Homemade battery Li Ion. How to use lithium in batteries will allow us to get a powerful battery

Initially, lithium ion batteries were intended for mobile devices Whether the phones, cameras, camcorders, laptops, but in the last decade, the production of lithium batteries has been adjusted by most automakers.

Then why collect yourself if you can buy a ready-made battery? There are enough reasons:

  • collected in the Lithium factory rechargeable batteries - unreasonably expensive;
  • it is very difficult to find a suitable battery for a motorcycle, a car;
  • if the assembled battery gets up with a reserve in the installation site, then it will be lower than the container.

You can collect the battery from individual elementswhich will be limited only by energy and price for watt-hour, depending on the type of selected items:

  1. Nimh. - Nickel Metalohydride;
  2. Li-Ion. - lithium ionic;
  3. Li-Pol. - lithium polymeric;
  4. LIFEPO4. - Lithium iron-phosphate;
  5. LEAD-ACID - Lead-acid.

Danger of Recharge Lithium Elements

With lithium elements, you need to handle carefully, since it focuses on a large energy to a small area with full charge. Therefore, there have been a secure Li-Ion and Li-Pol batteries for a long time.

Back in 1991 sony Untile attention to the explosion of Li-Ion elements. Currently, all batteries without exception are wound with a two-layer separator between the plates to eliminate the risk of internal short circuit. All branded batteries are equipped with a protection board on a field of transistor, which disables them in the following cases:

  1. The battery is overly discharged - below 2.5 V.
  2. Rechargeable - Over 4.2 V.
  3. Called too high charge current - more than 1C (C is the battery capacity in Ah).
  4. Short circuit.
  5. The load current is exceeded - more than 5C.
  6. Incorrect polarity when charging.

For an additional suspension, a thermal stuff is served by a disconnecting chain when overheating of a lithium element over 90 ° C.

How to find a battery with protection?

Lithium batteries are available in domestic and technological design. Domestic batteries have a durable plastic case and built-in electronic protection. Technological elements intended for industrial use are most often available in inapproprous form and do not have built-in protection.

  1. Protected batteries have the word " protected."In the title, unprotected -" unprotected».
  2. Batteries with protection longer than usual 2-3 mm due to the board, which is installed on the end near the minus pole.
  3. The price of batteries with protection with the same container is always higher, because the board with electronic components is also worth the money.

The positive pole battery is necessarily connected to the protective plate with a thin plate, otherwise the protection will not work.

With a sequential connection of individual elements of their voltage, they are summed up, and the container remains the same. Even from one series of batteries have various characteristics, so they are charged with different speed. For example, when charging until the total voltage of 12.6, the element in the middle can recharge up to 4.4 V, which is dangerous overheating.

In order, there was no excessive reloading of unprotected elements, balancing loops connected to special charger, for example: IMAX B6 and TURNIGY Accucel-6.

Each Li-Ion and Li-POL domestic rechargeable battery has the most advanced overvoltage protection, in the form of a voltage control scheme, a key on the field of transistor and the thermal stuff.

Balancing of protected elements is not required, since with an increase in voltage on some of them up to 4.2 V, charging is guaranteed to interrupt.

When assembling the battery from the elements without protection there is a way out - to put one voltage control fee for all batteries, for example, connecting them according to the 4S2P - 4 sequential circuit, 2 in parallel.

Also, you do not need balancing parallel to the connected elements.

With parallel battery connection, their voltage remains the same, and the containers are summed up.

About lithium batteries

Capacity - the ability of the battery to give the current, measured in Milliamper hour (mAh) or amper hour (Ah). For example, the battery with a capacity of 2 Ah will be able to give a current of 2 A one hour, or 1 A two hours. But this dependence of the current on the time of connection of the load is not linear - at a specific point of the graph, with an increase in current by half the battery running time, the battery is reduced. Therefore, manufacturers always indicate the capacity calculated by the battery discharge overly low current of 100 mA.

The amount of energy depends on the battery voltage, so nickel metalmide elements with the same capacity have 3 times lower energy intensity than lithium ionic:

  • Nimh. - 1.2 V * 2.2 Ah \u003d 2.64 watt-hours;
  • Li-Ion. - 3.7 V * 2.2 Ah \u003d 8.14 watt-hour.

When searching and buying rechargeable batteries, give preference to famous firms, such as Samsung, Sony, Sanyo, Panasonic. The batteries of these manufacturers have the capacity of the most appropriate one that is indicated on their housing. The inscription 2600 mA on the elements of Sanyo is not very different from their real capacity at 2500-2550 mA. For fakes of Chinese producers with a dummy capacity of 4,200 mA, up to 1000 mA, but the price of them is twice as lower than the Japanese originals.

To assemble the battery from lithium batteries, you can apply:

  1. soldering;
  2. connecting boxes;
  3. neodymium magnets;

The soldering in the factory assembly is used extremely rare, as the lithium element is destroyed from heating, leaving part of its capacity. On the other hand, at home, the soldering will be the best way to connect batteries, since even meager resistance on contacts will significantly reduce the total voltage on common terminals. You need to use a powerful soldering iron 100 W, and touch it to lithium batteries for no more than two seconds.

Powerful rare-earth magnets are covered with a layer of nickel or zinc, so their surface is not oxidized. These magnets provide excellent contact between batteries. If you want to solder wiring to the magnet, do not forget about the Curie temperature, over which any magnet becomes a pebble. Approximately permissible temperature for magnets is 300 ° C.

If you use a box for connecting batteries, it becomes obvious a big plus, because it will be so easier to choose a voltage batteries or change the spoiled element.

Spot welding - best way Connections of lithium elements used when assembling batteries for laptops.

Buy the finished lithium battery for the machine or motorcycle is unprofitable when it can be collected for more low price. You can save up to 70 dollars, if not buying new battery Laptop, and independently replace elements in it.

On saving when assembling powerful lithium batteries for powering electric car or autonomous power supply systems of the house, judged hard, as in these cases there are additional costs of control and control equipment.

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          1. Posted by mail, no reaction. Perhaps because the address has driven by the hands, since copying on the site is not supported.
            Good time by day
            As you asked, I sent a question from the site to the post, I decided to add to the question to the question, which directly needs to remake, as the charger burned down and he lies at all, help change the NI-CD on Li-Ion, just remake the charge or create new .
            For brevity I will write like this:
            '1O'. Turning "Practyl", the battery consists of Ni-CD 1.2V, 600 mAh - 3 pcs

            '2o'. Unscrew "Ermak", the battery consists of Ni-CD 1.2V, 600 Mah - 4 pcs

            '3Ш'. Shurupy "Defort", the battery consists of Ni-CD 1.2V, SC 1200 Mah - 15 pcs

            Accordingly, all sharks are triggered sequentially.

            I want to do in '1O' 3 lithium in parallel, it clearly turns out: 1.2V * 3 \u003d 3.6V Ni-CD This is just 3.7V Li-Ion, but not 600 mAh, but as many Li-Ion * 3 Mah . I think it should be cool.

            In '2O' it is more complicated: there is 1.2V * 4 \u003d 4.8B, Li-Ion 3.7B. It may be twisted, but the capacity of 4x lithium should block this disadvantage (probably). At least another version of the alteration, I could not think of, I will be glad to ideas and advice.

            Now the most interesting thing is: '3Ш' alterations saw a lot, everyone almost contradicts each other (offering a fee for assembly, others show photos of the burnt these boards, another bunch of all, the sea of \u200b\u200bdisputes according to the same issues). It turns out so 1.2V * 15 \u003d 18V Ni-Cd change on (3.7V * 5 \u003d 18.5V Li-Ion) * 2 - we get an enlarged volume, there is enough space in the battery. The charger needs to be new to themself, I think on the basis of the old one (throwing out everything from it, and replacing new blocks, fees, trances and what else is needed), for the old burned.

            Now the most important thing is why I paint it all, you understand and really can help, it can be seen on answers to any questions set in front of you, I hope for you:

            '1O' What fee is that all protection on it on it (re-charge / discharge / heating kz and what else should it be)? Charger need to redo? Ate yes, what is needed for this?
            '2o' all questions are the same as in '1O', perhaps the idea and advice to redo different. Charged from '1O' to use if you are needed and if it approaches.
            '3Ш' What parameters of the board must be for 10 Li-ion barrels attached according to Scheme 5 sequentially, and each of them, is recently with the same? What fee is put in box charger, Ideally, with a pair or three LEDs, what would be shown: enabled, charging, charged?

            If it is possible to attach references to Ali Express or fuck on all the necessary fees, I will be very grateful (I ask because there are a lot of them there, they are very similar, and with a detailed consideration, they are very different. To all in fees I am not I understand anything. It is properly soldered, beautifully pack - that I can)

              1. And now in the case:
                Capacity. I understand that if the motor does not pull, for example, on a slide, then it gives a short circuit current. The motor will not burn because thick wires are wounded.
                But how to find out what kind of maximum current? And how long does his winding inside withstand this current?
                Judging by your letter you are a highly educated person, in any case in physical sciences, but I am not remembering the elementary Azov to the school and the institute. Rehend to this fact with understanding- sclerosis senile. Although I consider myself smart !!!
                The questions posed above are aimed at answering the main question - how it will be right (without risk to burn AK) to operate the motor and battery when driving for any area (I mean rates big and small)
                I understand this: if I am in a timely manner, turn off AK, and I led to the slide manually. So nothing happens.! How to find out this moment?
                Perhaps there is a special device signaling a high current, or a thermal relay clearly, emphasize clearly, turning off AK?
  • Most batteries used in medical equipment, power tools, electric bikes and even electric vehicles, use elements of size 18650. It would seem that the use of this cylindrical element is not particularly practical due to the large volume occupied by him, but its strengths, such as developed and mass production technology, as well as the low cost of Watt-hours approve the opposite.

    As mentioned above, the cylindrical form of the element is not ideal, since it leads to the formation of an empty space in multi-element systems. But if you consider a question from the point of view of the need for cooling, then this deficiency turns into an advantage. For example, the elements of the size of 18650 are used in the electric vehicle TESLA S85, where their total number reaches 7000 pieces. These 7,000 elements form a complex rechargeable system where the serial connection is used to increase the voltage, and parallel to increase the current strength. In case of failure of one element in a consecutive connection, the power loss will be minimal, and in parallel, such an element will turn off the protection system. Accordingly, there is no dependence of the entire battery from single elements, which allows more stable operation.

    Manufacturers of electric vehicles do not have a single opinion about the use of sizes, but there is a tendency to use larger formats, as this reduces the total number of elements in the battery and, accordingly, reduces the cost of the protection system. Savings can reach 20-25 percent. But on the other hand, the use of large elements leads to the rise in the cost of the total value of kW * h. According to the data for 2015, it is Tesla S85 that the elements of the size of 18650 has a lower cost of watt-hour in comparison with electric vehicles using large prismaic batteries. Table 1 compares the cost of kW * h of various electric vehicles.

    Table 1: Comparison of the cost of watt-hour different models Electric vehicles. The mass production of the elements of the 18650 elements reduces the cost of their batteries.

    * In 2015-2016, the battery power from 85 kW increased in TESLA S85 to 90 kW. In Nissan Leaf, an increase also occurred - from 25 kW * h to 30 kWh.

    The battery developed must comply with security standards not only standard workbut also in case of failure. All energy sources, and electrical batteries are no exception, ultimately produce their resource and come into disrepair. There are cases of premature, unpredictable failure. For example, after some incintents, the onboard lithium-ion battery liner Boeing 787 is placed in a special metal container with ventilating outward. In TESLA electric vehicles, the battery compartment is additionally protected by a steel plate to avoid penetrating damage.

    Large rechargeable systems for high-loaded systems have forced cooling. It can be implemented in the form of heat removal with a radiator, and may include a cold air fan. There are also liquid cooling systems, but they are quite expensive, and are usually used in electric vehicles.

    1. Aspects of security

    Respecting manufacturers of electrical elements do not supply lithium-ion elements to incorrect battery manufacturers. This precautionary measure is fully justified, since the protection scheme in the designed battery can be incorrectly configured for the overestimation of the indicators, and the elements will be charged and unbelted not in the safe voltage interval.

    Cost of certified battery system for air transport or for other commercial use It may be from $ 10,000 to $ 20,000. Such a high price causes anxiety, especially knowing that the manufacturers periodically change the electrical elements used in such systems. The rechargeable system with such new elements, though it will be indicated as a direct replacement of the older, will again require new certificates.

    The question is often asked: "Why do you need a battery certification, if the items from which it consists already approved?". The answer is quite simple - the end device, the battery, must also be verified for compliance with the safety standards and the correctness of the assembly. For example, the malfunction of the same protection scheme can lead to ignition or even an explosion, and its testing is possible only in the finished battery.

    According to the rules established by the UN, the battery must pass mechanical and electrical tests to meet the requirements governing the possibility of air transport. These rules (UN / DOT 38.3) work together with the recommendations of the Federal Civil Aviation Department (FAA), the US Department of Transportation (US DOT) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) *. Certification applies to primary and secondary lithium batteries.

    UN RULES 38.3 include tests:

      T1 - Imitation of work at height (primary and secondary batteries)

      T2 - Temperature Tests (Primary and Secondary Batteries)

      T3 - Vibration (Primary and Secondary Batteries)

      T4 - Blow (primary and secondary batteries)

      T5 - external short circuit (primary and secondary batteries)

      T6 - Mechanical impact (primary and secondary batteries)

      T7 - Recharge (Secondary Batteries)

      T8 - Forced discharge (primary and secondary batteries)

    The test electrical batteries must pass tests without causing harm to the surrounding space, saving their performance after tests does not play any role. These tests are intended exclusively for safety testing, not consumer qualities. The authorized laboratory conducted by these tests needs 24 batteries, 12 new and 12 charge / discharge cycles. The presence of already used batteries ensures more realistic sampling quality.

    The high cost of certification is inexperienced for small manufacturers of lithium-ion batteries, so the ultimate price of certified models is quite high. But consumers have a choice - instead of a certified lithium-ion, it is quite possible to purchase a battery based on nickel, the transportation of which is not regulated so strictly. (See BU-704: Transportation of electric batteries.)

      Be careful when working and testing batteries.

      Do not allow short circuit, recharging, squeezing, falling, penetration of foreign objects, the use of reverse polarity, the effects of high temperature on the battery.

      Do not disassemble the battery.

      Use only original lithium-ion batteries and chargers.

    The first step in creating a lithium-ion battery is to determine the requirements for the value of the voltage and the required work time. Then refine the characteristics of the load, the environment, dimensions and weight. In modern portable devices There will be increased requirements for the thickness of the battery, so the preferred will be the selection of prismatic or even inapproprous formats. If the thickness is not a decisive factor, the choice of cylindrical elements of the size of 18650 as structural parts will provide lower cost and better performance (from the point of view of specific energy intensity, safety and durability). (See also BU-301A: Variety of Forms of Electrical Batteries).

    Most batteries used in medical equipment, power tools, electric bikes and even electric vehicles, use elements of the size of 18650. It would seem that the use of this cylindrical element is not particularly practical due to the large volume occupied by him, but its strengths, such as developed and mass production technology. , as well as the low cost of Watt-hours approve the opposite.

    As mentioned above, the cylindrical form of the element is not ideal, since it leads to the formation of an empty space in multi-element systems. But if you consider a question from the point of view of the need for cooling, then this deficiency turns into an advantage. For example, the elements of the size of 18650 are used in the electric vehicle TESLA S85, where their total number reaches 7000 pieces. These 7,000 elements form a complex rechargeable system where the serial connection is used to increase the voltage, and parallel to increase the current strength. In case of failure of one element in a consecutive connection, the power loss will be minimal, and in parallel, such an element will turn off the protection system. Accordingly, there is no dependence of the entire battery from single elements, which allows more stable operation.

    Manufacturers of electric vehicles do not have a single opinion about the use of sizes, but there is a tendency to use larger formats, as this reduces the total number of elements in the battery and, accordingly, reduces the cost of the protection system. Savings can reach 20-25 percent. But on the other hand, the use of large elements leads to the rise in the cost of the total value of kW * h. According to the data for 2015, it is Tesla S85 that the elements of the size of 18650 has a lower cost of watt-hour in comparison with electric vehicles using large prismaic batteries. Table 1 compares the cost of kW * h of various electric vehicles.

    Table 1: Comparison of the cost of Watt-hour different models of electric vehicles. The mass production of the elements of the 18650 elements reduces the cost of their batteries.

    * In 2015-2016, the battery power from 85 kW increased in TESLA S85 to 90 kW. In Nissan Leaf, an increase also occurred - from 25 kW * h to 30 kWh.

    The battery developed must comply with safety standards not only with standard work, but also in case of fail. All energy sources, and electrical batteries are no exception, ultimately produce their resource and come into disrepair. There are cases of premature, unpredictable failure. For example, after some incintents, the onboard lithium-ion battery liner Boeing 787 is placed in a special metal container with ventilating outward. In TESLA electric vehicles, the battery compartment is additionally protected by a steel plate to avoid penetrating damage.

    Large rechargeable systems for high-loaded systems have forced cooling. It can be implemented in the form of heat removal with a radiator, and may include a cold air fan. There are also liquid cooling systems, but they are quite expensive, and are usually used in electric vehicles.

    1. Aspects of security

    Respecting manufacturers of electrical elements do not supply lithium-ion elements to incorrect battery manufacturers. This precautionary measure is fully justified, since the protection scheme in the designed battery can be incorrectly configured for the overestimation of the indicators, and the elements will be charged and unbelted not in the safe voltage interval.

    The cost of a certified battery system for air transport or for other commercial use can be from $ 10,000 to $ 20,000. Such a high price causes anxiety, especially knowing that the electrical elements used in such systems are periodically used. The rechargeable system with such new elements, though it will be indicated as a direct replacement of the older, will again require new certificates.

    The question is often asked: "Why do you need a battery certification, if the items from which it consists already approved?". The answer is quite simple - the end device, the battery, must also be verified for compliance with the safety standards and the correctness of the assembly. For example, the malfunction of the same protection scheme can lead to ignition or even an explosion, and its testing is possible only in the finished battery.

    Creating a lithium-ion battery
    Learn about the requirements for the design of the power supply of the lithium-ion electrochemical system.

    Why collect yourself? And then that the batteries are the area where the finished product is always crazy. They are always unjustified dear. Always not to get the desired size, which, of course, is unique for each device. There is always no desired capacity, but there are only those that are designed to run away from the outlet to the outlet within the city.

    Especially loudly scold producers start when you get into the force majeure. You remain without communication, because in the cold Communicator. You can not withdraw a good time, because it ran out of a native battery on the camera, and the spare from the company costs $ 50. Or sit and miss, because the laptop was enough for an hour.

    But you can assemble the battery, which will be limited only to two parameters: the price for watt-hour and energy content. All other characteristics you will choose yourself.

    The article is written for amateurs and from the amateur.

    Only one "but". This article is not about the battery powerful than several kilowatt-hours.

    Theory on the fingers

    Element, cell, "bank", "battery" - What accumulates and gives energy. All battery characteristics depend on battery elements.

    Battery - This is already a set of many elements. Several cells are connected to the battery when the characteristics of one cell is not enough. If you connect sequentially, the voltage grows. If in parallel - the battery capacity increases. It may include not only banks, but also any control electronics.

    Voltage - This is how power the battery can strike into the consumer. It is only a battery characteristic, it does not depend on the consumer. 7 is measured in volts (V).

    Tok Power "What is more, the more eating an electricity consumer." Measured in amperes (a).

    Capacity - the characteristic of the battery, is measured in amps-hours (AH). For example, a capacity of 2Ah means that the battery can give the current in 1a for two hours and in 2a - one hour.

    The battery capacity also depends on the discharge current. Usually, it is more, the container is less. Battery manufacturers usually indicate the container obtained by some scrolling current in 100mA.

    On the right shows the characteristics of the Li-ion-battery, which is discharged with different current strength. The current is higher, the fact that the discharge curve.

    C. - Letter of the Latin alphabet, which is measured by the ratio of the current strength to the capacity of the battery, that is, how many times the current exceeds the container. If the battery has a capacity of 2Ah and discharged at a current in 4a, then it can be said that it is discharged at a 2C current. The thing is that the larger the battery capacity, the easier it is to give it to the current, and therefore it is more convenient to use this characteristic than simply amperers.

    Energy - that characteristic that allows you to compare batteries with different voltage. It is measured in watt-hours and is rudely calculated by multiplying the voltage on the battery on its container. Numerically equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe figure under the discharge curve.

    Parrots of capacity and watt-hours of energy

    Suppose we have two batteries of the same container - 2200mAh. But one of them is lithium-ion, and the other is nickel-metal hydride.

    Question: Does this mean that in both batteries the same amount of energy? Will the same device work from both cans of the same time?

    In fact, looking only on the characteristics of the container, you can not compare eNERGYwhich can accumulate and give the battery. To do this, you need to know the rated voltage on it.

    Roughly estimate the amount of energy in watt-hours can be, multiplying the rated battery voltage on its container. And we will succeed:

    • For NiMH: 1.2 Volt * 2.2 ampere-hour \u003d 2.64 watt-hour
    • For Li-Ion: 3.7 Volt * 2.2 ampere-hour \u003d 8.14 watts-hour

    That the energy of the Li-Ion battery of the same capacity is 3 times more than NIMH.

    But this is just a rough "prediction". So, voltage in 1.2 volts on the NIMH element is maximum voltagecorresponding to the complete charge of the battery. When discharge it will only fall, and real energy will be slightly less than 2.64 watts-hours. However, it is precisely such a way to calculate the battery power we will use to compare their characteristics.

    How to assemble a battery
    How to assemble a battery life Why collect yourself? And then that the batteries are the area where the finished product is always crazy. They are always unjustified dear. Always ne.

    Motik Suzuki Sv400s '98 Bottled by me last fall almost immediately wanted new battery - The one that was instantly discharged, did not always include a 35-watt xenon, and the starter twisted somehow sluggishly and reluctantly. After the next shameful start, "from the Tolkach" I climbed on the sites in search of a new battery. And almost immediately twisted - a new battery for my desire from any decent manufacturer was not less than 3 tr. And this is for prehistoric lead batteries, tidy, heavy, with low current! Many people know that most lead batteries have such an unpleasant "feature" - with the claimed capacity of 12 Ach, only half of the capacity can be used safely, i.e. About 6 Ah. A further discharge leads to accelerated accumulator degradation and its ambulance. The exception is the batteries of the "Deep Cycle" series - but did you see such an inscription?)))
    I quickly digging in the Internet. I found a more interesting option - the batteries collected from the elements of LiFePO4.

    Caution! Many incomprehensible beaks and pictures

    Lithium-iron chemistry is quite safe, elements of capacious and lighter lead. Many manufacturers also speak about 3-4 multiple increase in the lifetime of such batteries under the condition of proper operation. And the capacity of the elements is honest, good elements can be discharged almost completely without damage to them and without a drop in current times as the discharge! In addition, more frost-resistant than lead. Found the right size and options option - SHORAI LFX12A1-BS12

    So what do we have? Capacity is affixed in "lead equivalent", i.e. We read 12 Ah - we have all the same 6 Ah! For such money - I do not agree. Quick exhaust information from other producers of similar batteries, also not pleased - everywhere a small container, where it is honestly affixed, and where and again the Solid "PB EQ" again.

    Speak an ambush. Not for a homemade))
    Then there will be a lot of terminology of understandable modelarers, electricians and fellow self-keys. If what - ask me in the comments me or torment Google.
    Two years ago, I was seriously interested in the possibility of assembling the electrowelika "from scratch", I collected it, and now I have been using it for an appointment. The battery was going to large number Elements and electronics to control its condition. That's how it looks without a cover:

    The number of wires scares me too, yes)
    Skills and information obtained in the process very helped in assembling a new battery.

    So, the introductory: elements of LiFepo4, the maximum capacity within the dimensions of the lead battery, the maximum current, the control system for a long time of life, the minimum price.
    Disposable once again, the network of network found several suitable options, and two of them became finalists:
    A123 ANR26650M1A.

    rated voltage 3.3V.
    rated tank 2.3 Ah
    nominal discharge current 30c (69a from element)
    maximum discharge current up to 60s (up to 138a from the element)
    nominal charging current 10c (up to 23a per element)
    sizes 26mm x 66,5mm
    weight 70g.

    rated voltage 6,6V (3.3V per each pair of elements)
    rated tank 3.6 Ah (1.8 Ah per each element)
    nominal discharge current 30c (54a from element)
    maximum discharge current up to 40c (up to 72a from the element)
    nominal charging current 2c (up to 3,6A per item)
    sizes 139mm x 21mm x 45mm
    weight 262g.

    In an A123 (4S6P scheme, a capacity of 13.8 Ah, a charging current up to 138a, a discharge current of 414a / 828a, a discharge current 414a / 828a, a discharge current of 414a / 828a, 1880gr) or 8 Zippy batteries (4S8P circuit, 14.4 Ah, charging current up to 28 , 8a, discharge current 432a / 576a, weight 2100g).
    Everything is great and joyful, but now it starts to influence such important factor as cost. 24 elements A123 will cost about 6000r., 8 Zippy batteries in 5600r, it's all with delivery. Dofiga? So I thought so.
    Therefore, he dreamed of their appetites and ordered 6 Zippy batteries that it cost me in 4200r. The parameters were certainly more compromised, but still pleasing eyes - 4S6P circuit, 10.8 Ah capacity, charging current up to 21,6A, discharge current 324a / 432a, weight 1570g.
    And in the appendage, the benefit of everything in one store, took another small shnyaga, which is called in the world of Battery Checker & Balancer

    This small pribrud will do the health of the batteries, in other words, it will equal the voltage of the battery elements relative to each other. The only "but" - the tester is designed primarily for Lipo batteries, and not LIFEPO4, so the battery charge will be incorrect. Balancing elements does not interfere. Therefore, the left corner of the screen with the battery charge pointer, I just missed - the Nefik confuse)
    Well, the smallest is balancing cables for tester and protective caps. Pozditza! © ©

    Then, with the help of Russian Post, there was a short break - the first parcel was driving about 1.5 months, the second 2.5 months.

    Finally, everything came, and I balanced all the batteries individually on the model charge. It is not to get a small Badabum when connecting batteries among themselves. At the same time checked the container, the stability of the voltage on the elements during the discharge, and in general ...

    The next stage is a soldering and assembly:
    1) Shed parallel 2 groups of 3 batteries each (2S6P + 2S6P)

    from another rocars

    Along the way, everything fixed the reinforced scotch - so more reliable and less chances to damage thin polyethylene shells of elements.
    2) so the battery filling collected together

    Two thick wires with sections are needed for a sequential connection of the battery parts. Also visible balancing conclusions 2S from each part.
    3) The plastic duct on the parts will serve as a rigid battery case

    5) pulled all the reinforced scotch until complete satisfaction, and made contacts with "rings" from the conclusions themselves (there were no suitable contact rings at hand)

    6) put balancing, running between the elements is minimal

    In a couple of minutes, everything comes down to a common denominator

    And falling asleep in order not to eat the gazer my new battery

    Everything is met, then the battery was installed in proper place, and it works as it should be.
    Those. Xenon turns on quickly and without nasty blink, the starter twists as the headlight, and the headlights can be left for an hour or two without discharged the battery to zero. When I put the anti-rone - you can also leave it on a lot longer in time. And I love good light, so I will soon put in place 35W xenonki something better - 55 / 75W or general diodes. Battery allows)

    In the next article, I will tell you how to make a halogen light bulb from powerful diodes.

    Lithium ion battery do it yourself
    I decided that I would devote my first post anything more interesting than how I got to such a life)) Motik. How and why I made a lithium battery

    In this video, we will work with the Varta Professhional battery, from which we are going to get a metal lithium. Conventional batteries do not contain lithium, so they do not fit. Be sure to be in gloves and do not remove them until the end of the procedure, since chemicals in batteries are not entirely useful.

    The first task is to remove the label. We spend this experiment in the basement, as all chemicals are contained in the kernel. This little thing is built as a fortress. Look carefully that the body does not touch the kernel, as a short circuit can occur. Now pliers or nipples open the steel case. Be sure that you have to work hard. Use the nippers to squeeze and snatch the inner cap.

    Observe these precautions when parsing a lithium battery. Work in protective gloves.

    The whole outer shell is a negative charge, and the inner cap - positive charge. Two charges are separated by an internal plastic lining. It is easy to accidentally provoke a short circuit in the battery, so be careful. If suddenly, any part of the battery sharply heats up, it means that there has happened a short circuit, quickly throw away the battery before it starts to ventive your electrolytes. Do not do anything with her until it cools.

    Now we freed the inner core of the batteries. We continue to remove the walls of the housing to get to the top. Finally, we removed the entire external body. Now just pull the kernel. And here it is. Now unwind him like a roll. First, external protection. Now we unwind the kernel itself. Dead batteries and closed will have lithium lowest quality than the one in new ones. So it is better to avoid both those and others.

    This foil covered with a black iron disulfide serves as a cathode and since we do not need it, then simply throw it away. Now we liberate the metal lithium. He will immediately begin to react with air, so work quickly. And here it is from us - a metal lithium. You can already observe how lithium reacts to the air.

    Metal lithium battery

    The first test is just set on in lithium. After a few seconds you will see everything. To set fire to it, you need to use a lighter with a piezo and any metal substrate. In life, the light was so saturated that it was impossible to look directly to him, as if looked at the sun. The little piece glowed so brightly, which illuminated the entire room. The second test with lithium is throwing a small piece into the water. As you see, a powerful reaction occurs and gas is released.

    The team of researchers from Stanford University believes that she managed to achieve Holy Grail in the development of lithium batteries: an anode from pure lithium, which can increase the distance driving an electric vehicle on one charge up to 480 km.

    Lithium-ion batteries are currently one of the most common types of batteries in the market. But most of those used mainly in smartphones and electric car devices function based on an anode made of graphite and silicon. Lithium in lithium-ion batteries is traditionally in electrolyte. Electrons in the electrolyte proceed to the anode during charging, and if the anode was also made of lithium, the battery would be able to create much more energy at a smaller weight.

    So far, however, lithium anodes have been unsuitable for use. This material is expanding during charging, forming a slit on the surface, which leads to the release of lithium ions and the formation of contaminants, hair-shaped outcrops called "dendrites", which cause a short circuit of the battery. Lithium anodes also enter a chemical response with lithium electrolyte and can overheat, ignite or even explode.

    The problem of fires due to the fault of lithium-ion batteries attracted close attention after incidents with three concepts from Tesla Motors, crashed and fired in the past year after hitting the road garbage accumulator. Researchers believe that the use of lithium anode can solve such problems due to a protective layer of small carbon domes, called nanosheli, which form a flexible, cellular shield above the anode.

    Scientists are confident that due to the low weight and high density of lithium energy has a bright future as an anode. The carbon surface nanosphere increases the efficiency of further processing, and also reduces the chemical reaction. Moreover, new Development Perspective as part of the financial side of the issue. Researchers argue that the new nanospheres layer favorably affects the ratio of the number of lithium extracted from the battery during use, to the number of returned in the process of charging.

    The leading specialist from the researcher group reports that over the next few years, the team hopes to improve the battery design, increase efficiency and maintain its work for 500-1000 cycles.

    What can it mean for ordinary users? According to the Nobel laureate of Stephen Chu, which is part of the team of scientists, thanks to the development in the near future we can expect cell phones With double or tripled battery life and electric vehicles, capable of moving at a distance of 480 km on one charge, whose cost will be comparable to cars with internal combustion engines.