Setting location in windows 10. How to disable location

Contrary to the beliefs of some people who like to watch "horror stories" on TV, geolocation services are nothing special. They simply create conditions for the correct operation of some applications: navigators, maps, weather forecasts, etc. Moreover, in the messenger, this function does not work in the background, but at your request. It is still important for you to know how to disable the location in Viber - welcome to reading the article.

Basic information about the service

If you want to tell a friend the exact details of where you are, just click Send Location. The system quickly creates a map with your geolocation data and prepares it for shipment. You just have to confirm the shipment. The interlocutor receives a small piece of the map, where you can see the way to you (you are marked with a flag).
And now the most important thing: there is no such button in Viber that would disable the function Send Location. And this is logical. As mentioned above, the service does not work in the background, i.e. it is not always enabled. Only one-time requests are made at your command. The rest of the time, geolocation in the messenger is inactive.


In Viber, it is not, but the ability to set a ban on determining geolocation from the device is available. How to disable location in Viber on Android:

  • Open your phone settings.
  • Go to "Privacy and Security". Or in the new OC a separate item, as in the screenshot;
  • Click on the "Application Permissions" button.

  • Now the Location tab.
  • A list of applications will open. Find Viber in it and slide the slider opposite it to the left.

And now how to remove your location in Viber on Iphone:

    • Go to settings.
    • Scroll to the bottom of the screen.
    • Click on the Viber icon.

  • Now "Geolocation".
  • In the menu that opens, select "Never".

By turning on geolocation on your phone, you can view information based on your location, such as transit times, nearby restaurants, and local search results.

When the app is using GPS geolocation, a Location icon appears at the top of the screen.

What geolocation settings are on the device

Important! If you turn off geolocation, apps and services won't have access to your phone's location information. In this case, search results and ads will be selected based on the IP address.

Google has several services that use user location data, including:

How to turn geolocation on or off on your phone

How to make your phone's location more accurate

How to enable or disable the location function

Allow your phone to search for nearby networks and devices

To make the phone more accurate in determining the location, you can allow it to search for points nearby Wi-Fi access and Bluetooth devices.

  1. Open device settings.
  2. Please select Location.
    • If this item is not present, follow the instructions for earlier versions of Android.
  3. Please select Search Wi-Fi networks and Bluetooth devices.
  4. Turn options on or off Search for Wi-Fi networks and Search for Bluetooth devices.

How to report your location in an emergency

To find you faster, dial the emergency number, for example:

  • 911 - in the USA;
  • 112 - in Europe and the Russian Federation.

If in your country and mobile network The Emergency Location Service (ELS) function is available and you have not turned it off, the phone will automatically transmit your coordinates.

Turn location detection on or off in emergency situations

You can disable this feature at any time.

How the emergency location function works

The phone will only start the ELS function if you dial or send a message to the emergency number.

During an emergency call, this feature can use Google geolocation and other data to pinpoint the location of the device as accurately as possible.

The phone sends your location information to authorized emergency services solely to make it easier for them to find you. Geodata is transmitted to these services directly, bypassing Google's servers.

After you complete emergency call or send a message, the phone will send statistics and other information about the use of the function to Google. This information is needed to analyze how the function works. It cannot be used to identify the user.

What to do if you are using an earlier version of Android

How to change location settings (Android 9.0)

To change your location settings:

Then do one of the following:

Select location mode (Android 4.4–8.1)

Several modes are available in the settings. They differ in the accuracy and speed of determining the location, as well as in battery consumption.

Set up access to location data (Android 4.1-4.3)

To choose which geodata your phone can use, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. In the "Personal information" section, select My location.
  3. Turn the option on or off Access to my geodata at the top of the screen.
    • After enabling access to geodata, set one or both parameters:
      • GPS satellites. The location is determined only by the GPS signal from the satellites.
      • By network coordinates. Location is determined much faster thanks to Google geolocation. The function will work even if you have not turned on GPS.
    • If you disable access
      The phone will not be able to determine your exact location and transfer data about it to applications.

Advice. If several people use the tablet, each of them can choose their own settings for accessing geodata.

Like most popular Mozilla browsers Firefox uses geolocation, a feature that allows you to determine the user's location. The websites you visit may ask for information about your physical location and this can sometimes be quite useful because this approach allows you to narrow your geographic search area, thereby facilitating faster finding the information you need or product.

To determine the physical location, your IP address, information about the nearest wireless access points and some other, less significant data are used. How secure is this technology? According to the Firefox developers, no confidential data violating user privacy is sent during geolocation. Moreover, the user's location is requested only if the site itself sends the request.

But that's not all. You have every right to refuse to disclose your data to the site, and in addition, you can revoke the permission previously given to it at any time. However, if you believe that Firefox's use of geolocation is somehow violating your privacy, or you simply do not want sites to track you, you can disable this feature entirely. To do this, in the browser line, enter about: config and make the transition.

After you press the button I promise i'll be careful, the browser will redirect you to the settings page.

Find the parameter geo.enabled and double click to set the value false.

As an additional measure, you can disable tracking by sites in the browser settings (in the privacy section). Prohibition of location determination search engines is performed separately, in the search settings, for example, to prohibit geolocation by Yandex, you need to go to and choose City setting.

Disabling physical location detection is available in other browsers as well. For example, in Opera this can be done in the settings section Web sites.

V old version Opera for this you need to follow the address opera: config, In chapter Geolocation uncheck and clear the geolocation service address field.

I think that when you go to any site, you have often noticed that at the top left, near the address bar, a message appears that asks for your location (geolocation). In addition, you may be prompted to allow sending notifications, turning on the webcam, activating JavaScript code... Of course, if you have good trust in the site, then you can enable these functions.

When such messages appear on suspicious sites, it is better to disable these prompts altogether.

Now I will show you how to do this in some browsers so that you do not inadvertently click on the "Allow" button.

Google chrome

This feature is available in Chrome's privacy settings. We go to the browser menu and click on the settings. Go down and click on the link "Show advanced settings".

Next to the item "Personal data" press the button "Content settings".

Scroll to the Location section and select "Prevent sites from tracking my location".

In addition, you can deny notifications, microphone and camera access. Everything is in the same window.

Mozilla Firefox

We open the browser and enter the following command in the address bar: about: config... Open hidden opportunities browser, the change of which is undesirable, but in this case nothing bad will happen. In the window that opens, press the button "I accept the risk".

In the search enter the phrase geo.enabled... The result appears. Double click on it so that it changes to position "False"... After that, we restart the browser.

Microsoft Edge

In the browser itself, location settings are not available, but since the browser is associated with the OS, you can configure everything in Settings operating system... Press the keys Win + I... Go to the "Confidentiality" section. On the left, select the tab "Location"... Disable for all applications.

Internet Explorer

Go to "Settings" and in this tab select the item "Browser properties".

A window opens, in which we go to the "Privacy" tab and put a tick in front of the item "Never allow websites to ask you for your location.".

Apple Safari

Go to Safari and then to Preferences. Go to the "Privacy" section.

To disable the location on sites, select the item "Deny without prompting".

That's all I wanted to show. If you want to disable some other functions, then dig into the browser settings yourself and find everything. There is nothing difficult there.

Every time you take a picture on your Android phone, it writes information data and encodes it into image metadata. Some of this data includes the GPS location where the photo was taken. This information is easy to delete, and there is also a way to prevent Android from saving this information.

Of course, geolocation data has its advantages. For example, if you use Google Photos to automatically Reserve copy and saving images, you can search for a specific location, and the photos will use this data to display all matching images. It is very convenient.

But, there is another side to this: when you share an image online, it means that most people can find this information as well. So if you take a photo at home and then share it online, you are potentially just giving everyone your home address.

However, many online services delete this data when you upload a photo. For example, Facebook and Imgur remove this data from images for privacy reasons, but if you want to be safe, you can prevent Android from storing it altogether.

Since there are many manufacturers of smartphones with Android OS and it is impossible to make instructions for everyone, we will look at how to delete this data from stock Android, as well as in firmware from Huawei (Honor).

All camera apps will ask for location permissions the first time you launch the app, but if you didn't notice, then you may have just given approval automatically. Here's how to fix it.

How to disable saving location in stock Android

The next method is specifically for Google Camera, which is available on most Android devices like Pixel or Nexus.

First launch the camera, then swipe right and click on the gear icon to open the menu.

We need a "Location" switch. Disable it.

That's literally all there is to it.

How to disable photo location on Huawei (Honor) devices

I'm using Honor 8 lite using Nougat for this example, but the process should be the same (or close to) for all modern Huawei phones and Honor.

First, fire up the camera and swipe to the left.

Turn off the GPS Tag switch.

Universal method

If none of the methods listed above is suitable for your device, then you should be helped universal way, which is to deny permission access to the location for the camera application. Here's how to do it. ( this process shown for Android 8, for other versions you will have to look where the list of applications is)

Open Settings and select Apps & Notifications.

Here select "Application Information".

In the list of applications, find the camera application and select it.

Go to app permissions.

And turn off the Location switch.

It is worth noting that this method can be used on all Android devices but it's advised to turn off location tagging first in the camera app (on devices that have this option, of course). Otherwise, when you start the camera again, it will simply re-request access to the location.

It's also worth saying that this will prevent the location from being used only by the built-in camera app. If you have installed any third party application You need to check its permissions and settings to disable or disallow the use of location.