Application for iPhone Battery status. How to check the battery on iPhone: the level of wear, cycles and the remaining capacity of the battery

Very often users apple technology Faced with the problem of autonomy of their i-devices. In this article, I will tell you how you can check the battery for iPhone or iPad. how check Apple Account / Battery Quality Queens devices. And how to define "died" if your iPhone battery. You do not need Jailbreak.

In order to check your volume iPhone battery Some recommend installing a program to a phone that requires Jailbreak. Our way is working without jaibreak'A. Well, proceed.

Before check the status of the battery Your device, make sure that you have read the article by in the article.

In order to check the battery on your iPhone or iPad You will only need a computer, iPhone / iPad and cord from device and iBackupBot program. (Download iBackupBot)

Next, install the program, connect the phone, waiting for the program initializes your iPhone / iPad. When this happens, select the phone in the list of devices and you will see the following screen and click on More information:

After that, you will have all the information on your battery, as well as other useful information:

I will give the decoding of certain names of the values:

  • CycleCount - the number of cycles (discharge-complete charge);
  • DesignCapacity - factory battery volume (battery volume declared by the manufacturer);
  • Fullchargecapacity - full charge volume (battery volume, with full charge today);
  • Status - status (I understand the working battery working);
  • BatteryCurrentCapacity - current battery charge level.

So you can check your iPhone / iPad battery status. In case the full charge volume (Fullchacapacity) is much smaller than the factory volume (DesignCapacity), most likely you need to replace the battery. I received these results checking iPhone 4S battery Working since 2012, this can be noted by the number of cycles (CycleCount), and yet, the current battery volume is 90% of the factory (1300/1430), which is the absolute norm.

If the program indicates the serviceability of your device's battery, then you should read the instructions for preservation battery iPhone and iPad. in the article.

If you have a ratio less than 70-60%, it already speaks about the old age battery and it is worth replacing it. And in the event of a quick decrease in this ratio, it indicates a complete malfunction of the battery (if there is a constant drop in the volume of Fullchacapacity).

Upd.: In the comments, so much began to write that the version of the program is no longer the one, I'm not a cake, there are no links, no phone is visible, and in general the interface is different that I did not laugh download last version Programs (5.5.3) and lay out even more screenshots for the people.

I hope this will relieve readers from difficulties with iPhone and iPad battery checkand entail another large quantity Likes and reposts of this page and gratitude comments.

If you buy an iPhone not from the cabin, then you immediately want to know about the state of the battery, in this article I will tell you how to do it.

In fact, you need to know the current battery resource not only in the case of the purchase of a used smartphone. You can also find an answer, really the battery has become weaker or just you have become more active to enjoy your gadget.

In order to check the condition of the battery on the iPhone we will use our favorite program - itools!

Download and install, you can find it on main page Site.

After that, an information window will appear, in which enough information for analyzing the current battery status is:

Let's go through the provided data:

History Full Charge Cycles - Current Number of Recharge Cycles

Actual Capacity - Current Capacity Your Battery. The lower the value, the worse your battery works.

Design Capacity - Battery capacity in production, or how much should be in the new battery

ELECTRIC CURRENT - Current Battery Consumption

The remaining parameters are not as important to us.

The most important thing is in this list - Actual Capacity and Design Capacity. Thanks to these values, it is possible to determine how much the battery was isolated, and is it really the case in the battery, and not in active use Smartphone.

Each next iPhone aggravates the problem with the battery. My first iPhone is 5s after 9 months of intensive use withstand no more than 4-5 hours.

How can I find out the level of battery wear in iPhone? Built-in tools are not provided.

If open App Store.then we will find many programs for checking the wear of the iPhone battery, but you can trust them.

You probably know that apple devicesUnlike android has a closed system and do not allow penetrating the kernel.

If you search for a network of applications to view the iPhone Battery Level, then you will be offered Battery Life.

I inscribed such a request to the App Store and the service issued me several programs with such a name from different developers. Let's check them.

The first program for checking the battery wear on iPhone

The first in the list turned out to be an application from the developer "Victor Robin". After installation issued me information that the condition is good, and the level of wear of the battery (written aspired) 76%

Pretty strange. 76% and good condition. Let's see what a tripled application from the RBT Dighal developer will say.

Second application for checking the battery wear on the iPhone

Honestly, after installing the second program, I'm a little shocked - everything is bad here, and the level of wear is 24%.

I get the impression that the first Battery Life shows how much good capacity is left, and how much has already been worn out.

It seems to be confirmed by interest 76 and 24 - if they are addressed, then it will turn out 100. It is also confirmed if you look at the time of work - in both the same coincides.

Let's take another look at the level of wear of the iPhone battery in the program of which I trust - AIDA 64.

Third program for checking battery wear on iPhone

You can also download Aida 64 for free in the App Store. I already have it already installed and that's what it shows.

AIDA 64 showed wear 23.61% (Wear Lewel string). I trust this application, so I consider the result right.

Moreover, I see that the battery for me somewhere 25 percent discharges faster than it was after purchase.

Time autonomous work Without a doubt, it is important for most users and there are ways to improve it, just how to do it here will not be described, since such a record is already there - you can find in the iPhone menu or through the search.

More accurately determine the level of wear can be possible if in an iPhone with a jailbreak, but it requires hacking software.

Only iPhones are expensive and I do not recommend this. There is another application "Battery Percentage - Your Device Doctor", where you will get the ability to check the condition of the battery, the temperature of the processor and see if the pixels were missing on the screen

Thanks graphic interface You can find out what condition is the most interesting items of your phone.

He has a beautiful minimalist design and it is available for free. Thanks to him, you can learn a lot about your device, only at the time of writing the Russian language no.

Note: Battery wear iphone drops to 80% after 500 recharging cycles, and in the iPad withstands twice as 1000. Successes.

Via iPhone settings You can find out the battery life, as well as which applications are most discharged by the battery of the device. But, there is no information in the settings about what state is and what is the level of wear.

Fortunately, this information can be obtained by third-party applications and programs. In this material we will tell you about how to check the battery wear on the iPhone using iOS applications and Windows and MacOS programs. Information will be relevant to all iPhone models, iPhone including 4, 4S, 5, 5S, SE, 6, 6S, 7, 8 and iPhone X.

Battery wear check using iOS applications

The easiest way to check the battery wear level on iPhone is use to use iOS applications that are available in the AppStore store. You can set one of them to your iPhone and see the battery wear assessment, also in such applications you can see the current capacity of the battery and its comparison with the initial container.

For example, you can use the application. After launch this application You will see the percentage of wear of your battery, according to the application. In the screenshot at the bottom it is 87 percent.

If you wish, you can see more detailed information about your iPhone battery. To do this, click on the button in the upper left corner of the screen and go to the "RAW DATA" section.

Here you will see two parameters: Capacity and Battery Charge. The "Battery Charge" parameter is just the current level of charge of your iPhone, it's not interesting. But the parameter "Capacity" is more interesting. It shows the current capacity of your battery (in the screenshot it is 2400 mAh) and the initial capacity of your battery (in the screenshot it is 2750 mAh).

It is the difference between these values \u200b\u200band is calculated as percent. The greater the difference between the current and initial capacity, the worse the state of the battery.

Battery Check using Windows iBackupBot Program

If you want to get more detailed information about wear of your iPhone battery, then you can use the desktop programs. For operating room windows systems There is a program called. It is paid and costs $ 35, but within the first 7 days you can use it for free.

In order to check the battery wear level using IBackupBot, run it on your computer and connect the iPhone with a cable. After that, you need to wait a bit while the program determines the device and create its profile. When the device is determined, pay attention to the left side of the window and select your iPhone here.

After that, open the "MOREFORMATION" section.

As a result, you will have information about the level of wear of your iPhone battery. There will be many parameters here, the most important of which we will consider separately.

  • CycleCount - the number of charging and battery discharge cycles;
  • DesignCapacity - initial battery capacity;
  • Fullchargecapacity - Current battery capacity;

The number of battery charging and discharge cycles is another very important parameter that speaks of battery wear. The more the cycles passed the battery, the worse its condition. If your battery has more than 500 cycles, then it's time to think about its replacement.

Battery Check using MacOS COCONUTBATTERY

If you have a computer with an operating room macos systemYou can check the battery wear using the program. The main purpose of this program is to view the MacBook battery information, but it can also provide information on IOS devices connected (iPhone, iPad, etc.).

In order to use this battery checking method, simply connect the iPhone to your computer, run the COCONUTBATTERY program and go to the "iOS Device" section.

As a result, you will appear with an iPhone battery information. Here will be the current battery charge level, the maximum battery capacity (Full Charge Capacity), the initial battery capacity (Design Capacity), the number of battery charging cycles (CYCLE COUCT), as well as other parameters.

As you see the amount of information here is almost the same as in the IBackupBot program.

iPhone and iPad are characterized by decent indicators of battery life, but their batteries, unfortunately, are not eternal. After some time, they lose their capacity, and subsequently require replacement. Operating system iOS continuously monitors the state of the standard power item, so the owners of smartphones and tablets can always determine the degree of wear of the battery and the need to replace it.

Any modern batteries have a limited number of cycles. full discharge. After that, they begin to lose the container declared by the manufacturer. The complete cycle is the process of discharging the device from 100% to 0%.

The iPhone battery loses up to 20% of its capacity after 500 such discharge cycles, battery Apple Watch. and iPad - after 1000 full recharging cycles. The iPod battery provides up to 80% of the initial container after 400 full cycles.

How to check the state of the iPhone and iPad battery status

If your iPhone and iPad purchased on the secondary market, then estimate the state of the battery is quite problematic. For such cases it will be useful sourid app. Useful program called Battery Life. On the main screen, it shows the degree of wear of the battery and gives a rating: Perfect (excellent), good (good), Bad (bad) and Very Bad (very bad). If in the main section go to the RAW DATA menu, then in the Cycles line you can see the number of battery charging cycles.

You can also find out the IPHONE and iPad battery wear and iBackupBot desktop. Running the program, you need to connect the iOS device to the computer and in the Devices section you need to select a gadget. On the right side of the window will appear technical information. Here you need to click the "MOREFORMATION" button, where the number of battery charge cycles is shown - CycleCount.

How to extend the service life of the iPhone and iPad battery

In order to extend the life of the battery mobile device, I should try to keep the level of charge at the level of two thirds, or rather, between 80% and 40%. It is not recommended to keep the device charged to 100%, it significantly reduces its life.

Not necessarily charge new iPhone Or iPad for 72 hours before use so that he "remember", what it is to be fully charged. It is a myth. This advice is fair when working with nickel batteries, but in the case of lithium-ion batteries, which are used in the iPhone and iPad, it is completely untenable.

Too frequent charging of the battery is able to apply minor damage. About once a month, one full discharge / charging cycle should be carried out.

Experts also advise not to be aware of extremely low / high temperatures. The recommended storage temperature is 15 ° C (59 ° F), and the maximum safe temperature typically varies from 40 ° C to 50 ° C. At an average temperature of 25 ° C lithium-ion battery Will lose 20% of its maximum capacity every year. At 40 ° C, its container will fall annually by 35%.