on the link below:

Where is it located?

You need to enter the official site and your page will be there. To get to it, enter the site (first you will see the news feed from your friends and groups) and click on the "My Page" link in the left column. You can enter using the link that is located above.
If you can't log in or the page is "blocked", read this: "" and follow all instructions.

Details page

"My page" is your kind of control center, and for guests who visit it - a source of information about you.

What can you see on it? If you look from left to right, then first there is a menu through which you can get to other sections. Then - information about you; in the left column - your photo (or avatar, ava), a list of friends who are online now, links to your photo albums, etc. Shows information about you in the right column: name, date of birth, hometown, marital status, Contact Information, places of study and work.

Usually, to view all the information, you need to click on the link "Show full information". Below is the so-called "wall" on which you can write something - you can do it yourself, you can also other people (if you allowed them - all this can be customized).

To change or add information, use the links "Edit." or "Edit" (top left), do not forget to click "Save" later. And pay attention that when you go into editing, at the top there are tabs "General", "Contacts", "Interests" - by clicking on them, you will be taken to editing other sections of your page.

Quick login

Social networks are gradually taking over more and more of our time. Their content is updated every minute with new photos, videos and text files... And we are in a hurry to get acquainted with the updated information as soon as possible.
The most convenient way for this is to join interesting thematic groups. There are about 38 million of them on VKontakte alone, and this number is steadily growing every day.

1 ... on this moment is "Did you know?" The number of participants is about 4 million. This is an open community that anyone can join. There is really a lot of information here (after all, more than 50 thousand records). By visiting the page of this group, you can enjoy viewing the most beautiful photos from all over the world, get acquainted with the interesting thoughts of famous people, and just learn something new. Here is such an educational group.

2 ... In second place is the group "World of Positive". There are fewer subscribers here - just over 3 million. Well, mind you, this is a very impressive figure. We go into the community and really plunge into the world of positiveness. There are even more entries on the page than in the previous group - about 55 thousand. And they are all funny and humorous. There are funny demotivators, funny pictures, and even excerpts from messages. By joining this group, you can get stuck here for more than one hour. In general, lovers of humor - Welcome! This is actually the most popular Vkontakte group.

3 ... Next in line is the Official Shadowboxing Group. Surprisingly, there are only 120 thousand fewer subscribers here than in the previous group. There are not many entries, about 420. News related to the game is reviewed here. If you are a fan of "Shadow Boxing" - you are here!

4 ... In fourth place - " Online cinema". Members in this community without 200 thousand 3 million. We come in. The very first inscription on the page reads: "There are more than 50,000 TV series and films in the group." For every taste. The thematic selections were also pleasantly pleased. For example, it is proposed to post on your wall (in order not to lose) a list of videos on the topic of New Year and Christmas. And after watching a movie, you can express your opinion on this matter by leaving a comment. In general, a paradise for film lovers.

5 ... The fifth place is rightfully taken by the Healthy Body. We are for a healthy lifestyle". There are almost the same subscribers here as in the "Online Cinema". Group page starts with useful tips in terms of health, personality and life. Below you can find some very interesting information regarding exercise, proper nutrition, and even a jogging schedule in the morning. All adherents of a healthy lifestyle will find a lot of necessary and useful information here.

100500 ... Ours deservedly occupies the thousand-five hundredth place from the end, where news of taxation, legislation, economics, computers and much more interesting are published. Welcome to the light. Subscribe to news at the top right.

Having decided to take your time watching something interesting, you will definitely choose a group for yourself

The most popular group in VKontakte

It's no secret that most of the users of our country have accounts in social networks, and the most popular social network in Russia and the CIS is VKontakte. But this platform is suitable not only for communication, but also for making money, because popular groups and public pages (publics) make very good money on advertising.

TOP 10 largest VKontakte publics

The largest VKontakte publics as of November 2018.

Each of them has 8.6 million subscribers or more. As you can see, these are mainly entertainment topics (humor), as well as communities dedicated to cinema and music.

The largest public VKontakte is New Music 2018. It has over 16 million subscribers.

Review of popular VKontakte publics

"Laugh to Tears"

Fill your group with great content for the week ahead, in just 10 minutes Start filling the group ➡

In all ages, humor will be a hot topic. In the community "Laugh to Tears" you will always find various demotivators, jokes and jokes. There are no monotonous stories "stolen" from other sites. For a better visual perception, a picture is attached to each entry. And the group administrator tries to select really funny and original jokes.

"Culinary masterpieces"

The most popular culinary public VKontakte has 6.7 million subscribers. Basically, these are, of course, women who are interested in cooking and looking for interesting and tasty recipes with photos and videos.

In this community, you can subscribe to the recipe newsletter. The following categories are offered: New Year's recipes, super breakfast, homemade dinner, aromatic lunch. The burning question "what to cook?" removed!

Did you know?

Informative public, a collection of facts and curious life stories. After the first visit, you can find a lot of new and interesting things for yourself. This group has gained 5.5 million members since its inception.

Well said

This community publishes beautiful words about happiness, love, the meaning of life. You can immerse yourself in reading poetry, apt expressions, stories - there is plenty of material here. A couple of years ago, the public feed was literally packed with advertising posts. Today there is much less advertising and more interesting information. The community has 6.5 million subscribers, 79% are women.

Relationship psychology

Gender Relationship Group - in simple words about the most, perhaps, burning topic. Subscribers find this public interesting and useful. In addition to romantic, touching and motivating posts, the community publishes tips, games, and you can even get a psychologist's advice in discussions. Among the 6.3 million participants, there is no significant bias between male or female audience- both sexes are equally interested in the psychology of relationships. The public has its own Instagram page, where there are already 50 thousand subscribers and more than 2 thousand publications.

Watch the related video:

How much do VK publics earn

Having a multimillion-dollar VKontakte audience is not only pleasant, but also profitable, because all communities make money from advertising.

Take the popular Laugh to Tears community with over 11 million subscribers.

You can also see the statistics of the community there.

Regular subscribers are not allowed to write new posts on the wall of this community, only the administrator can do this. This rule is applied so that high-quality and fresh jokes are not lost among the heap of trash. The developer has achieved great popularity among users and in its "arsenal" more than 11.000.000 VKontakte subscribers.

The average age of subscribers also matters. There is an opinion that VKontakte is a social network “for shkolota”, i.e. for young people under 18 who do not have their own income and the ability to buy something. Therefore, potential advertisers always evaluate not only the number of subscribers, but also other factors.

Develop your Vkontakte community wisely: Explore complete guide on earnings in Vkontakte

How to choose a public VKontakte for advertising

  • age and gender of public visitors (whether subscribers are your target audience);
  • the number of unique visitors per day;
  • subscriber activity (number of views, likes and reposts).

A large number of subscribers can be winding up, so it is impossible to focus only on this indicator. The percentage of unique visitors is important - the more it is, the better. This indicator should be at least 2.7% - if the group has 1 million subscribers, there should be at least 27 thousand unique visitors every day. If it is less, it is possible that the subscribers are “screwed up”.

As a rule, large publics publish their own statistics so that advertisers can make sure that they are not wasting their money in vain. For example, in the “Laugh to Tears” group, statistics can be seen next to prices.

The first graph shows the total audience coverage

On the second graph - Feedback(likes, comments)

Third - gender and age of the audience

Thanks to this information, the advertiser can measure the effectiveness of the advertisement. Advertising in a group with 1 million subscribers and 95,000 unique visitors every day is much more profitable than in a group with 2 million subscribers and 40,000 unique visitors.

Simple and convenient service for managing communities Fill your group with great content for the week ahead, in just 10 minutes ➡

How to view group statistics

If the group does not publish statistics, you can check it yourself.

Firstly, there is the socialboard.ru/stat service, where you can see the statistics of popular communities.

Secondly, to view the statistics, you just need to type https://vk.com/stats?act=reach&gid=12345678 into the search bar where 12345678 is the community id. If the group is interested in advertising, then administrators, as a rule, do not cover this data.

All of these groups are the product of the persistent and successful work of their creators. If you understand the needs of your target audience, stubbornly go to your goal and have an iron patience, then you can achieve such results.

If you are interested in VKontakte publics from the position of an advertiser, carefully study all the indicators of the community and do not be fooled only by the number of subscribers, because this figure can be screwed up. In addition, do not forget that in addition to advertising in groups, there is also targeted advertising on the VKontakte social network.

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Start earning

VKontakte more 54 million groups and public pages... Of course, many have already been blocked or have not been active for a long time. Today I want to present you with statistical data of more than 3 thousand groups in this post, which, in principle, captured most of the traffic on VKontakte.

  • 3361 groups and public pages with statistics open.
  • 862 603 881 - people who joined them, including millions of bots =)
  • Coverage per day - 124 613 285 of people. The daily audience of VKontakte is 48 million people, respectively, each VKontakte user saw any news from these groups at least 2.5 times a day.
  • 25 887 467 - unique users in these groups (daily). More than half of the social. the network goes into these groups.

The most interesting thing is ahead. Companies often buy ads in a particular group. The most popular for advertisers are millionaire groups... In my statistics, their 189 .

But everywhere and always there is underwater rocks... An inexperienced advertiser can buy a quick post in a millionaire, with the hope of huge reach of people. Bought and looks. The reactions are almost zero.

Many VKontakte groups are "cared for" by half at best, and 99% at worst.

Let's look at some of the "interesting" VKontakte millionaire groups:

Secrets of female beauty
Design it! - decorate your world
Cook it! - delicious recipes
The Secrets of Great People's Success

Took five groups, in total 6 300 000 participants... Daily coverage 284 396 , and only unique users 16 299 per day.

Now let's take one group:

Gambling addiction - 560,000 participants, 294,000 coverage and 164,000 unique users per day.

Do you see the difference?

I'll show you an interesting graph:

The higher, the worse.

Out of 100 millionaire groups, only 5 have the best performance in terms of reaching users and unique visitors. They are highlighted in red. Of course MDK tears everyone up... In this group, 1,000,000 likes are made per day on posts, about 120,000 Repostings, and 80,000 comments. Closer to her, only the group " Institute for Noble Maidens“, Also with 1 lem of likes, but reposts and comments are several times less.

And here is another graph, The ratio of unique visitors to the number of members of TOP groups on VKontakte.

The higher the orange bar, the worse.

This proves the saying - "Don't believe your eyes." Do not pay attention to the number of participants in the groups.

In groups of million people - 2,7% - This is the average ratio of unique users to the number of participants.

For example, if you have a group of 1,000,000 participants, at least 27,000 people should visit you per day,

The average for VKontakte, this indicator is - 3,5%

For my 500 selected groups, this is - 10,34%

And in my TOP100 groups - 18,43%

The ratio of participants to coverage in millionaire groups:

This is where the reach goes down - the bad millionaire. These are all data from the statistics table.

You know, the most interesting thing is not always a metric " coverage»A decisive factor in choosing a group for advertising.

Let's take 100 groups.

Total subscriber reach - 380 000 person per day

Unique users - 780 000 person per day.

How so ?! It's simple, you just looked at the statistics of groups of erotic content. People enter the URL of the group directly, do not join it or like it, but they watch it cute and playfully.

Because of these tricky tricks, different metrics and different influences on conversion, I created my own small group performance rating.

I will not talk about formulas, they are elementary. I bring to your attention my little work in open access for all. Maybe someone, she will help find the right groups at the ideal price / quality ratio. I will not reveal all the secrets of the tables, I hope you yourself will guess how to use it.

And, if it is useful to you, "fill in" as much as you see fit:

  • I. Money - 41001631150653
  • WMZ - Z236183456552
  • WMR - R694147193667
  • WMU - U322866130020

Yes, and ordinary thanks, likes and retweets will suit me too.

Download -

Thank you for your attention, I was with you, lazy Staurus.

Now in The Witcher 3, Skyrim, RUST, Metro Exodus, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, PUBG, Path of Exile, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019, Dying Light "," World of Tanks "," Mortal Kombat 11 "," Dead by Daylight "and 500+ other PC games can be played even on the old and weak computer, MacBook, smartphone, tablet or media player with Android! How? With a cloud gaming service that turns any device into gaming computer.

The moment has come when you can play at the top settings and forget about system requirements... You don't even need to install games, you only need the Internet. FullHD and 60 FPS without input. 18+. GFN can be tried for 14 days for free: https://vk.cc/ah0NuT

397 37 0 ER 0.0045

Now in The Witcher 3, RUST, Metro Exodus, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, PUBG, Path of Exile, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019, Apex Legends, Skyrim "," World of Tanks "," Mortal Kombat 11 "," Dead by Daylight "and 500+ other PC games can be played even on an old and weak computer, MacBook, smartphone, tablet or media player with Android! How? Using the cloud a gaming service that turns any device into a gaming computer.

The moment has come when you can play on top-end settings with RTX and forget about system requirements. You don't even need to install games, you only need the Internet. FullHD and 60 FPS without input. 18+. GFN can be tried for 14 days for free: https://vk.cc/agMRKE

280 34 0 ER 0.0033

Now in The Witcher 3, Metro Exodus, RUST, Apex Legends, Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem, Assassin's Creed's, PUBG, Fortnite, Path of Exile "," For Honor "," Dying Light "," World of Tanks "," DayZ "," Mortal Kombat 11 "," Dead by Daylight "and hundreds of other PC games can be played at maximum speed with RTX even on the old and weak computer, MacBook, smartphone, tablet or media player with Android! How? A cloud gaming service that turns any device into a gaming PC. By the way, "Cyberpunk 2077" will appear on the service on the day of release.

The moment has come when you can play on top-end settings with RTX and forget about system requirements. You don't even need to install games, you only need the Internet. FullHD and 60 FPS without input. 18+. GFN can be tried for 14 days for free: https://vk.cc/anRaTw

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