Transparency and masking in Adobe Illustrator. Printing and saving transparent graphic objects as in illustrator Remove image background

I found free image SVG on the network. I experiment with a web design using SVG. I have a problem in that background SVG. white.

How to remove / delete white backgroundUsing Adobe Illustrator?



Try the "Direct Selection" tool (keyboard shortcut or white mouse pointer on the toolbar) and see if you can click on it.

If you can not choose and remove it, most likely, the white "background" is generally not a background; Rather, this is the color of the artboratory. For obvious reasons in Illustrator, it is indicated by white, but ultimately this is an arbitrary thing. If you really want to change the color of the artboard, you can do it.


Assuming that there is a background, you can choose and remove it. You can achieve this with a set. various methodsOne problem with SVG is that sometimes they have many complex layers and groups.

First, try to see if you can choose it using the "Direct Selection" tool if it is in the group, then the double click on the object isolates it, and you can choose it separately.

I do not understand why the tool of the magic wand does not work for you, if it is the only object of white, which was supposed to work ...

Alternatively, you can try to find this object from your objects, look in the layer window.

As this SVG without licensed payments, it would be useful if you gave us a link.


Thank you, it turned out that my "background" was a black rectangle, which I found in the "Layer" window.


Simple web tool that allows you to change colors a vector image Using raster graphics editor


Please explain what you mean or how to use the tool that you gave a link. Giving only a link without explanation is not welcome ...


Sorry, I did not have time to explain it. My tool was created 2-3 days ago, you can remove the background (or other element) of the specified color using the raster graphics editor. I also downloaded a textbook on YouTube.


it's so simple if you want to change the background of the SVG file, please first visit the palette of the layers, there you must choose the path that you really want to edit, and after selecting this part (paths) on the layer panel, click on (small vertical red line ) Window) At the bottom of the window will make the background transparent and ready.

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In the Illustrator program there are several options for setting transparency for both vector and raster objects. The simplest of them is to highlight the object and set the desired opacity option for it using the engine Opacity (Opacity) specialized palette Transparency.(Transparency). This palette, which can be open or closed, is called from the list of palette, which opens when the command is activated Window.(Window). If when choosing a command Window \u003d\u003e Transparency The palette is part of the palette, then it is necessary to take advantage of the commands Show thumbnails (Expand from the pictogram) and Show Options.(Show options) from the palette menu.

In addition, the visibility of individual sections of the image can be controlled using layer masks (cutting masks - clipping Mask.) and translucency masks ( opacity Mask.). Masks resembling stencils determine how individual layers are superimposed on each other, can make individual image fragments in whole or in part visible or completely invisible and allow you to make a complex setting of transparency for any object. And since transparency in this case is implemented as a mask on top of the object, the user can edit the object at any stage of work without affecting the mask. You can configure transparency for both object groups, however, if you need to edit individual objects from the group, the latter of them will have to be ungraved, and at the same time all transparency settings for the group will be destroyed.

Adjustment configuration without masking

Palette Transparency. (Transparency) makes it possible to easily change transparency from any objects - both raster and vector (formed by thedium different ways: using contour different types, characters from palette Symbols. (Symbols) or as text) and make sure that the underlying objects are spectacle. Pay, for example, attention in Fig. 1, which is taken as the source image. Then the contours series was added to it: the upper circuit was created by the tool Pen. (Feather) and flooded with a linear gradient, and a series of water droplets is obtained using a palette Symbols.. For all covered circuits, their own transparency levels are installed (Fig. 2, 3).

Fig. 3. Final appearance of the photo after setting the transparency of individual objects

Establishing a specific transparency option is not an obstacle to the subsequent editing of objects for which, if necessary, you can always change the option of fill or stroke, size and position, level of transparency, etc.

In addition, in the palette Transparency.(Transparency) It is possible to choose the mixing modes of colors ( Blending Mode.): Normal (Normal) (this mode is installed by default), Multiply. (Multiplication), Screen. (Lightening) and others that can be applied not only to a separate object, but also to a group or to a layer and in combination with a level of transparency allow you to achieve the desired effect of the object's visibility.

Adjustment setting for vector objects

Consider the option of adjustment for individual objects. To do this, draw some simple intersecting objects. Such objects are preferable, since their example is easier to familiarize themselves with different opacity options. In this example, the role of objects will perform three overlapping flowers on a black background (Fig. 4). Select two objects, such as two top flower, and change the values \u200b\u200bof their transparency in the palette Transparency., for example, as shown in Fig. 5 - for this you will need to just drag the engine Opacity (Opacity). Please note that the colors have now become transparent both relative to each other and in relation to the background (Fig. 6).

With the second embodiment, it is necessary to restore the transparency value up to 100%. To do this, first grouled both selected flower with a team. Object \u003d\u003e Group (Object \u003d\u003e grouping), which will automatically turn on the checkbox Knockout Group. Transparency.. Then again change the opacity by setting the value of the parameter Opacity (Opacity) equal to 70%. As a result, objects will become transparent in relation to the background, but not relative to each other (Fig. 7). The fact is that the inclusion of the checkbox Knockout Group.(Group with remote background) in the palette Transparency. Allows you to remove (although only visual) translucent translucent group objects that overlap each other in this group.

Additionally draw a series of several single-type single elements, for example, asterisks (Fig. 8). Combine them in the group using the command Object \u003d\u003e Group (Object \u003d\u003e grouping) and set the mixing of colors for them Screen. (Lightening) with opacity (Fig. 9). As a result, the asterisks will change their color and become approximately as shown in fig. 10.

Fig. 9. Adjusting the opacity and mixing mode for a new group

Fig. 10. Appearance Total images after adjusting opacity parameters

Select both objects of objects, then grouper them again and select the check box. Isolate Blending. (Isolate overlay mode) in the palette Transparency. - This will make it possible to isolate objects when installed for them mixing mode. As a result, the mixing of colors will be applied to the objects that are included in the group, and all other objects (in this case - One single asterisk on a green flower) will be ignored (Fig. 11). Keep in mind the checkbox Isolate Blending.(Isolate overlay mode) makes sense to use only in cases where it is about mixing colors other than the mode Normal(Normal).

Fig. 11. Changing the appearance of the image as a result of isolation of objects

Setting the opacity of the bitmap image

Now let's try to experiment with raster image (Fig. 12). Form around the image the vector circuit as a rectangle with a fill of white (Fig. 13). Change the opacity in the palette Transparency., for example, as shown in Fig. 14. The image will replace rice. 15. The result may be much more interesting if the rectangle will be painted with a radial gradient (Fig. 16, 17). In addition, it is worth experimenting with opacity modes, changing, for example, the default mode Normal On mode Screen.(Fig. 18).

Fig. 15. Appearance of the image after changing the opacity of the rectangle

Fig. 16. Setting the opacity of the rectangle in the TRANSPARENCY palette after the fill with a radial gradient

Fig. 17. Appearance of the image after pouring a rectangle with a gradient and non-transparent changes in Normal mode

Fig. 18. Appearance of the image after filling the rectangle with a gradient and non-transformation changes in SCREEN mode

Opacity control through a layer mask

Layer mask, or cutting mask ( clipping Mask.), Allows you to clean, or, as it is customary to speak, mask unnecessary areas of the image (Fig. 19, 20), without destroying the contents of the layer.

Fig. 20. The appearance of the image after creating a layer mask in the form of an oval

Creating a layer mask is carried out in several stages. Initially, the contour is formed above the layer, which is further supposed to be used as a mask. Then you need to highlight the image and contour. Often more convenient to do it in the palette Layers., sequentially clicking on the corresponding objects of round buttons when the key is pressed Shift. - At the same time, the appearance of the circle button for each selected item will change. After that you need to press the button Make / Release Clipping Mask on the palette Layers. Or take advantage of the team Object \u003d\u003e Clipping Mask \u003d\u003e Make. As a result, everything that falls inside the contour will remain visible, and the area outside the contour will be hidden. If the cutting on the mask was done unsuccessfully, then it can be refused at any time by calling the team Object \u003d\u003e Clipping Mask \u003d\u003e Release or pressing the button Make / Release Clipping Mask on the palette Layers..

Note that the button Make / Release Clipping Mask on the palette Layers. usually unavailable and becomes active only if in the palette Layers. The area is activated Group. (Fig. 21). In addition, it should be borne in mind that any objects that are subsequently added to the layer group with a layer-mask are also cut into a mask (Fig. 22) and become invisible. At the same time, objects embedded in a layer above the group will be visible (Fig. 23).

Fig. 22. The result of circumcision of added stars on a layer-mask - part of the stars became invisible

Fig. 23. Appearance of the image with an open palette of Layers - added above the group with a layer-mask asterisk visible

Text Text

Very often a layer masks are used when creating texture text, that is, text cut from some texture or just from the photo. For example, we use the photo (Fig. 24) and print an arbitrary text over it (Fig. 25). Highlight the text along with the photo category and apply the command. Object \u003d\u003e Clipping Mask \u003d\u003e Make. As a result, the image will be reminded. 26, and palette Layers. will take the form corresponding to Fig. 27. The resulting image, if desired, can be further edited, for example, to make a stroke (Fig. 28), apply a suitable filter (Fig. 29), etc.

Pouring texture arbitrary vector contours

Open the appropriate texture (Fig. 30), which is planning to use for the fill of a certain circuit (Fig. 31) - In this example, a fragment of the lizard circuit was used in one of the previous lessons - and through the clipboard, copy the circuit on the texture (Fig. 32), if necessary, enraged its size and position. To hide the space outside the contour, which is visually equivalent to the fill of the circuit texture, select the contour along with the texture and use the command Object \u003d\u003e Clipping Mask \u003d\u003e Make. As a result, the image will be reminded. 33, and palette Layers. will take the form corresponding to Fig. 34.

To make a finished view, make a copy of the circuit through the clipboard, click on the copies of the right mouse button and click on its mirror image. Transform \u003d\u003e reflect With parameters, as in Fig. 35. Place a copy of the properly (Fig. 36) and give the lizard slightly curved shape using the filter Twist.(Bend) - team Effect \u003d\u003e Distort & Transform \u003d\u003e Twist(Effect \u003d\u003e Distortion and transformation \u003d\u003e Bend) Approximately with parameters as in Fig. 37. The result obtained can resemble Fig. 38.

Fig. 36. Appearance of the image obtained based on two combined circuits, pre-flooded with texture

Imitation of the effect of intersection of objects

And now consider a more complex version of the creation of a cutting mask - it will be required to simulate the effect of intersection of objects. First, form three circles (in this example, their role will play Latin letters " o.") So that each next circle partially superimposed on the previous one (Fig. 39). Highlight all three circles and make them a copy to the clipboard Edit \u003d\u003e Copy(Editing \u003d\u003e Copy). Then insert a copy from the buffer using the command Edit \u003d\u003e Paste in Front (Edit \u003d\u003e Insert on the foreground) in order for the original image and its copy to be superimposed on each other. After that, the Restangle tool form at the place of intersection of the first and second circles a rectangle without fill and without boundaries (Fig. 40). Please note that the rectangle should be on the same layer Layer 1.But above all other objects (Fig. 41).

Fig. 40. The appearance of a rectangle at the place of intersection of the first two circles

To create a layer mask, highlight the formed rectangle and the first circle and apply the command. Object \u003d\u003e Clipping Mask \u003d\u003e Make (Fig. 42). Then create a rectangle in the place of intersection of the second and third circles and highlight this rectangle together with the second circle (Fig. 43). If the usual way to do it fails, then select the necessary objects through the palette Layers.: for this while pressing the key Shift. Click on the circles buttons available for each layer element (Fig. 44), and in this case the appearance of the button-circle for each selected item will change. Create a column cutting mask Object \u003d\u003e Clipping Mask \u003d\u003e Make - The image resulting in the end will remind Fig. 45.

Fig. 44. Layers palette window with highlighted second circle and second rectangle

At the end so that the image is more spectacular, highlight on the palette Layers. Three lower circles and impose a shadow team on them Effect \u003d\u003e Stylize \u003d\u003e Drop Shadow(Effect \u003d\u003e stylization \u003d\u003e shadow), and then place the background under the circles gradient, for which you need to create a new layer Layer 2.. To this end, activate the layer Layer the palette menu Layers. And select Team New Layer. (New layer) - as a result above the layer Layer 1. A layer will appear Layer 2.. Draw on it a rectangle (this will lead to the fact that the circles will be under the rectangle and will be invisible), which will play the role of the background, fill it with a suitable gradient and impose a shadow with a team Effect \u003d\u003e Stylize \u003d\u003e Drop Shadow(Effect \u003d\u003e Stylization \u003d\u003e Shadow). So that the circles are located on top of the rectangle-background, change the layers L ayer 1. and Layer 2. places, dragging one to another in the palette Layers. (Fig. 46). It is possible that the image will take about this species as shown in Fig. 47.

Fig. 47. The final appearance of intersecting circles on a gradient background

Ad-inclusion setting by creating OPACITY MASK

Translucent mask ( Opacity Mask.) Determines which sections of the image should be clearly visible, and which are only partially, that is, translucent or not at all visible. At the same time, any colors, as well as decorative and gradient fills, located below and inside the mask can be visible through the specified translucent mask.

The process of forming a mask is quite simple and lies in laying two or several objects one on top of another, and in the installation for each of them the required level of transparency and in determining the highest of them as a mask using the command Make Opacity Mask. (Create a translucent mask) from the palette menu Transparency.. On the creation of opacity mask will be evidenced by the appearance in the palette Transparency. Mask icons near the pictogram of masked objects separated by the "chain" icon and a change in the visibility of image fragments (Fig. 48, 49, 50). Appearance palette Layers. will change depending on what is actively on this moment time - image (Fig. 51) or mask (Fig. 52).

Fig. 50. TRANSPARENCY palette - Left image pictogram, right mask pictogram

Fig. 51. Image and palette Layers and Transparency - Active image

Fig. 52. Image and palette Layers and Transparency - Active Mask

The opacity mask is created in the form of the highest of the highlighted objects, and there must be at least two top objects allocated - the allocation of only one of them will lead to the creation of an empty mask. Adding new objects to the image does not affect the translucency created before this; All added default objects will be visible, as they are created on top of the mask (Fig. 53), although if desired, they can be moved under the mask.

Fig. 53. The result of adding a new object as a frame on top of a masked image

As a result, the upper object will become a mask, and its fill in gray shades mode will affect the extent to which one or another region of the image under it will be visible. For example, the full fill with a white mask will result in the image fragments within the mask will be completely visible, with a black mask masked objects will be invisible, and the use of a gradient black and white mask will lead to the fact that masking objects will appear where white begins Area, and gradually disappear where the gradient becomes black. In addition, it is possible to create a mask of translucency using any gradient fills, gradient grids and even decorative fills.

It is worth noting that the above rule relative to the color of the mask and the visibility of objects is ambiguous. So the inclusion of the checkbox Invert Mask.(Invert the mask) in the palette Transparency. will lead to the fact that the black and white effect is inverted and black areas become transparent, and white, on the contrary, opaque (Fig. 54); Enable / disable checkbox Clip(Trimming) allows you to change the masked and non-disguised areas.

Fig. 54. Changing the appearance of the image as a result of the inverting mask

The translucency mask can be formed on the basis of any vector object and transformed with various distorting filters, which makes it possible to achieve very interesting effects. Text can also be saved as an opaque mask to quickly create non-standard text headers (while the text remains editable). The form of opacity mask can be adjusted - for this it is enough to click on the mask in the palette Transparency. When the key is pressed Alt.. As a result, the object on the basis of which the mask was created, it is highlighted and will be available for editing. After editing, you must click on the image icon.

For complete removal opacity masks need to highlight it and use the team Release Opacity Mask. (Remove the transparency mask), and for its temporary hide - team Disable Opacity Mask. (Remove the transparency mask). Both commands are selected from the palette menu. Transparency..

Effects with photography

To begin with, open some photo (Fig. 55) and form a rectangle on top of it, fill it with a linear gradient and process the filter Zigzag. (Effect \u003d\u003e Distort & Transform \u003d\u003e Zigzag - Effect \u003d\u003e distortion and transformation \u003d\u003e zigzag) (Fig. 56).

Fig. 56. Exterior view of the object? Based on which a translucent mask will be created

Create a mask using the command Make Opacity Mask. Transparency.. As a result, the image will be reminded. 57, and in the palette Transparency.a pictogram of the created mask appears (Fig. 58). Now try editing the mask: Highlight it by clicking on the transparency palette when the key is pressed. Alt.Take advantage of the effect Inner Glow. (Effect \u003d\u003e Stylize \u003d\u003e Inner Glow - (effect \u003d\u003e Stylization \u003d\u003e Inner light) and add a suitable shadow ( Effect \u003d\u003e Stylize \u003d\u003e Drop Shadow - Effect \u003d\u003e Stylization \u003d\u003e Shadow). It is possible that the image will be reminded. 59.

Fig. 57. Exterior view of the photo after the overlay of a translucent mask

Text Text

As mentioned above, the texture text is quite often created using a layer mask, but no less wide opportunities for cutting texts from texture or any photos are opened and when using translucent masks.

Take as a source image, for example, Fig. 60 and print the text of black (as well as when creating any texture text, the letters must be quite large and wide) (Fig. 61). Highlight the text and photo and use the command Make Opacity Mask. (Create a translucent mask) from the palette menu Transparency. With the flag on Clip (Trimming). It is possible that the result will remind Fig. 62, and in the palette Transparency. A pictogram of the created mask will appear (Fig. 63). Please note that in the event of an unsuccessful initial layout of the text, it is easy to move after the creation of a mask, having previously allocated its tools Selection (Allocation) or Direct Selection(Partial selection).

Fig. 62. The appearance of the texture text cut from the photo using a translucent mask

In conclusion, try to give the text of the volume of volume. To do this, highlight the text and make it a copy to the clipboard Edit \u003d\u003e Copy (Editing \u003d\u003e Copy). Then insert a copy from the buffer using the command Edit \u003d\u003e Paste in Front(Edit \u003d\u003e Insert on the foreground) in order for the original image and its copy to be superimposed on each other. Then move the bottom copy of the text to the right and down and on the palette Transparency. Reduce its transparency from 100% to about 50-40%. The resulting textural text will be similar to the one that is presented in Fig. 64.

No less interesting result can be obtained at the gradient fill of the text (Fig. 65). At the same time, to form at the very end of the spectacular shadow before creating a mask, copy the created text to the clipboard, and then create a mask in the usual way - in this case, after creating a palette mask Transparency. It will have the same appearance that is presented in Fig. 66, and the text will resemble rice. 67.

Fig. 67. The appearance of the texture text based on the gradient translucent mask

Next, insert a copy of the text from the buffer with a command Edit \u003d\u003e Paste in Back (Editing \u003d\u003e Paste to the background) so that the copy is under the source text. Under the end, move the bottom copy of the text by 2-3 pixels to the right and down (Fig. 68).

Translucent color text

Open a photo based on which will be created translucent text (Fig. 69). Type over loaded photo text with any bright color, for example orange (Fig. 70) - the palette of the layers will take this kind as in Fig. 71 (Note that the text layer is located on top of the layer with the background). Change the layers in places with usual dragging mouse, then highlight both layers in the palette Layers. and create a team mask Make Opacity Mask. (Create a translucent mask) (Fig. 72). The text obtained in such a way will retain its original color (that is, orange), but through it it will be very spectacularly shone the background (Fig. 73). At the end, impose a shadow to the text Effect \u003d\u003e Stylize \u003d\u003e Drop Shadow (Effect \u003d\u003e Stylization \u003d\u003e Shadow) with suitable parameters (Fig. 74).

Translucent button

Create a circle and fill it with a radial black and white gradient (Fig. 75). Then make two copies of the circle and place each copy of the team Edit \u003d\u003e Paste(Edit \u003d\u003e Paste) on a separate layer, after which in the palette Layers.three layers will appear: Layer 1., Layer 2. and Layer 3.with the same circumference on each. Temporarily block and make invisible layers Layer 2.and Layer 3. Go to layer layer 1, activate the palette Gradient. And change the settings of the gradient fill approximately as shown in Fig. 76. As a result, the circle on the first layer will take a form in accordance with Fig. 77, and the appearance of the palette Layers. Will remind rice. 78.

Unlock the layer Layer 2., highlight the tool Selection Both lower layers and create a mask using the command Make Opacity Mask. (Create a translucent mask) from the palette menu Transparency. With the included flags Clip (Trimming) and Invert Mask. (Invert the mask). To check the mask temporarily turn on the mode Transparency Grid. (Transparency grid) team View \u003d\u003e Show Transparency Grid (View \u003d\u003e Show the grid of transparency), and you will see that the circle shines in its central part (Fig. 79, 80).

Fig. 80. Exterior view of the circle after creating a mask when TRANSPARENCY Grid mode is enabled

Unlock the layer Layer 3., highlight the circle, fill it with white and with the tool SELECT DIRECTION(Partial selection) Change the circuit circuit so that it becomes similar to the figure shown in Fig. 81. Form the rectangle on top of the modified white circumference so that it completely closes the future mask. Then pour it with a linear black and white gradient (Fig. 82). Highlight both objects tool Selection(Selection), create a mask with a team Make Opacity Mask. (Create a translucent mask) and configure transparency parameters in accordance with Fig. 83. The resulting button will remind the one that is represented in Fig. 84.

The last touch can be adding a black shadow on the right and from the bottom from the button. To create it on top of the layer Layer 3.create a new layer Layer 4., Copy the circle from the layer Layer 1. in the clipboard and insert it on the layer Layer 4. Team Edit \u003d\u003e Paste (Edit \u003d\u003e Paste). Then remove the fill of the circumference, make a black border around it with a thickness of 4 pixels, wish it to Gauss with the blur parameters in 5 pixels (team Effect\u003e \u003d Blur\u003e \u003d Gaussian Blur - Effect\u003e \u003d Blur\u003e \u003d Blur over Gauss) and move it with a little displacement to the right and down to the created button (Fig. 85).

Fig. 82. Formation of a rectangle over the contour of a white modified circle

When working with images, you have to separate flies from the kitlet, i.e. Background from the picture.

There are many places where you can download excellent cliparts, which, most of our way, go with a white background. From him, a clear case, you need to get rid of. I remembered four ways as it can be done. They will be discussed in this article.

Method 1

Remove the white background with the image by applying the tool Magic Eraser.

This is one of the simplest and fast ways performing this kind of operation. Selecting an eraser on the toolbar, click on the white background. As a result, all white pixels will be deleted and you will see a chess background that speaks about the presence of transparency instead of the background.

But it can happen that in addition to the white background, the pixels close to the white shade can be removed on the image itself.

As you can see, in the image above, part of the sword and some elements on the armor of the knight were removed. There are two reasons for such an unpleasant effect. Turn to the tool parameter panel.

1. Related pixels. Look, whether a check mark is in this setting. Her absence indicates that all the pixels of this color will be removed (that is why the above parts of the image disappeared). Tick \u200b\u200band Photoshop will only remove those pixels that come into contact with each other.

2. Tolerance Often the background consists of a whole set of shades, for example, the same white color. The higher the value of the tolerance, the more these shades will delete the program. Most often, this refers to the border around the image (a small edging from the pixels remaining from the background). Increase the tolerance and border will become less and less.

There is another useful command to remove Kaima: Layer - Treatment of Edges - Remove Kaima.

Method 2 Selection of the background with the tool Magic wand.

The most important thing is not to forget to unlock the background layer. I have repeatedly wrote about this, but I repeat again. If on the palette of the layers, there is a small lock near the miniatures, it means it is blocked. Double click on this layer Forms it in a newwhich can be edited.

Now, choosing a magic wand, make a click on the background. It will stand out by "marching ants". It remains only to press the backspace key. A new chess background will appear.

Like S. magic eraser, pay attention to the parameters of admission and adjacent pixels. They work similarly.

Method 3.

Briefly it looks like this:

1. We have an image. We want to remove all the white to remain only a transparent background.

2. Create a blue channel duplicate. Press Ctrl + L. The window level appeared. We start moving the slider so that all gray has become as close as possible to black. In other words, you need to achieve such a result to ensure that we want to remove, it has become white, and the rest is black.

3. Now click on the miniature of the duplicate channel created by us with clamped with the Ctrl key. There was a selection. Most likely, the selection will have to invert - press SHIFT + CTRL + I. Now you can either click backspace to remove unnecessary, or create a duplicate layer by pressing Ctrl + J to transfer the selection to a new layer. On my example, I added the texture, that's how it happened:

Method 4.

If in previous methods After removal, the transparent part remained, now we will learn to change to another background. This method is associated with a feature. overdress overlay modes and multiplication.

So, in the figure below, we have the same knight, and on the right texture.

On the layer palette, we place the texture and specify the imposition of dimming or multiplication. The knight became visible. But there is a snag. Some elements of the image, which were also white, were colors of texture.

Now correct. To the upper layer (with the texture) add a layer mask. Taking the brush tool, begin to erase the texture with visible seats. Neat, slowly, as a result, it turned out like this: