What is a graphics tablet used for? Graphic tablets are what

Many people imagine a graphics tablet different from what it really is. Many immediately imagine Graphics tablet in the form of a regular tablet for surfing the Internet.

But this view is often wrong. Graphic tablets for the most part look like large touchpads, which we are used to seeing on laptops (replaces the mouse manipulator).

In fact, a graphics tablet is a large touchpad equipped with a "stylus" and connects to any computer as additional equipment (in principle, it is like a second mouse). You move the pen across the tablet, and all your actions are displayed on the computer screen. Of course, this is less convenient than drawing on paper, but it just takes a little getting used to. I also want to draw your attention to the fact that tablets have a fixed working area and it does not cover the entire area of ​​the tablet. I marked the working area of ​​the tablet with a rectangle, arrows show labels work area on a graphics tablet.

Unlike the touchpad of a laptop, a graphics tablet has a working area "connected" to the one displayed on the monitor, that is, there is no need to repeatedly crawl over the surface with the stylus to move the cursor, but it is enough to point with the stylus to a specific area and the cursor will instantly move to the desired location.

Of course, there are graphic tablets in the form of large touch screens but such graphic tablets are very expensive and are used by professional designers.

Therefore, we will focus on more budget options for graphic tablets.

Why do you need a graphics tablet? It is a great photo retouching and painting tool. A graphics tablet can not only completely replace your mouse, but also expand your surfing capabilities. The main "highlight" of the tablet is that using the pen we can achieve smoother movements as when drawing with a regular pencil on paper.

If you doubt that a graphics tablet is much more convenient for working with graphics, do a little experiment. Try to walk along the contour of any shape with a pencil on paper and then with the mouse in a graphics editor. If the outline of the path seemed to you not a very difficult task, then complicate it and try to write any word with the mouse.

I think we will get similar results. Also, an important advantage of the tablet is the sensitivity to the pressure of the pen, as with the work with a simple pencil, depending on the pressure, we get strokes of different density and line width. You cannot perform this action with a mouse without changing the instrument settings.

I use the most a budget option graphic tablet from Wacom. But in spite of all its "low budget" with its help, I significantly reduced the time required for retouching and applying masks when processing photographs. A graphics tablet is almost indispensable when using the "Dodge and burn" technique, and drawing without a graphics tablet is completely impossible.

In addition to the convenience of working with graphics with a stylus, the tablet can be used to surf the Internet. Tablets perfectly recognize various movements, such as we used to use on touchscreen phones and tablets, for example, touching the tablet surface with two fingers and changing the distance between the fingers is perceived as increasing or decreasing the contents of the screen. And there are a great many such combinations.

Graphic tablets also have additional buttons to which you can assign any actions, and utilities will allow you to customize the pen to suit your hand.

If you're serious about retouching, photo manipulation, painting, or collage creation, you can't do without a graphics tablet. Well, which graphic tablet to choose is an individual matter for everyone.

The graphics tablet has the ability to select a work area, for example when working on two monitors.

Technology has stepped forward, and now many designers and photographers can breathe a sigh of relief. Of course, this device can be used not only by people associated with creativity. There are those who find it much more convenient to use a PC using a graphics tablet. We have to deal with this gadget and understand its true purpose.

Basic concepts

So, a graphics tablet is a gadget that helps you enter information into your computer. Its main difference from a mouse or keyboard is that the user uses his own hand directly. That is, it creates information through the movement of the hand. represents the gadget itself and the pen. Also in some models there is a mouse.


Few people know, but the first graphics tablet is a "teleautograph". It was invented by Elisha Gray and patented in 1888. It is this scientist who is considered the predecessor of the famous

The next step in the invention of this gadget happened in 1957. Then the PC Stylator used a handwriting identification device. Later, the RAND Tablet was presented. The device is considered the first graphics tablet. It was of a special design: under the "screen" of the device there was a grid of conductors. Electrical "shocks" were received there using the ternary Gray cipher. This information was received by the stylus, which could decode the data into position.

Over time, another graphic tablet was released. It was a device that had a special pen. It helped create sparks. Built-in microphones determined the location of clicks, that is, looked for the location of the pen.

In the 80s, Summagraphics Corp was able to promote this gadget to the masses. Then the devices received a commercial triumph. They were used as mechanisms for data entry.

Already in today's understanding, graphic tablets have appeared under the name "KoalaPad". They were originally created for the Apple II. But later, the rest of the PCs also needed such an input system. Other tablet models began to appear.

How does it work?

Although the development of technology has changed, the principle of operation of a graphics tablet is very similar to its very first analogue. The device has a mesh of wires. Its step is large enough - it reaches 6 millimeters. Despite this distance, the fixation of the pen on the tablet is very accurate. The device reads information in more detail - up to 200 lines per millimeter.


Wacom has taken a step forward. She was able to develop such a mechanism in which the grid could be both a source and a receiver. In this case, the pen receives a charge from the grid. After which it sends a response signal, which is a reflection of the original. This "answer" can be considered new, since it already carries additional data. The materials received indicate stylus identification, pressure, hold and pointer position.

Thanks to this mechanism, you can understand what is used in this moment: Pen tip or eraser. It is also convenient that a separate power supply is no longer needed for this gadget. Although such a mechanism can be influenced by other emitting devices.


This part of the graphics tablet can also vary depending on the gadget model. Some are capable of adjusting the pressure force. To do this, they use a variable capacitor. Just such stylus is made by Wacom. It is also possible to use a mechanism with variable resistance or inductance.

In general, different components can be used to create a stylus. One of them may be the piezoelectric effect. It creates a potential difference that appears when interacting with the pen. This is how the coordinates of the point can be found.

Again, depending on the tablet model, different principles of interaction of the stylus with the surface of the gadget can be developed. The device can perceive not only the force of pressing, but also the tilt of the pen, its course, rotation and the force of squeezing the device by hand.

What should you pay attention to?

Now many people know that a graphics tablet is the best assistant for those who work with graphics editors. Depending on the purpose, the gadget may have certain characteristics. When buying a device, you should pay attention to several main parameters. In addition to the price, the dimensions of the device, the sensitivity of the stylus, the resolution, the speed of work and the working surface are important.

Dimensions (edit)

Depending on what you need a graphics tablet for, you need to choose its dimensions. If you use the device not only in the office, but also at home, at school, and even for a walk, then you need to choose a compact size. It will be much more comfortable if the tablet fits into the bag. For such purposes, it is optimal to choose A5.

If you only need a tablet for work, and you are not going to take it outside the office, then you can choose larger sizes. But it should be borne in mind that the price for such dimensions will be much higher.


The stylus also has its own characteristics. Depending on how much more sensitive he is, his response to your commands will be correspondingly faster. There are variations in which the pen distinguishes up to over a thousand levels of pressure. Relatively inexpensive tablets can identify up to 500 levels. Usually the thickness of the drawing depends on this parameter. That is, this characteristic is important for animators and artists.


This is also an important parameter that you should pay attention to when buying a tablet. As in the case of the image, this characteristic helps to determine the number of lines per inch: more precisely, the density of working sensors on the surface. It is clear that the higher this indicator, the better the response will be. Expensive models have more than 5 thousand lpi.


This parameter speaks for itself. He has no specific indicators. Therefore, when choosing a tablet, it is better to focus on reviews. Sometimes the words of the manufacturers may differ from what happens in practice. However, the faster the response speed, the faster the tablet will transfer information to the PC.

Working surface

This parameter should not be confused with dimensions. This characteristic refers to the monitor of your gadget. Remember to be aware of the aspect ratio of the screen when making your selection. It will have to match this indicator for the tablet. Otherwise, the work will not be entirely correct.


Most likely, the meager variety of graphic tablets is due to their rare use. Nowadays, rarely anyone chooses this gadget as an input device. Most often, a graphic tablet can be found among designers, architects, artists, photographers, in general, those who need to create projects in electronic format.


The most reliable and main manufacturer of these devices is Wacom. The company was founded in 1983. Nowadays it is the leader in the manufacture of these gadgets. Graphic design is considered one of the most popular and affordable Wacom tablet Intuos Pen Small. Its cost is about 6 thousand rubles.

This device belongs to the youngest of the entire series. It was designed for creatives like design, photography and illustration. Its working area is 15x9 cm. It has an average resolution of 2500 lpi. The case is of high quality: it is ergonomic, has rubberized legs and a slight slope for ease of use. The tablet has a battery that lasts up to 15 hours of active work. The main advantage of this model can be considered the presence of express keys setting, as well as the operation of the wireless network module.

Another model of the manufacturer is the Bamboo Pen & Touch graphic tablet. It costs about 5 thousand rubles. Has very similar characteristics to the previous model. Its dimensions are slightly more compact. Resolution 2540 lpi. You can enter using either a stylus or a conventional sensor. The sensitivity of this tablet is up to 1024 pressure levels.

Also last year, Wacom introduced new line gadgets. Intuos graphics tablet was presented in four variations: Art, Comic, Draw and Photo. These model names were given due to their configuration, or rather software... Each gadget has its own software designed for a particular area of ​​work.

The new Intuos family also includes the Wacom Pen & Touch S graphics tablet. The model also received good feedback from professionals. Its main advantage for many has become its size - the A6 format. The gadget also supports multi-touch, 2440 lpi and 1024 pressure levels.

The best of the best

Among all the models, it is worth highlighting the Wacom Cintiq 22HD DTK-2200. This tablet is one of the best. Its main drawback is the huge price - more than 180 thousand rubles. Nevertheless, the gadget is considered It can serve not only for creating illustrations and processing photographs, but also for three-dimensional modeling. It has a large screen diagonal of 21 inches. Resolution - Full HD, more than 5 thousand lpi. To secure your information, you can apply pattern key on your tablet.

The gadget can identify 2048 levels of pressure, as well as up to 60 degrees of tilt of the stylus. In addition to its wide functionality, the tablet has well-thought-out ergonomics, as well as high-quality body materials.

Other options

Besides the most popular and reliable Wacom, there is another manufacturer. Genius EasyPen i405X budget graphics tablet can be purchased for 2000-2500 rubles. The main advantages of this model are 28 as well as high-quality case materials.

This graphics tablet is unlikely to be suitable for professionals. Most of all, he will appeal to just free artists and amateurs. It is very compact, has a good resolution - 2540 lpi. The disadvantage is that you have to buy batteries for the stylus, the touch keys have small cells, sometimes there are difficulties with the "firewood".

Popular additional device inputting information into a computer is a graphics tablet for drawing. It is actively used by representatives of creative professions: designers, artists and architects, and simply advanced users of digital gadgets.

What is a graphic tablet for drawing?

Analogue traditional keyboards and a mouse is a graphics tablet with a screen for drawing. It consists of a work surface of different shapes and sizes and electronic pen... In fact, this is an electronic sheet of paper and a digital pen, with which you can perform a variety of manipulations with information in computer programs... It is very convenient for working in graphic editors, therefore such a device is often purchased by professional and novice designers, architects, photographers and other representatives of creative professions.

Graphics tablet specifications

Many users purchase graphic monitor for drawing for permanent professional use, so before buying, you should carefully read its main characteristics. These include:

  • working surface area;
  • resolution, which determines the number of working sensors per unit area;
  • the sensitivity of the supplied electronic pen;
  • response speed after pressing with the stylus;
  • types of stylus tips, their quantity and quality;
  • availability of additional accessories, such as a glove for drawing on a graphics tablet;
  • manufacturing company;
  • price.

How does a drawing tablet work?

The device of a graphics tablet with a stylus for drawing is based on the principle of electromagnetism. A grid of special conductors is located over the entire working surface. When pressed with a stylus, the device captures electromagnetic pulses and transmits the resulting image to a computer monitor or the screen of the device itself.

A tablet for drawing on a computer can include a pen with various types of power:

  1. From batteries of various types ... This increases the weight of the digital pen and shifts the center of gravity.
  2. From a computer using a USB cable or power cord... V in this case some users may find it difficult to lay lines because of the interfering wire.
  3. Without batteries... In this case, the base sends electromagnetic pulses to the pen, which, returning back, are read and decoded, providing information about the location of the pen.

Types of graphic tablets for drawing

Depending on the purpose of use, a graphic tablet for drawing on a computer can be of several modifications:

  1. A digital notepad is a small, compact device with low line accuracy.
  2. An interactive or desktop gadget that allows you to create more accurate and high-quality drawings and notes;
  3. An interactive monitor or drawing tablet with a screen on which the working surface is a sensitive screen that immediately transmits the created image.

Digital notepad

The simplest and most inexpensive type of device is a mini-tablet. It resembles a small document folder with an attached pen. Essential for those people who have to write a large number of information with its subsequent digitization. Can be used for electronic signature documents. A small drawing board has its advantages:

  • compactness;
  • convenience of storing the information received;
  • acceptable price.

The disadvantages include:

  • insufficiently accurate transmission of lines to create a high-quality image;
  • low speed high resolution response.

Interactive tablet

A more advanced version is the desktop interactive drawing tablet. It has a larger working surface area than an electronic notebook. Such a device is suitable for computer graphics beginners. Its advantages include:

  • large work area;
  • optimal set of colors in the palette, fonts and textures;
  • various possibilities for editing and duplicating images;
  • mobility of the device, which you can take with you to the office or cafe.

Among the disadvantages of a graphic tablet for drawing are:

Interactive Monitor

For professional use, creative professionals mainly purchase a screen graphics tablet for drawing. Its working surface is a glass screen, onto which an image is transmitted immediately when pressed with a stylus. It turns out a realistic imitation of creating an image on paper with a pen, pencil or even a brush. A professional graphic tablet for drawing creates this effect thanks to:

  • high screen resolution;
  • quick response;
  • high-quality color rendering;
  • high sensitivity of the pen;
  • light weight of the device.

How to choose a graphics tablet for drawing?

Before choosing a graphics tablet for drawing, you should decide on the necessary parameters future device:

  1. Working surface size directly affects the quality of drawing lines.
  2. The aspect ratio of the monitor and the gadget... Distortion of images may occur if the aspect ratio is different.
  3. Feather... The best drawing tablet has a quality pen with high sensitivity at least 2048 levels, including the slope. The parameter of its rigidity and the presence of replaceable tips are also important.
  4. Device resolution indicates the presence of pen recognition points per unit area. The higher the value, the more accurate the image is, which is very important for professionals.
  5. Connection method and type of power supply of the device... It can be connected to a laptop via USB or Bluetooth. The type of power supply can be either from the mains, or from a rechargeable battery or batteries.
  6. Response speed affects the display time of the image on the screen. The indicator varies between 100-200 points per second.
  7. Availability of software with the ability to update and programmable buttons allows the device to adapt to the changing needs of the user.

What size graphic tablet is more convenient for drawing?

Manufacturers of graphic boards for drawing offer customers models with different sizes of the working area. It ranges from A6 to A3:

  • miniature devices are convenient to carry with you for use in amateur whole:
  • to create drawings and sketches, many users need an A5 device;
  • when working with images large sizes and of high quality, it is better to buy wider devices of A4 and A3 formats, which are in service with many designers and architects.

Rating of graphic tablets for drawing

When buying a fancy gadget, you should not only familiarize yourself with it technical characteristics, but also feedback from experts and users who have already evaluated the device in operation. The following models regularly fall into the TOP of graphic tablets for drawing:

  1. XP-Pen Star 06- one of the lightest devices with a sensitive stylus and work without wires or drivers. Good value for money. The cost in stores starts at $ 90.

  2. Parblo A610- a drawing tablet with a large work surface and wireless connection... In operation, it is convenient to configure 8 function buttons on the surface. Price - $ 65.

  3. VEIKK A50- a comfortable device with a large working surface and quick response. There are customizable keys and touchpad. Price - $ 68.

  4. Gaomon m106k- a model that is more suitable for beginners. The stylus is battery operated. Has a quick response for devices in its price segment. Cost - $ 57.

  5. HUION GT-156HD V2- a professional model with a built-in display, high-quality stimulus and a wide range of functions. Price - $ 400.

Graphic tablet for drawing - how to use?

Despite the apparent complexity of the device, it is very easy to use. It is possible to understand the peculiarities of work in just a few applications. Above, recommendations were given on the parameters of the device and the selection of which graphic tablet to choose for drawing for a beginner or a professional. Mastering the purchased model includes the following steps:

  1. Connect to laptop or personal computer using wires or wireless.
  2. Installation of the required driver, which is carried out automatically in many models.
  3. Choice the desired program to work on a computer.
  4. Using a pen and tablet is similar to using regular paper and pencil. The greater the pressure, the thicker the line and vice versa. Many stylus pens have a virtual eraser on top that erases the printed image.
  5. The pen also works like a mouse, so you can easily select the desired actions in the program.
  6. The buttons on the pen tablet and pen guide you through frequently used actions.

Programs for drawing on a graphics tablet

For comfortable work with the device, you need to download special applications for drawing on a graphics tablet to your computer. They are divided into software for professionals and beginners. In addition to this classification, all programs can be divided into paid and free. The best freely available software include:

  • Inkscape- a vector program that includes features of the world famous Corel Draw and Adobe illustrator;
  • Artweaver- application for raster graphics with a wide range of brushes;
  • Gimp- An affordable program for creating raster graphics and illustrations;
  • SmoothDrawfree app with an intuitive interface;
  • Paint Tool SAI- suitable for creating images in the style of anime.

Paid programs recognized by professionals and beginners:

  • Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator- for raster and vector graphics;
  • Corel draw supports the creation vector images;
  • Xara Photo and Graphic Designer 9good program for creating images and editing photos at an affordable price;
  • Affinity Designer- software for vector images, suitable for Apple computers.

Where to start your choice, what are the main attributes worth paying attention to when choosing an amateur and professional graphics tablet? Let's try to understand some of the important intricacies of this device. But first, let's define what it is all about.

So, speaking of in simple words, then:

A graphics tablet is an electronic analogue of a drawing set that allows you to process photographs, create various drawings, animation, airbrushing, more complex 3D images, etc. It includes both the tablet itself (analog album sheet) and a stylus (analogue of a pencil or pen).

The body of the device itself is made of lightweight plastic or anodized aluminum. Plastic is an ergonomic material, it will serve you for a long time. However, anodized aluminum has a number of its advantages: it is endowed with high strength, does not corrode, has an aesthetic appearance and unpretentious in care.

All graphic tablets are equipped with USB port... Accordingly, a USB cable is included with the device.

The tablet's flat touch panel is pressure-sensitive. Control is carried out using a stylus (digital pen), which will allow you to draw with high precision even the smallest details. Modern digital pens, mainly produced in wireless version... They are easy to use and have higher sensitivity.

The digital pen is equipped with advanced functionality:

  • pressure sensitivity to vary line thickness or color density;
  • electronic eraser;
  • programmable buttons with different modes.

With the outer shell and tools sorted out, now let's look at some of the characteristics of the device.

Working surface size

To get the most out of it, the tablet active area should match the size of your monitor.

Monitor diagonal Graphics Tablet Format
13 to 17 inches A6 (S - small)
17 to 22 inches А5 (M - medium)
from 22 inches and above A4 (L - large)
A3 - used mainly in the field of engineering and architecture

Examples of popular models

A6 format

  • WACOM Intuos Draw Creative Pen Tablet S
  • Wacom Intuos Pro S
  • Wacom One S (Small) A6

These models are united by a common format, ideal for the beginning of your creative process. A device of this size does not take up much space, you can easily install the tablet in a convenient workspace for you.

A5 format

  • Wacom One Medium CTL-671
  • Huion 680TF
  • Intuos Pro Medium PTH-651

This format is perfect for everyone: photographers, artists, engineers, and just fans of drawing. The possibilities for working with images on such tablets are much wider. The medium format of the device will give you the most comfortable feeling.

A4 size

  • Wacom Bamboo Slate
  • Wacom Intuos Pro L (PTH-851) A4
  • Wacom Cintiq 13HD DTK-1300 A4

A4 tablets are suitable for more professional consumers. They do not require a small workspace, but they also have large quantity functions.

Resolution and response speed

One of the most important parameters is the resolution of the working area, which determines the sensitivity of the interaction of the stylus with the tablet panel. For graphics tablets, the resolution is indicated in lines per inch (lpi), so the higher this figure, the more detail and sharpness you get.

The next indicator that is worth paying attention to is how quickly the touch device notifies the computer where the stylus is on the tablet surface during operation. Response rates are reported in reports per second (RPS) or points per second (PPS). Accordingly, the higher the maximum response speed, the smoother and smoother lines will be displayed on the monitor.

Approximate ratio of maximum response speed and resolution


Modern models of tablets differ in the options for the active working area:

  • touch surface standard tablet senses the pressure of the stylus and displays the result on the PC monitor;
  • the working area of ​​smart tablets allows you to convert an image or a note made on the most ordinary sheet of paper into a digital file;
  • a-Si Active Matrix TFT LCD (IPS) display of professional devices is equipped with a backlight and a wide color gamut - displays the picture directly on its screen.

Today, the capabilities of tablets are so high, and the choice is so great, that you can get lost in this abundance. But, nevertheless, knowing the basic parameters, you can draw up a certain individual list for yourself and decide on the choice of your tablet.