Temporary files can be deleted. Temporary Files: what are they and how do I delete them? What to do if Disk Cleanup doesn't work

Most users in one way or another come across such a concept as Temporary Files. What it is, in general terms, any more or less literate user imagines. But not everyone knows that such files can correspond to different categories and refer to different processes or programs. Even fewer are those who understand how to remove such objects painlessly for the system and in full.

Temporary Files: what is it in general understanding?

In order to understand what these objects are in Windows systems, you just need to translate the name of this term. In the Russian equivalent, this means "temporary files", that is, those that are not permanently in the system, but only at certain moments.

Sometimes they can be deleted automatically, sometimes cleaning has to be done manually - it all depends only on which processes such objects were assigned to. They usually have the TMP extension, but not always.

Temporary file types

Some users mistakenly believe that temporary files appear only when working with the Internet (Temporary Internet Files), when the browser saves them to HDD to speed up access to previously visited pages. But this is only a special case.

All objects can be conventionally classified according to the following main types:

  • temporary system files;
  • objects created and removed during application installation;
  • temporary objects associated with the operation of application programs;
  • Internet files (cache, cookies, page thumbnails, etc.).

Thus, the issues of removing such objects should be decided solely depending on the type. Some files are removed automatically (for example, installer files or objects created when working with some programs).

One more look at Temporary Files objects will help in this sense. What it is in terms of software components can best be understood by the example of opening Word documents... Please note that when you open it in the same folder where the original file is located, a temporary copy is created with a name starting with the "~" character (sometimes such objects can be hidden). After the work with the document is completed, and it itself is closed, the temporary file is deleted automatically.

The same applies to cases when the termination of the editor was performed incorrectly. From a temporary object, the program offers to restore a document that was abnormally closed (of course, if the autosave function is enabled, indicating a certain period of time after which it should be performed).

Sometimes, when installing games or some kind of repacks, failures such as "Internal Error Extract Temporary File" with a link to the isdone.dll, islogo.dll, isgsg.dll libraries or messages about the return of a certain code by the Unarc.dll service may occur. Most of these messages are generated due to the fact that some processes are blocked by the antivirus (most often this is manifested in Comodo Antivirus). But such failures can be eliminated by adding programs to the trusted lists. The message says to check RAM, however, most often this problem has nothing to do with RAM.

Windows Temporary Internet Files: how to uninstall?

Now a few words about deleting temporary objects. This can be done very easily in any browser. It is enough just to call up the browsing history menu and press the clear button.

In this case, it is advisable to indicate the cleaning for the entire period, as well as mark the items for deleting the browser cache, Cookies and other site data, cached images and download history.

In the case of system objects, you can do a little differently. Since they are usually stored in TEMP directories, which can be hidden (in the root directory of the system and in custom folders), to simplify your work, you need to use the "Run" console and write the combination% TEMP% in it. In the found directories, you just need to select all objects and press the Del key to delete. If you want to delete, bypassing the "Recycle Bin", use the combination Shift + Del.

In some cases, you can use the Disk Cleanup tool, where in the list of objects to be deleted, check the box next to the line of temporary files.

However, the simplest method from temporary files can be called the use of special optimizer programs, in which for fast service it is necessary to mark the corresponding modules (cleaning garbage, privacy, deleting Internet history, etc.).

Instead of an afterword

That's all there is to the concept of Temporary Files. It seems that many have already understood what these objects are. It is quite obvious that the appearance of files in the system is not exclusively connected with the Internet (look at the above list). As for cleaning the system from such objects, the methods used for deleting depend only on what type such objects belong to and whether they are automatically deleted.

Temporary files in Windows are formed as a result of storing intermediate information, for example, data from the clipboard, launch data for certain programs, etc. Much of this information is deleted automatically and does not take up disk space. However, the remaining one tends to accumulate, taking up space on system disk thereby slowing down Windows.

Cleaning up temporary files

Over time, the Temp folder, where by default all the junk or not really is stored important information, can start to occupy tens of gigabytes of hard disk space. You cannot delete this folder, as this can have fatal consequences for the entire operating system.

Cleaners have been developed specifically to clean this folder and other sections of the system where junk files may be located. Also, cleaning can be done using built-in Windows functionality. Let's consider all the options available.

Option 1: CCleaner

CCleaner is a very popular free program to clean the computer from "junk" files and optimize its work. The main advantage is the ability to customize the cleaning in the way you want, as well as delete the data of non-system applications. The program is also different user-friendly interface, which is translated into Russian.

Instructions for using it are as follows:

Option 2: Advanced SystemCare

Also another powerful, but less popular program for optimizing computer performance. To clean up the system from temporary files, it will be enough and free version, however, the program contains constant advertisements with a request to switch to the paid PRO version.

The instructions for clearing temporary files using Advanced SystemCare are as follows:

Option 3: AusLogics BoostSpeed

This program has wide functionality and is more suitable for advanced users. The interface is more or less convenient, translated into Russian. AusLogics BoostSpeed ​​is a free program, but it also has a paid version, which is actively imposed on users along with other not very useful advertisements.

Removing temporary Windows files using this program looks like this:

Option 4: Standard Disk Cleanup

it regular facility, which is found in almost all modern Windows version(7, 8, 10). This tool may not be as effective as the programs discussed above, but it can also get rid of temporary files.

The instructions for this option are as follows:

  1. Open up "Conductor" or "My computer"... The second option is desirable.
  2. Here, right-click on the system drive. From the context menu select "Properties".

  3. Go to the tab "General"... It usually opens by default.
  4. Click on the button Disk Cleanup.
  5. The process of scanning the disk space will begin. Expect.

  6. A window with detected objects will open. Here you need to mark those that you want to delete. V this case this is the point "Temporary files"... Click on "OK" to start cleaning.
  7. Another window will appear, requiring your confirmation to delete the files.

Option 5: Windows 10 Cleanup Tool

Removing temporary files can be done using standard tools on Windows 10. Unfortunately, this way not suitable for other operating systems.

The step-by-step instructions are as follows:

In these ways, you can delete temporary files on your computer that fill up space on the system drive, and also slow down your computer. Some may recommend deleting Temp folder, but it is not recommended to do this, as there is a risk of disrupting the performance of the computer.

Some time after buying a new hard drive, you notice that the space on it has almost run out, you are perplexed, because you bought it a year or a couple of years ago. What can be done in this situation? In this chapter, we will remove from your hard disk all unnecessary that takes up significant space. so let's get started. Let's break down disk cleaning into several points:

  1. Removing temporary files
  2. Deleting other files
  3. Temporary Internet Files
  4. Compressing Outlook Express Database

Removing unused components

Many people never bother to see which of the established Windows components are used and which are not. Are you using Microsoft Fax Services? If not, you can save around 3.7 Mb. Are using Internet Explorer but not MSN Explorer? So remove the latter and save about 13.5 Mb, etc. Games are about 12.1 Mb in size.

To remove Windows components, do the following:

  1. Open up Control Panel (Start -> Control Panel)
  2. Open up Install / Uninstall Programs
  3. Click the button Installing Windows Components
  4. Select the components you want to remove and click OK

Removing temporary files

When Windows crashes or freezes, you have to press Ctrl + Alt + Del to reboot, at this point some temporary files remain on your hard drive. Some install chains also leave temporary files behind.

These files remain in the directory \ Documents and Settings \ your username\ Local Settings \ Temp

you can use Conductor to find and delete these files. For safety reasons, do not delete files with today's creation date, these files can be used in this moment(you will most likely get an error when you try to delete these files)

You can also check your hard drive for temporary files elsewhere. This is done like this:

  1. Open up Conductor and select logical drive(For example: C: \)
  2. Click on F3 that will open Search
  3. In the search for files and folders, enter * .tmp
  4. Click on Find

Deleting other files

You can delete other files as well. Here is a list of extensions that can be removed:

  • .dmp- Dump file. When Windows crashes, a memory dump is created. If you do not use these files, then you can safely delete them, this will save a little space
  • .bak - Backup files; When a new file is created, some programs save older versions by adding the extension .bak to the file name. BE CAREFUL WHEN DELETING THESE FILES
  • .cnt- Help files; These files are generated when navigating through the help files
  • .fts- Help files; These files are generated by searching the help files
  • .gid- Help files; When the help files are run, they create GID for the future more quick access to this help file
  • .old- Old files; see.bak
  • . ~ mp- Temporary file; see.tmp
  • .$$$ - Old files; see.bak
  • .000 - Old files; see.bak

To hedge the advice. you have not deleted files from the trash for a couple of weeks. If there are no problems, then you can empty the Trash. If Windows or any other program reports the absence of a file, then just go to the trash can, find this file, right-click on it and click Restore... This will return this file to its original place.

Temporary Internet Files

Another reason for the disappearance of hard disk space is the Temporary Internet Files. These files are created to speed up work on the Internet, they save pages, graphics and other files in the browser cache. Deleting these files can free up a lot of space. This is done like this:

  1. Launch Internet Explorer, go to the menu Settings -> Internet Settings
  2. In the tab General press the button Delete files In chapter Temporary Internet files
  3. Delete all your offline files

Compressing Outlook Express Database When you delete mail in Outlook Express, it is not actually deleted. When you upgrade to a newer version of the program, you may find that a lot of your "old" mail "returned".

You can run this function from Outlook Express: go to the menu File -> Folders... You can choose Compression or Compress all folders... The difference is that the first item will compress only the currently used folder.

Web pages in special storage - disk cache ( Disk cache device), - this provides faster loading of pages on repeat visits. This repository is called internet file cache (Temporary Internet files, Temporary Internet Files).

Sometimes it is necessary to clear the cache of Internet files, for example, when there is not enough disk space, or after cleaning the system from viruses (in the absence or incorrect work Antivirus, malicious software distributed on the Internet can also be stored in the Internet file cache, leaving the risk of reinfection).


1st way:

- run;

- select the menu Tools -> Internet Options;

- in the window Internet options open the tab General;

- In chapter Temporary Internet Files click the Delete files ... button;

- in the window Deleting files with a message Do you want to delete all files from the Temporary Internet Files folder? click OK -> OK.

2nd way(allows you to view the contents of the cache before cleaning):

- open My computer;

- right click Local disk(C :);

- select the menu Tools -> Options ...;

- in the window Settings select tab Additional;

- open the tab Network;

- In chapter Offline storage press the button Clear now(by the way, here you can set the cache size) -> OK.

Notes (edit)

1. Disk cache address :

\ Documents and Settings \ UserName \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Profiles \ ********. Default \ Cache and

\ Documents and Settings \ UserName \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Profiles \ ********. Default \ OfflineCache;

\ Users \ Username \ AppData \ Local \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Profiles \ ********. Default \ Cache and

\ Users \ Username \ AppData \ Local \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Profiles \ ********. Default \ OfflineCache.

2. Using the specified location, you can manually clear the cache.

How to clear your web browser's internet file cache ?

View cache

- run;

- select the menu Tools -> Advanced -> Cache(or in the line enter opera: cache);

- a tab will open Cache content.

Clearing the cache

- run;

- select the menu Tools -> Options ...;

- in the window Settings open the tab Additionally;

- select from the menu (left) History;

- In chapter Disk cache press the button Clear(by the way, here you can set the cache size) -> OK.

Notes (edit)

1. Disk cache address :

\ Documents and Settings \ UserName \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Opera \ Opera \ cache;

\ Users \ Username \ AppData \ Local \ Opera \ Opera 10 Preview \ cache.

2. Cache files are named like opr000A6.

3. Using the specified location, you can manually clear the cache.

How to clear your web browser's internet file cache Safari?
