How much should you charge your phone for the first time. How to properly charge a new smartphone for the first time

Everyone who has bought a mobile phone has heard the advice that the first time phone batteries need to be fully discharged and only then should they be charged to 100%. If you do not do this, then, it seems, you will ruin the battery and that's it, a brand new phone can be taken to a landfill. In fact, this advice made sense ten or fifteen years ago, when nickel batteries were widely used in mobile electronics. Times have changed, but habits remain the same.

In fact, the first thing you need to do is find out what type of battery is installed in your new device. This information can be obtained from the seller, read on the Internet (on the official websites of the manufacturer) or, if the battery is removable, simply remove back cover and look at the label.

Ni-MH or Ni-Cd

This is very, very unlikely, but if you bought a rarity like the Samsung SGH-M100 of 2000, or some very ancient phone only as a dialer, then you can find such an inscription on its battery. This means that the model has a nickel-cadmium (NiCd) or nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) battery. And you really have to tinker with it: this type of battery has a memory effect, i.e. "Remembers" at what percentage it was set to charge and reduces its capacity. Only these batteries make sense to discharge to zero and charge 100%.

But today this is rare. If you buy a more or less modern smartphone, then a lithium battery will be installed in it.

Li-Ion or Li-Pol

Partner Samsung lithium-ion battery, or its improved version, lithium-polymer, is not subject to the memory effect. And even more: it is highly not recommended to completely discharge them and store them 100% charged for a long time. At conscientious sellers, the li-Ion battery is sold two-thirds charged in order to keep its capacity longer and serve the buyer longer.

Any lithium battery is designed for a specific number of charge-discharge cycles. A new cycle starts from the moment when the charge percentage is zero. The more often your smartphone reaches this mark, the faster the battery will become unusable. In addition, if you achieve a deep overdischarge of the battery, it will stop charging altogether.


Buying new phone, ask what kind of battery is installed in it. With a 99.9% chance it will lithium ion battery. It already has 60 percent charge, so you can use your phone right away. Do not wait until the gadget requires recharging, connect it to the charger already by 20-30%.

And how to ensure that the battery lasts longer, read

The theme that has grown big amount tips, recommendations, many of which, alas, are long outdated and are more likely to harm the battery than increase its service life.

So, let's figure out how to charge new battery for smartphone.

There are two persistent myths about the first charge.

Myth #1. A new battery must be completely discharged for the first time, and then charged to one hundred percent.

Some users prefer to discharge and charge the phone several times, believing that in this way it is possible to "rock" the battery.

This misconception comes from the days when mobile communicators had nickel-metal hydride batteries that could not work at full capacity until several full charge-discharge cycles had passed.

But for more than a decade, almost all phones (except perhaps unnamed Chinese fakes) run on lithium batteries.

The batteries of modern smartphones are:


    lithium polymer.

Such batteries initially have full capacity and are not subject to the so-called "memory effect", that is, the battery will not remember at what percentage of the charge it was charged.

But! Manufacturers mobile phones It is recommended to completely discharge and charge the smartphone for the first time. This is necessary to calibrate the charge controller and, as a result, a more optimal battery capacity consumption later.

Myth #2. Charging the battery for the first time needs 8-10-12 hours or more

Recommendations that a smartphone with new battery should lie on the charge from eight hours to a day, do not work. IN this case more does not mean better, because the power controller will still turn off the charge process as soon as the capacity reaches one hundred percent.

Thus, a long charge will not give the battery anything other than a possible recharge. Battery overcharging may occur if the temperature regime: You charged the phone up to 100 percent at home, went out into the hot street - the smartphone warmed up - recharge. And overcharging negatively affects the battery. Therefore, batteries for phones are advised to charge up to ninety-ninety-five percent.

Quick guide on how to charge your phone battery for the first time

  1. Discharge the battery to zero before use.
  2. Then set to charge until the charge level reaches 100%.
  3. Remove from charger and use your smartphone as usual.
After the first charge, try not to completely discharge the battery and do not constantly charge to 100 percent, as frequent overdischarging and overcharging reduces the available battery capacity.

Modern gadgets need to be regularly connected to the electrical network. In this case, you need to know how to properly charge the phone so that the battery does not deteriorate. Compliance with the basic rules prevents a quick battery failure.

Types of batteries in smartphones

The main types of batteries installed in smartphones are lithium and polymer. The operation of the first type of batteries is similar to the functioning of nickel-cadmium and metal hydride batteries. Despite the numerous advantages, lithium batteries also have disadvantages. Pure metal is practically not used, it was replaced by alloys.

Most often, modern smartphones use Li-Polymer (lithium polymer) or Li-Ion (lithium-ion) batteries.

Power generation in polymer batteries occurs according to the principle of the flow of plastic into the conductor. An electrolyte containing lithium ions increases conductivity.

There are the following types of batteries:

  • with polymer content supplemented with lithium compounds;
  • with dry polymer mixture;
  • with fiberglass impregnated with lithium alloys.

How to properly charge a new smartphone battery

The method of charging a new battery is different from the process of restoring the charge of an already used power source. Using standard method battery capacity is significantly reduced. If the battery is not removable, the device will require expensive repairs.

Before charging, the battery of a new smartphone should be completely discharged.

When charging lithium-ion or polymer cells, a number of rules must be observed:

  1. At the first stage, the product must be completely discharged. You should not perform this action, dramatically increasing the load on the processor. You need to wait for spontaneous discharge.
  2. After discharging, the smartphone is connected to the charger. The recommended duration of the procedure is indicated in the technical passport of the phone. For the first time, 2 hours are added to this value.
  3. A phone with a fully restored charge is used for its intended purpose. After discharge, the power recovery cycle should be repeated. Several repetitions of the procedure allow you to save the performance of the battery.

How to choose the right uninterruptible power supply for your computer

New phone with li-ion battery

Frequent deep discharges adversely affect battery life. Even in the first days after purchase, you should not bring the charge level to 0%. The minimum charge threshold should be 20-30%.

No less dangerous is continuous charging. It is impossible to bring the power level to 100%. 95% is considered normal. Trying to "rock" such a battery, you can ruin it.

New smartphone with li-pol battery

Such products are no less sensitive to deep discharge. Procedures that increase the capacity of the power source are carried out no more than once every six months. connect Charger needed when the indicator shows 15%. Periodically adding a charge helps to extend the life of the product.

The question of the expediency of a full discharge and charge during commissioning causes a lot of controversy. Polymer-lithium cells are devoid of the memory effect. To increase the service life allows the introduction of an inhibitor, which disintegrates during the first charge.

A new smartphone with a Li-Pol battery is best charged at 15% battery capacity.

How to extend phone battery life

The choice of maintenance method depends on the type of electrolyte.

In all cases, the following rules must be observed:

  1. You cannot use a charger that is not included with the phone. The original device stops the charging process after reaching the required power. When using non-original chargers, the battery eventually stops gaining and holding a charge.
  2. You need to know how to properly operate and store the device. It is not recommended to use the phone in cold weather or high humidity. Temperature fluctuations lead to a deterioration in battery performance. The half-discharged product is sent for storage. Do not leave a gadget with a fully charged battery in a non-working state.
  3. It is not recommended to use folk methods to increase capacity. Direct connection of wires, heating or squeezing increase power by no more than 5%. The battery can then be damaged.

How to properly charge a smartphone with a li ion battery

To maintain the basic performance of the battery, the following methods are used:

  1. Charging with original device. The device produces a current that has the parameters necessary to restore battery power. With the constant use of the complete memory, malfunctions will not occur during the entire shelf life.
  2. Charging via USB. When connected to a computer, the charge will be restored slowly. However, the supply of low current has a positive effect on the condition of the battery.
  3. Connecting to car cigarette lighter. The method is suitable for lovers of car driving. When using this method, the phone charges for at least 12 hours.
  4. Separate charging with a "frog". The device is used to restore the charge of any type of battery.

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The battery needs to be calibrated regularly. The product is completely discharged, after which it is connected to the charger.

Rules for charging a phone with a li pol battery

Such batteries charge up to 95%, after which they stop supplying electricity. With a deep discharge and turning off the smartphone, recharging starts immediately. Polymer elements are not harmed by regular recharging in small portions. You can connect your smartphone to the memory at any time, but you cannot continuously carry out the procedure. This destroys the battery.

The battery is equipped with a controller that prevents the complete loss of charge. It stops the flow of current after a full set of charge. If the battery power level changes, the electricity supply is restored.

Charging ni mh battery

Old-style power supplies are characterized by a short service life and the presence of a memory effect. The battery remembers the threshold power level, which becomes impossible to overcome. The battery starts charging quickly and loses charge just as quickly. Training helps prevent capacity loss.

To do this, the smartphone is discharged, connected to the charger and waiting for the full restoration of power. This helps increase capacity by 5%.

What is not allowed when charging the phone battery

Any battery containing lithium ions is sensitive to temperature extremes, bumps and drops.

With li-ion battery

For such a product, frequent deep discharge is harmful. Overcharging causes the electrolyte to boil and the battery to swell. Frequent calibration is also contraindicated. Overheating or use at low temperatures reduces battery capacity. The procedure for increasing the capacity can not be carried out more than 1 time per year.

With li pol battery

When using the phone with operating system"Android" should not be allowed to completely discharge this battery, frequent calibration, continuous charging. A decrease or increase in temperature is harmful to the power supply.

Smartphones with Li-Pol and Li-Ion batteries cannot be discharged to zero, as it can reduce battery capacity.

With ni mh battery

Older batteries should not be recharged as this reduces capacity. A phone with a nickel-metal hydride battery should not be stored in a charged state. The battery must not be subjected to heat or shock. The integrity of the body of such batteries is broken faster than the products of the new sample. Calibration is recommended every 2 months.

Most people still believe that new smartphone, in particular, its battery, after purchase, you must immediately discharge it to zero. And only then the new battery can be used to the maximum of its capabilities. Unfortunately, this is not the case at all.

The fact is that the modern cell phone differs from its prehistoric predecessors not only touch screen, the presence of the Internet and a built-in camera, but also a battery.

Previously, mobile phones were equipped with iron-nickel batteries, which really had to be discharged immediately after purchase. This is due to the fact that such batteries had the so-called "memory effect". The essence of the effect is very simple: when charging the battery from 20%, the device took 80% for a full charge. In this way, due to the first unsuccessful charge, you were already losing 1/5 of your potential energy reserve. Therefore, it is not surprising that buyers of brand new smartphones are worried about such an issue as the first charge.

But you should not panic. Currently, in modern smartphones, iron-nickel batteries have been replaced by a lithium-ion battery (i ion). Therefore, in modern realities, it is correct to ask not about how much one or another device needs to be charged, but how to do it correctly.

Modern smartphones, such as Honor or iPhone, need more regular recharging than charging the device for 1 times from 0 to 100%.

In no case should the smartphone be allowed to discharge to 0% - such actions lead to the fact that the device gradually begins to lose a potential amount of energy that cannot be restored in the future.

That is why smartphones remind you of a low battery already at 20% and repeat when 10% remains. Remember that if the stock of your battery has reached such a low value, then it must be put on charge. The optimal battery charge is between 40 and 80%. Stick to it, and then your smartphone will live as long as possible.

Also, the experts of the Battery University portal note that it is advisable to put the smartphone on recharging already at 50% of the remaining energy. If you follow this nuance, then, according to research, battery life will increase by 4 times. If the smartphone has restored the power reserve to 100%, then you should not leave it on charge, as the battery of the device overheats, which also leads to a reduction in potential.

However, if you have such a lifestyle that a smartphone can only be charged at night, then energy-saving sockets are sold especially for you on the modern market. This device has a built-in timer. Therefore, if you know that your gadget will reach its maximum charge in an hour and a half, set the time on the timer and relax.

Also high quality original smartphones already have built-in charge controllers, which, when reaching 100%, independently turn off the influx of additional energy.

However, it is periodically necessary to discharge the device until it is turned off, but not more often than once a month. This is due to the fact that due to regular recharging, the sensors that monitor the remaining energy can go astray. It is because of this that your device may suddenly turn off at 10%. Therefore, once a month, do not be afraid to discharge the equipment before shutting down, and then charge it to 100%, because in this way you will restore the correct operation of the sensors.

By the way, you can learn about the capabilities of your battery simply and for free thanks to the application. battery life. It will show you how many charge cycles your device has been charged, how old your battery is, and which specific apps require the most power.

How to properly charge your Xiaomi phone

If you are thinking of purchasing a new and trendy Xiaomi or have already acquired the ultimate Redmi 4x, then there is no point in worrying: it is much easier to charge such a device than to discharge it, because the battery capacity of the latter is 4100 mAh.

However, if your Xiaomi still loses ground and turns off at 20% charge, there is no need to panic - our instructions are universal and suitable for all types of modern smartphones. All you have to do is calibrate the charge sensors by draining the phone to 0% and charging it to 100%.

If this does not help you, then the problem is probably in the technical aspects of the device. In this case, do not be too lazy to refer to the instructions, paying attention to what it says about the duration of recharging. Leave the phone plugged in for the specified amount of time. After that, if the phone is 100% charged, it can be unplugged from the outlet. Then follow the above rules. If the phone still continues to act up, then you should contact technical support for advice.

How to properly charge your android phone

Mostly modern smartphones produce monolithic devices without the possibility of changing the battery. Dead battery - consider a new smartphone. That is why many owners modern devices so anxiously began to monitor the health of the battery.

However, Android owners have repeatedly noticed that their phone starts to discharge faster in hot weather. The fact is that a lithium-ion battery runs out much faster if you allow the device to overheat. Therefore, pay attention that your smartphone is not charged while lying in the sun or near the included radiator.

Also, Android smartphone owners are used to using low-quality chargers, as well as cheap Chinese power-banks. Regardless of the similarity appearance, the content of such devices is seriously inferior to the original counterparts. Therefore, no one can guarantee how many years such a charge will last, and how its work will affect your phone.

It is also worth considering that the traditional charger is divided into two types of charge:

  1. Transformer: A traditional charger that charges your device with a constant, equal amount of power.
  2. Pulse: charger with a built-in timer that stops the constant flow of energy after 4 hours of use. After this period of time, charging supplies the equipment with small pulses, maintaining the charge of the device without dangerous overheating.

How to properly charge your Samsung phone

As for the Korean media giant Samsung, for example, charging the Galaxy correctly turns out to be a breeze. In addition to the fact that the entire line of smartphones has software on android, which is constantly updated, and the content of the models is getting better and better every year.

For instance, samsung galaxy S9 has a battery capacity of 3000 mAh when it big Brother S9 + has a capacity of 3500 mAh. It is not so easy to waste such a charge, but it is possible.

Remember, if your device is discharged, in no case do not leave it in this state for a long time. One of the most common reasons customers contact a technical service is the unwillingness of a smartphone to turn on after a long discharge.

Otherwise, if you follow the above rules, there is no reason to worry. Samsung is reliable.

How to properly charge a phone battery with a frog

If you still have not got a smartphone that has a built-in battery, and your phone does not charge from standard charging, then you can always resort to the help of the "frog".

The frog is a charger that can replenish the energy of completely different batteries. Outwardly, this unit has nothing to do with an ordinary amphibian creature - on one side of the device there is a plug for an outlet, and on the other side there is a clip that provides contact with the battery.

An important advantage of this device is its versatility, which can charge both the battery of the phone and the camera. The principle of operation is very simple: you just need to remove the battery from the device and connect it to the frog's contact terminals. After you insert the device with a battery into the socket, thanks to the signal lights, it will tell you if it is charging. Also, the light will change to green when the battery is 100% charged.

It is also worth noting that modern models this device got adapters and a USB port for phones with a built-in battery.

So let's sum it up:

  • do not allow your smartphone to be discharged to 0% (except for monthly preventive discharge);
  • if it is discharged, put it on charge as soon as possible;
  • try to recharge your smartphone during the day;
  • fully discharge and charge the device once a month;
  • do not leave your smartphone on charge all night if you do not use an energy-saving outlet;
  • do not overheat the device.

What secrets help you extend the life of your smartphone battery? Share in the comments!

Modern mobile devices perform many functions. Therefore, they often require charge recovery. Not everyone knows how to properly charge the phone so as not to damage the battery. There are several tips to help extend battery life.

Modern smartphones on charging.

Smartphones are supplied with lithium-ion or polymer batteries. The first type replaced nickel-metal hydride and nickel-cadmium batteries.

Despite many positive characteristics, lithium-ion batteries have a number of disadvantages. IN pure form metal was rarely used. It was replaced with different alloys.

Lithium polymer power supplies work on the principle of polymer-to-conductor transition. Electrolyte ions increase conductivity. The following types of batteries are currently available:

  • with polymer fillers enriched with lithium salts;
  • with dry polymer fillers;
  • with porous matrices equipped with lithium-based compounds.

How to properly charge a new smartphone battery?

Smartphone manufacturers advise in a special way, otherwise the battery can be damaged. Replacing a non-removable battery is difficult. TO general rules charging recommendations include:

Tip: how to properly charge a new smartphone.

  1. Start with a full discharge. For this, it is not necessary to load the smartphone. The loss of charge should occur gradually.
  2. The device is connected to You need to know how long a full charge cycle lasts. 2 hours are added to the value indicated in the instructions.
  3. After the charge is restored to 100%, the smartphone can be used in the usual mode. After waiting for the discharge again, the charging procedure is repeated. To increase the battery life, 3-4 such cycles are enough.

New phone with li-ion battery

Lithium-ion power supplies are sensitive to full discharge. Even a new phone should not be discharged to 0%. The charge should remain at the level of 20-30%. Do not keep the phone permanently connected to the mains. It is recommended to undercharge the battery, keeping the capacity at 90-95%.

New smartphone with li-pol battery

Lithium polymer batteries also do not tolerate a critical discharge. You need to “rock” the battery no more than 2 times. When the charge drops to 15%, the smartphone is connected to the electrical network. Subsequently, the device is recommended to be recharged in small portions.

There are several opinions regarding whether it is necessary to fully discharge and charge the battery for the first time. Lithium polymer power supplies do not have a memory effect, so this procedure is meaningless.

In the production of the battery, an inhibitor is introduced that extends the life of the product. During the first cycles of charge recovery, the substance decomposes, which increases the capacity of the battery.

Li-pol battery for smartphone.

How to extend phone battery life?

Methods for extending battery life depend on the type of battery, but here are some general guidelines:

  1. The smartphone is charged only with the original device. When the probability of overcharging increases, the device will automatically stop the cycle. Using the charger supplied with another smartphone may affect battery performance.
  2. The battery needs to be used correctly. The phone is recommended to be stored at a positive temperature and normal humidity. Overheating or hypothermia adversely affects the operation of the device.
  3. When sent for storage, the battery is discharged up to 50%. Do not leave your phone with a fully charged or depleted battery.
  4. You cannot use artisanal methods to restore capacity. Connecting the wires directly or mechanically slightly prolongs the time of using the smartphone. However, the use of such methods makes the battery unsuitable for further use.

How to properly charge a smartphone with a li-ion battery?

  1. With the included charger. The device has the required characteristics, so the battery will serve properly for the period declared by the manufacturer.
  2. By connecting to a computer. Charging will take longer, but the battery will not recharge or fail.
  3. through the car's cigarette lighter. The method is convenient when using the phone while traveling. Charging can take up to 12 hours.
  4. With the help of a universal memory. A frog-type device is suitable for restoring the capacity of any type of battery.

Once every 3 months, the charge is calibrated. During the procedure, the battery must be completely discharged and charged to 100%.

Rules for charging a phone with a li-pol battery

Power supplies of this type charge up to 90% and disconnect from the network. If the phone has completely lost its charge and turned off, it must be immediately connected to the charger. Frequent recharging does not harm lithium polymer batteries. The procedure can be carried out at any convenient time. Do not keep the phone connected to the network for more than 3 hours. If the battery is constantly connected to the outlet, it may fail.

Batteries of this type are equipped with a controller. Even if the indicator shows 0%, some energy is saved. When the 100% mark is reached, the current stops flowing. When the indicator drops to 99%, the voltage supply resumes.

Charging ni-mh battery

Nickel-metal hydride batteries differ from previous types in a shorter service life and the presence of a memory effect. The battery remembers to what level it was previously charged, and begins to lose capacity faster. “Swinging” the battery helps to avoid this. The phone is discharged to 0%, connected to the network and waiting for the scale to fill up to 100%. Capacity increases by 5-10%.

Charging ni-mh for batteries.

What is not allowed when charging a phone battery?

A battery of any type is sensitive to a drop or rise in temperature, mechanical stress, and the use of non-original chargers.

With li-ion battery

This type of power supply can be damaged by frequent full discharge. It is not recommended to restore the charge completely or allow overcharging. Dangerous for such batteries and frequent calibration.

Battery performance deteriorates when exposed to cold or overheating. The charge is maintained at the level of 80-90%. Android phone battery training is carried out every six months.

With li-pol battery

Products of this type are sensitive to the following influences:

  • complete loss of charge;
  • frequent training and calibration;
  • permanent presence in the state connected to the network;
  • ambient temperature fluctuations.

Just like for lithium-ion batteries, maintaining the charge at the level of 20-90% is optimal.

With ni-mh battery

Older battery models cannot be partially charged. This leads to a gradual decrease in capacity. It is not recommended to store a phone equipped with such elements in a charged state. When heated and mechanical action the battery is damaged faster than more modern products. Regular full discharge / charge helps to maintain capacity. Training is carried out every 2-3 months.

When buying a phone with any power source, you need to understand that the device will not last forever. Battery aging and failure are natural processes. Proper operation of the communication means helps to slow them down.