Installing bootcamp on a mac from a USB flash drive. Ways to Install Windows on Mac

Apple products will undoubtedly delight any person if he receives it in a gift box or allows himself to purchase a brand new device. However, the Mac OS platform from the specified manufacturer is very uncompromising in terms of supporting popular applications, games, etc. But what should those users who cannot live without Windows OS do? For this case, a number of applications have been developed that allow you to install this system together with the familiar for Mac OS X devices.

A number of software, which allows you to install Windows OC on such a picky platform using a flash drive or pre-installation special utility... This article will focus on the three most popular programs from Apple itself.

Installers for Windows on Macbook

Parallela Desktop.

First of all, we will talk about one of the programs, the principle of which is based on launching virtual machine... Such software allows you to change the real disk space to virtual and already in it to perform various operations, including the installation of OS Windows. After downloading the appropriate software, you must follow the sequence to complete the installation process.

  1. We start the program - menu "File" - line "New ...".
  2. In the new window, click "Install Windows or another OS from DVD or image file".
  3. After selecting the specified section, determine the source used to install the new operating system.
  4. After confirming your choice, enter the activation key for the specific version you are installing.
  5. In the next menu, choose how exactly the installed system will be used.
  6. Enter the name of the OS to be installed and the directory on the computer where it will be located. Here it should be borne in mind that it will take about 30 GB of space, only for a full Windows work 7, but it is better to make a reserve for installing games and applications. In addition, other settings can be adjusted in the menu at the discretion of the user.
  7. Finally, confirm your choice and wait until the installation of the operating system is complete.

Thus, the process of installing and operating a new OS is quite simple and does not require special knowledge in the field of computer science. The advantages of using this software are that the performance is very high, as if the virtual version is not used, but the one that was obtained by direct installation on the hard drive.

Another virtual space creation application that emulates the operation of a real operating system is VirtualBox. The program is very popular and is very often included in the basic curriculum of students who have connected their lives with computer science. Has Russian localization, user-friendly interface and the simplest procedure for installing the system on a virtual machine.

The program is freely available on the official website of the developer. After installing and launching the program, you must click "Create" and select the following sequence of actions.

  1. The next window also does not need to be displayed, because in it you just need to check the "Create a new virtual hard disk" line.

Nuances and alternative software

Special attention among the software for installing Windows on Mac OS is given by professionals to the Boot Camp program. but this software is multifunctional and requires additional steps to configure itself, therefore the installation process is significantly delayed, and if the user with the technology is on "you", then it is even better to use the simpler applications described above. As for Boot Camp, using it to install familiar Windows on Mac OS requires a separate review, which can be studied on the Internet.

Images for installation of operating systems can be downloaded from the Internet or obtained from the official Microsoft website. Drivers for such a system should be downloaded and installed by analogy with how these actions are performed in a real Windows OS.

From the above, it becomes clear that with due diligence and adherence to the entire sequence of actions, it can be difficult to install Windows on an Apple computer, but it is quite possible. If there are certain problems with understanding the algorithm of actions, then it is best to contact a professional.

In the previous parts of the lesson, we got acquainted with the basics of installing Windows on a MAC and prepared everything necessary (downloaded the distribution kit and wrote it to a USB flash drive). Now it's time to do the installation itself.

In this part, we step by step install Windows 7 Lite using BootCamp to the previously created partition (10GB). Ten gigabytes should be enough for a deployed Windows 7 Lite, installing drivers and some small programs.

If you later want to install heavier software, specify an external HDD as the installation location.

  • Incompatibility of MBR and GPT partitions when installing Windows on MAC -

My instructions for installing Windows using BootCamp Assistant:

STEP 1 - Insert the previously created USB flash drive into the USB connector of the computer and reboot it. After the screen turns off during the reboot, hold down the Option (Alt) button.

As a result, the screen will display Download manager with a list of bootable volumes (disks or partitions with an OS suitable for starting). Select the image of the orange flash drive marked Windows.

The only thing I want to focus your attention on is the choice of the disk partition where all this "good" will be installed. Here you will have to select the section marked as BOOTCAMP.

To proceed with the installation, you will need to format this section to NTFS(click Format at the bottom of the window).

STEP 3 - We are waiting for the completion of copying all files. The process will take some time.

STEP 4 - After all the files have been copied, the MacBook will reboot itself. Do not miss this moment, and again after the sound gong, hold down the Option (Alt) button on the keyboard to display the Boot Manager.

Now in the menu that appears, you need to select the disk partition with Windows name(gray disk icon). The first will start Windows startup and setting parameters.

STEP 5 - Congratulations! You now have Windows 7 lightweight on your MAC. But it's not over yet. In order for all devices on your MacBook (etc.) to be recognized and to work properly, you need to install the appropriate drivers. This is very easy to do.

Remember we downloaded the Boot Camp support files in the first step of this tutorial? It is these files that will be useful to us now, since they contain all the necessary drivers. We just need to run the file setup.exe from the directory D: / BootCamp /(where D: is the disk of the installation flash drive).

This is followed by the standard installer steps (how can I " I love»Application Installer for Windows). You will have to click on the Next> button many times.

Well, now you can breathe a sigh of relief. We have just been with you installed Windows 7 using Boot Camp Assistant... Moreover, we did it very compactly, borrowing only 10 GB of space from the built-in SSD... T

Since we chose to install the light version of Windows 7 Lite, we also managed to reduce the size installed system... So we only used 4.73 GB out of 10 available.

We have also installed drivers and support files for all devices on your computer. If everything is clear with the drivers, then the support files, in turn, enable us to use the top row of function buttons (volume, brightness, keyboard backlight, etc.) from under Windows.

Let me remind you again. In order to switch from MAC OS X to Windows, you need to reboot the computer while holding down the Option (Alt) key and select the appropriate section from the Boot Manager.

If during the installation process you did not understand something or something did not work out, be sure to read STEP # 5 of this lesson, where we will consider the most frequent problems when installing Windows on MAC computers.

In any case, leave your questions in the comments and I will try to find a solution to your problem.

Be sure to study the rest of the lesson:

  • STEP 1 - -
  • STEP 2 - -
  • STEP 3 - - Installing Windows 7 on MAC with BootCamp Assistant
  • STEP 4 - -
  • STEP 5 - -

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Reading time: 34 min

A MacBook is a laptop manufactured by Apple with a Mac operating system. The problem is that numerous software has been developed for Windows, and the same content cannot be installed on a Mac. The only solution is to install Windows on MacBook.

Preparing and installing Bootcamp

The Bootcamp utility will help you install Windows on a MacBook, it loads the OS into a separate partition hard disk... So, before installing the second OS, you need to remember that it takes up a considerable amount of space. Check for free space - you need about 30 GB.

To start installing the OS, you need to check the Bootcamp program for updates, to do this you need to:

  1. There is a support site in the application, go in and see if there are updates.
  2. Or you can update the utility yourself, open the Apple menu and go to the "Update ..." section.
  3. After the end of the update, you need to make a backup.

Installing Windows on MacBook

When downloading the program, you need to select the location where Windows will be saved on the MacBook air. Everything open applications must be closed before running the utility.

When everything is ready, we start:

  1. We go to the Mac menu and open "Programs", after "Service ..." and open the "Boot camp assistant". Click "Continue".

  1. We select the checkboxes "Download the latest software" and "Install Windows".
  2. A window will appear prompting you to make a copy of the software to DVD, CD or save to external drive... We choose what we need.
  3. We upload the drivers to the USB flash drive, and then select the disk size for the installed software.

When all data has been copied, the notebook will automatically restart. To make the boot manager appear, hold down the Alt key. The disc menu will appear, mark the section with the name of the OS. After that, the operating system will start and the interface will be configured.

We customize the system for ourselves, it all starts with the choice of the interface language, and after the preparatory stage of the setup, click "Next". You must follow the instructions and everything will work out, the main thing to remember is that you cannot interrupt and shut down the laptop.

Windows 10 on MacBook via Bootcamp using a USB stick

Windows 10 on MacBook pro can be booted from both disc and USB stick. To install from a USB flash drive, you first have to make a bootable USB flash drive. As stated above, we check the utility for updates and save everything we need.

  1. We stick the drive into USB. We go "Disk Utility".
  2. Click on the USB flash drive on the left side and in the table replace "Current" with "Section 1".
  3. We put the format MS-DOS (FAT) and click "Options".
  4. In the window that appears, go to "Main boot ..." and confirm the actions by clicking on "OK" and "Apply".
  5. Open the "Disk Partition" and clear space for the OS.
  6. We enter the tab "Boot Camp Assistant".
  7. We put a tick on the proposed actions and click "Continue".
  8. We copy files from the system. If highlighted yellow triangle, then the OS asks to enter the code, enter it.
  9. We select the disk for installation, after which the system will restart itself, during the restart, hold down the Alt key, so we open the parameters window. After configuring them, the application is ready to use.

This utility allows you to boot Windows without restarting your computer.

How to use the program:

  1. Open the File menu in the utility, then click New.
  2. A window will appear, click on the shortcut "Install Windows or another OS ...".
  3. We indicate the source of the data installation. We do it ourselves by dragging the folder to the desired location, or the application will do it on its own.
  4. We press "Continue", after which we write the OS password.
  5. A table will be highlighted, in it we select how to use the OS.
  6. Click on the folder where the program and its name will be located.
  7. Click "Continue", after which the operating system will be installed. At the end, restart the laptop.

MacBook air Windows 10 using VirtualBox

This program will help to work with two operating systems at once. Installing another OS using it is quite simple. We go to the developers' site, download and install the utility, then right-click on the application shortcut and select "Create". Next you need:

  1. A table will be highlighted in which we select the required OS.
  2. We choose the size of the memory that we have, preferably at least 1024MB.
  3. Next, put a tick in front of "Create new virtual disk».
  4. Select the file type "VDI (VirtualBox Disc Image)".
  5. Click on "Fixed virtual disk" and designate the volume.
  6. The system icon will be highlighted in the menu on the left. Click "Run", the "Options" window will open Windows settings". After setting all the parameters, the OS can be used.

It happens that there is a problem with sound or watching video after installing the OS, but there is a solution - you need to download all the drivers, they were previously saved on a USB flash drive or disk. We reload the program and now everything works.

If you still have questions on the topic "How to install Windows on a MacBook?", You can ask them in the comment

So this is the first part tutorial on installing Windows 7 on MAC computers... Today we will study the "basics" and prepare everything necessary for subsequent actions.

Two stages of installation

First, install Windows using the built-in utility “ Boot Camp Assistant". V this case Windows can be run on " pure iron"Bypassing MAC OS X. This means that you get 100% of the power of your computer and can play your favorite games without any problems.

Boot Camp Assistant Is a standard utility in OS X with which you can install Windows on MAC computers with Intel processor... The utility can be found in the folder Programs> Utilities.

After that we will install the program Parallels Desktop, with which we will open access to the Windows installed in the first stage, but from under MAC OS X. Thus, we will install Windows once, but it will be able to run it " from everywhere».

Why install Windows on MAC

As I wrote in this tutorial, everyone has their own reason for installing Windows on a MAC. Depending on this reason, I would distinguish three categories of users:

The first category of people basically lacks some kind of software, the MAC version of which has not yet been "invented". Usually this office workers accustomed to 1C, AVK and other crap. Well, that's quite justified. How do you think?

The second category of people - gamers... They want to work simultaneously under MAC OS X, but they can't forget their toys either. God is their judge, but MAC is not to help either, because it is not very suitable for games. You can read more about this in the article “ Which MAC is better choose for games».

The third category of people - perverts... I cannot name them otherwise. Such people buy MacBooks and iMACs just for the sake of appearance the product itself and the apple on back cover... Immediately after purchase, Windows is installed on such a device as the main operating system. Here my hands fall ...

Conclusion If you have an irresistible desire install Windows on MAC, do it! But don't use it as your primary system. If you initially need a Windows PC, buy a Windows PC. I do not recommend using a full-fledged Windows machine from a MacBook or iMac.

Which version of Windows is better to choose and where to get it

Depending on the model of your computer (as well as the year of manufacture), you will have access to and the corresponding version (s) of the Boot Camp utility... Depending on the version of Boot Camp, you will have one or another Windows version.

Combining what has just been said, on specific model the computer will run a specific version of Windows. Apple keeps pace with the times and only provides support latest versions Windows on their new devices (MacBook, iMac, Mac mini).

In order to understand which version of Windows will work on your computer, follow this link and find your model and the corresponding compatibility table.

For example, I have MacBook Air 13"(released mid 2012). From this it follows that I have access to next versions: Windows 7 x86 (BootCamp 4), Windows 7 x64 (BootCamp 5), Windows 8 x64 (BootCamp 5). The brackets indicate required version Boot Camp.

In this lesson, I will install Windows 7 x86 (32 bit), but not the standard version, but a lightweight one. Lite. Why Lite? Yes, because it takes up about 4GB of hard disk space, but at the same time it works just as well Home Edition or Ultimate.

Light Windows versions are deprived of all sorts of "unnecessary" add-ons, drivers, etc. and are created by ordinary users like me and you. From this it follows that it is necessary to look for such versions on the Internet (since torrent sites have not been canceled yet).

We are interested in installation image Windows disk 7 Lite ISO.

How to create a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 7 Lite distribution

After you have downloaded ISO image installation disk, we can safely go to creating bootable flash drive , with which we will install Windows 7. The flash drive must be of volume AT LEAST 4GB.

Instructions for creating a bootable USB flash drive with a Windows 7 distribution:

STEP 1 - Open the utility " Boot Camp Assistant" (way: Programs > Utilities).

STEP 2 - In the window that opens, confirm by clicking the Continue button.

STEP 3 - Put a tick in front of the first item " Create a Windows 7 or newer installation disk».

STEP 4 - Find on the hard drive downloaded earlier ISO image.

STEP 5 - Confirm that the flash drive can be erased by formatting. We are waiting for the end of the copying process.

Drivers and support files for BootCamp for Windows 7

The next and last step of preparation is downloading the necessary drivers and BootCamp support files on Windows. Do not worry, you do not have to search the Internet for drivers for each of the system's devices, because even here Apple did everything for you.

On the company's website you can download only one zip archive, which will contain everything you need. Since the iron is on different models computers may differ, software Windows support was also developed specifically for each model.

To download the required Windows support software, do the following:

STEP 1 - Click on this link and get to the page familiar to us. We select the version of Windows that you plan to install. Scrolling down we find the model of our MAC and open the table.

At the intersection of the model and the installed version of Windows there will be a number (in my case, 4 is the version of the required BootCamp). If not clear, see the picture above.

STEP 2 - Click on this number and go to the download page for auxiliary Windows software. Download the archive by clicking on the Download button.

STEP 3 - After the zip archive has been downloaded (usually to the folder Downloads), unpack it ( double click). As a result, a folder will appear with the name BootCamp... Copy it to the bootable USB flash drive you created earlier.

Many Mac owners often need the Windows operating system. Some need it to run their favorite games, the second - for the work of specialized software, and the third just for a change.

We decided to remind you how to correctly and quickly install Windows 10 on a Mac, so as not to mess with virtual machines and similar solutions that do not allow you to work stably in Windows and get the most out of your computer's capabilities.

Which Mac computers can install Windows 10

Officially 64-bit Windows 10 Home or Pro using the Boot Camp utility can be installed on the following models:

  • MacBook Pro / Air (2012 and newer)
  • MacBook (2015 and newer)
  • iMac / Mac mini (2012 and newer)
  • iMac Pro (2017)
  • Mac Pro (Late 2013)

There is only one limitation: when using macOS Mojave will not work install Windows OS via Boot Camp on iMac with hard disk capacity 3 TB.

This is due to the peculiarities of combining different file systems APFS and NTFS on drives of this capacity. You can find out more about this on the Apple website.

The rest of the models support installing Windows 10 right out of the box without any problems.

What do we need

1. Free storage space. The minimum installation size is 64 GB, and the recommended size is 128 GB.

In practice, you can get by with a smaller volume, but there is always the possibility of a lack of space for the normal operation of the system or the installation of the necessary software.

2. For desktop computers you will need a keyboard and a manipulator so as not to constantly reconnect them in different operating systems. This can be both a wired solution and third-party models that have multiple channels for pairing with multiple devices.

3. USB storage device 16 GB or larger. This disc will not be required for owners of computers manufactured in 2015 or newer.

4. Installation disk image Microsoft Windows(ISO) or installation media for the operating system. You can download the image on the Microsoft website.

5. Windows 10 is free to use for 30 days after installation. After that, you will need to buy an activation key. This can be done in almost any Russian store, or on the Internet. On the official Microsoft website, it costs a decent $ 199 or 13 thousand rubles.

The average price of a key in Russia is about 3 thousand rubles, although offers come across at your own peril and risk.

How to install Windows 10 step by step

1. Run the utility Boot Camp through search Spotlight, Finder or Launchpad.

2. Provide the program with the path to the downloaded image and select how much space on the installed drive to allocate for Windows installation.

Think carefully at this stage, because you cannot change the partition used without reinstalling Widows. If you plan on playing games or running heavy applications, it's best to allocate more space right away.

3. Wait until the required drivers and data are loaded from the network. After downloading and restarting the computer, the Windows installation 10.

4. The installation wizard will ask you to make basic settings and specify the partition where Windows should be installed. It will already be named BOOTCAMP.

5. After the installation is complete, you will need to make the final settings of the system parameters.

6. Once at work Windows desktop will need to run Boot utility Camp... It will be stored on system disk or on a removable storage device that was created during the preparation phase.

7. After installing all the components and restarting Windows, you need to connect to the network via Wi-Fi or cable and run Apple Software Update from the panel Start.

8. The program should specify all available updates... Install from and restart your computer.

How to run macOS or Windows

Now, when you start your computer, the macOS operating system will automatically start, and when you hold down the key Alt / Option you will see a menu with a choice of section to download.

To quickly switch from Windows to macOS, you can use the utility in the tray (lower right corner), which allows you to restart your computer with another OS in one click.

To go back, go to System settings- Boot volume, enter the password for unlocking the settings and select the Windows partition to boot.

How to uninstall Windows from Mac

To uninstall, just run Disk Utility and erase the partition in it that was reserved for Boot Camp with Windows. Then expand the main partition using the freed up space.

Good luck!