Hotkeys Word. How to assign hotkeys in MS Word

The following is a list of the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word. See the page if you are looking for a list of keyboard shortcuts used in other programs. Please be aware that some of these shortcuts may not work in all Microsoft versions word.

Note. If the device you are using does not have function keys (F1-F12) on the keyboard, such as a Chromebook, some hotkeys are not available to you.

Keyboard shortcut Description
ctrl+0 Increase or decrease the spacing before the current paragraph by one line
Ctrl+A Select all page content.
ctrl+b Make selected text bold.
ctrl+c Copy the selected text.
ctrl+d Open the font settings window.
Ctrl+E Aligns a line or selected text to the center of the screen.
ctrl+f Open the search box.
Ctrl+I Italicized selection.
Ctrl+J Aligns the selected text or line to align the screen.
Ctrl+K Insert a hyperlink.
Ctrl+L Aligns a line or selected text to the left of the screen.
Ctrl+M Paragraph indent.
Ctrl + N Opens a new empty document window.
Ctrl+O Opens a dialog box or page for selecting a file to open.
ctrl+p Open the print window.
ctrl+r Aligns a line or selected text to the right of the screen.
ctrl+s Save open document. Same as Shift + F12.
ctrl+t Create a hanging indent.
Ctrl+U Underline the selected text.
Ctrl+V Insert.
Ctrl+W Close the open document.
Ctrl + X Cut selected text.
ctrl+y Repeat last action.
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action.
Ctrl+Shift+L Quickly create a marker.
Ctrl+Shift+F Change the font.
Ctrl+Shift+> Increase the selected font + 1pts to 12pt and then increase the font + 2pts.
ctrl+] Increase the selected font + 1pts.
Ctrl+Shift+< Decrease selected font -1pts if 12pt or lower; if above 12, the font is reduced by +2pt.
Ctrl+[ Decrease the selected font -1pts.
Ctrl + / + c Insert sign sign (¢).
Ctrl+'+<символ> Insert a character with an accent label (grave) where is the character you want. For example, if you wanted to use an accented è, you would use Ctrl+'+e in as a key quick access. To change the accent sign, use the opposite accent sign, often on a tilde.
Ctrl + Shift + * View or hide nonprinting characters.
ctrl +<левая стрелка> Moves one word to the left.
ctrl +<правая стрелка> Moves one word to the right.
ctrl +<стрелка вверх> Move to the beginning of a line or paragraph.
ctrl +<стрелка вниз> Jump to the end of a paragraph.
Ctrl+Del Deletes the word to the right of the cursor.
ctrl+backspace Deletes the word to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl+End Moves the cursor to the end of the document.
Ctrl+Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + Space Reset the selected text to the default font.
CTRL+1 Single span lines.
CTRL+2 Double span lines.
CTRL+5 1.5 line spacing.
Ctrl+Alt+1 Changes the text to heading 1.
Ctrl+Alt+2 Changes the text in the heading 2.
Ctrl+Alt+3 Changes text to heading 3.
Alt+Ctrl+F2 Open a new document.
Ctrl+F1 Open the taskbar.
Ctrl+F2 Display preview.
Ctrl+Shift+> Increases the selected text size by one font size.
Ctrl+Shift+< Reduces the size of the selected text by one font size.
Ctrl+Shift+F6 Switches to another open Microsoft document word.
Ctrl+Shift+F12 Prints a document.
F1 Open help.
F4 Repeat Last Action (Word 2000+)
F5 Open the Find, Replace, and Go box in Microsoft Word.
F7 Spell Checker and Grammar Check selected text or document.
F12 Save as.
Shift+F3 Change text in Microsoft Word from upper case to lower case or capital letter at the beginning of each word.
Shift+F7 Performs a thesaurus check on the selected word.
Shift+F12 Save the open document. Just like Ctrl+S.
Shift+Enter Create a soft hyphen instead of a new paragraph.
Shift+Insert Insert.
Shift+Alt+D Insert the current date.
Shift+Alt+T Insert the current time.

You can also use the mouse to perform some common actions. The following section provides examples of mouse shortcuts.

Mouse actions Description
Tap, hold and drag Selects the text from which you click and hold to the point you drag and drop.
double click Double-clicking a word will select the full word.
double click Double-clicking the left, center, or right of an empty line aligns the text to the left, center, or right.
double click Double-clicking anywhere after the text in the line will set a tab stop.
triple click Selects the line or paragraph of text on which the mouse button is pressed.
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Scaling in and out of a document.

Recently, I was given a monoblock for my birthday, and after installing MS Office2013, I found that the hotkeys had been “swapped”. Ever since I worked as a layout designer, I have been accustomed to widely use hotkeys, since using a mouse slows down work on a PC. So, in Word2013, the combination Ctrl + S stopped saving the file, and Ctrl + V stopped inserting text. Fortunately, Microsoft provided the ability to customize hotkeys, which I took advantage of.

In Word, go through the menu File –> Parameters, go to the tab Customize Ribbon and click on the button Setting… (Fig. 1).

Download note in format or

To set up familiar hotkeys for a command Save file, in the opened window Keyboard customization select tab File, command FileSave, and click in the window New keyboard shortcut(Fig. 2). Enter the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S (and do not type Ctrl + S in the window), press Appoint, close all windows. Voila!

Note. Typically, you will want to assign new hotkeys to all files. Then leave the window setting Save changes to: unchanged - Normal.dotm. If for some reason you want to assign new hotkeys only to open file, select its name in the window Save changes to:

Repeat the procedure to set up hotkeys for other commands. The most popular commands are shown in the table in fig. 3.

Have you ever wondered how to make working with Word more comfortable and faster? Use special keyboard shortcuts. They allow you to perform certain actions faster while you work. Let's take a closer look at what are hot word keys 2016.

What it is

Hot keys - several buttons, by pressing which an action is performed. Computer mouse not used.

Is it necessary

Using special keyboard shortcuts will increase your productivity. Allows you to quickly perform such frequently used actions as saving a document, canceling an action. By selecting the desired section of text, and pressing the combination, you can quickly format the text. For example, hot keys Word (Word) to cut a part of the text. Often used in conjunction with Word insert hotkeys.
The developers have implemented in a large number of combinations. Consider the most common.

Basic Combinations

Consider how to speed up work with certain pieces of information in a document. These are the elements that stand out in the document. For example, hotkeys select all.

Working with the font

Operations are applied to the selected content.

Selecting a portion of text

Position the cursor at the desired location in the document. Press "Shift". Selection is done with arrows:

  1. Left, right. Select text character by character;
  2. Up, down - line by line.

If you additionally press "Ctrl", the content will be highlighted in a paragraph. Selects text that is not adjacent.

Undo or redo the last operation is done using "CTRL+Z" and "CTRL+Y" respectively.

Shortcut Word formulas

To add a formula field, go to:

To exit edit mode, press the same combination again

Hot keys Word capital letters

Let's say you typed a paragraph in capital letters by mistake. What to do? You don't have to rewrite. Highlight the text, then:

Second way

Word hotkeys replace

To call the dialog box, go to:

Word hotkeys change language

The defaults are: "Alt + Shift" or "Ctrl + Shift". Keyboard shortcuts can be changed. Click LMB on the language icon in the system tray:

Click on the link " Extra options».

Go to:

Word hotkeys color highlighting

Clicking again will deselect.

Use this method if you often have to highlight words in the text with color.
If you need a different color, first set it on the "Home" menu tab.

Word paragraph hotkeys

To align with:

  • left edge press "Ctrl + L";
  • right "Ctrl + R";
  • center "Ctrl + T";
  • hotkeys justify alignment - "Ctrl + J".

Place the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph, then:

Hotkeys Word (Word) paragraph, changing styles:

Hotkeys Word (Word) apostrophe

Each character value, and the ASCII table corresponds to a number. For an apostrophe, it's "39":
Change this combination to make it easier to remember. Open:


Word hotkeys insert row below

Suppose you need to leave an empty space in a document so that a person writes contact information there. Used in surveys. How to do it:

Hot keys Word superscript

to install superscript, click:


Let's say you often use a certain action when editing a document. For it, set your own keyboard shortcut that is easy to remember. How to do it?
Press ALT+F+T. Go to:




Knowing keyboard shortcuts will make your work in a text editor faster. When switching to new version keyboard shortcuts will remain the same.

Even if you are familiar with Microsoft Word, you may be surprised at the number and variety of keyboard shortcuts you can use to speed up your work, and they usually make operations more convenient.

So, does anyone expect you to memorize all these keyboard shortcuts? Of course not! All needs are different, so some will be more beneficial to you than others. And even if you just pick up a few new tricks, it's worth it.

Also, while our list of keyboard shortcuts is quite long, it's far from a complete list of all the keyboard combos available in Word. We have tried to write only the most useful combinations keys. And you'll be happy to know that almost all of these keyboard shortcuts have been around for a long time, so they should be useful no matter what version of Word you're using.

General program hotkeys

Microsoft Word has many common program shortcuts that make it easy for you to do everything from saving a document to undoing a mistake.

  • ctrl+n: create a new document
  • Ctrl+O: open an existing document
  • ctrl+s: saving a document
  • F12: open the "Save As" dialog box
  • ctrl+w: close the document
  • Ctrl+Z: undo action
  • ctrl+y: repeat action
  • Alt+Ctrl+S: split window or remove split view
  • Ctrl+Alt+V: print layout preview
  • Ctrl+Alt+O: view structure
  • Ctrl+Alt+N: draft
  • Ctrl+F2: preview printing
  • F1: open help panel
  • ctrl+f: search in document
  • F7: run a spelling and grammar checker
  • Shift+F7: open thesaurus. If you have selected a word, Shift + F7 searches the thesaurus for that word.

Moving within a document

You can use keyboard shortcuts to easily navigate throughout your document. This can save time if you have a long document and don't want to scroll through the entire document, or just want to move between words or sentences.

  • Left/Right Arrow: move the insertion point (cursor) one character to the left or right
  • Ctrl + left/right arrow: move one word left or right
  • Up/Down Arrow: move up or down one line
  • Ctrl + up/down arrow: move up or down one paragraph
  • end: jump to the end of the current line
  • ctrl+end: jump to the end of the document
  • Home: jump to the beginning of the current line
  • Ctrl+Home: jump to the beginning of the document
  • Page Up/Page Down: move up or down one screen
  • Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down: move to the previous or next browse object (after performing a search)
  • Alt + Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down: move to the top or bottom of the current window
  • F5: open the Search dialog with the Go To tab selected so you can quickly jump to a specific page, section, bookmark, etc.
  • Shift+F5: cycle through the last three locations where the insertion point was placed. If you have just opened a document, Shift + F5 will move you to the last point you edited before closing the document.

Text selection

You may have noticed in the previous section that the arrow keys are used to move the insertion point, and Ctrl key used to change this movement. Using the Shift key to change a large number These keyboard shortcuts allow you to select text in different ways.

  • Shift + left/right arrow: extend the current selection by one character to the left or right
  • Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right Arrow: extend the current selection by one word to the left or right
  • Shift + up/down arrow: range extension up or down one line
  • Ctrl + Shift + up/down arrow: extend selection to the beginning or end of a paragraph
  • Shift+End: increase selection to end of line
  • Shift + Home: extend selection to start of line
  • Ctrl+Shift+Home/End: extend the selection to the beginning or end of the document
  • Shift + Page Down/Page Up: advanced selection down or up one screen
  • Ctrl+A: select the entire document
  • F8: enter selection mode. In this mode, you can use the arrow keys to expand your selection. You can also press F8 up to five times to expand the selection. The first press puts you in select mode, the second press selects the word near the insertion point, the third selects the entire sentence, the fourth selects all the characters in the paragraph, and the fifth selects the entire document. Pressing Shift + F8 works in the same loop but backwards. And you can press Esc each time to exit selection mode.
  • Ctrl+Shift+F8: column selection. After selecting a column, you can use the left and right arrow keys to expand the selection to other columns.

Text editing

Word also provides a number of keyboard shortcuts for editing text.

  • backspace: delete one character to the left
  • ctrl+backspace: delete one word on the left
  • delete: delete one character to the right
  • ctrl+delete: delete one word on the right
  • ctrl+c: copy or graphic to clipboard text
  • Ctrl+X: cut selected text or graphics to the clipboard
  • ctrl+v: paste contents of clipboard
  • Alt+Shift+R: copy the header or footer used in the previous section of the document

Apply character formatting

Word also has many keyboard combos for applying character formatting and paragraph formatting, but these are covered in the next section. You can use keyboard shortcuts to apply formatting to selected text, or to what you type next when no text is selected.

  • ctrl+b: bold formatting
  • Ctrl+I: apply italic formatting
  • Ctrl+U: apply underline formatting
  • Ctrl+Shift+W: apply underline formatting to words but not spaces between words
  • Ctrl+Shift+D: apply double underline formatting
  • ctrl+d: open font dialog
  • Ctrl + Shift + : Decrease or increase the font size by one specified size at a time
  • Ctrl + [ or ]: Decrease or increase font size one point at a time
  • ctrl+=: apply substring formatting
  • Ctrl + Shift + plus key: apply superscript formatting
  • Shift+F3: circular format for your text. The available formats are the beginning of the sentence (first letter at the beginning, all others in lowercase), lowercase, uppercase, capital letters(the first letter in each headword) and the switch case (which overrides whatever is there).
  • Ctrl+Shift+A: Formats all letters in uppercase
  • Ctrl+Shift+K: Formats all letters in lowercase
  • Ctrl+Shift+C: copies the highlight character formatting
  • Ctrl+Shift+V: inserts formatting on selected text
  • Ctrl+Space: removes all manual character formatting from the selection

Apply paragraph formatting

And just like with character formatting, Word has a bunch of keyboard shortcuts specific to paragraph formatting.

  • ctrl+m: increases the indent of a paragraph by one level each time you click it
  • Ctrl+Shift+M: decrements a paragraph indent by one level each time it is clicked
  • ctrl+t: increases the hanging indent each time you click
  • Ctrl+Shift+T: each time you press the button, decreases the hanging indent
  • ctrl+e: center paragraph
  • Ctrl+L: left align paragraph
  • ctrl+r: right align paragraph
  • Ctrl+J: mark paragraph
  • ctrl+1: single interval setting
  • ctrl+2: set double spacing
  • ctrl+5: set 1.5 line spacing
  • ctrl+0: remove one line spacing before a paragraph
  • Ctrl+Shift+S: open popup to apply styles
  • Ctrl+Shift+N: apply normal paragraph style
  • Alt+Ctrl+1: apply heading style 1
  • Alt+Ctrl+2: apply heading style 2
  • Alt+Ctrl+3: apply heading style 3
  • Ctrl+Shift+L: apply list style
  • Ctrl+Q: remove all paragraph formatting


  • Shift+Enter: insert line break
  • Ctrl+Enter: insert a page break
  • Ctrl+Shift+Enter: insert a column separator
  • Ctrl + hyphen(-): add an optional hyphen. The optional hyphen tells Word not to use the hyphen unless the word breaks at the end of the line. If so, Word will use the hyphen where you placed it.
  • Alt + Ctrl + hyphen(-): insert a dash
  • Ctrl + Shift + hyphen(-): insert a non-breaking hyphen. This tells Word not to break the word at the end of the line, even if there is a hyphen there. This would be useful, for example, if you included something like a phone number and wanted to make sure it all appeared on the same line.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Space: insert non-breaking space
  • Alt+Ctrl+C: insert copyright symbol
  • Alt+Ctrl+R: insert registered trademark symbol
  • Alt+Ctrl+T: insert trademark symbol

Working with paths

  • Alt + Shift + Left/Right Arrow: promote (move left) or demote (move right) the line
  • Ctrl+Shift+N: downgrade outlines to plain text text
  • Alt + Shift + up/down arrow: move a line using the insertion point up or down in a path
  • Alt + Shift + Plus or Minus: expand or collapse the text below the heading
  • Alt+Shift+A: expand or collapse all text or headings in an outline
  • Alt+Shift+L: show first line of body text or all body text
  • Alt+Shift+1: show all headings that apply heading style 1
  • Alt + Shift + any other number: show all headings of this level

Working with tables

  • tab: move to the next cell in the row and select its contents, if any
  • Shift + Tab: move to the previous cell in the row and select its contents, if any
  • Alt + Home/End: move to the first or last cell in a row
  • Alt + Page Up/Page Down: move to the first or last cell in a column
  • Up/Down Arrow: move to the previous or next line
  • Shift + up/down arrow: select a cell in the row above or below the insertion or selection point. Keep pressing this combo to select more cells. If you have multiple cells in the selected row, this combo selects the same cells in the row above or below.
  • Alt + 5 on keyboard (with NumLock off): select whole table

We hope you've found some new keyboard shortcuts to make your life with Word easier.

Designed to speed up your work in MS Office and make it more productive. Agree, it is much easier to press Ctrl + C (copy) and Ctrl + V (paste) on the keyboard, instead of executing this command in the traditional way, by clicking the "copy" and "paste" buttons on the taskbar.

However, as you probably noticed, keyboard shortcuts are not assigned to all the functions that Microsoft's office suite offers to our services. For example, I recently told you about how you can speed up work with a MS Word document at times. But this method has one significant disadvantage - after the bookmarks are created, you can use them only by going back to the corresponding panel and activating the desired tool or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + F5. There seems to be a combination, but very uncomfortable by my standards. Now, if we replace it with something simpler, for example, with CTRL + W (this combination is already used to close the current document, but, to be honest, I have never used it at all and I don’t really need it) ...

On the other hand, the default "insert picture" tool does not have its own " hot key". This is of course not critical - we add graphics to documents not very often, but when you suddenly need to provide a document with a huge bunch of illustrations, you will “suddenly” find that switching the taskbar to the “insert” menu every time is somewhat tedious.

So let's solve these problems, and learn not only to set keyboard shortcuts in MS Word on our own, but also to override the "factory" settings text editor!

Well, climbed to assign hot keys in MS Word?

Create your own keyboard shortcuts in MS Word

First of all, open File tab and select item "Parameters". This time we need "Customize Ribbon" settings block. We select it from the list and see an intriguing phrase: "Customize the Ribbon and Keyboard Shortcuts". It looks like we've come to the right place.

We do not need a long list with available commands now, we look at the very bottom of the parameters window and see the line "Keyboard Shortcuts". Feel free to press "Settings..." button and admire the very unfriendly looking Keyboard Settings window.

We look at what keyboard shortcuts are set in MS Word by default for this command

In fact, there is nothing wrong here - although the list of available commands is named on English language, hints explaining the meaning remain in Russian, moreover, the tools are structured in the same order in which they are located on the MS Word toolbar. That is, first, in the list on the left, I select "Categories: Insert Tab", and then in the list on the right, the command "EditBookmark" ( edit bookmark - from English.).

Adding new keyboard shortcuts

Once the selection is made, the program displays the already used keyboard shortcut (CTRL+SHIFT+F5). I select it and click the Delete button. Now I left-click in the "New keyboard shortcut" field and press CTRL + W on the keyboard, click "Assign" and "OK" next. Done, I just redefined the "hot keys", making MS Word a little more convenient for me.

In this case, there are two subtleties:

  • The "standard" keyboard shortcut, if you don't like it, you can not delete it. The program also provides for the fact that several hot keys can be assigned to the same tool.
  • The new keyboard shortcut must be pressed on the keyboard, and not tried to be entered in text.
  • If the new keyboard shortcut is already in use by another function, the program will warn you about it

The first line is a warning that this keyboard shortcut is already in use, the second is that the changes are written to the main template

Although, that's not all! Did you notice the point "Save changes to..."? Yes, as in the case with , all changes can be applied both to a separate document and to the general template of the program ( Normal.dotm). I chose the second option, so when I close the text editor, I will need to follow the same steps that were described in that article.

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