There are scratches on the phone. How to remove scratches from the monitor completely: methods, tips, how to get rid of defects and white stripes on the screen

Almost all smartphone manufacturers today proudly assure us that they have come up with new generations protective glass, and now there won't be a scratch on your brand new screen! Progress compared to 10-year-old models is really noticeable, but here's the problem: the damage on the new glass is also noticeable. With a key, a knife, sand on the beach - it's real to scratch the protected screen. And even if this is just one scratch in the middle of a clean screen, it still spoils the whole impression, and often interferes with work.

How do I remove scratches from my phone screen? There are several ways:

  • Replacing the display module. The most expensive way. If these are not just scratches, but real cracks that distort the picture, there is simply no choice.
  • Replacing the protective glass. Not all display modules allow this, but in many models (for example, fresh iPhones) it is possible. And it is much cheaper than replacing the entire display module, although it is still expensive. Therefore, this can only be recommended for very serious damage.
  • Self polishing. A method with a meager cost, which, moreover, gives the joy of saving ordinary Smart with his own hand. However, before you polish your smartphone yourself, you should familiarize yourself with the experience and mistakes of others. After all, we live in the era of Google, and almost any smart idea has already occurred to someone.

Let's try to consider the materials and methods that we tried to use for self-cleaning the display from minor damages. Read this before you polish your phone off scratches, because someone else's experience will surely help you avoid costly mistakes.

How do I save the screen?

Please note that smartphones require very gentle movements. First of all, it is important not how to remove scratches from the phone screen, but how not to damage it.

Turn off your smartphone before starting work. If its battery is removable, remove it from sin. If not, try to completely discharge the device by playing some heavy game or watching a lot of videos in Full HD. It is important to exclude spontaneous activation.

The second thing to do is to seal all vulnerable spots with masking tape. These are all connectors on the case (USB, audio), speakers, microphones and hardware buttons. You can even glue the screen, except for the areas that you are going to polish.

Display restoration materials

If you've ever polished something, then you know how important correct selection abrasive material. Let's take a look at what we used in our cleaning experiments. We will evaluate all reviewed materials on a five-point scale.

Suede leather: *

Perhaps the easiest and safest way to polish normally. Small scratches on wood or plastic can really be rubbed with suede to such an extent that they become completely invisible. However, “simple” does not mean “light”: polishing the phone glass from scratches with suede with bare hands can take an incredible amount of time. Most likely, you will get tired and quit without having time to achieve even the slightest result.

By and large, rubbing oil into scratches is unlikely to save a smartphone. The recommendations on the Internet refer primarily to wood surfaces. Wood does absorb oil and swell in the right places, so you can hide a scratch in the wood with oil. But the glass of the smartphone from oil only began to shine more, it did not save from scratches at all. Better than nothing at all, but doesn't solve the problem.

Toothpaste: *

Another popular method, taken by us from the "early time". Those who came up with it clearly had no idea how to get rid of scratches on the phone screen using toothpaste. Although toothpaste and the telephone were invented around the same time (1873 and 1875), phones were still more than a century away from screens.

In theory, an abrasive-based toothpaste could help, but in practice it was also not useful. A hero intent on completing this method would have to spend a lot of time.

Baby powder or baking soda: *

Two more folk remedies, which are advised to rub over scratches, also did not give an effect. It is believed that if soda is diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1, a good abrasive "out of the blue" is obtained. The same thing, only in a thinner version, is obtained with talcum powder. However, with the telephone, both tools were powerless. Apparently, the glass is too strong for them, although, it turns out, there was a rule on it.

Paste GOI: **

The development of the Russian State Optical Institute is actually intended for polishing metal, optical glasses and ceramic surfaces. In theory, it should also help against scratches on the smartphone. However, the creators of the paste clearly did not think about how to remove scratches from the phone screen with its help. The test showed that the paste helps only against minor damage, which is practically invisible, and is powerless against deep scratches.

Car polish: **

Car polishes are specifically designed to remove scratches from shiny surfaces. It is logical to check whether it is possible to restore the display with their help. It seems to be enough to apply the cream to the damaged area of ​​the screen and rub it, as written in the instructions, in circular movements using a soft napkin. The professional method (albeit from a related field) turned out to be more effective than the “popular” ones: it was not possible to completely erase the scratch, but it became less conspicuous.

Alas, the mixtures in polishes are very different, and they can not always pass painlessly for a smartphone, with all our precautions.

Display polish: ***

Finally, consider a professional tool - display polish. This tool has been specially designed to protect screens from scratches. It should be treated in much the same way as with car polish: apply to the surface and rub in in a circular motion.

Professional remedies proved to be better: indeed, a specialized cream helps to wipe a scratch much more successfully. However, it is far from complete. That is why we rated even the best of funds only three points out of five.

Please also note that all of these products can make the screen more cloudy or damage the oleophobic coating. Therefore, think about whether it would not be more reasonable to take your smartphone for repair to protect the glass or the entire display module.

Even if you use mobile phone very carefully, scratches sometimes appear on it. Small and invisible damage touch screen may cause discomfort to the owner during operation. What should be done if these flaws appear on the display, and how to take care of the gadget so that even after prolonged use it looks like new?

The most common causes of damage

A new smartphone rarely manages to keep the perfect appearance for a long time. Rear panel the device is usually erased, and small "abrasions" appear on the display. What leads to their formation? Large cracks are most often caused by dropping the phone from a height onto a hard surface. This mostly happens by accident, for example, when the owner drops the gadget while trying to get it out of his pocket or purse.

It should also be remembered that the contact of the screen with solid objects - for example, keys, a lighter and even trifles - can lead to the formation of scratches. Therefore, it is important to carry your smartphone in a special case in a separate pocket. Also, your fashionable gadget will quickly lose marketable condition if you take it to the beach with you. Even the smallest grains of sand are hard enough to damage the display surface.

Ways to get rid of scratches

Scratches can be removed at any service center, where specialists can return the damaged screen to its previous appearance. But you can try to do it at home.

Immediately, you need to warn that removing scratches from the touch screen in these ways is always risky. Therefore, before you get down to business, consider whether you can carefully follow the necessary procedures.

Helpful Information: Before removing scratches from the touchscreen, cover all ports on your phone to prevent moisture or foreign objects from entering. This can be done using ordinary tape.

Toothpaste or powder

Toothpaste will help get rid of minor scratches

The most common way to remove scratches from a touchscreen is to use toothpaste or toothpaste.

To get rid of blemishes in this way, you need to apply a thin layer of paste or powder on the display and rub the product into the display in a circular motion. Then you need to wait until the substance on the screen is completely dry. Finally, wipe the display with a damp cloth or cotton pad.

Small scratches will then become less noticeable. However, if the touchscreen has deep damage, you will not be able to get rid of it this way.

Baby powder or baking soda

Baking soda is also used to remove damage from the display.

These two points can be combined into one, since they differ only in ingredients, and the principle of application is the same. So, to remove scratches from the screen, dilute baby powder or soda to a mushy consistency and use a cotton pad or sponge to apply the mixture to the damaged areas of the screen. Then wipe off the residue with a tissue and wipe the display dry.

Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil will restore the lost shine to the screen

This method is less effective than the others. With the help of vegetable oil, you can get rid of only minor scratches, and even then - only for a short time. But there are also pluses: after applying oil to the screen, it will regain its former shine.

Car and furniture care products

Car care products can help remove shallow scratches from the touchscreen phone screen

Polish and furniture care products can also be used to remove scratches from the touchscreen. Apply the product of your choice to the phone screen and polish the surface with a rag. For the same purpose, you can also use furniture polish. The effectiveness of this method depends on the depth of damage on the screen and the quality of the selected polish. Judging by the reviews, the described method helps to get rid of superficial scratches that are shallow in nature.


Sandpaper should be used very carefully.

This method seems simple only at first glance. In fact, only patient and careful people should use it.

Fine-grained abrasive paper is ideal for polishing. It must be used as a roller. In the process of polishing the screen, do not rush in any way, so as not to ruin it.

Helpful Information: After the work done, you will notice that the touchscreen display has become dull and dull. Sandpaper gives this effect. To restore the shine of the screen, apply a little GOI paste on it. After completing the procedure, wipe the screen with microfiber.

Paste GOI

GOI paste is the most effective remedy

GOI paste was created back in Soviet times at the State Optical Institute. It is a fairly soft abrasive material that is used for polishing ceramic, metal and optical products. It is also suitable for smartphone displays.

This paste is perhaps one of the most effective and affordable touch screen polishing materials. When choosing a GOI, consult with the seller, since there are 4 different kinds of this substance. It should be applied to the surface of the touch screen with a special cotton cloth or napkin.

First take a small amount of on a cloth and wipe the touch screen without applying too much pressure. Do not hurry. Apply the abrasive in layers, one by one. It is advisable to take short breaks and let the paste dry. The desired effect may not appear immediately. After completing the procedure, wipe the screen with a previously used cloth (do not forget to rinse it in clean water before that). Finally, wash your hands thoroughly.

Special means for polishing displays

Special means for polishing displays can be bought in any supermarket of technology

For this, special tools are invented to eliminate various scratches from the screen better than others. We recommend purchasing a touchscreen polish from any hardware store. This remedy may not completely remove the scratch, but it will help to hide it. Any damage to the display will become less noticeable.

Suede leather

The effectiveness of using suede is highly questionable

Despite the positive reviews, this method is less effective than most. Soft fabric will not help you get rid of visible scratches, no matter how much you rub the screen with it.

For devices with tempered glass (Gorilla Glass)

Gorilla Glass - shockproof glass for smartphones

This method is ideal for removing scratches from screens made of Gorilla Glass. This material is more durable than normal, but, unfortunately, it is not immune to scratches. The main disadvantage of Gorilla Glass is that it is difficult not only to scratch it, but also to get rid of damage. Toothpaste will definitely not help here, you will have to use more radical methods.

Think about bringing the Gorilla Glass touchscreen into proper form only as a last resort: if the display is badly damaged and scratches prevent you from using your smartphone. Instead of changing your screen, try polishing it up. Polishing your display at home can save you a lot, and the risk of increased damage is minimal.

Grinder in combination with GOI paste

A sander and GOI paste will help remove scratches from Gorilla Glass

The sander will help you do the job of removing scratches more "smoothly". Thanks to the high speed of rotation of the tool, you will be able to qualitatively polish the screen and eliminate even the largest and most noticeable defects. If you don't have such a tool at hand, you can use a simple drill.

First, use a sponge or microfiber cloth to make a polishing wheel (called a roller). Apply the paste on it in a thin layer and proceed to polishing.

Helpful Hint: Start at a low speed, keep an eye on the process. It is not worth polishing one area of ​​the display for a long time, as you can overheat the glass.

Preventing scratches on the display

To avoid scratches on the smartphone screen, remember the rules of prevention

In order to avoid even the smallest damage to the screen, it must be properly looked after from the first days of use. Follow a few simple rules. Namely:

  • From the first day of use, keep your phone in a silicone or rubber case.
  • Be sure to stick a protective film on the screen.
  • Do not take your smartphone with you to the beach and do not carry it in the same pocket with keys and other metal objects.

Using a protective film

To protect the screen, you can use both a special film and stationery tape. The second option is more budgetary. In order to stick a strip of tape on the screen, it is important to accurately cut the piece to the correct size. And remember: if you stick the tape inaccurately, the phone will look terrible.

It is better, of course, to use a special protective film, and you should not save money when buying it. In order to hide all scratches, use a film with a silicone base. It will fill in small scratches on the screen so they become invisible. It is better to do this immediately after buying a smartphone, replacing the screen will cost much more.

It is worth noting that all of the above methods of removing scratches from the phone's touchscreen are only suitable for shallow scratches. And do not forget that with inept use of many of the tools proposed above, you can completely ruin the screen and make the scratches more noticeable. Therefore, before you start fixing screen defects at home, think carefully about whether you can do it carefully and accurately. In order not to damage your favorite phone, first try the method you have chosen on any old phone.

Hello everyone, dear readers! and today I will tell you how to remove scratches from the screen of your phone or your tablet. Did you accidentally drop your phone and it didn't have a protective glass on it? This is all nonsense, for you I have prepared a couple of life hacks on how to remove small and rough scratches from the screen. Go?

How to remove scratches from your phone screen

Your phones have both glass and plastic displays, and they do very well with polishing (more on that below). The same can be done with the camera lenses on your phones.

In order to choose the right polish, it is important to look at how deep the scratches are. The very methods that can be used to remove scratches, I would classify them into two groups, such as:


Almost every person in the house has such funds. For polishing we can use the following tools:

  • baking soda
  • regular toothpaste
  • well, what about without vegetable oil

Other chemicals may also suit us, they are common, namely:

  • talcum powder is baby powder
  • analogs of GOI paste and the original, perhaps for example, Displex
  • all kinds of car polishes
  • potassium sulfate
  • sandpaper
  • grinder or drill

Now let's take a look and go through each of the points.

ATTENTION! Friends, you must understand that I am not responsible for what you will do. You make the decision at your own peril and risk, so then no questions for me)

We restore the screen with improvised means

We will now look at ways to remove scratches using toothpaste, baking soda, or vegetable oil. With the help of these tools, it is possible to remove minor scratches, since the tool will have the least effect on the surface of the screen.

We take toothpaste

First, we put some toothpaste on the display or protective glass. You can and should take the most common, classic, mint pasta. After that, with a cotton pad, spread it across the screen in circular movements, or up and down movements. During this, do not forget to apply a little effort, but do not overdo it.

We take baking soda

If previous way did not help you, then you can use baking soda, and instead of a cotton pad, take a foam sponge or soft matter. We apply the same grinding technology.

Attention! Be sure to moisten the baking soda before use, as a dry solution can only cause more scratches. And also fall asleep in the body of your phone or tablet.

I find this method a little more effective because the baking soda seeps into deep scratches and can easily remove them.

We take vegetable oil

Well, here and so everything is clear that with the help of ordinary homemade vegetable oil, you can also remove scratches on your device. Only one BUT - just a couple of drops are enough and you can rub the display. Don't overflow and drown your phone!

We take baby powder or talc

The biggest advantage is that baby powder has very small particles and won't do any more damage to your display. But it will be able to cope with deep scratches very effectively, personally checked!

We take the paste GOI or Displex

This tool is specialized. But I will advise you to use GOI paste to clean scratches from the phone camera. And to clean the screen or protective glass, take Displex.

We take sandpaper

Yes, you heard right. It is with this paper that you can erase the damaged surface to a depth that corresponds to the depth of the scratch. As a result, you simply won't see the scratch itself.

It is clear here that if you use it on the screen of your iPhone, then it is absolutely not handy to consider this method. But it is possible to bring the goods back to normal.

Now let's look at the table and once again pay attention to the subtleties.

Friends, remember that prevention is the best treatment. If a small scratch appears on your screen, you need to remove it immediately, otherwise it will grow larger and it will not be easy to cope with it. Do not forget to ask your questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer. Do you have any other options? Please write, I will add to the article.

New technologies require a new approach to handling and troubleshooting problems. So, a common user problem modern gadgets is removing scratches from the touch screen. There are many ways, everyone chooses his own.

The easiest, but not common, is to contact service center... Its big drawback is its high cost. Self-removal is much cheaper, but more time consuming. The main options for fighting, proven by many, are described below.

Scratch Removal Methods

In general, there are many options to give the device a "new" look. But it is worth noting that they all have their drawbacks.

Let's consider the most popular ones, many of them are ineffective, some are harmful.

Attention! All methods are carried out with the device turned off.


This method is very popular and effective. But it is relatively expensive, and it is difficult to find special pasta in small towns. Is that ordering through online stores.

Attention! There is a high probability that the screen will be damaged until it is replaced.

There are two suitable types of abrasive:

  • Special paste from DISPLEX. It is sold in mobile accessory stores. Its cost is about $ 7;

Principle and procedure of action:

  1. in order to protect the case from damage, take masking tape and glue it over;
  2. prepare a paste and apply it to the front surface;
  3. using a soft cloth, rub the paste in a circular motion until visible damage disappears;
  4. wipe off the product and use the "new" gadget.

Many furum residents speak negatively about this method... At best, a smoother surface is noted. Rather suitable for removing abrasion rather than damage.

Video: Glass replacement

Chemical mixtures

There is an opinion that using chemical liquids can get rid of scratches. In fact, this opinion is justified, when the owner sees turbidity, slight roughness or non-functioning of the device, then no one will remember about the scratch. That is, if nothing changes as a result, this is the best thing that could happen.

However, suitable remedies:

  • acetone;
  • dichloroethane;
  • nail polish remover.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. turn off the gadget;
  2. apply a little of the product to a soft cloth;
  3. rub the place of damage;
  4. dry;
  5. turn on the device.

Important! The material of the touch screens is different for each model, so the result may be different.

Car polish

All the tools that are used to remove scratches in a car can be used for a gadget as well.

The most popular among them are car polish. They can minimize surface damage.

Photo: car scratch remover

Algorithm of actions:

  1. purchase car polish;
  2. apply the product to a napkin or soft cloth;
  3. rub damage;
  4. it sometimes takes more than 30 minutes for the effect.

Attention! When polishing, do not press hard on the screen, it may be damaged. All movements should be light.

The opinion of the members of the forum:

  • removes only very light damage;
  • car polish should not be chosen from cheap manufacturers.


Risky, unexpected, but cheap way... It is necessary to act very lightly, gently and carefully.

The sandpaper should be the finest you can find.


  1. take sandpaper;
  2. rub the uneven place with light movements;
  3. take a soft cloth and wipe the fine dust formed as a result of work.

Attention! For added safety, it is better to use a tough fabric such as an overcoat.

Due to the high risk, it is better to practice on the old model, which is not a pity.

Baking soda

The most popular method due to its availability. It is better to choose the smallest soda.

Here's how to use this method:

  1. mix a little soda with water in a 2: 1 ratio;
  2. stir until a thick, uniform paste is formed;
  3. glue the edges of the gadget with adhesive tape;
  4. apply the paste to a soft napkin or cloth;
  5. wipe in a circular motion until the scratch disappears;
  6. remove the remnants of the paste with a clean napkin;
  7. remove the adhesive tape.

Similarly, you can use baby powder instead of baking soda. The effect is approximately the same, more like polishing.

Vegetable oil

It can be used to solve minor temporary problems related to screen wear. It is better to choose refined oil, as clear as possible.


  1. take one drop of oil;
  2. drip onto a soft cloth;
  3. Polish your monitor dry.

Protective film

Perfectly protective film best used before damage. Then it will be enough just to change the film and that's it. But if you stick the film after, it will be able to smooth out the unevenness.

And if you apply it after polishing the screen in a safe way then the effect will be quite high.

Do the following:

  1. wipe the front surface with a soft cloth and polish;
  2. dry the surface with a clean and dry cloth;
  3. slowly glue the film, paying special attention to the positioning of the protective element on irregularities;
  4. in the cracks, you need to literally rub the film in to eliminate the appearance of an air bubble there.

This method is quite effective and is gaining popularity among adequate and reasonable people.

How to remove scratches from a touchscreen with toothpaste

Many owners with a damaged screen are running to try this method. He is the most controversial and at the same time popular. Therefore, we took it out separately.

To begin with, we note, apply this way rational only for minor defects. Removing scratches from the touch screen, if they are deep, can only worsen the result. There is a high probability of aggravation of damage, up to the loss of performance of the functions of the gadget.

Note! The toothpaste should be baby or clear. Do not use bleach as it contains a lot of abrasive substances.

You will need:

  1. damaged device;
  2. Toothpaste;
  3. cotton swabs;
  4. masking tape;
  5. napkins.


The damage should disappear or become less noticeable. Do not think that the harder you press and rub, the better the effect will be. Applying too much pressure can completely damage the device.

Replacing the touch panel

To get an absolutely smooth touchscreen surface, it is optimal to take it to a service center to replace the "glass". This option is not cheap, and not every city has such repairmen.

You can pick up a touch panel on the Internet and replace it yourself.

Choose a touchscreen carefully, not only according to the model of your gadget. Check that the diagonal and the inscription on the train match. This is due to the difference between Chinese manufacturers.

What you need:


If you are in doubt that you will succeed, then it is still better to turn to specialists. In terms of time, the whole procedure takes an hour or two, but beginners need much more time.

All methods of dealing with scratches do not guarantee their complete disappearance. However, the individuality of the situation matters.

The best option is still to contact a service center, there are appropriate tools and more experience.

When fighting on your own, remember that all movements must be accurate and it is very easy to damage the matrix.

After removing the damage or replacing the sensor, we highly recommend installing a protective film and using covers so that you do not have to suffer more.

Let your gadgets do their best.

Getting rid of scratches is a figurative expression. Small and medium scratches are no longer visible due to the fact that during polishing the sharp edges of the scratches are sanded and grinded. The middle of the scratch is filled with the material that has been sanded and fixed there.

As a result, the scratch becomes almost invisible to the human eye, because we will not see the "funnel" itself, ie. scratch and reflective edges. But this is what a scratch looks like before and after polishing, if you look through special equipment.


  1. If your screen / tablet is new, don't scratch the surface. Shallow scratches and abrasions are perfectly hidden by the anti-reflective protective film. The film should be matte, not glossy, and with a low transparency threshold (the more transparent the film, the more noticeable the scratches).
  2. If your tablet screen has an oleophobic coating, when polishing any using the method suggested in the article, this coating will be erased! What does it mean? The screen will become slightly cloudy, ie. matte, there will be no glossy coating on which your finger easily slides. Also, prints will remain, as on conventional screens.
  3. The author of the article and the administration of the site disclaim any responsibility for incorrect actions of readers, which can cause wasted time, loss of oleophobic coating or the appearance of new scuffs and stains on the screen. Those. if you screw it up, it's your own fault;)

1. We remove scratches from unprotected screens

All methods described below are suitable for polishing abrasions, small to medium scratches.

You can polish an unprotected screen without much difficulty, just like scratching it. There are a few effective means for polishing, which one you choose is up to you.

1.1 Paste GOI

The ideal tool in terms of availability / efficiency is GOI paste, which is known to many jewelers.

This green goo can be sold in such round boxes or in small blocks. We put a little paste on a microfiber cloth or cotton napkin, and three across the screen. You do not need to press the screen very hard, you need to rub without fanaticism, otherwise you will wipe the hole. There is no need to rush anywhere, you can take breaks. Depending on the nature and depth of the scratches, this can take from 30 minutes to 3 hours. Look periodically at the area you are polishing to see the result. Once the scratches are removed, wipe the screen with another microfiber cloth, only dry and clean, to get rid of the paste on the screen. Hands also need to be washed - after all, this is chemistry.

1.2 Pastes-polishes (for wheels, cars, etc.)

Various polishes (Displex, Dursol and the like) will work well with very small scratches and light abrasions. With the help of them, you can not only grind scratches, but also "refresh" the display, giving it a factory shine. Before you start polishing your tablet display, practice on an old unnecessary smartphone or phone, or on an unnecessary scratched CD / DVD.

The principle of using polish is simple:

  • We glue the connectors and speakers with tape so that the paste does not get there;
  • Apply polish on a cotton napkin or cotton pad and gently rub it across the screen. Usually it is not necessary to polish for a long time, a few minutes;
  • Wipe off the paste, look at the result, if there are scratches, repeat the procedure again, applying a little more force while rubbing.

1.3 Toothpaste

In extreme cases, if you do not get either polish or GOI paste, you can use toothpaste, or even better, tooth powder (naturally moist). You shouldn't use gel or whitening paste, just use the most common one. Apply on a soft cloth, three, check the result, and again three. Do not forget to cover the connectors from the paste. Also, you should understand that toothpaste is powerless against serious scratches. Also, it will not be superfluous to practice on the disk.

2. For tablets with a protected screen (Gorilla Glass)

Suitable for tempered glass screens and for polishing very deep scratches.

Tempered glass is also prone to scratches. For example, you managed to leave no marks on the screen from a nail. But quite real scratches may appear after exposure to the glass of hard and small particles, such as sand. Means used for unprotected screens are not suitable for tempered glass - after all, if there is resistance to damage, then Gorilla Glass will definitely cope with rubbing the screen with Gorilla Glass toothpaste, and the maximum effect you get is a tablet from which it bears with toothpaste, and all scratches remain in place. Therefore, it is necessary to use more “harsh” methods.

If you have one small scratch on the Gorilla Glass screen, leave it calm. Stick on a protective film, or forget about the scratch. If you start polishing, you can say goodbye to the oleophobic coating, i.e. you will only spoil the expensive glass. Another thing is that the screen will be very much scratched, and you will have a choice - to replace the screen (it will cost a penny), or to polish it. If you spoil such a screen, then at least it will not be a pity, because they were going to replace it anyway.

2.1 Grinder + GOI paste

Advantage grinder in front of a person's hands - her speed is faster. If you don't have a sander, you can use a drill.

We make a polishing wheel (roller) using a sponge and a microfiber cloth. We apply GOI paste, and work at low speeds. We are not in a hurry, we do everything gradually, we look at the result. We do not linger in one area for a long time, so as not to overheat the glass.

2.2 Finest sandpaper

This method is suitable only for the most accurate, as well as those who have "straight arms". Training on other surfaces is also required.

  • Find the finest grit abrasive paper, 4000 grit.
  • Further, by analogy with the previous point, you need to build a polishing roller, only we will polish not with GOI paste, but with fine-grained sandpaper.
  • You need to work at low speeds, and very often check the resulting result.

After sanding the screen, it will become very dull, dull. To add shine and freshness to it, use GOI paste or polish. Finally, wipe the screen with a clean, dry microfiber.