Digital feather Wacom. What is a digital handle? Overview

We used to use not only a computer in our work, but also, in the old manner, paper and pen. If there is no scanner at hand, there are certain difficulties with the transfer of information from paper carrier to electronic. In this case, the digital pen becomes necessary. With it, you can make sketches on any type of paper. All your movements during drawing the outline are saved in electronic memory, then the result is exported to any graphic editor in the form of raster or vector graphics. Now there is no need to scan sketch or re-create it on your computer to edit. The digital pen has a small size and battery powered, so you can take it on the road onto the rest, to those who love to draw or those whose kind of activity is associated with graphics, for example, artists, designers, etc.

It happens that the most interesting ideas come at the moment when you have no computer at hand. In this case, you can draw in a notebook, on a piece of paper and even in a restaurant on a napkin. You can not fear that you lose an idea or you will have to draw a sketch again. All movements made by the pen are entered into its electronic memory. Called next to the computer, connect the digital pen to the USB connector and transfer your drawings into the computer's memory as graphic files using special Program. The digital feather allows you to start working with the usual method, and in parallel to get a digital image anywhere and under any circumstances.

Appearance and specifications of digital pen.

The appearance of the digital pen reminds the usual fountain pen. At the top there is a cover with a contact that can be turned off. Under it is located compartment for batteries (AAAA). It must be said that such batteries are rarely found in free sale. At the bottom of the pen is the writing element itself, made of a material that does not scratching the glass. This element has a contact by which it connects to the board. If you remove the item, then unscrew the cap, you can remove the number of the digital pen board, on which the contact and the button are located. The pen housing is made of aluminum alloy, and the buttons on it are plastic. The strength of the case guarantees protection against random breakdowns. But it is better not to disassemble the pen on your own, since it is a rather time-consuming process in it.

For storage and recharging the pen and receiver, they are equipped with a special compact case in which they can be transferred between the house, and the place where the artist wants to work.

The digital pen has hardware and software. The hardware is used to enable the pen and a wireless receiver, remembering the drawing and retaining it in a digital format. In the process of drawing, the pen determines and memorizes pressing force, and this pressure difference will be displayed in a digital version of the sketch. The digital pen is very sensitive to pressing, therefore can memorize a variety of lines.

The receiver is attached to a sheet of paper or notepad in such a way that it can continuously have a connection with the pen. Digital pen can store thousands of sketches and even export multi-layer files in Adobe Photoshop and jPG formats, BMP, TIFF, PNG, SVG and PDF to work in other applications.

Pros and cons of digital pen.

Consider at the beginning of the advantages of this miracle invention.

\u003e - The digital pen allows the designer or the artist to start working there, wherever he been, on that material, which is at hand, and at the same time take the first step to the digital image.

\u003e - If you need to edit the sketch, you do not need to scan it, or re-create.

One mouse movement can be saved image layers, sharing sketch and completed pattern.

The compact feed size and nutrition from the battery makes it convenient for carrying so that you can draw at the moment when the artist visited the idea.

Since all the movements of the digital pen are recorded in the memory of the receiving device, there is no need to carry a computer with it everywhere.

Not sophisticated drawings in a computer in the form of graphic files.

Ability to draw sketches and make outline anywhere in your stay.

And now it is worth saying about the disadvantages of the digital pen.

You can use A4 format paper and less.

\u003e - The sketches look like they were made by a black ballpoint pen (on paper), and in the computer it remains like blue.

The quality of the drawing is lost from an artistic point of view. The image is only black and white.

Sometimes there should be thin tonal transitions, it turns out a saturated black spot that looks dirty.

There is no ability to adjust the image, use the eraser during the drawing process.

Not in the presence of replaceable rods and there are no other colors.

Digital feather is more convenient mouse. New technologies.

Technologies are developing rapidly and in the Sony laboratory developed new program For a digital pen to help people working with graphical interface. Now with the help of this miracle of technology, you can easily transfer files from the monitor of one mobile device To another. Growing popularity of laptops, tablet computers, mobile phones And pr., implies an increase in the need for the exchange of information between them and, often, it causes certain problems. Not very, just to two users, even being in the same room, transfer some files from one device to another. There are, of course, familiar ways: transmitting over the network, on removable media or finally e-mailBut they are not always possible and not always appropriate. New Development Sony corporations significantly simplifies the interaction between mobile computers. This technology was named PICK-AND-DROP, which means "take and transfer". Using a digital pen, the user can pick up the file from the screen, touching its label and transfer it to another screen as one concern. Development authors called this method "Direct manipulation", which makes it possible to select and move information between physical objects, in physical space, instead of using abstract: networks, servers, etc. This the new kind The interaction is very convenient for the exchange of information during a conversation, for example, electronic business cards or music files, or text documents, and a lot.

But the Japanese developers did not stop at this, despite the indisputable advantages of this technology. They developed a new technique of Pick-and-Beam, which means "Take and display". It uses projectors in its workspace. That is, the document captures the screen with the screen, is displayed on the screen, which is visible to everyone and it makes it possible to work with it, like with any other paper document.

In the digital render there is a unique identifier that the computer recognizes when it approaches it to the screen. When contacting the pen and the screen, the selected file is attached to Peru. This pen has no memory, so it cannot be considered a physical medium of information. If you bring the pen closer to the screen of another device, you can see the "Shadow" monitor of the portable file label, and when the pen with the monitor is in contact with the monitor, the file itself that moves into the computer's memory.

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How not to become an old boring

Looking through the wardrobe. A bunch of things have been discovered, which for this year never dressed. Basically, these are short skirts, frivolous dresses, so much for another year 2-3 years ago. Recently my 21 years ...

For a student sitting at the lecture of a passionate professor of chemistry, or a sales service worker present on an important business presentation, the ability to make recordings is the most important skill. Detailed marks will allow you to constantly return to important information in order to further extract useful information from it. The recording process evolved together with the development of technology to provide the user with the ability to control access, archive, distribute and edit important information. Digital handles allow note in situations when laptops and tablets are simply powerless.

Where will the electronic pen come in handy?

The digital handle is almost as inconspicuous as the usual ball. It uses real ink, and it is written on this paper. The only difference between the digital pen and the handle in the breast pocket is the recording of the movement of the pen. Each word, sketch or doodle is converted into a sequence of units and zeros.

Many people for entries prefer to use laptops and tablets, because information on them can be easily edited, save and share. However, these devices are strongly distracted by the user, so many enterprises and educational institutions prohibit them at meetings and lectures. The best digital handles, such as LiveScribe 3 Smartpen, Sky WiFi Smartpen and Neo Smartpen N2, allow you to do comprehensive marks without distracting on the Internet or click keyboard.

Digital handle: Selection Parameters Overview

The electronic pen captures its own movements in several ways. The best models use technology developed by Anoto Group. To track microcrokes printed on paper, a miniature camera is applied close to the gadget tip. However, most digital handles use a positional device that is attached to a sheet of paper and tracks the sensor on the tip of the pen during its paper movement, allowing you to write on any surface.

After creating a digital page and download it to the computer, you will need an intuitive application that will allow you to manage archiving, search, sharing and editing notes. The best electronic handles enable the most fully reflected written.

Below are some criteria that should be taken into account when choosing a digital pen.


Pen, whether it is digital or ordinary, should be comfortable. Its sizes and weight can affect how long it will be possible to make notes without tired of hands. Unfortunately, this means that gadgets with the greatest number functions at the same time possess big sizesbecause technology is placed inside. Many electronic handles are not much more than ordinary balls, but they do not have functions that allow you to do the most exhaustive records.

After comfort there is accuracy. It makes no sense to complicate the experience of writing cameras and positional sensors if the digital image of the notes does not match the physical image. The error of determining the position of most handles is within 0.3-0.7 mm spatial difference compared to actual strokes. However, the accuracy of the positional devices may vary when moving the gadget during the letter, or when the finger interferes with the sensor.

After filling the paper page and the transition to the next one also needs to be rented and electronic. An intelligent digital handle must provide their smooth shift so that you ultimately not stay with one confused image consisting of several.

Also best models Electronic handles provide audio record, synchronizing it with notes to create their digital version, which includes audio recording. In addition, you should evaluate the battery life of the battery and simple synchronization tools, such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. All this is essential for the performance of a digital pen, because it will not like anyone if his handle stops working in the midst of the notes. Wireless synchronization also allows you to exchange data with a wide range of real-time devices.

Set of functions

Data characteristics electronic devices Can differ significantly. Some of them are essentially a computer built into the handle to which applications can be downloaded, while others are no more than a bizarre feather. In the new models, the priority functions are the sensitivity to the nag, several layers of depth and simplicity of synchronization with such programs as Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator.

If the digital handle includes software for converting handwritten text to printed, the conversion should be quite accurate. Most devices, in addition to their own PC, are associated with MyScript Notes. This application Supports work with several tens of languages.

Each digital handle has some similarity inner hard diskwhich stores data before downloading them to the computer. Its capacity varies from 50 to several thousand electronic pages. The best digital handles also count the remaining memory in audio recording hours.

Easy use

Increasing the technological saturation of electronic devices, in fact, makes them more complex in use, so the growth of functionality should outweigh any complications associated with the new technology.

It is also not worth choosing a pen that will force the user to feel the need for secondary school skills in the first years of primary training, or requiring long-term training.

Installation and download software Must be simple. Manufacturers must provide detailed instructionsSo that you can quickly start using the device. In addition, the gadget package should include accessories necessary to provide basic functionality. The best digital handles have many additions that can be purchased separately if the user has become a specialist who has been impassive with all the features of the device.

Help and support

Manufacturers must provide such a level of help and supporting the digital handle to use it to be as comfortable as possible. We must have educational materials, Internet forums, answers to frequently asked questions, technical support and contact information. In addition, the manufacturer must provide the ability to acquire ink to refill cartridges, paper (if required) and other accessories.

Digital handle - a great tool for maintaining records and sketches in situations where the use of a laptop or tablet is limited, because they are less attracted attention during classes and on business meetings. In addition, the compactness of such devices makes them an excellent means for collecting information in situations that would be difficult or impossible for laptops or tablets.

LiveScribe 3 Smartpen.

This is a digital handle, reviews about which the most positive. It uses amazing technologies. A tiny camera inside the device writes the movement of the tip of the handle relative to special paper with points deposited on it. Notes via Bluetooth are broadcast to the nearby iPad or iPhone on which it is installed free app LiveScribd. The inscriptions from the hand are transferred to the text whose sections are marked with keywords.

But that's not all. LiveScribe 3 SmartPen digital handle can also record conversations or lectures. And if you need to return to a specific audio section, it is possible to check that the correct word is recorded, it is enough to touch in your notes of this word with a stylus located at the opposite end of the pen. Audio recording will be played from the specified point.

To listen to the record, except for a special notepad, you will have to take with you the iPad or iPhone. But from other troubles that met in earlier models, in the fourth version of the device managed, finally get rid of. A glossy black handle is well balanced and easy to use. Special paper is widely available, it has the size of the magazine, notepad and even the sticker and not much more expensive.

The handle weighs 34 g, has 86 mm in length and 15 mm in diameter. Battery life - 14 hours. Capacity of the recording device - 20,000 pages. Digital handle price LiveScribe 3 Smartpen - 189 US dollars.


The ATAR Digital Pen digital handle allows you to save up to 100 pages of the A4 format text, works on one battery charge up to 10 hours, does not require the use of special paper, providing accuracy of 120 t / d. The pen can be used instead of stylus, PC and tablet mice for graphic applications.

The attached MyScript Notes program supports 85 languages, including Russian, recognizes insulated, handwritten printed and fusion letters. Allows you to recognize schemes, tables and geometric shapes, export documents into text processors, and email.

Digital handle 3Q DP103

This device is compatible with telephones and tablets working on all popular platforms equipped with the Bluetooth module. With a weight of 18.6 g, 142 mm of length and 14 mm in diameter, the knob allows you to store up to 100 pages of text and provides up to 90 hours of continuous operation. Works with a receiving device remote from electronic Pen. For a distance of not more than 1 m. Completed with a base block, a USB cable, writing rod, a CD-disk with software and a brief manual of the user.

Many are already known to be graphic tablets. The recognized leader among manufacturers of these digital devices is a long time Wacom, which went even further, breathing in the fantasy of people: tell me who of the lovers to draw on leisure, seizing the sheet of paper from the nearby table, did not think that it would be nice to see the result immediately On the computer screen. Previously, it would be definitely necessary to scan an image ...

With the advent of the Wacom Inkling device, the situation has changed. Draw on regular paper and at the same time get a digital copy that can be saved in one of the popular graphic formats or exported to a program for further processing in a vector or raster form.

It sounds fantastic. How close to the ideal is the result of the operation of the digital pen inkling in a harsh reality - now find out.


- digital feather Wacom Inkling;
- battery;
- Inkling charger;
- receiver inkling;
- USB-miniusb connecting cable;
- 4 ink spare cartridge;
- Inkling Sketch Manager program;
- user's manual.


System Requirements: Windows 7, Vista, XP (SP3) or Mac OS x 10.4.11 or higher.

Feather - 1024 levels of pressure.

Save the result of the work in the following types: JPG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, SVG and PDF; Or export - in the program: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Autodesk Sketchbook Pro or Sketchbook Designer (2011 and above).


Looking into the box, we will see a digital feather, charger and battery for him. Where is the rest, so carefully listed on the packaging. At the very bottom of the manual fast launchwhich revealed the secret.

Cradle for a pen is a kind of "penalty", consisting of two halves connected by the magnetic lock on one side and the knob's socket - on the other. Inside, the missing items are descended inside - connecting cable, spare rods with ink in the amount of 4 pieces and an inkling receiver.

This truly interesting, looking a little futuristic, the thing is made of high-quality plastic two types - matte and glossy.

The pen is generally comparable in size with a conventional ballpoint handle.

In the design, soft-touch plastic is used, only a strip with the Wacom emblem da "foot", the locking rod is made of glossy material.

The upper part is extended, there is placed compartment for the battery. Access to it is not difficult - you only need to open a folding lid, attaching a slight effort.

The activation of the battery marks the inclusion of a green LED in a cover.

How does it work

Before first launch, you must fully charge the receiver and the pen battery. When charging, the power supply indicator lights up with a red light, which changes to green on the completion of the process.

The pen battery is fully charged for about 3 hours. It is worth noting that the connecting cable is extremely short - about 22 cm, so that this case you need to save a little space for Wacom Inkling near the USB port.

The receiver is easily attached to the paper working sheet through a convenient clips. For the correct signaling of the signal, it is required at least that there are no foreign objects between the pen and receiver in the process of work, it is also impossible to take the pen for a plot where the "foot" holds the tip. The read area begins 2 cm below the fixed receiver.

On the front side of the receiver there is a line of three indicators and two buttons above it. On the left there is a pair indicator-button on, on the right - a new layer. The indicator between them lights up, taking a signal from the pen during drawing (or simply touching the working surface).

If the indicator does not burn, all your efforts are in vain - you should check the battery in the handle. From here another feature of the use of the pen, with which I had to face: Every time, starting working with Wacom Inkling, you need to make sure that the battery is active, since even during the use of 30-60 seconds. In idle mode, the pen indicator goes out, even if the receiver is still ready to record the signal. It can be written off the manufacturer's care of a longer autonomous work Pen. Reactivation does not occupy a lot of time, it is only necessary to fold and re-close the battery cover - a pair of movements and is ready.

As you already guessed, the receiver is equipped with built-in memory (2 GB). In addition to the folder to save the Sketch, there is an Inkling Sketch Manager distribution for Mac and Windows, as well as a set of documentation in pDF formatwhich includes the user manual and important product information in several languages.

What amazed the imagination of Wacom Inkling at first glance at him? Because of what you are almost ready to give in to saying and immediately buy it? The answer is simple - mobility. In my head, it seems the picture of how sitting somewhere on a bench (beach, in the train, on a bed with a strawberry or a different place remote from the computer), without worrying about the wires and the availability of electrical outlets, you can selflessly transfer your ideas on paper, at the same time Keeping them in electronic form.

What happens as a result?

Wacom Inkling was tested by me in drawings and handwritten text. It should be noted that the device takes a vertical orientation format for the working field, so you need to think about the placement of the receiver in advance. If you are right-handed and working with an album in a horizontal orientation, then the Inkling receiver will need to be placed on the left side of the sheet, but not on top, otherwise you will not notice how your drawing will go beyond the reading area.

Below, I give examples of drawings: First, the scanned "knob", followed by the corresponding Skatch from the Inkling receiver.

The drawing is fixed quite accurately. It was applied on paper on the table, that is, almost in perfect conditions of a smooth surface. It can be seen that the hair on the painter fell into the "blind" zone of the receiver. Also for me left the mystery, why the paste in the handle of the black color, and it is recognized as blue.

The handwritten text was led in Spartan conditions, namely the album and notepad were used on the knees. Moreover, the album has shown himself worse because it was thinner and had a large area, which created greater curvature of the surface, and therefore difficulties for the receiver in the interpretation of the signals.

In general, you want a decent result, follow the instructions, that is, find a smooth table (or at least we carry a solid stationery tablet, an album with a dense backstone - mass options) and create yourself on health.


Wacom Inkling, perhaps, cannot be considered as an independent tool for creating high-class images, but in a pair with a graphic tablet, it will be an indispensable help in the artist, speeding up the transfer of sketches made on paper away from the computer to specific graphic design programs for subsequent processing.

The same who considers Wacom Inkling exclusively as a funny and fashionable toy, you can advise to pay attention to budget models from Ritmix. As with Wacom, they cannot compete, but they will not be so sorry to throw on the shelf when your interest will fade, and then what the good one will still have to learn to draw to recoup the money spent.

Inkling is a new digital pen from a company, duplicating in a digital sketch format made by conventional ink on paper. Pluging a sheet of paper with a special clamp using Wacom Inkling You can make sketches and sketches, combining drawing on paper and digital letter. At the same time, the resulting images can be quickly and simply translate into digital format and play them on the computer. Also, the digital feather Wacom Inkling allows you to create layers in digital files in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Autodesk SketchBook Pro.

The digital feather Wacom Inkling combines both the software and hardware. At the same time, the second includes the pen itself and the wireless receiver, remembering the drawing and retaining it in a digital format. The ballpoint handle is equipped with a sensitivity technology to press the Wacom feather (level 1024), which helps to determine and remember the power of pressing on it during drawing. The pressure difference will be displayed in the digital version of the drawing.

The receiver coming with the Wacom Inkling feathers can be fixed on a regular sheet of paper, and in order to ensure continuous detection of the tip of the pen, you can adjust a convenient position for both right and left hand. After you finish to draw, connect the receiver to the computer via the USB interface, and the files can be both transmitted and open using Inkling Sketch Manager. This software also allows you to edit the received files and modify their format, delete and add layers, to transfer files to various applications for further changes.


  • Duplicates sketches in digital format
  • The possibility of simultaneous drawing ink and in the "digit"
  • Feather sensitive to pressure
  • The ability to save drawings in several layers
  • Compatible with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Autodesk Sketchbook Pro
  • Ease of use

We write Dima Mars.

Many of you must have already enjoyed by any product from Wacom. It may be graphics tablet Bamboo or Intuos, an old Graphire or the newest Cintiq screen, and may be a Bamboo for iPad or Bamboo Paper application. Wacom products are known all over the world, perfectly proven itself in work and everyday life.

About a year ago Wacom released a pre-product called Inkling.

Inkling - It is a compact and fairly elegant penalty, within which everything is needed. First, the handle. Almost the usual ballpoint handle with a built-in pressure definition mechanism. Secondly, the receiver of the signal about moving and touching the handle on the writing surface. The handle and receiver are placed in a penalty that performs the role of a charger docking station and a hiding miniature USB cable for connecting to a computer. Even in the penalty there are four spare rods to replace in the writing knob of the knob. All your own, as they say, penalty is carrying with him.

The purpose of this device, no matter how it turned it in the hands, no matter how talked, it remains unclear. On the one hand, a long-standing problem is solved - the impossibility of using a pen from a graphics tablet as a conventional handle to draw on paper, and the result would be transmitted to the computer. This task seems to be solved, but quite in its own way. On the other hand, this is a toy equal to which is not.

The review would not be quite a review, because Inkling was announced almost a year ago and was released yesterday and not even a month ago. The instance of us has been pretty funny tests.

The overall result of using Inkling remained unclear. It seems like the thing is good, but all the little things, which usually wipes so carefully in their products Wacom, spoil the picture in this handle. First, it is not clear to whom the product is designed. In everyday life, he is unlikely to come in handy, few people need to have a digital copy of what is written on paper, if you consider that it just does not write anything in digital form, for this you need to attach a receiver on paper. Secondly, the pen is the ball, and the ballpoint handles are far from love to write. So I, for example, I do not like. Thirdly, it is not convenient to draw her: the tip is wide as the peer of the tablet Wacom, but does not allow to capture the edge due to the slot along the contour, and such a seizure especially love illustrators; Yes, and drawings in digital form go out, to put it mildly, not very pleasant. But first things first.

Brought a box with inkling, reversed the contents. A quick study of the instruction suggested: in the handle you need to insert a battery, and the penalty is connected to the included and securely lying in the USB cable foam. Made, waited a little bit to charge everything. It should be noted, it is charged quickly, and during the tests I did not manage to plant a battery either at the receiver, nor on the handle (on the receiver stated 18 hours, on the handle 15 hours of work).

After examining the pencil, its contents and all the removable components, I would like to note that everything is perfect. The form of plastic, suture gaps, general constructive and aesthetic design at the highest level, to which users are already used to, for example, INTUOS graphic tablets 4. The material of the execution (plastic) is about the same. The case of the receiver and the foam is made of glossy and matte plastic glued properly. All USB contact places are perfectly planted - engineers and industrial designers at Wacom can safely exhale, the quality of their work is even difficult to discuss. It was pleasantly surprised by the color and brightness of the diodes, signaling the user that the receiver and the knob are enabled and transmit data. If you have a D-link switch at home or something like that, then you know how diodes can burn your eyes, blinking incredibly bright light and a grind-poisonous color. Inkling and with diodes full order: Soft subsurface light, scattered plastic, smooth color, well indicated state. Given that the receiver when used is constantly in sight, this factor is important. And here Wacom will have a plus.

Well, with the performance is already clear, but what about the convenience of use? Pencil penalty is quite light and strong. We decided to donate from falling on the asphalt, from which impact resistance and safety after falling are not known. Handle is adulted, but not heavy. According to the design and balance of the center, the pen is very similar to the pen from Intuos 4. The only difference is that in the Inkling handle there is a battery changing the center of gravity. For a long time, it will be difficult to write such a handle, the hand gets up quickly. The handle does not need to be turned on and off, it goes into the energy saving mode after some (not set) interlential time. There was no case in the work so that the handle turns off at an inappropriate moment. Although, if this happens, part of the digital form written is definitely not forced. The receiver-recorder is very light, it is not even believed that there is a battery. The receiver has a convenient way to mount to the writing surface - the clothespin. The clothespin can capture and sufficiently hold on to one sheet of paper. Maximum it picks up no more than 18 sheets of standard office paper for the printer.

The first laugh was broken when the receiver was already attached to a notebook, turned on, he reported about readiness and the hand began to write text from the head, and the ink on paper did not applose. The handle is the ball! First you need to paint ;-).

The second laughs came with the question of how to give to understand the receiver that I want to start recording in new document? There are two buttons on the housing: turn on / off and a new layer. With the layers, everything is clear, but the task is not to make a new layer, but to create a new file in the receiver so that data from the new sheet is recorded. It turned out everything is brilliant and simple. New sheet \u003d Remove the receiver + Wear it back to the "new sheet of paper". It is logical, but unusual. It was possible to make it one button, probably.

The first field test was in the subway. Through friends, a girl who knows how to sneak-out was found. Armed with the CANSON XL Mix Media notebook, taking the entire inspiration penalty, went to the subway. IN AND. Lenin. The girl took a handle, noted her strange weight at the upper end (yet, and truth, write how long there will be a flour with such a balance), I attached the receiver on a notebook and began to dictate. After half a minute, it was noted that the diode that signals the touch of the handle on the writing surface, it lights up at best times the three-five strips and the check of the transcript. Look a bit, it was found that even space for the letter is very important for the receiver. If the sheets rushed if they try to write close to the receiver or if he did not "see" a handle - a pathetic spectacle awaits you when reading the file. It will not have half of you written or drawn. Total output is the first: for field activities, the device is not adapted.

Moving after the test dough with the stenograph closer to the laboratory conditions, began to test that he knows how the handle is able, and what can not. In principle, it turned out that the handle itself knows how to all. It writes well, black ink, contrasting, dry quickly, the ball does not smear the thickens of the remnants, does not spread anything. The surprise was waiting for the computer and viewed by the written computer.

Included in the set of visualization utility data from the receiver in the picture, showed fear and hatred of everything done. First, the application itself is called Sketch Manager, although inkling Sketch Manager is written in the application itself. Remember how the application is called the next day I could not, I would have to look for it in the Applications folder, if the application itself was not immensely obsessive. After installation, each time Mac OS X is launched, it will start and hanging in the Dock. Br-Rr, somehow it is not very nice. Moreover, a small icon is placed in the tray, it is not clear that symbolizing, but if you close the application, then the icon disappears. Horror, longing, I hope this is fixed in application updates. (If they are at all. No update features in the application.)

The screenshot clearly shows that from the manager you can export pictures and records in three applications: Photoshop (in a raster), Illustrator (in vector form) and Sketchbook Pro (or Sketchbook Designer; in vector). Export the picture in Photoshop directly we did not succeed. On the team from the manager instead of Photoshop starts After Effects.which reports that the PNGLoADER.JSX file cannot open. This means that in the manager there is a mechanism for rasterizing vector pictures, at the output of which the script is displayed for Photoshop, written in JavaScript, which includes the path to access the file. Oh my God, I exclaimed! Why did they not make one export button for which the choice window would be hiding in what format to save - EPS, TIF, PNG or SWF? The question is rhetorical. The precipitate remained.

This is how the result of drawing is in digital form. In general, very nothing. That's just on some letters, the hatching crashed to the right and down, in places the hatching is skipped, but not critical. There are places in which continuous lines are missing and not fixed. This is critical. On the left part of the image the result of exports in Sketchbook Designer 2012, on the right in Illustrator CS 5.1. Both applications work with vector data and thickness of the stroke, the line style is treated on the basis of its presets, so the difference in the thickness of the lines and lines style is not significant for the test. It is essential that Sketch Manager correctly displayed data in both applications - point to point. Personally, it seems to me that the result looks worse in Illustrator.

Take a look at the structure of vector data. It is worth recognizing: for the optical method of reading data on the movement of the handle, resolving ability, or rather discreteness and accuracy of discreteness recording, is impressive. Of course, it would be great to see not so many points and generally see the result in the curves of Bezier, but I don't really want a lot from the product, the price of which in the US $ 199, the dimensions of which are comparable to the spacing for glasses, and the weight is about twice as much as in iPhone 4?

Testing the primitive handle has passed confidently, but with flaws in the results. The picture shows that the circles turned into ovals, tilted at different angles. The lines carried out first in one direction, and then in the reverse, do not always remain lines. And circles, and the lines are drawn on paper on the line.

The most difficult test for such a device is a manuscript recording. In the drawings, all the details are linear in nature, and the manuscript is so expressive and nonlinear for an optical instrument that it is obliged to fallinate on it. So it happened. The receiver in some places loses the handle, because of which parts of the word or letter can not be reserved.

This test is made by all the rules required by the user inkling:
1. The writing surface is placed on the plane;
2. The receiver is fixed in one of the proposed zones along the edge of the sheet so that no other object or my own hand overlap the visibility of the handle;
3. I hold the handle not for the edge, but above the mark so that the receiver seen special markers in the grooves at the tip.
And anyway, the letter "and" he missed.

After spending a number of specific tests, I made a conclusion. Inkling is a wonderful toy. Not a professional tool, but a serious toy. With due skill and habit, as well as the opportunity to close on some eyes of the eyes, the toy can become an excellent auxiliary tool for illustrator. Dimensions and form of foam, as well as convenience, tested when using inkling, comparable using have a nice tablet (Again Wacom). The device is perfectly perfect, it works correctly, its money is exactly.

In the future, we are obviously waiting for either the improvement of this device, or a complete refusal of the idea and the concept of entirely. And the other option is possible. In the meantime, this is one of the most interesting and incomplete gifts, which can be presented to an illustrator, a designer, an artist and any other specialist drawing sketches. For children under 15 years old, I would not advise inkling. Personally, I am inkling completely satisfied and now draw them sketches interfaces for iOS. Convenient, practical, there is a copy on paper, and there is a digital vector, paint into a sketchbook - a matter of five minutes.

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