Open erasers. Magic Eraser in Photoshop: Functional and Tool Setup

Good afternoon, my dear readers. How is your mood? Ready for work and defense? Remember how you are in childhood (well, maybe not in childhood) you painted something and noticed that it was not the case here, and there goes beyond the edges, etc. It occurred to help us a rubber product number 3 (no 2, namely 3), i.e. eraser. They were erased by all that was injected.

So in Photoshop, the developers have provided this tool. Therefore, today we will consider in detail how to use the eraser in Photoshop so that you can erase any unnecessary nonsense. And if you think this is a very simple tool, then you are mistaken. He has his own chips. So let's go!

Simple eraser on one layer

Simple eraser when working with several layers

Of course it can be seen that the cat sits not naturally, which can still be drawn, etc. But there was a different task. We are still studying the tool Eraser. And by the way, you noticed that now our tool did not paint the picture, but really washed. All because we werehed not a background layer, but the top. Therefore, he removed his native background, thereby leaving transparent.

As you can see - the thing is very convenient and indispensable, so it can never be excluded.

Background eraser

Now it will be even more interesting, so swallower waders, who kicked up their fingers and went!

The next tool in our list is a background eraser. This tool is used as a rule to erase the unnecessary background and what it will be homogeneous - the better. Let's look at the example. Open a picture with a cat, just not with the previous one, but with a new, lever. Oh, what a handsome man.

Why do you need tolerance? The tolerance decides which color range enters the erasure area. If the tolerance is 1%, then the background eraser will wash the strictly the color to which you have pressed, and all shades, even different from a couple of units, it will not affect. If the tolerance is larger, then with erasure, not only the color you want to erase, but also close in chroma.

In general, this way we are erased by an unnecessary background and voila. Now our cat is on transparent backgroundAnd we can register it to another image.

Magic Eraser

Probably you did not think that the tool eraser could not be so simple? At first I also thought that it was only for the usual erasure: the main thing is not to hurt the edges. And it turns out to have a bunch of properties and two brothers.

So we go to another element in the group, namely "Magic Eraser". What is so magical? And the fact that it can wash homogeneous (or close in color) backgrounds not constant erasing and dragging mouse, but with just one press of the button. This greatly facilitates the task.

Well, in general, something I spoke. It's time to finish. Finally, I would like to recommend one wonderful video course on photoshopIn which learning is visual and human language. Especially in video format, the information absorbs a little better. I myself watched this course and opened a lot of interesting things for myself, which I now use regularly.

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

In many of my lessons, you could meet such a command: "Delete part of the image with Mask layer (Layer Mask) Or using tool Eraser (Eraser Tool)».

Since you are new, you certainly select Eraserbecause you already know how to use it, but Layer mask It will sound for you as some kind of complex professional technique. The truth is that the use of Mask layer not much different from use EroticBut it gives more opportunities and allow you to save a lot of time.

The only advantage Erotic It is that it replaces the "real eraser" with which you are already familiar. But why limit yourself to replacing the traditional tool when working in digital format?

I suggest you familiarize yourself with this easy lessonTo understand how you can use Photoshop and his tools for your ideas. Discover the new type of elasty, which will allow you to wash the image without any loss!

Why eraser is not always convenient to use

Let's imagine a very simple situation where you could use the eraser. For example, you drew out the sketch of a snow leopard:


Looking at the sketch, you notice that the tail of the snow leopard is too long. Therefore, with help Erotic You erase the tail end.

Having studied the proportions of the Body of the Snow Bars, you find out that these animals are actually disproportionately long tails.

And to return the original type of sketch, you can choose one of the proposed solutions:

  • Use the command Undo (Cancel) By pressing the Ctrl + Z key combination as many times as you need to return to the original state.
  • Close File not saving last changesAfter opening it again to see the original outline.
  • Re-draw the tail.

The first decision works great, but only if you have a sufficient number of stories (than their more, the slower photoshop will work), as well as if in addition to erasing the tail you did not make other changes in the outline. The second solution will work only if you retain the sketch before you delete the tail. And the third decision can take a lot of time.

Layer mask

If you use instead Layer mask , you could erase most of the tail, as in the picture:

You can even use this "anti-eraser" to return those parts that deleted, even after closed, and then opened the file again!

It looks like magic, isn't it? Let's see how to achieve this!

How to use a layer mask

You can download this fileto step by step to perform a lesson:

Step 1

To take advantage Layer-maskYou need to initially choose a layer with a snow leopard.

Step 2.

Click on the icon Add Layer Mask. (Add a layer mask).

On the palette of the layers, next to the miniature layer, the thumbnail will appear with a white layer mask.

Step 3.

Please note that you can choose one of two layers to work. This is very important because you can confuse them because they are nearby. If you select some of the layers, then all you draw will be displayed on a layer thumbnail.

Step 4.

Make sure you have chosen the layer mask. Choose a round brush of black color and draw a large point right in the middle of the Blood Barca.

See what happens? When you choose a miniature layer mask, you can erase any part of the image using a black color (on the layer that you work on).

Step 5.

Now you need to choose a white color and with the help of a brush to draw a white point inside black.

See, some image returned! That's how our anti-erase works!

Step 6.

On the this moment You see the effect of the layer-mask itself. To see the mask itself, you need to press the "\\" key. The black point will be shown in red.

Step 7.

To return everything back, you need to take a white brush and draw a black point on a layer mask.

Step 8.

As you have already noticed that with the help of black, we can make the image transparent, and the white color will help restore the opacity of the pattern. You can also use gray shades - the darker the shade of gray, the more transparent will be the effect of the mask.

Step 9.

Let's use this technique to hide the snow leopard paws under the snow. Choose a layer-mask and using a soft black brush through a snow leopard paws.

You can change the size of the brush at your discretion to get the desired effect:

Step 10.

If you bring the miniature cursor a layer mask and press the right mouse button, then you will appear context menu. In this menu, we only need the first three points:

  1. Disable Layer Mask. (Turn off the mask layer) - turns off the effect of the mask so that you see the source image. You can use it at any time.
  2. Delete. Layer. Mask. (Remove the mask layer) - allow you to remove the whole mask, while the original image will remain unchanged.
  1. Apply Layer Mask.(Apply a layer mask) - allow you to combine the effect of a layer mask with the image. At the same time, the mask itself will disappear, and the image will still be changed.

Step 11.

If you want to make a copy of the image with a layer-mask, you will need to hide the other layers and take advantage Copy. Merged. (Pressing the Ctrl-Shift-C key combination). If you use the usual copying method, you copy the original image completely unchanged.

When it is better to use a layer mask

Although Layer maskan excellent tool, she should not use every time you want to erase any part of the image. If you draw an outline, then the faster and efficient option will be using Eroticin order to erase something. Also, if at the same time you periodically make several copies of the outline layer, so that you can fix them at any time.

Layer mask It is better to use when working with large images, for example, processing photos or digital painting.

Mix the image together

Via Mask layeryou can achieve soft mixing between images. Unlike Erotic, S. Layer-mask You will get more features in its configuration when working with the image.

Partial use of texture

When you use the texture to the object, sometimes you need to use only its small part. Using a layer-mask, you can remove those parts of the texture that you do not need.

Drawing light and shadow

Newbies often draw light and shadow separately, but the truth is that the shadow is only the lack of light. In digital painting, you can darken the entire image and then with Mask layer Lighten the sections you need.

Corrective layers

You could also see that all corrective layers have their own layer masks. You can use the same mechanism to apply the correction layer only to the desired part of the image.

It's all!

Photoshop has many different tools that you have not guessed, but as soon as you learn about them, they become very useful and effective for you, rather than their simpler counterparts.

The mask layer is one of these tools, but I am sure that it is no longer magic for you!

In the photoshop program Eraser - This is not a single tool, but a whole group. Quick Selection Key - E. Like any other tool, the eraser is endowed with a large arsenal of parameters and functions.

On the toolbar it is presented in three types:

  • Ordinary eraser;

This article will talk about the first form. . On the others, read in individual articles on the links above.

So, as you already understood, the main goal of this tool is to erase and clean the unwanted elements on the document. The whole question is how it can be done professionally. To do this, turn to and consider closer to the settings that Photoshop offers us. In general, the tool eraser in its set of parameters, and according to the principle of action, strongly reminds. Therefore, having understood in one tool, it will be easier to figure out the other.

Eraser is a simple tool, just once read everything attentively and then be able to focus not only in it, but also other program tools. Now let's plunge into all depths and details. Go!

This way looks like the attribute panel (hereinafter, it will be about each marked element):

1 Element - set of tool parameters

By clicking on the icon in the form of an eraser, a small window will open, in which you can control the parameters of the Eraser tool.

Parameter sets are useful feature. Next, I will write about what you mean all the elements of the eraser settings and, when you understand everything, you can adjust the tool for yourself, to your taste. So these settings can be saved to the set so that in the future to them back to them just two mouse clicks. Either another situation: You need to alternate certain parameters of the elasty for one image. In order not to spend time on settings, you can click on sets with previously saved tool parameters.

I will not sharpen attention on this, as everything is described on the link above. By default, this is an empty window, that is, you will have to create your first set yourself, To do this, configure the settings of the eraser and click New set of parameters for tool.

2 Element - Collective Set

As I mentioned above, a brush and eraser can be carried out between the tools. They have a lot of similar in the parameters panel, including paint brushes. In fact, the eraser is the same brush that does not have another color besides white and can still "pull up" the image to the chess background itself (the transparency is designated).

This element opens the library of output options for the lasty, and also saves and loads its collections of parameters (size and rigidity). Thus, before starting to wash, you can configure the artistic component of the tool - after all, washing, we can draw something. :)

3 Element - Enable / Disable Brushes Panels

If we have a library of custom prints of the brush, it would be logical to have a tool for creating such impulsions specifically for your project. With this task copes Panel brusheswhich contains a lot of settings that allow you to create an imprint of the brush of any complexity.

4 Element - Erase Mode

Here you can select preset tool settings, resembling functionality: brushes, pencil and square. Not the most the desired function, you can even be called a stupid. It affects, maybe only on the speed of changing the print of the brush.

5 Element - Opacity and 7 Element - Press

I specifically combined that in comparison to explain the principle of operation of these two, it would seem the same parameter.

The value of opacity affects the erasable image itself. That is, by setting a value by 50% and starting to wash, the image will be, so let's say, tackle on these 50%. No more no less. After releasing the mouse button, and then starting to wash it again, where 50% of the transparency has already passed - we once again discolored for this percentage.

Pressure Works otherwise. The value is set - it will be a step with which Photoshop erases an image. When we "three" with the mouse, like a finger on the table, spending dirt, photoshop with a given step more and more erases the image.

Actually, when it costs 100%, it is enough to spend once, and everything will be white or transparent. But the smaller the value, the less the eraser erases and falls longer to the mouse. With each movement, the hand is more and more bleaching unwanted pixels of the image.

6 and 10 element - controls opacity and pressure, respectively

It is no secret that Photoshop is installed not only on the computer, but also on graphic tablete. These commands are needed precisely for those who use it, since including these modes, the intensity of the erase can be adjusted to the finger force.

8 Element - Aerograph Mode

This command works as an aerosol cartridge. Works in tandem with pressure and opacity. Set the smaller value and drive the mouse pointer as the paint can, and you will see the spray effect.

9 Element - Restore History

This feature is a kind. It works like this: you erase anything with an eraser and suddenly realized that they stopped and you need to return randomly deleted pixels of the image. Check the box opposite this function and again lead the eraser over previously erased areas. They will start returning to their original state.

Thus, we reviewed the content of the Eraser tool and all its parameters. As you can see anything complicated. All tool parameters from the same name between themselves are duplicated and repeated. Gradually remember and you will easily navigate not only in the eraser, but also in all the others.

Noticed the error in the text - select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

Figure 14.82. Tool " Eraser " On the toolbar

Figure 14.83. Eraser and Alpha Channel

Background color - white. The image does not have an alpha channel. Eraser (opacity is 100%) leaves the background color.

The image has an alpha channel. Eraser leaves after himself transparency.

If you need to completely remove the raster point group, not leaving traces from their previous content, select the parameter "Hard edge". Otherwise, the subpixel placement of the brush will lead to partial removal of points along the edges of the stroke, even when using a brush with a hard edge.

3.9.1. Activation of tools

The tool can be caused in several ways:

3.9.2. Modifier keys

Refer to Chapter 3.1, "General Properties" for the description of the modifier keys, common to all brush tools.


Key Ctrl Switches the eraser into color selection mode. Unlike other brushes tools, eraser sets color background On the selected color, not the color of the foreground. This is useful for facilities that do not have alpha channel. In such cases, the eraser sketches the object with the color of the background.


Key Alt. Switches the eraser to the antilastic mode described below. On some systems, this key is intercepted by the window manager. In such cases, use a key combination Alt. +Shift. .

3.9.3. Tool parameters

Figure 14.84. Tool parameters " Eraser "

Typically, the tool parameters are displayed in the panel attached to the toolbar as soon as you activate it. If there are no there, you can go to this panel by selecting the window of the window → Panels → Tool parameters.

Opacity; Brush; The size; Aspect ratio; Angle; Gap; Rigidity; Dynamics; Dynamics parameters; Force; Scatter; Smoothed strokes; Bind the size of the brush to the form; Accumulate opacity Refer to the review of the drawing tools for the description of the parameters common to all drawing tools. Opacity

Runner opacity, despite its name, in this instrument defines " strength " Tool, therefore, when erasing a layer with an alpha channel, the higher the opacity used, the more transparent result is obtained.

Hard edges

This parameter prevents partial removal along the edges of the brush's brush. See above.


The antilastic performs the restoration of the strata areas of the layer, even if they are transparent. This feature only works with layers containing alpha channel. It can also be activated on the fly by pressing the key Alt. (or if Alt. intercepted by the window manager, combination Alt. +Shift. ).

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about one of the most interesting tools of the subgroup of erases - the magic eraser. With the help of the "Magic Eraser" tool, you can easily remove the area of \u200b\u200bthe same color. The tool combines the functionality of the usual elastic and the magic wand. What is still interesting magic eraser in Photoshop, let's understand.

Tool Activation and Work

Magic eraser is activated in Photoshop with hot key "E".

Choosing a tool, the cursor appears in the form of a black elder with an asterisk. This cursor can remember the selected color.

Move the cursor to any place in the image, where it has a fairly large monophonic fragment. Click left button Mice and Photoshop will remove absolutely all pixels that either come into contact with each other or are located throughout the document and have the color of the chosen pixel in the clique place.

This allows simply pressing the mouse button to quickly remove large areas of the background, without acting by the eraser selectively in the places of dusting the background and the main image.

Since the "magic eraser" really removes pixels, and does not replace them with a background layer, a transparent place appears in the image in the form of a chess grid, on which there are sometimes unnoticed flaws in operation.

To make sure the cleanliness of actions, it is desirable to create a fitting layer with contrasting color, which will be good to show if there are no remote pixels somewhere.
This working layer should be placed at the bottom of the list of layers.

Setting up the tool Eraser

Like all the tools, the "magic eraser" has its auxiliary panel additional settingswhich is located above the working area.

Here you can set the tolerance of the color recognition of the pixel that will be deleted. The smaller this indicator, the less coincidences will be found.

Usually Tolerance Sets from 30-50 - this is enough to work with the background fills.
Then there are three parameters that are either turned on or turned off by installing the flag in the window.

it Smoothing, Related pixels and Sample from all layers

The first allows you to soften the edges of the area with which the tool works.
The second (adjacent pixels) indicates which pixels to delete, those that come into contact with each other or all the pixels on the image of the selected color.

The third (sample of all layers) The tool is useful when working with documents where there are many developed layers and correction of the color removal using the "Magic Eraser" tool must be performed in all layers.

The last option of transparency allows you to control the depth of removing selected pixels. With a value of 100%, the pixel is completely removed, the decrease in the value makes it transparent to the specified depth.