"Translator's Memory", or What is Translation Memory. EEG coherence during yoga flights

"The TM-Sidhi program is the stabilization of the infinite organizing power aspect of pure consciousness."


TM-Sidhi Program Training Course

The TM-Sidhi Program is an advanced program of Maharishi Vedic Science and Technology. The TM-Sidhi program is a natural continuation of the Transcendental Meditation Technique and Advanced Techniques, and can be learned no earlier than two months after training all Advanced Techniques.

If the Transcendental Meditation Technique opens the mind to the experience of experiencing transcendental consciousness (“waking at rest”), then the TM-Sidhi Program develops the ability to think and act from this level of consciousness. Thanks to the TM-Sidhi Program, a person masters the art of action - he acquires the ability to carry out anything naturally and effortlessly with the help of mere intention. Therefore, the TM-Sidhi Program is also called "the technique of fulfilling desires."

The TM-Sidhi program further develops mental and creative abilities, intuition, increases the ability to learn and the flexibility of the nervous system. According to scientific research, the practice of TM-Sidhi leads to an even higher degree of brain coherence and increased integration between mind and body.

So called "Yogic flights"- this is the culmination of the TM-Sidhi Program, the opening of the Field of all Possibilities in front of every person.

Let's see what Maharishi Mahesh Yogi himself says about human potential:

“The Vedic system of obtaining something is to stimulate the Complete Natural Law to fulfill any desire. According to the Vedic system of mind cultivation, the Complete Natural Law obeys our order. To cultivate the mind - lead your consciousness to the source of thought. The memory of everything awakens in your consciousness from this area of ​​unmanifest emptiness. An infinite creative mind supports your desires, actions, and behaviors.

Transcendental Meditation trains the mind to consciously start a thought from the self-referring Unified Field, the field of the Complete Natural Law within the person himself. From there we grant the wish. This is a different philosophy.

Teaching a person to do something and giving him so much money is the philosophy of slavery. Then you give him more money, and he will do this. This is the science of slavery, the philosophy of dependence. "Yours truly, - how wonderful, - I, sir, your humble servant." You remain a servant of a man for several thousand coins every month, and then you can buy yourself fruit and so on.

You can train your mind so that the Complete Natural Law that governs the Universe becomes an assistant in fulfilling your desires. The proof of this is "yogic flights". You invite the force of gravity, and the force of gravity says, "Yes sir, I'm here for you." You turn to the force of gravity - and immediately the force of gravity fulfills your request. If you want the body to rise into the air, the body immediately rises up.

This is proof. We're not talking about fantasy. Vedic education is a practical area of ​​education. We saw that modern education builds up more ignorance than knowledge. Vedic education increases knowledge until you gain access to the full knowledge of creativity - the infinite potential of Natural Law. This is something completely different, but this is exactly what our proposal is.».

“The various siddhis who in times of ignorance were called superhuman abilities are not superhuman at all. Everything is within the normal range of human ability. The range of each person's own nature is the entire cosmic life, because it has the same nature ... Until now, the philosophy of fulfillment of desires was in struggle ... Now we must awaken humanity to a new philosophy of life ... Success lies in interaction with nature , and nature is also man's own nature. The more you are able to control yourself, the more you are able to control the world. "

Refreshment course of the TM-Sidhi Program

The TM-Sidhi Program Refreshment Course is an opportunity to rehearse Maharishi's introductory lectures from the TM-Sidhi Course and refresh his personal instructions on how to perform this technique. During the course, the TM-Sidhi Teachers also check the correctness of the TM-Sidhi technique and individual consultations with each of the participants.

Feedback from course participants

“The Sidhi Refreshment course is very important to me. I learned how to properly practice the Patanjali sutras. On the first day of the course, I gained invaluable experience in testing the practice of the TM-Sidhi program. The Maharishi personally verified the correctness of the practice of the sutras. It was an incredibly deep and important experience. Thanks to TM-Sidhi Administrators Ajit Kumar and Nisha Kumari " (Irina Roginskaya).

“As a result of the TM-Sidhi refreshment course, all the sutras were restored, streamlined, and the practice was also restored. This greatly helps the process of meditation and the fulfillment of the TM-Sidhi program in fullness and obtaining bliss and happiness. " (Marina Beschasnova).

“The course helped a lot in understanding the TM-Sidhi technique and understanding its intellectual aspect, remembering the sutras and understanding them.
Very informative, practically useful for the high-quality implementation of the TM-Sidhi program, and therefore the development of consciousness " (Alexander Viktorovich Likhogrud).

“The course is very informative and productive. There was a calmness inside, a peace of mind from the programs. Regularity and innocence. Thanks to the Teachers for the invaluable knowledge they bring to the world. Thank you Maharishi for these waves of bliss "( Irina Bukharina).

“The sutras began to shoot like bullets from a gun, and that was a great happiness in itself. The practice of the sutras has been renewed. Even meditation has changed, for the better, of course. " (Irina Kraineva, TM Teacher).

TM-Sidhi Program Practice Support Program

The TM-Sidhi Program Practice Support Program is a club session during which participants who have completed the TM-Sidhi Program Training Course do the TM-Sidhi Program together.

Once, when asked to give him some more technique, Maharishi replied:
"You have another super technique - being together, working together and doing the program together."

Maharishi has repeatedly emphasized the importance of collective meditations both for personal evolution, from the point of view of the fastest possible progress towards realizing the full potential of Consciousness, and for achieving the Invincibility and prosperity of all peoples.

If you are interested in any program, you can clarify the necessary information in your regional Transcendental Meditation Training Center.

Video presentation of the TM-Sidhi program

Part 1 (4 minutes)

Part 2 (5 minutes)

Part 3 (2 minutes)

Part 4 (3 minutes)

Speaking of automated translation, we usually mean programs that perform translation based on machine translation technology (Machine Translation). However, there is another technology - Translation Memory, which, although not so widely known to Russian users, nevertheless has a number of advantages.

The rapid development of technological progress has led to an increase in the number of technical devices, cars and other complex equipment, without which life modern man practically unthinkable. For example, the volume of documentation for a European Airbus aircraft amounts to tens of thousands of pages. According to the data of a study conducted at the end of 2004 by the LISA association (LISA 2004 Translation Memory Survey), 42% of respondents translate about 1 million words a year, 24% of companies participating in the survey have an annual translation volume of 1-5 million, 12 % translate from 5 to 10 million, the volume of translations of other companies - from 10 to 500 and more million words per year. In particular, most manufacturers today are not limited to their local market and are actively exploring regional markets. At the same time, the localization of products, including the translation of the product description into the local language, is one of the mandatory conditions to enter a new market.

At the same time, although manufacturers regularly release new versions of their products - cars, excavators, computers and mobile phones, software, - not all of them are fundamentally different from previous models. At times new model the phone is a slightly modified (or restyled) previous model. Newer versions sell better, so manufacturers have to update their products regularly. As a result, the documentation for each of these products is often 70-90% the same as that of the previous version.

Two factors - a large volume of documents requiring translation and their high repetition - have stimulated the creation of Translation Memory technology (abbreviated as TM, there is no generally accepted Russian translation of this term). The essence of TM technology can be figuratively conveyed in one phrase: "Do not translate the same text twice." In other words, Translation Memory is used to reuse previously made translations. This allows you to significantly reduce the time for preparing a translation, especially when working with texts that have a high degree of repetition.

Translation Memory technology is often confused with Machine Translation, which is certainly also useful and interesting, but its description is not the purpose of this article. The use of TM technology increases the speed of translation by reducing the amount of mechanical work. However, it is important to note that TM does not translate for the translator, but is a powerful tool for reducing costs when translating repetitive texts.

TM technology works on the principle of accumulation of translation results: during the translation process, the original text and its translation are saved in the TM database. To facilitate information processing and comparison of different documents, the Translation Memory system breaks the entire text into separate pieces called segments. These segments are most often offers, but other segmentation rules may be adopted. When a new text is loaded, the TM system performs segmentation and compares the segments of the original text with those already available in the connected translation memory. If the system can find a fully or partially matching segment, then its translation is displayed with an indication of the match in percent. Segments that differ from the saved text are highlighted. Thus, the translator only needs to translate the new segments and edit the overlapping ones.

As a rule, the threshold of matches is set at a level of at least 75%, since if you set a lower percentage of matches, then the cost of editing the text will increase. Each change or new translation is saved in the TM, so there is no need to translate the same thing twice!

It is also important to constantly replenish the Translation Memory base, storing in the base (or in the bases, if the translation is carried out on various topics) pairs of segments “source text - correct translation". This will significantly reduce the time required to translate similar texts. In addition to reducing the complexity of translation, the TM system allows maintaining the uniformity of terminology and style in all documentation.

The use of TM technology provides the translator with the following advantages:

  • increasing labor productivity. Substitution of even 80% matching segments from the translation memory can reduce translation time by 50-60%. As practice shows, it is much more efficient to edit a ready-made translation than to translate it anew - “from scratch”;
  • uniformity of terminology and style in the presence of a translation base on the subject of the translated document. This is especially important when translating highly specialized documentation;
  • organization of the work of a team of translators with guaranteed translation quality thanks to access to a common Translation Memory database.

Separately, we note that in Western countries, where Translation Memory technology has long become a de facto compulsory tool for a translator, the funds spent on creating a translation memory are considered not as costs, but rather as investments in stable and high-quality work, which increases the only profit, but also the value of the company itself.

Translation Memory Systems Market

The undisputed market leader Translation systems Memory are SDL-TRADOS programs. In the summer of 2005, the two largest developers of TM systems - SDL and TRADOS ( software products under the TRADOS trademark are well known to many users), and now they are releasing a joint product that sets standards in the field of Translation Memory.

The new SDL-TRADOS system has advanced (user configurable) functionality fuzzy match (search by matches in the translation memory), as well as tools for checking the quality of translated documents. The program checks spelling and protects the contents of blocks of memory using encryption technology.

The system supports formats such as Word DOC and RTF, online help RTF, PowerPoint, FrameMaker, FrameMaker + SGML, FrameBuilder, Interleaf, QuickSilver, Ventura, QuarkXPress, PageMaker, SGML / HTML / XML, including HTML Help, RC (Windows Resource) , Bookmaster (DCF) and Troff. In addition to the SDL-TRADOS system, there are other TM systems on the IT market. French manufacturers are especially well represented.

The system of the French company Atril (www.atril.com) is called. Its developers first organized their own bureau for the translation of technical documentation, after which the idea arose of creating specialized software based on Translation Memory technology.

It is a standalone application with an organized menu. The system can create TM databases, as well as terminology databases and connect dictionaries. The translation process is carried out in a special Project shell, where, when it is created, the file that needs to be translated is attached and connected additional settings: TM base, dictionaries, etc. The text is translated in a special table, where opposite each column of its original you need to fill in the translation option. The benefits also include additional function to translate files of various formats, which allows you to preserve the original file formatting.

Here he is, the miracle translator of the future!
But there are still many years before its creation.

If you, the reader, have ever read science fiction or watched a science fiction movie, you may have seen such a small box on the belt or on the shoulder, or even on the forehead of an astronaut-astronaut-contactee with extraterrestrial civilizations. Or disk. Or even something, say, a specialized robot. Using which, the hero performs a small miracle: he listens to the interlocutor and understands him perfectly, for the interlocutor speaks his native, earthly language; moreover, the hero can also speak, and the interlocutor also understands him, for the magic apparatus transforms the hero's words into this foreign language. Here it is, the embodiment of the advanced technologies of the future - the translator machine! Which instantly adapts to the local dialect and learns a new language with 2-3 phrases.

Have you tried an auto-translator?
Give it to the enemy.

Now let's return to our modern world and think, do we already have prototypes of such magic boxes? Of course I have. For example, there is an automatic Google translator. Nothing at all, turned on the browser, launched google extension Translate, and here you go, all web pages are automatically translated into your native language. Or one can go to online translation sites or even install special program, and that's all, you can translate. There is, however, a small problem: very soon all these pseudo-translations start to drive you crazy. Simple and clear text is translated in the most incredible way, the meaning of your document is replaced with something unimaginable, photos on web pages do not correspond to their captions, and similar absurdities. Finally, there is a feeling of impenetrable stupidity of the creators of such a software product and a desire to remove it and never use it again.

But what was it all the same? You got acquainted with one-two-three samples of the so-called technology machine translation, in other words, faced with an MT program. It is based on the idea that if you make a database in the form of a huge number of bilingual word pairs, if you add basic grammar rules to this database, you can create an automatic (therefore, inexpensive) translator. And you saw the embodiment of this idea. And not at all mediocre. There are quite reputable companies on the market, with a large turnover, even with branches in the country and abroad, selling similar programs. It is not mediocre incarnation, no, the idea itself is stupid that human translators are such walking encyclopedias that just conjugate verbs correctly. It seems, after all, that translators are doing something else that machines cannot yet do.

I must say that not only you and I fell into this trap. Rumor has it that people from Microsoft Corporation, when their company entered the international markets, also tried to use machine translation, because they could not understand why pay "big money" to human translators. It was in the early 90s and ended very quickly. Microsoft is a corporation that can count money, but the management there is not at all stupid.

The English word "translate" has at least 9 meanings. The person decides which one to use.

What's the problem with machine translation? In fact, there are many problems. One is that database units are words. The meaning of which in living speech only seems constant, in fact, the meaning of words is almost constant, albeit imperceptibly changing. Bad suddenly becomes good, some words disappear from everyday use, others change their meaning, etc. In addition, humanity (and even a separate nation) is divided into various social groups- professional, according to interests, according to the level of consumption, etc. etc. And in each of these groups, its own vocabulary of communication is gradually emerging. In this case, terms from the common language are often used, their meaning simply changes. You can live your whole life within the framework of your group and not guess that from the point of view of the great and powerful language of your people, your group (and its slang) is practically unknown to anyone. Therefore, thick, classic, paper dictionaries usually offer a considerable number of meanings of the same word. Which should be substituted depending on the situation in the translation. And to understand what kind of meaning should be substituted, so far only a human translator can. The machine translator, alas, is not yet capable of such intellectual actions (and, perhaps, it will be able to do so for a very long time).

Here's a classic example of a machine translation gaffe:

(English) Spirit is strong but flesh is weak.

(rus.) The spirit is strong and the flesh is weak.

(Russian, machine translation): The alcohol is strong, but the meat is rotten.

(rus., machine translation, option 2, Google): The smell is strong, although impotent.

However, let's return to our conversation and summarize preliminary results. So, not only you and me, but also a very serious business, when it needed it, showed a persistent desire to reduce the cost, speed up and, thus, democratize the translation process. However, the first attempt ended in failure.

We, having burned ourselves, only remembered with gratitude our school or college teachers of a foreign language and decided to continue to rely either on our knowledge or to turn to specialists (human translators).

But a serious business (meaning, for example, the same Microsoft), having returned to human translators their right to translate, took care to intensify the translation process as much as possible and improve its quality by providing translators with specialized software products. For, unlike us, serious business still needs successful international trade, and for this it needs high-quality translation at a reasonable price. In particular, the same Microsoft (as well as Adobe, Cisco, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Nokia, Novell, Xerox) participated in the creation of the LISA association (the localization industry standards association), and also bought out 20% of the shares of the then young company Trados GmbH. In other words, serious business pioneered the era of TM programs in the translation market with their own funds.

Translation memory is a special database for translators. Initially, it is empty and is filled in the process of work.

But what are these TM programs? In the course of the first attempts to localize software products into different languages, it turned out that when translating voluminous materials, rather large chunks of text (for example, sentences and even paragraphs) can be repeated. At the same time, different translators, of course, translated them at least a little, but in different ways, in their own way. In addition, it turned out that the translators, thus, wasting their time and customers' money unwisely. Naturally, the idea arose to either create or financially support such a software product that would "catch" these repetitive pieces in the translation process and, so that the translator would not do double work, would insert the already made translation into all the places where it occurs repeatedly.

This is how the concept was formed translation memory literally, translation memory: there is a certain database that is initially empty, but it is filled with the material that a particular translator translates; this database is activated every time an already translated fragment is encountered in the text, and automatically inserts the already prepared translation in the appropriate places.

As time has shown, this idea was accepted "with a bang" not only by serious business, large corporations but also the translators themselves. Who, as it turned out, themselves suffered from the fact that they needed to translate repetitive parts, but they cannot remember how they translated last time, and having finally made the translation that seemed to them the best, they could not replace the previous versions translation, and besides, soon this "best translation" was trite to be lost among other translation aids.

Thus, in a fairly short time, a whole market for TM programs emerged, where the famous Trados is not at all an unconditional trendsetter, such famous programs like Deja Vu, Wordfast, Star Transit, OmegaT and others. Today it is difficult to even say who there are more supporters of, say, Deja Vu or Trados lovers, but it should be admitted that Trados and its formats are still the most commonly used standard for transferring translation materials to the customer.

So, to summarize, let's say: modern market software systems for translation is divided into two groups.

The first is machine translation programs or MT programs ( machine translation ). From the point of view of professional translation and serious business, this is a sideline, an unsuccessful product, which, however, is still in demand on the mass market. Modern MT programs are equipped with special tools that allow a professional to really try to adapt them to the needs of a particular group, but such software products still cannot guarantee the true authenticity of the translation. main feature MT programs - pre-populated databases (giant dictionaries of language pairs).

The second group is TM programs ( translation memory ). From the point of view of the average curious user, this is almost a useless toolbox. There are no pre-nested dictionaries here, the databases are created directly in the translation process. TM programs are in high demand professional translators, because they are written for them and are very useful to them - they can speed up the translation process, as well as improve its quality. In addition, representatives of transnational corporations look very favorably at TM programs, which with their help intend to reduce the costs of translations.

“I have a simple note about the TM technique: it is undoubtedly the best thing that has come into my life, I recommend the TM technique to everyone.

I meditate twice a day for twenty minutes in the morning and in the evening. Morning meditation gives me energy and clarity of mind. It allows me to start the day in a good mood, I feel more energetic, as my brain is always rested. I enjoy my work. Situations that used to cause dissatisfaction and irritation now provide an incentive. And, what can be emphasized, everything happens naturally, and I feel happier and more perfect.

One more thing I noticed, and it struck me as interesting: intuition develops and, along with it, belief in oneself. It is both necessary and pleasant both at work and in personal life. When I return from work and meditate, I feel the heaviness and fatigue of the day dissolve, and a feeling of inner comfort and deep peace comes. I am having a pleasant evening with my family and friends.

If I look at myself from the moment I took up TM, and if I compare myself to the way I was before, it's day and night. I felt bad, I was tense, now I am in great shape and happy. I accept everything as it is (but more often the good comes). My health is excellent, and my life is taking place in some new dimension. The word bliss may sound pompous, but it is the word that best describes what I feel. It is also important that my TM practice has a positive impact on the environment and the whole society, that it contributes to peace.

And to finish, I want to express my gratitude to Maharishi and the teachers of TM, whose efforts are helping to improve the quality of life of each individual and society as a whole. "

Pavel, 38 years old, businessman.

“When I heard about the positive results that TM gives, I decided that I could also get something for myself. I needed a rest, since lately I felt tired from work, from life in general. I started doing TM, and the results were immediate. I felt refreshed, satisfied inside. My work became more efficient and more joyful. In short, I felt healthier. Yes, it was a really significant change. I continue to practice TM and benefit from it immensely. After a few weeks of such sessions, I realized that the effect of meditation far exceeds expectations. What happens? With the practice of meditation, you begin to perceive the world in a new way, high levels consciousness. Life takes on a deeper, richer meaning. And this is exactly the most valuable thing that a person can ever receive "

Natasha, 28 years old, insurance agent.

“I am the mother of a large family, constantly in the care and problems of children. I appreciated the unique opportunity to be alone with myself every morning and every evening.

TM gives me energy, good internal well-being, new strength. And, as a result, I am more open to children and my husband, homework is less tiring, I get pleasure from this work. And I also noticed tremendous changes in my family since I have been practicing TM: the atmosphere has become very soft and warm between us all, there is love and respect. It is wonderful to feel a good mood and harmony in the house, there is no tension that existed before. TM is very useful for everyone and for all of us. "

Ekaterina, 43 years old, housewife.

“When I started meditation, I was interested in few things. But when I learned about TM, I thought it was something new that could open up new horizons. It's great that this happened. From the moment I started meditating, I felt happy, there was a desire to learn. I took up languages, history and geography. I told my wife and son about this, said that it expands the mental capabilities of everyone. It seems to me that TM should be taught in schools so that everyone can do it use, it would be more interesting for schoolchildren to study and get to know themselves. "

Valentine, 39 years old, worker.

"I started meditating before exams because I felt the need to relax and take off nervous tension that gripped me.

Many of my acquaintances have practiced TM, and I have noticed that they have become calmer, more balanced, more smiling and energetic than everyone else. I learned and the results appeared immediately. Sleep improved, I got up fresh, in a good mood. The exams didn't seem so boring. I got to work and everything went great. I passed my exams well, without any worries.

Now I practice regularly and it seems to me that my mind has become more lively and faster. Knowledge attracts me, life has become more joyful and richer. Friends say that I have become more open and likable. This is always good to hear. I realized that TM can be practiced. Faith is not required of you; philosophical knowledge of a special way of life is not required of you. If you want to deepen your knowledge of Vedic Science, this is your choice, but TM is not a sect, not a new religion that is trying to take over you. It is absolutely simple and natural way improve the quality of life so that everyone can feel better and that everyone can develop. Plus, if this method helps to improve the international situation and defuse the atmosphere, that's great and no one can complain about it! "

Zhanna, 22 years old, student.

"I started meditating for a very simple reason. My doctor advised me to do this in order to improve my physical and mental condition. I will not talk about the details. I will just say that it was quite serious. Already on the day of training, I felt a great relief, as if a mass of despondency and fatigue had fallen from me. It's like the appearance of the sun after long gray and rainy days! I will never forget the face of my wife when I returned from school. It glowed, it seemed to bloom. I asked what happened. And she answered : "You have not smiled like you do now, for many years!" Now my wife is also meditating and it is a great joy for us to share our experience with each other. "

Nikolay, 47 years old, architect.

"I love to meditate, I am happy and light inside. I have good grades in school, I remember faster."

Sasha, 12 years old, schoolboy.

“You can talk a lot about the benefits of TM practice. I feel better, calmer and more relaxed. Life becomes easier and more pleasant, it seems that everything flows spontaneously and effortlessly, closer and closer to harmony and bliss. great advantage, deep rest, inner peace and, what is most remarkable, is development towards a higher state of consciousness, self-realization in which you fully flourish, in which you are free and happy. which has no equal - to live in harmony and joy! "

Maria, 28 years old, doctor.

"Over time, the experience becomes deeper. The transcendental state becomes clearer, such that I begin to notice the structure, the structure of this absolute mass of pure being. Silence is simultaneously dense and eternal. Everything is known by this very clear knowledge:" I am this, everything is an expression of my very existence. "

My heart is filled with love, I look at the world with a calm and clear mind. My meditations are filled with gentle light, pleasant warmth. I really live at the level where everything is possible, in the area of ​​all possibilities. The perception is becoming clearer and clearer. In meditation, I notice different levels of the Universe, which arise from pure consciousness. I am aware of the structure of consciousness, which begins from itself: ego, intellect, mind, feelings appear. And the feeling of supreme tenderness, unity with being, life, nature prevails in this experience. I feel like a child in the arms of Mother Nature.

Returning to activity is a rich and enjoyable experience. I am completely immersed in silence and, as it were, protected by it. When I talk about the silence that surrounds me, this does not mean that I have become deaf, on the contrary! Sounds and colors never seemed to me so light, harmonious, I never heard this Earthly melody of the Universe as if the whole Universe is an echo of a cosmic symphony.

I know that best opportunity to help your neighbor is to develop yourself in order to find a means to bring him true help at the level of life, and not only at the level of words and intentions. The greatest and most precious gift is to teach how to meditate and have the experience of meeting with the source of infinite energy, the mind of creativity, which is in each of us and which is the only key to a life free from problems and suffering "

Irina, 32 years old, TM teacher

"For me, the question of the soul has always been more important than the question of the body." In a healthy body - a healthy mind "this well-known ancient Greek dictum has a reverse meaning for us. And where, poor girl, can she find peace when all previous attitudes, ideals and ideas are crumbling, when you don’t know which gods to pray and why, what to believe in, which parties to create, how to solve economic problems. experimenting on oneself is difficult and dangerous. Life may not be enough, especially since it does not grow longer from numerous shocks. Having come to the TM courses, I already knew that meditation is a method of finding peace and clarity within oneself. peace into silence and loneliness on the mountains and find this peace and clarity, but few can afford it! TM makes it possible to very simply and naturally find this peace within oneself, peace is much more stable than external. the answers gradually come to the questions that you ask yourself and at the level for which you are ready. "

Olga, 36 years old, journalist.

"Since I have been practicing TM, optimism has increased in my life. I think that it is thanks to meditation that there are no other obvious reasons. It's like a ray of light in the dark. I really want to live and create. Bad mood stopped visiting me. everyone, even the smallest, see the good. Everyday problems are less worried, although they have not decreased, on the contrary. They have lost their "importance", you seem to become their observer. What else, I would like to say - any problems are not solved on the emotional, but at the Business level. "

Oksana, 23 years old, teacher.

"Like many of us, I was worried about literally everything before. I just gave up my inability to protect myself and my loved ones from the endless economic and political cataclysms of our life. To be honest, I often wanted to" relax "with the help of alcohol. Nervous overload and alcohol did my own business: my stomach and heart often ached. A year and a half of studying TM made me much calmer. I am less interested in politics, but easier to solve those problems that depend on me. Earlier I was tormented by doubts. Now I make a decision, I start to act and only During the process I remember: “But in this moment I would definitely have worried before.” As for my health, I didn’t even notice how gastritis and aching pain in my heart ceased to bother me.

Sergey, 28 years old, engineer.

“When my friend took me to the introductory lecture on TM, I was in a very bad state. Everything annoyed me, I constantly quarreled with my husband and son. They avoided being at home for a long time, everyone lived their own life, and I was very lonely. months, when I sat down to meditate, I could not find peace, resentment and irritation boiled in me, like water in a teapot. men smile. I realized that many quarrels in our family came from me, my shattered nervous system almost destroyed my family. Now that I have a calm and joyful mood, my men do not "run" from home and more and more often they come friends, bask in the warmth of our home. "

Tamara, 26 years old, employee.

TM Sidhi program

The following sutras are used:

Elephant strength
Bronchial tube
Inner Light
The sun
polar Star
The difference between intelligence and transcendence
Transcendence [and] intuition
Transcendence, subtlest hearing
Transcendence, the subtlest sense of touch
Transcendence, subtlest vision
Transcendence, subtlest taste
Transcendence, subtlest sense of smell.

The "levitation" or "flight sutra" sutra is used in the same way as the previous sutras:

"The relationship between body and Akasha is the lightness of cotton fiber"("Relationship of body and akasha - lightness of cotton fiber")

The sutras are mentally recited after twenty minutes TM (transcendental meditation). Each sutra is repeated twice (if time permits - 4 times), with a 15 second pause between each repetition.

After completing the flight sutra for 5-30 minutes, you need to rest for 5-30 minutes (depending on the time of the "flight block") and then the Hindu Scriptures are recited for 5 minutes.

An example of such a reading (from 9 mandalas of the Rig Veda):

Flowing Soma, in the sweetest and most exciting stream, expired for Indra's drinking. The all-contemplating destroyer Rakshasa stepped into his gold-stricken birthplace, combined with a wooden barrel. Be a generous giver of wealth, the most generous, destroyer of enemies; give us an influx of wealth. We sacrifice food to powerful gods and give us strength and daily bread. We come to you, O oozing (Soma); you only our worship day after day, our prayers to you, to no one else

There were also "invisibility" sutras, and so on. but for the elite and, of course, for a lot of money. In the mid-70s, Maharishi experimented with fasting, diet, abstinence, asanas, pranayama, and finally the "Rulers' sutras" on his 6-month students. True, now these sutras are not sold, like many advanced TM techniques, because when practicing them, it is clearly seen that their effectiveness is zero.

The Rulers Sutras

Since morning

Desired effect

Name, form, idea Comprehension of all languages ​​(languages ​​of people, animals, sacred, etc.)
Body contour Invisibility
Three changes Knowledge of the past and the future
Five forms Controlling elements - the appearance, disappearance and creation of any object, as well as the ability to become very small or huge, weightlessness of the body, touching the moon with your fingertips, the ability to pass through walls, the earth.
Thoughts Reading other people's thoughts

More "Sanskritized" sutras were also used: instead of "the difference between intelligence and transcendence", "Buddhi and Purusha" was used, "transcendence, the subtlest hearing" - "Akasha, the subtlest hearing".