Award MUZ TV vote. Muz-TV Prize (2016)

It happened! On June 10, the XIV annual National Television Award in the Popular Music Prize "MUZ-TV 2016" took place in the Moscow Sport Complex "Olympic" in the sparkling atmosphere of Positive. Energy of the Future !!! "

Moscow all these days was immersed in a cold cyclone, it was rained over the capital for a week and reigned the cold wind as in the fall. But on the day of the solemn presentation of the Award "MUZ-TV 2016", even Nature sama surrendered in captivity of a large-scale extravagania - contrary to all weather forecasts for several hours in the capital, the heat and cloudless sun returned to the capital!

This holiday always collects thousands of fans of popular music that come from different cities. 2016 did not exception, this year the "MUZ-TV 2016" ceremony took place in the 14th time.

The Moscow public managed to miss this premium - after all, in 2015, the solemn presentation of the legendary plates took place in Kazakhstan.

Accordingly, after a biennial break, the capital of Russia with a special trepidation was waiting for the MUZ-TV 2016 ceremony.

In the "Olympic" gathered about 20 thousand spectators, who were in anticipation of the hearts in anticipation of the show - "Energy of the Future!"
CEO MUZ-TV ARMAN Davletyarov on the eve of the events said: "We are proud to show that for 20 years now best music And 14 years old create a world-class show - MUZ-TV Prize. Spectators of the MUZ-TV channel are active, advanced young people - the future of our country. Therefore, in this twentieth, anniversary for the channel year, MUZ-TV 2016 Award We called the "Energy of the Future"!

The new director of the MUZ-TV premium was one of the most sought-after directories of recent years - Vasily Velkhatov. Vasily is known to the general public, first of all, with its opera performances in the walls of the Big and Mariinsky theaters, as well as leading opera theaters of Europe. In addition to the classic scene, the director's talent of Vasily manifested itself in a wide range: from bold and unexpected work on the first channel, such as the "Ghost of the Opera", "Yesterday Live", "Olivier Show", to the mass shows on Red Square.

Leading premiums 2016 are eccentric and extraordinary Maxim Galkin, Ksenia Sobchak, Lera Kudryavtseva and Dmitry Nagiyev.

According to the current tradition, guests and viewers began to gather in the "Olympic" long before the official start of the concert.

At 16 o'clock launched a red carpet.

Under the deafening ovations of fans and continuous clicks of camera photoconductors, guests in brilliant images were solemnly defiled in red more. From the kaleidoscope of media persons captured the spirit not only from fans, but also journalists who tried to deftly maneuver the movements of cameras and microphones, in order not to miss and do not miss something important.

We will not list all the stars, so that the hero of the legendary film "Corona of the Russian Empire", which was rejected into unnecessary details in the narration.

We only note that the celebrities of different ages, regalia, titles were solemnly held in Olympic.

In addition to the stars and "stars" of popular music, there were athletes, TV presenters, actors - Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Peter Chernyshov, Maxim Trankov and Tatyana Volosozhar, Irina Slutskaya, Evgeny Plushenko and many others. From foreign guests attended actress Bai Lin.

Of course, the King of Estrada-Filipp Kirkorov, Eurovision Triumfators - Sergey Lazarev and Polina Gagarin, was honored, and Polina Gagarin, and of course Danil Kozlovsky.

The incendiary abundance of bright painting images logically switched inside the Olympic.

And now it began its Majesty "MUZ-TV 2016" ceremony!

The presenters created a colorful atmosphere, the premium laureates were virtuosically declared, they improvised a lot, withered originally.

Ksenia Sobchak changed 4 dresses, the style of each outfit is elegantly "encrypted" the figure of the TV presenter, mysteriously heated the intrigue of her pregnancy, which many rumors go about which lately.

By the way, the outfits also became the object of many jokes and reprises. For example, the bright red costume of Nikolai Baskov Ksenia compared with the "Fireman's Zhukom", and Nikolai "Podkolt" in response to Allegoria, that Ksenia's dress resembles the curtains - not from the Kulis of the Bolshoi Theater after restoration?

Traditionally, the leaders were ironiced, exchanged by bales both add to each other and on abstract topics.

Behind the scenes also reigned a friendly atmosphere, guests talked, made "Self", willingly posed with numerous photographers.

Well, of course, the fundamental "nail" there was a show! The music program, the organizers thoughtfully formed from the songs of all genres and directions from the songs, each room was a bright mini-performance with ballet and numerous special effects. Colorful video stations that broadcast on huge screens, with clearly selected thematic images and frames suitable for the meaning of each song, certainly increased the effect of what is happening.

From the very first moments in the hall, a colossal energy was reigning in power, which all evening on a rabid velocity was forced to beat the hearts of each of those present.

"The best duet" - was named Creative Tandem Grigory Leps and Ani Lorak - "Leave English."

The premium laureate in the nomination "The best performer" became Polina Gagarin, the award was presented by Danil Kozlovsky and Lolita.

The wonderful actor Danil Kozlovsky was not just an honorary guest of the ceremony, but also a nominee for a prestigious musical award. The actor became the laureate in the nomination "Best Concert Show" for the magnificent music project "Big Dream of an ordinary Man", the premiere of which was held last year on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. When receiving awards, Danil thanked his friend Philip Kirkorov, who inspired the actor and helped him Implement this project.

Of course, here we will remind that the director of the show "The Big Dream of an Ordinary Man", shown on the air of the First Channel, is our chief editor -Moman Grigorievich Rodin!

In the nomination "World Breakthrough of the Year", Sergey Lazarev received a special award, was awarded a premium prize - Maxim Trankov and Tatiana Volosozhar. Sergey Lazarev also deservedly took a prize in the nomination "Best Artist" and fulfilled his hit from Eurovision "You Are The Only One" on the same intricate scenery as in the European Competition.

We present a complete list of laureates. Winners of the "MUZ TV 2016" premium:

« The best video"- Dima Bilan -" Do not be silent "

« Best song"- Timati Feat. Record Orchestra - "Eggplant"

"Breakthrough of the Year" - Nikita Alekseev

"Best Pop Group" - Serebro

"Best Duet" - Gregory Leps & Ani Lorak - "Leave in English"

"Best Album" - Dima Bilan - "Do not be silent"

"The best concert show" Danila Kozlovsky "Big Dream of Ordinary Man" / Big Theater?

"Best Rock Artist" - Leningrad

"Best Hip-Hop Project" - Basta

"Best Foreign Language Song" - Emin - Boomerang

"Best Women's Video" - Anita Tsoi - "Without Things"

"Best Male Video" - Timati Feat. Record Orchestra - "Eggplant"

"Best Artist" - Sergey Lazarev

"The best performer" - Polina Gagarin

Special nominations

"For contribution to the development of the music industry" - Baigali Serkubaev

"For the contribution to life" - Leo Bokeria

"The best composer of the decade" - Maxim Fadeev

"World breakthrough of the year" - Sergey Lazarev

The audience met all the participants in the phenomenal stage holiday of Burai Ovations and greetings, sang and danced under favorite hits. All artists during the speech willingly communicated with the audience.

Each participant of the ceremony and the laureate presented the public to the part of his soul and warmth, and the audience in response thanked the musicians with a limitless charge of driving, optimism and good "Energy of the Future 2016" - was made on a sparkling wave of cheerfulness, the sea positive emotions and impressions!

New musical discoveries and events ahead! See you in a year, at the Muz-Tv 2017 Award Ceremony! " And how will it be called? Show His Majesty Time!

June 11, 2016, 02:12

Behind one of the most important musical premiums in the Russian show business - MUZ-TV 2016. This year, a large-scale event took place in the SC "Olympic". Already in the afternoon fans began to circle around the complex, many of which brought posters with photographs of their idols.

At 17 o'clock began to appear the first stars - Dmitry Nagiyev, Lera Kudryavtseva, and Maxim Galkin came to meet the crowded crowd. Quartet greeted all those present and exchanged with sharp jokes to each other. A little later, guests joined the guests of the ceremony, many of which were nominated for the award: Serebro Group, Natalia Ionova, Ani Lorak, Anna Sedokova, group "Factory" and many others. The fans invariably met the stars with ovations, and the appearance of Egor Crea was accompanied by deafening cries. Approximately as enthusiastically fans responded to Danil Kozlovsky and Sergey Lazarev.

This year, the star participants of the ceremony are practically not strange outages, but without Phantazh, of course, it did not cost (for example, Sergey Zverev put on a brilliant pink suit and a huge crown, and Blazer "Men in Red" Nikolay Baskov reflected the light of Sofita).

At 18:50, the Terrible and Serious Voice warned all the gathered that it was time to sit down in their places, in the lobby of the Olympic, everyone terribly drove in search of the right door, Ceboribriti began to step on to each other on the heal of dresses, the photographers did not want to let go of celebrities. Finally, the turmoil dull, and everyone went to the hall.

Group "Brilliant"

The MUZ-TV Award started with the Hit of the Leningrad Group -, the new soloist Znorly sang about the delightful pants and high-heeled shoes under the psychedelic video sequence of Van Gogh and female vehicles. After a person, two duets of the leading - Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Galkin, Lera Kudryavtseva and Dmitry Nagiyev came to the scene. Nagiyev admitted that the leading could be more, but because of his budget fee, the rest was not enough.

By the way, Sergey Shornov and his team did not have to go far from the scene - they turned out to be the winners in the nomination "Best Rock Artist" and immediately went beyond the MUZ-TV. The leader of the group "Leningrad" said a brief, but capacious speech:

I can not remember the words of the Russian poet of Egor Yehov: "loves our people any g ****." Thank you.

Under the deafening applause of cords in a white T-shirt-alcoholic, a wide course went for the scene.

One of the most touching moments of the ceremony was the presentation of the award in the nomination "Best Album". Long-legged beauty Elena Perminov and singer Igor Nikolaev came to the scene, they awarded Dima Bilan for the album "not silent." When the singer climbed the prize, Elena picked up in the microphone:

Dima, I am especially pleased to give you this award. Dima saves a lot of kids and helps them gain healthy, happy childhood! Dima, I Love You.

Bilan reminded all guests of the pro, which takes care of children with the peculiarities of development, and from itself personally thanked, founder of the Nude Heart Foundation. Immediately add that Dima also became the winner in the nomination "Best Video", the prize was awarded Evgeny Plushenko and Ulyana Sergeyenko. By the way, the Russian designer admitted that she had his favorite in this nomination, it seems that its hopes were justified. And while the whole hall was changing "La-Zava", Evgeny Plushenko announced that Dima Bilan won the victory.

The premium also became another victory for Danil Kozlovsky.

This actor shot in 40 films by 31 years,

She said Lera Kudryavtseva about Danil. And from today, the music premium was added to the topies of the movie star, the Muz-TV plate, her artist was received for the victory in the nomination "The Best Show", and so that the audience was once again convinced of the correctness of this choice, Danila fulfilled Popourry from his program "Big Dream of Ordinary man. "

In the interruptions between the announcement of the winners and performances of artists, the leaders constantly teased each other. Ksenia Sobchak offered Dmitry to undress to raise the audience a little.

Ksenia, I will not ask you this time. On my part it would be very indisputable,

Answered Nagiyev. All immediately decided that the actor hints at Ksenia. Note that during the show Sobchak changed the outfits several times, and each of them was very distracting (or the opposite, attracted?) Attention from the belly of a secular lioness.

Ani Lorak, Timati, Julianna Karaulova, the group "A-Studio", the group "Time and Glass", Egor Creed and many others were also performed on the Olympic Scene. A special premium received Maxim Fadeev, who was called the "Best Composer of the Decade".

Ketie Topuria

One of the most lyrical speeches was a duet of Basta and Polina Gagarina, during their execution of the song "Voice" the entire hall was shut away. Basta, by the way, won the nomination "Best Hip-Hop Project", and Polina Gagarin was called the "best performer." The award "The best performer" was awarded Sergey Lazarev than finally, the persistent fans of the singer; During the premium, Philip Kirkorov also reminded the audience about the enchanting performance of the artist on the past. In the final of the MUZ-TV award, Sergey Lazarev appeared on stage with an incredible light show and performed the song You Are The Only One. Sergey sang the whole hall!

Results of the MUZ-TV 2016 Award:

Best Foreign Language Song - Emin, Boomerang

Best Pop Group - Serebro

Breakthrough year - Alekseev

Best video - Dima Bilan, "Do not be silent"

Dima Bilan and Nick

Best Male Video - Timati, "Eggplant"

The best concert show - Danil Kozlovsky, "Big Dream of Ordinary Man"

Best Hip Hop Project - Basta

Best Song - Timati, "Eggplant"

Best Rock Artist - "Leningrad"

Best Album - Dima Bilan, "Do not be silent"

Best Artist - Sergey Lazarev

The best performer - Polina Gagarina

Best Duet - Grigory Leps and Ani Lorak, "Leave in English"

The best female video is Anita Tsoi "Without Things"

In the metropolitan restaurant Valenok, Gala dinner was held in honor of the nominees "MUZ-TV 2016 Prize. Energy of the Future". The event that has gathered all the most striking and demanded representatives of show business has been presented to the nominees of the upcoming award ceremony, as well as the audience voting and voting of academicians

As you know, since 2013 has changed the voting system for the nominees of the MUZ-TV Prize. At the first stage, by expert voting, five nominees were identified in 14 categories. In the second stage, academician premiums will take part in the voting for the winners in parallel with the spectators of the channel.

As academics, leading figures of the music industry and show business, the national voting started on the official website of the MUZ-TV Prize - . On the day of the award of the voice of academics and audience voting, the winners will be identified, whose names will be identified, the names of which, you will learn on June 10 in Moscow, in the IC Olympic

Nominees "Awards MUZ-TV 2016. Energy of the Future":

"The best video"

Dima Bilan - "Do not be silent"

Nyusha - "Where are you, I'm there"

Sergey Lazarev - "It's all"

Ani Lorak - "Ships"

"Best Song"

Alekseev - "Drunk Sun"

Nyusha - "Where are you, I'm there"

Time and Glass - "Name 505"

Leningrad - "Exhibit"

Timati Feat. Record Orchestra - "Eggplant"

"Breakthrough of the Year"

Time is up

Julianna Karaulova

"Best Pop Group"


"Best Duet"

MC DONI FEAT. Natalie - "You are so"

Mot Feat. Bianca - "Absolutely everything"

Natan Feat. Timati - "Daring"

Valeria Feat. Anna Schulgin - "You are mine"

Gregory Leps & Ani Lorak - "Leave in English"

"Best Album"

Emin - "8 in the fall"

Valeria - "This is a time of love"

Dima Bilan - "Do not be silent"

Egor Cre - "Bachelor"

Sergey Lazarev - The Best

"The best concert show"

Danila Kozlovsky "Big Dream of Ordinary Man" / Big Theater

Dima Bilan "Bis!" / KZ "Crocus City Hall"

Solo Concert Leonid Agutin and Esperanto / KZ Group Krokus City Hall

Polina Gagarin "Performance" / KZ "Crocus City Hall"

Sergey Lazarev The Best / KZ "Crocus City Hall"

"Best Rock Artist"


"Best Hip-Hop Project"

"Best Song in Foreign Language"

Emin - Boomeranang

Swanky Tunes Feat. Christian Burns - Skin & Bones

Maxim Fadeev - Breach The Line

Polina Gagarina - A Million Voices

"Best Women's Video"

Anita Tsoi - "Without Things"

Anna Sedokova - "While, dear"

Glucose - "Sing me Wind"

Maxim - Golden Fish

Sati Kazanova - "Sleeping my happiness"

"Best Male Video"

Emin - "Forget You"

Alexey Vorobyov - "Crazy"

Egor Cre - "Alarm Clock"

Pizza - "Elevator"

Timati Feat. Record Orchestra - "Eggplant"

"Best Artist"

Grigory Leps

Dima Bilan.

Leonid Agutin

Nikolay Baskov

Sergey Lazarev

"The best performer"

Ani Lorak

Polina Gagarin

"Award" MUZ-TV 2016. Energy of the Future "- will combine all the best in the music industry: a living sound, the loudest huts of the year and grand musical numbers. "We are proud that for 20 years we have been showing the best music and 14 years old we create a world-class show - a MUZ-TV Award, which is a source of positive energy and excellent mood. Channel viewers of MUZ-TV are active, advanced young people are the future of our country. Therefore In this twentieth, anniversary for the channel for the year, MUZ-TV 2016 Award We called "the Energy of the Future"! - told the general director of the "MUZ-TV" channel and director of the MUZ-TV Prize Arman Davletyarov.

This year, the MUZ-TV premium will be held on June 10 in Moscow, in the Olympic SC. The leading XIV annual national television premium in the field of popular music "MUZ-TV 2016.Energia of the Future" will be Dmitry Nagiyev, Lera Kudryavtseva, Ksenia Sobchak and Maksim Galkin.

Every year, the solemn ceremony collects tens of thousands of spectators and millions of viewers

in live air Channel "MUZ-TV". To become the owner of the desired awards strive as novice musicians, and the stars already took place. The presentation of the "Award Muz-TV" is accompanied by the appearance of special guests of a global scale, among which were: Christina Aguilera., Katy Perry., Jennifer Lopez., Sharon Stone, 50 CENT., 30 Seconds To Mars, Tokio Hotel., SUM 41., Anastacia., Craig David., The Pussycat Dolls., PSY., Olaother.

Hello everyone! As many know, not so long ago the annual music bonus of the music TV 2016 is the energy of the future. For me, this premium has never been an indicator of objectivity and justice in choosing the winners. Why? Of course, I will explain this and I will present a small review with the "golden" quotes of the leading and results of the "nationwide vote."

So, I will not make a review on the "Red Carpet Road", and a crime to the very essence.

Leadingthis ceremony was of course Sobchak, Nagiyev, Kudryavtseva. Apparently Nagiyev is trying to get on all television channels immediately, and he, by the way, is not bad. Well, what I forgot Galkin on the youth music premium I do not know.

Opened the scandalous ceremony Group "Leningrad"With your hit" Exhibit ". Many viewers are indifferent about the change of soloist, they say, Alice Voxa attached to the Kabachi charm this song, and the new soloist spoils the whole song to his vocals. Well, as they say, the taste and color ...

But in turn first nomination "Best Video". Despite the fact that the hall came from the hall "Lazarev", a plate takes Dima Bilan.. Victory, as I think, deserved, for Bilan is really a big workman.

Silver rightfully blew up the hall :) The girl had a cool and cute room, especially the costumes :) Well, of course, their multicolored lenses in their eyes is something :)

Plate in the nomination "Best Rock Group" breaks out group "Leningrad".I do not quite agree with this choice, for a group of Leningrad I do not quite think the rock band. Well, okay, we go further.

In the nomination "World breakthrough of the year", infinitely takes Sergey Lazarev.I think it is quite logical and correct, because Lazarev adequately presented Russia in Eurovision.

And in the nomination "Best Album"wins again Dima Bilan. Almost with tears in his eyes, he says the words of gratitude to his audience.

Further, as often it happens, some technical problems began during the ether (Lena Bat should have declared the winner, but disappeared somewhere), and the leaders had to save the situation. They came out of them just say Em .... not very. Yes, and Basque on the scene called.

Nagiyev Koloko notes that now he knows who bought sneakers from the film "Back to the Future". This is basque. What Basque is responsible that Nagiyev should be given sleeping pills in coffee so that he fell asleep and silent. But here Sobchak also decides to insert his word and says. That Baskov came to the ceremony in the costume of the firefighter beetle, which he calls Sobchak caterpillar, which should turn into a butterfly. And this "show" lasts about 15 minutes. It would be better just turned on the song :)

But on the stage there is a long-awaited Lena Bat with the nomination " Best song". And the winner becomes .... Timati with the song" Baklazhan ". Abstain from commenting.

Next nomination "Breakthrough of the Year" . Wins alekseev. To tell the truth, I personally hear about such a singer for the first time.

Well, in the nomination "Best hip-hop project"the plate is torn Basta. He was the only one from those presented for whom I was sick.

In the nomination "Best Pop Group" The victory holds silver. Also in this nomination, the Bandera group was presented, which in the previous years has appeared in the nomination hip-hop project. Strange! And yes, where is VIA-Gra?

And in the nomination "Best Duet"ali Lorak and Leps wins, which on stage, as on the premium itself there. But again there are basks :)

Plate in the nomination "Best Concert Show"burns Danil Kozlovsky. His show I, alas, did not see and I can't say anything here: (nevertheless, I hope that this victory is deserved.

Next nomination "The best song in a foreign language."And the Emin wins, whom I, too, alas, do not know (Eh, at all, I'm behind modern music.

In the nomination "Best Women's Video" wins Anita Tsoi. Not quite agrees with the result. The song also learned in the premium process.

And of course, no funny moments did not cost. Galkin advertises spray from sweat on her legs, what Nagiyev answers him that the love of money will destroy Galkina. Oh, this music premium!

Next nomination " Best men's video. "Winner-Timati "Eggplazhan". Maybe you explain to me that the best in this video ... Eh ..

Well, the nomination for dessert. Who won in the nomination "Best performer" and "best performer"?This is of course Polina Gagarin and Sergey Lazarev! With this, I agree 100%. They are both well done! Polina is just a wonderful and powerful voice, and Lazarev is a real fighter!

Well, finished the Sergey Lazarev award with his spectacular number with the song "You Are Only One".

The last part of the show pleased me much more.

That's it! Thus, the annual music bonus of MUCTV. In some moments, the inorganic and cutters of the organizers were traced, but without it, it would not be a bonus of MUN TV :) I agree with the victories of some groups and singers, with some categorically no. But nevertheless there are already the winners!

Do you agree with the choice of folk musical award ???

Thanks for attention:)

It happened! On June 10, the XIV annual National Television Award in the Popular Music Prize "MUZ-TV 2016" took place in the Moscow Sport Complex "Olympic" in the sparkling atmosphere of Positive. Energy of the Future !!! "

Moscow all these days was immersed in a cold cyclone, it was rained over the capital for a week and reigned the cold wind as in the fall. But on the day of the solemn presentation of the Award "MUZ-TV 2016", even Nature sama surrendered in captivity of a large-scale extravagania - contrary to all weather forecasts for several hours in the capital, the heat and cloudless sun returned to the capital!

This holiday always collects thousands of fans of popular music that come from different cities. 2016 did not exception, this year the "MUZ-TV 2016" ceremony took place in the 14th time.

The Moscow public managed to miss this premium - after all, in 2015, the solemn presentation of the legendary plates took place in Kazakhstan.

Accordingly, after a biennial break, the capital of Russia with a special trepidation was waiting for the MUZ-TV 2016 ceremony.

In the "Olympic" gathered about 20 thousand spectators, who were in anticipation of the hearts in anticipation of the show - "Energy of the Future!"
General Director of Muz-TV Arman Davletyarov On the eve of the events said: "We are proud to have been showing the best music and 14 years old we create a world-class show - the MUZ-TV Award. Spectators of the MUZ-TV channel are active, advanced young people are our future Countries. Therefore, in this twentieth, anniversary for the channel year, MUZ-TV 2016 Award We called the "Energy of the Future"!

The new director of the MUZ-TV premium was one of the most sought-after directories of recent years - Vasily Velkhatov. Vasily is known to the general public, first of all, with its opera performances in the walls of the Big and Mariinsky theaters, as well as leading opera theaters of Europe. In addition to the classic scene, the director's talent of Vasily manifested itself in a wide range: from bold and unexpected work on the first channel, such as the "Ghost of the Opera", "Yesterday Live", "Olivier Show", to the mass shows on Red Square.

Leading premiums 2016 are eccentric and extraordinary Maxim Galkin, Ksenia Sobchak, Lera Kudryavtseva and Dmitry Nagiyev.

According to the current tradition, guests and viewers began to gather in the "Olympic" long before the official start of the concert.

At 16 o'clock launched a red carpet.

Under the deafening ovations of fans and continuous clicks of camera photoconductors, guests in brilliant images were solemnly defiled in red more. From the kaleidoscope of media persons captured the spirit not only from fans, but also journalists who tried to deftly maneuver the movements of cameras and microphones, in order not to miss and do not miss something important.

We will not list all the stars, so that the hero of the legendary film "Corona of the Russian Empire", which was rejected into unnecessary details in the narration.

We only note that the celebrities of different ages, regalia, titles were solemnly held in Olympic.

In addition to the stars and "stars" of popular music, there were athletes, TV presenters, actors - Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Peter Chernyshov, Maxim Trankov and Tatyana Volosozhar, Irina Slutskaya, Evgeny Plushenko and many others. From foreign guests attended actress Bai Lin.

Of course, the King of Estrada-Filipp Kirkorov, Eurovision Triumfators - Sergey Lazarev and Polina Gagarin, was honored, and Polina Gagarin, and of course Danil Kozlovsky.

The incendiary abundance of bright painting images logically switched inside the Olympic.

And now it began its Majesty "MUZ-TV 2016" ceremony!

The presenters created a colorful atmosphere, the premium laureates were virtuosically declared, they improvised a lot, withered originally.

Ksenia Sobchak changed 4 dresses, the style of each outfit is elegantly "encrypted" the figure of the TV presenter, mysteriously heated the intrigue of her pregnancy, which many rumors go about which lately.

By the way, the outfits also became the object of many jokes and reprises. For example, the bright red costume of Nikolai Baskov Ksenia compared with the "Fireman's Zhukom", and Nikolai "Podkolt" in response to Allegoria, that Ksenia's dress resembles the curtains - not from the Kulis of the Bolshoi Theater after restoration?

Traditionally, the leaders were ironiced, exchanged by bales both add to each other and on abstract topics.

Behind the scenes also reigned a friendly atmosphere, guests talked, made "Self", willingly posed with numerous photographers.

Well, of course, the fundamental "nail" there was a show! The music program, the organizers thoughtfully formed from the songs of all genres and directions from the songs, each room was a bright mini-performance with ballet and numerous special effects. Colorful video stations that broadcast on huge screens, with clearly selected thematic images and frames suitable for the meaning of each song, certainly increased the effect of what is happening.

From the very first moments in the hall, a colossal energy was reigning in power, which all evening on a rabid velocity was forced to beat the hearts of each of those present.

"The best duet" - was named Creative Tandem Grigory Leps and Ani Lorak - "Leave English."

The premium laureate in the nomination "The best performer" became Polina Gagarin, the award was presented by Danil Kozlovsky and Lolita.

The wonderful actor Danil Kozlovsky was not just an honorary guest of the ceremony, but also a nominee for a prestigious musical award. The actor became the laureate in the nomination "Best Concert Show" for the magnificent music project "Big Dream of an ordinary Man", the premiere of which was held last year on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. When receiving awards, Danil thanked his friend Philip Kirkorov, who inspired the actor and helped him Implement this project.

Of course, here we will remind that the director of the show "The Big Dream of an Ordinary Man", shown on the air of the First Channel, is our chief editor -Moman Grigorievich Rodin!

In the nomination "World Breakthrough of the Year", Sergey Lazarev received a special award, was awarded a premium prize - Maxim Trankov and Tatiana Volosozhar. Sergey Lazarev also deservedly took a prize in the nomination "Best Artist" and fulfilled his hit from Eurovision "You Are The Only One" on the same intricate scenery as in the European Competition.

We present a complete list of laureates. Winners of the "MUZ TV 2016" premium:

"Best video" - Dima Bilan - "Do not be silent"

"Best Song" - Timati Feat. Record Orchestra - "Eggplant"

"Breakthrough of the Year" - Nikita Alekseev

"Best Pop Group" - Serebro

"Best Duet" - Gregory Leps & Ani Lorak - "Leave in English"

"Best Album" - Dima Bilan - "Do not be silent"

"The best concert show" Danila Kozlovsky "Big Dream of Ordinary Man" / Big Theater?

"Best Rock Artist" - Leningrad

"Best Hip-Hop Project" - Basta

"Best Foreign Language Song" - Emin - Boomerang

"Best Women's Video" - Anita Tsoi - "Without Things"

"Best Male Video" - Timati Feat. Record Orchestra - "Eggplant"

"Best Artist" - Sergey Lazarev

"The best performer" - Polina Gagarin

Special nominations

"For contribution to the development of the music industry" - Baigali Serkubaev

"For the contribution to life" - Leo Bokeria

"The best composer of the decade" - Maxim Fadeev

"World breakthrough of the year" - Sergey Lazarev

The audience met all the participants in the phenomenal stage holiday of Burai Ovations and greetings, sang and danced under favorite hits. All artists during the speech willingly communicated with the audience.

Each participant of the ceremony and the laureate presented the public to the part of his soul and warmth, and the audience in response thanked the musicians with a limitless charge of driving, optimism and good "Energy of the Future 2016" - was made on a sparkling wave of cheerfulness, the sea positive emotions and impressions!

New musical discoveries and events ahead! See you in a year, at the Muz-Tv 2017 Award Ceremony! " And how will it be called? Show His Majesty Time!