Notepad commenting lines hotkeys. Notepad: Useful Features

Notepad++ is a pretty cool program for coding and text processing. This entry is a collection of frequently used tricks when working in this editor.

Notepad++ Regulatory Expressions

Important! Search and replace is performed in regular expression search mode:

Then, as usual, remove the closing tag

Remove all HTML leaving only text without tags:

In a reference list of this type LINK»> TITLE remove all html tags, leaving only links:


Basic Find and Replace Operations

Move all each tag to new line(in advanced mode)


Notepad++ expression sets

  .  A "dot" represents any one character;   ^  Start of line;   $ End of line;   ^$  empty string (beginning and end, with empty space between);   .+  any non-empty string;   \s   Space;   \S   Not a Space  \w  letter, number or underscore _;   \d  Any number;   \D  Any character, but not a number;    Any number;    Any letter from a to z (the entire Latin character set) in lowercase;    Any letter from A to Z in UPPER case;   or   Any letter from a to z in any case;   * “Repeater.” Indicates that the preceding character may be repeated (0 or more times);   .*   Absolutely any character set. For example, the condition will find everything between the tags ;   (^.*$)   Any text between the beginning and end of the line;   (*.)   searches for any numbers in in this case two-digit numbers;   \n Looks for a newline character;   \r Looks for empty lines containing “carriage return” characters;   ^$  Searches for empty lines  \n\r  Searches for empty lines containing characters - newline and carriage return  \s  Searches for a class of whitespace characters. Whitespace characters include space, tab, carriage return, newline, and page feed. Same as [ \t,\r,\n,\f];   \S Looks for a class of non-whitespace characters. Same as [^ \t, \r,\n,\f];   ^\s*$  Searches for empty strings containing a space;   ^*$   Searches for empty strings containing a space;   ^Word   Searches for the word “Word” at the beginning of the line;   Word$   Searches for the word “Word” at the end of the string;   \bdol   Searches for the set of characters “volume”, only at the beginning of words, that is, it will be found in the word Valley, but not in the word Podol;   dol\b   Searches for the set of symbols “dol”, only at the end of words, that is, it will not be found in the word Dolina, but in the word Podol yes;   \Bdol\B   Searches for the set of characters “volume”, not at the beginning or at the end of words, that is, it will not be found in the word Dolina, and not in the word Podol, but in the word Podolsk it will be found; |  - Regular expression, "or". It will look for what is left and right. Examples: Find (^.*$) Replace \n\r - finds a new line and adds an empty line to it; Find (^.*$) Replace - finds a new line and wraps it in ; Find \n\r Replace “leave empty” - Removes empty lines, parentheses are required, otherwise what is found will be changed to what is being replaced.

Notepad++ hotkeys

Ctrl+G - Finding a string in Notepad++

General Ctrl + O Open a new document Ctrl + N Open a new tab Ctrl + W Close a tab Ctrl + S Save Ctrl + Alt + S Save as... Ctrl + Shift + S Save all Ctrl + C Copy Ctrl + X Cut Ctrl + A Select all Ctrl + V Paste Ctrl + Z Undo an action, go back one step Ctrl + Y Undo an action, go one step forward Ctrl + End Moves the text cursor to the end of the document Ctrl + Home Moves the text cursor to the beginning of the document Ctrl + P Print Home Moves the text cursor cursor to the beginning of the line End Moves the text cursor to the end of the line F11 Expand the text area along with page tabs to the full screen F12 Remove all program components and replace them with a text area without page tabs PgUp Turn the page to the beginning of the document PgDown Turn the page to the end of the document Search Ctrl + F Search in text F3 Find next Shft + F3 Find previous Ctrl + F3 Find selected next Ctrl + Shft + F3 Find selected previous Ctrl + Shft + F Search in files Ctrl + H Replace text Special Ctrl + Tab Next document Ctrl + Shft + Tab Previous document Ctrl + U Convert to lowercase Ctrl + Shft + U Convert to UPPERCASE Ctrl + D Clone a line or selected text Ctrl + Space Call a list of tags, keywords and expressions specific to the language used Ctrl + F2 Mark a line with a bookmark F2 Move forward through the bookmarks placed in the document Shift + F2 Move backward through the bookmarks placed in the document Tab Adds four spaces by default (you can configure tabulation in the “Settings” + “Configuration” menu, “Syntax/Tabulation” tab) with one keystroke; to wrap multiple lines, you need to select them and press Tab. Shift + Tab Move tabbed text back. Ctrl + mouse wheel Zoom in or out of text area Taken from

Removing blank lines (blank paragraphs) in Notepad++:

Many users are faced with the problem of text formatting if text was inserted from Microsoft Word in WordPress. Latest versions WP supports adequate text insertion with proper formatting, but for some reason, when inserting, empty lines (paragraphs) appear, to remove which we will again turn to our favorite editor.

Open a document containing empty lines

Select an item "Edit" -> "Operations with Strings" -> "Remove empty lines"

Move a selection of text within a document

Select the desired part of the document with the mouse cursor, hold down "Ctrl+Shift" and move the selected text inside the document by pressing keys "Up" And "Down".

My favorite text editor. The article will describe all sorts of things that are worth remembering when working with it. Number sorting, keyboard shortcuts, and so on.

CTRL + D – Duplicate the selected code.

Ctrl + F2 – Mark a line with a mark.

F2 – Move to the next marked line.

Shift + F2 – Move to the previous marked line.

Ctrl + J – Merge selected lines into one.

Ctrl + B – Go to the corresponding bracket (closing or opening).

CTRL + Space – Code completion:

Sorting selected rows

Go to TextFX → TextFX Tools → Sort lines case sensitive (at column) .

But this sorting will not sort numbers as numbers - the program will perceive them as strings. To sort numbers, you need to install the plugin:

To do this, copy the contents of the archive into the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins.

After this appears in the menu item Plugins → NppColumnSort:

And now the lines

will be sorted as:

Spell checking


It was already noted above that the CTRL + Space keys bring up the auto-completion window. But pressing the bottom every time is not convenient. It would be easier for everything to arise on its own. This is done like this:
Options → Settings → Reserve/Auto-Complete. Check the boxes you need:

Special allocations

One of the killer features in Sublime Text 2 is multi-selection. It turns out that it is also available in Notepad++. Go to the program settings Options → Settings → Editing and check the box:

And now if you click Ctrl key, then you can select several text blocks at once (Multiple selection). At the same time, if you do not deselect, then when you start writing, the text will be entered in all selected places:

And while holding Alt, you can make a vertical selection:


One of the main “killer features” in Sublime Text 2 is the minimap on the right, which can be used as a slider. It turns out that it is also available in Notepad++.

Go to View → Document Map:

True, it is not as convenient as in Sublime.

Working with projects

If you are working with some kind of project (website, program, etc.), then you usually work with many files in one folder with subfolders. In this case, it is better to work with the project function View → Project → Project Panel 1:

Right-click on the item work area and select Add New project and call it something like:

Now right-click on the project and select the Add files from directory menu item:

Now we have a tree of our files that is easy to navigate and edit. Moreover, not only test files are included here, but also all the others. Of course, you can save the project and add files separately. In general, a convenient thing.

Notebook(English) Notepad) is a simple text editor that is part of operating systems Microsoft Windows

Typically, Notepad is pinned to the basic Start menu.

If you do not have such an item, then to launch the Notepad text editor you need to run the following commands:

Start->All Programs->Accessories->Notepad (Start->All Programs->Accessories->Notepad).

1. Navigating through drives and folders in the window Opening a file Notepad editor is carried out in the same way as in the Explorer program, using the navigation buttons and the Folder menu located at the top of the window.

2. By default, this window displays only text files with the .txt extension.
To open any other file, such as an HTML document, in text mode, select All Files in the Files of type menu.

3. You can burn the edited file to disk under the same name, or, if the file has never been saved, place it in any folder on the disk as a text document with the extension .txt by selecting Save in the command menu File.
To save the current file with a name and arbitrary extension you specify, run the command File->Save As .
To create a new file use the command File->Create (File->New).

!!! Remember Notepad does not support editing multiple text documents in one working window, so when you create an empty file or open an existing one, the contents of an old, unsaved file opened in the Notepad window at the moment,is destroyed.

4. View menu The Notepad editor contains only one item: Status Bar.
If the checkbox next to it is selected, a status bar will be displayed at the bottom of the text editor window, and on it will be the number of lines in the document being edited and the number of characters in each line.

5. By default, text typed in the Notepad window is compiled into one line, which is transferred only when you press a key. Enter. If you want the entered text to be automatically transferred to a new line in the editor window according to the width of the screen, check the box next to the item Wrap by words (Word Wrap) in the command menu Format (Format).


Text editor Notepad does not support design text documents using font selections, as well as formatting text blocks, but you can change the settings of the base font used by default in Notepad.

Changing the base font of the Notepad editor will not affect formatting or settings in any way text document: typeface and size of this font only affect how the file appears on your computer screen. For example, if you later open such a document in Notepad on another computer, the text will again be displayed in the base font.

To change Notepad's base font settings, select item Font in the command menu Format.

On the menu Font dialog box of the same name, you can select the font typeface that you plan to use in the editor by default in the menu Font Style- writing style: Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold italic(Bold Italic). And finally, on the menu Size you can set the font size. Appearance the selected font will be displayed in the window Sample.

6. The Unicode standard allows create multilingual text documents, typed in the Notepad editor in the same font.

On the menu Character set (Script) dialog box Font contains a list of national languages ​​whose characters are supported by the font you have selected. Once you select the appropriate language script from the list, its national character set becomes available and you can use them to create multilingual documents.

Working with the clipboard

In the process of editing text documents, the user quite often has to work with the clipboard, copying various fragments of text from one program to another. To work with the Windows clipboard, Notepad provides a special set of commands contained in the menu Edit.

Commands for working with the Notepad editor clipboard

Hotkey combination


Select All

Selecting the entire amount of text typed in the Notepad window


Cutting a selection of text and placing it on the clipboard


Copying a selected piece of text to the clipboard


Pasting a block from the clipboard into the document, starting at the position indicated by the cursor


Delete selected text

Search and replace

Search functions a fragment of text according to a sample entered by the user and replacing one fragment with another throughout the document greatly facilitates the preparation of text files. To search for a word or phrase in the document you are editing, use Find window, which opens when you select an item Find (Find) in the Edit menu.

Search pattern the corresponding text in the document being edited is entered into the field What (Find what). Search direction- up or down from the current cursor position - set using a switch Up and Down. If you want to organize case sensitive search, check the box next to the function Case sensitive (Match case). The search procedure is started by pressing a button Find Next.

For automatic replacement one text fragment to another in the command Edit menu function provided Replace. Just like in the previous case, in the field Find what) a search pattern is entered, and in the field Replace with- text with which to replace detected occurrences. At the click of a button Replace Notepad editor replaces the first one that matches the pattern text fragment. To automatically replace all similar occurrences in a document, click the button Replace All.

Go to Line function window), appearing on the screen when selecting an item Edit->Go to, serves to quickly jump to a line in a text document by its number, which you specify in the corresponding field of this window. This Notepad feature can be extremely useful when developing programs and executable scripts if an error is identified in one of the lines of code during debugging.

Page Setup and Printing

In order to configure page settings Before printing text, click on Page Setup (Page Setup) command File menu

On the menu Size paper size is indicated, and in the menu Submission (Source)- source of paper for the printer (manual or automatic sheet feed mode).
On the menu Orientation you can select the position of the paper sheet when printing: Portrait - vertical or Landscape - horizontal.
In the section Margins) you can set the sizes of all four fields in millimeters.

At the top and bottom of a text document printed from the Notepad program, there may be one or another service information that is automatically inserted into the print file. This information is commonly called headers and footers because they are placed above and below the main print area in the document. Accordingly, the data displayed at the top of the sheet is called a header and can be entered from the keyboard using a sequence of special characters in the Header field. The data printed at the bottom of the sheet is called a footer and can be manually configured in the Footer field. For the Russian and English versions of the Notepad text editor, the meanings of the service characters used to control the format of headers and footers are somewhat different. All these values ​​are shown in the table

Special commands for customizing the header and footer of the Notepad text editor

Russian version

English version


Substitution of the name of the file being printed or the value Untitled (Utitled) if the name is not specified

Substituting the current time using the computer clock

Substituting the current date using the computer calendar

Inserting the current page numbers of the document being printed

Ampersand (&) character substitution

Positioning the header and footer to the left edge of the page

Positioning the header and footer in the center of the page

Positioning the header and footer to the right edge of the page

Special header and footer format control characters can be combined with each other; You can also insert arbitrary text into the corresponding print settings fields. For example, if you are printing a one-page document that has been named Sheet, you can include in the header field next line: Document: &ф Page: &с &ц. In this case, the following will be printed in the top center of the printed document: Document: Statement Page: 1.

Clicking the button Printer - Properties,

You can also change the current settings of the default printer on your system.

To print the document, click on the button Print in the command menu File. The Print Wizard dialog box will appear on the screen.

In the field Select printer you should click on the printer to print in the field Number of copies indicate the required number of copies of the document, and in the field Page Range- a list of the pages you want to print.
Printing starts after pressing the button Print.

Automatic insertion of date and time

If you want to insert the current date and time into the document you are editing, it is not at all necessary to enter them from the keyboard: the Notepad program allows you to place them in the text automatically. To do this, follow these steps:

    In the command menu Edit select item Date and time or simply press F5.

The program will insert the current date and time according to the computer clock at the position indicated by the cursor.

Keeping a work log

Often when working with text, it becomes necessary to record the time and date of each file editing session, for example, in case you later need to restore the chronology of any changes made to the document.
The text editor Notepad allows you to automatically record each access to the file being edited, saving this information in the document itself.
In order to enable the function of automatic logging of work with a file, in the very first line of an open or newly created document, enter the parameter from the keyboard .LOG (required using capital letters and starting point).
In the command menu File select item Save. Now, every time a text file is opened for editing, the current time and date according to the computer clock will be written to the end of it.

Although you can, as mentioned above, if you press the F5 button in the notepad, the current time and date will be inserted right away: o)

Interesting features

  • If you run Notepad with the key command line/.setup, then after launching Notepad will “freeze” - its window will not be drawn, although it will work correctly.
    For example, in such a Notepad you can type text blindly and save it to a file on disk.
    To exit this stuck notepad, you can use the Esc key or the Ctrl-C combination.
  • Cancel in Notepad latest changes in the text, but no more than three.
  • If you create text file, write in it the phrase “bill gates fucking asshole (we are all going to die)” or “bush hid the facts (And the authorities are hiding)” or any format “xxxx xxx xxx xxxxx”, and close the file, having previously saved it, then the next time you open the contents file will be replaced with hieroglyphs. That's it! - But it doesn’t work under seven!


  • MS-DOS Editor ( - console text editor. You can divide the editing window into two parts, like in Word.
  • Write (Windows Write ; not to be confused with the below Writer from OpenOffice) - standard 16-bit editor Windows versions, which differed from Notepad in the ability to format text.
  • WordPad — remake of Write for Windows 95 and subsequent ones. The version distributed in Windows 7 supports not only the traditional RTF/DOC format (Word 6.0) and OOXML (Word 2007), but also - attention! - ODF (OpenOffice).
  • Word (WinWord) - the most multifunctional and heaviest of all notebooks known to date.
  • AbiWord — a little more functionality than in WordPad: add-ons, headers and footers, tables, page numbering, footnotes, links, bookmarks, insertion of pictures and files, online services.
  • Writer - free analogue of Word from the package.
  • PageMaker - the same notepad, only for web designers.
  • T extPad — the same notepad, only with basic code highlighting, regular expressions and other features.
  • GEdit - the same notepad, only compiled for GNOME and with additional functions.
  • Leafpad - the same notepad, but for Linux.
  • TEA - a fairly loaded version of the notepad with a ton of possibilities, also contains file manager Kvass and word analyzer in the text TOILET. (seriously)
  • Bluefish — GTKshny text editor, designed primarily for direct editing of HTML and PHP code.
  • vi - the same notepad, only console and for Linux, it has wide functionality.
  • SciTE — a convenient cross-platform text notepad, with the ability to run scripts in the debug window. With syntax highlighting, but without support for DOS encodings.
  • Notepad++ - an unfinished version of SciTE for Windows. On current moment Notepad++ has evolved significantly and has gained support for many features useful to programmers in both dead and immortal languages, while still remaining quite lightweight.
  • Notepad2 — an extended version of Notepad with a toolbar and syntax highlighting.
  • EmEditor — the same notepad, only faster, with syntax highlighting and support for different encodings.
  • AkelPad - the same notepad, only there is support for encodings and plugins. Also, this option can correctly read and save binary files and therefore, unlike Notepad, can be used as a very primitive hex editor.
  • Stirlitz - the same notepad, only it can recognize the text encoding, sometimes even in cases where the text has been repeatedly translated into different encodings.
  •— Google Docs - the same notepad, only in online versions, also works with many Microsoft Office files.
  • from the same series, in minimal style.

And this is not a complete list. In general, the alternatives are a wagon and a small cart :o)

I once used the dreamweaver editor, but when I started designing websites for the WordPress engine, I settled on Notepad++ editor. I'm happy with it.
Today I will tell you about convenient settings in the Notepad++ editor. With these settings you can save a lot of time.
So, if you don't have Notepad++ editor, then you can download it for free.

Fast encodingUTF-8 inHTML document

Every time you create a new HTML document in Notepad++, you constantly need to change the file encoding from ANSI to UTF-8 (without BOM). If you do this constantly, then it takes a lot of time, and it gets boring, and sometimes you can forget.
To ensure that when creating a new HTML document the encoding is automatically UTF-8 (without BOM), you need to do the following:
1). In the top menu, click on the item “Options” => “Settings...”

4). Click on the “Close” button.

After these settings, when creating a new document, your HTML document will immediately have UTF-8 encoding (without BOM). By the way, I recommend reading the article about.

I don’t know about you, but when I create a new html document, I always write , or copy it from others html documents:

1). Open Notepad++ editor and create a new document
2). Now click on the “Start Recording” button:

3). After clicking on the “Start Recording” button, enter the main HTML code with your fingers or paste the finished one.
4). When you have completed the code, click the “Stop” button:


- “Name” – write the name of the entry here, for example: the main HTML code.
Below, specify the hotkeys for calling the entry. For example: I put the birds on “CTRL+SHIFT+ALT”+“K”

Now, if you need the main HTML code, you just need to click on the hotkeys that you specified or go to the “Macros” menu and select the entry name

In this way, you can make your own library of various code cheat sheets, scripts, etc.

Automatic code renewal is another useful feature that the Notepad++ editor gives us, webmasters. If anyone doesn’t know what this opportunity is, I’ll tell you. When you write code in the Notepad++ editor, you will see suggested tags in the list:

So, there are two ways to call the auto-renew code window:

1). To call the code renewal window, use hotkeys "CTRL" + "Space (space)". The disadvantage of this method is that you need to press the keys frequently;

2). This method will allow you to forget about hotkeys for calling the code atomization window, since the window will appear automatically. To do this, you need to go into the settings and tweak a few things. So open it “Options” => “Settings” => “Reserve/Auto-Complete” and check the boxes next to the required settings:

Attention: two methods work if the file is saved and the file extension is specified, for example: “html, css, php”.

Sometimes there are situations where you need to highlight certain pieces of code in different colors. This need arises when the code is huge and you often need to return to some place. The highlighted code (highlight) remains until you close the document.

So, select the desired piece of code and right-click. In the list that opens, select “Style token” and any style 1-5.

I marked the result with an arrow and a number (5)

Working with projects

If you work with a large number of files, then to speed up time I recommend using the function "Project":

1). Click on the tab in the menu "View" => "Project" => "Project Panel 1"

3). Right-click on your project. Select the item from the drop-down list "Add files from directory":

This is how we made a file tree that is easy to navigate and edit, add and save files. Convenient and fast!

This is what it will look like after adding files from the directory:

In the Notepad++ editor, it is possible to check text for errors.
1). So, to enable this feature, click on the button "spell check":

3). Close the Notepad++ editor. Download and install first the full version of Aspell, and then the Russian, Ukrainian and English dictionary:

4). Open the Notepad++ notepad again, now you have the ability to check the text for spelling errors. To check spelling, the document must be encoded in UTF-8 (Unicode) or UTF-8 without BOM, otherwise it will not work. Next, select the desired word or the entire text and click on the “spell check” button. Here's the result:

Attention: Let me remind you once again that the file encoding must be UTF-8 (Unicode) or UTF-8 without BOM, otherwise the spell check will not find errors:

If you have a file saved in ANSI encoding, convert the file to UTF-8 or UTF-8 without BOM. To do this, go to the menu "Encodings" => "Convert to UTF-8" or "Convert to UTF-8 without BOM":

Hotkeys in the Notepad++ editor

To view or change hotkeys for calling any actions, you need to go to the tab in the menu “Options” => “Hot keys...”

Here are a couple of necessary hotkeys that I use to speed up my work:

Useful addition

1). If you select text, right-click on it and select tab "Comment out selection", then all selected text will be commented out like this:

2). If you right-click on the field and select the “Comment Selection” tab, you will see a quick option to comment out the code:

By the way, read how to comment out code in HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript.

That's it! Of course, there are a lot of possibilities in the Notepad++ editor, but for me these are the most necessary ones. If you have something interesting to tell about the capabilities of the Notepad++ editor, write in the comments.

P.S. Thank you all for your attention and do not forget to subscribe to my blog updates .
Good luck!

Hello, today we will talk about one of the most popular text editors, the famous one.

This seemingly simple and uncomplicated editor has many very useful things in its functionality, tag highlighting, search and replace by words and much more.

Having started to figure out what this editor can do, I compiled a small instruction for myself, which I want to share with you.

And so let's start in order.

menu File

New – Serves to create a new file. You can also use the corresponding button on the panel or enter the combination “Ctrl + N”. The name of the created file will be displayed at the top in the style of "new 1", "new 2", "new 3" and so on, depending on how many new files you have already created.

Open – Serves to open the desired file, you can click on the corresponding icon on the panel or enter the combination “Ctrl + O”. As a result, a dialog box will appear in which you can select one or more files. The contents of each file will be displayed in an individual bookmark; if the document is already open, the Notepad++ editor will automatically activate the bookmark with its contents. Also, you can simply drag one or more files into the text editor window to open them.

Open All recent files – This menu item allows you to open all recently closed documents. In the “Options/Settings” menu, “New Document” tab, you can set the number of files, information about which will be stored in history, by default, code editorstores information about the last 15 documents.

Clear list recent documents – This File menu item allows you to clear the history of recent documents you worked with.

Save – Allows you to save the active document, you can click on the corresponding button or enter the combination “Ctrl + S”. If the file has already been saved by the editor, then its contents will be replaced, otherwise the “Save As” dialog box will open.

Save All – Allows you to save all documents at once in a text editor. For documents that have not yet been saved, the Save As dialog box will be displayed. You can click on the corresponding icon, or enter the combination “Ctrl + Shift + S”.

Save How – Allows you to save a new document under the specified name, the “Save As” dialog box will be displayed. Also, you can use this menu to re-save an already saved file to a new path and with a new name. Also, you can use the combination “Ctrl + Alt + S”.

Save copy How… — This File menu item allows you to save the selected file under a new name and in a new path. The difference with the “Save As” option is that there we automatically start working with the document in a text editor, saved under a new name or location, but here, work continues with the current document, and the copy is not affected in any way.

Reboot With disk – This item is relevant if you saved the file and then made changes to it, and want to discard the changes made and get the original contents of the file (the content that was there when saving the document). All changes will be lost.

Rename… — Allows you to rename the selected file, you can do a similar operation if you right-click on the top tab with the name of the desired file; the drop-down menu will contain other items from the File context menu.

Close – Allows you to close the active document, you can click on the corresponding icon on the panel or enter the combination “Ctrl + W”. If the file has not yet been saved, or changes have been made to it, the Notepad++ text editor will always ask whether the document being closed should be saved.

Close All – Allows you to close all documents open in the code editor. All actions are similar to the previous command, only not for one, but for all files.

Close All, except active – In this case, all files except the active one will be closed.

Save session... — This item allows you to save information about documents that are currently open in one file. For example, we have 5 documents open, so as not to open them again every time, we can save information about them in one file, opening which will automatically open all 5 documents.

Download session... — Actually, here we can open the desired session, or rather a file that stores information about specific documents. This is very convenient, especially if we are working on some project. So, you can create a separate session for each project in a text editor, information about which will be stored in a file. As a result, we will not need to re-open the files every time.

Delete from disk – Actually, this item allows you to delete the active document.

Edit menu

Cancel – Allows you to undo changes made to the document, the combination “Ctrl + Z”.

Repeat – Allows you to repeat actions canceled using the Undo item, combination “Ctrl + Y”.

Cut – Cut the selected fragment, the cut fragment will be stored in memory, combination “Ctrl + X”

Copy – Copy the selected fragment to the clipboard, combination “Ctrl + C”.

Insert – Paste data stored on the clipboard using the combination “Ctrl + V”.

Delete – Allows you to delete the selected fragment, “DEL” key.

Select All – Selects all text contained in the active document, the combination “Ctrl + A”.

Copy to clipboard – Allows you to copy file data to the clipboard.

  • Copy Path and File Name
  • Copy File name
  • Copy File path

Indentation (tab) – Working with tabulation.

  • Insert Tab– Tab key.
  • Remove tab– Simply moves the cursor to the left by the number of characters equal to the tab, the combination “Shift + Tab”.

Convert case – Allows you to change the case of selected characters.

  • Uppercase– Combination “Ctrl + Shift + U”.
  • Lowercase– Combination “Ctrl + U”.

String Operations – This code editor itemand its subparagraphs allow you to perform various manipulations with lines of text.

  • Duplicate current line– Inserts the contents of the current line (the line in which the cursor is located) from a new line, the combination “Ctrl + D”.
  • Split lines— Combination “Ctrl + I”.
  • Merge lines– Allows you to combine selected lines into one line, combination “Ctrl + J”.
  • Move line up– Combination “Shift + Ctrl + Up”.
  • Move line down– Combination “Shift + Ctrl + Down”.
  • Remove empty lines– Removes all empty lines in the code editor, however, if the line contains a tab or space, it will not be considered empty.
  • Remove empty lines (containing Space characters)– In this case, all lines will be deleted, even those containing spaces and tab characters.

Comments – This item contains several sub-items that allow you to manage comments in the program code.

  • On/Off Line comment– Combination “Ctrl + Q”
  • Comment out the line— Combination “Ctrl + K”
  • Uncomment line— Combination “Ctrl + Shift + K”
  • Comment out selection— Combination “Ctrl + Shift + Q”

Auto-completion – This menu item contains several sub-items that allow you to reduce the time when entering text:

  • Completing functions– Allows you to enable the display of a drop-down list in which possible options for the entered function, or any other program construct, will be displayed, the combination “Ctrl + SpaceBar”
  • Completing words– A list of possible words that you want to enter is also displayed here, the list is formed from words that are already contained in the document, the combination “Ctrl + Enter”
  • Function hint— Combination “Ctrl + Shift + SpaceBar”

End of Line Format – The menu allows you to set the character code that will end the line.

  • Convert to Win format– CRLF character
  • Convert to UNIX format– LF symbol
  • Convert to MAC format– CR symbol

Operations with spaces – Ability to remove spaces in the right places.

  • Remove trailing spaces– Spaces that appear at the end of a line.
  • Remove leading spaces– Spaces that appear at the beginning of a line
  • Remove trailing spaces– Spaces that appear at the beginning and end of a line.
  • End of Line character to Space– In fact, it puts all the lines into one, since instead of the newline character we will get a space.
  • Remove extra spaces and line ends– Here, the two previous points are actually combined.
  • Tab to space– Tab character is converted to space
  • Space to Tab (All)– Converts all spaces to tab characters.
  • Space to Tab (Capital)– Converts only spaces at the beginning of lines to tab characters.

Column Editor…. – This menu item opens the Column Editor dialog box, in which you can specify the text or numbering that will be inserted into the document as a column. The insertion will occur from the place where the cursor is located until the end of the last line of text.

Character panel – A very useful item, as it displays a panel that contains characters and their ASCII codes.

Read only – Enables or disables the mode in which you can only view the selected document.

Menu Search

Sub-clause "Find".

When you click on the “Find” item or the key combination “Ctrl + F”, the additional window below will open

  1. "Find" — a field for entering a word or expression that needs to be found in the code.
  2. "Search further" — when you click on this button, the utility will find the desired word or expression in the current file starting from the top. If you select the “Up” direction in the checkbox, the search will start from the end of the code up.
  3. "Calculate" — when you click this button, the number of words or expressions found will be counted.
  4. "Find everything in all Open Documents" — when you click on this button, the search will be carried out in all files currently open in the program. An additional window will list all found words or expressions, indicating the location of the files and line numbers in the codes.
  5. "Find everything in the Current Document" — when you click on this button, the search will be carried out in the current document. An additional window will list all found words or expressions, indicating the file location folder and line numbers.
  6. "Only whole words" — when you click on this button, only whole words will be searched, and not a sequence of letters.
  7. "Match case" — when you click this button, the search will be carried out taking into account case (uppercase or lowercase letters).
  8. "Loop Search" — when you click on this button, a search will be performed in a circle, i.e. Having reached the bottom of the code, the utility will start searching again.

Sub-clause "Find in files."

When you click on the “Find in files” item, the following window will open:

"Find All" — pressing this button allows you to search for a word or expression in a given folder, i.e. in a number of files located in the folder. To do this, you need to specify the directory to the folder in which the program will search.

"Replace with" : — in this field we enter the corrected word that will appear in the code instead of the word specified in the “Find” field. Click the “Replace in files” button and the editor will find the misspelled word in all files in the specified folder and replace it with the corrected one.

"Filters" — a specific filter is set here, for example an extension like *.html*; *.php*; *.css*. By default, the utility has a *.* filter, which includes all types of files.

When this item is activated or when F3 is pressed, the editor will find the word or expression specified in the search next down in the current document.

Sub-clause "Search earlier."

When you activate this item or press the key combination Shift+F3, the editor will find the word or expression specified in the search next to the top in the current document.

When you activate this item or press the Ctrl+F3 key combination, the editor searches for the selected word or expression in the current document in a downward direction.

“Highlight and search earlier.”

When you activate this item or press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+F3, the editor searches for the selected word or expression in the current document in an upward direction.

When you activate this item or press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+F3, the editor searches the selected word or expression in the current document in a downward direction, taking into account case.

“Highlight and search previously with Register.”

When you activate this item or press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F3, the editor searches the selected word or expression in the current document upwards, case sensitive.


When you activate this item or press Ctrl+H, a new window will open:

"Replace" — the editor replaces the found word or expression with the given one.

"Replace everything" — the editor replaces all found words in the current document with those specified in the “Replace with:” field.

“Replace everything in all Open Documents” — the editor replaces all found words in all documents open in the program at the current time.

Sub-clause "Search as you type" .

When you activate this item or press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+I at the bottom of the program, an additional window will open along its entire length.

  1. As you type the code, the program searches the current document.
  2. Forward and Back arrows.
  3. “Highlight all” - highlight everything. If you check this checkbox, the editor will highlight all similar sequences of letters in the current document.
  4. "Match case" - case sensitive. If you check this checkbox, the editor will search for a sequence of characters in the current document, taking into account the selected case.

Sub-clause "Search result window" .

When you activate this item or press the F7 key at the bottom, a window will open with the results of the last search since the editor was launched.

Sub-clause "Next search result."

When you activate this item or press the F4 key, the editor will move to the next line down in the search result.

Sub-clause "Previous search result."

When you activate this item or press the key combination Shift+F4, the editor will move to the next line up in the search result.

Sub-item “Go to...” When you activate this item or press the Ctrl+G key combination, an additional window will open:

  1. "Line" — if you activate this item, the calculation will be carried out in lines.
  2. "You are here now:" — shows the line number on which the cursor is currently located.
  3. "Would you like to go to:" — in this field you need to indicate the line you want to go to.
  4. "Maximum value:" — shows the total number of lines in the file.
  5. "Column" – if you activate this item, the calculation will be carried out in symbols.
  6. "You are here now" — the serial number of the character in front of which the cursor is currently located.
  7. "Would you like to go to:" — in this field you enter the serial number of the character you want to go to.
  8. "Maximum value" — the total number of characters in the current document.

Sub-item " Mark...» ( Notes).

When this item is activated, an additional window opens.

The word entered in the “Find:” field will be highlighted with a special background; if you check the “Mark as Bookmark” checkbox, a mark (2) will appear opposite the line. All other buttons in this window function similarly to those discussed above.

“Bookmark” (bookmark management).

Here you can add or remove a bookmark, move up or down the bookmarks, cut, paste lines with bookmarks.

Invert lines with bookmark — when this item is selected, the line with the bookmark will remain without a label, and all the others will have labels:

Sub-clause "Find characters in a range."

When this item is activated, a separate window will open:

  1. Find non-ASCII characters.
  2. Find characters related to the ASCII encoding.
  3. Set your search range.
  4. If you check this box, the search will loop in a circle.

Menu View

On top of all windows – Enables or disables the mode in which the Notepad++ editor window will always be displayed on top of other windows.

Full screen text – The contents of the document and tabs are displayed in full screen. Key "F11".

Text only (full window) – Only the contents of the document are displayed in full screen, without tabs. Key "F12".

Character display — This item allows you to enable or disable the display of special characters or markup in the Notepad++ code editor.

  • Show spaces and tabs– Whether or not markup for spaces (period) or tabs (arrow) will be displayed.
  • Display End of Line character– Enable or disable the display of the end-of-line character, such as CRLF, CR, LF, depending on the selection made in the Edit/Format menu end-of-line.
  • Show all characters
  • Show padding– Enable or disable markup that shows indentation.
  • Display Line Break character

Scale – Allows you to zoom in or out of the window in the editor.

  • Larger– Combinations “Ctrl + Mouse wheel up” or “Ctrl + Num + “
  • Smaller– Combinations “Ctrl + Mouse wheel down" or "Ctrl + Num - "
  • Restore scale...— Combination “Ctrl + Num / “

Operations with documents – The item allows you to set the mode of simultaneous viewing of documents in two windows.

  • Move to another window– Creates another window in which the active document will be displayed.
  • Duplicate to another window– Creates another window in a text editor in which a copy of the active document will be displayed. In fact, the same document will be displayed in two windows at the same time.
  • Switch to another window– Allows you to switch focus between windows, “F8” key

Hide selected rows – Allows you to hide selected lines of code. As a result, two triangles will appear on the left, by clicking on which you can show the hidden lines again. Combination "Alt + H".

Collapse all blocks – Collapses all block code structures (for example, Sub...End Sub). As a result, a plus sign will appear on the left, by clicking on which you can expand the block again. Combination “Alt + 0”.

  • Expand all blocks– Shows collapsed block structures, combination “Alt + Shift + 0”.

Collapse current block – Collapses the block of code in which the cursor is located, the combination “Ctrl + Alt + F”.

Expand current block – Shows the collapsed block, the block near which the cursor is located, the combination “Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F”.

Collapse level – This item allows you to collapse a given level of a code block. This is relevant if we have several nested structures (for example, nested loops, nested procedures, and so on). Sub-items determine the level of nesting, there are 8 of them in total. Key combinations “Alt + 1”, “Alt + 2”, ...., and so on up to the 8th level.

Expand level – This item allows you to show the specified level of a code block if it has been collapsed. Key combinations “Alt + Shift + 1”, “Alt + Shift + 2”, ...., and so on until level 8.

File information... — Allows you to view data about the current document: number of words and lines, file path, and so on.

  • Text from right to left– Sets the text direction from right to left, combination “Ctrl + Alt + R”
  • Text from left to right– Sets the text direction from left to right, combination “Ctrl + Alt + R”

Menu Encodings – Text editor Notepad++

At this point we can assign and change the document encoding. I can’t say which encoding is best to choose, but you can almost always use UTF-8 encoding without Bom, since in its usual form this encoding for some reason is not always perceived correctly and can display incomprehensible rubbish consisting of hieroglyphs in the browser.

The first (top) half of the drop-down menu is intended to assign the encoding of a new document.

The second (lower) half serves to convert the encoding of a document that already contains some information. Don't confuse "encode" with "convert".

Menu Syntax

This menu in the Notepad++ editor allows you to select or create your own code syntax. The menu itself already has several items that allow you to select the desired syntax (for example, indicate that we are programming in php or perl). Although, in most cases, when saving a document under the desired extension, the notepad++ text editor automatically selects the desired syntax, taking into account the file extension.

Set your language... — This menu item shows a dialog box with many tabs. In fact, here you can define your own programming language and its syntax. However, in my opinion, this is extra work since most languages ​​contain similar syntax.

So, you can add your own file extension to the desired style in the Options / Define Styles menu.

Menu Options

Settings… — This item contains almost all the settings of the Notepad++ code editor. Immediately after selecting this item, a dialog box with several tabs will appear.

General – This contains the following settings:

  • Interface language– Contains a drop-down list with languages.
  • Toolbar– Here you can hide or show the toolbar, and also select the size of the icons.
  • Menu bar– Allows you to show or hide the menu bar (Alt or F10 to select).
  • List of documents– Enable or disable the side menu, which will display a list of open documents.
  • Tab bar– Here you can select various options for displaying the tab bar.


This tab does not represent any particularly important functions. Here you can set the design of the block boundaries (a block is considered to be a software construct such as a procedure, a loop, and so on), enable or disable line numbering, set border parameters, and so on.

New document

Here you can set basic parameters for the new document, for example, encoding. You can set the number of documents whose information will be stored in history, as well as the display format (name only or path and file name).

File association

Actually, it allows you to associate an application with specified file types.


Two blocks are displayed here, the first block allows you to create a list with disabled programming languages. The second block allows you to set the tab size for a given programming language.


Here you can set backup parameters (type, directory for saving) and parameters for auto-completion of entered data (you can enable or disable for each input, enable or disable the display of tooltips when entering program constructs).

Defining styles... – This menu item allows you to configure styles for the selected language syntax, for example, text color, size, and so on. You can also add an extension to the selected one here

syntax. You can also select a design style from the drop-down list at the top.

Menu Macros

Start recording – Allows you to start recording a macro

Stop recording – Allows you to stop recording a macro. The entire recording will be stored in a temporary buffer, the contents of which will be automatically overwritten when a new macro is recorded.

Scroll entry – Allows you to run a recorded macro, the macro that was last recorded. Combination “Ctrl + Shift + P”.

Save macro recording... — This item launches the editor dialog box, in which you need to specify the name of the macro and assign it a key combination by which it will be launched.

Run multiple times... — This item launches a dialog box in which you can select the desired macro (from the clipboard or a saved macro). Also, here you can specify the number of runs or select that the macro is played until the end of the file.

Change hotkeys/Delete macro – Actually, this point speaks for itself. Here you can set or change key combinations for basic editor commands and macros, as well as delete a saved macro

Start Menu

Launch… — Key “F5”. This item launches a code editor dialog box, in which you must enter the path to the program and possible parameters to be passed. You can use the Browse button (It's next to the input line) to find the program you need. The passed parameters (if needed) are contained in $(...), where... can be:

  • FULL_CURRENT_PATH– Path to current directory
  • CURRENT_DIRECTORY– Current directory name
  • FILE_NAME- File name
  • NAME_PART– File name without extension
  • EXT_PART– File extension
  • NPP_DIRECTORY– The name of the directory in which the application is located.
  • CURRENT_WORD— Current text selection in the document.
  • CURRENT_LINE— The current number of the line that is selected in the document (numbering starts from 0).
  • CURRENT_COLUMN– The current column in which the cursor is located (numbering starts from 0).

For example:

"$(NPP_DIRECTORY)\notepad++.exe" -multiInst "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"

In this case, the active document will be opened in a new instance.

The Start menu also displays saved commands, and the last option allows you to delete saved commands or change key combinations.

Windows Menu

This menu contains all open files in a text editor. The last item “Windows...” shows a dialog box containing a list of all open files, the path where they are saved (if the file is saved), as well as the type (it all depends on the extension of the file being saved). You can immediately switch from one file to another, close or save an open file.

Plugin overview

  • Auto save

  • The plugin allows you to automatically save a document. There are settings - for example, save when losing focus.
  • Compare

  • Similar to winmerge. Allows you to compare files. Differences are highlighted.
  • CCompletion

  • Autocomplete plugin (autocomplete). Can search for variables.
  • Document Monitor

  • Checks the document to see if it has been modified by another application. Useful plugin.
  • Explorer

  • Adds a file browser to Notepad.
  • External lexer KVS

  • Adds KVS syntax highlighting.
  • Falling bricks

  • Adds a Tetris game.
  • File switcher

  • Allows you to switch between files. Useful when more than 30 files are open.
  • Gmod LUA lexer

  • LUA syntax highlighting.
  • Gtag seach

  • Search by tags.
  • GuidGuard

  • Plugin for C. Inserts the following into the file (the header is different):
  • HEX-editor

  • HEX editor right in notepad. Adds a shortcut icon. Very convenient.
  • HTML tag

  • A very useful plugin. Adds a series of hotkeys so you can quickly copy content between tags. See screenshot.
  • JSMin

  • Plugin for javascript. Removes all hyphens and indentations to reduce weight.
  • Language help

  • Allows you to launch special help files (CHM, HLP, PDF) and search for words in them.
  • Light Explorer

  • Light version of the Explorer plugin.
  • MathPad

  • Allows you to carry out various mathematical calculations.
  • MIME Tools

  • A little useful plugin that adds base64 code/decode. Printed quotable…
  • MultiClipboard

  • The plugin keeps clipboard history. It’s convenient to copy and paste a lot of the same code.
  • NativeLang

  • Allows you to translate a plugin or menu into your language.
  • NppAutoIndent

  • Smart auto-indentation for C/C++, PHP, Java and others. A very useful thing.
  • NppCrypt

  • Adds the ability to encrypt a file. But why?
  • NppExec

  • Adds the ability to launch a command line with a parameter. For example, you can immediately launch and compile asm.
  • NppExport

  • Allows you to export the file to rtf, html..
  • NppExternalLexers

  • Adds several syntaxes.
  • NppFTP

  • Ftp in your notepad.
  • NppNetNote

  • The plugin is very cool. Allows multiple people to edit a file at the same time!
  • Oberon-2 Lexer

  • Adds oberon-2 syntax highlighting.
  • Obide

  • Autocomplete for oberon-2.
  • Perforce actions

  • The plugin refused to work.
  • Plugin Marker Margin

  • Minor fix. Adds padding.
  • Plugin Manager

  • Plugin manager. Allows you to download/delete plugins. Comfortable.
  • Plugin Update

  • The plugin updates plugins. Automatically checks for the latest version. Useful thing.
  • Pork to Sausage

  • Plugin for some changes in the text. I didn’t bother to figure it out.
  • Python Script

  • Python plugin. Adds a console.
  • Regex Helper"

  • One of the most useful plugins. Allows you to test a regular expression. Highlights matches. The plugin is equivalent to the preg_match_all function in php. Takes into account all groups. With its help, you can learn regular expressions in literally a day.
  • RegRexPlace

  • Regular replacement. Not very convenient. You need to edit the ini file.
  • Run Me

  • Also something like NppExec. There are settings.
  • SciMarkerSymbol

  • The plugin is needed for some plugins to work.
  • Snippets

  • Adds snippets.
  • Subversion

  • Calls TortoiseSVN's from the command line.
  • ScrollPastEOF

  • Useful plugin fix. Allows you to scroll the file indefinitely.
  • Select N Launch

  • Allows you to save the selected piece of file into a new one, with the desired extension. Comfortable.
  • SnippetPlus

  • Same as Snippet just a more advanced version.
  • SourceCookifier

  • It will create some kind of preview, like a tree. See screenshot.
  • SourceSwitch

  • Switching between files.c< ->.h
  • Speech

  • The plugin speaks the selected text. My voice is Microsoft Sam.
  • Spell Checker

  • Word checking, such as Word checking. You must first install Aspell.
  • Switcher

  • Switches between cpp files<>h, cc<>h and c<>h
  • TagsView

  • The plugin shows the results of site tag parsing (CTag).
  • WebEdit

  • Quick insertion of tags. Adds tag buttons.
  • XBrackets Lite

  • Auto-addition of brackets. Convenient for programming.
  • XML Tools

  • Adds some tools for working with XML.