ASUS laptop does not warn about the discharge of the battery. Talking battery or easy way Do not forget to charge battery

The level of customization (customizability) even official firmware of mobile devices is growing with each day. However, there is no limit to perfection, some little things will always remain, which are not possible to implement the standard tools. But it is precisely from such little things and a general impression of the use of the device.

As part of the current article we will talk about one of those settings that are not available in each firmware of devices on Android OS, namely, consider how to turn off the sound of the seed battery on android.

Changing or disabling system sounds android

Android system settings allow edit various parameters of sound and notifications: The sound of the incoming call, the sound of incoming messages, the sound of the alarm, turn on and off the sound of the camera shutter and so on. But here to disable the sound of some notifications is possible not in each version of the system and the shell.

We are talking about such parameters as changing or shutdown volume keys sound, low Battery Notification Sound And some others.
Well, if these parameters are present in the settings with the possibility of at least disabling them, but often there is no such function at all. What to say about the availability of changing such notifications to another sound. To disable or change the sound warning of the discharge of the battery, you will have to either "sew" custom firmware, or, most often, install specialized software on the device, which, unfortunately, does not always work correctly.

But, in fact, it is quite possible to configure these parameters and without the use of additional programs. Below we will look at how to disable " battery sound" losing when it is discharged.

Turning off the sound of the seed battery for Android

Before all manipulations with the system strongly recommend that you make a complete backup system (Nandroid Backup).

All actions produced by the user with their device and the system installed in it are carried out exclusively for the user's responsibility. Neither the author of the article nor the site administration miradmin. are not responsible for the possible consequences

Now we will look at the option full disconnection of the sound of the seed battery for Android.
What do we need for this:

  • empty sound file in format ogg (I will submit it to download it below), that is, the file, when playing which no melody is reproduced;
  • root rights in the Android system (so-called admin rights or full access);
  • file manager On android with access to system catalogs.

If we need to not turn off the sound of the notification, but to change it to your own, then we also replace the file to the desired, set the permissions and reboot the smartphone. For example, you can use the file by losing a pleasant hearing the sound of water drops: LowBattery-Drop.

Turning off the sound of the volume keys on android

Similarly, you can disable or change the set of different sounds of the Android system. It is only necessary to know which directories you need in which directories:

/ System / Media / Audio / Alarms / - a directory containing possible alarm ringtones;

/ System / Media / Audio / Camera / - a directory containing the possible sounds for a standard camera, as well as a file for silent camera operation;

/ System / Media / Audio / Notifications / - directory containing alert signals;

/ System / Media / Audio / Ringtones / - directory containing possible to install a call melody (call);

/ System / Media / Audio / UI / - Directory containing system sounds, sounds of notifications.

For example, on some smartphones in the catalog uI there is such a file like Volume.ogg. Or even several files: Volume-1.ogg., Volume-2.ogg., VOLUME-3.GG., VOLUME-4.GGG. etc.
If we replace these files (or this file) on the above sound file with silence, or on the sound of silence in mp3: VOLUME-SOUNDLESS. - then in this way we can disable Volume Adjusting Soundreproduced when pressed the side keys of the device.

But it is worth keeping in mind that some firmware sound adjusting the volume is not in the open form, but in the compiled file, in this case, turn off the sound of the file replacement through the file manager will not succeed.

The battery charge level is displayed as an image of a battery in Windows notifications. More accurate information about the charge level (in a percentage ratio, where 100% is a fully charged battery) can be found from the pop-up tip, which appears when you hover the mouse pointer to this icon. But the user may not notice that the battery is almost completely discharged. Therefore, Windows provides notification mode with low battery charge, as well as actions that will be automatically performed at low and critical charge level.

  1. Open the Power Options dialog box. Let me remind you, you can open it from the window to change the parameters of the Plan (Edit Plan Settings).
  2. Expand the Battery group (Battery), and then the Nested Battery Notice Nested Group (Low Battery Notification).
  3. Make sure that the Low Battery Notification is displayed from the Battery (LOW Battery Notification) to the Low Battery Notification group (ON). If Off (OFF) link is displayed, click on it and in the drop-down list that appears, click ON (ON). Low battery charge notification mode included.

By default, the level of 10% of the total charge is considered low. You can change this digit, open up the low battery level group and selecting the desired value to the Low Battery LEVEL. For example, you can set a value of 50% for a low level, and the low charge notification will appear when the battery is discharged to 50%. In a group, the level of almost complete battery discharge (Critical Battery LEVEL) is set to a critical battery level. By default, this level is 5%, as a discount when you invite Tamada to the wedding Moscow Prices. With this discharge, a last minute laptop remains.

To determine the action that will be executed with a low battery charge, a low battery action group should be disclosed and choose a suitable action: do not do anything, translate a laptop into sleep mode, to hibernation mode or turn off the laptop. You can also determine the action that will be performed with a critical battery charge level, open the group action of almost complete batteries (Critical Battery Action).

When choosing actions with a low or critical battery discharge, it is best to stop on the laptop translating to the hibernation mode. When you go to hibernation mode, the contents of the RAM is recorded on the hard disk and is restored when the laptop is turned on. Thus, you will not lose the data that did not have time to save to the battery discharge.

Android is really an excellent operating system, but at the same time has its drawbacks. Some of them are congenital and with them only have to put up, others can be easily eliminated. In this article, we collected several of the most common problems of Android and advice on their correction.

Increase battery life

It is still one of the biggest shortcomings of mobile gadgets. Manufacturers continue to produce smartphones whose lifetime does not exceed one working day. It is clear that the design features of modern batteries and all the increasing needs of devices entered a deep contradiction. However, there are ways to solve this problem.

  • When buying a gadget, turn strong attention to the battery capacity. Yes, perhaps you have to pay for this pleasure a little more, but freedom from the foster dependency is worth it. Pay attention to the MAXX line from Motorola, the SAMSUNG Galaxy Note series and other devices that can show an outstanding survival result.
  • Buy an extra battery. If you do not have plans now buy a new phone, it is better to purchase an additional battery. It can be both an optional battery and replacement of existing on more capacious.
  • Reduce the power consumption of applications. If you are watching that the battery sits even while you do not use the phone, then it's time to do applications that work in the background. To do this, use the recently described by us or tips from this.
  • Use flight mode. If the battery indicator shows less than 10%, then there is no longer to thin settings. Just activate the flight mode and you will extend the device's life for several hours. You can do this night if you do not expect important calls. Disabling all communications reduces energy consumption to almost zero.

Get rid of garbage softe

Manufacturers and sellers establish a huge amount of unnecessary commercial software for many models of devices. And it can turn into a real problem. The software imposed on you not only takes the place, but also eats system resources, consumes the battery, it simply interferes. Fortunately, there is opportunities to fix it.

  • Disconnect them in the system settings. Most of these programs have system status and cannot be so simple. If you do not want to rush the device, you can almost always go to the settings and disable the programs unnecessary to you as shown in the illustration above.
  • Get root and remove trash. Obtaining superuser rights is not such a terrible procedure. You can use or an article. After that you can completely delete or only freeze the selected programs. For this, there are a large number of special utilities, the most popular of which Titanium Backup and RootappDelete.

Hide or eliminate branded shells

Many manufacturers use branded launchers on their devices, which, however, may not be too comfortable or consumed too many system resources. You can solve this problem as a fine tuning of the corresponding shell and its full replacement.

  • Return to the stock Android as much as possible.If you want to solve the problem with "low blood", then you will have to sodly pick up and replace the launcher, keyboard, dialer, calendar, and so on to the current Google applications. How to do this on the example of Android 4.4, we told in these articles (,). Pay attention also to third-party applications that are sometimes even greater opportunities and low system resource consumption. You can start, for example.
  • Watch a third-party firmware. If you tend to a more fundamental and complete solution, then you will have to reflash your gadget one of the third-party firmware. Such developments, as long ago, have long come out of children's diapers and provide quite stable, convenient and secure operating systems.

Disable annoying notifications

As a rule, almost all programs have the appropriate section in the settings. Just do not be lazy to search the options responsible for when and how often the application will display in the notifications panel. This, by the way, can additionally reduce battery consumption.

There is a more radical way. In Android 4.1 and above, you can open the application page in the system settings and generally disable all notifications from it. Just uncheck the checkbox Show notificationsAs shown in the figure above.

Set the correct orientation for each application.

Some programs look great in portrait orientation, others in landscape. To put it under control, use the Smart Rotator utility, which provides us with a single interface to manage these parameters and allows you to choose which applications will use automatic rotation, and which will always stick to the vertical or horizontal orientation. Especially good use this program on tablets.

As you know, many Windows tablets cannot boast of the same long-term battery life to which we are accustomed to tablets with the Android operating system on board, so we have to put them for charging much more often.

At the same time, we constantly have to follow the level of charge of the battery of your devices, and it would be nice if our Windows tablet or laptop himself applied to us the signals when the charge of its battery during operation (or recharging) reached certain levels.

Currently, there are several theories as to which levels of the tablet or laptop battery should be kept.

One of them says that to ensure the maximum long period of its service, when working, you can keep a laptop or a tablet constantly connected to the charger and the main thing is to prevent too much battery discharge.

The second theory suggests that it is best to keep a lithium battery level ranging from 40 to 95 percent.

And in that and in another case, we need to constantly monitor the level of discharge or charge the battery of your devices and not allow it to go out for the established limits.

Today I want to tell you how to automate this process.

How to Set Warning About Low Battery Battery Windows Tablet or Laptop

Warnings about low battery charge set very simple. To do this, you need to do the following:

1. Go to the "Control Panel" -\u003e "Equipment and Sound" -\u003e "Elktropitania"

2. Open the current power plan and click on "Setting the power scheme"

3. Click on "Change Advanced Power Parameters"

4. In the window that opens, open the "Battery" item by clicking on "+"

5. Here you can set the level when you discharge the battery to which you will receive the appropriate warning.

Warning to increase the charge of the battery of the tablet or laptop to a certain level

With a warning about achieving the charge of a tablet battery or a laptop of a certain level when it is charged, things are more complicated.

Here we will need a special script (set commands), which you can create in the Notepad application, simply by copying the following text to it:

set OServices \u003d Olocator.ConnectServer (".", "Root \\ WMI")



iFULL \u003d ORESULT.fullchargedcapacity


while (1)




bCharging \u003d ORESULT.Charging.


iPerCent \u003d ((Iremaining / ifull) * 100) mod 100

iF BCHARGING AND (IPERCENT\u003e 95) THEN MSGBOX "Battery charge:" & iPercent & "%", vbinformation, "battery monitor"

wScript.sleep 300000 "5 minute battery charge polling interval


This script, which is the author of which is John Howard, interviews the battery level every five minutes and, when it is reached its mark, 95 percent gives a beep and appropriate warning.

The charge level for a warning You can set in the third bottom line (iPerCent\u003e 95) by changing 95 to the value you need, but not more than 99%.

After you do it, save the script on your desktop under any name, but must with extension.vbs

For example: Battery.vbs.

Everything, now if you run this script, then when the battery level reaches the battery level, it will give you a warning about it. If you want the script to automatically start each time when you start your device, place it in the startup folder.

You probably noticed that in the above script you can set the battery level no more than 99%. And what if we need to receive a notice when the battery fully charges to a level of 100%?

In this case, you can use the script created by me based on the John Howard script:

set Olocator \u003d CreateObject ("wbemscripting.swbemlocator")

set oservices1 \u003d olocator.connectserver (".", "Root \\ Cimv2")


while (1)

for Each Battery in Batitems

ischarged \u003d Battery.BatteryStatus.


if (ischarged \u003d 2) or (ischarged \u003d 3) Then MSGBox "battery is charged!", VBinFormation, "Battery Monitor"

wscript.sleep 300000 "5 minutes


Next time we will talk about why the battery in sleep mode is quickly discharged on some tablets, as well as on methods to combat this problem.

Do you have problems with a laptop battery and you need to carefully follow her? By default, Windows displays notifications about the low battery level only when it drops to 10% and 5%.

How to configure notifications to other battery levels in a laptop with Windows 10 (in other versions similarly)?

If your battery is discharged quickly, it is worthwhile to edit notifications and make a warning display when the battery drops to 50% and 25%.

Then you can respond faster and better control the exposure rate of the battery. How to do it?

Low battery charge notification settings

The appropriate setting can be found in the options of your power plan. To change them, go to "Control Panel", then to the "System and Security" section -\u003e "Power Parameters".

Power plans will be displayed on the list. Click the "Scheme Settings ..." link next to the active plan (we can change the settings later for each plan). In a new window, go to the "Change Additional ..." section.

The power parameter window appears with the list of settings in the drop-down menu. Next, go to the bottom and expand the "Battery" section.

Then expand the "Low charge of the battery notification" field, and look at both cases there is configured to "enable".

Then we deploy two fields: the level is low and almost complete discharge. In both of these parameters you can change the charge levels installed by default.

Windows systems can have different notification settings, but you can set a low level by 50% and almost complete discharge by 25%.

Now everything is ready - the system will inform you notice after the threshold level of the charging specified by you is exceeded. Successes.