Yandex you clever. Yandex You're Lapp

Sometimes, when searching, there are results that are deprived of any meaning. Ordinary users, I guess, in a similar case, will enter another request, but users like we who are mired in search and search engine optimization, continue to scratch the back.

I collected these ten search results over the past couple of months and decided to lay out on the blog so that the smart team would take part in the guess.

№10 - Favorite University of Google

№9 - Wikipedia as a secure search

I hoped that they read the text inside Flash file.But since it is absolutely not available, then we assume that they just paid a lot of attention to everyone with the "attractive" text of the Anchor. 🙂

№5 - Your site is not here

№3 - Where to marry well

I am a busy person, and must fuss about the wedding very much. So I was looking for mARRIAGE LICENSE SEATTLE, WA.

I was stopped by the government, recommended by this card, I can say that it a good place To acquire a wedding license in Seattle. However, why no address is displayed (even going through the map, you can not find the address) and why the link does not lead to that page (the correct Ul or, I could not understand.

№2 - one of these domain requests is not like others

It is not entirely clear why Google gives information about the URL information on request.

In general, the request for any other domain will give standard results, many of which with links of the site. Since the domain requests are very popular, I believe that there are many confused users who are interested in why About ABOUT has received such strange results.

# 1 - Mathematics and Beatles

Now I am well aware that the week, formally contains seven days, but sometimes it lacks time, especially when you are in love. Thus, Bitles gave us EIGHT DAYS A WEEK ... But Google about this says something strange.

It is clear that this is 8 divided by 7, but why the calculator came out can not understand.

You can send comments or your observations on inexplicable phenomena in the results google search On Randa Fishkina's blog.

On the Internet wanders many users who love to look and create various jokes. At one time, such a joke appeared: when the request was introduced in Google, "Google You've", in the second place, Title appeared, "I am not a feet, dull beam." Now such an answer, thanks to the efforts of the young blogger Alexander Baryshevsky, appears in the first place.

This is the answer follows from Google to the request "Google you are a napkin"

The same joke rolled for Yandex, i.e. If you now dial in Yandex "Yandex You're a nappa," in the extradition will again appear "I am not a feet, dull beam".

Trick worked with Yandex

If you use the service, you can see that users make a lot of stupid requests containing the words "Yandex you Nappa":

  • yandex You're a noodle but google is better;
  • yandex I love you a napkin;
  • google said that Yandex Nappa, etc. etc.

Users make a lot of stupid requests containing the words "Yandex You're Lapp"

Such requests are on the one hand low-competitive (NK), and on the other hand, they have sufficient frequency so that you can get traffic on them.

Output: For similar "stupid" requests, you can easily get traffic to a website or blog. Another question, how much will be convertible to such traffic.

In order for traffic income in the form of clicks on the same contextual advertisingIt is desirable to write articles telling about any products or services. For advertising in such articles, users click more willingly than in the article "Not Oplohere." For those who want to properly promote their website or blog, we advise you to read the article

In the network there are often funny search queries, whose value from the first time can not be understood. "Yandex you are a feet but google better" - a similar design I met recently. Not only the topic itself is unusual, but also its popularity - several thousand requests monthly.

The construction of the phrase is little similar to Slang webmasters or programmers, rather it resembles a relaxed chatting of teenage girls. Obviously, with and promoting sites, it is not connected. I was interested in unusualness, and I decided to dig in the subject and search, from where the legs "grow". I would like to understand that it moves like people entering in the search string.

Query statistics

Looking for this topic on the Internet a lot that they want to find on it, let's see below, while I will give the numbers on related requests, which is part or derivatives from the main one (checked phrases in quotes - exact coincidence):

  • Yandex You Napka - 23 thousand requests
  • Google you are a feet - 6 thousand requests

Other related requests:

Interestingly, powerful bursts are observed twice a year - at the beginning of the spring and early summer. In these periods, people are interested in "Lapps" Yandex and Google several times more often.

What are looking for on request?

In order to understand the sources of the query, it was enough to save the issuance of this keyword in Yandex. As I expected, the key has an artificial origin and the popularity of Yandex you lapel began to type after the corresponding answer appeared in the issuance.

This rare case, when not demand gives rise to an offer, and the proposal led to an increase in demand.

The situation is the following - the site prepared a page with the text "I am not a feet, dull beam" and optimized it under the request "Google you are a napkin". As a result, a joke was born, in which the user's request showed a Hamsky response in the issuance, which makes the impression that the search engine leads a conversation through artificial intelligence. I do not want to assess the level of culture of the authors, I would have implemented something more decent and joking, but how it happened.

Of course, Google had no relation to this dialogue, but the interest of users This bunch "Question - the answer" caused. The virus effect gave a good growth in the frequency of the request and traffic on it.

Inspired by the results obtained in Google, the author of the blog (I found his article as a primary source) I decided to turn a similar trick with Yandex, simply replacing the name of the search engine in Request.

An unusual answer appeared and users began to enter the desired request to see it - the scheme worked.

Why do such requests need

No practical benefit for the Internet and no intellectual load keywords Do not bear. They are an example of how traffic is done from the air. There was no google and yandex foot on the network and there were no traffic under them, materials appeared on sites - users who wish to find them appeared.

By the way, this is one of the marketing options. A typical capitalist consumption economy similarly creates the demand for many nobody needs, without which everything was done before and did not suffer. Someone came up with nonsense called "Selfie", now Selfie sticks pump out money from pockets of stupid hamsters - an example of how money is made from nothing.

Returning to traffic. This method can be used for the viral promotion of your site in search engines. You need to come up with an interesting combination "Question - Answer", prepare an answer in Snippet and on the page of your site and continue to put the rumor about your joke - if you shoot, you can collect a lot of new visitors.

This method of promotion is easier than the promotion of the site by existing high-frequency requestsSince all previously created has competition. Creating the same interest, you get a not busy request, for the traffic on which no one pretested. It is easy to get into the top search engine.

The only moment to pay attention is to pay - this traffic will be a pacifier for any subject, except entertainment - a lot of visitors, and there are no sales with it, because, not targeted people.

Yandex and Google Pickles, but who is better?

Taking this opportunity and raised the topic I will express my opinion - definitely, as a search engine Yandex better (Google forgive). How much I tried to learn to Google when it was fashionable, but I could not get used to - he does not give me good answers to the fact that I am looking for - one slag comes across. Yes, and the archaic design of the 90s is not comfortable for me. In the Archka, on the contrary, everything is done for people.

Therefore, I use Google only when you need to search for something in the bourgeoiste on overseas languages. And what search more like you?

I never climb into google or any other search engines when I use the Internet. Yandex gives me a maximum of opportunities, does not warm my head, does not create any problems and I really like to use Yandex. Yandex is nothing more convenient.

everything is very simple.

In my Yandex, everything works fine perfectly, opens quickly, both movies and pages that I need if I try, through something else, then everything simply does not work. Programs are closed, the Internet works badly, the movies will throw off if they go, it's just inhibitable. Therefore, Yandex is irreplaceable for me.

I admire his work and grateful to him for the fact that I can not spend my time just like that, I can use it and not think about anything else, because nothing distracts me when working in Yandex. I can, how to download quickly, so add my music or video, too quickly, and all this is obtained only with him.

yes, and I work in Yandex is already hand, that is, you are familiar, I know where it is, what site is good, which is not, I know where what to see. Therefore, I'm not going to download my other search engines, I will use only Yandex, which I am in all who is faithful to me and never failed.

Video Overview

All (1)

Hello everyone, dear friendsToday there will be a post-joke. Today, all the day is not so. I constantly come across search engines. More precisely, I always came across them, just today somehow began to pay attention more often to these things.

But it is not enough that such search jokes can raise you the mood - it can also raise traffic. Do not believe? I will prove you.

Read the article to the end and you will learn what people ask Yandex and Google and how it affects your blog!

Are everyone participating in my competitions? Or not yet? If not - then you are for sure.

Where are these jokes come from

In fact, such jokes are taken from the optimizers themselves.

That's right - this is a manipulation of search results.

Why are the optimizers come up with such jokes? Obviously, not because of the financial benefits.

That's right - to show / prove / make sure (need to emphasize), that manipulate issuance is not so difficult. There would be a desire and the necessary knowledge.

And, well, also the brain turned in the right direction and you can earn a little bit. But this is not the main thing.

Well, for example, leak into the search of Yandex phrase "Yandex you napka". Guess what we will see in the report.

This is such a joke. Some optimizers specifically come up with such provoking requests, to move more mixed in the top.

Well, firstly, as we have already decided - it is banal tests to understand how the Yandex or Google algorithms work.

Secondly - perhaps someone will bring a couple of kopecks.

After all, really, see how many people ask request about Yandex Lapp.

Not sickly so. Competition Zero. And promoting this request to the top - you can go on a good attendance. What do you think?

I wonder what Google thinks about it?

Same. those. Traffic can also be taken from Google. Generally good.

These are such jokes are usually.

Curiously, does anyone have the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a similar joke?

Maybe together something invent?

Let us ask the question of Yandex, promote the answer to this question, well, very cool. And let this joke on the runet. Visit Correct as on yeast. Especially if this topic is to start schoolchildren.

Here is your profit. It remains only to come up with an interesting joke, from which the effect would have stayed for years, like, for example, from the joke "Yandex you're a feet" - well, you understood. By the way, the joke there is sooo long ago. And of course, the cream has already passed.

But nevertheless - you see the numbers yourself. You can still collect some traffic.

Besides jokes B. search engines like question-answer, there is still jokes in search tips. They are everywhere. For example, they ask people in my hometown.

But what is asked in our capital - Minsk.

Fu damn, immediately and you will not say that we have beautiful and cheerful cities, and the country as a whole.

But okay about the city, I decided to ask simple questions, like "Why am I" and that's what people ask.

Most of all I broke the question "Why am I shampoo"?

Or here's another question "what to do"

The guy with shampoo - does not get up. :) :)

Here is curious.
And what cool search prompts did you meet? And what are you asking in your cities?
Write Pzhlst about it in the comments.

But besides jokes in search prompts, if even more steep jokes. For example, shortcomings and frank flaws of search engines.

I understand, these chips have long fixed the developers, but nevertheless it was:

And here are still like fun from Yandex.

And it really was.

Maybe someone knows about such jokes, relevant today? Tell me pzhlst, because I just did not find it.

But okay, let's have enough about jokes with search engines.

Now we will discuss not jokes, but rather "chips" or as they are also called - "Easter".

Easter eggs from Google

For example, go to Google and enter the phrase from my favorite game "Zerg Rush" without quotes of course.

This is a real game that trains the speed of clicking the mouse. And after they lost - the zergs are built in such a thing.

Starkrafts she is familiar, I'm sure.

There are a lot of such easter eggs from Google, their hundreds and even thousands.

Previously, the people collected them and recorded visions on YouTube about each Easter.

Here is a bright example:

But today I will show you how to see all Easter from Google right now!

Google has long created a separate resource - the archive of similar Easter eggs and called this archive "Dudles".

The fact is that every day there is something significant. And for these holidays, the Google is released another Easter.

You can yourself make sure that. For example, Easter Google in honor of the 30th anniversary of Pakmen.

Easter eggs from Yandex

In addition to the joke about "Yandex - you have a napkin" nothing else has found anything.

Yandex turned out to be enough or secretive, or lazy, whether he was serious for such cases.

But nevertheless, he went to the search for the phrase "Easterki Yandex" and found one old easter.

Checked - really works.

And more, unfortunately nothing.

Maybe someone from you saw something? Tell me pzhlst.

I really want to look at what Yandex besides a paw. :)

Well, I'll probably call it on it.

Well, at the end of a steep video from the "Mastery of the Skill".

Well, I will say goodbye. So far.