How to determine whether subscribers are checked in instagram. Why not need to buy husky in instagram

In which, in addition to the water, I did not find anything, and one of the main arguments turns / does not twist whether he often saw the author of Celibriti's post on TV.

We will be honest, more and more money goes to advertisements from bloggers, and the main problem is to determine whether it turns the subscribers / likes or not. After all, I do not want to spend 50 thousand, and at the output get a zero result?

To do this, you need to analyze accounts in which you are going to be placed more carefully, the benefit is not difficult.

How to determine the cheats in Instagram?

You can check the account for the presence of cheating in several ways, but conditionally I divide them into two groups:

  1. By dynamics;
  2. By audience.

Account S. 600K. Subscribers I. 30k. Lykovov on each post looks tasty for the advertiser. Not necessarily know who of these 600K. Subscribers and who puts these huskies. Often only the speakers are enough. For example, the dynamics of subscribers:

Sharp growth S. 45K. before 105K. In one day and further slow, but an assistee. What is it? Someone will say - perhaps this account mentioned the top blogger and subscribers came to him.

Firstly, weakly believe, secondly, the top bloggers the audience shows activity in new posts for about three days, i.e. There would be a splash for a day, and for three ..

Secondly, in 99% cases of such a splash is precisely cheatBut it is always worth remembering that you can catch up with anyone, and not the owner itself. The main thing is that? Money.

AND thirdIf you throw this screenshot to the account to the account and ask him to explain what it is for a burst - he will most likely not be able to do it.

Or such a dynamic, in the shape of a bunch ...:

14 days of sharp growth Subscribers and further less rapid, but still quick unsubsions. Remember at the beginning of the post I as an example led an account in 600K. Subscribers? This schedule may well be from it.

14 days or 2 weeks. Round date, going to call the reason - Giveaway.. This is a competition in instagram in which you need to subscribe to 30-40 accounts, and maybe you will be lucky and you will win some iPhone..

This account was among these 30-40 For which it was necessary to subscribe. Participation in such contests is contraindicated, because The account signs either the non-targeted audience, or the organizers stupidly catch the bots. From here and unsubscribe.

On April 10, the competition began, after 2 weeks ended, it took part in it 200k. man or bots.

By the way, a list of these 30-40 Accounts are kept in the main account of the competition, to which it was also necessary to subscribe, and, i.e. It has become too 200k. subscribers. Do you know what will happen to him then? He is resold.

Of course, massfolloving, the dynamics of the outgoing subscriptions look like this:

Constantly subscribe to thousands of other accounts in the hope that they will sign in response. Gray cheat method. There is nothing particularly terrible in it, but it is worth paying attention.

How to understand that the blogger does the huskies and comments?

Subscribers and subscriptions considered. Now look at the intertections, i.e. Likes and comments.

Let's look at this schedule:

This is the dynamics of likes on one post during the day after the calculation (well, almost).

23 thousand Likes In the first hour and 5 thousand in the remaining time. At first glance, it seems to be out with nothing. If you do not see how the likes are recruited on real accounts with a lively audience:

There are several important points here:

  1. The bulk of the likeness is gaining approximately per day;
  2. At night, the downturn of the likes of the Likes is seen;
  3. After a day, the likes are still growing, but slowly.

Someone again says, what is this living account, which 300 thousand lykov on post? But that's not the point. And in the three moments that I specified above. They work on all living accounts, be in it 3k. subscribers or 1 million.

Let's return to the previous screenshot, we see a permanent set and, if you look at, at night, the decline was. But here's the fact that when the post is laying 15 , and that 20 Thousands likes - fact.

Or such an example:

Absolutely equally number of new Likes in hour, during 10 hours. And it does not matter evening it was an hour or dining.

And then it is like this:

And comments buy like this:

This is just enough for saying the blogger, whom you have gathered to advertise, let's goodbye.

And most importantly, you can see this dynamics through LiveDune Pro. , virtually any open account. And if the speakers, unfortunately, are not, then we simply add an account to dashboard and wait until the data gather.

We analyze the audience of the blogger in Instagram

One of the main criteria is how the target account subscribers subscribed to how many accounts. You can visualize this as follows: In the form of a circular chart (we call this schedule " Reach”):

Or more detailed breakdown in increments of 500 subscriptions:

Low reach is placed in accounts that are signed on more, than 1000 people.

Previously, tape was chronological And this meant that such subscribers it is littered with a bunch of posts and the likelihood that this follower will see your post is very small, except that he will open Instagram immediately after you have made a post.

But now ribbon algorithmic and the post may be the first in it, let him even have been laid out 12 hours ago. But most accounts that have many outgoing subscriptions are either bots who meaninglessly show advertising, or massfollovers who have no need to watch their ribbon, because every time something new. And instagram can ban the Massfollover account, if he sits from different IP at the same time, so they do not enter their accounts at all. Through one service make massfolloving, through the second postponed posting and all this through one proxy server.

You can still look at the types of the audience, we divide it on 4 groups.

  1. Commercial accounts - Various shops, restaurants, shopping centers, legs, etc.
  2. Massifolls - Those who have more than 1000 subscriptions.
  3. Empty accounts - which no more than 15 posts.
  4. People - other.

Of course, statistics statistics, figures, always need to turn on the head when analyzing the account.

Analysis of this data will save your budget, and you can find all this in us, in LiveDune.

Very often we have to evaluate instagram profiles with any purpose. Whether it is a blogger account, which we buy advertising, or an online store account. But to give any evaluation only after looking by the eyes - incorrectly, because the likes and subscribers in the profile can be screwed and all activity can be false. So how do we like to understand who to trust, and who does not?
For these purposes, the FakeLikeInfo service was created, it, at the expense of its algorithms, allows you to determine the level of profile cheat according to different indicators. The developers at the same time declare the accuracy of the definition of 85-90%.

What windings do you know how to determine the service?

1) FakeLikeInfo can show you how many subscribers in the account account, and how much it was cheated. The platform will show you the number of real follovers, eliminating their cheats, business accounts, as well as massfoll.
2) Not always wrapped users. It often happens that you are catching like likes to raise the ER account, creating visible activity. You can highlight the fake marks "I like", as well as real.
3) Cheating comments is also a bad problem. The service will allow you to understand which comments are accessed, and will also show the real number of comments in the account.
4) and the most interesting function - This is the withdrawal of the real ER. The system automatically deducts all types and number of cheating in the profile, and removes them, showing you real ER.

Everything should be transparent

Many do not even think that the indicators in the account may be screwed, and even the popular bloggers and companies sreeus. Therefore, FakeLikeInfo, indeed, is useful toolFor both SMM specialists and ordinary users. Now you will know who can be trusted, and who does not.

FakeLikeInfo is free to analyze profiles up to 5,000 subscribers, then proceeds. For example, an analysis of up to 20,000 subscribers will cost 199 rubles.

The overall enemy of the parties is the screws. At first glance, such twisted accounts look good, but they have the result of accommodation. As a result, the advertiser suffers, because the money went into milk, and decent plaignories, because Money passed by them, and a disappointed advertiser may never return with money to inst.

Consider a few examples, how to determine if blogger used various methods Cheat.

For example, the Krasnodar performer Arni Savaolla (, 25 thousand subscribers, about 1500 likes per post on average. It seems everything is not bad, only confuses the number of outgoing subscriptions - under 5 thousand.

Let's go to his statistics in LiveDune -

History of changes in the number of subscribers:

Batyushki! Yes, from December 28 to January 3, the number of his subscribers has grown from 20 to 60 thousand, and after - a speed and dramatic drop before the current 25k. And continues to fall! What? I made a gift for NG - bought bots. Although someone else presented?

Let's look at the schedule of outgoing subscriptions.

Up-down, up-down. Typical picture for MF (massolloving) when the user subscribes to automatic mode At all in a row in the hope that they will sign in response. At the same time, the type of promotion on the account is signed by often living people, but they are not interested in the account - they simply made the so-called interconnect.

Here we will help again - open the period in one year and see. In November, 60 thousand bots came to the account in one night. And in September, and in October the bots also bought, but more modest - 5-10 thousand at a time. Not to mention 20 thousand bots in February.

But with the obviously a huge number of bots (at least 70 thousand), the account has a very good ER. 8%, cool. Let's try to figure it out too.

On the chart of likes in LiveDune Pro, it can be seen that until April 2015, the average number of likes per post was around 2500, and then rose to 10,000. Height from April to September 4 times - Nehilo.

And now look at the schedule for changing subscribers for the same period. And here is the most interesting.

In the same period, the number of subscribers increased by 2000, and the average number of likes was more than 7500. How is it possible? Buy Likes. And constant.
Nishdka, in August 2015 ER in this account was equal to about 60%.

So, according to examples, we learned how to determine with help

Instagram Recently, almost most actively growing social service. Moreover, the creators do not reveal on the laurels, watching from the part, but actively develop their brainchild. Together with them developers. The number of subscribers in Instagram is poured and proud. People are constantly looking for options for increasing Follovover.

But sometimes these methods are very strange. Today there is a huge number of diverse services, allowing to buy subscribers and increase their importance in this service. Opided the opinion: the more Follover, the better. However, these subscribers do not respond to your actions. That is, they do not put huskies, do not comment. A natural question appears: Are such comrades need? I will say that I am not a fan of mass-folloving and artificial methods of cheating, I will not fully understand the point of spending money and time for this activity. It is better to spend them on interesting content, and people will catch up. Screwd follovers will never be loyal to you and your content. And the marketer does not need to be to understand this.

But a person from difficult to assess the account of a certain user as a whole. He always looks at the content and number of subscribers. In this sense, a person with a hundred Folloviers, who every day takes pictures and lay out donuts, will always be interested in people less than another lover of donuts with hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

If you really want to know the number of fake subscribers from a specific user, you can use one of the specialized services. Most of them are paid, although they have a steep interface and issue a lot of useful analytics. I found free analog Adequately defining the average number of fakes. It is called FollowerCheck. (

Updated (01/30/2018): IN this moment The service is not available or is available selectively, so I am looking for an alternative solution.

The site is simple to madness. In order for them to use the need to log in through your instagram and then in the check field simply driven the name of the account we need. After manipulation, we receive statistics. The service randomly selects 150 subscribers and on the basis of activity data calculates the amount of fake approximate to reality. Figures of some users are striking. Especially now - .

You can do otherwise. There is a simple formula that allows you to calculate the indicator of interest in posts. We divide the number of likes (L) of one photo on the number of subscribers (F) and multiply by 100.

Followers activity \u003d (L / F) * 100
If we get the number above 2-3%, then the activity corresponds to the norm. If below - most likely the subscribers are screwed down.