What breaks at the iPad if it is bent. Straighten the iPad case

Straightening the body on the iPad Air 2 (iPad Air 2) is a popular procedure that is carried out in the service center of the APPLE-SAPPHIRE company. It should be noted that such a breakdown is not only cosmetic in nature, since distortion of the case can cause very serious internal malfunctions. To carry out the restoration promptly, inexpensively and efficiently, it is worth entrusting this procedure to professionals.

The main reasons for the deformation of the case of Aypad Air 2

  • Of course, such breakdowns in 90% of cases occur through the fault of the user himself. Hitting and dropping the tablet can lead not only to deformation of the case, but also to serious internal damage.
  • An independent reason from the action of the owner is excessive heating and swelling of the gadget battery. Despite the gradual action, this can seriously harm the functionality and appearance.
  • Sometimes, when carried in a bag with other items, the body of the device can be damaged or even bend.
  • It is also possible for the device to crack when exposed to moisture.

What to do to straighten the iPad Air 2 case?

Straightening yourself at home and without the necessary skills is very problematic. In addition, improper manipulation can damage internal mechanisms and microcircuits. To effectively straighten the body, you must be extremely careful. Because of this, we can make a logical conclusion that such procedures should be entrusted to the professionals of the company "APPLE-SAPPHIRE". Our craftsmen have extensive experience and use modern equipment in their work. In case of very serious damage to the case, the best option is to completely replace the case. It should be noted that we use only original components to restore the tablets.

iPad is a sturdy tablet, but not immortal. What breaks in it most often?

Expert opinion

For statistics on iPad malfunctions, we turned to old friends from ModMac. The guys have a full-fledged repair shop in the center of Moscow, a stone's throw from the Lubyanka metro station. There is everything there to solve any problems, including those requiring deep surgical intervention.

Screwdriver and soldering iron masters shared their many years of experience in restoring Apple tablets. Indeed, these devices almost never break themselves. Owners' hands are the main reason for 99% of breakdowns;)

IPad breakdown statistics

This is how the rarest infa looks like: iPad breakdown statistics by the number of calls to the service ModMac:

  • It broke glass - 56%
  • Problems with display - 8%
  • Out of order modem5%
  • Replacement corps4%
  • Problems with battery3%
  • Drowned iPad in water and repairs are required - 7%
  • Other malfunction - 17%

Let's talk about each important reason. Those who read everything are entitled to a bonus at the end of the article - 10% discount;)

1. Display glass

There is no doubt about it - the most common breakdown in Apple tablets. They did not hold back, touched, dropped. As strong as the glass in an Apple tablet is, it will burst if you hit it hard on the edge or, much worse, if it falls flat.

All iPad models beat equally well. But they are repaired in different ways. Owners of all old iPads can sleep peacefully: their glass can be replaced separately from the display. That is, if you unsuccessfully dropped the tablet, you can get by with a little blood - replacing only the protective glass, this is a fairly quick and inexpensive (relatively) process for almost all iPad models.

Owners of the iPad Air 2 do not have this privilege. Their glass is tightly connected to the display, as in the latest iPhone models. If you drop it, you will have to change the whole "briquette"

The glass can also burst on its own. No poltergeists. There are four reasons:

  • factory defect - when the tablet heats up, microbubbles of air expand and break the glass around;
  • poor-quality repairs - cheap Chinese glasses tend to tolerate temperature changes poorly;
  • swelling of the battery - the battery plate presses on the display, which bursts with intact glass;
  • deformation of the case - a crack may not appear immediately, but unexpectedly.

An uncritical factory defect is also common: the glass "squishes" under pressure in the side parts of the case. This is a feature of double-sided tape, which is glued to the glass. There is less of it on the sides, so cavities are formed.

If the gap is not visible, Apple will refuse to replace the device with a new one. Unfortunately, sooner or later, the squelches pass dust between the glass and the matrix. Here you can get by by contacting the service, where the dust is completely blown out. It's not expensive.

HOW TO AVOID: straight arms, protective and shockproof covers. Smart Cover, by the way, will not help. If dust gets under the glass, you can blow it out in the service.

Glass replacement cost July 2015: from 2900 to 4900 rubles for all iPad models, except iPad Air 2. Here the price tag is completely different - 17900 rubles, there is nothing to be done.

2. Screen matrix

Someone had bad luck with item number 1. A broken display module is a completely different level of problem. A broken matrix necessarily distorts the image, showing artifacts, unreadable zones. Or it just stops working.

Despite the visible fragility of the glass, it is not easy to kill the display module. It rarely cracks if it falls to the floor. And it never breaks down on its own: if something happens, it is solely due to a swelling of the battery, a damaged matrix cable or a failure of the backlight.

Replacement parts are not cheap if you use the latest generation of tablets. Conversely, the owners of the iPad 2 and iPad mini will not go bankrupt, since the hardware for their tablet is inexpensive and available in huge quantities (and with high quality).

Unlike glass, replacing the screen matrix carries an increased risk of running into a bad spare part. The Chinese have made great strides, but are not always able to reproduce the color reproduction and calibration of the original iPad screens. Here you have to trust the service.

HOW TO AVOID: again straight arms and covers. In case of unexpected cracks on the display, you should run to the service, as your battery is definitely swollen. Look for good services so that you can get a quality spare part. And yes, if you have an iPad Air 2, any cracks in the glass will require a complete replacement. Oops.

Display replacement cost for July 2015: from 2900 to 5490 rubles for all models of large iPad and mini. Only on the iPad Air 2, the replacement still costs half a device (17,900 rubles).

3. 3G / LTE modem

Didn't know anything about this category of breakdowns. This is indeed the most common complaint after broken glass and display. But they are usually inextricably linked.

IPad owners are more likely to drop their tablet at a downward angle. Some of these blows do not even leave marks on the glass: only small dents in the case, with which you can live on. But inside, a nuisance could occur: the modem module along with the board could move.

The peculiarity of this spare part is that it is connected to the main board by a very thin ribbon cable. If anything gets damaged in it ... well, you get the idea. Falls stagger this train and quite often tear it apart. Or they are preparing for it. The owner may not even notice the problem for a while. It can be opened when the device updates the firmware and for some reason refuses to turn on until the end.

Services have particular challenges with these modules. The fact is that each such module is rigidly tied to the motherboard. And if it breaks, you can't just pick it up and replace it with a new one. In such cases, good masters suggest turning the tablet into Wi-Fi only.

In a clever way, the module is soldered so that the next time it boots, the tablet literally gets a second life: it rewrites its serial number and pretends that it never had a cellular modem. There are suspicions that this procedure has something to do with the iPad manufacturing process. Probably, somewhere in the factory, the Wi-Fi versions are similarly separated from LTE-compatible devices.

HOW TO AVOID: Yes Yes… Straight arms... Well, or take a tablet with Wi-Fi ... If there are problems with the cellular module, do not pull and carry the device to the service: after flashing it will tell you “goodbye” and still invite you to ModMac.

Repair cost for July 2015: restoration of a modem loop or modem from 2000 to 5000, depending on the complexity; replacement of a modem loop - from 2500 to 4000 rubles.

4. Case

There are two types of dents. The first are cosmetic. Chipped anodizing, exposing the metal, will not affect the performance of the tablet in any way. The same goes for scratches on the back. But some dents can be a nuisance. A strong directional blow to a metal corner travels in a wave along the glass with understandable consequences.

Each blow to the iPad case slowly breaks the integrity of the double-sided tape of the display module. A microscopic gap may appear - between the glass and the display, for example. Dust will quickly (take my word for it) there. And he himself can serve as a starting point for the appearance of a crack in the next fall.

Replacing the case with an iPad is not a trivial matter: in fact, you have to reassemble the tablet. Owners of iPad 2 and iPad mini are in the black: their cases are abundantly available in the markets, including high-quality counterparts from Chinese manufacturers. One way or another, it is necessary to replace the case with a new one that does not have dents or traces of a fall. Insulation is a delicate thing.

HOW TO AVOID: Smart Case from Apple itself miraculously saves from dents, as well as silicone cases that completely cover the case. Plastic pads will not help much: they will survive only one or two such blows, and then they will burst. It is possible and necessary to live with a dent if it does not fit into the display module.

Case replacement cost July 2015: from 2900 to 5490 rubles for all iPad models.

5. Battery

A very important part that can kill an iPad in an addictive style.

Batteries, unlike other parts in iPad, can die for no apparent reason. Their fate depends not only on production moments, but also on how you feel about the tablet as a whole.

How often has he been in the scorching sun or wild heat? Do you wear it in 25-degree frost? Who made his charger, especially the car charger? How often do you charge and discharge it? How old is he? The answers to these questions determine the fate of the spare part.

Using iPad in hot or cold conditions, or with cheap chargers, will deplete battery life and could theoretically lead to critical chemical failure. You know what this is about: everyone has seen swollen batteries that explode and burn when the outer shell bursts. Now imagine what happens to your iPad when it's in your bag or at home. Horror, of course.

The battery rarely swells and catches fire in a short time: as a rule, the process takes weeks or even months. You can detect the problem by seeing that the screen glass has begun to adhere too tightly to the display or even touch it. In the latter case, you cannot pull, you are holding a chemical bomb with a powerful smoke effect;)

The explosion of a swollen battery is accompanied by a fire and a powerful release of acrid black smoke (never inhale!). The internal components of the tablet in 90% of cases die without the possibility of recovery.

One of the ModMac customers ignored the swelling of the battery and ended up taking out the tablet, already smoking and burning from the inside, right at the airport. Vnukovo... The device was beyond repair, and the client sat at the airport security all day, missing his flight. It turned out unpleasant.

HOW TO AVOID: we don’t put the iPad in the sun, don’t leave it in the car for a long time in summer, don’t carry it in our hands in a terrible frost, bringing it from heat to cold several times a day. We use only original chargers, not rubbish for 300 rubles in an unnamed tray. If we see any bumps and irregularities on the display module or under it, just take it and immediately go to the service for a new battery. Otherwise, go to the store for a new tablet.

(5.00 out of 5, rated: 2 )

website iPad is a sturdy tablet, but not immortal. What breaks in it most often? Expert opinion For statistics on iPad malfunctions, we turned to old acquaintances from ModMac. The guys have a full-fledged repair shop in the center of Moscow, a stone's throw from the Lubyanka metro station. There is everything for solving any problems, including those requiring a deep surgical ...

The constant thinning of the iPad Pro, coupled with its considerable footprint, has a negative impact on the overall durability of its chassis. The host of the YouTube channel JerryRigEverything was convinced of this, having tested the company's new tablet for resistance to damage. As shown by the blogger's experiment, from the previous generation, the line of professional "pills" only lost its strength, thereby increasing the likelihood of unintentional bending.

Despite the clear thinning of the iPad Pro's protective glass, it's not less durable than the previous generation model. The glass continues to resist scratches when exposed to materials up to the Mohs scale. And the body of the current generation tablet turned out to be more vulnerable than the previous one due to the appearance on the side edge of a magnetic connector for attaching and recharging the Apple Pencil. Its cap, as it turned out, is made of pliable plastic.

How difficult is it to bend the iPad Pro 2018

But the worst of all is the bendability of the entire structure. The video shows how the blogger, with a minimum of effort, bends the body in half as if it was made of thin plywood, and not metal. Interestingly, the side frame on which the microphone hole was located literally cracked when bent, once again hinting at the inability of the new iPad Pro to withstand any significant strength tests.

The new Apple Pencil, despite the higher price tag compared to the previous generation model, is also not stronger. The stylus did not receive any stiffening ribs (although it could have), and therefore broke in half with minimal impact, exposing its insides. Subsequent manipulations with the remains of the accessory showed that its plastic shell is extremely fragile, probably even less fragile than an eggshell.

At the end of last week, we learned that you can break the iPad Pro 2018 by hand. It's certainly not a good thing that a $ 1000 device can be broken without much effort.

If you are careless about your iPad Pro 2017, then I don't think that updating will be advisable for you: you will bend your new tablet in two or three days. However, if you attach a hard case or buy a new Smart Keyboard Folio that protects the entire case, then such problems should not be.

Also, the iPad is not the iPhone. You carry your smartphone in your pocket every day, and if it bends,. Once they turned their leg wrong, and that's it - either fix the case, or change the phone. We do not carry tablets in our pockets, and there are not so many situations when it can bend.

However, some people manage to bend the iPad Pro under normal conditions:

My iPad Pro bent from normal use in just a couple of days. This is the second bent iPad Pro. I had to change the last one because it came bent right in the box.

And I never carried it in my bag or sat on it or something. I just held it in my hands as usual.

As you already understood, there is one snag: for some users, a brand new iPad arrived already bent. And how then to be in such a situation?

Enjoyment: Open the iPad Pro box and find it bent.

My new iPad Pro bent right in the box. I was sure that this jamb is not common, but before buying, be sure to look at the state of the device.

Look at the quality of delivery! I paid £ 770 for the iPad and it was wrapped in a blue bag. I opened the box and saw that the iPad was bent. Your packaging is a mockery!

And here's what to do in such a situation? Let's say you live in the outback and ordered an iPad Pro. To pick it up and not bend it, you took some kind of iron case for the box. Carry it home, open it, and the iPad is bent. And how to be? To swear with the store?

Not a single seller from a Russian store is interested in solving your problem. For them, you are just another problem to get rid of. Yes, you can go to the official Apple service center, where they will change your tablet. But, firstly, they are not in every region. Secondly, it is far from the fact that the service provider recognizes the defect.

It pisses me off that they are such assholes. If they had used recycled titanium rather than aluminum, then we would have gotten a tough and thin iPad Pro. Don't waste your money on this abomination.


On the MacRumors forum, users argue over the bending iPad Pro situation. Many of the videos of the YouTuber were very pissed off, as he did not test the iPad in real conditions, but simply broke it.

Am I the only one sick of these videos?

We don’t scratch, burn, or bend our things to find out that they will break. The same can be done with any other electronics.

I'd rather watch these YouTubers spend thousands of dollars on great devices, not to break them, but to test them in real life.

$ 1000 can change someone's life. Maybe we should stop watching these videos because it's just mindlessly destroying the device for the sake of the YouTuber. It's pretty disgusting.


MacRumors Forum User

And Greenmeenie just went to the store and asked the seller to test the iPad Pro for strength right at the checkout before paying:

I brought a tape measure to the store when I was choosing between an 11 "and 12.9" iPad. I did not care. This is an expensive purchase, and I don't care what others think. I asked an Apple Store employee if I could put the iPad Pro in my backpack and see if it would be okay in it. The seller agreed. I even did my pre-purchase test and tried to bend the tablet. It seemed to me that he was strong enough. Just don't try to bend it over your knee or drop it. Otherwise it will be very bad. Got it?


MacRumors Forum User

Whether to buy a new iPad Pro or not is up to you. Yes, he has a problem with the flexibility of the case, but does that make him worse? Now the iPad Pro easily bypasses powerful laptops with i7 processors in synthetic and real tests, and after a year, perhaps we will begin to abandon laptops altogether.

Nevertheless, if you have already decided to buy an iPad Pro 2018, then you cannot turn a blind eye to the problem either. Better do it like Greenmeenie: go to the store with a tape measure and ask the seller to test the tablet for strength. It's better to look like an idiot for 10 minutes than to regret the money spent.

The Apple Corporation has always been famous for its products. High quality, excellent performance and reliability are exactly the qualities that tablet owners want to see. However, despite the fact that most iРad models have a durable sealed case, they can still fail. In particular, users note the problem of a deformed back cover or the entire case. Moreover, it is not even necessary that the internal elements be violated. The device can function perfectly, but at the same time have an unpresentable appearance.

When you may need to straighten the iPad case(IPad)?

As a rule, such a need arises after the tablet computer is exposed to negative physical influences:

  1. Falling from great heights.
  2. Gripping between hard surfaces.
  3. As a result of the blow.

In case of deformation of the tablet case, the repair cannot be put on the back burner, since any chips, cracks and irregularities lead to the formation of free access to the inside of the device for moisture, dirt and dust.

Once in such a situation, there are several options for its solution - contact the specialists of our company or try to fix everything on your own. Of course, the first approach is more optimal, since our employees are well versed in the internal arrangement of components, have all the necessary equipment and tools, and most importantly, they have extensive experience in such matters. All this together allows you to quickly and competently fix any breakdowns, including a deformed case.

The second approach involves an independent search for solutions to the resulting malfunction. Before proceeding with this, you should understand a few facts.

Straightening iРad (iPad) on your own

First, before starting repairs, you need to assess the extent of the damage. If the bend of the tablet case is too strong that even the display comes out of the grooves, then you should remove it in advance in order to exclude possible damage. Of course, you can try to straighten the device directly with the screen module, but this procedure is very complicated and requires special skills and tools.

What may be required in the process of restoring the integrity of the hull?

  1. A piece of dense and soft fabric.
  2. Smooth, stable table.
  3. A blank sheet of paper / cardboard.
  4. Thin resistant plastic.

The paper must be placed on the table, and on top of it is a roller made of rolled fabric. Then you need to inspect the tablet and find the bend point. The device rests on the roller so that the obtuse angle of the fracture is turned towards you with the inner side. In this case, the roller must be located exactly under the fracture.

Gently and slowly, you should press your hands on both zones of the curved body. Watch the paper carefully - this will allow you to accurately control the process. You don't have to try to level the chassis in one go. As a rule, full straightening occurs in 3-4 such sessions.

In the end, if everything was done correctly, there will be several small kinks on the case, which are difficult to notice at first glance. You can also get rid of them if you turn the gadget towards you with the screen and place a fabric roller under the body. Then you need to be extremely careful to touch the top of the tablet and in place. As a result, a barely noticeable dent will remain on the back cover. Overall the tablet computer will be flat.

The self-straightening process can take about 20-30 minutes. But there is no need to rush, since this event is rather delicate and requires a competent approach.

One way or another, it is best to contact the APPLE-SAPPHIRE service center, where highly qualified craftsmen work. They are well versed in all models of the American brand and have repeatedly faced the need to restore the integrity of the hulls.

Cooperation scheme:

  1. Registration of an application (via the website or by phone), which indicates the model, reason for contacting, phone number and address.
  2. Bring the broken device in person or send it by courier.
  3. We diagnose and determine the exact type of malfunction.
  4. We announce to you the price for the repair and proceed to the repair.
  5. After a short time, you pick up your tablet or order a courier delivery.
  6. You pay for the services and get a long-term guarantee.