Is the iPhone X durable - an honest drop test. Is it easy to break iPhone X? The first crash test of the Iphone 8 does the glass break?

A couple of days ago, we already posted a crash test of the iPhone X, but there it was impossible to understand exactly what exactly happened to the Apple flagship. The Chinese only showed the results of the fall, which allegedly occurred from a height of human growth, but no more details. Today, a lot of videos have appeared on the network where you can see how durable the iPhone X is and how Apple's vaunted glass behaves when it hits different surfaces.

Today, a well-known video blogger arranged a normal, honest drop test of the iPhone 10, and now it’s clear how durable Apple’s new flagship is. Also, the author of the video compared the strength with the iPhone 8, dropping it several times on the floor.

What happens if the iPhone X falls on concrete

To begin with, a test was carried out in a special protective case from UAG and, of course, both smartphones passed it successfully. It is understandable - the protective case has rubber corners and a powerful "back", so the smartphones are not damaged.

For the second test, cases were already removed from both devices and they were thrown onto concrete from a height of about 1 meter.

Also, several tests were carried out on falling onto concrete at various angles, from a height of about a meter, and in all cases the devices did not receive significant damage. Falls from such a height screen down also did not cause any violent emotions - everything is fine, they survived!

Ten, however, withstood this test perfectly, as well as subsequent throwing it on different sides. So, the iPhone 8 continued the process of destruction, and the iPhone X did well, even falling down the display, smartphones did not give up. As a result, 10 did not receive significant damage, and the eight was left with broken glass at the back, but the screens survived on both devices. However, see for yourself in the video below.

After the new iPhone 8 went on sale, various strength tests began to appear on Youtube like mushrooms after the rain. For a smartphone that has traded a metal back cover for a glass one, turning into a “brittle sandwich”, any fall by default should end in failure. However, whether this is true or not, it is wiser to check not on your own smartphone, but on a test one. In addition, watching such videos can help you make an intelligent decision about the need to use a case.

JerryRigEverything, well-known to you, immediately noted that he considers such tests “unscientific”, since in a normal situation it is difficult to achieve reproducible conditions and results, which means that any drop test can be described as “it may break, or maybe not - as lucky.” However, he decided to push it by using a sponsored case as an opponent for the iPhone 8 in a group drop test.

Surprisingly, both smartphones (protected and not) survived a fall from their knees onto concrete perfectly. The second fall from the height of a jeans pocket was also well tolerated by the test subjects, however, when falling onto an edge, a regular iPhone 8 did crack its front glass near the Home button. Well, then cracks appeared on the rear glass panel, while the smartphone in the case remained intact until the end of the tests. The conclusion of JerryRigEverything is unambiguous - if you have already dropped your smartphone or feel that you are capable of it, then it is better to immediately purchase a suitable case than to hope for luck.

The very first fall flat showed that the metal of the iPhone 7 Plus is very durable - there was not a scratch left on it, but the front glass cracked, despite the fact that the smartphone fell on the “back”. The newer model passed the first test with flying colours. However, as soon as the tester lifted the smartphone higher and dropped it from the level of human growth, the back panel of the iPhone 8 Plus crashed. During subsequent falls on the edge of the smartphone, a part of the back panel even broke off, exposing the insides of the device. Interestingly, the front panel of the novelty remained intact until it was dropped from a height of 3 meters. The conclusion of EverythingApplePro is still the same - it is better not to drop smartphones, regardless of whether they have a metal or glass back panel.

The third author from the PhoneBuff channel also decided not just to smash the new Apple iPhone 8 Plus smartphone, but to compare its durability with the main competitor Samsung Galaxy Note 8. trials for all participants.

At the very first stage of testing, when falling flat "on the back", both subjects broke their glass back panels. The fall on the edge caused only scratches on the aluminum frame, but after falling on the screen, cracks appeared on both the iPhone 8 Plus and the Galaxy Note 8, although the former had more of them.

Interestingly, the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 endured ten consecutive falls on the screen well - cracks appeared only in the corners of the screen, and he continued to work. For the screen of the Apple iPhone 8 Plus, the eighth fall in the same conditions turned out to be fatal, however, sharp pieces began to break off from the back of the smartphone, which is unsafe from the point of view of the tester. The main conclusion is the same - it is better not to drop modern smartphones without a case.

Apple has created amazingly durable glass!

The case is made of glass, according to Apple, the most durable ever used in mobile devices. Despite this, many potential smartphone buyers fear that the iPhone X will be very easy to break. The first crash test of the iPhone X dispelled such fears.

iPhone X can survive falls

The crash test of the iPhone X was arranged by the popular YouTube blogger EverythingApplePro. He dropped the iPhone X from various heights, testing the resistance of the smartphone case to drops.

The first time the iPhone X fell from waist height, perhaps the most common drop height, as users often drop their smartphone into their pants pocket. iPhone X passed this test with honor. He withstood a fall on a concrete floor without difficulty - the glass back cover of the smartphone remained completely unscathed.

Then the enthusiast began to drop the iPhone X from the height of human growth. iPhone X fell to the concrete floor with the back cover, end and front. The smartphone survived all three falls without any visible damage.

In parallel with the iPhone X, the blogger also tested the durability of the iPhone 8. The cases of the latter were not so good. "Eight" crashed at the first fall from a height of human growth.

Despite the fact that after the crash test, the iPhone X did not receive external damage, its insides suffered. So, for the tested iPhone X, some components of the TrueDepth camera system stopped working. Thus, unlocking the iPhone X using the Face ID function turned out to be impossible.

To the great joy of the owners of numerous Chinese "manufactories" that produce and sell replacement components for smartphones around the world, Apple decided to pack it in a case with two glass panels that break quite easily when falling from a height of human height.

In contact with

Experienced users remember the time when the iPhone 4 / 4S with a broken back panel was one of the most popular smartphones, now this fate most likely awaits the new iPhone 8 / 8 Plus and. At least, the first drop tests of the 5.5-inch device do not inspire faith in new glass manufacturing technologies. The description on the official website of the company says that Apple has not yet produced such durable glass, in addition, its use has finally made it possible to implement wireless charging.

Let's take a look at the results of the experiments of independent bloggers.

Drop Test iPhone 7 Plus vs. iPhone 8 Plus - #1

One of the first to destroy brand new smartphones was a well-known specialist in this matter under the nickname TechRax from the YouTube channel of the same name. In his video, he several times dropped the iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 8 Plus from the height of his height, as it could happen if he dropped the phone during a conversation. The result does not need a detailed description - both glass panels of the 5.5-inch "eight" are covered with a web of cracks and will require replacement.

Drop Test iPhone 7 Plus vs. iPhone 8 Plus - #2

More detailed testing of the same models was carried out by the authors of the EverythingApplePro channel. Their series of experiments began with a harmless, at first glance, fall from less than a meter on the back panel, as a result of which the protective glass of the display on the iPhone 7 Plus unexpectedly burst. The device was replaced and subsequently the iPhone 8 Plus and the updated iPhone 7 Plus fell on both panels and edges from a height of 1, 2 and 3 meters.

This time, the iPhone 8 Plus showed a decent result - the display module survived after falling from a height of human growth. The rear panel of the collision with concrete could not stand it. A three-meter free fall put an end to the life cycle of both devices.

Wearing it without a case is extremely impractical: you have to sacrifice the beauty of the glass cover.

To bookmarks

On September 22, sales of the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus began in the countries of the first wave, the most noticeable difference from the previous generation being the glass case. In Russia, they will start selling them only a week later.

Apple hasn't released a glass iPhone since 2011. The aluminum body that appeared on the iPhone 5 proved to be stronger and more durable, but hindered the adoption of wireless charging. With the start of sales of the iPhone 8, testers and video bloggers around the world began to check how the new smartphone behaves when dropped. In commercials, the iPhone 8 is sometimes compared to the Samsung Galaxy S8 or Note 8 - they also have a glass case, and Korean smartphones are positioned as direct competitors to Apple's new line.

Drop test

The author of the video blog JerryRigEverything compared the effect of dropping two iPhone 8 on concrete: one without protection, and the second in a plastic case. The first two falls almost did not damage both smartphones, the third time the iPhone 8 without a case cracked the screen, and the fourth time there was a strong crack along the back cover. The smartphone in the case survived all the falls safely, even when it was thrown with its arm outstretched above its head.

Bloggers from PhoneBuff tested Note 8 and iPhone 8 Plus using special equipment for drop testing. Smartphones were thrown flat on the front and back panels, and also dropped on their side. The last test showed the least damage: the end frame in both models was shock-resistant, only slightly scratched.

Falling flat on a hard surface was deplorable on both sides. The screens turned out to be more durable than the back covers - however, the iPhone 8 Plus could not stand ten drops on the "face" and its multi-touch stopped working correctly. The back cover of the Note 8 was more durable (on the iPhone 8 Plus, a large fragment flew out from constant falls), but on both smartphones it shattered on the first blow.

Another video from PhoneBuff - this time bloggers compared iPhone 8 and Galaxy S8. The Korean smartphone survived the fall on the lid worse than the iPhone 8: the S8 glass was slightly scratched, while the iPhone did not. Unexpectedly for the authors of the video, the facial drop showed the same results. However, on the third fall in a row, the iPhone 8 still received a severe chip in the upper right corner of the screen.

The EverythingApplePro project compared the new iPhones with the previous generation. Dropping the iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone 7 Plus from waist height onto the back cover, the presenter managed to crack the screen of the older model, but the new one survived the fall without damage. When he dropped the smartphones from the height of his head (using another undamaged iPhone 7 Plus), the iPhone 8 Plus was already broken: from one blow, its entire back panel went “spider web”. The back cover of the iPhone 8 Plus did not survive the repeated fall on the end: a piece fell off it.


After testing the iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 using tools from a special kit with nozzles of different levels of hardness (from plastic to topaz), EverythingApplePro found that the new generation is less susceptible to scratches than the previous one. Glass in the iPhone 8 took only topaz (level 8), while marks were left on the aluminum case and less rigid nozzles (level 6 and 7).

Blogger JerryRigEverything was able to scratch not only the glass of the iPhone 8, but its camera, the coating of which, according to Apple, is made of sapphire. The blogger said that when looking at the structure of the glass on the camera under a microscope, he found out that this is not pure sapphire, but a proprietary alloy of sapphire with something less durable. Moreover, it turned out that the aluminum end and all the buttons are very susceptible to scratches, and there is a small plastic gasket between the glass screen and the frame: most likely, it serves as both a sealant and protection in case of falls.

Bend test

The problem of bending iPhones became relevant back in 2014. Then the iPhone 6 came out in a case made of a single piece of aluminum, and users that it can bend right in your pocket. Tests show that even two generations later, the problem persisted - but not in the iPhone 8.

In the video above, JerryRigEverything also tried to bend the iPhone 8 with his hands, but it didn't work. According to the blogger, the glass case does not bend at all and successfully passed his test, unlike the previous generation smartphone. In the case of the iPhone 7, the fold test completely destroyed the tightness of the smartphone.

The EverythingApplePro project did a similar manual fold test, but apparently with more effort. The iPhone 7 broke in half near the volume down button, but the iPhone 8 nearly passed the test. No matter how hard the host of the video blog bent, the glass did not give in - only the screen went out of the frame for a moment, but returned back. However, the frame itself managed to be slightly bent in the region of the lower strip, which serves as an antenna.


Blogger Jonathan Morrison submerged an iPhone 8 and Galaxy S8 for an hour in a public icy water fountain - although his team had to watch a suspicious man more than smartphones. According to the technical characteristics of water protection, the Galaxy S8 should have shown itself better than its competitor.

One way or another, both smartphones survived - after returning from the fountain, they were in perfect order.