Chronology. Viruses - Resident Evil So-called CRIMSON HEADS

In the first film, a mutant Lizuun was obtained before the sabotage by direct introduction of the virus into the body of the experimental. He possessed a big force, the ability to move around the walls and the ceiling and the ability to absorb the genetic material of the victims, becoming stronger. From other infectren it was distinguished by large dimensions, visible lack of eyes and destroyed with sharp teeth. In the second film, there are already several such creatures hunted people in the church where a few survivors were hidden.

At the end of the first film Matthew Eddison (English Matthew AdDison.) It is infected with a virus. Scientists turn it into a special mutant-cyborg - Nemesis ( Nemesis) - and boil him with Alice ( Alice.), the second survival. In the end, he reins against his creators and dies under the wreckage of a helicopter. Nemesis had an intelligence, enjoyed all types of weapons.

Dr. Aisaks, infected with the virus at the end of the third film, introduced the antivirus and retained the mind, but still mutated and at the same time acquired the ability to grow tentacles, with which was able to kill at a distance. He considered himself the next step of evolution. Despite the fact that it regenerated faster than infectious, appearing in films before him, he also turned out to be immortal.

Alice was also infected, but it was able to adapt the virus and with it to strengthen its abilities, which only increased from the film to the film. In the fourth film it is introduced to the means blocking the virus.

In the fourth film, a few more varieties of zombies appeared, in particular, zombie diggers (Majini), capable of digging tunnels and get to victims from under the ground, the new kind Dogs (Adewila), whose heads could be divided by vertical, forming a huge, destroyed by sharp teeth (two individuals appeared, which were soon killed), and the executioner - Zombie Giant, who wrapped a huge ax, with the help of which prison was hidden The survivors, thereby giving inside the sishest around the zombies, and the deceased only when he threw his head. On the allegedly "unique not affected by a viral infection - the city of Arcadia on Alaska," in fact, on the ship, where the experiments were carried out on people, and the former employee of the secret service "Ambrell" was Albert Vesher ( Albert Wesker.) And also was infected, but kept the reason and was almost invulnerable. He could not adapt the virus as well as Alice, so I wanted to "absorb her DNA." In the course of the consequence, Vesker was injured, including in the head, and fled. However, when trying to blow up a ship as the Tokyo Center, he discovered a bomb in his converter. In the explosion from the converter, something departs, and after, in the next scene we see descending with something parachute ...

In the fifth film, Wesker returned and re-infected Alceum by the virus, again turning it into a weapon, as the Red Queen was removed to destroy humanity.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

T-virus - one of the most dangerous among themselves, is the basis of many other viruses that are popular in a number of bioterrorists. In 1978, the scientist James Marcus crosses the ancestor of the Flowers "Staircase to the Sun" and DNA of the leech - so the T-virus appears. Largely similar to conventional viruses, but not in everything. Since the T-virus can come into contact with the cell membrane, it can recode the genetic component itself, which is responsible for the functions of the elementary unit of the body. As a result, the cell begins to reproduce the original virus and infect others. The process acquires an irreversible character, and then the body turns out to be completely infected with the virus.

T-virus first kills, and then replaces mitochondrial organoids. After the virus is combined with other cells. It takes control of neurons and is able to control the lower functions of the brain of the creature, even if the owner has already died. Therefore, a person infected with T-virus will finally die only when his brain is destroyed. The virus is unique for each creature, as it includes both DNA host, so sometimes there may be signs of virus from different animals.

However, the T-virus can be properly functioning only when it receives energy. It is because of this that infected with the virus attack other people and are trying to taste fresh flesh to support efficiency. The victims of the virus remains one instinct - eat. But it is still unknown, how many zombies can live (so called people who were infected) without "food."

If a person was infected, then the T-virus first destroys its brain almost completely, leaving the brains for managing behavior. During infection, there is a mass propagation of neurotransmitters, enzymes and hormones, such as arthenol, or as it is called norepinephrine, and dopamine. Because of this, such symptoms are often manifested in infected people: anger, permanent hunger, aggressiveness. A person can get infected only from one zombie bite.

When a person or other creature is dead and subjected to a virus infection, it is enough energy to revive the lower functions of the brain, which are responsible for walking and nutrition.

If a person stays alive after infection with the virus, the time of the distribution stage of the T-virus in the body can be delayed. But if the dead is infected, the virus is almost instantaneously, in a few seconds, mastering the control over the body.

Virus ancestor

The beginning of the history of the virus ancestor lies in West Africa. It was opened on December 4, 1966 by Lordovy Spencer. This is a very powerful Mutagen, which, with certain doses, can cause cancer, he played a huge role in the culture of the West African tribe N'Dipaya. This virus is contained in the "Staircase to the Sun" flowers. This name comes from the usual tribe, during which a new ruler was elected. Attempts to grow correctly flowers in other conditions did not give results: there was no virus in them. It can be assumed that for its appearance we need certain local environmental factors: the soil and the desired amount of solar energy.

It is known that the flower of the "staircase to the sun" increases physical strength and mental development. With a large use of this flower, a person may increase in growth of approximately 1.5-2 times, but it entails the consequences. If a person may not get any harm with small doses of the virus, then with large things you can go crazy or die due to incompatible changes in the human structure.

Two types of experimental ancestor virus are known: type-A and type-in. The first cannot be connected to a human DNA, which is why subsequently infected dies, although several days has a more developed mind and force. Type-B can be connected to human DNA, but it affects the brain too much, thereby damaging it, which makes the experimentally useless.

The ancestor's virus was opened by Lord Spencer Spencer on December 6, 1966 in West Africa. Direct study at that time did Dr. James Marcus and his student Brand Bailey. Doctor, making all the preparations, took a sample of the flower "Staircase to the Sun" containing the virus, and left Africa. However, all attempts to grow a flower with a virus in other conditions were unsuccessful. Marcus suggested that those West African environmental factors are needed for the appearance of ancestor.

Despite the long attempt to grow a flower with a virus in other conditions, the organization of the production of the virus was not launched. Not enough money, there was no move forward, but Spencer in March 1967 already plans to create a company that will directly engage in the study of viruses and their influence on people and other creatures. His idea did not support Brand Bailey, since there was no progress with the study of the virus, and Dr. Marcus agreed with an aggravated, just would not prevent anything to research a scientist.

In November 1967, the construction of Spencer's mansion was completed, whose architect was George Trevor. In the depths of the house, a new laboratory was hidden for the virus research. The first experimental in the study of the ancestor was the wife of architect Jessica and daughter Lisa. Since the virus did not develop from Jessica, she was shot, and she continued to conduct experiments on Liza.

In 1968, an African expedition stepped out the N'Dipaya tribe from their indigenous lands. All this was done in order to find the place of the legendary sun garden and access the flowes and the virus. In July, Edward Ashford, one of the founders of the company Ambrell, becomes the first European killed due to intoxication by the ancestor virus. In August of the expedition, it is possible to break through to the sun garden and Dr. Marcus and Bailey establish a research laboratory there. However, Dr. Markus was forced to leave Africa, as Spencer gave him a position to the Governor of the Ambrell Research Center. In September, Bailey begins to send samples of the virus from Africa directly to Marcus.

In January 1987, James Markus crosses the ancestor and DNA of the leech, creating a T-virus. In 1988, the doctor was killed by the two employees who use the greatest trust, William Birkin and Albert Wecer. The order proceeded from the former Comrade James, Lord Spencer. Wecer and Birkin continued research in an isolated Arkchlash laboratory. Here, under the supervision of Spencer, Dr. Birkin continued to experiment on the daughter of Trevor Lisa. These experiments led to the creation of a virus-G.

In 2006, Lord Spencer in the already mature years met with Albert Wecer to discuss the rebirth of Ambrell, which was already closed by the time and the world domination. Svill, who became arrogant, believes that only he is allowed to become God with the help of a new virus. In the rustling of pride and vanity, he tells the Western, that even Albert himself is an experiment of crossing a ancestor virus with people. The experiment was held, which was called "Children of Veszer". Children were brought up, they received the best education and preparation in the selected area, then they were introduced by a virus to further strengthen their abilities. But only two survivors are known: Albert and Alex Weker. Having learned this, Albert killed Lord of Spencer Lord and decided to use the power that ancestor gives, for his own purposes, when creating another virus, known as Uroboros.


G-virus is one of the most terrible and successful creations of Ambrell. When the development of this virus began unknown. The impetus for the development of the virus was the primitive chemical sample, extracted from the body of Lisa Trevor, the daughter of the architect of the Spencer mansion, which was located directly above the laboratories, after introducing it the type NE-α. The main developers of this virus is Dr. William Birkin.

After infection of a person, the G-virus occurs uncontrolled biological changes, leading to the accelerated growth of tissues, the emergence of new additional limbs and eyes - as a result, after this metamorphosis, it is almost impossible to know the former person in such a creature. One of the main features of the G-virus is the increased regeneration of damaged tissues, allowing the essence of the owner to survive strong injuries.

The method of transmitting the G-virus is much more difficult than the T-virus, which is transmitted both through water and in large concentrations through the air and with direct contact. The G-virus cannot be transmitted by these paths, so the flashes of this only one virus are impossible. However, there is still one way: when the creature of the owner itself infects another. The infected G-virus may be forced to introduce embryos in the other organism with infection. And then the virus will develop in the body of the creature. But the success of this procedure is much depends on the body in which embryos were introduced. They acquire not only the properties of the virus itself, but the owner also affects them. Therefore, embryos usually do not take root, because of which such infected is painfully dying. But if the owner and the body, in which embryos were introduced, are relatives (they have almost the same blood), the possibility of breaking the virus is significantly increased.

There is also another important feature that distinguishes the G-virus from T. If the T-virus increases the rate of metabolism of the organism, while destroying many host cells, then the G-virus revives the cells leading to the complete revival of a dead creature.

But there were also disadvantages that did not allow the G-virus to get a lot of distribution. Although he possessed a huge power, but the unpredictability of mutations and the uncontrollability of this plus to minus. While the infected T-virus has always taken almost one form, and the mutations could be monitored, an infected G-virus could turn into any of any sizes and forms. The only similarity between all infected with this virus is a huge third eye near the right shoulder if it is a person. Also, in the future, the infected virus-G can continue to be modified upon receipt of new damage, while taking all new forms. To correct this problem, Ambrell's company tried to create such a virus that could manage the same enormous force and could be managed. As a result, a new T + G virus was created. There is a single vaccine in the event of a random introduction of infected embryos into a human body. The code name of the antivirus - "Devil" ("Devil"). However, the vaccine does not eliminate the G-virus directly from the body, it only suppresses it and reduces the effects of infection on zero.The main creator of the G-virus is considered to be William Birkin, the scientist dedicated to his study most of his life. The history of the virus begins when William and Albert Weaver, researchers of Ambrells in the Arclase laboratory, introduced NE-A type into the body of Lisa Trevor, and after the chemical foundation was removed, which became in the future G-virus.

After Birkin, it was possible to create the first sample of the virus, then he turned to the Ambrell leadership so that they provide him with new equipment and secured by means. After that, the scientist continued to work on cleaning and improving the G-virus. To develop a virus in 1991, a large underground laboratory under the Rakkun City was built. Here Birkin and spent the next seven years, until I was betrayed by Ambrell. Spencer began doubting a scientist, then he sent to pick up a sample G-virus Detachment Umbrella Security Service. The scientist was mortally wounded, then he decided on a desperate step: introduced himself a virus. He became a monster .... All, except for one, members of the detachment U.S. were killed. But still, Agent Hunk (HUNK) managed to get out and pick up the samples of two viruses: G and T. William Birkin himself, already in the form of a monster, was killed by Leon Kennedy The last days of their existence of Ambrell continued to experiment with the G-virus. So they created a new T + G virus and based on its Tiranans type T-091 and T-092. After the collapse of the Corporation, the G-virus got into different hands. It is known that such a sample was at Wilfarma, but he was destroyed in 2005 immediately after the incident at Harwarlvill Airport..

Las Plagas


Uroboros is based on the ancestor virus and was created by Albert Wecer. With the help of him, the former head of the company Ambrell wanted to seize the world and create the best society in which he would have ruled the infection of the Umoboros, which the virus did not kill, and strengthened their abilities and turned into the "demigods". However, Weszer plans were prevented by special agents of B.s.a.a. Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar. What happened in the future with the samples of the virus is unknown.Uroboros was created with the direct participation of Albert Weszer and Exella Zhonne, the head of the African branch of Triselle. Although it is likely that when creating some other components of other known viruses were used, but the basis was exactly the ancestor, extracted earlier from the flower, known as the "staircase to the Sun", which agreed in West Africa. With small doses of the plant, it strengthened the mental and physical abilities of them, but with a large person was waiting for death.

It is known that the "staircase to the Sun" was honored by the local N'Dipaya tribe, the flower played a big role in their ceremonies. According to the data mined by the first researchers in this region of Africa, one of the aborigines survived after the use of the plant - and it was very poisonous, - became their leader. Some N'Dipaya representatives even stated that such people were a little and they ruled several centuries. Although you can not trust in such facts, they were not confirmed by anything.

Henry Travis, which traveled in Africa in 1800, and collected various notes about Botanica in 1800 (his descendants are the founders of Triselle). Henry gathered all his discoveries in Africa in the 72-Wow-Tomny Encyclopedia "Natural History Conspectus". There were descriptions of animals, insects, minerals, residents and their traditions, folklore and culture of local tribes, topography of terrain. Already in the 20th century, then the young, Lord Ovifl Spencer read this encyclopedia and became interested in the customs of the N'Dipaya tribe associated with the Flower "Staircase to the Sun". He thought that the plant would help to put the evolution of humanity to a new level.

Then, collecting the team, in 1960, Lord Spencer goes to West Africa. They cannot immediately get access to the flower, but at December 4, 1966 they receive a ancestor virus that played a big role in creating modern bioterrorist weapons. Realizing the entire potential of the "Stairs to the Sun", Spencer with the team occupy the ancient ruins of the city of N'Dipaya, who belonged to a tribe hundreds of years. Despite the resistance of the most aborigine, which large quantities Consumped the flower in the hope of protecting their original land, the indigenous people were pushed. Having access to the "stairs to the Sun", which by a strange reason grew only in those places, the team immediately equipped the laboratory in the ruins and began to study the mysterious properties of the flower.Immediately after that, Ambrell company was founded, which was directly and began to study the ancestor virus and its possible introduction to the pharmaceuticals. However, the studies did not move in the wrong way, the experience was made even in humans, there were many victims ... because of this, Lord Spencer was afraid that their amoral developments and experiments will be known to the public and Ambrell will be criticized, so the laboratory in Africa was classified (about it They knew only the highest employees), even when closing the company, their heritage continued to live.

In the future, Alber Weker used this, one of the former employees of Ambrell, he realized all the power of the ancestor virus. And it was Albert that attracted the investment of the African branch of Triselle to this project, when Ambrell was closed.

And immediately after the murder of Spencer Wecer in 2006, begins new era In the creation of biolated, the development of a new virus, which could make a carrier "God", if he experienced his introduction - so appeared by Uroboros. With it, it was planned to create a completely new society.

The first attempts to create a voltage virus failed. He was too poisonous, instead of strengthening the ability of infected, the virus killed them. However, Wemer was not going to give up. One of the experimental became Jill Valentine, a member of BSAA, which was considered dead after the case in the Spencer mansion in 2006 - in fact she was captured to Albert. She was immersed in cryogenic sleep and left under observation. Soon in the body, Jill was able to detect some deviations from the norm, their detailed study revealed that the T-virus, which the girl was infected during the events in Rakkun City, did not die completely, but just changed. Antivirus did not destroy infection, but introduced it to the state of sleep. Having stayed for a long time in a cryogenic dream, the T-virus in the body Jill was finally killed. However, after this, quite strong antibodies remained after it, which made a repeated infection of the T-virus impossible. Wemer managed to detect it and he realized that it could use these antibodies as a softening component when creating a tyroboros, lowered the percentage of mortality among experimental. This allowed Albert to improve the new virus and make it a potential bodice.After long-term research and experiments, Western managed to finally improve the virus of the ugloboros. At that time, Gill's body contained new strong antibodies after experiments, which did not allow to infect her with a virus, now Valentine ceased to be important for creating a tyroboros. However, Albert did not kill it, but subjugated by his will with the help of a new unknown technology, and Jill began to fulfill the orders of Veszer. According to the reports of Chris Redfield, Valentine did not even recognize the former partner and tried to kill him.

But somehow, Chris and Sheva Alomar managed to save Jill and reveal the plans of Albert on the seizure of the world, because he wanted to infect the Umoboros to the entire population of the globe. As a result, the infected Albert himself was killed by BSAA agents. However, it is still unknown, what happened to the samples of the virus, whether they were destroyed or fell into the hands of bioterrorists.In its original form, the Uroboros was too dangerous for any owner, all the infected died. Only after the addition of antibodies, Jill infection could survive a small percentage of infected (less than 1%).

As soon as the eroboros is in contact with the cells of another organism, he adds his genes to the host genes and tries to merge with him. If the process occurs successfully, the virus enhances the carrier, giving it superhuman abilities. However, if the genes show discreteness (nonseractability), the uroboros begins to mutate, causing the uncontrolled development of infected tissues. As a result, the entire body of a person is exposed to infection, which certainly leads to the death of the carrier. Externally infected turns into a pile of black supreets, which absorb any organic matter, thereby enhancing themselves. Most. effective way The destruction of such a monster is burning, but if there is no flame retardant at hand, then in such a case, the only weak point of the mutant is yellow spots.

Since the survivors after infection by the Umoboros did not have (except Alberta Veszaper), it is not known what consequences could have caused a virus. However, it is known according to the data obtained by BSAA scientists, which, with the use of uroboros, as bio-based on the planet, would remain in living units that would have experienced infection, the remaining died. According to Veszaper, thus, humanity would have become a new stage of evolution.

And after graduation, it is worth saying about the abilities given by the virus to those who survived infection. The carrier has physical and mental abilities, it acquires speed and reaction, it becomes less sensitive to damage and even becomes capable of rigoring tissues and cells. On side effects on this moment Nothing is unknown, since the Uroboros still remains a little-studied virus.

At home, in Japan, Resident Evil. called BiohazardBiological threat") And no reason: the most terrible evil in the games of the series has always been all sorts of viruses, and not zombies or mutants at all. After the release of the first part in 1996, the players seek so much with any contagion that now and do not really discern, where to start this fool with biological weapons and the revived dead.

The young operator Jill Valentine was unlikely to guess what the operation in the Spencer mansion will lead to.


For several years, Spencer, Ashford and Marcus pursued one goal - to create a drug from the "progenitor", which will bring humanity to a new level. But all experiments with flowers from Africa turned full failure: by itself, the "progenitor" killed almost all infected - no improvements, only the corpses. Then James Markus joined him with DNA leeches and received a T-virus - perhaps the most famous infection in the Universe Resident Evil.

Compared to the "progenitor", the virus "T" (or "tyrant" has become a kind of success: he did not kill carriers, but turned them into brainless bloodthirsty creatures - those most zombies. As a result, the project to improve the human race for a while was forgotten, because the horizon has the opportunity to earn on sale biolated. In order for the virus from remaining a secret, Spencer, Ashford and Marcus founded the pharmaceutical company Umbrella, which became an excellent cover.

In the close corridors of the old mansion, each next similar meeting could be the last.

By the end of the 1970s, several laboratories were working on the development of T-virus, including those that were located under a mansion in the Arclase mountains, as well as a complex built in Antarctica. In the last, by the way, Edward Ashford worked with her son. Their research helped in the future to bring the special type of "T-virus" - "T-Veronika". This infection was largely like "Tirana", but in some cases kept the media mind.

True, ultimately, all versions of the virus "T" caused nightmarish events. Not only is bio-based on the black market, and from there - in the hands of terrorists and other villains, and the lion's share of the teams of laboratories working on the virus fell victim to their own achievements.

The first large incident associated with the "T-virus" occurred in 1998 in the Spencer Ozella mansion in the Arclash Mountains. The first Resident Evil is devoted to these events: players together with the main characters, Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield, fall into the mysterious estate, find a secret laboratory and find out a terrible secret to the development of a deadly virus.


In the same 1998, two months after the events in the Spencer mansion, the trouble suffered the city of Rakkun, located near the estate. Almost all the population suddenly turned into a zombie, and the fate of the survivors at that moment seemed sadder. The wines of the whole event, shortly before the catastrophe occurred in the complex of the company Umbrella, built right under the city (yes, another complex). And in the very center of these events was "G-virus".

Survive the zombie epidemic of Rakkun was never able - he was simply destroyed.

But it was not there: the top of Umbrella was aware of this and sneaked a special detachment on Birkin. Warves did not seek to blame and without any questions shot one of the most valuable employees of the company. Before the death of Birkin managed to introduce a "G-virus" and turned into a formidable monster, who easily interrupted the whole detachment. During the slaughter, the birkin jumped containers with a "T-virus", and he fell into the sewer of Rakkun. As a result - thousands of bloodthirsty zombies on the streets of the city. Birkin was able to pacify the main characters, Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield.

In such a handsome, Dr. Birkin turned into such a handsome after introduced a "G-virus".

In the black market "G-virus" was not as popular as "t", but also a use was found - it was connected to the "T-Veronica" virus and received a "C-virus". The latter, if you put it, turns the carriers in J'Avo (J'Avo), terrible creatures, similar to zombies, but at the same time quite reasonable to use weapons and communicate with yourself like. For the first time, these monsters appeared in.

Pourevka in Spain

For the first time, Leon Kennedy, the protagonist of the fourth part, faces Las Plagas. He comes to the Spanish village, where, by rumors, hold the abducted daughter of the American president. Local residents are attacked there, Koi initially behave like zombies, and then striking the ability to grow fruitful tentacles (or something like that) instead of the head and generally behave not in gentlemen.

Shoot the enemy's head? Not trouble, he will grow new.

Virus "Uroboros"

Now is the time it's time to return to Africa - where Ozelle Spencer in 1966 found the ill-fated flowers, which then brought the "PRATERATEL" virus. In general, the story about the main prosecution in the Resident Evil series over a few decades has rented a globe and returned to the place of origin - right as snakes Uroboros, biting himself behind the tail. Perhaps that is why Albert Vesher, one of the most dangerous characters in the world "the abode of evil", called his brainchild the name of this being. However, interpretations of the name can be a lot.

Resident Evil 5 can be held together, and the partner greatly facilitates the task.

"Uroboros" became the third virus created on the basis of the "progenitor". Albert Vesher former employee Umbrella corporations, it was removed to bring to the end of the Ozella Spencer plan - the very, to improve the human race. There was only one problem: Weker wanted to bring people to a new level of development. Extremely dangerous way - spraying in the air it is necessary for all continents the virus "Uroboros". The fact that the lion's share of the population will die, the villain worried a little.

Yes, and the "New Development Level" himself seemed to be a wilderness: most often "Uroboros" turned an unprepared person into a terrible meal from hundreds of worve-like processes. Nevertheless, Wesker launched the production of the virus on the territory of Africa without any problems, closer to the very cave, where the flowers "stairs to the Sun" grow, possessing the desired properties.

Wesker's plans destroyed Chris Redfield: during the events, he, together with his partner, Sheva Albert killed Albert, and on the way he saved his long-fashion friend Jill Valentine.

"Evelina" (spoilers!)

What is "Evelina" and where she came from, not really clear. In Resident Evil 7 infection appears in the image of a girl of ten years - this is seen by the infected, the mind of which fully belongs to Evelyn. The rest will see a weak old woman in front of them - the rate of aging in a child is much higher than that of an ordinary person.

Evelina - a pale old woman in a wheelchair on the left.

Is it possible to call Evelyna the virus, also not known. The girl with the code name E001 is the result of working on new biological weapons, its creator is an unknown corporation (according to some data, it may be Tentsu). Apparently, "Evelina" is based on some mushrooms: they initially infected with hallucinations, and then covered with black puff, like mold. Play new limbs for such monsters - the usual thing.

Nevertheless, all these facts only add questions. Hopefully, at least on some of them the authors will answer in the coming add-ons. Well, more than "Evelyn" we probably find out in the next part of the series.

Familiar all persons!

Here you will have even more spoilers, so read at your own risk!

It is no secret that the seventh parts developers moved from the main events of the series. Nevertheless, without relationships with other games it did not cost. Here are the most noticeable references to the previous parts of Resident Evil.

In the house of Bikers, the picture hangs on which mountains of Arcles are depicted - it was there in 1998 the first incident occurred associated with the "T-virus".

At a certain point, the main character of Resident Evil 7 receives a pistol Albert-01 Pistol. What is this - referring to Alberta Western or a simple coincidence?

At the end of the game, the chief character is evacuating the character who introduced by the Redfield. Probably we are talking about Chris, but is this hero that we know?

Even more doubts about the identity of Chris Redfield leaves a helicopter with a modified emblem of Umbrella Corporation on the building.

* * *

As you can see, the main evil in Resident Evil - viruses and people seeking to use these viruses at any convenient case. The benefit of the most common villains themselves become victims of their ambitions and turn into monsters. And then, by the established tradition, die from the shottering from the rocket.

Umbrella Inc. Development The basis of this article includes materials from the following games.:
Resident Evil 0.
Resident Evil.
Resident Evil Remake
Resident Evil 2 (including version for N64)
Resident Evil 3.
Resident Evil Code: Veronica X

The events of the specified parts of the series, paper \\ reports \\ reports \\ Photographs, report of Veszer №2 are directly used as starting materials.

"Low" viruses category. Virus-progenitor and T-virus
So-called virus-Praoditel or the maternal virus, which posted the beginning of the Ambrell Corporation itself and its developments in the field of biological weapons, was opened by a group of scientists as part of Edward Eshford, James Marcus and Ozella Spencer on December 4 of the Unknown Year. Presumably at the beginning of the 60s. Famous data from the study of the progenitor.
According to living organisms, it seems to be relatively selective. The impact results are unpredictable and ambiguous. It can have an impact on both a person and the lower-naked forms of the living world. No unified effect on people under the action of the virus is not known. First Famous Extensive copy (November 1967) - Lisa Trevor.. Introduction of the progenitor virus:

- Jessica:
Controlling the virus: Type-a.

Symbiosis with virus: negative.
Action: Localized.

- Lisa:
Controlling virus: Type-c.
Increased cell plasma activity.
Symbiosis with a virus: positive, but with the delay in the merge process.
Body mutation: Permanent results are observed.
The result of the introduction of the virus and the continued mutation was the destruction of the consciousness of the experimental object. However, it is impossible to make any conclusions on Lisa: during her stay in Arkleie, it was stuffed with all sorts of viruses, which makes it difficult to select the effect of each of them separately. You can just say one thing - apparently, Spencer and Ko very lucky that it was caught as an object with extraordinary DNA: Lisa continued to live throughout the past years and the experiments assigned to it. Neither the progenitor nor the T-virus killed her. That I could not reproduce with William and Veszer with other objects.

Data on the action of the progenitor to other living organisms:

Currently, studies have shown that when the Breather Virus is introduced into a living organism, it causes irreversible cell changes leading to the weakening of immunity or death. In addition, a satisfactory method of body control was not found to use it as a weapon. Clearly, an increase in the interconnection at the cellular level will make it possible to significantly accelerate further development.

Probably, during the millennium, these ancient organisms were genetic carriers, but when activating the progenitor virus, they demonstrate only instant, accelerated growth and increased aggressiveness. It is extremely difficult to determine their prospects as B.O.W ....
Injection of the virus frog, gave the increase in the power of the jump and the abnormal growth of the language. However, the changes of the intellect is not observed. In addition, the abnormal appetite of the object being tested forced him to attack any moving objects. Usefulness as B.O.W. Limited.
The experiment to cross the progenitor virus with DNA monkey, as a result of increased reproduction. The initial results showed increased aggressiveness and an increase in mental abilities. (A side effect was a worsening of vision, but this was compensated by improving hearing). Nevertheless, as weapons they are unsatisfactory. Apparently, progress is impossible if not used as a human carrier.
The method of transmitting the virus: Unknown.
The presence of antivirus: Unknown.
Output. The possibilities of the progenitor as an independent virus are very limited. Objects that have been infected are not controlled. The increase in mental abilities in arthropods and amphibians is not observed. People have the destruction of psyche and consciousness.

T-virus Received Dr. James Markus based on the progenitor virus using DNA leech. The discovery date of the virus seems to me very confused. On the one hand, we know from the report of Veszer No. 2, which by the time of the appointment of Wesser and William to the Arclaye laboratory (July 1978) the T-virus already existed. In addition, from the note Alexander Ashford from CV it becomes clear that the T-virus was opened until 1970. Since, on the basis of him, Alexander began developing T-Veronics, which was used to create his children - Alfred and Alexia. It is known that the year of their birth - 1971. On the other hand, the Marcus Diary from Zero contains the following character:

February 11th
Today, someone again tried to penetrate the laboratory. Need to agree with them. We must enter into the case of William and Albert - only by them two I trust. Apart from my beautiful leeches, of course. But Spencer I just do not leave it! At the next meeting of the company's directors, I will introduce everyone "T" and I will rest on the laurels.

Year is not specified. However, if William and Villas are mentioned yes, in the key that Marcus trusts them, it is clearly far away (a few years later) after 1978. What could not be in any way, as Marcus could not wait for the "official representation", while Edward and Alexander Ashford had already worked with him at the end of the 60s. Therefore, I will assume that the T-virus was created precisely then - after a while after the progenitor.
T-virus has extremely low selectivity when exposed to living organisms. It is able to influence plants, mushrooms, worms, arthropods, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, including people. However, the effects of the virus has a different effect and depends on both the characteristics of this individual and external conditions. But at the same time he is well amenable to unification. The mechanism of action of the virus per person and all other living organisms differ greatly.

Famous modifications B.O.W. Based on T-virus:
Mad dogs (cherberries)
Plants (from RE2)

All other infected beings are spiders, crows, snakes, worms, moles, cockroaches, giant alligator and others - in reports about B.O.W. Not mentioned and, apparently, are a by-product of virus leakage. That is, their mutations were uncontrollable. Although, I think giant spiders still like B.O.W. Could develop initially and purposefully.

The mechanism of action of the T-virus and its impact on living organisms.
About the influence of T-virus per person, the virus makes the "Living Dead Man" from it, zombies. Therefore, before the virus kills its carrier. Initially, this was the task of biological weapons based on the T-virus - it should lead to the death of people, acting as a deadly, incurable and extremely infectious disease. The transformation of a man after his death in the "Living Dead Man" - so to speak, a pleasant side effect that allows you to use the victims of the virus to secondly "to use".
Virus spread.
Virus "B. pure form", That is, with direct contact with its sample, it is clearly used through the skin (" ... Denis touched one, then he earned a heavy fever "(c), then the classic symptoms of the T-virus infection) and the mucous membranes follow the specified Denis). Also, I suppose when you get inside the organism with food and water. The virus is most likely not transmitted by air. It is logical, and in one of the RE3 pieces there is such a remark: "I just found that the disease is transmitted not by air, but by some other way."
The second possible case of infection is the direct hit of saliva and \\ or blood of an infected creature into the blood of the victim.
Symptoms of infection T-virus. Increase body temperature, fever; burning and skin of skin cover, his irritation, gangrena; Nausea, anomalous increase in appetite. As a result, the T-virus leads to the death of its carrier. However, the period necessary for this for this is varied depending on the method of infection.
When infected by direct contact with the virus, he needs from 5 to 10 days to kill a person and turn it into a zombie. These data are obtained based on dates from papers. For example, "Keeper" s Diary "it can be seen that 8 days passed between contact with the virus of his author and loss of consciousness (May 11-19, 1998). From the" Storan Diary "you can learn about a certain thomas, the course of which occupies about 9 Days. The situation is strikingly changing if the infection occurred through the bite of the T-virus carrier. In this case, the virus need no more than a day to kill the victim. And if it was seriously injured, it facilitates the work of the virus. It is also known that a person is infected T-virus, but deceased not as a consequence of the action of the virus, but the damage gained, also turns into zombies, "Zombie" - it saves motor functions, but completely loses the intellect. Zombie is moving only hunger, so they are extremely aggressive and attack live creatures in order to use them in food. This fact, by the way, is not enough. Ten, for after death, the exchange processes are discontinued - why eat the corpse? After all, it is not necessary to maintain life - it is no longer. Zombies are not sensitive to pain and have amazing physical endurance. In a good way, zombies can be finally busting only having drove his head or by burning (which is observed in the remake and on hard in RE2), because the dead man has no vital organs, whose damage would be critical. By the way, I am interested in the question - what should be the degree of expansion of the corpse, so that he was not able to move? Ideally, the zombies should function only while their body did not decomposed to a certain advance. And it was not observed that the virus contains the body from breakdown. Rather, on the contrary. It is known that only 90% of people can be infected with the T-virus. 10% has immunity in the virus. As you know, Spencer such results were not satisfied, he needed a 100% effect. Claims Spencer, to be honest, it seems unreasonable to me. For these 9 zombies can easily break 1 person - and now there will be a 100% effect. For conversion to zombies, no specific external impact or condition is needed. This effect is like basic. Further mutation may flow (the condition of occurrence is not known) as follows:

So-called Crimson Heads.

Now there is a confirmation that when the carrier loses consciousness, the body flows into a comatose state. During this time, the virus becomes active and quickly transforms and modifies the basic structures of the body. The carrier, ultimately, mutates a human-like being. This high-speed and amazing muscular development deserves special attention. After mutation, the object becomes more movable and aggressive.

"Lickers Are Created When A Zombie Is Allowed to Mutate Further As A Result of the T-Virus Infection, And Can Be Considered The Next Stage of Mutation Of A Human Host After The" CRIMSON HEAD "STAGE".

Spilled way different the result of the effect of T-virus to other forms of life. Unlike people, the virus does not kill them, but leads to a quick and intensive mutation, which is expressed in an abnormal increase in the size of individuals, increased aggressiveness, endurance and the level of intelligence or its appearance (in the case of plants). Examples serve spiders, sharks, worms and others. This can also include Hunters, for they are quite alive creatures obtained as a result of the effects of the T-virus on human DNA and reptile and their recombination.
Vertain Evolution B.O.W. On the basis of T-virus are the so-called Tirana Different modifications. Intentently I will not list them all and their features, who is interested, can see, for example, here. The main problem of the project "Tirant" was that it is possible to get it from a person only with the necessary genotype. The frequency of its occurrence is about one case per 100 million. I am interested in how William with Wecer found out ... But oh well, if you could find out this, they could, by some kind of indirect signs, what did they manage to get at least some suitable people for their tests? And how did they manage to find them? Tirana is distinguished by a huge physical force, endurance and amazing ability to regenerate. You can only kill them in the literal sense by separating into pieces. But the main difference from the rest of B.O.W. Based on a person, it is at least some kind of intelligence and a relative possibility for programming Tiran's actions.
A unique case is Dr. James Marcus and his leeches. But violated the "chronological" sequence and give him a place at the end of the article.
Does it exist antivirus against T-virus, not known. There are no references to it for a series. Moreover, it is not emphasized that medications do not exist. Only in Outbreaks, as understood, there is a means for braking the action of the virus, but not neutralizing it. Moreover, it was made quite recently. On the one hand, it is quite logical. Spencer wanted a virus that could affect everything without any hope of healing. Marcus, William, Wemer and other scientists who modified the T-virus could well provide it. That is, either antivirus does not exist in principle, the disease is not healing, whether he was deliberately disassembled. Considering how much people from Ambrell staff died as a result of accidents during the leakage of the virus and \\ or damage to infected objects, the first option seems logical. After all, why was it to give them to die if there is antivirus? As for the second assumption, it is also not deprived of meaning: ordinary scientists could not be aware of the existence of a medication. Why does this situation seem strange? Yes, because they do not just exist antidotes, but even the technology has been developed for the automated production vaccine against the "Viruses of the Higher Category" - G and the Burdy, which Nemesis infected Gill. And these installations are not too classified. But for some reason, the antidote is not observed against the T-virus ...

Output. The biggest problem is B.O.W. "Aggressive type" based on T-virus is a low intelligence and the absence of control.

And here Ebola The Ebola virus (first discovered in 1976) is mentioned in the report of Veszer No. 2, as promising as a use of it as B.O.W. It is also noted that William was going to conduct studies of this virus and developing on it. However, there are no references to whether this virus played some role in the development of Ambrell or not. Therefore, it remains only to assume, why the developers mention Ebola in the report. In order, the "visual" example is because the disease caused by Ebola is very similar to the defeat of the T-virus. Or so we think about how fantastic game is far from reality?
Small with a certificate that there is an ebol for those who do not know or not remember. It is not recommended to read nervous.

Specialists first allocated Ebola as a separate virus after the epidemic in Sudan and Zaire in the mid-1970s. Then approximately 440 people died. Zaire virus type is still considered the most dangerous, mortality from it is 90%. The virus is transmitted from man to a person with any contact, the symptoms can manifest themselves as a few days later and in two weeks. The sick person presents a greater danger to others, the ebola virus, like the Marburg virus, is found in many liquids (blood, saliva separated by the nasopharynk, sperm), which causes the contact, sexual and air-droplege (when contacting the saliva) transmission path. Cases of secondary and tertiary distribution of infection were noted, mainly among hospital staff. The virus is distinguished from patients about 3 weeks. Transmission of infection is possible through insufficiently sterilized needles and other tools. When examining the population in many Central African areas, antibodies were found to the ebola virus, which makes it possible to allow light and even asymptomatic flow of infection that remains not detected, but are dangerous for further infection. What is an ebol disease? The virus attacks each organ and each tissue in the human body, with the exception of the muscles of the skeleton and bones. Thrust appear in the blood, blood thickens, slows down the movement, the bunches begin to accumulate on the walls of the vessels. The clots are more and more and thicker, they begin to clog the capillaries, overlapping blood access to various parts of the body. We begin to death parts of the brain, kidneys, liver, lungs, intestines, genitals, whole parts of the skin. With a special rage, Ebola rushes on binding fabrics, multiplying in collagen - the main protein of tissues making out of our skin, from our, therefore, body, one. Collagen in the body of the victim turns into porridge, the subcutaneous body dies and begins to decompose. Incoming cracks begin to cover the skin, from where blood is immediately starting to flow. Red spots grow up, become huge bruises, the skin becomes soft, plump, any press causes skin detachment. The heart expires blood itself, heart muscles soften, blood begins to spill into the chest. Ebola attacks the inner surfaces of the eyeballs, they are overwhelmed with blood, a person can go blind. Blood begins to appear from the eyes, in such quantities that it flows down the cheeks. Blood - not collapsed. May comprehend the head of the head hemisphere with partial or full paralysis. But even at the time when the body is overwhelmed with dead rolled blood, blood flowing out, does not coagulate. If this blood is considered under the microscope, you can see that blood is dead. Ebola kills a huge number of fabrics at the time while the carrier - amazed, is still alive. The prominent necrosis begins, striking all the internal organs. The liver is dying and begins to decompose in the body of another lively affected. Ebola destroys both the brain, the victims of Ebola are very often falling into epileptic seizures, especially at the final stage of the disease. Blood during the seizure flies in all directions - some kind of devilish cunning of the virus, because It is at this time that the infection of others occurs most often, from the blood-affected blood flying. After death, the corpse suddenly, sharply, literally decomposed in front of his eyes. The fact is that the internal bodies of the body have been dead for several days, it comes a kind of "dissolution" of the body, instantaneous decomposition.

For so, I have already identified a lot, I propose to go through this link - at the end of the article there is a section dedicated to the possibility of using Ebola as biological weapons. It is worth thinking, perhaps from fantasy to cruel reality - just a couple of steps.

Open Dr. William Birkin about 89-90 years of the twentieth century. The material for creating a virus was all the same Lisa Trevor. For those years that viruses based on the progenitor were in her body, it seemed that no significant changes took place. However, after seemingly an incubation period (about 20 years), William managed to allocate a new virus from it. Bringing the development of the virus to completion occupied about 10 years. The results of the study of the effects of the G-virus on plants and animals are not known to us if they were conducted. The only known carrier of the virus is his creator himself. G-virus is more silent than the T-virus in the sense that it appears much stronger and fast mutations even without external influence Up to death of infected. This is said in the report of Veszer No. 2, and, it seems, it seems to the truth. However, the point about "mutations even in the absence of external influence" causes strong doubts. In addition, "The G-Virus Has The Ability to Revitalize Cellular Functions", which saved his creator from death. However, an expensive price ...

Mutations under the action of the G-virus.
We are not known when I was shot by William. However, it can be roughly calculated by indirect facts. First, we know that the mutation began immediately after the introduction of the virus, as comrades from U.S.F.u. I did not have time to escape, and William had a paw and had eyes. However, on September 28, 1998, we find it the same and still no longer mutating further. How much time has passed since the injection of the G-virus? It is known that the virus is necessary for about a week to turn a person into zombies. As a result of repeated enumeration of all the paper, it came to the conclusion (I can then doubt the dates) that the entire Bardak in Rakekun began approximately from 24-25 September. For events dated earlier numbers do not contain any mention of the massive invasion of zombies. It is also clear that overnight the whole city could not be flooded with them. In addition, one of the reports contains the following:

September 20. 21:30 Recorded Sergeant Neil Karlsen We received a message about a suspicious person hiding in the sewage on the outskirts of Rakun City. Arriving in place, we found a suspect, but he managed to escape, and we could not interrogate him.

I suppose it was William. So, from the 24th one can boldly subtract about 7-10 days. Consequently, William in Re2 Leon and Claire met 10-14 days after the introduction of the virus. Further mutation (6 stages were observed) happened immediately after obtaining strong physical damage. This is a very busy fact. First, in theory, mutation under the influence of the G-virus should go continuously and without external influence, and there is an opposite: for 10 days, William did not mutate particularly, while the pair of a kilogram of lead from Leon and Claire passed several stages in one night. Secondly, I wonder how physical damage becomes a mutation catalyst? Most likely, the subsequent mutation causes the same regeneration - therefore the transition to new form It is carried out after receiving damage in order to regenerate damage. However, is this spontaneously or is the creature controlling the process? It should also be noted that let the G-virus be able to create a powerful B.O.w from a person, it loses the mind and memory and becomes practically unspecified. Ultimate destruction is exposed, like best models B.O.W. Based on the T-virus, only with a powerful explosion.
Transmission of the virus and antivirus.

The G-virus is transmitted from the carrier to the carrier introduction of the embryo. If anti-infected carrier antibodies fail to destroy the embryo, it will begin to gradually destroy the cellular structures of the carrier at the molecular level, rewriting their DNA. At the end of this process, the new carrier will be able to continue the described cycle of reproduction. The duration of the process may vary for different subjects. In the early stages of the lesion, it is possible to draw the process of transformation using an antigen (G-vaccine).

It should be noted here that the embryo is coming only in the case of genetic affinity with the victim. Otherwise, the embryo kills the carrier and develops "on the will" into an independent part.

Output. The main disadvantage of the virus is the complete loss of the media of the mind and memory.

Created on the basis of T-virus by Alexander Ashford in the 70s of the twentieth century and finalized by his daughter Alexia. Famous samples of B.O.W. On the basis of T-Veronics are Alexander Ashford, Steve Burnside and Alexy Ashford. The virus serves as the basis for powerful biological weapons and the properties differ sharply from T-virus. The closer to the action of the G-virus. The result of the influence of the virus for each person, apparently, is purely individual. However, without complying with the proper conditions of the experiment, the T-Veronki carrier loses the mind and becomes uncontrollable, like an object that has exploited a G-virus. Alexy Ashford felt the virus, applying ants when creating it. It also discovered that the virus should take the incubation period in the body of the carrier of 15 years at a reduced temperature. In compliance with this condition, a person who has exposed to Veronica does not lose mind, memory and controls its actions. However, to reveal its potential as B.O.W., it is impossible to do without mutation. On the example of Alexia, we see that the first time she mutates not spontaneously, but completely intentionally, at will - when it goes to battle with a vacker. However, its subsequent mutation (controlled or spontaneous for the purpose of regeneration is not known) is also occurring after applying physical damage to its topic, like the situation with William. It is also not known whether Alexy managed, mutating, to keep his mind into the second and third forms. Not destroyed by ordinary weapons, like Tirana and William. The principle of transmitting the virus, except for direct introduction to the blood, is not known. The presence of antivirus is not known. But it can be assumed that it does not exist. Whether Veronica is capable of restoring the life functions of the dying, like a G-virus, is not known. However, Alexy did not take anything to save Alfred with a virus ...

Output. The main advantage of T-Veronics is to preserve the mind and memory of an infected person. However, the difficulty lies in the implementation of the necessary conditions.

Here I will return to Dr. Marcus. For a strange effect on it, T-virus resembles T-Veronica. James Marcus was shot in 1988 by order of Spencer. However, as a result of the guards of the performers, he managed to survive. Not without the help of their favorite leeches exposed to the action of T-virus, thanks to one of which he survived. Moreover, as a result of the effects of the T-virus, he was pretty and lived, apparently, 10 years old quite well. Interesting is the fact that the highest evolution of T-virus is somehow associated with the effect of a collective mind that appears in low organized organisms. Leeches in the case of T-virus and Marcus, ants in cases of T-Veronics and Alexia. And in both cases, researchers subjected to viruses and exposed to these organisms, become their "queens". However, after 10 years and Marcus began to mutate, and spontaneously, which is interesting. It seems that there was no external influence on it. About the loss of intelligence and mind and speak does not have - the doctor has become one big leech. Further mutation obeys the patterns common to all "higher" B.O.w. - under the influence of physical damage. Issue for UV radiation.

Research Report on Gaza R-Epsilon
Gas P-Epsilon is considered a universal means of destroying the entire well-known Bo (biological weapons). In view of this, it is used as a measure of opposition in the case of the spread of Bo. However, recent research data indicate possible side effects. P-epsilon acts by weakening the cell functions of Bo. However, a long or multiple gas exposure can lead to the formation of adaptive antibodies. Moreover, some wagers have revealed the ability to absorb p-epsilon and use toxins isolated from it against external threats. In view of this, the R-Epsilon gas should be resorted only in the most extreme cases. We insist on the refurbishment of the emergency spraying system R-Epsilon. We also insist that this measure is taken as soon as possible.

Diary manager
The sewage system has been completed. Using a special type of gas, this system can break the cells of guinea pigs. We must test the gas before you start using the system in practice, as it still does not have 100% stability.

Utilization of corpses
Special instructions for utilization of corpses.
We have new data regarding those "creatures." They may look dead, but it turns out, they are able to return to life. Nevertheless, there are ways to prevent this.
Currently, two methods are known to stop their revival.
1. Burning.
2. Destruction of the head.

We managed to determine that the chemicals of the UMB series - UMB No. 20, contains elements that quickly destroy the cells of the infected plant.
We gave UMB №20 New Name: V-Jolt

It should also be noted as a conclusion that almost all B.O.W. Ambrells are not controlled or denominated by a low level of control. Once, having released all this to the will, you can arrange a grand mess, but here to control it - no.