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Website responsiveness is the ability of a website to display correctly on different devices with different characteristics.

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Today, websites are viewed on personal computers, tablets, and smartphones. Each device has its own characteristics - speed, screen resolution.

If the site is not responsive, then it will display correctly on the computer. And on the phone it can “go” - the blocks overlap each other, the font can become unreadable.

The term responsiveness itself has been widely used since the publication of Ethan Marcott's book Responsive Web Design - Responsive Web Design. Sites that can dynamically adjust to the given characteristics of viewing devices have become known as adaptive.

Responsive layout example

Display on PC:

On tablet:

On smartphone:

Why you need a responsive website

Technology is developing at a rapid pace, and equipment manufacturers are not far behind them. Smartphones, tablets, TVs, and other electronic devices connected to the Internet are available for every taste and budget, and there are many screen size options.

At the same time, content consumption is increasing exponentially. In the struggle for a client, site owners use all means and methods. In particular, at the development stage, they lay the possibility of correctly displaying their web resource on various devices.

The percentage of devices that allow you to view information online is growing every year. A variety of formats and resolutions complicate the development process as a whole, additional requirements have to be taken into account at all stages: designers, layout designers, and programmers.

The concept of adaptive design allows you to streamline the process, since you do not need to create several variants of sites, as was the case with mobile versions in the past. In that case, a separate set of functions was designed on a separate subdomain.

Old sites need to be improved, and various approaches to adaptability allow this to be realized. The main thing is to correctly assess the scale at the start, in some cases it is easier, faster and cheaper to use new design layouts and templates. If your corporate identity is not a recognizable brand, the fact that it is morally obsolete often pushes you to rework. And rebranding, as a stage of transition to a new level, has not been canceled. A responsive website is a powerful tool for your business.

There are services to check how the site meets the requirements of adaptability.

Moreover, today the largest search engines Google and Yandex take this parameter into account when ranking websites. Since usability, navigation are one of the mandatory factors for evaluating the quality of a site. The speed of loading information, and in the case of optimized images, it drops, unreadable text and distorted elements that are too small or do not fit on the screen make it difficult to find information and simply lead to an increase in bounces - the user closes the page. These are behavioral factors that also affect the position in the search results.

For site owners, technical terminology and ranking parameters are not entirely clear and tangible criteria. But it is enough for them to understand how this affects the dynamics of attendance. In many areas, the share of traffic from mobile devices is comparable to and even exceeds desktop traffic. This must be taken into account. It is less and less possible to meet developers who do not offer to adapt the website, but it will not hurt to navigate this issue to control the process.

Principles of adaptability


Let's say you've designed for desktop browsers. Everything is awesome. When viewing this site from a mobile device, the blocks are shifted and go under each other.

This is called a flow. And now this is one of the main principles that is used in responsive design. Consider this.

Unit Relativity

It is known from school physics lessons that the speed can be absolute, when, regardless of where you observe the movement from, the speed will be the same. And relative - when, depending on the reference point, the speed can change.

Same with units of measurement. Different devices have different pixel densities. And the size, for example, 320 px will look different on the screen of a computer and a smartphone.
The solution is to use relative units. When you specify all sizes, scales and coordinates of a block relative to an element that is both on the PC screen and on the smartphone display. For example, the upper bound.

Using Breakpoints

These are elements whose location changes only if a certain device is used for viewing. given parameters screen.

For example, if the content of the page “creeps away”, then it makes sense to add such a point and fix the content.

Minimum and maximum values

On a mobile phone, the article can be displayed as it should. But here you open the same page on a widescreen monitor, and the picture does not please you. Everything is stretched out, readability is out of the question.

For example, you can specify properties. If the screen width is less than 1000 pixels, then the content should be displayed in full screen. Otherwise, the maximum width will be 1000 pixels.

Object nesting

It happens that you need to use many elements that depend on the position of other blocks. It's hard to control. You can nest such objects in one container. This is suitable for those blocks that you do not want to adapt to the screen parameters - buttons, logos, etc.

Correct Fonts

Web fonts look beautiful. But do not forget that they are all loaded. This affects the page loading speed of the user.

Proper use of raster and vector graphics

If the picture has a lot of small details, then use a raster format. Otherwise - vector.

But no picture should be used without optimization - compression. Vector images are usually already compressed. But not all older browsers support them.

Compliance with layout sizes

There are general standards on what basic dimensions it is customary to focus on when developing a layout.

In responsive design, there is such a thing as breakpoints. These are the parameters that are passed in the media functions. Indicate at what resolutions the design changes.

  • For mobile 320px, 480 px.
  • For tablets 768px.
  • For netbooks and some tablets 1024px.
  • For personal computers 1280px or more.

Binding to a specific resolution is not hard. Depends on device settings and parameters.

Sometimes there is no need to create a layout for intermediate resolutions, for example, 480px, if the layout is displayed correctly in the range of 768 - 320px.

If the layout “breaks” on a particular gadget, is displayed incorrectly at a different resolution, the actual values ​​​​for this screen are taken as the breakpoints.

Media Queries

The development of adaptive sites is based on the principle of defining style parameters using media queries (media queries).

Requests define:

  • Type of devices: projectors, smartphones, monitors, TVs, etc.
  • Terms.

On the corresponding request and response, the display settings corresponding to the device from the css style file will be applied.

Website responsiveness check

You can check how your site is displayed on mobile devices using various services and tools.

Using a browser

For example, Google Chrome has a built-in toolkit for checking website design for correct display on mobile devices. You need to press the F12 key or Ctrl + Shift + I, or select "Additional Tools" - "Developer Tools" in the Menu.

IN Mozilla Firefox this can be done in this way "Menu" - "Development" - "Responsive design", or Ctrl + Shift + M.

Google Mobile Friendly (Google Search Console)

We just type the full URL into the string and get the results. The check usually takes less than a minute.

An adaptive website is a web development standard, one of the indicators of the quality of an Internet resource and an attentive attitude to user needs.

Adaptive layout site allows web pages to automatically adjust to the screens of tablets and smartphones. Mobile Internet traffic is growing every year, and in order to effectively process this traffic, it is necessary to offer users adaptive sites with a user-friendly interface.

Search engines use a number of criteria to evaluate the responsiveness of a site when viewed on mobile devices. Google is trying to simplify the use of the Internet for owners of smartphones and tablets, marking in mobile issuance adapted for mobile devices sites with a special mark mobile friendly. Yandex also has an algorithm that gives preference to sites with a mobile / adaptive version for users in mobile search.

You can check the display of the page on mobile devices on the services and.

Rice. 1. Mobile issuance of Yandex and Google with a note about the friendliness of the site to mobile devices

What is adaptive layout

Adaptive layout implies the absence horizontal bar scrolling and scalable areas when viewed on any device, readable text and large areas for clickable elements. Using media queries, you can control the layout and position of blocks on the page, rearranging the template so that it adapts to different device screen sizes.

The main techniques for creating an adaptive site are given in the article. For responsive design the width of the main site container is set in % , while it can be equal to or less than 100% of the browser window width. The width of the grid columns is also set in %. IN responsive design the width of the main container and grid columns is fixed using values ​​in px .

The responsive fluid layout technique discussed in this tutorial will work great on a two-column template, making the site responsive and mobile-friendly. The template assumes a different layout of the main content of the pages, in this lesson the layout of the main page will be analyzed.

Main page layout

The page consists of three main blocks: a header (header), a wrapper container for the main content and a sidebar, and a footer (footer). Let's take 768px and 480px as design breakpoints.

At the first point, we will hide the top menu and move the sidebar under the container with the posts. At the second point, we will change the location of the header elements, cancel the positioning of the social network buttons in the posts, and cancel the wrapping of the page footer columns.

Rice. 2. An example of adaptive layout

1. Meta tags and section

1) Add to section necessary files - a link to the fonts used, the jQuery library, as well as the prefixfree plugin (so as not to write browser prefixes for properties):

Responsive site layout

2. Page header

In the header of the page

place the following container elements: