Compass where to turn off the alignment. Global bindings

In each specific document, the user can select the units of measurement (millimeters, centimeters or meters). The default units are millimeters. Menu command Setting up? Setting the parameters of the current sheet(Setting options for new documents) ? Units of length

User always operates with the real dimensions of the drawn parts and assemblies (at a scale of 1: 1), and the subsequent placement of the image on the drawing sheet format is performed using a suitable view scale, i.e. there is no need to worry about recalculating real coordinates depending on the size of the product and the format of the sheet.

To create a view scale, use the menu command LayoutCreate View or using the toolbar button Associative views

  1. ^


The origin of the absolute drawing coordinate system is always at the left point of the outline format box. For the convenience of work, the user can create local systems coordinates via menu item ServiceLocal Coordinate Systems or using the button in the line current state
  1. ^


Overlays are not allowed in a computer drawing individual elements on top of each other and the gaps between them. Therefore, it is constantly necessary to accurately position the cursor at various points in the drawing, in other words, to perform binding to objects already existing in the drawing. KOMPAS-GRAPHIK provides various commands for snapping to key points (boundary points, center) and objects (intersection, along the normal, along the directions of the coordinate axes). These commands are grouped into three groups: local(valid once), global bindings(permanent), and keyboard .
    1. ^

      Local bindings

The local bindings menu is displayed when you right-click while executing any command to create, edit, or select an object. For example, when you enter a segment in the message line, a notification appears: Pick the start point of the line or enter its coordinates... If you press the right mouse button and select the line Binding, then a list of commands will appear on the screen.

From this list, click to select the name of the associated binding. After that, the cursor will change its appearance. The cursor trap hovers over the selected object, and as soon as this object is trapped, the desired point will be automatically captured, and a text confirming the snapping will appear next to it.

Local snapping will work to select only one point. To snap to another point, the operation must be repeated.

Purpose of bindings:

  • ^ Nearest point-Allows you to snap to the nearest characteristic point of the object (for example, to the end of a line, the center of a circle, etc.);

  • Crossing- allows you to snap to the point of intersection of objects;

  • Middle - snaps to the middle of the object;

  • Centre - Snaps to the center of a circle, arc, ellipse ;

  • On the grid - allows you to snap to any point of the auxiliary grid (the grid can be turned off);

  • Angle Snap - when choosing this method Snaps the cursor will move relative to the last fixed point at angles that are multiples of the value specified when configuring global snaps;

  • Alignment - when this snapping method is selected, the input point will be aligned vertically or horizontally relative to other key points, as well as relative to the last fixed point;

  • Point on the curve - snaps to any point on a curve (straight line) caught in the trap of the cursor (the point is fixed on the curve at any place specified by the user);

  • Y per curve - snaps to the nearest point of the specified object in the positive direction of the Y axis of the current coordinate system;

  • Against the Y on the curve- performs snapping to the nearest point of the specified object in the direction opposite to the positive direction of the Y axis of the current coordinate system;

  • X per curve snaps to the nearest point of the specified object in the positive direction of the X axis of the current coordinate system;

  • Against the X on the curve snaps to the nearest point of the specified object in the direction opposite to the positive direction of the X-axis of the current coordinate system;
    1. ^

      Global bindings

As you know, local snapping is valid only for the selection of one point. This is inconvenient if you need to perform several identical bindings in a row. In this case, a global snap is used, which is always active (by default) when the anchor point is selected. For example, if you select the Global Snap to Intersection option, then as you enter each point, the system will automatically search for the nearest intersection point within the cursor trap. To set effective global bindings, use the button Bindings in the current status bar .

For example, if you select the Global Snap to Intersection option, then as you enter each point, the system will automatically search for the nearest intersection point within the cursor trap. To set effective global bindings, use the button Bindings in the current status bar .

the object specified by the cursor. If the parameter is enabled in the bindings settings dialog:

  • Dynamically track, then a phantom corresponding to this point is displayed on the screen;

  • Display text, then a text is displayed on the screen and with the name of the current this moment bindings;

  • ^ With background layers , then it will snap to objects in the background layers.
In field Corner snap pitch a value is entered, the multiple of which will change the angle of the global and local corner references.

Several global snaps can be enabled at the same time, and if several snaps can be performed simultaneously at the current cursor position, the higher priority one will be triggered. The order of precedence is the same as the order in which they are listed in the dialog box.

Attention!Local binding takes precedence over global, that is, when local binding is called, all global binding is suppressed for the duration of its validity (until a point is entered or failure).

Sometimes it is necessary to temporarily interrupt the action of global snaps, for example, to specify a point located at a distance less than the size of the cursor trap, but not related to the current global snap. To enable (disable) global bindings, use the button Disallow bindings in line current state

In a drawing made on a computer, the overlap of individual elements on top of each other and gaps between them are unacceptable. Therefore, it is constantly necessary to accurately position the cursor at various points in the drawing, in other words, to perform binding to objects already existing in the drawing.

Bindingit is a mechanism that allows you to precisely set the position of the cursor by choosing the condition of its positioning (for example, at the nodes of the grid, or at the nearest key point, or at the intersection of objects, etc.).

All binding options are combined in a menu that can be called when creating, editing or selecting graphic objects by pressing the right mouse button.

KOMPAS-GRAPHIK provides various commands for snapping to key points (boundary points, center) and objects (intersection, along the normal, along the directions of the coordinate axes). These commands are grouped into three groups: local(valid once), global bindings(permanent), and keyboard. You can create and delete local coordinate systems, but you cannot change global ones.

Global bindings

Global bindingsare the most important tool for quickly and accurately specifying existing points in sketches and drawings. Global snapping (if set) is always in effect by default during input and edit operations. For example, if you select the Global Snap to Intersections option, then when you enter a point, the system will automatically search for the closest intersection within the cursor trap. In the event that an intersection is found, the point will be fixed exactly in this place.

You can include several different global bindings to objects and they all work at the same time. In this case, the calculation of the point is performed "on the fly", the screen displays a phantom corresponding to this point, and a text with the name of the currently valid anchor.

To set global bindings:

¾ click on the toolbar Current state by button Setting up global bindings. A dialog box will appear Setting up global bindings, shown in Fig. 59. You can include multiple global snaps to keypoints of objects. They will all work at the same time. In this case, the calculation of the point is performed "on the fly", the screen displays a phantom corresponding to this point and a text with the name of the currently valid binding.

Figure 39

Main components of the dialog box Install glob other bindings (fig. 39) The list of global bindings is listed at the top of the dialog box. By clicking on the name of the binding, you can enable or disable one or another binding, or even several. Moreover, each of the bindings has its own priority. The priority is determined by the proximity to the beginning of the list. The highest priority binding is The closest point then Middle etc.

The dialog box has a number of switches:

¾ All bindings turns all bindings on or off. If not all snaps are enabled, the option is shown with a gray background. Clicking on an option in this state will turn it off. The next one will enable;

¾ Dynamically track enables or disables on-the-fly bindings calculation. Otherwise, the calculation will be performed only when the point is fixed;

¾ Display text turns on or off the display of the name of the triggered snap next to the cursor. For an angular snap, the angle value is displayed;

¾ With background layers enables or disables snapping, taking into account the objects lying in the background layers;

¾ Visible grid points only enables or disables snaps that were made only to visible grid points. Option available when snapping is enabled On the grid.

Text field Corner snap pitch is used to enter the value of the angular snap action step. For example, if the gusset spacing is set to 15 °, gusset will move the cursor along lines passing through the last anchored point at fixed angles 15 °, 30 °, 45 °, 60 °, 75 °, 90 °, 105 °, etc.

When you are finished configuring global bindings, click OK. To exit the dialog without saving changes, press the button Cancellation.

You can also disable the effect of all global bindings, and then enable them again in the same composition, using the button Deny / Allow action of global bindings on the Current toolbar condition.

This button also serves as an indicator of the effect of global bindings: a pressed button means that global bindings are disabled, a released button means that they are enabled.

To enable / disable global snaps, also use the option Disallow bindings in the dialog box Installing glo ball bindings.

7.2 Local bindings

Local bindings have two important features:

¾ they are of higher priority than global ones. When a local snap is called, it suppresses the established global snaps for the duration of its validity (until a point is entered or the input is canceled);

¾ they are executed only for one (current request) point. After entering the current point, the activated local snap is disabled and the system goes on to perform global snaps;

To display the local bindings menu:

¾ click on any button on Compact panel when the toggle button is on Geometry, for example, by button Circumference;

¾ right-click in the Graphics Creation and Editing area. Will appear context menu;

¾ click on item Binding in the context menu. The pop-up menu shown in Figure 40 appears.

Figure 40 - Context menu and pop-up menu for local binding

To trigger snapping, position the cursor so that the point of intersection, touch, middle of the object, and so on, which you want to grab, is inside the cursor trap. After that, fix the cursor by pressing the left mouse button or the Enter key.

Consider briefly different ways bindings:

Nearest point provides a snap to the nearest feature point of the object (for example, to the starting point of a line segment), to the corner points of the title block table, or to the origin of the current coordinate system;

Middle snaps to the middle of the object or to the middle of the side of the inner frame of the drawing sheet;

Crossing provides snapping to the nearest intersection of objects;

Touching performs snapping in such a way that the created object (segment, arc, etc.) touches the specified object at the point closest to the current position of the cursor;

Normal snapping so that the object being created (for example, a line segment) is perpendicular to the specified object;

By grid snaps to the nearest point of the construction grid. In this case, the image of the grid itself on the screen can be turned off;

Centre Snaps to the center point of a circle, arc, or ellipse

Alignment the alignment of the input point of the object will be performed by other key points, as well as by the last fixed point;

Corner snap it is a way to snap the cursor relative to the last fixed point at angles that are multiples of the value specified when setting snaps. For example, when you set up snaps, the gusset spacing is set to 15 °. Then, as a result of the action of the angular snap, the cursor will move along the lines passing through the last fixed point, at angles of 15 °, 30 °, 45 °, 60 °, 90 °, 105 °, etc .;

Point on a curve snaps to the closest point on the specified curve.

Below are their characteristic points for basic geometric objects:

Geometric object Feature points of the object

The point The point itself

Line Section Start / End Section

Arc Arc start, arc end and center

Circle 4 point quadrants and center

Rectangle 4 points at the corners of the rectangle

Regular polygon Side intersection points and center

Ellipse Semi-axis endpoints and center

Spline Spline break points

Polyline Polyline break points

Chamfer Same as parting

Fillet Same as arc

Line of text Arc start and end points

Hatch Points at the corners of a hatch path

Table Starting and ending points of all lines

While working on a drawing, it is constantly necessary to precisely position the cursor at various characteristic points of the drawing, in other words, to snap to objects already existing in the drawing. Without such a reference, it is impossible to create an accurate drawing, otherwise there will be difficulties in the manufacture of assembly drawings and dimensioning. KOMPAS-GRAPHIK provides the ability to snap to various characteristic points and objects. There are two types of bindings - local binding (one-time action) and global binding (permanent).

Local bindings.

The local bindings menu is displayed when you right-click while executing any command to create, edit, or select an object. If you press the right mouse button, a context menu will appear, where the Bind command is selected, after which a list of corresponding bindings appears. After selecting an anchor, the cursor changes its appearance. The cursor trap hovers over the selected object, and as soon as this object is trapped, the desired point will be automatically captured, and a text confirming the snapping will appear next to it.
Local snapping will work to select only one point. To snap to another point, you must repeat.

Global bindings.

As you already know, local snapping works only for one point selection. This is inconvenient if you need to perform several identical bindings in a row. In this case, a global snap is used, which is always active (by default) when the anchor point is selected. To set active global bindings, use the Bindings button in the current status bar.
After clicking this button, a dialog box for setting global bindings appears, in which, in addition to the bindings themselves, the specifics of their output are set.
Global bindings contain another binding that is not present in local bindings - Normal. The normal snaps to the point of intersection of the perpendicular, which was flung from the last fixed point to the object indicated by the cursor.
    Snap settings:
  • Dynamically track- a phantom corresponding to this point is displayed on the screen;
  • Display text- the screen displays a text with the name of the currently active binding;
  • With background layers- will be snapped to objects in the background layers.
In the Corner snap spacing box, enter a value that will change the angle of the global and local corner snaps.
Several global snaps can be enabled at the same time, and if several snaps can be performed simultaneously at the current cursor position, the higher priority one will be triggered. The order of precedence is the same as the order in which they are listed in the dialog box.
To disable (enable) global snaps, use the Disable snaps button in the current status bar.

3.2 Commands for constructing objects.

Although these commands are located on the geometry toolbar, they do not apply to geometric primitives. Their purpose is to make changes to already created elements of the drawing.


To create a chamfer (conjugation of two intersecting straight lines by a segment of the third straight line), use the Chamfer command, and to call it, use the button of the same name on the geometry toolbar.
There are two options for specifying a chamfer: in the first case - along the length of one side of the chamfer and the corner, in the second case - along the lengths of the chamfer on the first and second elements. To select a method for specifying a chamfer, use the left switch in the object parameters line. In accordance with its position, the names of the fields in the object parameters drain are also changed.
The object parameters line also displays two radio buttons that can be used to control the appearance of the chamfer after construction. These buttons determine whether or not it is necessary to erase (truncate) the parts of the first and second elements remaining after the chamfer is created. In the case when it is necessary to create chamfers at the corners of an object that does not consist of separate cuts, but combined into a single whole (polyline, contour and polygon), use the Chamfer at the corners command. The button for calling this command is located on the extended command bar.
In the line of object parameters, in addition to the already known fields for specifying the chamfer parameters, a toggle button will appear that changes the construction mode. In one of its positions, the chamfer is constructed at one specified angle, and in the other, at all corners of the contour at the same time.


To mate two intersecting geometric primitives with an arc of a circle, use the Fillet command, and to call it, use the button of the same name on the geometry toolbar.
Pressing the button, enter the value of the fillet radius in the corresponding field in the object parameters line and indicate with the cursor two elements between which you want to build fillets. In the same way as when creating a chamfer, the object parameters line contains radio buttons that can be used to control the type of fillet after construction. To construct a fillet with circular arcs at the corners of an object such as a contour, polyline or polygon, use the Fillet at the corners of an object command. Working with it is completely similar to working with the already known command Chamfer at the corners of an object.

3.3 Algorithm for constructing a part (sleeve).

Exercise: build and dimension the part.
    Algorithm for performing practical work:
  1. Start the KOMPAS-3DLT program by clicking LMB on the icon on the Windows desktop.
  2. Please select Sheet (File >> New >> Sheet).
  3. Menu Setup >> Configure New Parameters.
  4. In the dialog box "Configure the parameters of new documents" select Sheet Option >> Format and set the following parameters:

    • Legend: A4
    • Orientation: horizontal
  5. On the control panel, find the button show all and click on it with LMB. The whole size image appears in a reduced size.
  6. Turn on the button Geometric constructions on the toolbar LMB.
  7. Select the icon button Entering a Rectangle on the geometry toolbar and click on it. A row of parameters for the rectangle object appears.
  8. Fix the first point of the rectangle with LMB (approximately in the middle of the sheet).
  9. Construct a rectangle:
    • LMB twice in the height field and enter the value h = 50. Then press ;
    • double-click in the width field, enter the value w = 40. Then click ;
    • complete the current command by clicking the Create object button on the special control panel
    • to end the current command, press the key ;
  10. Let's construct in this drawing below another rectangle.
    • double-clicking LMB in the height field, enter the value h = 70 and click ;
    • double-clicking in the width field, enter the value w = 30 and click ;
    • complete the current command by clicking the Create object button on the special control panel.
    • to complete the command, press the key
  11. LMB on the Bindings button on the Current Status Bar.
  12. Set the anchor points to the MIDDLE and click on OK.
  13. Set the Edit mode and LMB select the second rectangle, the color of the rectangle should change to green.
  14. Next, we will combine the two rectangles. To do this, you must select sequentially the commands Operation >> Shift >> Specifying.
  15. Move the cursor to the middle of the left side of the second rectangle, when the cursor changes its appearance, press LMB and while holding it, drag the rectangle to the middle of the first rectangle, fix the middle of the rectangles with LMB (press 1 time). Complete the current command by clicking the Create object button on the special control panel.
    Do not forget to press the key to switch to another command. .
  16. LMB select the first rectangle, when selected, the object changes color (green)
  17. Select LMB sequentially commands Operations >> Destroy
  18. Select the Chamfer icon button on the geometry toolbar and LMB click on it. The Chamfer object parameter line appears. In the options bar, select a chamfer length of 10 and an angle of 45 degrees.

    Next, sequentially select the sides of the rectangle with LMB (the selected objects will have a red color) by clicking LMB on the second side - a chamfer will appear.
    Build on the other side in the same way.
  19. Set the INTERCUT anchor and click on OK.
  20. Turn on the Geometric construction button on the LMB toolbar.
  21. Select the Enter Line button on the geometry toolbar and LMB on it.
  22. Connect the resulting points when creating a chamfer with a segment.
  23. Let's set the dimensions of the part. Turn on the button Dimensions and technological designations on the toolbar LMC.
  24. Activate the linear dimension button, go to the drawing field and fix the first point on the part first with LMB, then click the second LMB and move the dimension line to the required distance from the contour of the part, according to GOST - 7-10 mm from the contour of the part.
  25. Let us introduce a designation for the diameter of the circle. In the status bar, click LMB in the txt field.
  26. In the dialog box Specify Dimension Labels, set the diameter designation.
    Complete the current command by clicking the Create object button on the special control panel.

    Remember to press the key to switch to another command. The rest of the dimensions are made in the same way.
  27. Draw the centerline of the part. Select the Enter Line button on the geometry toolbar and LMB on it. Click LMB on the object parameters line to select a different line type (centerline).
  28. Fill out the stamp (lesson number 2, paragraph 2.5)
  29. Save the sheet File U Save the file name: Plug_lastname_No. School

The KOMPAS-ZD program allows for precise construction of objects. For this, it contains mechanisms for tracking the boundaries and points of geometry. This becomes important when constructing interconnected objects. For example, you want to draw a circle tangent to an oblique line and lying in the middle of another line segment. The calculation of the coordinates of the location and the exact diameter of this circle can take a very long time. It is for such tasks that the binding system is used.

The KOMPAS-3D has a global and local binding system. The Global Binding System is configurable for permanent action and works by default. The local binding system is turned on for the duration of one command, but due to a higher priority, it can cancel the functionality global system bindings.

You can manage global and local bindings from several places in the program. To enable any binding, you must press the button or check the box in the appropriate place. Accordingly, to disable any binding, you must press the button in the appropriate place or uncheck the box. Snap calculation is performed in real time in accordance with the current snap settings. In this case, in the graphics window, the user is asked to select one or another snap, depending on the proximity of the cursor to the characteristic points of objects. In KOMPAS-3D there are 10 different types bindings, and all of them can be processed by the program at the same time, but taking into account the given priority.

The binding types are described in the following table:

Binding Description
Nearest point

Snaps to a keypoint on an object (for example, to the start point of a line or arc) or to the origin of the current coordinate system.
Middle Snap to the middle of an object (for example, to the middle of a line or arc).
Crossing Snap to the intersection of objects (for example, to the intersection of lines or a line segment with a circle).

Tangential snapping - a type of snapping that sets tangential (tangency, smooth transition- without kinks) between objects. In this case, the objects do not intersect, but touch at one point. The tangency condition is also satisfied when the tangent lines of two curves (for example, circles) coincide, i.e. are not only parallel, but also pass through a common point.

Normal snapping is a type of snapping that establishes perpendicularity (right angle) between objects. In this case, the objects do not intersect, but touch at one point. When you snap between a straight line and a curve (for example, a circle), a 90 degree angle is calculated between the straight line and the tangent line at the specified point on the curve.
On the grid Snap to a node of the construction grid (the grid can be turned on or off).
Alignment Anchor-alignment horizontally and vertically relative to the key points of objects.
Corner snap

Snap by corner - provides following the cursor when constructing geometry at certain angles. The step of the corners is configured in the Step of angular snapping in the program settings. The default gusset spacing is 45 degrees.
Centre Snaps to the center point of shapes such as a circle, ellipse, circular or elliptical arc, rectangle, and regular polygon.
Point on a curve Snap to the nearest point on a specified curve or straight line

Global bindings that relate to the current document can be assigned from the toolbar Current state using buttons Setting up global bindings and Disallow bindings.

This will bring up the Set Global Bindings dialog box, where you can specify in great detail the binding tracking options. But the effect of these settings will apply to all documents only until the KOMPAS-3D program is closed.

A similar action can be performed on the toolbar Global bindings which can be called through the menu ViewToolbarsGlobal bindings.

For all new documents, you can configure global bindings in the menu ServiceParameters in the tab System In chapter Graphics editorBindings.

The effect of these settings will apply to all documents even after the KOMPAS-3D program is terminated.

In the bindings settings window, using the and buttons, you can set the priority of the bindings. The higher the level of anchoring in the list, the higher priority it has, i.e. is worked out first of all.

Option All bindings allows you to check all the bindings in the list at once. Option Dynamically track allows the program to track bindings in real time, but if it is turned off, then the calculation is performed after specifying a point. Option Display text displays hints while dynamically tracking anchors. Option With background layers allows you to snap to objects located in background (locked for editing) layers.

Included option Visible grid points only allows you to snap to grid nodes with visibility on, but if this option is disabled, then snap to grid nodes will work even with a grid with visibility off.

Option Disallow bindings blocks the effect of global bindings, while leaving the effect of local bindings possible. Field Corner snap pitch allows you to set the step of changing the angle when corner snapping is working.

Keyboard bindings

Keyboard shortcuts can also enable a specific type of binding. For this mode to work, you must use an additional numeric keypad, on which the NUM LOCK mode should be turned on. Below is a list of hotkeys for enabling bindings:

Hotkeys Description
CTRL + 0Move the cursor to a point with coordinates 0,0 in the current coordinate system
CTRL + 5Place the cursor at the nearest feature point of the object without taking into account the background views and layers
CTRL + SHIFT + 0Place the cursor at the closest to it characteristic point of the object, taking into account the background views and layers
CTRL + (period)Position the cursor normal to the nearest object
ALT + 5Place the cursor at the closest point of intersection of two objects (this combination is possible even when the NUM LOCK mode is off)
SHIFT + 5Place the cursor in the middle of the object closest to it
CTRL + 1Position the cursor to the point of the nearest object diagonally between the negative 0X direction and the negative 0Y direction of the current coordinate system
CTRL + 2 or
CTRL + ↓
Position the cursor to the point of the nearest object against the direction of the 0Y axis of the current coordinate system
CTRL + 3Position the cursor to the point of the nearest object diagonally between the positive direction of the 0X axis and the negative direction of the 0Y axis of the current coordinate system
CTRL + 4 or
CTRL + ←
Position the cursor at the point of the nearest object against the direction of the 0X axis of the current coordinate system
CTRL + 6 or
CTRL + →
Place the cursor at the point of the nearest object in the direction of the 0X axis of the current coordinate system
CTRL + 7Position the cursor to the point of the nearest object diagonally between the negative 0X axis and the positive 0Y axis of the current coordinate system
CTRL + 8 or
Place the cursor at the point of the nearest object in the direction of the 0Y axis of the current coordinate system
CTRL + 9Position the cursor to the point of the nearest object diagonally between the positive direction of the 0X axis and the positive direction of the 0Y axis of the current coordinate system

Keybindings function at any time of operation, i.e. not only during the creation of objects.

In KOMPAC-3D it is also possible to use orthogonal drawing, i.e. drawing lines parallel to the X and Y axes. The easiest way to do this is to use the hotkeys. To permanently enable the orthogonal drawing mode, press the F8 key. To temporarily enable this mode, press the SHIFT key. On the toolbar Current state a button has been added that also enables or disables the orthogonal drawing mode .

With the help of orthogonal drawing, you can draw not only lines, but also lines of broken sections, perpendicular leaders of shape tolerances, etc.

The essence of the bindings is as follows. The system analyzes the objects closest to the current position of the pointer to determine their characteristic points (for example, the end or center of a line segment, the center of a circle, the point of intersection of two lines, etc.) and then provide the user with the opportunity to fix the pointer at one of these points. You can configure the parameters by which the system will search for characteristic points of nearby objects. The use of snaps allows you to precisely position the pointer to a certain point, and it is not necessary that the coordinates of the pointer at the moment of clicking exactly coincide with the coordinates of the desired point.

Let me give you an example. Suppose that only one type of anchors is installed in the system - the Middle, and two arbitrary segments are built in a graphic document, placed close to each other. When you run the command for constructing any other object and when placing the pointer between the lines, the Midpoint snap should work. Despite the fact that the pointer does not point exactly to the middle, when you click the mouse button (that is, when you start building a new object), the pointer will be set to the nearest middle of the line. Please note that the snapping will be carried out not to the nearest segment, but to the segment, the middle of which was closer to the position of the pointer at the moment of clicking.

There are two types of bindings: global and local. The globals are active all the time when you enter or edit objects. Let me remind you that you can set a set of global bindings in the Settings dialog box (System tab, Bindings subsection of the Graphics editor section). For the current session of working with a graphic document, you can configure the types of bindings using the Global Bindings toolbar (see Fig. 1.42) or the Set Global Bindings dialog box (Fig. 2.1). To call this dialog box, click on the button Set global bindings

panels Current state.

Rice. 2.1. Set Global Snaps Dialog Box

Local references can be called when a specific object is entered and are not remembered by the system for subsequent calls to geometry construction commands. Local bindings have more high priority compared to global ones. This means that when the local binding is invoked, the established global bindings will have no effect. To use one or another local binding, you should call one of the commands of the Binding context submenu or use the drop-down menu of the local bindings button (see Fig. 1.43), which is located last on the Global snaps panel.

The following types of bindings are available in the drawing editor KOMPAS-Graph.

Nearest point - allows you to snap to the closest feature point for the pointer (the beginning of a line segment, the point of origin of the coordinate system, etc.).

Middle - allows you to fix the pointer in the middle of the nearest rectilinear object.

Intersection - turning on this snap tells the system to keep track of the line intersections closest to the pointer.

Tangency - the action of this snap places the pointer so that the object being created (line segment, arc) touches the point closest to the current pointer position of an object located nearby.

Normal - acts similarly to the previous one, with the only difference that the created object is placed along the normal to the nearest object.

On grid - snaps the pointer to the points of the coordinate grid (even if the display of the grid itself is turned off at that moment).

Alignment - when you move the pointer, the system aligns (horizontally or vertically) to the key points of nearby objects or to the last fixed point (for example, the first point of a line segment, the previous point of a polyline or Bezier curve, etc.).

Corner snap - allows you to fix the pointer at a specific angle to the last fixed point of the object being created. The gusset spacing can be configured in the snap settings dialog box.

Center - Snaps to the centers of circles, arcs, or ellipses.

Point on Curve - simply places the pointer on a freeform curve.


Anchors are invaluable when entering and editing geometric objects. However, as already noted, too many of them will only complicate the work. This can cause the individual bindings to overlap and simply prevent you from clicking where you want. From my own experience, I recommend leaving the four snap types enabled: Nearest Point, Intersection, Alignment, and Point on Curve. This is quite enough for efficient work. You can of course include any other bindings you find convenient, though.