How to make a paper tablet easily and quickly. How to make a paper tablet: master class with photo how to make a paper tablet

Tablets and other gadgets have long and confidently entered our daily life. They are needed for work, games, communication, entertainment. Even little children quickly mastered the device and calmly include cartoons.

Is it worth saying that puppet buildings should also be equipped with electronics. After all, every girl wants her dolls as advanced as well as real people. And this is a completely understandable desire - progress is observed everywhere.

And if the child really wants to repeat over adults, but you do not want it to look at the screen for a long time? Well, the answer is obvious - you need to make a tablet yourself. Of course, it will only be a tablet, as to recreate touch screen At home you will not work.

The required minimum to create a tablet at home

So how to make a tablet from paper? It is quite simple. Prepare the following materials and tools that you need during the work:

  • white sheet of paper;
  • line;
  • pencil;
  • this tablet (if any).

We make a tablet together

Consider how to make a tablet paper. The scheme will not cause difficulties, so let's go to work:

  1. Take a sheet of A4 format.
  2. Using the line, draw the frame of the future tablet.
  3. Write a tablet brand. It may be "Sony", "Samsung", "Acer", "Asus" or any other manufacturer.
  4. Draw the camera at the top in the middle (as a small circle).
  5. Write the model name on the back of the device.
  6. Now, in fact, enable this tablet and redraw icons on the desktop.

This is perhaps the easiest way to make a tablet paper. As you understand, the plausibility of such a craft will depend primarily from your artistic talents. In addition, to create such a tablet, you can use more dense paper or cardboard.

Materials for iPad mini 3 paper

And now we will make the option more complicated, namely Ipad mini. 3. To do this, you will need quite a few girlfriend. Prepare:

  • handle;
  • scissors;
  • paper knife;
  • glue ordinary and "moment" ";
  • cardboard from under the box and the usual white color.

How to make iPad mini 3 of paper

So, proceed to the manufacture of a paper tablet:

  1. On white cardboard Print the image of the desktop iPad Mini 3 and cut it out. The picture must have edges that will later need to bend back.
  2. On the second sheet of cardboard, print the opposite direction, with the logo "Apple" and the inscription of the iPad.
  3. Attach one of the cut pictures to the dense cardboard from under the box, circle the contours. With the help of a stationery knife, cut the rectangle of the desired size. Do not forget that this model has rounded edges. You can use scissors, but if the cardboard is very dense, it will be uncomfortable.
  4. Start the front of the tablet to the cardboard. Next, take care of the edges and secure them with the help of the "Moment" glue on the reverse side. Special attention is paid to the rounded edges, they are stamped in such a way that this form is preserved and not remembered, otherwise the tablet will look broken.
  5. Now take the opposite side with the EPPL emblem and turn it on the other side by the usual glue. "" Moment "is desirable to use only for the cooled ends so that they dry quickly.

Ready. Here you know how to make a tablet from paper with your own hands. As you can see, nothing complicated in it. The main thing is to cut everything carefully and glue.

Try to make such a crawler with your child - it will probably like a new toy, and for some time the real technique will fall out of the sphere of his interest. At least it will develop the creative abilities of the baby. During work, be with him next to him, help and let the tips, explaining how to make a tablet paper.

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  1. 1. Take one sheet, select the color you like - this color will be your homemade device. Cut off the rectangle from him. Now take the cardboard and cut another rectangle - it will be the foundation for our toy. The rectangle must be somewhat (2-3 cm) less than the first on each side.
  2. 2. Put the cardboard template on the unfolded sheet so that it is in the middle. Now start bending each edge of the color sheet. The side parts can be simply beatened, and the lower and the top edge must be folded so as not to be punched by obvious folds. To do this, you can use scissors, just cut off unnecessary and unnecessary parts.
  3. 3. Now you need to cut two squares from multi-colored paper, while if you put them on our tablet, they must completely close the front part. As soon as you cut them out, stick them to the workpiece, put it in one square of the iron paper clips. It is necessary to consider that the clip must be closer to one of the corners. Such a trifle will be needed in the future to make a toy more real.
  4. 4. After you manage to face the face and secured the paper, we will try to make the screen of our toy. To do this, you will need several white sheets of A4 format, which should be fired under the rest of the parts - they must be a little less than it. It is such leaflets and will be our display.
  5. 5. After you have prepared several such sheets, it's time to attach them to the tablet. How do you remember for something sticking the clips - now she will need it. Place all the leaves (up to 5 pieces) and attach them by pressing the magnet - place it above the paper clip. So we managed to make a tablet of paper.

As you can see, glue such homemade "deviss" is quite easy.

If you do not have a magnet at hand and you want to get a more durable toy you can use a little different method. As in the previous one, you will need cardboard, glue or tape, scissors, multi-colored paper and clean sheets A4.

  1. 1. This time you need a thicker cardboard, it is best of about 4-5 mm. First, make the basis - a rectangle from fine cardboard.
  2. 2. Now take a thick material and make the markup of the same rectangle on it, just now cut out in its middle of the window (do it so that on each side it remains 1.5-2 cm). Cut the same frame from fine cardboard.
  3. 3. The frame that we cut out from thick material must be modified a little. To do this, just cut one of the short sides - you will have a frame in the form of the letter P. It should be cut off so as not to shorten the item. It should be the same as the other parts. Sliced \u200b\u200bpiece do not throw away
  4. 4. Having done it, you can start everything to collect in a bunch. Stick to the base of the P-shaped frame, and on top of it frame from fine cardboard. Place it with colored paper to hide the cardboard. The middle can not be stuck. A sample of thick cardboard can close the side opening.
  5. 5. Cut the A4 leaves so that you can push them through the side hole - so you make the toy screen. On leaves, you can write or draw with markers. You can draw your menu. To "open" a new window - just pull the sheet. After that, you can decorate toys, draw on the bottom panel of the button or even sign your creation.

We hope that our tips on how to make a tablet paper, will help you. Good luck!

Time runs with a huge speed, while changing everything around. If earlier children were happy with designers or cubes, today the situation is a bit different. Many kids have already been familiar with the computer, iPads and tablets, and requests to buy one of the new and fashionable devices for the birthday are no longer uncommon. In our article we will talk a little about the friend. We will give you advice with which you are interested in your baby and may drag it from the computer. To do this, you will not need anything special - you need only paper, several tools and the supply of patience. Below we will tell how to make a tablet paper - a beautiful toy for your child.

First you need to stock up with some materials and tools.

You need

  • Scotch
  • Paper
  • Feltolsters or pencils
  • Scissors
  • Solid cardboard
  • Various decorations
  • Multicolored paper
  • Magnet and paper clip

So let's start

  1. Take one sheet, select the color you like - this color will be your homemade device. Cut off the rectangle from him. Now take the cardboard and cut another rectangle - it will be the foundation for our toy. The rectangle must be somewhat (2-3 cm) less than the first on each side.
  2. Put the cardboard template on the unfolded sheet so that it is in the middle. Now start bending each edge of the color sheet. The side parts can be simply beatened, and the lower and the top edge must be folded so as not to be punched by obvious folds. To do this, you can use scissors, just cut off unnecessary and unnecessary parts.
  3. Now you need to cut two squares from multi-colored paper, while if you put them on our tablet, they must completely close the front part. As soon as you cut them out, stick them to the workpiece, put it in one square of the iron paper clips. It is necessary to consider that the clip must be closer to one of the corners. Such a trifle will be needed in the future to make a toy more real.
  4. After you managed with the front and fastened the paper, we will try to make the screen of our toy. To do this, you will need several white sheets of A4 format, which should be fired under the rest of the parts - they must be a little less than it. It is such leaflets and will be our display.
  5. After you have prepared several such sheets, it's time to attach them to the tablet. How do you remember for something sticking the clips - now she will need it. Place all the leaves (up to 5 pieces) and attach them by pressing the magnet - place it above the paper clip. So we managed to make a tablet of paper.

As you can see, glue such homemade "deviss" is quite easy.

If you do not have a magnet at hand and you want to get a more durable toy you can use a little different method. As in the previous one, you will need cardboard, glue or tape, scissors, multi-colored paper and clean sheets A4.

  1. This time you need a thicker cardboard, it is best of about 4-5 mm. First, make the basis - a rectangle from fine cardboard.
  2. Now take a thick material and make a marking of the same rectangle on it, just now cut out in its middle of the window (do it so that 1.5-2 cm remains on each side). Cut the same frame from fine cardboard.
  3. The frame that we cut out from thick material must be modified a little. To do this, just cut one of the short sides - you will have a frame in the form of the letter P. It should be cut off so as not to shorten the item. It should be the same as the other parts. Sliced \u200b\u200bpiece do not throw away
  4. Having done it, you can start everything to collect in a bunch. Stick to the base of the P-shaped frame, and on top of it frame from fine cardboard. Place it with colored paper to hide the cardboard. The middle can not be stuck. A sample of thick cardboard can close the side opening.
  5. Cut the A4 leaves so that you can push them through the side hole - so you make the toy screen. On leaves, you can write or draw with markers. You can draw your menu. To "open" a new window - just pull the sheet. After that, you can decorate toys, draw on the bottom panel of the button or even sign your creation.

We hope that our tips on how to make a tablet paper, will help you. Good luck!

Video lesson

Tablets and smartphones - modern gadgetswithout which it is not easy to do today. However, their popularity increased so much that they with inexpressible force displacing traditional toys and cause great interest among young children. The perfect option for games will be a self-made device. How to make a tablet from paper, and what materials will be needed for such a craft?

Paper tablet: material preparation

To make a paper analogue of the tablet, you will need a modest set of materials, tools and quite a bit effort. So, for the craft you need to prepare:

  • scotch;
  • glue;
  • paper;
  • markers or pencils;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • decor elements;
  • colored paper;
  • magnet and paper clip.

Options for creating toy tablets are several. Consider some of them.

Magnet Paper Tablet

Paper tablet can be performed in any color. Deciding with a tint, you need to take a colored sheet and cut a rectangle from it, which will be the basis of the future device. Then you should take the cardboard and cut another rectangular item. The size of the latter should be 2-3 cm less than the first. A cardboard pattern must be decomposed in the center of the color sheet. Next, it is necessary to heat the side parts, and the lower and upper edges turn so that the folds are not so noticeable.

You can go and other way - cut off the extra pieces with scissors. How to make a tablet out of paper so that the toy gets interesting? To do this, from sheets of different colors you need to cut two square parts and glue them to the workpiece. Before doing this, one of the squares must be placed.

As soon as the front part is ready, you can start creating the screen. It is done with the help of white sheets of A4 format. These leaflets must be fired under the rest of the future toys. Prepared parts are attached to the tablet and pressed the magnet.

Tablet from cardboard

How to make a tablet from paper, if there is no magnet at hand? To the toy turns out to be durable, you can use in another way. This time the thick cardboard is useful (0.5 cm). A slim material is suitable as the basis, from which, as in the first version, a rectangular part is cut. Then on a more dense cardboard it is necessary to make the markup of the same rectangle. In the center you should cut the window by making indents from each side of 1.5-2 cm. The identical frame must be cut from fine cardboard.

Frame from dense cardboard needs to be improved. One of the sides must be cut off, in other words from the cardboard, it should be part in the form of the letter "P". However, it is necessary to cut off so that it is not shortened. Once all items are cut, you can start assembling. It is necessary to glue the P-shaped part, and on top of it - a frame made of fine cardboard. If white or gray cardboard was used, the top can be caught with colored paper. A4 sheets need to be cut so that they can be shuffled through the side opening.

How to paint the craft?

How to make a tablet out of paper so that it turns out interesting for games? For this it is necessary to calculate it. The menu can be created at your discretion. To "open" one of the windows, you just need to pull the leaflet. On the bottom toy panel, you can create a simulation of the buttons or give the name to the obtained homemade "gadget". So that the paper model was a decent copy of the original, you can print on a white cardboard the image of the desktop desktop and stick it on the base.

Ipad paper

How to make a tablet from paper according to the scheme, we figured out. Consider the method of creating an iPad mini 3. For this, the same materials will be required as for the manufacture of a conventional paper tablet. The printed image of the desktop iPad Mini 3 needs to be cut in such a way that the pictures have edges that you can get back.

To create the reverse side of the paper "gadget" you need to make a printout with a famous "apple" and an iPad inscription. One of the cut pictures should be attached to the cardboard and circuit out the contours. Using the stationery knife, it is necessary to cut a rectangular item. This model should turn out to be rounded edges. The front part of the tablet must be pasted on a cardboard basis, then it is necessary to get the edges and secure them with glue. Rounded edges need to be glued so that the tablet serves as long as possible and has not lost its original form.

The emblem "EPL" needs to be glued to the opposite side of the crafts with the help of conventional glue, and the "moment" glue is ideal for the rounded ends, since it is important to dry as quickly as possible. Now you know how to make a tablet of paper, the photo and the scheme of which are presented in our article.