Standard charging for the phone. How and what to choose a charger for a car battery

The most irrelevant cause of battery breakdown (AKB) is its discharge. Chargers are used to restore it. But on cars can be installed different types batteries, and each of them requires a special approach to charging:

  1. Acid or lead batteries are most often installed in passenger cars. For such devices, systematic recharging is needed.
  2. Alkaline battery are used for heavy machinery. New batteries this type Designed for a complete three-time circle charge-discharge.

Attention! If in the winter season, you do not start the car, most likely the case in the battery. During this period, the load on the battery increases, because The generator charge lacks the simultaneous use of the stove, headlamp and overall lights, so the battery is quickly discharged.

Types of charger for automotive batteries

By way of work, charging for the battery, there are:

  1. Chargers. This species Zu is only charged battery or supports a charge at a certain level. It can be connected to the battery without turning off the on-board network.
  2. 2) Charging and starting memory. Such a charger performs two functions: charging the battery and starts the car engine. This device is capable of issuing a large number of Current sufficient to start the engine engine, with incomplete charge. But the launchers are more overall and heavy, respectively and cost more.

The following charging devices are distinguished by functionality:

Automatic. The entire charging cycle occurs automatically. Those. As soon as the charge reaches 100% of the mark, the device turns off, and in the future it will independently turn on to increase the charge level.

In five-speed chargers, the following actions are performed:

  • Akb is charged to 80%;
  • using reduced current, the battery is charged to 100%;
  • charging level is maintained 95-100%;
  • there is a pulse mode to eliminate plate sulfate;
  • diagnostics of AKB.

Eight-adjusted charger, can:

  • eliminate sulfate by the charge-discharge;
  • check the accuracy of the battery;
  • bring the charge to 80%;
  • recharge ACB reduced current to 100%;
  • diagnose the possibility of battery, keep the charge level;
  • do not give to decrease by electrolyte at a high charge;
  • maintain the performance of the battery at the maximum limit;
  • prevent preventive recharge to 95-100%.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the following those. indicators:

  • Account Power Indicators. They should be equal to 10% of the battery tank. For example, with the capacity of AKB 60 AM / h, the charging current will be 6a;
  • An important function is the possibility of adjusting the current and voltage force, this will allow the maximum effectively to restore the AKB;
  • The output voltage must approach the parameters to the battery and the on-board network;
  • It is necessary that the charging stand will work in a large temperature range, especially if you have to work at a minus temperature.

It is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions in which you will exploit your car. If you rarely use your own motor transport, you can buy the most common charger. For those who regularly travel by car, it is better to choose a model with the BOOST function that allows you to charge the battery in the shortest possible time.

It is not worth buying a zoom under a certain battery / car brand. Because You can buy a new battery at any time or change the car, but at the same time you have to buy a new device for recharging.

Tip! In case you are planning to change the car in the future, choose a charger with a 10% power supply.

For beginners who are illistant in the car mechanic, it is better to acquire automatic charging. They cost more than their analogues, but will get rid of many problems.

Before buying, be sure to read the instructions. Ask the seller about the presence of additional functions (protection against short circuit, charge adjustments).

Attentively, take care of the purchase of imported origin. The fact is that fakes are very often found, externally distinguishable from the original. It is better to purchase goods in large networks or give preference to domestic products.

When buying, be sure to ask the check and warranty card. If the seller does not want to give them, it is better to buy in another place.

Popular Charger Marks

According to customer reviews, a list was drawn up, the best manufacturers of the memory. These include:

  1. AIKEN, specializing in the release of electrical appliances, including charging for acid-lead type car batteries on 12 V. The cost of their devices is from 1800-2900 rubles.
  2. The Telwin Italian brand produces both ordinary models (AIDS Start 1212) and professional (speaker start 620), voltage from 4 to 12V. Therefore, the price range is very wide here: from 2500 to 14,000 rubles.
  3. Domestic russian company "Calibr" releases charging both for an ordinary user (PSU-100) and for car service workers (ROM-2.0). Prices vary from 1700-7000 rubles.
  4. The Latvian RESANT company produces a "advanced" model PU-2, with a flashlight, compressor and USB entrance, Sale from 3500 rubles.
  5. TO budget options, Sorokin is "Sorokin 12.92", Current 2A, for batteries with a capacity of 40A / h. Its price begins from 1900 rubles.

Charger - an indispensable thing for owners of own cars, an important part For servicing batteries. Therefore, money will be spent not in vain, they will pay off long work Automotive battery.

How to choose a charger for cars: video

Any car battery needs to be recharged - this is a kind of axiom! After starting the engine loss engine, the car generator fills, but not always! For example, in the "cold start" when the temperature overboard with extremely low rates -20 is 30 degrees. The battery is cooled and it cannot normally take energy, it needs to be warm up, and if you move to short distances, it turns out the "subwoofer" of your battery. As a result, a decrease in capacity may develop. In general, once a month (and maybe more often) you need to recharge the battery and clear what you need a charger! But how to choose it? After all, batteries are different technologies? This article will detailed guide, as well as the video at the end. It is definitely useful, so read - we look ...

Of course, now the batteries stepped very strongly forward, if you do not take AGM, GEL and EFB technology, even ordinary batteries are divided into three main subspecies - these are antimunct, calcium and hybrid (described in detail these technologies in the article -). If "antimony", this beast on our shelves is quite rare, because he is hopelessly outdated, then here is calcium and hybrid are very widely pressed on our shelves. And for each battery you need the correct charger, because I will say "Calcium" many manufacturers are recommended to charge the currents at 16 - 16.5V ,. And this is already as you understand completely different "chargers"!

Classic charge

I already have an article about it, you can. But if briefly, then:

  • The battery is desirable to charge 10% of its container. For example, 60 hour, you need to charge 6 ampere.
  • It is necessary to take into account the voltage of your battery, come for both 12 and 24 volts
  • Voltage should be exhibited - to go charge! I will explain. On the 12th volt version you need to serve 13.2 - 14V (it is so much the generator gives) if the charge will go from 12.7 - 12.8V, then the battery will not be charged, or it will be very slow
  • Sparing charge mode. Personally, I always recommend charging in the so-called "gentle mode", it is about 3-4% of the tank. That is, if 60 hour, we put about 2 - 3a and charge until the charging current is dropped until 0,5

This instruction is suitable for most types of battery, but not for all. Therefore, if you choose a charger that with a maximum voltage of 14.5V, then the modern options it will not be able to power.

Pulse or transformer

Now there are only two types of "charging":

  • Transformer
  • Pulse

Transformer is outdated models that are based (as clear from the title) on the "Trazifors". They are bulky, heavy and now practically not produced. The advantages of these models can be called reliability and fault tolerance.

Impulse models are much easier and more compact, and most importantly they are cheaper, now they just flooded the market. With the development of technologies, they also became fairly stable and fault tolerance.

We look at your battery

Accordingly, we proceed from your tasks, that is, if you use old batteries, there may also be antiques, then for them almost every charger is suitable. But if you have a "calcium" or the more "charger" must be absolutely different, more perfect.

For example, the "antimony" option - if it will be added to it more than 14.2V, it will boil, and very intense.

Also calcium acb, charge the current above 16B, not each device can give it.

A large plus will be the desulfation system, if you can restore the battery (if it is still possible).

I want to note that the more perfect charger, the more options it can charge or even restore.

Charger and commissioning device

When choosing it is worth noting that there are two types of aggregates on the market for quite a long time:

  • Ordinary charging systems - they are tritely charged batteries.
  • Start-charging systems - they not only fill the charge, but they can start the car with a completely "milk" battery.

Many people might think that the usual "charger" can also run the car - but it is not so! They do not have high start currents, and trite can burn. After all, when the car is launched, it briefly consumes hundreds of amps, for example, the average for a passenger car is about - 300 amps, and in winter it is possible even more. It is such a current and can give a commissioning device.

Automatic, not automatic

For me personally, a qualitative charger is, this is in which I can "handics" control "from and to". For example, voltage, current strength, charge time, etc. However, there are many, so-called "automata" (automatic charging devices) on the market. Usually Chinese production, with dubious quality. Actually no designations on them, not a volotate, not an ampera - just connected and it "machine" should charge your battery! Must, but not obliged! Also from where to know what type of battery is connected to it? Yes, trite you can not even control what the tension on the terminals is now!

Of course, such options are a lot of help for beginners who do not understand anything at all in such systems! It turns out like cell phone, I connected the terminals and forgot, there is a little rationality in it. However, if you take such systems, then take serious firms, at least such as Bosch.

As I already wrote from above, I personally follow the controlled option. I love to set currents and tension yourself, set algorithms (by the way, all serious "chargers" are now programmed). For example, for calcium acb, you need so-called "swings" - if you extend when a current is a few minutes one, with one voltage, but the next few minutes another, with another voltage. Cheap "automata" by default are not capable.

So if you thought to take "charging", then I personally advise you to take with the opportunity manual setting, And now they have excellent instructions, in which even the "kettle" will figure it out.

Desulfation mode

This is a really useful mode. From hot weather, or from deep discharges on the plates can form sulfate sulfuric acid, while the electrolyte density will fall. These sulfates seal the plates and the battery container significantly drops. Sometimes loss of tank can be at 70 - 80%! With such indicators, the car engine cannot be launched.

Remove these sulfates is quite difficult ,. However, there are such devices that make it in regular mode, charge cycles - discharge. Just put your battery, and it costs a few hours, but most likely days. Sulfates are broken, the surface of the plates becomes clean, the container is restored. It should be noted very useful mode.

Checking the performance of AKB

Many batteries so to speak are maintenance free, they cannot be opened (without surgery) and really can not understand when one of the cans came out. It happens it tritely crumbled. If you are unscrewed in the serviceable battery and the dark electrolyte can be seen, then it is impossible to do so. Although the tension will fall to 10 - 10.5V. So modern chargers can determine the closed bank and state the "sentence", as well useful feature.

Measurement and control of battery capacity

Again, not all chargers, but only the most advanced, can show the battery capacity. Moreover, both the residual and the one they take. Very useful feature. That is, you can clearly see how much your battery took, how much amper for what time.

As a result

So let's run by the main steps when choosing a charger for a car:

  • 12 or 24 volts. Often, if you have a passenger car, there are enough 12 volt system.
  • The machine is not an automatic. Personally, I advise manually customizable unit, preferably with programs
  • Charger or commissioning device. If you have your garage, the start-charger will not be superfluous. It will run the engine of your car, even if the battery is not at all. However, it is worth such an aggregate almost twice as expensive
  • The possibility of charging AGM, GEL and calcium batteries. On many modern "chargers" such information will be indicated. This is a useful feature. Because the battery is now developing. Often, this means the supply of voltage from 15 to 16.5 volt
  • Presence of desulfation regime
  • Checking performance
  • Check capacity
  • Programmable charge. It will be useful if you can program the charge cycle, that is, one current and voltage is now fed, after a few minutes another, etc.

Actually these are all functions, I specifically did not point to manufacturers because there are really a lot of them, even on our Russian market there are very good devices, such as "Orion Vympel"(They are very flexible programmed). Also, many ask me whether it is possible to charge ImaxB6. Car batteries? Of course you can, this device is generally universal. The main thing is to choose the right power supply and set the correct program.

Now a small video, look.

I finish this, I think it was useful, read our automotive, subscribe to updates.

IN modern world tablet computers conquer increasing popularity among users computer equipment Due to its small size, mobility and convenience in operation. Tablets, as a rule, have enough long time autonomous work From a regular battery, which respectively requires periodic recharging. Charging tablets, as well as other devices of this type, is carried out through a special charger connected to the power grid. Quite often, voltage jumps occur in the power grids, which are one of the main reasons for the failure of the charger, as a result of which your tablet ceases to charge. If the charger of your tablet has lost its performance and you need to buy new charging, We offer you some tips and rules that need to be considered when choosing a new power supply.

The main and main criterion that need to be guided by purchasing a charger for the tablet are its technical characteristics, such as: current, power and voltage. These parameters can be viewed either on the old charger, or many manufacturers indicate them on the body of the tablet itself. It looks like this as follows, for example: OUTPUT 15V-1.2A 18W, where v is a voltage, A is the current and W strength is the power of the charter of the tablet. Otherwise, if these parameters fail, your tablet can incorrectly work, or when using a charger with technical characteristics which do not meet the parameters that the manufacturer recommends may also occur. motherboard Your tablet, with its subsequent, as a rule, no cheaper repair. It is also worth noting that for example the use of a higher power charger, inevitably leads to the most rapid toolting of the battery life of the tablet.

Buying a new charger for the tablet, it is best to take a tablet with you, and in place when buying, check how the charger conversion includes a connector on the tablet. The conjuncture must be inserted into the connector quite tightly and should not hang out, but at the same time should not be inserted too tight, because it can damage the power connector of the tablet. Cleaning not quite tightly incoming to the connector in the conetek sooner or later will lead to a closure, which can damage both both the charger and the tablet itself.

To date, you can buy charging for the tablet in many stores, and if you need to buy a charger, then you can do it, including in our company. We always have a huge selection of charging for tablets of all manufacturers and models, which will allow you to buy with us charging for the tablet almost any model. All the charge devices for the tablet, have a high degree of quality, our company's specialists have extensive experience, both in the repair of various computer equipment and in sales intended for it accessories, which allows you to unmistakably determine the type and parameters of the charger optimal for yours Models of tablet.

Buying a charger for the tablet, remember that from how correctly the replacement of the standard power supply will be filmed, not only the efficiency of the device, but often the performance of the tablet as a whole.

Modern car battery, subject to timely service, can live without any problems for 5-7 years. But no one is insured against situations in which the battery, having lost their abilities, simply refuses to work in normal mode. The reasons here can be as much as you like, ranging from long idle in the cold and, ending with malfunctions in the auto power system.

One of the ways to "revive" the battery is its charging, to carry out better after establishing and eliminating the cause of its discharge. To charge the battery, you can use the services of special services, and you can cope with this task and yourself. For this, of course, you must have a charger (memory).

Types of charger

If there is no memory for the battery in your arsenal, but there is a desire to purchase it, you should know which charging devices are, and which one is best for your needs.

Two main types of memory are available on sale:

  • charging and Prepass;
  • charging and launchers.

Charging and Preheaval Devices (ZPU)

This type of memory is designed exclusively for recharging the battery. Charging occurs by transmitting voltage and current of the desired value from the terminals of the device on the battery terminals. It can be carried out in three ways:

  • direct current;
  • constant voltage;
  • combined (first by constant current, then by constant voltage).

The last way of charging is the most efficient, but for such a procedure requires a memory with the device. automatic switching modes.

Separately, the charging and premises are classified on:

  • transformer;
  • pulse.

The basis of the transformer RCP is a powerful and overall transformer. Such devices are distinguished by high reliability, but due to significant size and weight, are not very convenient to operate.

Pulse ZPUs are more compact. The principle of their work is to convert the current obtained from the consumer network, and increase its frequency at the output. A transformer is also used here, but its dimensions are very compact. In addition, pulsed zoom charge the battery much faster, work in automatic modeAnd may also have a number of additional functions. Most of them have a built-in logical controller controlling the charging process. The cost of such devices is much higher than the cost of transformer memory.

Charging and starting devices (CPU)

When the battery was discharged so that it is not able to provide a starter rotation to start the engine, will help the charging and starting device. Of course, if there is a socket. Just connect the charging and starting device to the network, connect its terminals to the battery terminals, set needly quantity Current, and you can run the engine. The charging and starting devices switched to the starting mode are carried out long-pulse flow of current on the aircraft chain of the car, thereby providing conditions for the successful start of the engine. The only condition is the battery of the car must be disconnected.

Additionally, the CPU can also be used as a conventional charger. Charging and starting devices can also be both transformer and pulse.

Based on practice, it is possible to say with confidence that it is preferable to have a charging and starting device at hand (in the garage), rather than just charger, and fully automated.

Basic criteria for selecting a charger

Deciding with the type of charger, it is time to move to the definition of its main operating parameters required for high-quality battery charging. There are only two criteria here:

  • maximum current;
  • maximum voltage.

Selection of the maximum current (nominal capacity of AKB)

Knowing the value of the nominal capacity of the battery, you can determine the amount of charge current required for it. For acid batteries, the charging current is determined according to the following formula: I max ≥ 0.1 * Cro, where C nom is an indicator of the rated power of the battery. In other words, if the battery is installed in your car with a capacity of 55 Ah, then the selected memory must produce, at least 5.5 A. for alkaline batteries, the charging current must be somewhat higher. It is possible to determine it according to the following formula I MAX ≥ 0.25 * C.

To be able to most accurately select the desired value of the charge, it is necessary that a discrete or smooth adjustment is provided in the charger with a maximum step of 0.5 A.

Selection of memory for maximum voltage (Nominal voltage of AKB)

For most acid batteries (12 volt), the maximum voltage at the end of the charge should be 14.4-15 V (2.4-2.5 V per can). For a normal charging of such AKB, given the drop in voltage on terminals and conductors, the optimal charging voltage is considered to be 15.5 V.

To accurately determine the maximum charge voltage for lead-acid batteries, use the formula: U max ≥ U el * n, where U el is the final voltage on one element (bank), and N is the number of elements (cans).

For example, if in the passport data of the battery it is indicated that the maximum voltage of one charged element is 2.4 V, and the number of elements in the battery is 6, then the maximum charge voltage for the battery is 14.4 V.

For alkaline models, the maximum charging voltage is determined using the following formula: u max ≥ (2.1 * n) + UD, where n is the number of elements, and the UD is the so-called voltdobank - an additional increase in the voltage value of approximately 5 V for each 15 elements.

In order for the charger to satisfy the operational requirements of the AKB, it is necessary that it provides for the ability to adjust the output voltage in a step of no more than 0.1 V. For greater convenience and the exact setting is better to use the memory with digital indicator (voltmeter).

Having determined the maximum charging current and voltage indicators for your battery, do not hurry to acquire the memory with such parameters. The fact is that the battery is only separate elementWhich over time can be replaced by a similar one, however, with other characteristics. In addition, it is unlikely that someone all his life goes on the same car. It will be better if you buy a charger with current and voltage parameters exceeding the nominal, i.e. "With a stock." This solution will allow you to use it for an existing battery, and for its possible "successor" with higher operating performance.

1. Selects between the charging and charging and starting device, prefer the latter. So you will always be confident that having a socket in the garage, you can always run the engine without waiting until the memory charges the battery to the necessary state.

2. It should be purchased by a charger under a certain battery (car). Make a choice in favor of the device whose characteristics are 10% superior at the moment.

3. If you are too familiar with the electrical engineering, get better fully automatic memory with a combined charging type. It will cost you a little more expensive, but will save from unnecessary trouble.

4. Do not buy a charger of dubious origin. This is still an electrical device representing a certain danger, especially if it is made not clear where, and it is not clear to whom.

5. In any case, start exploiting the memory only after studying the instructions for operation.

How many times have you had to suffer from the discharge of a smartphone at the most inopportune moment? And if you need to urgently call or wait for an important message? Well, if there is a socket or computer, from which you can quickly charge the device. But what to do if they are not? Exit - use external battery (Power Bank). Internet project "Be Mobile" collected tips to help choose optimal option for you.

To begin with, we will define that such an external battery and what is its advantages. The external battery or Power Bank is called a portable lithium-ion battery of a large capacity, from which you can charge a variety of mobile devices: phones, smartphones, tablets or e-books. This battery is able to keep energy inside for a long time. It can be taken with him to work, study, on a business trip or while traveling.

Portable charger can be performed in various form factors with plastic casing, polycarbonate or metal. You can find models in the form of boxes, bars, discs, cones and a tube of various colors.

Power bank is charged from the electrical network or from any USB-output device (for example, a computer or laptop).

All external batteries are equipped with one or more USB ports. Modern phones, smartphones or tablets can be charged through a USB cable, which in most cases is included in the device package.

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The main parameter when choosing an external battery is an energy intensity. Here everything is simple and understandable. The greater the capacity, the more energy the device stores, and the more expensive it is worth it. Capacity is measured in Mach - Milliamper hours.

You can now find portable charging with a container from a few hundred milliammeter hours to several tens of thousands. Frequency the charge level that you need can be based on the capacity of your smartphone or tablet battery.

For example, in the average smartphone, the battery has a capacity of 2,000 mAh, in productive and expensive models - from 2,500 to 3,000 mAh. It means a fully charged external battery by 5,000 mAh is enough for 2-2.5 charging cycle. A fully charged external battery by 10,000 mAh is enough for 4-5 cycles. If a portable charging is required for the tablet, then you choose from models of greater tank, for example, 20 or 30 thousand mAh.

In the now available portable power sources are installed lithium-ion or lithium polymer batteries. Depending on the type and design option, the rated voltage at the battery output may be different (3.7; 4.2 or 7.4 V), while the standard voltage bus uSB power is 5 in direct current. Obviously, in this case, the battery with a capacity of 2,000 mAh with a nominal voltage of 3.7 V will not work and one and a half hours when nutrition external Loadconnected via USB bus and current 1 A. In addition, the amount of electricity that allows you to stock rechargeable batterieshaving the same capacity, but different voltages will differ.

Tip 2: Look for current strength, it affects the speed of charging

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Another factor that affects the charging speed is the current strength. The more ampere, the faster speed Charging. For phones and smartphones, this indicator should be no lower than 1 amp level. Otherwise, the process itself will occur extremely slow. For complete charging, it will take 3 or 4 times longer than from the electrical network.

For tablets, devices with power from 3 A. The ideal option is preferable - 4 A.

Tip 3: Trust, but check, because the declared container does not always coincide with the real

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Another important moment - Real Power Bank. The fact is that many manufacturers embellish their products. Of the 50 models of portable chargers that came to us for testing over the past year, 46 had a capacity substantially smaller than it was announced. On average, the difference was 25%.

For example, the manufacturer indicated that the external battery has a capacity of 10,000 mAh, and real - 7,800 mAh. The difference is related both to the unscrupulousness of developers and improper storage of batteries at the transportation phase and subsequent sale.

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The real container is also affected by this indicator as a self-discharge.

On average, external batteries with a full charge within two weeks are discharged by 5%. It is worth considering if you do not use Power Bank for a long time. To activate electrolytic reactions, before use, it is worth putting a device for recharging.

Take into account the fact that over time the battery capacity will decrease. Our measurements show that with active operation, the high-quality battery loses its capacity by 15% per year, the cheapest models are 35%.

To control the level of charge, almost all Power Bank uses LED indicators. And some external batteries are equipped with LED displays displaying accurate charge status in percent.

Tip 5: Choose Power Bank with multiple USB ports for simultaneous charging smartphones of friends

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Some portable charging models have several uSB ports To connect two, three and even more mobile devices. This option is suitable for simultaneous recharging, for example, when you go on a trip with friends. It's comfortable. You can all charge your phones, smartphones and even tablets.

Often you ask us where you can be guaranteed to buy a high-quality external battery cheap. We can not give an unequivocal answer. Of course, the reliability of the purchase in a large Russian online store or in the retail network is higher, but also the prices there above. It is worth remembering that little-known Chinese sellers have a feature: they can deceive. Their external batteries cost much cheaper than branded counterparts, often they indicate a volume of 2 or 3 times higher than the real one. Too low price Maybe a trap. Although Brand Power Bank in such stores can be forgery.


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If compactness is needed, you can pay attention to ergonomic models, for example, Anker Astro E1. Such a battery does not take a lot of space in the bag or pocket.


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The ideal option will be accumulators with a capacity of about 10,000 mAh. It is approximately three times more than the battery modern smartphoneSo, even taking into account the loss of energy when recharging, it is enough to fully restore the charge of the gadget several times. A qualitative example of such a Power Bank is the Anker PowerCore 10400 Mach model.

Another variant of a high-quality external battery with universal functionality - and aukey PB-N42 10000 mAh.

With quick and wireless charging

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If universal options are not your option, you should pay attention to the model with additional features. For example, Power Bank with fast charging support will be able to charge compatible gadgets much faster than usual. If the battery is able to give a steadily high current (order 2a), then even without supporting fast charge, your gadgets will be charged stable and relatively quickly.

Among the recommended by us - the external battery Baseus Wireless Charge Power Bank for 8000 mAh. His main feature is the presence of a wireless charging of the QI standard. That is, to charge the smartphone - you do not need to connect the wire to it, just put it on an external battery and that's it. Charging went. In addition to wireless charging with current 1a, the device supports a wired USB connection of two compatible devices, while the output current on USB connectors is 2a.

A good option for the iPhone is an external Zikko Powerbag battery for 6000 mAh. The main difference from popular Xiaomi external batteries is MFI certification, that is, the battery is compatible with all Apple devices. The device supports fast charging - the output current on USB connectors is 2.4 A. To monitor the battery capacity - there are special LED indicators on the face. A nice bonus - a smartphone connects to the battery via a complete lightning cable.

With a record container

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If you need a strategic energy supply, pay attention to the external battery HyperJuice AC Battery Pack on 26,000 mAh. This giant can be quickly charged with an absolutely any device, including a tablet, other portable equipment and even a laptop. There are 2 weekends USB connector. One provides maximum charge strength in 3A at a voltage of 5W, and the other - current strength 2.4 A. A pleasant bonus is the ability to supply 220W to any electrical appliances with power consumption up to 100 W. You can connect a laptop, flashlight and even a blender to such a battery.

The HyperJUICE AC Battery Pack case is made of aluminum alloy, which perfectly protects the device from external mechanical effects.

We hope that our tips will help you buy a truly high-quality external battery and charge your phone, smartphone, laptop or e-book without any problems.