Why do we need a phone and a TV presentation for a lesson on the world around us (Grade 1) on the topic. Why do we need a phone and TV presentation for a lesson on the world around us (Grade 1) on the topic Technological map why do we need a phone and TV

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A lesson on the world around us in grade 1 WHY DO WE NEED A PHONE AND A TV?

Guess the riddles That's how the house - one window, Every day in the window - a movie! Through the field and woods He gives a voice. He runs along the wires - You will say here, but you can hear it there.

Why do we need a telephone and TV?

In Africa, news was transmitted from one settlement to another by the shot of a large drum - tom-tom. Canadian Indians made fires, the smoke of which was visible from afar. This smoke could tell a lot to people at a great distance.

Foot messenger Pigeon mail Messengers carrying mail used a horn to signal. Horse messenger Russian postal carriage

Alexander Bell in 1876 invented a special device - the telephone. At one end of the communication line - in the microphone - sound waves turn into fluctuations electric current. At the other end of the line - in the telephone - the oscillations of the electric current again turn into sound.

Since ancient times, mankind has dreamed of transmitting images over distances. We all heard fairy tales and legends about magic mirrors, plates with apples and the like. But more than one millennium passed before this dream came true. The first televisions suitable for mass production appeared in the late 30s of the last century. However, this was preceded by several decades of hard research and many brilliant discoveries.

What started it all. The era of television began after the discovery of the photoelectric effect.

The first to note this interesting ability of semiconductors was the Englishman Smith. In 1873 he reported on his experiments with crystalline selenium.

The first experimental television broadcast took place on April 29, 1931. Since October 1 of the same year, TV shows have become regular. Since no one had TVs yet, collective viewings were held in specially designated places. Many Soviet radio amateurs begin to assemble mechanical models of televisions with their own hands. For quite a long time there was only one channel - the First. During the Great Patriotic War, broadcasting was interrupted, and restored only after it ended. And in 1960, the Second Channel appeared. THE USSR.

Ministry of General Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region

State budgetary professional educational institution of the Sverdlovsk region

"Kamyshlov Pedagogical College"

The construct of the lesson of the surrounding world for grade 1 on the topic:

“Why do we need a telephone and a TV screen? »


Kalimullina A.A.,


Mikheeva A.S. ._______

Kamyshlov, 2017

Class: 1A

Date: 14.04.2017

Target: formation of ideas about the means of communication and the media; introduce the purpose of the radio, television, newspapers and magazines, the Internet.

Planned results:


Regulatory: orientation in the textbook; accept and save the learning task; evaluate the result of their actions; predict the results of the level of assimilation of the studied material.

Cognitive: extracting the necessary information in the course of studying a new topic; logical - the addition and expansion of existing knowledge and ideas about the world.

Personal: the formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature, a respectful attitude towards a different opinion; acceptance and development social role student; development of motives learning activities and personal meaning of the doctrine; mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics; readiness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own, express their opinion and argue their point of view and assessment of events.

Subject: formation of the doctrine to distinguish between means of communication and the mass media; explain the purpose of the radio, television, newspapers and magazines; discuss the purpose of the Internet; will have the opportunity to learn how to use the means of communication when calling emergency assistance; make assumptions and prove them; using the information presented to obtain new knowledge.

: Teacher activity

Student activities

Methods and techniques

Formed UUD


Guys, let's remember Moidodyr's friends, we need to be clean, and guess the crossword puzzle.

1 - I wipe, I try

After the boy's bath.

Everything is wet, everything is crumpled,

There is no dry spot.


2 - I saw my portrait

He left - there is no portrait.



3 - she is from the river through the pipe

I ran to your house.

4 - a lot of teeth, but does not eat anything.


5 - blew bubbles,

Foam climbed to the top -

And he was gone

All of it has disappeared.

- Well done guys, you answered all the questions correctly.

Who can tell me why I need to brush my teeth?

How to brush your teeth properly?

Who brushed their teeth properly today?

Why should you wash your hands?

U.- When should you wash your hands?

Because it is necessary for health.

Student responses

Verbal (the teacher's word, a system of questions). Visual (electronic presentation). Frontal. Individual.

Personal: the formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature, a respectful attitude towards a different opinion; Adoption.

Communicative: express your thoughts and actions; use speech to regulate your actions; build clear statements for the partner

Knowledge update

U. - guys, an ant came to visit us and asks to help him solve riddles. Can we help the ant?

This is how the house is one window,

Every day at the cinema window.

Here they speak, but in Moscow they can hear it.

Guess what the lesson will be about?

Of course, about TV and phone. Today in the lesson we will try to find the answer to the question: “Why do we need a telephone and a TV?”. And we will learn to distinguish between means of communication and the mass media.

Guys, think about how people keep in touch with each other?

Post, telegraph, telephone - means of communication. Your grandparents didn't have everything at home landline phone. In cities, this means of communication appeared much earlier, but it has not reached the villages and villages in many regions to this day. Before the appearance of the telephone, people wrote letters to each other, went to visit. But using a phone is much faster and more convenient to contact any acquaintances, friends, relatives anywhere in the world.

Guys, what do you think, how old is the phone?

The phone is already 139 years old. His story begins in 1876. Look at the photos, this is what the first phones looked like (presentation).

Over time, they changed, portable tubes appeared. More recently, we have started using cell phones. Even 20 years ago it could be considered a miracle, but now this miracle is available to everyone.

Guys, open your textbooks on p. 58. Tell us from the picture what phones are, what are their similarities and differences?

Can we stop using the phone?

Of course we can, but it will make our life less comfortable. And imagine how to call a doctor if someone is sick? Or how to find out what is set for the next day if the student missed classes? It is very uncomfortable.

TV set

About TV and phone

Write each other letters, postcards, telegrams, talk on the phone

Women's Assumptions


Children's answers

Subject: formation of the doctrine to distinguish between means of communication and the mass media; explain the purpose of the radio, television, newspapers and magazines; discuss the purpose of the Internet; will have the opportunity to learn how to use the means of communication when calling for emergency assistance; make assumptions and prove them; understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it; work in pairs, using the information provided to gain new knowledge.

Communicative: express your thoughts and actions; use speech to regulate your actions; build clear statements for the partner


Continuation of the topic of the lesson

Guys, how do people learn about the events that have taken place in the country and the world?

Radio, television, press are mass media. With their help, we learn news about the life of our country and the whole world.

Television in our country began in 1939. The first televisions were black and white. Look at the photos, what do all these devices have in common? And how do they differ?

Look at the photos on page 59. Find antique and modern items. Compare them by appearance. Has the sound quality changed?

In recent years, the Internet has entered our lives.

Guys, have you ever used the Internet?

Is it possible to use the Internet to find out the news happening in the country and the world?

To what it can be attributed: to the means of communication or to the mass media?

Now we will complete the assignments according to the workbook page 39 No. 1 on our own, then together we check the correctness.

From newspapers, on TV, on radio, from the Internet.

Student responses

Children's answers

And to that and to another. Since with the help of the Internet you can communicate and learn news. What can be attributed to it: to the means of communication or to the mass media?


Verbal (the teacher's word, a system of questions). Visual. Frontal. Individual.

Communicative: express your thoughts and actions; use speech to regulate your actions; build statements that are understandable to the partner.

Subject: formation of the doctrine to distinguish between means of communication and the mass media; explain the purpose of the radio, television, newspapers and magazines; discuss the purpose of the Internet; will have the opportunity to learn how to use the means of communication when calling for emergency assistance; make assumptions and prove them; understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it;

Lesson summary

What is means of communication?

What is mass media?

Give examples of means of communication, mass media.

Children's answers

Verbal (the word of the teacher, the system of questions)..

Regulatory; evaluate the results of their actions

Lesson on the world around 1st grade

Theme "Why do we need a telephone and a TV?"


To give an idea about the means of communication and the media;

To acquaint with the purpose of the radio, TV, newspapers and magazines, the Internet.

Equipment: pictures with images of communications and media, presentation, tests for each child.

2. Motivation for learning activities

- Solve riddles.

Through fields and woods

He runs on wires -

You say it here and hear it there.


What a miracle, what a box?

Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,

And besides, at the same time

Shows movies.

(TV set)

- Guess what the lesson will be about? Of course, about TV and phone. Read the question we are going to answer in the lesson. (Why do we need a telephone and TV?)

This is how the house is one window,

Every day in the window - a movie!

How do people keep in touch with each other?

Write letters, postcards, telegrams

Talking on the phone

What numbers of special security services do you know?

If you need to call mom

call the hippo

On the way to contact a friend -

This item is at your service.

Why do we need a telephone and TV?

Everything rides on it: both joy and sorrow.

What can be done with a computer?

What are these items for?

How does the letter get to the addressee?

The white dove flew into the hut,

What she saw in the world, she told about everything.

What are the phones?

Here they speak, but in Moscow they can hear it.

How do people learn about the events that have taken place in the country?

Radio, television, press -

mass media

The whole universe lives in it,

A common thing.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson

- Your grandparents didn't all have a landline telephone at home. In cities, this means of communication appeared much earlier, and in many regions it did not reach villages and villages.

has come so far. How did people communicate before the advent of the telephone? (We wrote letters to each other, went to visit.)

Yes, using the phone is much faster and more convenient to contact any friends and relatives anywhere in the world.

How is the phone set up? The basis of its action are the vibrations produced by the human voice. These vibrations are picked up by a microphone, converted into electrical impulses and "run" through the wires. Having reached the receiving device, they turn back into vibrations and reproduce the voice that we hear in the handset.

How old do you think the phone is? His story begins in 1876. Look at the photos: this is what the first phones looked like. Over time, they changed, portable tubes appeared. More recently, we have begun to use cell phones. Even 20 years ago it could be considered a miracle, but now this miracle is available to everyone.

Consider again all the phones. What do they have in common, how do they differ? What are phones for? Can we stop using the phone? We can, of course, but it will make our life less comfortable. And imagine how to call a doctor if someone is sick? How to find out what is set for the next day if the student missed classes? Very uncomfortable.

How should we deal with an object that creates convenience and comfort for us? (Carefully.)

I have already said the words "means of communication" several times. What other means of communication do you know? What did we talk about in class? (Mail, telegraph.)

Consider the bottom picture. Name the items on it. What do they serve?

Radio, television, newspapers and magazines are mass media. With their help, we learn news about the life of our country and the whole world.

Television broadcasting in our country began in 1939. The first televisions were black and white.

Look at the photos. Track TV changes. What do all devices have in common, how do they differ?

Look at the photos on page 59. Look for antique and modern items. Has the sound quality changed?

In recent years, the Internet has entered our lives. How do we use it? What can be attributed to it: to the means of communication or the media? (And to that, and to another, since with the help of the Internet you can communicate and get news.)

6. We continue to work on the topic

Perform tasks on the workbook page 39 No. 1 on their own, then together we check the correctness.

4. Reflection of educational activity

Do we need a telephone and TV? What for? Give examples of communications and media. What goals did we set at the beginning of the lesson? What have you achieved?

Teacher: “Now it is time to use our telegrams. On the board, our favorite hero, the postman Pechkin, defined it in 2 groups - this is a means of communication and a mass media, your telegrams need to be placed in the correct groups.

Children take turns coming up and hanging their sheets on the board ...

We read in chorus, the result in each group.


Was this lesson necessary?

7. Summing up.

Our lesson has come to an end, what did you get from this lesson?

Was this lesson necessary?

Do you think the knowledge gained in this lesson will be useful?

What can you praise yourself for?

All of you are great! The lesson is over.

Lesson on the world around 1st grade School of Russia

Theme "Why do we need a telephone and a TV?"

To give an idea about the means of communication and the media;

To acquaint with the purpose of the radio, TV, newspapers and magazines, the Internet.

Equipment: pictures with images of communications and media, presentation, tests for each child.

During the classes.

    Organizing time

(children speak in unison) Everyone! Everyone! Good day!

Get out of the way, our laziness!

Don't stop working!

Don't stop learning!

Turning to each other, they smiled and wished them success in the lesson.

    Knowledge update

In the last lesson, we went through the topic “Why you need to brush your teeth and wash your hands” and now we will complete a test on this topic with you.

And, now, we exchanged leaflets and check what we have done; look at the board (slides)

If done correctly, we put a plus, and if not, a minus

Return the tests to the “owner” and mark with a smiley: who has everything right or completed 4 tasks - the smiley smiles, who has 3 tasks - he is a little puzzled, upset, and if 1 or 2 - he is sad and frowned.

Whoever has a smiling emoticon got up - you are great!

Whoever has the emoticon upset, got up - you already understood, you need to repeat a little if you have questions or there are incomprehensible moments - you can come to me after the lessons, I will be happy to answer all questions.

Whose smiley frowned stood up ....

(there were none)

    Fizminutka We sat at our desks, looked at the teacher

And now we quietly began to do exercises.

One, two, three, four, five - you need to knead the bones.

We'll jump a little and spin around like a top.

Let's look fun out the window - rested, the time has come

Our lesson continues. All right, let's sit down!

    Self-determination to activities and work on the topic

Guys, guess the riddles on the slides ...

(start slide show)

After the riddle about the phone and TV, the teacher:

What are we going to talk about today?

Children: "About the phone and TV"

The teacher opens slide 3, where the topic of the lesson is written and says:

Guys, did you notice who came to visit us today?

(A picture of the postman Pechkin hangs on the board)

Children: "This is the postman Pechkin"

Teacher: “Who can answer what character of a fairy tale he is and who is the author of this work?”

Children: "Eduard Uspensky" Village in Prostokvashino ""

Teacher: "Well done! Today he will help us understand the topic and for each correct answer he has a special “telegram” for you, which we will need at the end of the lesson.

A means of communication or mass media or pictures is written on paper. On the slides are questions or riddles for which children receive a “telegram”.

    Fizminutka-relax "Things that give joy"

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.

Now get together and remember those things that have ever given you joy and good mood. Choose something that seems especially pleasant to you at that moment. Perhaps it will be raindrops on rose petals, perhaps a refreshing jump into the coolness of the river on a hot day ... Remember your feelings in moments of happiness (pause)

Now let the image of this event (or object), which gave you joy and good mood, gradually begin to fade until it completely melts. But do not forget the very feeling of joy, keep it.

Now stretch, straighten up and open your eyes.

    Continuing work on the topic

Perform tasks on the workbook page 39 No. 1 on their own, then together we check the correctness.

Teacher: “Now it is time to use our telegrams. On the board, our favorite hero, the postman Pechkin, defined it in 2 groups - this is a means of communication and a mass media, your telegrams need to be placed in the correct groups.

Children take turns coming up and hanging their sheets on the board ...

We read in chorus, the result in each group.


Our lesson has come to an end, what did you get from this lesson?

Was this lesson necessary?

Do you think the knowledge gained in this lesson will be useful?

What can you praise yourself for?

All of you are great! The lesson is over.