Arranges delivery of products by mail quickly. Self-collection of an order as a delivery method, or why do buyers not notice it? Advantages of a courier company for an online store

We continue the series of articles about business for young mothers and fathers, and today we will talk about the All-Russian competition for young entrepreneurs called "My First Business". Like all recent endeavors, this project was formed at the end of 2017 and is now gaining momentum every day. A PR campaign is in full swing on TV, radio and other print media.


  • Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • Ministry of Communications of Russia;
  • Agency for Strategic Initiatives;
  • REU them. G.V. Plekhanov.

The project was implemented within the framework of the program. Informational support is provided by the Foundation for the Development of Internet Initiatives and the Foundation for the Promotion of the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Spheres, although in fact the initiative was supported by other foundations and the media.


According to the organizers, the main goal of the project is to promote business among young people. Despite the active development of Russia in recent years, as well as numerous small business support programs, unfortunately, our small business development indicators do not reach European, and even more so American ones, where more than 50% of the contribution to the country's GDP comes from small businesses .

We do not quite understand the principle of selection, because according to the organizers, participants must go through a certain "educational track" in one or more business areas under the guidance of "famous" bloggers. Directions include:

  1. Internet projects;
  2. blogs;
  3. innovation;
  4. DIY projects;
  5. Music production.

Several logical questions arise:

  1. Why were these areas chosen? Indeed, in Russia there are many interesting and unexplored areas, as well as only in which there is low competition or it is required to replace foreign analogues. And the organizers chose the direction "Blogs". Is this a creative project? One gets the impression that show jumping itself is still raw and only you have launched areas of activity in which the fund has connections.
  2. Why do they evaluate the work and pass the educational track under the guidance of well-known bloggers? Are there few successful entrepreneurs in our country? Why go through some kind of competition or selection from a blogger? After all, a blogger is a rather controversial figure who earns money only by his posts on the Internet, the number of these posts, especially actively picking up the latest popular topics and discussing them in his blogs. A very controversial decision in our opinion.

By the way, you can choose the following bloggers - Nikolai Sobolev, Klava Koka, Masha Wei, Jan Topless and Wylsacom:


Program and timing

The timeline for 2017-2018 is quite tight, although realistic:

General rules

Everyone who is interested must register on the portal, fill out a questionnaire with personal data and subscribe to the Vkontakte community.

Again, a very controversial initiative of mandatory subscription to communities, one gets the impression that the organizers themselves want to make money on PR of their groups on social networks, and then monetize the project additionally.

The social group Vkontakte of the project My First Business - Captains, by the way, looks like this:

A little bit more than 500 thousand subscribers is already a very good result in just a few months of the group's life. We are also immediately greeted by a presentation video:

Everyone who wishes must register on the website, moreover, registration is possible only through a personal Vkontakte profile. thus to all those who do not have a page in social network, you need to create such a profile and register from under it. after confirming the rights to the application, you get into your personal account and see:

The interface is quite intuitive, although it does not display correctly in Mac OS in Safari. Interestingly, as in the classics of the genre, additional points are awarded for inviting a friend. Everything bloggers love.

The task

Each blogger has his own tasks and they are presented in the form of a video interview and a question, for example:

Exercise 1: How to find an idea for an online business? Describe your idea. What would you like to sell in your online store? Why did you choose this direction?

Answer to task 1:

It is necessary to give a detailed answer with a size of 100 characters. Example: I would like to open an online pet store, and make it multi-brand with the most extensive product matrix. Selling both food and accessories for cats, dogs, birds, rodents and reptiles. Emphasis should be placed on the minimum margin, free delivery, a convenient personal account with order history and personal recommendations, a description of the client's pets. In your personal account, you could leave a request for an individual selection of therapeutic feed or other products by specialists, veterinarians or representatives of your favorite brands.

I would also like to pursue aggressive advertising strategies and launch it in all well-known media, Internet portals, Yandex market, Internet mockups, etc. At the same time, negotiate with manufacturers of goods from the assortment of the store for joint promotional PR campaigns. In addition, the site should have a system for auto-updating prices and product balances, the functionality of recommended products based on neural networks, similar products, products that have recently been viewed, the ability to buy in 1 click, the ability to put it on the "wish list".

This is just an example, and of course, all the main points are not disclosed here.


  • Describe your idea in as much detail as possible;
  • Try to immediately present the numerical parameters of the project, forecasts of sales volumes, output, costs, profits, etc.;
  • Indicate what is unique and distinctive features of the project;
  • Tell why exactly you should succeed;
  • Present "success stories" of competitors.

Task 2: Why will they buy from your online store? What are the benefits of your online store?

Answer to task 2: Describe the benefits as specifically as possible, trying to come up with a "zest". Example: Among the main advantages it will be possible to single out: free delivery, minimum margins, sale by the piece of any product, return of goods within a month, not two weeks, the ability to bring goods to choose from several types, sizes or colors, a unique individual selection of goods for the breed dog, its age and distinctive features of taste and character directly on the site using a special filter, adaptive design site, individual mailings from special offers, cumulative discount for regular customers, etc.


  • Reflect concrete facts, confirmation by statistics;
  • Pay the attention of the organizers to foreign examples;
  • Search the Internet for e-commerce know-how;
  • pay attention to neural networks and BigData functionality from the Bitrix platform.

Task 3: Delivery to the client. Specify the shipping method you are going to use and justify your choice.

Answer to task 3: As a rule, delivery methods are the same for everyone, but you can also be creative, for example, specify delivery using quadcopters or multicopters. Such coffee delivery options already exist in Europe and America. Or: Delivery will be made by all possible ways, for example, by Russian Post, couriers, transport companies, through post offices, and self-delivery is also available.

The more various ways delivery, the more customers we may be interested in, because. each client has his own preferences, it is more convenient for someone to receive the courier personally, someone does not want to adapt and it is easier for them to call on their own or go to the post office at a convenient time, and someone makes an order on the Internet from other regions and they can only deliver using TK, Russian Post or other remote methods!


  • Specify several delivery methods and justify each;
  • Use both standard approaches and creative ones, you should stand out from the crowd.

After completing these three tasks, the following notification is displayed: " You completed the main tasks! Congratulations! Now you are a participant in the drawing of 5000 backpacks and 5000 beauty boxes. If you want to apply for iPhone X, GoPro and a grant for education in one of the best universities in the country or financial support for a project, complete the practical task!

Task 4: Platform for your online store. Choose a platform for an online store (\ Place in your online store or group the products you want to sell. Send me a link to the store.

Answer: Here the most interesting begins. We move from theory to practice and place a real store for testing.

After the link is sent, we receive the following message: "You have completed all the theoretical and practical tasks. The jury will select after November 14 those who receive latest iPhones and GoPro, as well as grants to develop the idea. Don't waste time - take daily steps to grow your business. "

Competition results

As a result, the winners will be able to receive various prizes, the list of such prizes is quite significant - from equipment to educational grants. Experts will select only about 2,000 best contestants, they will be invited to the regional educational so-called business camps from December 7 to 10, 2017, and from 16.11 - 05.12 students of the Faculty of Business "CAPTAIN" will organize preparation of schoolchildren for the camps. As expected, the details are published only in the Vkontakte community. Unlike the program

  • - the main site of the project, where you can and should register, read the terms and conditions. The domain is also recently registered, but already has significant traffic. The project is visited by several thousand people a day, and everything is prepared for promotion on the Internet. It is clear to the naked eye that both designers and marketers, as well as many other specialists, have worked seriously on the site. Here is some information:

P.s. The founder of the fund is Alexey Nechaev. A well-known entrepreneur and teacher in narrow circles. Graduated from Moscow State University. Lomonosov and immediately began to combine pedagogical and entrepreneurial activities. IN currently is the founder and president of Faberlink (one of the top 100 largest perfume and cosmetic companies in the world). Married, father of 5 children!

Good luck to everyone in business!

The volume of purchases via the Internet shows stable growth. More than 30% of the working population of our country regularly makes orders in online stores. Over the past three years, the number of online shoppers has grown 2.5 times. Moreover, this growth occurs mainly due to residents of the regions and young people, who are among the most active users.
e-commerce. Among the most popular categories of goods purchased via the Internet are household appliances and electronics (over 40%), clothing and footwear (15%), auto parts and household goods (10% each).

How does the product reach the delivery service?

After the customer has made all the required clicks, information about the order is entered into the database of the online store. The account manager necessarily contacts the buyer, confirms the purchase and sends a request for order picking and delivery to the logistics company.

Large stores often outsource logistics functions - with a large flow of orders, this is much more profitable than keeping even small warehouses in the regions.

How not to bring a chair instead of shoes

After the application has been received by the logistics company, it is processed by managers and transferred to the warehouse. Its employees select packaging depending on the method of delivery and the nature of the attachment, complete the shipment, pack, draw up accompanying documents, stick labels and transfer the order for delivery. This is very milestone, since it depends on him whether the buyer will receive what he ordered.

The girl refused to swim in a vest, called the store, which had to fix
mistake at your own expense

Once, for example, a girl ordered a sports swimsuit in a well-known and very expensive Moscow store. The manager called, checked the price, the customer confirmed everything. We agreed on the date of arrival of the courier. At the appointed time, the courier arrived and brought her a vest. The girl refused to swim in a vest, called the store, which had to correct the mistake at its own expense. In the end, the client was satisfied, but where the first copy of the swimsuit was “lost” remained a mystery.

The reason for such cases, as a rule, is a store manager's mistake in the nomenclature when transferring an order for picking. A stock error is also possible. Therefore, the control of the conformity of the articles on the goods and in the accompanying documents is a very important component when completing an order. If, due to an error, the buyer receives something completely different from what he ordered, the store has to incur significant expenses. In addition to the cost of shipping a confused product, you have to pay for re-packaging, packaging, processing and re-delivery of the order. And to maintain the loyalty of the buyer, it is worth putting an additional small gift in the package.

How the order is sent

The online store, in the case of independent picking of orders, transfers the packaged shipment to the transport company. The transport company, if necessary, repacks it and draws up accompanying documents. After that, the order finally goes on the road.

At this stage, many errors can occur - from a failure in the IT system of one of the parties, as a result of which there is a confusion in addresses, to errors in the data provided by the online store, which make delivery difficult.

It is very important for buyers to be careful when filling out address data when placing an order: an error in even one digit can lead to the fact that your order will be sent to a completely different location. For example, there are two cities of Blagoveshchensk - in the Amur region and in Bashkiria. And if the buyer did not indicate the index, and the online store did not check it, the parcel may end up in a completely different region of Russia.

What are the parcels

The choice of the type of transport that the order will use depends on the target cost and target delivery time (moreover, logistics is aimed at minimizing the cost, and the commercial service is aimed at reducing the time). Most often, a distance of up to 500 kilometers is carried by cars, over 500 kilometers it is more expedient to carry by rail or air.

By the way, land transport also has its own restrictions on the duration of movement, on average it is no more than 500 kilometers per day for each type of transport. Plus two days minimum should be laid on additional processing departures.

At the same time, the distance almost does not affect the condition of the goods at the end of the journey. It is important here how many overloads and intermediaries will be, as well as what their competence is. It is possible to deliver a damaged shipment in the Moscow region, or it is possible to bring the order to Vladivostok intact.

Who pays for shipping

As a rule, online stores are divided into two camps: those who take all the costs of order delivery on themselves and shift these functions to the recipient. In the first case, the store guarantees free delivery of the order (as a rule, if the order amount exceeds a certain minimum) and chooses the delivery channel itself. In the second case, the online store offers the recipient to choose a courier company from several options, depending on the expected delivery time and cost.

However, there are also companies that offer a single delivery rate, which is paid by the recipient, and the difference between this rate and the rate of the courier company, if any, is reimbursed at their own expense.

What happens in the mail

After passing the highway and sorting, the shipment arrives at the post office and waits for the recipient to redeem it. However, it happens that it can lie for a very long time, since, for example, the recipient did not receive a notification.

And it happens that the customer, while waiting for the parcel, changed his mind and simply did not go to the post office to redeem it. No one will judge him for this, and this happens often. Online shopping is often emotional and momentary. And after a few days there is already a risk that a person will “burn out”.

Online shopping is often emotional and momentary. After a few days, there is already a risk that the person "burns out"

When we deliver orders, we try to competently build a dialogue with the client of the online store, and the number of shipments that refused to be redeemed is reduced. In 2014, the percentage of returns for all shipments passing through us did not exceed 6.78%.

In the case when the goods are delivered by courier service, difficulties may also occur. Starting from the complex process of agreeing on the time and address of delivery and ending with privacy issues. For example, when making purchases in intimate goods stores, many buyers are not ready to accept a courier in their office and prefer to pick up goods “on the street”. With one of our clients, we have developed a whole order delivery system that guarantees the confidentiality of the purchase and minimizes possible embarrassing situations - from special packaging to instructions for call center operators and couriers.

How to return an order

If you refuse to purchase, the story for the online store and the transport company that carried out the delivery does not end. You need to take the goods back, return it to the online store. And the online store needs to dismantle it, place it in storage and pay double the shipping rate, without earning a penny on it.

Some online stores even use the possibility of returning unsuitable goods as one of the ways to attract a customer. But each return is an additional processing cost. Depending on the category of goods, both the buyer himself and the online store can pay for this.

In the case of unredeemed items, most often the costs are borne by the store. He will have to pay for delivery to the place of residence of the intended buyer (100% of the delivery rate), return delivery of goods - (from 50 to 100% of the rate, depending on the operator), disassembly of the shipment and placement of goods for storage (the cost depends on the fulfillment operator or on the cost of maintaining your own warehouse). In addition to delivery, the online store has already paid for the advertising that brought the buyer to it. It may pay fines to the supplier if the goods are returned to him. Sometimes, after long transportation, it is required to evaluate the goods for their suitability for further sale, and these are the costs of an expert, lawyer and other specialists who will deal with complaints with the transport company and the supplier.

Returning goods to an online store is one of the biggest problems of Russian e-commerce, since for most online stores these costs eat up up to 80% of profits. According to our data, reducing the number of return shipments by 3-5% increases revenue by 20-30%. If online retailers work effectively with buyers and logistics operators at the last stage of delivery, then many of those who are now on the verge of survival will be able to save their business.

According to a 2014 Forrester survey of online shoppers, 50% of online shoppers would like to be able to self-collect their orders from retail branches of the same online store. This is not at all surprising: the cost of delivery of goods, taxes and various additional costs when making a transaction in an online store repel 33% of buyers.

That is why the ability to pick up the order yourself, without requiring any additional costs, is becoming an increasingly popular option for receiving goods.

Despite the fact that many online stores provide their customers with self-delivery, most visitors do not notice the presence of this shipping option because the web element for choosing this option is not where people expect it to be.

According to studies by Baymard, a company testing the usability of web interfaces, 83% of respondents, when ordering goods using a smartphone, did not notice the “pickup” button on the website of the REI branded clothing store.

The Find in store option is located directly on the product landing page. But the thing is, most shoppers expect to see a pickup option as part of the checkout process, i.e. among other shipping methods. Some visitors even skim through the FAQ and shipping policy text looking for a self-collection option, completely oblivious to the item they are looking for.

Figure 1 shows the location of the Free store pickup today option on the American toy store Toys R` Us website.

The pickup option is at the very beginning of the checkout page: this placement option is more appropriate, but users still do not notice the option to receive an order in the store, expecting to see it among other delivery options, which in the case of Toys R` Us are displayed just below (picture 2) .

Representation of buyers about self-collection of the order

Most eCommerce platforms place a self-pickup option either at the very beginning of the checkout page or well before proceeding to the checkout process.

But, as we said, visitors expect to see such an option among the delivery methods of the goods, so they simply do not notice it on other pages of the online store.

The fact is that consumers regard the option of self-collection of a purchase as an absolutely full-fledged delivery option, despite the fact that the online store does not actually send anything to them.

Displaying the pickup option among other shipping methods also has a positive effect on the purchase decision of price sensitive buyers: they have the opportunity to compare the prices of all possible pickup options and make the most beneficial decision for their wallet.

Why pay an extra 500 rubles for shipping when you can pick up the goods from the store on your way to work?

The image shows the checkout page in the Notus online store. The self-collection option is displayed exactly where most buyers expect to find it, along with other shipping methods.

Self-pickup - an advantage over competitors

By enabling customers to pick up orders from retail outlets, any business gains several benefits at once.

  • Firstly, the option of receiving goods at the point of issue can serve as a worthy alternative to the standard one. As we said at the very beginning of the article, 33% of buyers do not complete the online purchase process because they are put off by the additional costs of purchasing a product, one of which is shipping.
  • Secondly, you get a competitive advantage over online stores that do not have retail outlets or pickup points.
  • Thirdly, you also optimize sales with the help of upsell.

High conversions for you!

Learn about the main methods of organizing delivery for online stores:

  1. Express delivery;
  2. self-delivery of goods from the online store;
  3. EMS/Russian mail in online stores;
  4. transport companies.

Express delivery

In large cities, this is the most popular method and the most popular delivery service. This method It is distinguished by high speed of delivery and the fact that buyers can look at the product before paying to check its condition.

The simplest scheme and easily implemented.

At the start, it is very problematic to hire your own couriers, so you should outsource delivery and use the services of third-party couriers if necessary. This will protect you from unnecessary expenses and there will be no such situations when the courier sits in the office. In an article about courier services for an online store, comparative review courier services that can be entrusted with the delivery of orders.

On average, the cost of courier services is approximately 170-200 rubles. an order weighing up to one kilogram, the delivery of which is carried out within St. Petersburg or Moscow. The cost of delivery to St. Petersburg in Moscow time is on average approximately 250-300 rubles.

Let's take a look at the results:

  • Price
  • Speed
  • Reliability

Cost: due to the high speed, such a service is not cheap (for an order weighing one kilogram in one city - from 150 rubles).

Speed: if you have your own couriers, you can send orders on the day you receive orders. Delivery of orders by third-party courier services is carried out the next day after its acceptance.

Reliability: the responsibility for the received cargo lies with your couriers and courier services (you should read the contract with them).

All self-respecting online stores should have courier delivery, regardless of the region where the work is carried out.

Self-delivery of goods from the online store

Self-delivery is more convenient because the buyer does not have to pay for the delivery of the order, and this is true for a small amount of the order. Moreover, buyers are not guided by couriers, who often arrive at unscheduled times.

In addition, at self-delivery points, you can place additional showcases with goods, thereby providing an opportunity for customers to buy other goods in your store.

If there is no office, then you should not be upset, now you can place goods on the basis of self-delivery centers of courier services or firms that were originally sharpened as self-delivery centers for online stores (for example, SamZaber).

A significant disadvantage of self-delivery is the higher percentage of unredeemed orders compared to the courier. Therefore, a few days after the confirmation of orders, it is worth reminding customers that the order is waiting for them. Then the buyer will either finally refuse, or come to pick it up.


  • Price
  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • Possibility of accepting cash upon receipt

Cost: For self-pickup, it may cost nothing if it is your own office. When using the services of third-party pickup centers, the issuance of the 1st order will cost an average of 40-90 rubles. depending on the centre.

Speed: determined low speed the fact that quite often buyers do not immediately arrive for placing an order, but only within a few days.

Reliability: Naturally, if self-collection is in your own office, then you are responsible for it. Responsibility for an order transferred according to documents also lies with third-party pickup centers, do not forget to read the contract.

mailEMS/Russia in online stores

It's no secret that in online stores, cash on delivery is one of the most popular types of delivery in Russia. Firstly, because it has the largest coverage of the territory. Secondly, because many potential buyers live in small towns.

The delivery procedure is as follows:

  1. Packaging of goods;
  2. Sending orders through Russian Post offices;
  3. The order is sent to the recipients, we are waiting for it to arrive at its branch;
  4. Upon receipt of the order, the receipt of money is expected.
  5. The main disadvantages of cash on delivery delivery. Before opening delivery throughout Russia, you should think about the following:
  6. In Russia, the average delivery time is ten days;
  7. When shipping only in advance, there is a certain risk of freezing working capital at the time of delivery;

It will also take a lot of work to prevent cases where orders are not picked up. In such cases, you will spend ten days for delivery, a month is allowed for the order to be picked up, and in cases where it is not picked up, another ten days for the return of the goods. Do not forget that in such cases you will have to pay for shipping both there and back.

There may be additional costs for communication with buyers from the regions.

However, even if there are all the above disadvantages, working with the entire audience of Russia has its advantages. Since the opening of this type of delivery, complications are possible, which are associated with the fact that part of the money in the form of orders travels around Russia, but over time (when buying orders), the situation begins to stabilize. In addition, the audience of potential buyers is very large.

The following tips will help you reduce the number of non-collections:

It is worth notifying buyers about the dispatch of goods;

It is also worth notifying them about the delivery of the order to their post office;

You always need to confirm by phone orders to the regions.


  • Price
  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • Possibility of accepting cash upon receipt

Cost: delivery at a fixed cost and depends on the region where the package is sent. We recommend 1st class.

Speed: depending on the region, the delivery time can be found on the Russian Post website. We recommend sending 1st class, which significantly reduces delivery times.

Reliability: according to statistics, the goods are rarely delivered to the final destination by the Russian Post. However, there may be violations of deadlines and appearance packages. The product may also be damaged. It is worth warning buyers that they should not redeem a purchase in case of a significant violation of the packaging.

By the way, it is more convenient to send parcels through branches that do not work with individuals, but only with individual entrepreneurs or legal entities.

Transport companies

For online stores, it is the most unclaimed delivery service.

We are talking about delivery with the help of companies such as PEK, Business Line etc. The advantage of these companies is fast delivery in comparison with the Russian Post and a large number of offices in Russia (more than 1000 cities).

This type of delivery is perfect for:

  • Prompt delivery to cities where the buyer can independently pick up orders from the warehouse of the transport company;
  • Delivery of fairly large cargoes;

Buyers make orders, make an advance payment for them, and then you send the order to the city. Compared to Russian Post given type delivery has a smaller coverage (medium and large cities), but faster delivery, which is especially true for remote regions.

Some transport companies offer the possibility of paying for goods upon receipt, but we recommend using prepaid systems.

Transport companies:

  • Business Line
  • Results:
  • Price
  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • The possibility of accepting cash upon receipt in some companies is

Cost: the cost of delivery is comparable to the cost of sending using the Russian Post. It is more profitable to send oversized cargo by transport companies.

Speed: compared to the Russian Post, the speed is higher, but the coverage is smaller.

Reliability: Higher reliability than Russian Post due to shorter delivery times and more careful attitude to shipments.

What to choose as a result as a delivery for an online store?

We considered pickup, courier delivery, transport companies and the Russian Post. Now let's compare them by characteristics:


  • Pickup
  • Express delivery
  • Transport company
  • Post office

It has already been noted that courier delivery is the most fast way order delivery to end customers. But the Russian Post has the maximum coverage on the territory of the Russian Federation.


  • Pickup
  • Express delivery
  • Transport company
  • Post office

Is always high speed delivery was characterized by high shipping costs. It's hard to compare here. different types, because each of these types performs its own tasks, the difference in the cost of which is large. The main thing is that there are many different payment options involved in online stores.


  • Pickup
  • Express delivery
  • Transport company
  • Post office

The most reliable is delivery on their own when using couriers or self-delivery. Everything by and large happens in front of your eyes and it is much easier to control. When sent to the regions, it becomes harder to control. Send a courier on a business trip for a thousand kilometers - you yourself understand that such a trip will not pay off the sale. Unless, of course, you sold not a composition household appliances with twenty wagons. Therefore, it is better for a young store not to get involved with the regions, but to focus on the city where it operates.

As you can see, in all categories there is no obvious winner. Therefore, we recommend that you always do not use only one delivery option, but combine them, thus providing customers with a choice. It is more convenient for someone to pay for prompt delivery by courier, and for someone it is better to drive up yourself so as not to overpay.

Choice of delivery at the start

When launching an online store, there must be a courier delivery (up to two days) + pickup is also desirable. Over time, it is worth trying to make a delivery test by Russian Post, both prepaid and cash on delivery. The results obtained can help you to finally determine the scheme of work with mail.

If you are distributing oversized goods or it is more convenient for you to work with transport companies, then it is worth evaluating the cost of such a service and choosing the appropriate service. On this site, you can be provided with assistance in automatically calculating the cost of delivery to various destinations.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of delivery option, it is necessary to take into account the type of goods supplied. For example, you need to remember that delicate electronics and various little things do not like transportation by mail, since they can be damaged during shipment. That's why mobile phones, gadgets, electronics, computer spare parts are best delivered through a courier, and even better - to give it away. We must not forget that courier delivery is also Additional income. As a rule, the cost of a trip for a courier is several times lower than the payment for delivery, so offering courier services to a client is profitable.

If your product is not afraid of shocks (for example, clothes), then the most profitable way delivery is, of course, mail. With help post offices you can easily send the goods without worrying about its safety. Finally, if your field of activity is something large (hot water boilers, gas stoves, furniture ...) - your choice is specialized delivery services that have become widespread in Russia recently. As a rule, such services have convenient sites where you can track the progress of the delivery, because both you and your client will always be able to find out where the goods are. In addition, the cost of the services of these companies is quite profitable.

As we can see, all delivery options are good to a certain extent. Most stores prefer to combine benefits and practice different delivery options. As a rule, courier delivery is carried out in the city where the store is located. And in remote regions, the goods are sent by postal services.

Sellers on Aliexpress do not always send the goods with the delivery service that you chose when ordering. There may be several reasons for this. And I wrote about them in the article.

If free shipping was specified in the order, then the dispute in this case should not be opened. Since the amount of delivery was zero rubles. And you will have to return zero rubles. That is, there is no subject for dispute. Even if the seller frankly deceived by writing free shipping EMS or DHL, and actually sent by the cheapest China Post.

It was possible to return your money in one case: when your order included a paid delivery. And the seller sent the goods another postal service. Often even without a track number, or very slow and less reliable than stated. Then it was just possible to return the entire cost that you paid for the delivery. Since the seller indicated incorrect information or scammed in an attempt to save money.

The shipping method used is different from the one advertised

Previously, for disputes for this reason, there was a separate item in the reasons for the dispute "Problems with logistics" if you choose item "Did you receive the item you ordered"-> "Yes". But after recent changes on the site, this item completely disappeared from the dispute. And now the form for the dispute looks like this:

In the tab "Problem Encountered" there is not a single item that would fit the logistical problems. Cause "The shipping method used differs from the one advertised" disappeared.

What reason to choose?

According to the rules of Aliexpress, you must always choose the exact reason for the dispute. But now, if the seller sent the goods by another delivery service, there is no suitable item. One of our readers turned to the support chat and consulted with the employees, what reason should he choose now. The answer was:

Lina: Hello! Welcome to AliExpress Support. My name is Lina. How can I help you?

Buyer: Hello. How can I make up the difference in shipping costs? The seller sent the goods not by the delivery service that I chose.

Lina: Please wait to receive the package. After receiving the parcel, you will be able to start a dispute and request compensation for the fact that the delivery method has been changed.

Buyer: What reason should I choose?

Lina: The reason is "Item does not match the description". I ask you to choose these reasons and then write your exact situation. and our team can watch and help you resolve your issue.

In this dialogue, the support service employee advised to simply select the first item from the reasons “The product does not match the description”, but at the same time, immediately, from the first words, write to the mediators that he wants compensation for the fact that the seller sent the goods by another delivery service.

  • - In the desired refund amount, indicate the entire amount that you paid for the delivery of the goods.
  • - As evidence, you can attach a snapshot of the order to the dispute, where the delivery method you have chosen is graphically highlighted. And a screenshot from personal account, where the seller indicated the track and site of another delivery service. As well as a screenshot of the tracking site, where the delivery service is determined.
  • - You can write at the end what problems you got in connection with this change (the goods went for a long time, did not arrive on time, arrived damaged, etc.)

And most importantly, disputes on the delivery method can only be opened after the package has been received! And you made sure that everything is fine with the goods.

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