What does it mean to attach a file. How to attach a file to a letter in Yandex mail and mail ru

Under certain circumstances, you as a user may need to send some data by using mail services. We'll talk about how you can send documents or an entire folder later in this article.

Touching upon the topic of transferring various kinds of data through the operation of mail exchange services, one cannot fail to mention the fact that such an opportunity exists literally on every resource of the corresponding type. At the same time, in terms of use, the functionality can differ dramatically, confusing even experienced users.

Not all messaging services are able to work with full-fledged file directories.

Please note that we have already touched on the topic of data transmission via mail. In particular, this applies to videos and various kinds of images.

If you need to transfer documents of this type, we recommend that you read the relevant articles on our website.

Yandex Mail

Once upon a time, Yandex introduced a functionality for users in their mail service that allows you to send files to other people with three various methods. However, to access additional options you will have to acquire Yandex Disk in advance.

Turning directly to the essence of the issue, you need to make a reservation that documents by mail can only be sent as attachments to a message.

The Yandex mail service still limits its users regarding the maximum amount of data and upload speed.

Another way to transfer data is to use documents previously added to Yandex Disk. At the same time, entire directories with many folders can also be attached to the letter.

Do not forget to activate Yandex Disk first and place the data you send there.

The third and last method is rather additional and directly depends on the activity of the Disk. This method consists in using once sent data from other messages.

  1. On the twice-mentioned panel, use an element with a pop-up caption "Attach files from Mail".
  2. In the dialog box that opens, navigate to the folder with letters that have attachments.
  3. Section names are automatically translated into Latin.

  4. Once you have found the document to be sent, click on it to highlight it and press the button "Attach".
  5. You can only add one file at a time.

  6. When you have finished adding data and working with attachments in general, use the key "Send" to send a letter.
  7. The user who received your letter will be able to download, add files to his Disk or view documents.

You can only view the contents of a folder with other files.

Due to the lack of any other means of sending documents, the analysis of this topic can be completed.


Mail.ru mail in its functional structure does not differ much from the previously mentioned service. As a result, while using this e-mail box to send documents, you will not have additional problems.

The administration of this site does not provide users with the ability to upload file directories.

In total, Mail.ru has two full-fledged upload methods and one additional one.

  1. On the first page of Mail.ru, in the upper side part, click on the inscription "Write a letter".
  2. If necessary, after completing the preparation of the letter for sending, find the data loading panel under the block "Topic".
  3. Use the first link provided "Attach file".
  4. Using the explorer, select the document to be added and click the button "Open".
  5. In this case, multiload data is supported.

  6. Mail.ru does not support attaching blank documents.
  7. The speed of uploading data does not allow you to instantly add files, since the mail service has a basic set of restrictions.
  8. After adding the data, some of them can be opened directly in the Internet browser.
  9. Sometimes a processing error may occur due to certain problems in the document itself.

For example, an empty archive cannot be processed by the system.

In the case of the second method, you will need to start the Mail.ru Cloud in advance and add files that require attachment there. To get acquainted with this functionality, you can read the corresponding article.

The last, but for many users quite useful method, will require you to have previously sent mail with attached data. Moreover, for the purpose of attaching documents, received rather than sent messages are quite suitable.

The recipient of the message will be able to perform certain actions on files, depending on its format and type:

  • Download;
  • Add to Cloud;
  • Look;
  • Edit.

Also, the user can perform several general data manipulations, such as zipping and downloading.

We hope you managed to figure out the process of sending files using mail from Mail.ru.


Although Google's mail service is compatible with other well-known resources, it still has a lot of differences. This is especially true for uploading, adding and using files within messages.

Gmail is more versatile, as all services from Google are interconnected.

The most convenient method for PC users is to send data by uploading documents to a message.

Be careful when sending large amounts of data. The service has some restrictions on the maximum size of attachments.

The second method is more suitable for those people who are already accustomed to using Google services, including Google Drive cloud storage.

  1. Use the button with a text label "Insert links to files in Google Drive".
  2. Switch to the tab through the navigation menu.
  3. Using the upload options provided in the window, add data to Google Drive.
  4. To add a folder, drag the desired directory to the upload area.
  5. One way or another, the files will still be added individually.
  6. Upon completion of the upload, the documents will be placed in the image of links in the main body of the message.
  7. You can also attach using existing Google Drive data.
  8. When you have finished uploading the attached information, use the button "Send".
  9. After receiving, the user will have access to all the sent data with a certain number of possibilities.

This method is the last way sending data via email from Google. Therefore, working with data postal service can be completed.


The Rambler service in the Russian-speaking market of similar resources is in little demand and provides the minimum number of opportunities for the average user. Of course, this directly concerns the sending of various kinds of documents by E-Mail.

Sending folders via Rambler mail, unfortunately, is not possible.

To date, the resource in question provides only one method for sending data.

This mail resource does not offer any more remarkable functionality.

In addition to all the information provided in the article, it is important to note that, if necessary, you can attach a folder with data, regardless of the site you use. Any easy-to-use archiver, for example, WinRAR, can help you with this.

Packing and sending documents single file, the recipient will be able to download and unpack the archive. This will preserve the original directory structure, and overall data corruption will be minimal.

Not many Internet users (even experienced ones) know the meaning of the word attachment, although they use this function quite often. Translated from English, this word means - attach, attach, invest.

The easiest way to transfer information to another user is to attach a file to email. If a letter is received with a message about additional information located in the attachment, this means that you need to find the files attached to this letter.

Any files: texts, pictures, pages, photos, music fragments can be sent or received as an attachment (attachment).

But this is a theory. Next, we will analyze the use of attachment in practice.
So, in order to send information, we should click on the virtual button "Attach a file", located just below and to the right under the lines for entering the address and subject of the e-mail. In the figures below, for your convenience, the necessary elements are highlighted in yellow.

After that, a dialog box will pop up, where you can choose the location for storing the file and the file itself, prepared for sending. In our case, this is the "Enterprise Database" file located on the desktop, as shown in the following figure.

To upload the file to the server mail program, you can double-click on desired file or select the file and click on virtual key"Open", located at the bottom of the dialog box, as shown in the figure.

You will see a document loading indicator, as shown in Figure 4. Please wait a moment. It's too early to send a letter.

When the document is uploaded to mail server completely, you will see the icon shown in Figure 5. A green checkmark next to the document indicates that the file has been successfully attached. You need to click on the red cross only if for some reason you change your mind about attaching a file.

At the bottom of the document its volume is written. Most have automatic tuning, which does not allow you to download files larger than 20 MB at the same time. If the norm is exceeded, the letter is stored on the server in a separate zone. Instead of a letter, the recipient will receive a link to the place where the information is stored, which can be downloaded in the future (data storage applies here).
After the information has reached the mail server, the letter is ready to be sent. You can click on the virtual button "Submit", marked in Figure 6.

After successfully sending the letter, you will receive a notification that the letter has found its addressee.

E-mail is used not only to send messages, but also to send files (documents, photos, etc.). They are called nested or attached.

nested or attached file(attachment) is some kind of file from a computer that we add to a letter to send it by e-mail.

How to attach a file to an email and send it

Let's say I want a document that is on my computer to end up on my colleague's computer. I know his email address, so I can write a letter from my mailbox and attach a file to it.

When a colleague goes to his mail, he will see a new message, inside of which there will be a document. He can open it directly in the mail or download it to his computer.

The file transfer technology is as follows:

  1. We open our email box.
  2. We write a letter: indicate the recipient's email address, subject and, if necessary, print the message.
  3. Click special button to add a file.
  4. In the window that opens, select the file from the computer.
  5. We send a letter by clicking on the appropriate button.


1. I open my email box and click on the button for writing a letter.

Yandex Mail: Mail.ru: gmail.com:

2. I type the address of the person to whom I want to send the file, and indicate the subject.

The text can not be typed, because I only need to send the file. But I usually print it: I say hello, I explain what exactly I am sending and why.

3. To attach a file, I click on a special button at the top or bottom (above or below the part for entering text).

Yandex Mail: Mail.ru: gmail.com:

4. A small window opens with files and folders on my computer. In it I have to find what I want to send.

Let's say I need to send a document that is on my computer in the Local Disk D in the Contracts folder. So, in the window I open local disk D:

And open the Contracts folder:

The files that are in this folder are shown. I find among them the one I want to send, and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

The window disappears and my document appears above or below the attach button.

in Yandex.Mail:

in Mail.ru:

in gmail.com:

5. To send a letter, click on the "Send" button.

in Yandex.Mail: in Mail.ru: in gmail.com:

Immediately after that, my message with the attached document will go to specified address. Here's how the recipient will see it:

Notice the paperclip icon at the end. Thus the mail site shows that there is an attached file inside.

Having opened the letter, the recipient will see both the text and the document, which they can view or download to their computer.

How to add multiple files to an email

You can add several files of any type to one letter. It can be photos, documents, music and even videos.

To do this, it is not at all necessary to send several letters - you can write one and add to it everything that we want to send. It happens like this: we write a letter, add one file to it, then, in the same way, another, third, and so on.

But what if there are not one or two, but more than ten? Is it possible to add an entire folder, rather than each file individually?

Sorry, you can't send a folder by email. But it can be archived and attached to the letter.

You can do this right in the window through which we add a file to send. We right-click on the folder, select 7-Zip or WinRAR from the list and create an archive.

Then, in the same place, select the newly created archive, that is, double-click on it with the left mouse button.

The archive, which contains the folder required for forwarding, is attached to the letter. It remains only to send it.


If you plan to send more than three files in one email, it is good practice to archive them.

For example, I want to send ten photos to a friend. You can, of course, send ten letters, each of which add a photo. But it is inconvenient neither for me, nor, moreover, for him. Therefore, I decide to send one letter, to which I attach all the photos.

In this case, it would be more correct to put them in a separate folder on the computer itself, then archive it and add the resulting archive when sending a letter.

As a result, one file will be sent, not ten. It will be easier for my friend to download it to a computer and unzip it than to watch (download) each photo individually.

Before sending photos by e-mail, they should be compressed (reduced in size).

This is more than good manners. This is a necessity! But, unfortunately, many users do not even know about it.

You will learn more about why this is necessary and how to do it in the Photo Compression lesson.

The task

  1. Send an email with an attachment from your email address to your own address. That is, in the "To" field, type your email address. After sending, you will receive an email from yourself with this attachment.
  2. Open your letter and try to view the sent file directly in the mail. Then download it to your computer and open directly from it.
  3. Send emails to your address with several attachments (both individually and zipped).
  4. Try sending photos after compressing them.

Despite all the simplicity operating system iOS, beginners may have problems with some aspects. One of these weaknesses was file management, or to be more precise, sending files with a regular mail client. In this article, we will tell you how to send photos, videos, documents and other files using email on iPhone and iPad.

In contact with

Where are the files located?

Since iOS is closed file system, then even the location of certain types of files may raise questions. The thing is that a document, photo or video can be located in completely different places. For example, photos and videos in the Photos app, and documents or other files in or some third-party cloud storage, like Dropbox or Yandex.Disk. Therefore, when sending different types files approach will be slightly different.

This can be done in two ways.

Method 1 (Photos app):

1 . Open the application " A photo».

2 . In the tabs " Albums" or " A photo»Select one or more (up to 5) photos or videos.

4 . Select the mail client Mail.

Method 2 (Mail application):

1 . Open the Mail app.

2 . Create a new letter (the icon is located in the lower right corner).

3 . Make a long tap on the body of the letter in the place where the photo or video should be, in the window that appears, press the right arrow and select " Insert photo/video».

4 . Select the album you are interested in, and then a photo or video.

5 . In the lower right corner, click the " Select».