When you charge your tablet, the charger gets very hot. Is it normal for the battery to warm up while charging? Why does the phone battery heat up when charging

There are several reasons for a malfunction, and first you need to try to identify them so that it becomes clear how best to act: what can be changed, whether it will be possible to repair something yourself, or is it better to seek help from authorized service centers.

Possible reasons

There are a number of factors responsible for the extreme heating of the device.

Let's dwell on each in more detail:

Overheating elimination methods

If the option of buying a new phone does not suit you with something, then you can replace only the battery itself, preferably together with the charger, but first you need to find out why the battery is heating up when charging, and whether it is to blame for this.

Also, I must say that slight heating is not considered a malfunction, since even the manufacturer, as a rule, indicates in the "user manual" that such a "feature" will accompany the owner of the device throughout its operation.

But if, for example, you receive a notification from the system that “charging has stopped because the battery temperature is too high,” then this situation is already abnormal and you need to look for a solution.
So, your phone heats up, and are you going to figure out the reasons? Then the next procedure is for you.

What can be done:

Very important! If the phone is so hot that you cannot touch it directly, and indeed always, you cannot open the battery cover until the phone cools down, as there have been cases when the battery exploded!

The same goes for the leakage of chemicals from the battery. Is something like this observed? Then feel free to throw everything in the trash and carefully pack it in a plastic box, as these components are dangerous to the environment.

Still no one forbids visiting service center... Of course, the masters working there can ask for a high price for repairs, sometimes coinciding with the cost of the device itself, but only they usually have a consultation or diagnostics free of charge, and you can find out something useful about the causes of the breakdown.

And first of all, if you have the time, then be sure to find the "model" of your device on the Internet, on one of the thematic forums, where other users of this gadget share their experience of using it.

Video: iPhone 4 is warming up

On the same sites there are firmware, if they exist, and all the information on them. The phone should be flashed when it becomes clear that the charging and the battery have nothing to do with it, and the problem that the device is very hot lies in the operation of the software "filling" systems.

Be that as it may, and if the device is under warranty, and it cannot be used without justified fears for its safety, then it would be nice to hand it over for examination, and if there is an effective problem, then you should receive compensation.

And among other things, do prevention:

  1. do not leave the phone on charging when the power level already shows 100%;
  2. do not allow sudden changes in temperature; when you take the device out in the cold in winter, make sure that it does not freeze and is in your pocket most of the time.

Is your phone not some kind of cheap, but an expensive flagship? Therefore, it is better to advise not to risk it, but to take it to an authorized service center, where specialists will certainly determine the exact cost of the repair, and, hopefully, they will not deceive you with anything and demand an extra surcharge.

Knowing why the phone heats up, the user can try to lower its temperature.

This will help solve one of the most common problems - although owners of devices on other platforms also face it.

If you leave the question unresolved, a smartphone may not only lose some of its functionality but also prematurely fail.

Danger of overheating

Smartphone manufacturers provide for the possibility of heating their products in some situations - when running resource-intensive applications, while charging or surfing the Internet.

Sometimes this is even considered the norm and does not require any action to fix the problem on the part of users.

But, if the body of the smartphone heats up constantly (even when they are not using it), you should try to reduce the heating first on your own, and if the problem becomes critical, contact the service.

The danger of a heating smartphone(but the processor and the battery get hot, first of all) lies in the possibility of a noticeable decrease in battery life. After six months, the period of operation of the gadget without recharging is reduced by 1.5-2 times. Sometimes its battery can even explode or self-ignite.

Overheating reasons

The main reasons for overheating modern smartphone can be attributed:

  • The appearance of problems with the platform on which the device is running (including the work background applications and virus infection);
  • Too much high brightness set by the user;
  • Operation of wireless network modules;
  • The wrong approach to charging a smartphone;
  • Unsuitable cover.

Almost every user can face any of these reasons. Moreover, usually several of them simultaneously affect the heating performance of the phone case.

However, dealing with most of these reasons is not so difficult - it is enough to pay more attention to your smartphone than usual.

Operating system problems

The reasons for the rise in the temperature of the smartphone are often malfunctions operating system and software.

In the process of using the gadget, installing and uninstalling applications, inner memory filled with residual files, which sometimes affect the temperature of the processor.

An even more serious impact on the heating of the phone is the work of open background applications that reduce the performance of the device and - you can close them using the built-in or third-party "task managers".

The problem may lie in the firmware too.- especially if it was reinstalled by the user himself. Errors in the program code lead to overheating of the processor and battery. You can solve the problem with the reinstalled platform by returning the gadget to factory settings or rolling back the system to a previous version (if such an option is provided), during which no such problems were observed. If the phone heats up exactly in the version that was installed by default, it may be worth updating it.

If none of the tips helps to solve the problem, it is possible that the system is infected with a virus.- most likely, a "worm" that transfers the user's personal data to unauthorized persons.

Because of this, the smartphone may heat up, and the confidentiality of the information in its memory is at risk.

The problem is solved by installing good antivirus(for example - each of these programs has free versions) and system scan.

Screen options

One of the answers to the question of overheating may be screen parameters.

The maximum brightness, which is often set when using the smartphone in sunlight, reduces the battery capacity 1.5 times faster than the standard setting.

At the same time, the passive cooling system of gadgets cannot cope with the increase in speed, and the device heats up more.

To solve the problem, use automatic settings brightness. If these indicators do not suit the user, you can change them yourself - increasing when watching a video or during a game, decreasing during normal use.

Heavy CPU utilization

The central processor of a smartphone is most often loaded if the user turns on modern ones.

The temperature is considered normal not higher than 45 degrees, critical - above 50 degrees.

If the gadget heats up more, and none of the ways to fix the situation helps, you should close all applications and wait about a quarter of an hour.

A smartphone that has shut down due to overheating may turn off. After that, you should leave the gadget alone, trying to turn it on no earlier than after 20-30 minutes. In some cases, the problem disappears after switching on.


Having followed all the tips for lowering the temperature of the smartphone, the user in most cases achieves the desired result.

The only exception can be a problem with the hardware, which you cannot solve on your own. However, the solution may be to contact the service.


Heating up the smartphone while charging is not yet a reason to contact the service. You can identify and eliminate the cause of heating at home.

Phones running on MediaTek processors are more susceptible to heating. As a rule, devices with Snapdragon chips heat up a little less.

First of all, you need to make sure that the smartphone is not charging in a warm place. - there should be no heaters or direct sunlight nearby. Now you can determine how hot the gadget is. For a modern phone, heating within 35-40 degrees is already considered the norm. Having crossed the threshold of 45 degrees, the smartphone literally burns the user's hands, so working with it ceases to be comfortable. You can find out the temperature of the phone with the help of which are available for download on Google Play.

Basically, three elements are subject to heating:

  • display;
  • battery;
  • CPU.

Heating of the battery is considered to be the most dangerous for the user. When high temperatures are reached, there is a danger of the battery swelling and exploding. There was a lot of writing about this last year after the release. Excessive heating of the display or processor should be taken as a signal that the smartphone is not working correctly.


Manufacturers recommend charging smartphones only - they guarantee compatibility and the amperage required for a particular phone. Often it is non-original adapters and cables that cause the gadget to overheat while charging. The use of a single-amp power supply in most cases solves the issue with the heating of the smartphone, however, the charging time is almost doubled.

Fast charging

Modern processors of the middle and upper echelon are endowed with fast charging capabilities, for example, and. Heating in this case is a common thing. There are two ways to solve the problem: turn off the function or control the heating level special applications... Smartphone manufacturers do not recommend using fast charging on an ongoing basis, only when needed.

Heavy background apps

The hardware installed in most new smartphones has a sufficiently high clock frequency and generates heat during active operation. Combining the power of a gadget with a game is not a good idea.

Before charging, it is advisable to close unnecessary and applications. This will help speed up the process and free the phone from processing irrelevant information.

Errors and malfunctions of the system

Both built-in and user-uploaded software sooner or later it may start to work incorrectly. Software errors may cause the phone to heat up while charging. In this case, removing suspicious programs, flashing your smartphone or updating the software will help.

If the problem of heating the device cannot be solved, you must contact an authorized service center. The gadget may need hardware repair.

A small voltage is used to charge the phone, and in the network, as you know, an alternating current of 220 V. In the process of transforming electricity, a certain amount of energy is inevitably lost in the form of heat, but it so happens that the charging of the phone heats up too much. It is about this case that will be discussed in this article.


Should the charger warm up

If you purchased a certified Charger for a certain phone model, then strong heating of the electricity converter should not be observed. At normal ambient temperature, the device can operate with a slight increase in temperature, but this state of the device is not critical.

Strong heating of the charger case may indicate problems with the device itself or with a charged phone. This state of the electronics is abnormal and must be corrected.

What can the overheating of the charger lead to?

At a minimum, the operation of the device in overheating mode can lead to the failure of the main charging elements. Items such as electrolytic capacitors and transistors should not be operated at too high temperatures. If the charger is constantly operating in this mode, then a quick failure of the device is possible.

If the board is damaged and a short circuit occurs, then high currents can cause a fire. Even if a fire does not break out, the plastic housing may melt, which could cause an electric shock when attempting to unplug the device, or severe thermal burns from the molten plastic.

Why does the charger get hot?

There can be quite a few reasons for the strong heating of the charger. A similar phenomenon can be observed both for natural reasons and as a result of a breakdown of the charger.

Natural causes

The charger can heat up for natural reasons. Regardless of the power, any device of this type has an efficiency less than 100%, therefore, energy losses during conversion electric current will occur with the release of heat.

If the smartphone supports the fast charging function, then when this mode is activated, the charging can also get quite hot. This effect occurs due to the supply of a higher current to the battery contacts.

Due to malfunctions

Most often, the charging heats up due to the incorrect selection of diodes at the design and production stage of the product. If the adapter is assembled in China, then this is not surprising, because the quality of products supplied from this Asian country leaves much to be desired.

If the charger heats up from the moment of purchase and heats up to the temperature of the heating radiator operating in winter, then this may also indicate that it is working at the limit of the possible. This situation can be observed when operating a serviceable device to which a too high load has been connected.

How to understand what the problem is

Look at the charger label to find the cause of the excessive heat. If the specified mA value is less than that required to charge the battery specific model phone, then such a device will always work with the selection a large number thermal energy.

If the charger is covered with an object during charging, the body of the product can also become very hot. In this case, the charging may be burned due to overheating.

A short circuit in the charger, cable or telephone connector will also cause the device to heat up. Determining such a breakdown will not be difficult due to the lack of a smartphone battery charge.

The device can be closed if the internal insulation or the cable connected to the phone melts, as well as if a thin copper wire hits the plug contacts when the charger is connected to a mobile device.

Do you have any questions or do you have anything to add? Then write to us about it in the comments, this will make the material more complete and accurate.

The charger is warming up and got a better answer

Answer from Yergei [guru]
Lately this is when, with the onset of summer? When did the heat start?
The chargers get hot, sometimes quite a bit, this is normal. Pay attention to the full charge time, if it has not changed so that it becomes noticeable and the charge holds about the same as it should, then everything is in order.
Smelling like plastic and smelling a little is also nothing, especially if it is relatively new. Do not keep the charger in direct sunlight while working.
If the charging time and battery life have not changed, then it looks like everything is in order.
But still, do not leave the included memory and other e-mails. devices unattended.

Answer from Qwe[guru]
the inlet can warm up, but it shouldn't smell

Answer from GT[guru]
no, this is not normal, at most it should be warm

Answer from Petrovich[guru]
Change your phone battery

Answer from Kirill kirill[newbie]
Chargers come in different capacities, of different quality and that is why a heating battery or charging is normal. Sometimes the charging itself was heated to such temperatures that it seemed that it would now start to burn. Remember the physics lesson, each conductor will heat up from the resistance voltage and current strength, and if you charge an incompletely discharged phone (smartphone), then the residual charge in the batteries gives a strong resistance and charging charges, but the charging unit or battery will get very hot. charge the phone when it turns off, and everything will be okay.