Why can't I follow people on Instagram? Instructions: Instagram itself subscribes to others, what to do !? Hide stories from favorites

Some users may have difficulty following other people on Instagram. The problem is caused by personal factors or technical failures associated with the unstable operation of the application. The solution is associated with finding out the cause and its subsequent elimination through the use of the system's functionality.

5 reasons why I can't follow other people on Instagram

Here are five reasons why I can't follow people in my area of ​​interest on Instagram:

How to avoid blocking due to limit violations?

When I can't subscribe to a person on Instagram, I check the indicated points using available methods. Most often, for active users, the unavailability of the function is associated with blocking caused by spam. You can avoid this by following the limits by configuring the bot in accordance with the requirements of the social network. The use of promotion services, where work is carried out in compliance with the limits, allows you to regulate this aspect.

Solve the problem quickly by dealing with temporary problems or restrictions caused by personal sanctions from the system, other users who have added you to the black list. Or check out our material on.

Have you ever had a situation where you couldn't follow someone on Instagram? Every day, hundreds of users face this problem and, without understanding the situation, begin to blame other people for everything, as if it was they who restricted their access to their page. However, blocking is far from the only reason for a similar problem to arise. I faced such a problem, and found 5 reasons why I can't follow a person on Instagram. You need to consider all of them, because sometimes the situation can be resolved on your own.

Why can't I follow a person on Instagram

In any case, before looking for a solution to a problem, you first need to correctly establish its cause. If you can understand this, you can assume that you have already done most of the work. Let's take a look at everything separately possible reasons, their "symptoms" and remedies. There will be five of them in total.

Application crash

An application crash is one of the most common reasons why you can't follow someone or perform any other action from your phone.

In this situation, it will look like this: you click on the "Subscribe" button, it changes its color to green (as if a subscription was made), but after a few seconds it turns blue again. When you press it again, the same thing happens.

All you need to do is close the application completely and then start it again. If after that the problem disappeared, then we can assume that the cause was identified correctly and it was eliminated. If the reboot did not help, then you can try to carry out this operation via the web version of the application.

Important: if the problem persists, you need to write to the application support service and just ask them “why can't I subscribe to a person on Instagram if he has an account?”. Perhaps this is a malfunction of a more serious nature that you cannot fix on your own and you will need the help of specialists.

Limit has been exceeded

Not all Instagram users know that this resource has certain restrictions on the number of subscriptions made. However, they are, and quite specific:

  • you can subscribe to a maximum of 1000 new users per day;
  • you are allowed to make no more than 14 new subscriptions per hour;
  • between pressing the "Subscribe" button directly, it should take about 400 seconds;
  • you can simultaneously subscribe to no more than 10,000 pages (approximate figure).

If you exceed these limits, then your actions will be regarded as cheating and spam, and the opportunity to add new subscription will be limited. When you try to follow someone, you will see an "action blocked" error.

How to deal with this problem? Very simple, wait a while and try to subscribe again, most likely you will succeed. If you have exceeded the total subscription limit, you will have to remove someone before adding new people.

It is worth noting that violation of these rules does not always lead to blocking, sometimes the system may not notice or forgive the user for a small excess. All restrictions stated above are only deductions from the user's agreement. The administration will almost certainly keep some of the nuances of the spambot operation with itself.

In addition, you can contact the support service with a request to remove certain restrictions from you. If you can give good reasons and good reasons, the administration may make concessions to you.

Network error

Another common reason why you can't follow a person on Instagram is a network failure. If your connection is having problems, the Instagram app will not notify you about it in any way. Open page will remain unchanged and all buttons will be active. If in such a situation you try to click on the subscribe button, you will see the message "Unknown network error" on the screen.

It's very easy to make sure that your network is really down, try refreshing the page or go to a new one.

Unfortunately, you will have to figure out why the Internet is failing and how to fix it. Most often, a banal reboot of the modem helps. Also, the reason may be a lack of funds (usually, the corresponding notification begins to appear only after some time, and before that the network simply does not work).

If you cannot configure the connection yourself, then the best solution will contact the support service - it is quite possible that the failure occurred not with you, but with them.

User account closed

It's no secret that Instagram has features that allow the user to restrict access to their page for strangers. Very often celebrities and media personalities use this function, but even more often it is simply resorted to by those who want to limit their social circle.

If a person has restricted access to his page, then you will not be able to simply subscribe to the user. First, you will have to apply to be added to it as followers, for this click "Subscribe" and you will see the entry "Application sent". You will be able to see publications only when the page owner approves your application (if, of course, he approves it at all).

You are blacklisted

And finally, the most negative option. If you were unable to subscribe to someone in any of the ways described above, then most likely this user has blocked you.

It is almost impossible to deal with this problem, because the blacklist is needed to completely restrict access to the page to people added to it.

The only way: to contact the person through others social networks or messengers or talk to him personally (if possible). You shouldn't be nervous and rude, you definitely won't help the case, just ask him directly: "Do you by any chance know why I can't follow you on Instagram from my computer and phone?" Perhaps this is just a mistake. And if not, then maybe you will be able to find out the reason for the blocking and somehow fix the current situation.

Now you know all 5 reasons why you can't follow a person on Instagram. I can only advise you to try to find the option that suits your case, and if nothing helps, write to technical support or to this person. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to solve this problem, because if the user himself has restricted your access, it is not always possible to convince him or her. But don't be upset. Just think, do you really want to be subscribed to someone who is totally against it?

I use SMMplanner and Flume - where I reply to comments and private messages.

2. Post as part of a large picture

Subscribers look at photos not only in the feed, but also in their accounts. To stand out from others, some users use the big picture technique. Take a large image, which is sliced ​​into small ones. It turns out that this is such a joke, like the Micah404.

3. Links in the account description

Now I will say a banality, but in publications, even if you insert a link, it will not be clickable. And if your PR manager or requires to insert links, change your job or PR manager. These are sick people, they can think of something else wild.

Work with a webmaster to register a short domain for your site and set up a redirect to the main site through a short domain. Let's say you have a flower shop with the address cvetoteka.ru, the short domain is cvet.ok. Now on Instagram, you can place an abbreviated page on some bouquet, for example, cvet.ok / rose.

4. Your list of filters

Now there are over 40 filters on Instagram! I am using 2. To clean up the workspace, I can hide filters, or change the order of filters to be more convenient.

Hold the filter and drag it to a more convenient place or remove ...

or scroll to the bottom of the filter list and select "Change".

5. Intensity of the filter

Amazing results can be obtained by clicking on a filter and changing the intensity of the filter. In addition, in this mode, you can overlay a frame.

6. Edit your photo

If you don't like any filter, you can use fine editing. In filter selection mode, click Change.

7. Draft on Instagram

When you apply a filter to an image and want to go back, Instagram will offer to save the post to drafts. In the evening I made two drafts, and in the morning and at lunch I published them.

8. Deny comments

Before publishing, scroll down and click "Advanced Settings". Turn off the comment. Now your photo only gets likes. Convenient if you are constantly bombarded with spam comments.

9. Monitor publications of selected users

First subscribe to required account, then click on the settings button, and select "Enable post notifications." If you have 2000 - 3000 subscriptions, this button will help you not to miss the really important publications. And also, this function can be used to monitor competitors or guard their comments, hijack leads.

10. Likes history

You can always find a list of those publications that you liked. This is how I check the quality of the massliking service.

Go to your account settings, swipe down to the "Posts you like" item.


When I first learned to photograph, I took hundreds of screenshots to capture an impressive shot. Now Instagram has bookmarks, and you don't need to take screenshots.

12. Clear search history

By default, Instagram stores your search queries... If you were looking for a gift for your wife, and are afraid that your surprise will be revealed through the search, you can clear your search history, and no one will find anything =)

Click on your account settings, and scroll down to "Clear search history".

13. Activity of subscriptions

Since ancient times, you could find out what your subscriptions have liked, commented on or who subscribed to. But few people use this to analyze their target audience. So you can understand what the target audience likes, what is in trend now and adapt your content plan.

In the notifications tab, click on "Subscriptions" and analyze the activity of subscriptions. This is how you can find subscriptions that use mass following.

14. Multiacc

This is my favorite Instagram update for 2016. Now I can simultaneously sit and monitor notifications, comments and messages from five accounts. Unfortunately, when you have five accounts connected, the application sometimes glitches and resets the password for the account, or in one account displays private messages and notifications of the other.

In the account settings, find the item "Add account", enter the login and password for the new account, and switch between the account by clicking the avatar icon in the lower right corner of the application.

15. Share a link to an interesting publication with your friends

16. Photo preview

When you are watching someone's account, a long press on the post brings up the "preview" mode.

17. Photo enlargement

Previously, it was impossible to see small details on the screen? Spread the publication out with two fingers.

18. Save photos

Sometimes you need to quickly get a photo that you recently posted on Instagram. Turn on the "Save Photos" and "Save Videos" settings in your account settings.

19. Save other people's photos

SMMs should use user generated content to enhance their brand reputation. There are three ways to use a subscriber photo.

  1. Repost application.
  2. Paste the link to the publication in Telegram, and you can download the picture.
  3. Download the picture through the page code. Right-click on the page with the publication → select "View page code" → press "Ctrl + F" → start typing "jpg" → copy the first line that will be highlighted. This will be a direct link to the high quality image.

20. More than one filter per photo

Sometimes, needed visual effect can only be obtained if multiple filters are applied. To do this, first apply one of the filters. Then turn on Airplane mode and publish your photo. You will not be able to publish, but the desired photo will be saved in the gallery, you need to apply a new filter to it.

21. Business account

Business accounts on Instagram were introduced recently, not everyone is still used to them, but there are already different myths:

  • The coverage of publications is decreasing.
  • The likelihood of getting into the Top by geo and hashtag decreases.
  • People are afraid of business accounts and leave them for normal accounts.

Whether to transfer a regular account to a business account or not, the smr should decide, I made my choice.

22. Clean up spam comments

The number of comments raises the ER and, hypothetically, this is good for an account in the era of algorithmic feeds. Only spam comments with a job offer can spoil the whole impression of the account. It is better to delete such comments.

You can delete any comment on any post. I do not recommend removing the negative. A properly processed negative comment sells as 4-5 good reviews.

23. Automatically monitor comments

If you got fake accounts that are spamming in your account, or you do not allow swearing in your account, you can configure automatic check comments on keys.

Every time I get a flood of spam comments, I choose keywords and put them on the list of prohibited comments.

24. Remove or hide marks on photos

Sometimes you need to remove some photos from the “photo with you”, this is especially true for large brands that are constantly featured in photos.

Go to "Photo with me" → select an unwanted photo → click on the tag → "Remove tag" you remove the tag from the photo, if you move the slider, the photo will not be displayed in the "Photo with me" but the tag will remain.

25. Paragraphs or how to make indents in texts

Anything you write on Instagram can be glued against you! Therefore, instead of readable text, you can get a sheet of letters.

To prevent this from happening, there should be no sign after the dot. Emoticons, spaces, letters, dashes, brackets are signs. Helps to compose text in notes or notebook, and then insert it into Instagram. But it is easier and faster to use our service. It doesn't line up and paragraphs don't slip.

26. Videos with different scenes

You can create real sketches and meaningful videos using only the video camera application on Instagram. It's not as professional as inviting a videographer and shooting a video in six months, but quickly.

We pressed the shooting key and filmed the desired scene and released the key. You can continue to shoot further.

27. Video without sound

By default, Instagram videos are broadcast without sound. If you were shooting in a natural environment where there was a lot of unnecessary noise, better sound disable.

28. Change video cover

Click on the invisible "Cover" button in the filter selection mode, and choose a suitable cover for your video. In SMMplanner you can upload your own video cover.

29. Selection of hashtags

While there is a myth that hashtags help promote a brand, any tools for searching and selecting hashtags will be relevant. In the Instagram search, enter one hashtag, and Instagram itself will suggest others with which this hashtag is often used.

30. Photos from archives in Instagram stories

Instagram stories were conceived as an alternative to snapchat, so that only mobile content could be uploaded to Instagram here and now. Luckily, you can download cool photos to your phone and use them in your stories.

To do this, take old photo and edit it in any graphics editor. After that, the photo will be updated with the creation date.

Go to stories, and swipe up from the bottom of the screen, there will be photos and videos taken in 24 hours.

31. Built-in Boomerang

Boomerang is an app that helps you create looping gifs. In a recent Instagram update, the developers have built a boomerang into stories. Now you can remove Boomerang from your phone and use Instagram.

We went into history and selected the Boomerang button.

32. Stories for the elite

Post Instagram Stories to your favorites.

33. Hide stories from favorites

You can not only show stories only to selected accounts, but also hide them from other prying eyes. To do this, go to the account settings and the stories settings, in the stories settings, select those people who do not need to show stories.

34. Complementary colors in stories

Select text or a brush. A palette appears at the bottom of the screen. By holding down one of the colors, the expanded palette panel will open.

35. As many stickers and text in Instagram stories as you like

Press the sticker or text key. Insert, resize, reposition, and press the sticker or text key again. So you can build various wonderful structures.

36. Tags in Instagram stories

Just start entering the target account login via @

37. Save stories in the gallery

If you use boomerangs, then stickers, then brushes, you can get a cool story that you want to save to your phone.

38. Skip boring and uninteresting stories

If you find yourself on a line of 25 photos of the same, feel free to skip. Double-clicking on a story will skip one scene from your account history, and swiping will take you to the next story.

Let's summarize

We examined 38 tricks of working with Instagram and the features of working with them. Let's remember all the tricks voiced in this article.

Social network Instagram has reached such popularity that any failure in its work causes alarm for millions of people. But the reason is not always global, sometimes individual account owners suffer when they receive a special message - either a warning, or advice, or both options at once. Users only complain - they say, I can't subscribe to a person on Instagram: the action is blocked ..

Meanwhile, there are measures that can solve this problem or even prevent its occurrence.

Why you can't follow a person on Instagram: reasons for blocking

But first, let's figure out why the action is blocked on Instagram. The secret is that the social network, even with such a huge size, is vulnerable. First of all, to what lies at its basis - social interaction. You can easily recall examples of resources that did not care about content moderation and very quickly turned into Internet analogs of the stinking pit and left the scene. So Instagram prudently chose to play it safe and kept the blocking tool for itself.

So, the main reason (perhaps over 90% of cases) is that the action is blocked on Instagram because it in one way or another may violate the rules of the community. A detailed list can be found at the link https://help.instagram.com/477434105621119 , here we list briefly:

  • publishing other people's materials without proper permission;
  • posting images that are considered unacceptable (naked people, for example);
  • violation of the laws of the country;
  • incitement to hatred;
  • and most importantly, why the action is blocked by Instagram when subscribing is spamming and various types of artificial cheating, including by subscribing to a huge number of people and trying to draw their attention to your account.

The latter case is the classic reason for the appearance of this message... In fact, in this case, a temporary block is imposed on the account, which is stated in plain text: now the action on Instagram is blocked, try again later.

Important: no one will name the exact time of blocking. It can be half a day or a week.

What to do when blocking Instagram actions

So, Instagram writes action blocked: what to do and who to blame for what happened? If the account was hacked (this happens) and was used by attackers, then the main fault is on them, but the owner himself is indirectly involved account(if you used a very weak password, for example). But how to act in such a situation is much more important. Here are tips to help restore the status quo.

First of all, don't panic. Many people have encountered subscription blocking, many say - I can't like Instagram, the action is blocked. But most of them got out of the ban, which means that you can too. First, try updating the client or reinstalling it altogether.

Next, you need to analyze exactly what actions have recently been performed in your account. The fact is that Instagram is extremely negative about the "wrong" use of the social network. Therefore, special algorithms have been developed that monitor user activity and, if abnormal behavior is detected, immediately issue a "yellow card" to the account.

In other words, if the owner of a half-dead page with 2 pictures in six months and 3 subscriptions suddenly starts subscribing to dozens of accounts per hour - with a high probability, he will soon receive a block - this is not typical for him. The same thing, if suddenly, instead of one IP address, the login to the account began to be performed from a dozen countries.

And in the social network there are certain limits, upon exceeding which the algorithms are triggered. For example, for an old account, it is considered reasonable enough to perform 60 actions per hour - both subscriptions and unsubscriptions. And this is logical: the interface allows you to evaluate in about a minute whether you liked the profile and whether it is worth subscribing to it at all. That gives a maximum of 1440 actions with subscriptions per day, and after them one more day should be given a "rest" for the algorithms to reset the statistics. If you exceed this limit, the very warning that the action has been blocked will almost certainly appear soon, try again later on your Instagram.

Important! Beginners have half the limits.

If there was no excess, you can safely report the problem. There is a chance that this is indeed a glitch and Instagram will quickly fix everything. If you suspect hacking, you need to inform technical support about it.

If there were violations, then the countermeasures here are both simple and complex. Simple because you don't need to do anything. You just have to wait. For the first time, half a day may be enough for this, but with repeated counting it may take days, weeks, or even turn into a block for good. Difficult, because at this time it is recommended not to do at least anything with subscriptions, and ideally nothing at all - put the smartphone aside and endure stoically.

But if the reason is that a cheat bot worked on the account, then you need to refuse such a disservice. Such software is used solely at the risk of the owner of the account. If you cannot do without it, it is better to change the program / service and immediately prepare for registering a new account (and it may require new number phone, or even the device itself, given the ability of the social network to analyze open user data). Alternatively, give the promotion to professionals who know how to comply with the limits.

Finally, you need to learn the rules and try to follow them. Then there will definitely be fewer unpredictable locks. But no one will give a 100% guarantee here - there is no insurance against algorithm errors.

However, Instagram focuses on following (in English - following). This action does not require any kind of reaction from the person you are following. You just add it to your feed and see new posts in it. You can comment on them, like them, and using special programs- and make reposts.

How to subscribe to a person on Instagram? Very simple. It doesn't matter if you open this person's profile or one single photo. In the right upper corner one way or another there will be a big "Subscribe" button. Click on it - and that's it, it's done. This person's photos will now open in your feed.

If you open Instagram on a computer, through the site, then when you open a photo, the "Subscribe" button will be in the upper right corner of the page, and when you open a user profile - on the left, under the avatar.

When you follow an Instagram user, they receive a notification about it. No action is required from him to accept your subscription. However, the page owner has the right to block you, then you will not be able to view his page. Behave correctly in the comments so as not to run into a blockage!

How can you subscribe to closed pages on Instagram

There is, however, an analogue of "freaking" on Instagram. This is a privacy protection option that allows you to hide pages from strangers. How can you subscribe on Instagram to a page that is protected from viewing?

For this there is a function of sending a request. You send a request and expect a response from the owner of the page. Once he approves your request, you can read his / her page, view photos and participate in discussions.

In all other cases, the question of how to subscribe on Instagram is not even worth it. Press the button, as was sung in the cult song of the nineties - you will get the result. Of course, for this you need to have your own Instagram account: subscribing through other social networks will not work.

If you don't have your account yet, read our article on. It's nice, useful and mainstream in the best sense of the word!