Doesn't warn about low battery windows. Hidden setting in all Android smartphones significantly improves battery life

Android is indeed an excellent operating system, but at the same time it has its drawbacks. Some of them are congenital and only have to be put up with, others can be eliminated quite easily. In this article, we have collected some of the most common android problems and tips for fixing them.

Increasing battery life

This is still one of the biggest drawbacks mobile gadgets. Manufacturers continue to produce smartphones that last less than one business day. It is clear that design features modern batteries and the ever-increasing needs of devices have come into deep conflict. However, there are ways to solve this problem.

  • When buying a gadget, please close attention to battery capacity. Yes, you may have to pay a little more for this pleasure, but freedom from socket addiction is worth it. Pay attention to the MAXX line from Motorola, a series samsung galaxy Note and other devices that can show outstanding survivability.
  • Buy an extra battery. If you do not currently have plans to buy new phone, it is better to purchase an additional battery. It can be as simple additional battery, as well as replacing the existing one with a more capacious one.
  • Reduce App Power Consumption. If you're seeing your battery drain even when you're not using your phone, then it's time to take a look at the apps that are running in the background. For this, it is good to use the recently described by us or the tips from this one.
  • Use Airplane Mode. If the battery indicator shows less than 10%, then there is no time for fine-tuning. Just activate the flight mode and you will extend the life of the device for several hours. The same can be done at night if you do not expect important calls. Turning off all communications reduces energy consumption to almost zero.

Get rid of junk software

Manufacturers and sellers install a huge amount of unnecessary commercial software for many device models. And this can turn into a real problem. The software imposed on you not only takes up space, but also eats up system resources, consumes the battery, and simply interferes. Fortunately, there are ways to fix this.

  • Disable them in system settings. Most of these programs have the status of system programs and cannot be so easily removed. If you don't want to root your device, you can almost always go into the settings and disable the programs you don't need, as shown in the illustration above.
  • Get root and remove junk. Getting superuser rights is not such a terrible procedure. You can use or article. After that, you can completely remove or only freeze the programs of your choice. For this there is a large number of special utilities, the most popular being Titanium Backup and RootAppDelete.

Hide or eliminate branded shells

Many manufacturers use branded launchers on their devices, which, however, may not be very convenient or consume too many system resources. This problem can be solved either by fine-tuning the corresponding shell, or by completely replacing it.

  • Go back to stock Android as much as possible. If you want to solve the problem "with little bloodshed", then you will have to individually select and replace the launcher, keyboard, dialer, calendar, and so on with real google apps. How to do it on Android example 4.4 we talked about in these articles (,). Pay attention also to third party applications, which sometimes differ in even greater capabilities and low consumption of system resources. You can start, for example,.
  • Flash third party firmware. If you are leaning towards a more radical and complete solution, then you will have to reflash your gadget with one of the third-party firmware. Such developments, as long ago, have come out of children's diapers and provide quite stable, convenient and safe operating systems.

Turn off annoying notifications

As a rule, almost all programs have a corresponding section in the settings. Just do not be lazy to look for options that are responsible for what, when and how often the application will display in the notification bar. This, by the way, can further reduce battery consumption.

There is also a more radical way. In Android 4.1 and above, you can open the application page in the system settings and disable all notifications from it altogether. Just uncheck Show notifications as shown in the picture above.

Set the correct orientation for each application

Some programs look great in portrait orientation, others in landscape. To put this under control, use the Smart Rotator utility, which provides us with a single interface to manage these settings and allows you to choose which applications will use automatic rotation and which will always adhere to vertical or horizontal orientation. It is especially good to use this program on tablets.

Google annually adds many settings and features to the Android operating system, many of which are hidden from the eyes of ordinary users. This was done on purpose, but with good intentions. The American corporation believes that if an inexperienced owner of some inexpensive Android smartphone accidentally activates certain important settings, then his device may start to work more slowly or discharge much faster, therefore, right out of the box, all smartphones based on Google's OS have only basic activated functionality, but this is very easy to fix.

Although every year all smartphones work longer on a single battery charge, largely due to better software optimization for hardware, the hidden setting in all Android smartphones significantly increases the time battery life from the battery, and absolutely anyone can activate it now, since it is definitely available in any custom firmware and in all models of mobile devices.

All smartphones based operating system Android has an incredibly large margin of power, which is simply redundant for dealing with simple everyday screens. It's like driving a car, sometimes pressing the gas to the floor, and then slowing down again. In the case of smartphones, it’s not gasoline that runs out faster, but the charge battery. To increase battery life mobile device you need to open "Settings", then go to the "Battery" section.

In the "Battery" section in the upper right corner, three vertically located dots should be visible, which you need to click on. In the menu that appears, you will need to select "Power Saving Mode", and then activate it. As a result, processor performance will be reduced, which will allow up to 50% increase in battery life on a single battery charge. This feature is available in all smartphones and tablets running Android 5.0 Lollipop and higher.

To achieve an even greater effect, the editors of the site recommend installing the Doze-energy saving application, which significantly increases the battery life of all Android smartphones, since a lot of charging is “eaten up” by processes running in the background that the user does not even see. After installing it in the list, you need to select only those programs and services that should continue to work normally.

It is worth choosing the most basic messengers, mail clients and other major programs that should receive notifications in real time and not with a delay. This program works in such a way that all processes that run in the background and consume battery power are automatically frozen. This does not harm them or the data stored in them in any way, and using this application allows you to significantly increase battery life up to 40% of the standard. This is especially noticeable at night, when without this program the smartphone battery will be discharged by 10-12%, and with it only by 5-6%.

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Forget to charge your device? Appendix " Talking Battery» will remind you of this! Install the application, set up a sound notification, and receive voice notifications about the state of charge of your battery when the values ​​​​specified in the settings are reached.


A rare user does not experience problems with charging own smartphone, which is the reason for the demand for such a utility as "Talking Battery". The main function of the application is a sound notification when a certain battery charge is reached.

You can set a staged voice notification when a certain battery capacity is reached. You can customize the notification voice, alert volume, volume gradation, vibration, and even the device audio stream that alerts will play.

The main menu of the application contains data not only about current charge battery, but also the expected time to fully discharge, the type of battery you have, the current temperature of the battery, etc. Among other things, the application allows you to save battery power, including thanks to the function automatic shutdown networks when not in use for a certain period of time.


The application is designed colorfully and minimalistically. The application lacks high-quality graphics, which simply do not need such utilities. At the same time, the developers have applied caring hand for icon design various settings, as well as battery indicators, which, among other things, change color as the amount of battery power decreases.

In general, the application will please with its functionality, convenient and beautiful design, devoid of everything superfluous.