How to connect the tablet to the keyboard. Methods for connecting the keyboard to the tablet

In the majority chinese tablets Touchscreen (screen touch handler) is a resistive, and not capacitive, so it reacts only on touch touch with some press.
As a result, dialing text on the built-in on screen keyboard, the user has to be almost poke to the touchscreen. Many this is rapidly bored, and they decide to buy a keyboard to the tablet.
But the connection external keyboard New questions calls to the tablet: whether she needs a driver, how to add a Cyrillic layout, etc.
All these questions will be not relevant after installation. "RuKeyboard" for Android . Programs that support external (hardware) keyboard and multiple layouts. You can download the stable version of the "RuKeyboard" for Android by clicking on the link. Further setting of the keyboard of the tablet is considered on the example of this particular version.

1. After installing the RuKeyboard, go to the tablet settings.
2. Find the "Language and Settings" item and check the box next to "RuKeyboard".

3. Then log in to the "RuKeyboard" settings and select "Hardware Keyboard".

4. Go to "Selecting the layout" and in the list of available layouts, select "External Keyboard"

5. Open any program in which there is a text input field, for example, a browser.

6. Make an extended click (pressing with a delay) on the text entry field and in the "Input Method" menu that appears, select "RuKeyboard".

Please note: In the version of "RuKeyboard" mentioned here, you can quickly switch the layout by pressing the "DEL" key. On most portable keyboards it is in the right upper corner.

If the Android tablet has Bluetooth support, you have the opportunity to connect wireless to it Bluetooth keyboardto buy which inexpensive you can

ASUS TRANSFORMER I. Microsoft Surface. - Magnificent devices, combining a tablet and a full-fledged laptop. On the road, such a thing does not occupy a lot of space and is well suited for work, and for rest. I took a thin keyboard from the bag, and in your hands the laptop, removed the tablet back. Conveniently. But is it possible to make something similar from the usual Android tablet? Easily!

What for?

Even the cheapest modern tablets have an extremely powerful stuffing, the performance of which is enough to compete with netbooks. However, the tablet has a completely different appointment that puts the obvious problem before us: what to take with you on the road? Convenient to read books, web surfing and games Tablet or netbook - a wonderful tool for communication and work? Both carry with them - the occupation is not the most fun, but we can go on another way.

Let's start with the fact that almost any tablet under android management Supports the connection of the keyboard and the mouse - in fact it turns it into a kind of monoblock comp, which can be noted for anything, position the keyboard and the mouse and quietly work. On the road, it is not too convenient, and too even for the guy, so smart Chinese have come up with special covers with a built-in keyboard, which are a slight movement of the hand turn the tablet to an interesting device similar to a netbook. To buy such a cover is definitely worth it, especially since it will cost no more than 20 American rubles, and the keyboard is really good there.

The second is the OS. It would seem that Android is not at all designed to work and without a full netbook / laptop can not do. But here everything is in order, browsers are easily serviced by several tabs, there are many keyboard combinations, a full set of UNIX utilities, a bunch of software for administration, compilers, utilities, web servers and everything you can think more than just Professional software like photoshop or protools. But I doubt that someone will be engaged in graphic art or note of the composition, sitting on the passenger seat of a car moving along the "magnificent" Russian roads.

In other words, there is everything in the tablet to use it as a workstation, but about how it is "all" to use on a complete coil, we will talk further.

Basic minimum

So, we have a tablet running Android 4, keyboard, mouse (optional) and the desire to turn it all into the workhorse.

Immediately make a reservation that the USB clave and mouse can only stick to the tablet with support uSB modes Host (OTG), so if this option is not in the tablet, you will have to use more expensive Bluetooth accessories, and if not bluetooth support, I can not do anything - such a tablet is not suitable.

If the USB host mode is supported, the keyboard or mouse should be connected using an OTG cable, which usually comes in a set with a tablet and is a miniusb dad cable on one side and a full-fledged USB mother - on the other (if the tablet is full-size USB Ports, you can drag right in them). If it was not included in the kit, the OTG cable can be bought at any mobile technology store or order in China for one dollar (it's no worse). I want to warn that usually not all ports support the host mode, so it is necessary to stick in the correct (usually signed Host or OTG).

When everything is on hand, cling to the tablet mouse and keyboard - and voila, everything works. It would be possible to say that this will be enough, but Android can offer much more advanced control capabilities using the keyboard. One of the main is a fairly developed and convenient system of keyboard combinations, which exists from the first versions of the OS. So, for navigating the desktop and various menus, you can use "arrows", and, key replaces the "Back" button, and - "Home" button. In addition to them, there is still a whole set of other control combinations, including shortcases to launch applications:

Keyboard combinations Android

- Analogue of the "Back" button - Analogue of the "Home" button - Analogue of the "Menu" button - switch between applications - Switching layouts - Open settings - Management of installed applications - Change of wallpaper - write a letter - music player - Calculator - Write SMS. - the calendar - contacts - Browser - Google maps - Search

A special place among them is a combination That opens the search box, which in Android is similar to the OS X or Ubuntu search window, that is, it allows you to search not only on the Internet, but also among installed applications, contacts and browser bookmarks. Very convenient keyboard control tool.

Keyboard combinations are also available in applications, but only a small part of the developers implements such controls. Even among the browsers, where this functionality is simply necessary, I was able to find only two, which can be fully controlled using the keyboard. This is a standard browser and Google Chrome, which support the following set of combinations:

Browser combinations

Unfortunately, in Android there is no way to change the key combinations or add your own, but the existing will be enough to work with the tablet without any mouse, only sometimes touching the screen - choose some kind of difficult interface element.

Since we started talking about the browser, you need to take care of the connection to the Internet. Not all tablets are equipped with a 3G module, so the Internet will most likely have to be taken in other ways. Two standard solutions are a 3G modem or Internet from the phone. The first option is more preferable, however, on tablets with one host port (like me), it will not allow the keyboard. The option with the distribution of the Internet from the phone via Wi-Fi is very convenient, but it looks like a smart battery with an incredible speed, so it is much better for this purpose to use more economical Bluetooth.

The situation with the blue tooth in Android is rather strange, and its support will vary greatly from the version to the version. Nevertheless, the distribution of the Internet via Bluetooth (PAN profile) has long been supported for a long time, and, most likely, it is already in the smartphone (you follow somewhere in the area "Wireless Networks -\u003e Advanced -\u003e Modem Mode"). To connect to such a "translator", Google recommends selecting the desired Bluetooth device in the list in the "Profiles" section and mark the "Use to access Internet" item. But in practice, this item often simply does not exist, so you will have to use the independent implementation of the PAN profile, for example, "Bluetooth Pan" from the market. It requires root, but it is easier for her simplest simple: I started it, I pressed a huge round button in the middle of the screen.

To access all the necessary data on the road, you can throw them out in advance on the USB flash drive or use cloud disks like Dropbox or Google Drive. Both approaches are uncomfortable, as they do not allow synchronization automatically. But the Dropsync application can and makes it very good. In fact, Dropsync performs the same task as the Dropbox desktop version: allows you to store files on a flash drive, periodically synchronizing them with cloud storage. What is important, catalogs for synchronization can be chosen individually, sending and getting from the cloud only what is really needed on the tablet, such as books, music, source texts.

You're quite simple to use Dropsync, you just need to select a catalog for synchronization, directory in Dropbox and select the synchronization method: one way or both. After that, software will hang in the background and will periodically perform synchronization. Immediately I recommend buying a Pro version, it implements the support of Linux-technology Inotify for instant synchronization immediately after changing the files, as well as the limit on the file size of 5 MB and one synchronized directory.

Virtual keyboard for Android tablets

It is possible to effectively work in the terminal emulator and without a hardware keyboard. To do this, just install the Hacker's Keyboard keyboard on which there are keys , , navigation arrows, separate string with numbers, as well as a separate panel with keys .

Advanced option

Let's talk about the more advanced use of the tablet. For Gick, and even moreover, a person who performs the administration of remote servers, standard functionality and ordinary applications will, of course, is not enough to feel good. Therefore, we need to get a gentleman's set of linuxoid, namely the terminal emulator, a set of command line utilities, as well as different SSH clients and Rsyncs. All this for Android is full, thanks to the kernel Linux.

First, we get on the root on the tablet. How to do this, we have already told, especially since the device has its own technique, which includes many nuances. Therefore, Google to help. Next, we set Android Terminal Emulator from the market, this is a standard VT102 emulator with the support of everything you need. It supports all control sequences, which means all key combinations that you will dial on the keyboard.

The standard Android installation includes a limited set of command-line utilities (in which there is even no CP commands), but it is easy to expand to full, simply installing the BusyBox using one of the many installers available in the market. After that, you can get a normal Bash instead of a wretched sh, which is coming. To do this, install GNU BASH 4.2 Installer, run and press the "Install" button. In order for the terminal emulator to know that we want to immediately get to Bash when starting, we go to the settings of the terminal and in the "Command Shell" option indicate the path "/ System / XBIN / BASH".

From now on, we have a full-fledged command line, but there is no SSH client and a good text editor. You can solve this problem by installing the good old ConnectBot and Vim Touch. As independent tools, they perform their work perfectly, but to use them productively with the keyboard and, if necessary, edit various files directly from the terminal. Therefore, we will establish the native versions of these programs. Console VIM for Android can be obtained from this link. It should be unpacked, transfer to the tablet memory card, and then put in the / System / XBIN directory. Here's how to do it right in Android:

Installing Console Vim.

$ SU # CP / SDCard / Path-to-Binarnik / System / Xbin # Chmod + X / System / Bin / Vim

The SSH client, in turn, is in the sshdroid application. All you need to do is install Sshdroid and copy the SSH client to the / System / XBin directory:

Installing SSH

$ su # cp /data/data/ / system / xbin # chmod + x / System / Xbin / ssh

You can go even further and install a whole Linux distribution in which everything you want. It is especially convenient for this to use Arch Linux Installer, which sets into the image minimum Arch Linux without any unnecessary ICs and other trash. And thanks to the archery philosophy of rolling-releases, you will always have a written software, without having to install new version Distribution. The installer itself is incredibly simple, so I will not describe its use.

It is clear that during the remote work, we will most likely have to go online via VPN, since open Wi-Fi in different cafeterias and trust hotels do not cause simply by definition. In the new Android, now there is support for VPN directly from the box, so no problems will cause the proxy configuration. Just go to the settings "Wireless Networks -\u003e More ...", press VPN, Android offers to set a PIN or password, it will have to do, because otherwise we will not be allowed. Next, click "Add VPN's Profile" and specify the VPN profile (standard PPTP, L2TP / IPsec, IPsec Xauth or IPsec Hybrid), drive the profile name, server address and keys, if necessary (for PPTP, naturally, no need). We save, tadam in the name of the profile, drive the login and password, and all traffic begins to go through the tunnel.

If you are going to do in the way of coding, then in Google Play. There is a lot of tools for this. To create small utilities and scripts, you can use the SL4A environment (, which allows you to perform scripts written on SH, Python, Ruby, Perl, Lua and other languages. The environment is equipped with a editor and a simple API, which allows access to the main functions of the tablet.

For more serious developments, you can use QPython Wednesday, which, in addition to the SL4A API, offers access to the native Android API, as well as a cross-platform library of KIVY graphic widgets. Created using QPython applications will almost not visually differ from native. Wednesday Ruboto IRB generally offers full access to Android Java API, but for Ruby language.

Especially I would like to note the AIDE environment, allowing you to create full-fledged Java applications for Android in Android. The medium is very developed, with a complete set of all the necessary functions, including the syntax highlight, auto-strength, online prompts, compiling and launching with one touch. Aide is fully compatible with projects Android SDK.Therefore, it can really be used for serious development. Particularly hardcore comrades can install GNU GCC C / C ++ Compiler, the same GCC and a set of binutils that allow you to collect software in the console.


Taster with me the tablet, and also having a keyboard connected to it and the mouse, you probably want to pick it up to the HDMI port of the TV or AV receiver. In principle, everything is simple and comfortable here: it stuck the cable and got a picture on big Screen. But there are some interesting moments that I would like to tell.

Screen quenching. One of the most depressing features of the support of HDMI support in Android is the need to keep the screen included. As soon as you press the tablet off button, HDMI is de-energized and the "big picture" disappears. Disable such behavior with the means of the Android itself will not work, but you can use the magnificent sCREEN program Standby, which forcibly disables the backlight of the screen, so you can safely watch the video, play games or surf the Internet, without being distracted by a copy of the image on the tablet.

SCREEN STANDBY has many very useful settings, for example, turns off the backlight yourself when sticking the HDMI cable. To do this, it is enough to enable the "AUTO HDMI / MHL Detection" option in the "HDMI Detection" section (there is also a shutdown settings when you start the application or room to dock). Another very much interesting function - This is the translation of the tablet to the touchpad mode when the cursor appears on the monitor screen, and the tablet screen turns into a large touchpad. Enabled in the "Settings -\u003e TouchPad Setting -\u003e Use TouchPad Function" menu, but this function has not earned that it is predictable, given the limited support for models.

Joystick and control panel. The tablet connected to the monitor or TV can be controlled not only with the keyboard and mouse, but also using the smartphone on the same android. It is not necessary for this to enter the SSH tablet or other means. You can use the Virtual Joystick BT Controller from the Market. This program allows you to turn a smartphone into a virtual blue-refine joystick, a control panel or even a keyboard - here who is needed.

BT Controller should be installed on both devices that are already interconnected by Bluetooth. Next on one of the devices, press the "Connect" button, after which a message appears on the screen asking you to select the device function: Controller or Host. Click on the HOST tablet, after which the information plate appears in the upper right corner, symbolizing the successful connection and performance of the components. TAP on the KB Enabled string on the plate will transfer us to the input methods menu in which the BTController should be selected, and the KB Active TAP will switch to the BT Controller instead of a standard keyboard.

When all these operations are completed, you can use the joystick appeared on the screen. IN free version Applications Only one interface option is the SNES joystick, with which it is quite convenient to play games, but for other purposes it is not suitable. The BT Controller paid version allows you to choose between more than thirty different joysticks, consoles and keyboards and, more importantly, create a new remote control with a special editor.


The tablet on Android can really turn into a full-fledged desktop that is pleasant to use. This laptop on Linux he, of course, will not replace, but you will not notice any special problems in use.

Many users use tablets for frequent work with documents. After all, it is easier to carry with me than a laptop, in addition, he has better autonomy, and most often he is cheaper than a laptop. But a set of a large number of text, for example, students on lectures or people of creative professions on virtual keyboard It is not as convenient as on physical, even if we consider that it has a function of correcting errors and auto add-on text. You can print on usual several times faster and even with the use of a blind method, while the on-screen one does not provide.

There are situations when you need to turn the tablet in a full-fledged laptop

Some manufacturers have become equipped with their devices. additional keyboard In the form of a docking station or a hard case. But, unfortunately, most of the models are not equipped with this accessory, and have to spend money on his acquisition. Let's look at how to connect the keyboard to the tablet on various operating systems.

Docking station or cover

The most reliable and convenient option. Allows multiple movements to turn the tablet in a full-fledged laptop. There are two types of similar keyboards - hard docking station and a softer case. On the tablet can be a special interface, with which the connection is performed without the need for other settings. The best option It is the docking station, so it can be easily put on her knees. In addition, it can be a built-in battery that will extend the time autonomous work. The case is not so comfortable for working on weight, as it is softer, and under your fingers the button will simply be fed. The cost of a corporate case or docking station can be quite high.

Wired connection

The most popular way to connect. If your model works on Windows, it is enough to just plug a USB keyboard connector to the appropriate connector on the device. After that, instant recognition will occur, in some cases drivers will be installed. The connection will take literally a couple of seconds without the need to connect any additional adapters.

For Android tablets, a special adapter - wiring, having an MICROUSB connector on one end to connect to the device, and on the other is a regular USB to connect the keyboard. All modern models support OTG technology, allowing you to connect different external equipment. After you get the equipment to the necessary interfaces, just a couple of seconds you can use it, for example, for fast set text. By the way, in a similar way, you can add and wireless keyboardsequipped with a USB receiver.

But on the iPad everything is much sadder. Through the wire, it is unlikely to create a similar connection, because Apple did not endorse the technique of such support. You can risk and use the Lightning to USB Camera Adapter or somewhat similar. The system will issue a message about the absence of support, but you can ignore it, simply by clicking OK. In some cases, the keyboard can earn.

Wireless connection

The easiest and most reliable version is a Bluetooth connection, since this type of communication can be on any mobile OS. Exist as branded keyboards recommended by the manufacturer for specific model Tablet and universal, suitable for any device.

To create a connection, perform the following manipulations:

  • Activate bluetooth on the tablet, put the keyboard into the pairing mode until the indicator flashes on it;
  • Click on the tablet "Search for devices", select the defined keyboard, enter the conjugation code. Most often it is 0000 or 1234, but it is better to clarify in the instructions.

After a couple of seconds the connection will occur, and you can print any texts.


Now you know that you can easily type large texts on the tablet using an external keyboard that can be connected either through a wired connection or via Bluetooth. This option will cost the cheaper case or docking station.

Do you use the keyboard on your device? Tell us how you have been connected.

You can connect a keyboard or a mouse to the tablet, making a full-fledged workstationnot inferior (or almost no inferior) laptop. However during connection peripheral devices may have problems.

About connecting peripheral devices to the tablet

Formally, each tablet can be freely connected to the keyboard or mouse, however, they will not always work stable, since the firmware of some devices may be incompatible among themselves, and on old tablets, work can only be supported with a limited number of devices. To avoid such troubles, look at the documentation for the tablet, usually, this aspect is always described in detail.

There are two main options for connecting the keyboard to the tablet:

  • Wired;
  • Wireless.

Option 1: Connection using a USB cable

In this case, you can connect any keyboard, and for the connection you will need only a cable with USB and USB Type-C. Usually, such a cable always goes complete with a tablet. True, initially it is connected to chargerBut you can easily disable it. If this is not included with the tablet, then you can purchase it at any electronics store.

Now you need to just stick the end of the cable with USB Type-C in the connector for charging the tablet, and the end of the cable with normal USB In a special keyboard connector (usually it is only one there). After connecting Android, recognizes the keyboard, if necessary, install some drivers, and you can fully use the keyboard.

It is worth understanding that the old keyboards cannot be connected to the tablet in this way, since the presence of a USB port in the design must, and old models are usually derived to them.

Option 2: Bluetooth

This option may be somewhat more complicated, since the Bluetooth connection will have to be adjusted to the tablet. but this option Economic - bluetooth keyboards are more compact and do not require any wires to connect to them.

Connection instructions look like this:

There is nothing complicated in the keyboard connected to the keyboard. The only thing that problems may arise are with the lack of drivers or special software on the tablet.

Currently, all sorts of mobile devices are widely popular. Therefore, every year they are becoming increasingly technologically perfect and functional. With the growing popularity of portable gadgets, interest in peripheral equipment, which can work with mobile gadgets. One of the most common connected additional peripherals is a physical keyboard. Connecting the keyboard to the tablet does not require special specific manipulations.

Additional gadgets

Methods and technology connecting peripheral equipment to mobile gadgets

There are several basic ways that are intended for the correct connection and correct interaction of auxiliary information entry gadgets with tablets and smartphones:

  1. Wi-Fi-based wireless connections;
  2. Wireless connection through infrared port or bluetooth;
  3. The connection of additional equipment through the cable.

Each method of establishing communication has its advantages and disadvantages, so what exactly to use depends only on you and the capabilities of your mobile solution.

Connection via cable or wired adapter

Connecting Keyboard K. android tablet Most often it is based on a cable connection or direct connector to the gadget, if it has a full-fledged USB connector. In order to connect the keyboard or other equipment through the cable, the following requirements should be ensured:

  1. The equipment must support the plug-in and vice versa;
  2. Mobile gadget must have OTG or USB HOST technology to have the ability to interact with the external device at the hardware level;
  3. Drivers or primary settings must be preloaded to the system, as well as comply with the requirements of the installed mobile operating system. It is necessary in order to uSB connection Keyboard K. Android Gadget It was correctly configured at the program level of interaction of the periphery.

The advantage of the physical equipment connector through the cable is that you clearly know what is connected, as well as the speed of work and interaction is limited to the speed of the finest equipment itself. Most often, the speed rests on the communication channel, although the speed of interaction of the periphery is very high and exceeds the remaining methods of the compound. It is for this reason that it is best to connect flash drives and 3G modems through a cable, since it is in this case that the data exchange between devices will be maximum.

Connecting equipment through IR port or bluetooth

In order to connect the keyboard to the Android tablet, you should pre-perform the connector of the tablet and the periphery among themselves, and only then make synchronization if it is not executed in automatic mode. For connection it is necessary:

  1. Enable wireless adapter on auxiliary device;
  2. Enable wireless network modules in the operating system;
  3. Establish a link with a mobile assistant;

The IR port is almost not found, as this technology is outdated. Although on some of the first models it can be found. As for the bluetooth, then almost all modern devices and mobile gadgets Equipped with this radio version 2.0 and newer samples. Therefore, connecting the external keyboard to the tablet through wireless networks It is much more convenient, since in this case your tablet is not tied to the wires to one place, and the external equipment can be located anywhere where it takes out the signal.

The main advantages of the external devices connecting through the Bluetooth channel:

  1. Mobility and independence of the movement of two devices independently of each other in the signal coating radius;
  2. Compactness;
  3. Simplicity of connection:
  4. The ability to communicate with multiple gadgets at the same time (if you make a software filling of the tablet and hardware capabilities of the adapter).

Therefore, the most mobile and compact solution is considered to connect the keyboard bluetooth to the tablet. Since in this case you need to have a minimum of everything, and you can use the maximum possibilities.

Connecting the periphery via the Wi-Fi network adapter

In order to connect an external device through wi-Fi network, you need to perform a number of mandatory conditions, without which the success of the equipment is not guaranteed, and it is often impossible at all:

  1. The plug-in external peripherals should be equipped with a Wi-Fi radio module. It is preferably the same standard as the tablet;
  2. The device must work without the need for additional network equipment (router), or this feature must take on the tablet (receipt and distribution of the IP address device);
  3. Combine devices in one network. Must match partially IP addresses and a fully mask;
  4. Devices should be able to independently process and send commands to the gadget in the correct format.

Due to the complexity of the implementation of the above algorithm of interaction, find the tablet with the possibility of connecting the keyboard via Wi-Fi is quite difficult. therefore this method interaction with mobile device More often use printers or MFPs.

Software configuration of tablet and external periphery

In order for the outer peripherals correctly and correctly interact, it is necessary that the drivers are installed in the system using which it could correctly broadcast commands from and to an external device. Drivers are installed in both automatic mode and manually. For example, the result of the correct connection of the mouse to the tablet is the cursor appeared on the gadget screen.

To connect any USB keyboard Used software "RuKeyboard". This program able to work with external physical keyboardsThrough what quickly won popularity. For the keyboard configuration you need:

  1. Install the program;
  2. Go to the device settings;
  3. Item "Language and Settings";
  4. Install a tick near RuKeyboard;
  5. After that, in the settings of the program itself, select "Hardware Keyboard";
  6. In the Settings menu item "Select the layout" Select from the list of external keyboard preloads;
  7. Open any field for setting text in third-party program or browser on the tablet and choose as a method of entry "RuKeyboard";
  8. Connect the keyboard to the Android tablet;
  9. Test the work of entering characters.

Setting the Communication and Setting the Game Functional

In order to connect the game devices to the tablet, you need to use exactly the method that is declared by the manufacturer. Since it is in this case that you can be sure that the devices will work together. The most common additional game gadget is the joystick.

Connecting the joystick to the tablet is performed in the same way as the keyboard. The only difference will be that you will need a USB / BT JoyStick Center program, which is designed to ensure proper configuration. gaming devicesAnd also contains the necessary drivers and functions that will ensure reliable connection and correctness of the work and interaction of gadgets.