Liferama: Repair CD RW DVD on your own own or what to do and how to quickly repair and repair, if not extended, does not open, the drive tray in the computer. The DVD drive tray does not open: three main reasons how to fix the drive

You will need

  • - clip;
  • - screwdriver under the cross;
  • - Little flat screwdriver;
  • - rubber pear;
  • - soft fabric without a pile;


The easiest way to restore the normal operation of the drive is to clean its mobile tracking lens using a special cleaning disc. Unfortunately, this method does not always give the result. If the cause of a bad work of the drive becomes dust on the lens, the cleaning disk can help. But in some cases, the contaminated lens has to be brushed manually.

You need to know that the cost of repairing the drive in the workshop is comparable to the value of the new. Given this, you should try to repair the drive yourself, since you still won't lose anything. Disconnect the computer from the network, remove the side cover of the system unit, disconnect the power and data loops from the drive. Remove the drive-driven mounting screws and remove it from the system unit housing.

Now carefully disassemble the drive. To open the deck of the drive, it is necessary to insert a hole with a disintegrate clip on its front side and pressed. Then click on the latches located on the front of the side of the drive side and remove the front panel of the drive. Remove the fastening screws at the bottom of the housing with a screwdriver. After that, remove the top and bottom drive cover.

You need to get to the movable lens - it is through it that the laser beam is read and recording information. You can clean it from dust by two main ways. The first: take a conventional rubber pear and a strong jet of air blowing the dust. You must first try this method. Collect the drive again, connect the plumes and check it on working. If the drive is still discs, the lens should be wiped with a tassel or a soft cloth without a pile. This option is tougher, so be very neat.

In the event that you cleaned the lens, but it did not help, the cause of the poor work of the drive can be a reduction in the laser power. It is regulated by a trimming resistor, so you can try to increase it slightly. To get to the laser head, it should be removed with the board with electronics and find a stroke resistor on the laser head - it has a slot in the center. Gently turn it with a 90º screwdriver counterclockwise.

Collect the drive again and check it out. If necessary, you can rotate the trigger resistor for another quarter of turnover, but not more. In the event that all the procedures described did not help, it will not be possible to restore the drive.

Sometimes quite a good drive not some formats. In this case, you can try to eliminate the problem by flashing the drive - that is, the installation on it is new software. To do this, go to the disk manufacturer's website, find your model and see if the firmware is for it. Usually this is a simple executable file: you run it, after flashing the computer will automatically reboot. After that, you can evaluate the success of the operation.

Drive for modern user It is an integral device both in a computer and a laptop. Discs, or blanks, continue to be common information carriers and their relevance will not be lost soon. On them we record your favorite music, we install the films from them. And when the drive for some reason ceases to read discs, it is very sad. First, the user deprives one of the carriers of the information, and secondly, reinstalling the system becomes doubly more difficult. But even when DVD ROM. Optically refuses to work, it does not mean that he is time for a landfill! There are several reasons why he can refuse to read blanks, but in almost all cases it can be returned to the performance. Let's deal with why the drive does not work, and how to make it again read the discs, as before.

Drive in the computer refuses to work: common causes

Often in situations where the DVD-ROM stopped working, the reasons turned out to be banal. Consider for the beginning the most elementary of them.

  1. Physical shutdown. In most cases, the device is simply not connected to the motherboard. And the user could accidentally pull out the plug from the connector during the cleaning of the computer from dust. Such a reason is not amazing for sATA interfaceBecause such connectors quickly are cleared. It happens that the plug even himself can fall out of the connector. Enough the computer will move.
  2. Problems with loop or connector. It is also pretty frequent problem. If the device does not work, while everything is properly connected, you do not need to hurry to write it on scrap metal. Try switching the loop to another socket. If it does not help, replace the wire itself.
  3. No matter how ridiculous, but some users are classified a device to non-working immediately as soon as it does not read one disk. Do not hurry with such conclusions. Check the disk for damage. If the scratch dwarf that often happens, then the problem is in it. Spell another disk device and check how it reads. If everything is in order, it means you sinned for nothing.
  4. Laser clogging. Also a very common problem. But it is relevant for drives that either work for a very long time, or used extremely often. To revive the drive to the service, it is not necessary and it is not necessary to pump out the specialized software either. Everything will cost a campaign to the nearest store, which sells blanks with music, games and films. You need a cleaning disk. This is a common thing, so you can buy it anywhere. Suppose you bought such a blank. Included with it an instruction and a special liquid for cleaning laser lenses. What do next. Carefully read the instructions, we understand that the cleaning fluid is a very dangerous thing and when contacting with fire can lead to sad consequences. So, after reading the instructions, we apply a liquid on the disk brush and gently insert it into the drive. After the device bears a blank, a program for cleaning the laser will boot. She will tell us that you need to do. Yes, and we read the instructions. We carry out the necessary actions, waiting for the completion of cleaning. Remove the disk and rejoice in a fresh drive!

Refusal of the drive due to the installation of the emulator

If all of the above helped you, then remember which of the programs you installed the latter.

If you installed programs for emulating virtual drives Alcohol 120%, Ultra ISO and others, the reason for the disk reference may be related to them.

Such programs often cause conflict between the virtual device and physical. How to decide this problem? Here are some options that will help you safely solve the task.


  1. Most. best way Eliminate a similar problem is the system rollback. Each program during installation creates a recovery point to which you can return. The main thing is that the system restore function is active. So, to roll back, follow these operations:
  • Open "Control Panel". Next Point "Restoration". After that you need to click "Running system recovery" And choose a kickback point. In our case, you need to restore the computer to the state before installing the emulator. Accordingly, we select a point created by this program. Click further. After the recovery process, the computer will be rebooted and the system is reported on returning itself to their child before an earlier state. Next we appeal to the drive and voila! He works! The screenshot below shows an example, as it will look like.

  1. If for one reason or another, the operation of the Operations was turned off or the rollback point before installing the emulator was removed, do not fall in spirit! You can fix the problem manually. For this we do the following:
  • To begin with, we remove the emulator itself. Yes, so that it does not remain from him and the Spirit! It is absolutely everything: and the Program Files folder, and the Application Data folder.
  • We go B. device Manager, we find a virtual drive. We send it along the same address where his creator sent.
  • Then, without leaving the device manager, open the menu, view and select Show hidden devices. Next we see an impressive list of incomprehensible devices and drivers. Do not be scared, of which we need only one item - SPTD Driver. We find such and we also delete.
  • After all this, we remove the drive itself, reboot the system and rejoice in the newly working device.

If none of the ways helped, then only one conclusion remains, and not the most comforting: the drive still died. In this case, you can try to repair it, but the cost of this service is commensurate with a new device.

What to do if the drive does not work in the laptop

When the drive installed in the beech is refused, the reasons remain the same as in the case of a computer. We repeat them again and briefly describe possible solutions Problems.

  1. There is no loop in the beech, but I have not gone to the connector. Only, unfortunately, he is alone. To check if the drive is fine, connect it to another laptop or the computer. This is quite possible.
  2. Again, spoiled discs. Do not rush to blame the drive. Check may not read one or 2 disks that are spoiled.
  3. Clogging lenses. Here also help cleaning disc.
  4. Installing virtual drive emulator. As before, the solution to the problem is either in the rollback of the Ourser, or in the competent removal of the perpetrator of the problem and all components.
  5. The failure of the device. Here, as was written above, nothing will help. There will have to buy a new device.


DVD-ROM does not work after shopping

Not all products that we buy in stores, high-quality. No matter how hard manufacturers are trying, and on 10 devices one turns out to be defective. This is not a law of meanness, but a human or equipment error. What to do in this case?

  • Do not panic. Not the situation where you need to show your emotions. Try to connect the device to different computer sockets. Check the loop, replace it.
  • If nothing helps and the drive does not work, in no case try to figure out the problem yourself.

If you open the device body, the warranty will be lost.

  • Contact a store or service where you purchased DVD-ROM. According to the Consumer Protection Act, you have the right to demand all the cost from the seller of the seller, or replacement for a working device. But immediately a new drive will not give you. The returned device will be tested by the seller in your eyes. If the problem is confirmed, then you will be brought apologies and the store will offer the replacement of the goods or return the money to you. When I ran into a similar situation, the drive long and persistently tested on three computers. But he did not work on one. As a result, I supplement a little and bought a normal working drive.
  • If the seller refuses to replace the DVD-ROM, referring to one reason or another, it is not necessary to arrange scandals and rushing for trouble. Take a non-working device and with confidence, go to court. If the equipment is really faulty, the examination will establish it. The main thing is not to open the drive. Next, you can sue the cost of goods and even require compensation for moral damage. The consumer protection law will be on your side. If the fault really exists, you will win anyway.

Can always return the workbar

When the drive fails, and the loop does not just go out or from the above reasons, you can try to repair it. In some cases it will cost you cheaper than buying a new device. But, unfortunately, the repair is not always possible. In which cases it is worth repairing the device, and in what it is better to think about buying a new one?

  1. At the failure of the laser. If the laser lens can still be changed, the laser will cost very weekly. In addition, each manufacturer of drives uses various lasers, which in our country may not be. It, of course, will be commissioned, but how much will have to wait, it is unknown.
  2. At the failure of the electric drive. It happens extremely rare, but still happens. This item is also no cheaper and again and again, it is not known how much you have to wait until it is delivered.
  3. Cleaning board, as well as damage chips or capacitors. This drive detail is also satisfied with rare, because each manufacturer uses its development. Accordingly, ordering a fee will have to be directly at the factory. This is time again. Relubiance of capacitors or chips Case is painstaking and not every service for it will take. Yes, and this service will cost not many cheaper than new device.


Finally, a few tips that will extend the life to your drive and get rid of you from unnecessary worries.

  • Do not insert into the drive spoiled or scratched disks. This significantly reduces the service life of the device;
  • Do not leave the DVD-ROM open. This contributes to the accumulation of dust and clogging of laser lenses. In the future, it goes without saying, it will not lead to anything good;
  • Do not rape drive long work. He also gets tired. Let the device rest at least every half hour if you often work with disks;
  • If the drive is actively used, do not neglect the periodic cleaning of laser lenses. But too often do this, too, do not need it, because there is a risk of scratching lenses;
  • If possible, do not use emulators virtual drives. In the case when they are very necessary, be sure to check whether the system recovery is enabled and a rollback point has been created.
  • If you are the owner of the laptop, all the recommendations are the same. But also pay your attention It should not touch the fingers of the drive itself and the more laser.

Repair of the drive. Prevention and treatment.

The main causes of the malfunctions of the drives are mechanical breakdowns. They constitute about 75-80% of the total number of faults and repairs, with it associated. More often, the causes of the failure of DVD drives (any, not only computer) are contamination of the movable parts of the disk transportation mechanism and dust accumulated on optics. Repair of the drive Practically warranty will be adequate to the cost of a new one, so carefully read and weighed whether the garment is worth it.

Disk stayed in the drive? Emergency holes for a subtle sting of a turnover will open the tray forcibly.

Repair of the drive - the task is not trivial.

The presence of dust and dirt on the moving parts of the mechanism, especially at the edges of the carrier carriage salad, makes it impossible to lock the drive mechanism holding the disk, as a result of which the device does not record the disk and constantly throws it. If, on the contrary, the drive throws the tray and immediately takes it back, then, most likely, the cause of the defect is the failure of the tray position sensor. The fact that the tray is thrown, the actuator determines using a contact sensor, which should be found, try to correct its position, repair or replace. Repair of the drive as such is not required here, from time to time just look at the dirt that the dirt does not accumulate in the locations of the salazzo.

In order to clear the drive drive from dust, it is possible to start it with partial disassembly to start it (pull out the tray and remove the front panel), and then blow the inside of the drive with a vacuum cleaner configured by blowing the air flow. It is not about the repair of the drive.

The optical drive system often refuses due to dust accumulated on a focal lens or a prism. If the purge of the device does not help, you can try to erase with the lenses of dust soft flannel or tassel / wand, as in the figure.

Remember that in no case cannot be used for wipes alcohol or solvents!

Focal lenses of most modern optical drives are made of organic plastics, and the solvent will irreversibly damage their surface. Highly contaminated lens is best wipe with a piece of hard paper (at a thin end with a cotton wand, trying not to leave the villi). This operation is carried out extremely carefully, as you can damage the suspension of the laser itself. Repair of the drive in this case turn out to be expensive, almost in the amount of the cost of the drive itself.

It is more difficult to deal with the prism, which is behind the lens, is extremely difficult to get to it. And the head, as a rule, insecurable, but even if it is disassembled, then it is possible to knock down its settings. Therefore, most actuators have contamination of the lens means its complete unsuitability. Sometimes the optical system fails even because of the usual hairs that has fallen on the prism, in this case, again, you can try to blow the system with a powerful stream of air. Otherwise, the repair of the drive (its cost) will be unreasonably high.

By the way, it is not recommended to use special discs to clean the optics, allegedly specifically designed for it. Most of them not only do not refund your drive, but they can even seriously damage it. After all, modern optical drives are spinning a disc to very high speed and at the same time have a very tender reading head, so if your device is expensive, then do not clean it with such devices. It will not be repairing the drive, but almost intentional removal of the drive.

However, most of the drives operating under normal conditions do not survive until the stage, when the failures can cause increased dustiness. Most often, the plastic lens simply flies from time to time and / or from overheating drive in system block. Repair of the drive lies in an expensive replacement of the reading laser head. However, there are no more than 10% of cases on such a malfunction. Here you can, of course, advise to increase the intensity of the glow of the laser. To do this, adjust the variable resistor installed on the carriage with the laser. Turn the engine of this variable resistor clockwise by 20-30 °, after which they check the fact of rotation of the drive motor when the disk is installed. If the disk did not rotate, then rotate the engine of the variable resistor by another 20-30 °, and so continues until the engine starts (it should start for some time - about 10-20 seconds - rotate at a constant speed) .

The need to rotate the variable resistor regulating the intensity of the laser glow is caused by the fact that over time the power of the light flux of the laser decreases (the aging of the elements, the cloudscence of the lens, etc.), however, after such an adjustment, the optical system is usually not long. Such allegedly repairing the drive is no longer practiced.

Other malfunctions of the optical-electronic reading system of information eliminate yourself. You can hardly succeed. Despite small sizes, optical system DVD drive It is a very complex and accurate optical device that includes the servo control servo system, the positioning of the laser reader, autofocus, radial tracking, as well as the system of reading and controlling the laser diode. Repair of the drive in this case is not worth it.

The characteristic features of the malfunction are either the absence of a disk rotation, or, on the contrary, its constant overclocking to the maximum speed of rotation. When you try to withdraw a disc from a faulty drive using the controls, the carriage opens with the disk rotating on it.

Not yet started repair of the drive ...

In the work of a serviceable system, the following phases should be clearly traced:

Start and smooth disk acceleration;

Established rotation mode;

Interval of braking until a complete stop;

Disk tray cartridge with engine spindle and removal from the drive.

You can check the correctness of the operation of the optical drive system, opening the device body and vaporly the work. Make sure whether the disk is unwound after installation, you can only connect the power cord when connected to the drive (the information cable does not connect). If the disk does not rotate after installation, then check whether the laser is lit when the carriage is installed in the working position, but without a disk. Sometimes the glow of the laser in the daylight is not visible, so it is necessary to darken the room. The observation of the laser lens should be carried out from different angles.

In modern optical devices, the presence of a disk is carried out by the laser itself. If the photo sensor installed in the laser carriage gets a reflected signal from the disk, then electronic circuit Perceives this signal as "the presence of a disc" and only after that it generates a command to turn on the route of rotation. Consequently, if the intensity of the glow of the laser is insufficient, the disc will not be promoted and the repair of the drive will become inevitable.

The server's reading head positioning servosystem provides smooth head of the head to a given record track with an error not exceeding half of the width of the track in the search modes of the desired information fragment and normal playback. Move the reading head, and with it and the laser beam along the drive field is carried out by the head engine. The engine operation is controlled by the forward and reverse movement signals arriving from the control processor, as well as signals generated by the radial error processor. Characteristic signs of malfunctions are both random movement of the head on the guides and its stillness.

Repair of the drive. Before fault ...

Visually can be monitored and correct operation of the focusing system. At the start of the disk, the control processor generates adjustment signals that provide multiple (two or three attempts) vertical movement of the focal lens required to accurately focus the beam on the disk track. When the focus is detected, a signal is generated allowing the reading of information. If after two or three attempts this signal does not appear, then the control processor turns off all systems and the disk stops. Thus, the functionality of the focus system can be judged both by the characteristic movements of the focal lens at the time of the disk start, and on the launch signal of the disk acceleration mode during the successful focus of the laser beam. Other parameters of the proper operation of the optical system are not visually determined.

Optical drives also have many mechanical nodes that require lubrication of rubbing parts. The lack of lubricant leads to the fact that the drive with difficulty pushes a carriage with a disk, and the carriage lock may generally fade, and then the use of the drive generally becomes impossible. Lubrication must be applied neatly, previously completely disassembled the device (places where it is required is usually clearly visible). Before lubrication, it will not clean the lubricant places from dust and dirt. The fact is that if you lose the moment when you need to apply a lubricant, the difficulty of the slip will lead to mechanical breakdowns of the parts of the transport mechanism or the disruption of its adjustments, which, in turn, will entail either stopping the carriage mechanism in an intermediate position, or the discalization of the disk in Rotation time.

Such a situation may occur and due to the insolence of the friction surfaces of the disk holder due to the frequent use of dirty DVDs, which leads to the unreliable operation of the drive, up to its full stop.

Pollution of the seat of the drive drive and a weak clip of the disk to the landing site can be eliminated by cleaning the seat of the disk by any woven material moistened in alcohol.

Check if the clamping force is sufficient to the landing site, you can when trying to reproduce normal Disk. If there are no errors and failures when playing a disc, and the disk with computer data is still readable, you can take additional measures - to adjust the springs or increase the load to enhance the clips of the disc from above.

From other mechanical breakdowns, you can call the jamming of the disk on the transport carriage (in this case, the disc is not unwound at all). Sometimes this happens because the seat of the disk is spontaneously lowered along the engine shaft and the disk concerns the elements of the transport carriage. To eliminate this defect, the landing space moves along the shaft up and the "method" method picks up its height so that the disk is rotating without touching the structural elements, and also that the drive ensures the stable reading of all disks. After that, the position of the seat of the disk is neatly fixed on the shaft.

However, the listed mechanical malfunctions relate mainly to simple mechanisms for relatively cheap drives. Dear modelsAs a rule, there are complex mechanisms for which the main type of mechanical malfunction is the dismissed breakdown of the details of the mechanism. Most often, this is due to the fact that the user, instead of using the control buttons, pushes a carriage with the disk inside the drive hand. The consequences of such actions may be the most unpleasant. If a contaminated and running mechanism is sufficient to clean, wipe and smear so that it properly fulfilled its functions, then the hurry and the app of excessive force to the disk tray can cause damage that will cause expensive and long-term repair of the drive.

Finally, electronic components are possible. However, their share is unlikely to exceed the small tolly from all breakdowns. Unfortunately, modern optical drives are very complex electronic systems, and a faulty microcircuit on appearance No different from serviceable. Accordingly, the repair of the drive at home without preparation is impossible.

Now actuators can cost any network card Or video payments, but this does not mean that they are just just arranged. Optical drive has a rather complicated design and, in addition to the mechanical part, contains at least two microcontroller, a signal processor (DSP), a secondary voltage source, a scheme for controlling mechanics, etc. Moreover, the majority of chips used in modern drives are specialized, and therefore, the repair of the drive in its electronic part is hardly appropriate.

Note that in an optical drive, it is quite difficult even with a sufficient degree of reliability to diagnose the electronics breakage. After all, depending on the manufacturer chosen for specific model error correction strategies and, accordingly, from the complexity of the processor and the device as a whole, in practice, one or another drive can work with various discs differently. This, by the way, explains the common situation when your disk is calmly read by the colleague car, and your own PC does not even see him. In cheap models, the correction system can only correct one or two minor errors in the framework of information, and the complex expensive system can restore even serious and extended information destruction, and it makes it in several stages according to a complex algorithm. So repairing the drive in this case will not be possible due to the lack of malfunction as such.

Each manufacturer uses its own set of chips or completes its products from different manufacturers, and the descriptions naturally does not apply. Due to the fact that for everyone specific device It is necessary to search for specifications to almost each chip separately, and often even service centers can not always restore the performance of your device. At least because the repair of the drive will not be economically justified.

In short, if after cleaning, checking all wires and connections as well system settings Your DVD-drive has not earned, and the warranty has already passed on it, in the end you may encounter a situation when you just have to throw old and buy a new one.

The drive is a rather complicated mechanism, but it can be fixed on your own. It is enough to understand the principles of the CD or DVD-ROM. Naturally, the repair of laptops is best to trust professionals, but if you are confident in your abilities, you can try everything to do everything. If the disk is not read, there may be many different reasons: from problems with mechanics before the software failure.

Major malfunctions and methods for their solution

To get to the drive in any laptop, you first need to disassemble the device. For this removes back cover, and screws are unscrewed in a specific scene. How to do it right, it is better to look at the Internet, where there is videos for almost any laptop model with detailed instructions Disassembly. It should be noted that if the device is still on the warranty, then disassemble independently not recommended. It is enough to contact a breakdown in the store or to the manufacturer.

Quite often in laptops break the device to spread the drive. If you consider more carefully, this function is performed by a separate mini-engine, which is associated with the drive itself gear. Teeth are often erased, therefore you just need to restore them. To do this, drip small quantity The plastic spaced plastic, and then raise the supphyl to give shape.

If the disc reader is defecto, it is necessary to check whether the laser works, and there is also no contamination at the landing site. Most often, the problems begin precisely because of the mud, and therefore it is necessary first to gently wipe all the elements of the system.

The drive device is very complex and high-precision, so it may not work out to repair it. But the cost of this mechanism is not as big, therefore it is better to purchase a new item and replace it. It's easy enough to make it enough to look at the instructions on the network.

Due to the fact that the previous article of our site about problems with a computer drive caused a considerable excitement in the field of readers, we decided to develop this topic in the next publication.

A non-working drive is a frequent trouble with which, probably came across each user of a personal computer.

Moreover, a breakdown drive is also the most common breakdown with which all service centers are faced.

But since I don't want to throw off the non-working drive, we will try to restore it, having done a number of possible procedures.

True, in 50% of cases, all these independent repair methods do not work and do not give any result, but the attempt is not torture, and the new drive is also worth the money. So we will study the problem, and most importantly - to understand and reveal the exact cause of the fault.

Why does not work computer or laptop drive: tests

If the control light on the drive when turned on lights up, and the data from the device does not go to the computer, it is clear one thing - the power is on it, and the problem must be sought in the future of the data supply (tire, motherboard, breakage of the drive itself).

We do the following:

  • turn off the information bus from motherboard and drive and connect it again (perhaps somewhere disturbed contact);
  • gently with the help of a vacuum cleaner removes with the motherboard (especially its contacts) all the existing dust and dirt, in order to avoid creating interference for normal contact.

2. Check whether the drive opens Computer (laptop). When you click on the appropriate button or when special Team of operating system The drive carriage should leave.

If the drive does not open at all - consider you, since it is the easiest breakdown, which consists in a rubber band (passion) transmitting translational mechanical movements.

Open the drive (which you want to pre-disable) and replacing the passion, you can eliminate the problem even on your own.

To open a non-working drive, you can use the needle, going on it. By the way, a special hidden button for opening the drive in this case will not help you, as its work is also based on the actions of the passion.

3. The drive opens normallyThe system sees the drive, but the inserted disk slows down the entire computer, the system freezes and thinks long.

The estimated reason is a conflict in the settings of the computer or laptop devices due to the fact that system Programs Bind each other.

You can solve such a problem if you connect the drive (connecting bus) through any other port. Usually, several (2-4 connection connectors) is provided on normal motherboard. So, you can try any other connector.

In the case when the trouble with freezing does not stop after reconnection, the reason is likely to be in the actor, which can be already old and stroke, working in the last bulk.

Such (old) computer drive may not work, as follows, and no "medicines" will not save it. Only the full drive replacement!

Standard problem of old drives: Difficulties with reading and writing disks, problems with autoload drives. Typically, such troubles begin after 3 years of operation, but when the drive uses a lot and often (write discs, mainly), its end may occur in a year.

If a computer drive breakdown, and not any other device or software (i.e. not drivers, not connectors, not liabilities), it is simply replaced by a new one.

In addition, you could just get caught a poor-quality DVD!

4. burnt drive electronics - hardware breakdown of the device, and it is impossible to fix such problems on their own. Moreover, the drive is unlikely to be repaired even in the service center, or the price of this repair you will not like it.

Any repair in this case is only a temporary solution to the problem, but the old and restored computer drive will still have to be changed.

It is possible to determine the burnt elements of the chip of the drive chip, simply sniffing it. With the smell of Gary, the problem becomes apparent. If Gary is not heard, you can open the drive and evaluate the visual state of its internships on the subject of the burnt elements and the availability of dust.

5. incomprehensible cause. Perhaps the real reason for the breakdown of your drive is already described in the items above, but you simply cannot identify and classify it yourself.

As, most often, the PC user is not an employee of the service center and cannot determine the cause of breakage on its own. In this case, the path is only one - in the workshop - to a special master!

Turning to B. service center It is better to clarify the likely price of repair work and the feasibility of this.

In most situations, you will even be cheaper to purchase a new drive, as the repair of the old will take time, will require money on the road, to pay for repair, and only temporarily relieve you from the problem.

The fact is that the old drive will not be rejuvenated in any way.

If the drive details began to produce their resource, it will still regularly deliver hassle, and it is easier and cheaper to replace it right away.

Nevertheless, to contact the master still costs at least then to get a precise diagnosis, no matter how terrifying it is. Well, do not be discouraged, because any technique sometime breaks and it is normal.