Do not charge the battery on the laptop. Why the laptop battery is connected, but not charging? What to do if the new battery does not charge

Connected, but the laptop is not charged, it is quite common among users of these mobile computers. Causes can be different. However, what to do if everything seems to be connected, but does not charge the laptop? We will try to answer this question in this article.


With time technical devices, such as tablet computers Both smartphones, as well as laptops, are peculiar to disqual. The first manifestation of the fact that the device began to take, in some cases, the incorrect and unstable work of its battery is notable. That is, you seem to have connected all the wires and the charger, there is current in the electrical network, but nothing happens. "Why not a laptop is charged?" - This question arises with such a coincidence instantly.

In outline

It is worth noting that such a state for the battery of any device - whether it is even a netbook, even a ultrabook, even a laptop is simply inevitable. A neat attitude and desired load can be extended battery life, but it is impossible to make it eternal. Therefore, we are not so much the task of prevention, how much the need to answer the question of why the laptop does not charge.

Why is this happening? What does this type of breakage depend on?

It all depends first of all on how often the device itself is and intensively used. That is, it is about the offline battery operation. The more often you will use a laptop without connecting to a power source (electrical network), the faster the drive will come to a dissent state that will lead you to solving this problem. Now let's try to answer the question of why the battery does not charge on the laptop.

Detail check

To move to solving any problem, first recommend setting the reason that caused it. Also in our case. Before grabbing for the tools and search for instructions for restoring the battery, make sure that the problem is precisely in its unstable work. Only then look for the answer to the question why the battery does not charge on the laptop.

So how to determine the nature of such a kind of breakage, if you can call it so? To do this, turn on the laptop. If it starts, the device and operating system It will be successfully operating, and when you connect to the working electrical network, you will not see the charging process, then 99.9 percent are divided into battery breakdown. In this case, you have a direct road to information sources that tell about why the laptop battery does not charge and how it can be corrected.

If the device generally categorically does not want to start working, then the matter here is most likely not in the battery. Check if there is food in the electrical network. If there is, then perhaps the problem lies in the power supply installed in the laptop, as well as in other details. I would like to note one interesting example: computer with non-working rAM (which burned or simply installed not in that slot) does not even start. Laptops are based on the same principles of work, so we advise you to remember whether there are no other actions of this nature recently. We are talking about building-disassembling the device. The battery for a laptop can be generally away from the problem.

If the battery is connected, and the laptop is not charging

What to do in this case, when the system has been successfully loaded, but the charging process does not observe? In this situation, you can try using third-party software specially designed for such cases of programs and system utilities. They are essentially designed to scan the status of a laptop and its batteries. By running the utility, you put the start of the process of analyzing the energy drive. He may be answered to the question of why the laptop is not charged, and will help solve this problem.

You can spend one kind of experience. To do this, check the laptop not only when it is connected to the electrical home networkbut in offline mode. It is quite possible: in the first case everything works stably, and in the second case, the device does not start at all. Then, with a lot of probability, we can say that the problem lies either in the battery that was inserted incorrectly or in spoiled contacts of the board. Immediately climb, we do not recommend climbing, because an attempt to independently process the contacts can lead at all to the full breakdown of the laptop.

However, if you are confident in your knowledge and forces, as well as ready in case of breakdown, allocate a considerable amount of money for restoring or acquiring a new device, you can try to check the contacts and clean them. Of course, the stripping should be done only if it is really necessary if the laptop is not charged precisely for this reason.

Among other reasons, due to which the battery does not charge, you can select the power supply failure. In this case, the nutrition in the laptop comes. But it remains inside, not reaching the battery itself. Therefore, actually charges as such does not occur.

What if the laptop does not charge completely?

First, you should remember when you encountered this problem for the first time. If such a feature of the laptop was with its very purchase, then, most likely, this is an option activated by model manufacturers. This is done to extend the service life of the factory battery. With this process (when the battery is not fully charged) it will serve in time much longer.

There are situations where the battery was previously charged completely, and at some point stopped doing it. If such problems occur, you can try to "dig" battery. What should be done? To begin with, just discharge the device completely. After that, you need to connect the charger and charge the battery for 9 hours. One hundred percent warranty on the return of a complete battery charge This method does not give. If, after such an operation, you noticed that it did not help you, you can again take advantage of third-party utilities and programs. It is quite possible an option in which something confronts in the settings of the laptop and a new maximum charging threshold was set, different from 100 percent.

If the problem is not in the battery

Of course, batteries for laptops have their own service life, like all parts for similar devices. But, encountered with a problem in which the battery is not fully charged, it is not necessary to write off everything on it first. Do not think that the battery has come to the end. The first thing in a situation where the laptop does not start at all, you should check the reliability of it to connect to the electrical network. That is, check the current, as well as how correctly the charger is connected on both sides: both to the power source and the most laptop. Perhaps the wire is simply not fully connected to the nest, and this was the reason for the problem. The situation is worsen if all previously listed is done correctly, and the laptop is still not included or is not charged.

In this case, the next step should be the check of the power supply. If he burned down, it will become an excellent explanation incorrect work Devices. It is possible that the voltage difference in the electrical network or the technical wear of this part and caused its breakdown.


Help in establishing a problem in such cases may service centres. You can refer to their specialists, they also scatter the whole laptop if you failed to find out which components made a failure.

Owners of laptops are often encountered with such a problem as the lack of battery charge when the power cord is connected to the network. A similar situation delivers tangible discomfort, and in the end makes the use of the device is simply impossible. What to do if there is connected, not charging?

What to do?

Before doing anything, it is necessary to find out the cause of such a problem. When it becomes clear what's the matter, it will be much easier to decide what to do.

The battery is connected, but does not charge: reasons

Any battery has its own service life, that is, a certain amount of charging. It turns out when the limit is exhausted, it means that the battery was worn out - this is one of the most popular reasons. And in this case, you just need to replace the battery for a new one.

However, if your laptop is new, then it is impossible to refer to the "old age". In such a state, it should function normally. It is possible that inside the battery is a loose connection, so you can try to remove the battery and insert back.

Next reason - a chain failure if the battery is connected, but it does not charge, it is worth paying attention not to the battery or power supply, but on the motherboard. It has a microcircuit with a power distributor and electrical chains. If she failed, the laptop will not charge.

The cause of the malfunction can be a failure in power engineering. Let it be trite, but it is. Therefore, you need to make sure that the connection is correct. network adapter and laptop cable.

More serious problems

If the battery is connected, but it is not charged, you can be contaminated or the contacts of the battery can be contaminated. This leads to a bad connection with motherboard. Such a fault may cause a failure to work. motherboardSo it will have to be replaced either to repair. Such a procedure will entail significant cash spending. It will be easier to clean the contacts and re-connect the battery. If you can not do this yourself, you can contact the service center.

The second mode does not allow the battery to work, so it is worth switching to the first. After that, the charge will immediately go.

Why is it important to deal with the problem right now?

In the case when the battery is connected, but it does not charge, work with such a device is difficult. After all, it is necessary to keep it connected to the power grid. It turns out that the laptop loses its advantage - the possibility autonomous work. Therefore, charging your device needs to pay special attention to this to be done correctly. Because in the end, more serious problems may arise that will require additional costs.

Why does not charge the laptop battery and how to solve the problem?

Many laptop owners face problems associated with the battery. Often, the network can be found about why the battery on the laptop has stopped charging. Some users have a laptop that does not charge the battery to the end or the new battery is not charging. In this material we will try to deal with these challenges, understand the reasons for their occurrence and how to solve them. Do not rush to immediately change the battery. After all, the problem may not be in the battery and then the replacement will not solve the problem, but will only entail the excess waste of money. First you need to figure out what the root problems. From this we will start.

The causes of the lack of charging the laptop battery are quite a lot. They can be divided into two large groups. The first is associated with the "iron" of the laptop and the internal batteries. And the second group includes malfunctions associated with software work. The failure of the second group may well be solved by the user.

As the main reasons why the laptop battery may not be charged, the following can be called:
  • Wear. Physical wear of the battery. The battery is consumable in a laptop. Sooner or later, the battery generates its resource and in this case it is subject to replacement. IN modern laptops Lithium batteries are used that have a service life of about 3 years;
  • Controller. The reason may wage in the battery controller. This is a microcircuit inside the battery that controls the charge and discharge process. If a rechargeable elements It was very discharged (for example, the battery for a long time was not used), then the controller may calculate that they are faulty. In this case, it will simply turn off the elements from the outside world, and the battery will not charge;
  • Power Supply. Faulty network power supply laptop;
  • Power connector. Breakdown of the laptop power connector;
  • Power circuit. Malfunctions in the laptop motherboard power fee;
  • BIOS. Problems associated with settings or outdated BIOS version;
  • BY. The problem may hide in various utilities that control the power and optimize the settings of the laptop.

What can be said about these faults. If the battery is worn, it will help only replacement. The same with a faulty power supply and power connector.

To eliminate the "iron" problems with the motherboard and the battery controller will have to contact the service. It is not necessary to do without certain skills and equipment.

But the other problems can be solved independently at home. Below we will look at the most common situations.

Battery Laptop is connected, but not charging

A fairly common situation when the battery has stopped charging at a laptop when it is normal. In this case, the battery is connected correctly and the power supply is obviously working. The message about the absence of charge can be seen if you bring the cursor to the battery icon in the system tray next to the clock. What can be taken in such a situation? Usually help the following methods solutions to the problem.

Delete or change settings for

Often, manufacturers of laptops by default put a variety of utilities on their own models. These include those that control the charging process. Some of them can be configured for the maximum operation of the AKB. Usually in this mode software Does not allow the battery fully charged.

In addition, users themselves can install various optimizer programs. They take on a number of operating system functions, including the operation mode of the battery. Determine that you have a similar utility, you can appearance Battery icon in system tray. It will differ from the standard used in the operating system. If you need, we advise you to read the material at the indicated link.

Power supply fault

A rather common reason why the laptop is often not charged. With the battery, everything is in order, with a laptop the same. But the battery does not charge. How to diagnose the problem with the power adapter?

To check the power supply, do the following:

  • Turn off the laptop and remove the battery from it;
  • Turn it on without battery;
  • If it does not turn on, problems can be associated with the power adapter.

Here it is worth saying that the problem may wage in the power connector of your laptop, as well as problems with the motherboard. But in most cases the power supply is to blame.

It is better to buy a new one, since the repairs will cost no less than half the new. And the serve repaired will be explicitly less.

Laptop battery does not charge completely

In this case, the laptop battery is charging, but not up to 100%. As a rule, it is accompanied by a significant decrease in the working time of the laptop offline. Most often it is associated with the wear of the battery or third-party programsworking in the background. Consider these situations in more detail.

Battery wear

To find out the battery wear, you can use special utilities. Under Windows, there is such a program as Battery Care, and for MACs you can use Battery Health. Of course, this data cannot be called accurate, but they allow you to approximately estimate the status of the AKB. This will allow you to understand whether the battery needs to be replaced.

The above is the result of the Battery Care program. Attention here deserve such values \u200b\u200bas "declared capacity" and "maximum charge". The first is the capacity of the new battery after its release. The second value shows what the capacity is now. For these values, the program estimates the exemplary wear of the battery, which is also shown in the screenshot.

If he exceeded 50%, then soon you will have to think about replacing the AKB. Removable battery can be without problems. If the battery is unknown, then to replace it better to contact the service.

Battery is protection hard disk Laptop and operating systems installed on it, from sudden shutdown. It allows you to correctly complete the work with Windows 10. The moment comes when you notice that the charging device is not executed. What do we have to do?

The essence of the problem with the battery on a laptop

Do not be a battery, a built-in drive after a few hundred or a pair of thousands of sharp power outages would be out of order. It reacts very painfully to the recording / erasing of the data when the power supply is disappeared - weakly-mentionable and broken sectors appear on it, which is why working in this moment programs hang on the very interesting place. And operating windows system It would be re-installed more often than once a month. It would be impossible to work on such a laptop.

With a low charge, the default action for Windows should not be waiting / sleep mode, namely completion of work. This applies to all its versions - at least 98, at least 10. So you will save the drive itself.

Why not charging

There are several reasons here.

The battery is connected, but not charging

This may be the following.

  • Worn elements (batteries) - Most often in laptops, use elements of the size of 18650. But that they wear it out (they have stopped holding a little, to keep charge), takes up to 10 years. Its adjustments also contributes the controller installed in the battery itself.
  • The service life of the controller is exceeded. So in branded sAMSUNG laptops R60Y +, who was actively sold in 2008, the built-in controller worked for 4 years, after which it was stupidly disconnected - no longer charged the battery. But it happens because the useful capacity of the elements decreases to 60-70% - after that the controller "decides" that they are unfit and disconnects them from the diagram of charging the laptop itself. Even if you order in Aliexpress, replace the old batteries in Aliexpress - it's not a fact that it will earn: Recently, "one-time" controllers with a programmed counter (for the same 3-5 years) are increasingly falling around (for the same 3-5 years), after which the "start" recovered battery It will not be possible, because the controller itself "dies". If you manage to connect the items to a laptop directly, without a controller - they would soon have fed from recharging, and you would work "blindly", nothing know about the residual charge, and I would still make a non-standard laptop disconnection as they are discharged . Most an effective way - Do not shake on a new one.
  • Not installed or damaged on disk C: original chipset drivers. Refer to the manufacturer's website of your laptop and download drivers from there for your model. Reinstall them. If your laptop with a DVD-RW drive, most likely, in the kit two disks go - original copy of Windows and distribution with drivers. If there is no drive - keep your flash drive at hand or an external HDD / SSD drive on which the "sources" is stored for the chipset of your laptop.
  • Failure in the system, the inoperability of some devices, including the battery and the power driver. Stop these devices in the system again. There is separate step-by-step instructions for this.
  • Charger failed (no indicators of connecting to the power grid on the laptop and on the charger); damaged fork, socket, output charger connector; Furious wire (the eternal problem of cords on bends at the place of their connections with a fork / connector); Contacts are loosely adjacent in the outlet and in the laptop or charger connections; Contacts and / or connector of the battery itself, its nests on the laptop are discussed or damaged. Check out all of the above.

Re-registration of controllers and power circuits in a laptop

Here and then as an example - Windows 10. In general, in recent versions Windows, starting with Vista, already have the necessary drivers and system libraries that control the nutrition of any portable PC (up to the tablets with Windows). They allow you to adjust the behavior of the laptop entirely under themselves. Make the following.

If none of the above steps helped - try the "System Restore", check the updates or reinstall Windows 10. These steps are the same for Windows all versions, starting with the XP Service Pack 3 version.

Packed slowly

The reasons are as follows.

  • The controller is faulty (the chips refused to be from 10 or more of the years of continuous operation, it happens). Look at the repair shops and computer SC similar controller, outstanding similar parameters (charge current, operating and input voltage range). But this solution for sophisticated "techno" is better to completely replace the broken part.
  • You are using "charging" from another laptop (netbook), the power of which differs in 1.5 - 2 times, but approached the output voltage (for example, 19 volts). The laptop itself is capable of working on the input voltage of 16-20 volts, it provides a built-in pulse stabilizer inside the laptop (it gives 15 volts), standing according to the battery controller. All schemes are protected against overvoltage, internal circuit breasted tires and wires and thermal protection. An option is possible when the charger is too low - when the laptop does not work, it does not occur, a slow discharge is possible: it is found in low-budget Chinese mini-laptops. Use the "native" charger or if it is faulty, purchase another with the same parameters.
  • As a result self-substitution Elements (if the kotroller correctly recognized new and works with them) you put items not 10 watt-hours each, but big, say, on 14. This is natural. Technology lithium-ion batteries Improved, "Banks" of the size of 18650, 5 years ago, which accompanied 10 watt-hours useful powerToday they can give 11 - 18 watts-hours. Consider what you were lucky - you gave a "laptop" battery a second life, and even the container has increased significantly. It is recommended to use "Charging", somewhat large in power, but do not overdo it - it is unlikely that the controller is designed for a greater charged current.

Poor distributed charge

The reasons are followed.

  • Again, the controller is defective - the battery scheme is such that each element is controlled (or group of elements), and could deny any of the respective controller sections.
  • Manufacturing defects. Replace.
  • For independent disassembly Not all battery elements are replaced - old old have already worn and cannot provide the required power, and the new due to this is not used 100%, the "conservation" of the charge occurs, which negatively affects them.
  • The battery controller is not calibrated. A cycled discharge-charge (several consecutive cycles) is required.

Lost battery status icon from Windows Taskbar

Causes can be:

  • random change in the settings of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Windows Tretes;
  • "Viral Attack" (the reason most often is visited by unverified sites), damaged system processes WinLogon.exe, explorer.exe and others responsible for the current session of Windows, work desk management, Windows conductor and taskbar (including notification area);
  • damage to system libraries and drivers that are windows components, frequent installation new programs (the reason is the conflict of common system resources that could be replaced by their newer versions).

To check the battery status display settings, do the following.

  1. Right-click on the taskbar and select "Parameters".

    Select this item

  2. Click on the Taskbar tab to "Configure".
  3. In the opened window of general windows settings Select the Notifications and Action tab and click the selection link displayed to the tray icons. The recruitment will open.

    Entry to the settings of the Windows tray icons

  4. Check if there is a battery icon showing ("Power").

    Battery icon must be active

It happens that the settings of the icons are not saved, the management of one or more icons "hangs", this means Runs differently or two or not responding at all, or there are errors third-party utilities windows optimization (for example, incorrect work with Auslogics Boost Speed, JV16PowerTools, CCleaner, etc.). In the most launched cases issued windows message with error code or without it (code 0) - a sign of lesion system files windows folders (regardless of the way they are damaged). In this case, guaranteed only reinstalling Windows 10.

Accumulator calibration

Alternatively, all the instructions that are desperately promoted different authors, there is the most painless for a laptop to "pump" the battery, without adopting anything special. Make the following.

  1. Complete Windows, letting the "Start - completion of work - reboot".
  2. When Windows is completed and the manufacturer's logo of your laptop appears on the screen, the inscription in English will appear at the bottom: "For the entrance to BIOS Setup. Click (hold) delete (F2, F4, F7). " The desired key and behavior with it depends on the progress instruction. Perform the specified action.
  3. Open bIOS settings. All, go away from the laptop. When the charge is exhausted, it will turn off itself. The screen is lit, the laptop fans work, the battery energy is spent.

Here is the most vulnerable to abnormal shutdown components - hDD. So, the data on it will not be affected. Attention! Multiple hundred or thousands of incorrect computer shutdown is enough to spoil the HDD / SSD drive, the same goes for flash drives and memory cards, at which the record / erasing operations are performed at the time of shutdown. About broken sectors on the disk did not forget?!

After the battery is discharged and the laptop turns off, connect the charger to the laptop and charge the battery. It will be with a disconnected or working laptop - it does not matter much: "Charging" has a good power reserve. If necessary, repeat the full discharge with the launched menu Bios. With the subsequent final charge.

If the battery is not fully discharged (for example, it remains another 40%), and the laptop turned off and does not turn on - connect the charger, turn on and translate the laptop to bIOS mode, then disconnect the laptop from the network. Most likely, it will work until it exhausted these 40% of the charge. Repeat the charge-discharge process. The charge level in the controller will be updated, and the battery will work again as it should.

In computer SCs for training and calibration batteries use auxiliary methods: analyzers and "smart" charging device, old disassembled laptops without a hard disk and display, etc. - the choice depends on the solution of the specialist.

Widgets and Windows 10 panels to track status

There are several ways to monitor the battery status in Windows 10.

The familiar battery icon is in the taskbar, next to the system calendar. A click on it opens a window that displays the charge level and references to the power setting.

Laptop Battery Status in Windows 10: The first is discharged more second

For staff work In Windows, it may be necessary to optimize energy consumption when operating from the battery. For example, you need to configure a laptop to complete windows work When the charge is reduced to 3%. Give the "Start - Settings - System - Power and Sleeping System" command.

Food and sleep mode in Windows 10

If this is not enough - link additional settings Power supply will open you the switch between the available modes and the creation of new (to your taste). Open the Windows 10 power scheduler is also possible by going to the Saving Saving submenu.

Setting up power plans

Full battery statistics can be saved in separate file. Run teammate windows stringBy pressing the Ctrl + X combination on the keyboard, and enter the command: "PowerCFG / BatteryReport / Output" C: \\ Battery_Report.html ". As can be seen from the team format, the PowerCFG system process will start (English. Power Configurator - "Power Debugger"). Then open the created file using any browser (for example, Mozilla Firefox.) - You will see the statistics of the last clock (or days) use of the battery, the completeness of its discharge-charge cycles (when turned on-turned off the charger).

This information may be useful in trouble with battery performance.

You can also get to the power supply settings in Windows 10, by clicking in the system tray to the icon in the form of a page and selecting the desired widgets in the list of widgets. A familiar Windows behavior settings window will open with a low charge.

Another way to get to battery parameters

How to return the display of the battery icon in the classic style

Diagnostics of the state of the battery on its own - the task is not out of difficult. The right solution will minimize your costs - you will pay only the cost of a new battery or replacing its defective elements as soon as it is necessary.

Users of portable PCs, namely laptops or netbooks, often face one common nuisance: when the laptop is enabled, the battery does not charge. At the same time, the LEDs work, the device does not provide reports of critical errors and. With the only difference - the battery message hangs in the tray: "Connected, not charging." How to make a battery on a laptop charged, consider in this instruction.

Normal glitch: stopped charging the battery on a laptop

Those who often deal with computer equipment, I have long been aware: "glitches" and buggie can occur without visible to the reasons. This is true both in relation to OS (and not only Windows) and the hardware. It pleases that the overwhelming majority of such "breakdowns" can be eliminated by a banal restart of the device. In case the laptop writes: "The battery is connected but not charging," it will not be superfluous to turn off the battery and insert back. To do this, it is enough to flip the device to the bottom up and open one or two locks that hold the battery. Remove the battery so that its contact connectors stop touching the contact connector of the laptop, then insert back. The next time you turn on the device should work normally.

Why the laptop does not charge the battery: the method of the second

If this happens, and the charging is connected, the owner can help reset the BIOS settings. This is explained by the fact that after a failure, the device may incorrectly determine the battery. This often happens if the user leaves a laptop connected without a battery or netbook, and also changes the "native" battery for a new one. To reset the BIOS settings, you will need:

  • - Turn off the device.
  • - Remove the battery (see above).
  • - Turn off the memory from the network.
  • - Press the device's turning button and hold it for 60 seconds.
  • - To the outlet without a battery.
  • - Press the power button, go to the BIOS.

In case the battery does not charge laptop Acer., Just press the F1, F2 or DEL button. If the battery does not charge laptop asus, To start the BIOS, press F2 or DEL. When the battery is connected, but does not charge the Lenovo laptop, the BIOS menu is called by pressing the same keys or F12. And if HP is enough to press the same buttons or ESC. In the other brands of laptops or netbooks, the BIOS menu is called by pressing all the same buttons during boot. Carefully read the inscriptions in the start menu: usually at the bottom of the screen there is a hint, which key combination should be pressed.

  • - Find Load Defaults (most often it is in the EXIT menu). This will allow you to apply the default equipment settings, that is, the optimal device for this device.
  • - When the BIOS is suggested to save the settings, click "Yes", then turn off the device. To do this, it is enough to hold the inclusion button for 10 seconds.
  • - Disconnect the memory, then insert the battery and turn on the device.

Usually, after performing such a simple, Windows algorithm reports that the battery is detected and charged correctly.

The battery on the laptop does not charge completely: what to do?

Manufacturers often shove on installation disk various useful utilitieswhich serve to increase the performance of the device or its service life. Consignment managers can also be attributed. These programs serve to increase the battery life, almost always at the expense of incomplete charge. It - main reasonwhy the laptop battery is not fully charged.

If the battery on a laptop is charged by 60 percent or even less, it is worth looking and remove an excess software. Usually such programs in the title contain a laptop brand. For example, if the battery does not charge on a laptop acer Aspire.You should look for the Acer Power Management utility, and if the incomplete charge goes at the ASUS laptop - then, respectively, ASUS Power Management.

To find these utilities, run the control panel after pressing the Start button.

All software is in the "Programs and Components" section.

Select a utility that does not allow the end to get a battery charge, and click the Delete button. You may need to restart the device.

New Akb: Why does not charge the battery on a laptop?

If these methods did not help and you decide to buy a new battery, you can expect an unpleasant surprise here. If the new laptop battery is connected, but does not charge, first of all, make sure that the labeling of the new part fully matches the labeling of the old one. If everything is correct, in most cases the algorithms described above helps.

All these methods help in most cases when the laptop battery was discharged and does not charge. When after your "dances with a tambourine", the laptop does not see the battery, it will be necessary to interfere with the hardware - perhaps the power controller is overloaded. And the procedure for its replacement is already better to entrust experienced specialists.