What is better to buy an external battery for phone. How to choose a portable phone charger? How to choose a portable charger

The external battery (or as it is also called Power Bank) is a small portable device that allows you to recharge smartphones, telephones, tablets and other mobile equipment in almost the work, without using a power outlet and power adapter. Properly selected external battery Let you extend time autonomous work Your device is several times, which will significantly increase your mobility and will allow you to less worry about the charge of the battery and the probabilities remain without communication.

When choosing an external battery for a smartphone, first of all, you need to decide which container you need. In this question, you need to repel from the capacity of the battery of your smartphone and the mobility you want to receive. For example, if your device battery has a capacity of 3000 mAh and you want to extend the time of its autonomous work 3 times, then you need Power Bank to provide 2 full charges, that is, so that it is able to give a smartphone 6000 mAh.

In order for the external battery to charge your smartphone on 6000 mAh, its container must be much larger. The fact is that the battery cannot give all 100% of the energy that is stored in it. Energy will be spent on the conversion of voltage, heating, etc. In the amount, all these losses will be about 30-40%. Therefore, in order to get from an external battery of 6000 mAh, you need to choose a model, the capacity of which will be at least 8,000 mAh, and is better all 10,000 mAh.

After you have chosen the container of an external battery, you need to consider its dimensions and weight. Carefully examine the characteristics of the devices with the capacitance you need and decide whether you are ready to carry a device with such dimensions and weight or need to consider more compact devices. After all, if you get too cumbersome device, you will be inconvenient to use them. You will become more and more likely to leave him at home and eventually your mobility will not improve. In general, you should not chase the maximum capacity, it is important to catch a balance, otherwise the Power Bank will not be mobile.

Connectors on an external battery

Connectors - another important momentwhich must be taken into account when buying an external battery. Most models are equipped normal USB connector. This option is suitable for most smartphones, but in some cases a connector of another type may be required.

For example, now everything more smartphones The USB Type C connector is equipped with a cable from both sides of which the same USB Type C is used. In order to charge such a smartphone from the usual Power Bank you will need an adapter with USB to USB Type C. If you do not want to use adapters, it is worth it Search model with USB Type C connector. In this case, you can use a complete cable.

If you do not want to carry a cable with you, you can select a pan with a built-in cable. But, it should be borne in mind that such built-in cables are usually very short (up to 10 centimeters) because of what to use a smartphone when it is in charge will be inconvenient.

It is also necessary to take into account the number of connectors. Most external batteries are equipped with only one output connector. Therefore, if you need to charge several devices at once, then you need to choose a model with the corresponding number of outputs.

Smartphone charging speed from an external battery

Like a regular charging adapter, an external battery has such a characteristic as the output power of the current that is measured in amperes. The higher the output power of the current ,.

Budget Turn Banks usually give about 1 amper current. If you need to charge budget smartphone and push-button phone, then such a current is suitable. But, to charge more serious devices, you need to choose models that will be able to provide 2 or even 3 amps of current.

In order to determine which current current is needed precisely for your device, see what is indicated on the charger, which went bundled. On the charger should be approximately such a line "Output 5 V - 1 A". 1 A - this is the current of the current that needs your device. For the maximum fast charging, select an external battery that can provide the same or higher current strength. Do not fear if Power Bank can provide a large current strength than a regular charge. The charging process is managed by a smartphone, and it will not consume more current than he needs.

If your smartphone supports some kind of fast charging technology, such as Quick Charge 3.0 or Quick Charge 4.0, then you should look for an external battery with support for this technology. With the support of these technologies, the smartphone charging speed from the external battery will increase significantly.

In general, described above is enough to choose a suitable external battery for a smartphone. But, there are many more points that we would like to mention.

  • Choose models of famous brands. Power Bank is a fairly simple device, so many companies produce it. Many such companies disappear very quickly and do not follow the quality. To purchase a device that will respond to the stated characteristics, it is desirable to choose proven brands. For example, ASUS, SAMSUNG, Xiaomi, Huawei, Energizer.
  • Buy in reliable stores. External batteries are often forged, so do not save and buy turns on Aliexpress or somewhere on the market. It is better to choose a large and proven store that will definitely not trade "Palented" product.

Everyone is called this subject in different ways, but they miss it equally strongly when the battery on zero, and there is no sockets. Arsenal Gadgets is now not limited to a smartphone, it is often attached to him. wireless headphones, "Smart" watches, fitness bracelets, Bluetooth speakers ... their owners are the question of how to feed all this nails, it becomes particularly acute. We tell how external batteries differ from each other, how to choose the right right to you and how they correctly use it.

How much do your devices consume?

You need to start with an answer to this question: After all, a lover climber is to shoot on the Gopro-camera and mount the video on the tablet in mountain campaigns need larger volume Energy than an office manager floating with a player in the pool. For clarity, we give the average battery capacity in some types of devices:

action Camera: 900 mAh;

wireless headphones: 150 mAh;

music player: 1800 mAh;

wireless column: 3000 mAh;

smartphone: 3000 mAh.

Taking the basis of approximately such numbers, it is enough to remember which devices you use most often and plan to charge; Get something in this spirit: 1800 + 150 + 3000 \u003d 4050 mAh.

At first glance, here is the container that is needed in a wireless charging to replenish the battery of all devices. In fact, this number is advisable to multiply another percent on 20 to compensate for the heating losses, the effect of low temperatures outside and other factors. It turns out 5000 mAh.

The second characteristic that needs to be paid attention is the output voltage and current power. It is not necessary to remember physics, because most of the charges of the output current 1 A or 2.4 A. The larger the current (a) is better. After all, smart portable technique can limit the current to the desired meaning, But get more - no.

In general, portable chargers are divided into five conditional categories.

Pocket assistants

How to calculate: Capacity up to 3000 mAh

Such charging is a chic supplement of the car of the car, bags and a backpack, as well as the inner pocket of the jacket at the skier. They are doing, but they will help when they need to add charges on a smartphone or fow the action chamber. You can choose a compact charging in design sympathies, and it is not necessary to study the characteristics of the output current at all: often the real output current is 1 A, which means that the cost of charging will be about three hours.

Signature RedLine R-2600 by 2600 mAh with current force 1 A

Power Bank can be safely charged to lay it just in case. Self-discharge of such devices is very slow, for the year your portable battery will only sit down percent for 10-15.

Workers for every day

How to calculate: Capacity about 5000 mAh

These casual charges most often meet in passersby in hand and in the cabin car, where it is possible to feed the battery from the cigarette lighter. Comfortable, compact and effective assistants of the active owners of smartphones, devoid of opportunities to change the battery in unbeatable devices. And at the same time lovers of short travel and travel with their own move. You should choose such charging on the output strength of the current from 2.1 A, and also give preference - the coolest battery elements resemble thick batteries.

HUAWEI CP07 signature by 6700 mAh with current 2.4 A

Food for a large company

How to calculate: Capacity from 8,000 to 12,000 mAh

If you pay for gadgetoman and shopping in the store, not even a smartphone, and the clock, the collection of technicians will be able to feed charging more powerful. In this capacitive group, they have a strong output current, and even accelerated charging technologies, therefore the design and number of ports for simultaneous feeding becomes the determining factor when choosing. Note: Often the second USB output is weaker than the first, so we recommend clarifying this parameter in characteristics.

TTEC POWERSLIM for 10,000 mAh with current 2.1 a

The accelerated charging technology significantly reduces the time to the cherished 100 percent on the smartphone battery. An hour, a maximum of one and a half - and the phone is fully ready for work. However, pay attention to what the accelerated charging technology supports your gadget. QuickCharge, Supercharge, Adaptive Fast Charging - all this different typeswho are not combined with each other. Thus, the smartphone can accelerately charge the Supercharge (if it is Huawei P10), and Power Bank support Quickcharge. In this case, the gadget will turn out, but the charging time will be ordinary.

Pocket power station

How to calculate: by capacity 15 000-20 000 mAh

Many of these are ready to charge even MacBook 12 and other laptop models with charging connector USB Type-C. And at the same time and distribute the energy at once to several devices without power drops on one of the USB outputs. These charge stations are good all, but their size and weight are not hidden. Such a demise limits their scope of application, but if you need confidence in the work of the whole technique for a few days ahead, it is barely compared to them by the effectiveness of the return.

Interstep PB16DQ for 16,000 mAh with current strength 2.1 A

Wireless portable charging

Attach smartphone and see

More and more new smartphones are equipped with wireless charging modules of the Qi standard and analogs - for example, Samsung Galaxy S7, S8, iPhone 8, X. It is enough to put such smartphones to wireless charging, and the battery feeding will start automatically. No wires and confusion, because the basis of technology is taken magnetic induction. Most of the smartphones supporting wireless charging work just according to QI standard, and more recently began to appear and suitable for them are fast. When choosing such charging, it is better to slightly increasing the reserve by the capacity to compensate for the energy loss to such a spectacular transmission process. By the way, such chargers themselves are able to charge from stationary sites.

Ferrari for 10,000 mAh with wireless charging Qi

Instead of output

To deal with the manifold of portable charging is easy if you match the closing model by parameters and know what kind of capacity it will be necessary. It is impractical to take charging with a margin, because it will affect the convenience of wearing with you, without bringing special benefits. Deciding with appearance and capacity, make sure the presence of the necessary bonuses - wireless or fast charging, and then you can safely buy a convenient, practical and appropriate device.

Contrary to the mind of the opinion of Power Bank does not spoil the battery of the smartphone. Just feeling that salvation is always at hand, the owners of gadgets begin to more actively use the device, it is more often charged and thereby increasing the number of charging cycles, which for each battery is limited.

This is all physics, I am not strong in it, but the fact is a fact. First of all, when buying pay attention to the container. We calculate 60% from it and we get a precise number of charge without loss, which will go to the device itself.

Do not be kept when buying on low price and a large number of Miliamper clock. Such gadgets are quite mediocre. Remember, a good turn Bank from 20,000 mAh should not cost less than 2000-2500 thousand rubles.

Tok Power

It is from the strength of the current depends, how much time is wireless charger Will charge your gadget. Usually, smartphones for charging need 1 amp, and tablets 2.

Weight and size

Why is this important criterion when choosing? Everything is simple, portable charging must be:

  • compact
  • not too heavy
  • and have a convenient design (the thinner, the better)

After all, why do you buy it? To take with me hike, on a trip, on a picnic, to the country and so on. In general, to the place where there is no possibility to charge from the outlet.

Of course, Power Bank must be small. Who wants to carry in their bag stone weighing a few hundred grams? But here two sides of the coin. The smaller the device you acquire, the smaller the container it has.

You need to look for a golden middle. Moreover, manufacturers take into account such parameters and make it possible to combine high performance and compactness in one device.

Number of USB connectors

Imagine that you went to a tourist campaign with your friend. So you sat down to have a snack, relax, go to the social. Networks or look a video clip ... But it's not enough, as I discharged the batteries on your smartphones discharged. And then you remember that you have a portable battery!

You with a satisfied view take it out of the bag and put your gadget for recharging. Your friend, of course feels deprived. Well, right, it was necessary to think in advance and buy yourself such a device ...

Of course, you do not do a good man, but simply share with another second USB port. No wonder many models are equipped with them. By the way, the two manufacturers are not limited. Often you can meet more.

View of the battery

The battery itself in the device may be ( click to open description):


    By appearance Similar to conventional finger batteries and is the most optimal price-quality. The lithium-ion battery is enough for about 1000 charges, then the power begins to fall and the mah disappear.

lithium polymer

Can take a more flat form. Lithium-polymer battery It will last much longer (about 5,000 charges), it will be higher than it. Such batteries in the pancakes are less common.

Removable battery

Some devices have a function of removable batteries. That is, batteries that change as needed. So you acquire yourself the housing portable deviceAnd the battery can always be replaced by itself.

Plus such models are that they will serve much longer. Over time, any Power Bank wear out and charge it becomes less and less. In the case of a similar device, you can always replace the battery for a new one and, voila, you have a new device.

But there are also disadvantages. Such a hard pot is working on a small strength of the current, and this increases the charge time.

Availability of indicator

In addition, the light indicator can be found on the device. Which indicates how much charge is still left. You can also find a device in which there is a display.

Buyers say that seeing the charge in percent on the display is much more convenient than the light bulbs. But there is a minus. The screen also consumes some part of the energy that could go into the gadget.

Automatic shutdown

One of the important functions of Power Bank is automatic shutdown. It protects against short circuit, as well as from sharp energy jumps that can damage the charged devices.

In addition, such a function prevents in vain energy consumption. For example, you can put gadgets for charging at night and not worry about that after a while you will need to wake up and disable the battery.

Additional features and accessories

For example, for turcomers, you can buy a Power Bank with a flashlight and hand warming. Some models are equipped with even connecting to Wi-Fi and the input for the flash memory storage. In short, that just do not come up and as soon as the device does not decorate.

You can also choose an adapter for its charging and a protective case to your external battery. Mostly silicone covers, they will protect the device from dirt, dust and possible hit water. The adapter will help to charge chambers 2 2 times faster.

What company choose an external battery?

Many device data firms. Among them, there are both popular brands and not known to anyone. Basically, all devices are manufactured in China. For this reason, I see the point of ordering the device there.

  • Firstly, You do not overpay your extra money
  • Secondly, Delivery to Russia and the CIS are mostly free

At the exit, we get a device from the same China, but much cheaper than in the city store. Of course there is a minus, because about a month will have to wait for the parcel. But, for example, it doesn't scare me at all. In any case, in terms of money remain in the plus. And if, the purchase will become even more profitable.

I picked up a few models of Pole Bank with Chinese shopping areassuch as Gearbest and Aliexpress. Also allocate a couple of well-known firms whose devices are most popular worldwide. Here are the brands that we will consider in this article:

  • Samsung - Korean firm famous world
  • Xiaomi. - Popular Chinese brand
  • Canyon - Netherlands Electronics Firm
  • Baseus. - Young Chinese company
  • USAMS. - Another Chinese brand producing electronics and accessories
  • Yoobao. - high-tech electronics from the PRC

CANYON CNE-CPB130DG one of the best portable charging

Please note the model is equipped with a light indicator and two USB ports, which allows you to charge two devices at the same time.

View characteristics

  • Capacity: 13000 mAh
  • Current power: 2.0 A
  • Voltage: 5 V
  • Battery type: lithium-ion
  • Weight: 259 g
  • Size (mm): 62 x 142 x 23
  • Complete set: device, uSB cable, user's manual
  • Additional features: LED indicator, 2 USB ports
  • Country of manufacture: China

SAMSUNG EB-P3000C External Compact Battery

Compact and easy power bank, but it does not give up in its power to the charge of a smartphone or tablet. It has one connector for a USB cable. The guarantee when buying in the original store will be 6 months.

Show characteristics

  • Capacity: 10000 mAh
  • Current power: 2.0 A
  • Voltage: 5 V
  • Battery type: lithium-ion
  • Weight: 240 g
  • Size (mm): 71 x 147.5 x 15
  • Complete set: device, USB cable (with microUSB / Type-C), user manual
  • Additional features: Quick Charging Mode

Original Xiaomi Plm06ZM with good power

Original to all well-known and fairly popular Chinese firm Xiaomi. Power Bank has two USB port output and one input Micro-USB to charge the device itself. As well as light indicators about battery power status. Real power is guaranteed by 14,000 mAh.

Show characteristics

  • Capacity: 20000 mAh
  • Current strength: 2.4 A, 2 A, 1.5 A
  • Voltage: 5.1 V, 9 V, 12 V
  • Battery type: lithium polymer
  • Weight: 328 g
  • Size (cm): 13.55 x 6.76 x 2.39
  • Complete set: device, USB cable
  • Additional features: fast charging, supports small current, so it is easily suitable for charging bluetooth headsets, headphones, smart bracelet and other little things

USAMS MINI Compact Portable Battery

Small and compact, but it has a rather big power. Created to charge two gadgets at the same time. For lovers of classics, the device is in white, and in black. Also, the choice provides a model with a display and without.

Baseus Super Slim Exterior Battery

The thickness of the device is only 15 mm, which immediately suggests that the type of battery is a polymer. This means that the performance of such a device is much larger, but at the same time the charging time is also increased. Black or white design to choose from. Real charge power is about 7000-9000 mAh.

Show characteristics

  • Capacity: 10000 mAh
  • Current strength: 2.1 A
  • Voltage: 5 V
  • Battery type: lithium polymer
  • Weight: 181 g
  • Size (mm): 135 x 67 x 15
  • Complete set: device, USB - cable, instruction
  • Optional: 2 USB ports, display

USAMS US-CD06 Ultra Thin External Battery

Another polymer battery with an unusual design "Mosaic". It has two USB ports and one Micro USB for recharging. The status of the power will tell the light indicator.

Romoss Sense 8+ Powerful Power Bank by 30000 mAh

Quite large, universal turn bank with large quantity Different ports. Suitable for charging iPhone, iPad and various smartphones on android. Moreover, it is possible to connect all this at the same time, because the charge is just enough for everyone.

Show characteristics

  • Capacity: 30000 mAh
  • Current strength: 2.1 A
  • Voltage: 5 V
  • Battery type: lithium polymer
  • Weight: 671 g
  • Size (cm): 167 x 80 x 32.8
  • Interfaces: Input - Lightning, Micro-USB, uSB Type C; Weekend - USB x 2
  • Complete set: device, USB cable, instruction

Yoobao A2 Lithium Polymer Portable Battery

Powerful portable battery with accurate to 1% indicator in numbers, two UCB ports, one micro USB and one Lightning port.

Show characteristics

  • Capacity: 20000 mAh
  • Current strength: 2.1 A
  • Voltage: 5 V
  • Battery type: lithium polymer
  • Weight: 500 g
  • Size (mm): 174 x 93 x 14.5
  • Complete set: device + micro USB + Pouch for carrying

A year ago I did not understand anything at all in the gadgets and decided to buy myself a portable battery. Then no one suggested me how to choose a pan for a smartphone. I spent 500 rubles per battery, the power of which, as was stated 8000 mAh. But in fact, Miliamper clocks turned out only 3000.

Yes, it was my unsuccessful purchase ... My iPhone 6S Never charge this battery completely. Only 60%. What I write it all. If you want to buy a really highly productive device, then less than 1000, and it is not worth spending 1500 rubles. Otherwise, you will have to pay twice and buy a second device with a greater power, as I had to make me.

I hope this article was informative and helped answer the question of how to choose a portable charger for the phone, tablet and other gadgets.

(7 estimates, average: 4,29 out of 5)

External battery - So called a portable charger for charging the phone battery. These options for the names of the portable power supply unit are also used:

  • « Portable battery»;
  • « Portable accumulator».

Power Bank - External Battery (Portable Charger)

Power Bank. (from English. "External battery") - so called portable phone charger in EnglishBut this term is often used in Russian.

These names are also used:

  • "Power Bank";
  • "Delibank";
  • "Power Bank";
  • "Power Bank";
  • And a bunch of other all sorts of accuracy options for the name "Power Bank".

External Battery - Portable Phone Charger

What is Power Bank

In essence, Power Bank is a battery. An additional battery having a larger volume and capable of accumulating more charge. Thanks to the character distribution function, it is able to transmit it to other mobile devices.

External battery: benefits

Power Bank is an indispensable thing that allows you to charge a mobile device into a situation when there is no access to a stationary charging from the network, computer or laptop.

The portable charger is easy to use, it has a small size and weight. It is universal and suitable for any mobile devices.

You can be sure that thanks to this small box, in long trips, your smartphone or tablet will always have additional recharging. The main thing is not to forget to charge yourself an external battery and take the USB wire!

What Power Bank is better to buy

Where better to buy Power Bank

To search for an online store where to buy a portable external battery (Power Bank) at a good price, you can use specialized shopping internet playgrounds.

Today, every person has a smartphone. This rectangular brick literally won the world. The device is quite useful, but unfortunately, it lacks autonomy. The battery for the phone has a short time. Usually in 2-3 years you have to replace the battery. We'll figure out what kind of battery purchase.

Battery for phone and smartphone

Good to know!

Today, many acb are equipped with a charge controller. This device helps track the charge-discharge process. In addition, in the event of an emergency state, for example, the battery is strongly heated, the controller will turn off the battery. In case of cooling, it will happen the same.

How to choose a battery for your phone?

Tips before choosing:

  1. Capacity migral. What it is more, the longer the device is able to work. Mah - means capacity in milliamp hours.
  2. Complete coincidence with the old battery. Identical type of previous battery.
  3. Voltage. It usually comes from 3.7 volts. Some models may be greater or less.
  4. The size must coincide with the old battery.
  5. Contact location.
  6. What type. Lithium-ion or others.
  7. Before purchasing Akb, look at the smartphone passport. Usually there they are prescribed what kind of battery required.
  8. Price. Sometimes manufacturers are misleading the consumer. For a little money, the battery allegedly high containers is sold, but at low cost. Be careful, such batteries are made poorly and their capacity is much lower than the claimed.
  9. Warranty. Each manufacturer gives its own. The shelf life of the battery for the phone on average 1 year. Usually this indicator varies from 6 months to 3 years.
  10. It is best to purchase Li-Ion (have a shutdown machine with a complete charge) or a Li-Pol battery for your phone.
  11. How many times can you discharge and charge the battery. The most common one is 1000 times.
  12. Case, how durable it is. It is desirable that it was aluminum.
  13. Ask the seller whether there is protection, is there a thermostat.

The duration of the battery for the phone affects:

  1. Screen type
  2. Networks: GPS, Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G.
  3. Supported functions.
  4. Illumination.
  5. Programs.

A frequent charging of the battery leads to its rapid wear!

Battery Manufacturers for Phone

The list below presents popular companies manufacturing acb for smartphones.

  • Gigabyte GT.
  • Maxpower
  • Justmobile.
  • Unitech
  • Kensington
  • Batimex.
  • Hicapacity HP.
  • FonMedia.
  • Ansmann.
  • TelforceOne
  • Hipower
  • Cisco.
  • Intermec.
  • Apple
  • Pulsar
  • ActiveJet.
  • Cipher Lab.
  • Prestigio.
  • MyPhone
  • Belkin.
  • Whitenergy.
  • Datalogic.
  • Uniross.
  • Honeywell.
  • Fujicell.
  • Extreme.
  • BlackBerry.
  • Garmin.
  • Blue Star.
  • Dexim
  • Gsmart.
  • Nokia.
  • Motorola.
  • Samsung
  • Siemens.

Purchase lithium-ion or lithium-polymer autonomous batteries. The brand must be known. Take care of the battery from the cold and heat. Does not exist over capacious batteries at a low price - this is a hoax. Usually the battery serves about 2 years.

When to change the battery in the phone?

With the use of the smartphone, the battery needs to be changed every 2nd. Usually by this time charges enough for a couple of hours. But if you rarely enjoy the phone, then the replacement can be done in 3-4 years.

Signs that battery it's time to change:

  1. Little holds a charge.
  2. Charge comes from every few hours.
  3. Waiting for charge accounts for more than 3 hours.
  4. The phone is turned off by itself.
  5. The battery is damaged.

Question from user! Does the value of the limitation of the battery for the phone and influences this period on the quality and operation of the battery?

The term naturally affects. Lithium polymer batteries created in 2018, and sold in 2019 will manage to serve 3 years. Nickel Cadmium can start leaking and snap.

Where do I sell batteries for your phone?

Most people go for the acquisition of the battery for the smartphone to:

  1. Radiomagazine and radio markets.
  2. Online store.
  3. Corporate shop.

In the first case, the user will receive a small selection of batteries for the phone. But sellers in such places can give a good advice.

In the second there will be an extensive choice. But it is worth paying attention to the feedback and reliability of the seller.

In the third version you will receive an expensive battery, but with a guarantee.

How much is the battery for the phone?

The cost of the battery on a mobile phone with android fluctuates in the area of \u200b\u200b1000 rubles.

Can the phone battery explode?

A similar rechargeable battery causes an explosion in the following cases:

  1. Poorly manufactured.
  2. Does not have a charge controller.
  3. Strongly worn and swollen.

So be those neat!

Where to throw the battery from the phone?

Similar batteries are prohibited from throwing out into a common urn. To get rid of them to find the point of reception of such batteries and take them there. On the this moment Not all cities have such offices. Perhaps you have. Article: "" will help more detail to understand this issue.

How to reduce battery consumption for phone?

To do this, follow the Soviets below:

  1. Reduce the display brightness.
  2. After using the Internet, do not forget to turn off the data transmission.
  3. Applications that do not use better remove or turn off. Each working application consumes energy.
  4. Look to bed or turn off the phone, or turn on the " In the plane».
  5. If there are charge savings settings include them.

How to increase battery life for your phone?

  1. Charge battery needs up to 100%.
  2. Do not spend the whole charge, it is better to connect to it at step 35-50%.
  3. It is not recommended to leave the phone connected to the network for the night.
  4. After displaying information on the displays that the smartphone is fully charged, turn it off.
  5. Use only the "native" charger.
  6. You can not charge near the heating devices and sun rays.
  7. 1 time in 30 days stands through a complete charge and full discharge.

How to store the phone battery?

Types of batteries for phone

After analyzing the history of the AKB development, it turned out that there is only 4-type batteries for the phone.

Nickel-cadmium batteries (NI-CD)

This type of batteries was made in the distant 1899. Due to multiple deficiencies, it was not prevalent. Although they are strong enough and durable. Can withstand drops of high and low temperatures. In addition, it is withstanding a lot of multiple charging.

The main disadvantage overlapping all the advantages is their toxicity. Cadmium is a poisonous substance. Besides this type The battery for the phone has low energy intensity. Production costs are highly high. And the periodically manifest memory effect is forced to do frequent. This is not very convenient.

Nickel-metal hydride batteries (Ni-MH)

These nutrition elements are made on the basis of nickel. The main positive property is good capacity and low production cost. Previously, a similar type of battery was used in large phones of a budget type with limited functionality.

Their main minus is the effect of memory. You put for charging at a 30% battery indicator and then the phone turns off how it comes to this figure. Such a property is less pronounced than the above described type. Also such batteries are charged for a long time.

Lithium-ion batteries (Li-Ion)

To date, this type is the most relevant! Their main advantage over competitors:

  1. Compact dimensions.
  2. Big.
  3. A small self-discharge.
  4. No memory effect.
  5. Show stable performance.

Similar batteries for mobile phones Work stably and long.

Of negative Parties It can be noted a high cost in contrast to nickel batteries. Poor tolerate cold. For minus 20 0 C is the risk of electrolyte leakage. In the discharged state, these power sources should not hold. Service life can be reduced. Substitute to wear in independence use them or not.

Lithium polymer batteries (Li-POL)

This removable battery for the smartphone is made using lithium salts and polymer electrolyte. This approach allows you to create a charging battery for the phone of various shapes. Subtlety and plasticity are the main chip of these batteries.


  • High energy intensity, about the same as lithium-ion internal batteries for phones.
  • The cost is significantly lower than those described.
  • A large number of charging / discharge cycles.


  • Unstable work at low temperatures.
  • It is harmful to a strong recharge and deep discharge. To prevent a built-in voltage controller. And this affects the cost of the product.

Reinforced batteries for phones

These models are called another powerful battery with elevated. Unlike they have compact dimensions. Their sizes coincide with the native battery device. Most often, the devices are Chinese or Japanese production.

The main energy intensity starts from 2450 mAh and ends 5500 mAh. Such characteristics of the battery allow you to increase the work of the smartphone at times! And reveal its opportunities to full.

The main characteristics of batteries for phones

The data in the table will help you select the desired batteries for cell phones.

Phone Battery Device

Like any other acb, it has a positive and negative pole. It also has a foundation. Internally contains electrolyte and different chemicals. Learn more about the structure of the battery of the phone can be found in the article :.

Delibank for phone

Similar long-playing batteries won the consumer market. In fact, the data of the battery is very convenient. You can go on the journey and do not worry about the fact that there is no socket there.

The main advantages of Power Bank for phone

  • Good durable case.
  • Large container.
  • The ability to repeatedly recharge the portable battery for your phone.

How to choose Power Bank for phone?

By buying a traffic battery for the phone, pay attention to the following things:

  • Dimensions. Decide for what are going to use the backup. If you take for the phone, then it should easily be placed in your pocket, bag or backpack. Take note that the dimensions must be optimal. The battery at 12000 mAh will not fit into the miniature case.
  • The material from which it is made. The metal case is durable, but has a significant weight. Plastic is many times easier. If the beliefs will not be applied in extreme conditions, then you can take plastic. The stability of the body does not depend.
  • Capacity. It must be twice the capacity of the installed battery. Naturally, the higher the better. It is advisable to buy an additional Power Bank for 6000 mAh, but if the small budget then goes to 4000 mAh.
  • Current power. Akb usually contain this information on the label. It is usually equal to 0.5-1 amp.
  • Charging. It is better to purchase such a device that contains both the ability to recharge from USB and from the outlet. Like uSB type The battery for the phone is called hybrid. Preferably with a current of 1-2 A.
  • Such features as a charge indicator, power button, the number of USB connectors are chosen for the user taste. The benefits of them are alone, this is convenience.
  • Make sure that the power button and shutdown is completely immersed in the housing. This will prevent from a random launch.

Portable battery has a voltage of 3.7 volts. Smartphones and others mobile devices Require a charge of 5 volts. This suggests that there is a loss of energy potential up to 30%. Cheap Chinese batteries at all possess 50% percentage of the claimed capacity.

How does it work?

Functions a spare accumulator for your phone similarly to a simple battery built into a mobile smartphone.

A number of food cells are falling into the power controller. After that, ports are embedded to recharging AKB. Then one or more ports for charging the smartphone are installed.

Connect the Power Bank to the phone, and its battery begins to charge! Electricity flows from the donor to additional accumulator Smartphone.

How much does it cost?

Rates for an autonomous battery for phone depends on the capacity than it is more, the higher the cost. For example, Power Bank with a capacity of 10,000 Mah can be found in 2 000 r. If its capacity is 5,000 Mah, then in 1000 - 1500 you can meet.

Delibean Battery Operation Rules for Phone

  1. Changing the external battery to a new one should turn off the power in the machine. Otherwise there may be a deformation of memory.
  2. To expand a bit to spend up to 5 category-charge cycles. This means that you need to discharge the remote battery fully and charge it up to one hundred percent.
  3. You should not dramatically move the portable battery for the phone from heat in the frost and back. Before charging, let it lie slightly and take the room temperature.
  4. It is impossible to recharge more than 24 hours. As soon as the battery charges the special chip will turn off the charging process.

Most optimal solution Purpose Pole Bank by 6000 - 12,000mah.

Exterior battery for smartphone on solar panels

Today, such ankb is very popular. It will be indispensable in campaigns and different ribs on nature.

The main characteristics of the average solar battery accumulator:

  1. Type Li-Ion.
  2. Color Miscellaneous: Black, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Green, etc.
  3. Capacity 10,000 Mah. May be less or more.
  4. 5 volt output voltage.
  5. Current of 1-2 A.
  6. Some models have a quick wireless charging.
  7. USB port.
  8. Built-in solar panel, allowing to get energy from the sun.
  9. Material: plastic or metal.
  10. Case protection.
  11. Weight of about 300 grams.

This is the approximate characteristics of a typical panibank with solar charging.

Thus, the rechargeable charging for the phone will help the travelers located in gave from civilization or where there is no socket.